View Full Version : Adoptee. Looking for my roots and identity.

08-19-2018, 09:03 PM
When I was 15 years old I was told that I was adopted. I could not gather too much info about my real parents at that time and the info I had turned out to be partially inaccurate.

I am in the late 40´s now and I have just made a DNA test at MyHeritage hoping it will help me to find my relatives. I am still shocked by results though.

I am posting some pictures of me and I would like you, experts to classify me.

Height: 1,78 m
Eye color : Dark , greenish to direct light (see 3rd picture)
Hair color: It was light brown and turned to dark brown at puberty.




adding a profile picture that was requested.

Have a great day.:)

08-19-2018, 09:07 PM
Adopted Argentine doing genetic testing? This could be interesting. :D

No good at classifications, but you look central European imo.

08-19-2018, 09:07 PM
Can you post a photo taken from a profile view?

The Blade
08-19-2018, 09:08 PM
From these photos I would say Borreby.

08-19-2018, 09:11 PM
Well you look fully European.
It’s not much help, I guess you could pass in most Europe.
France, Germany, England, Greece, Eastern Europe.
However you would pass extremely well in Italy, you also remind me of a friend of mine.
Good luck with your search.

08-19-2018, 09:11 PM

Classification would not give an answer about your ancestry. What about your MyHeritage results. I think, they might habe given you a clıe about your ancestory.

08-19-2018, 09:29 PM
You look Alpine based on these photos. Fully European and passable in a lot of countries, so it isn't easy to guess your origins based on your appearance alone.

08-19-2018, 09:29 PM
Can you post a photo taken from a profile view?

Veslan I have just taken a photo of a profile of me.


08-19-2018, 09:34 PM
You are fully European passable in plenty countries. I think you could be Austrian or Czech, I could be wrong tho. Anyways myHeritage is not the best org. you could choose but you can upload your data on many sites. Did you get your results yet?

Jacques de Imbelloni
08-19-2018, 09:48 PM

08-19-2018, 09:53 PM
You look German or Eastern European my dude.

08-19-2018, 09:55 PM
Eastern European in my opinion. Excited to see the results, stick around when you get them!

08-20-2018, 09:32 AM
Veslan I have just taken a photo of a profile of me.



08-20-2018, 10:04 AM
You look Borreby.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

08-20-2018, 10:18 AM
You have that pan European look.

You can pass pretty much in all of Europe but if i had to guess i would say Germany.

08-20-2018, 10:21 AM

08-20-2018, 10:26 AM
Alpine. You could be fully European, in my view you look Central/Eastern European.

08-20-2018, 10:45 AM
I think ex-communist countries made it easier to adopt internationally so I think there's bigger chances you were adopted from Eastern Europe: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria...

08-20-2018, 10:47 AM
I am still shocked by results though.

What results did you get?

08-20-2018, 10:50 AM
Alpine Borreby. Central European.

08-20-2018, 10:57 AM
I think you look Italian, from Central or maybe Northern Italy. You can also pass in Southern Germany, France and maybe Iberia.

Litorid + Alpinid

Good luck on your journey :thumb001:

08-20-2018, 01:31 PM
Thanks to everyone. I appreciate your input on this.
I have given some clues on first post and I will summarize them again and add new ones.

- I am from Argentina and I was born there. (South America)
- I am an adoptee and I do not know who my biological parents were.
- I have also said that I was shocked with the results since results do not match what I was told.

Here is the second part of the story.
After the anonymous letter I have received when I was 15 years old that told me I was an adopted child I have tried to find more info about my parents.
Some months after I was able to contact the delivery nurse that helped my mother to give birth to me. She told me that my mother was a tall , white, green-eyes, blonde woman. She was a daughter of a British couple on Northeastern Argentina (my grandfather was supposedly a railroad engineer). Since my mother was from another city far north mine, I guess that is why my real father was not present at birth. I was told he was a son of a Spanish lawyer.
Since the adoption did not follow the books, I did not want to continue seeking my roots then, since this could have legally affected my adoptive father (my adoptive mother passed away when I was 4 years old).

1) First shocking truth: I am 28.9% Native (central America) . So my father must have been "Mestizo" (half European - half Native). Since typically Mestizos were made of a father from Spain or Europe and a native mother I would assume that. He must have been 50% native and passed me down 28.9%. Based on your comments the 71.1% European seems to be prevailing though.
I think the hair color could be the only predominant trait from native DNA since I have it really light brown and it was turning and changing along the years until I have lost it completely hehehe. Until now I have had any clue of this, that is why I was not expecting this. I could have expected some African DNA but not native central-american due to information I had.

I am posting some pictures of that change.

probably 1 year old or less

Probably 3 years old

I was probably 13 years old. The one in the middle it is me.

Probably 15 years old

Probably 21 years old

I will leave for the next post to reveal the breakdown of 71.1% European DNA. There are two more shocking truths.

until next one.:)

08-20-2018, 01:40 PM
You look Iberian to me

08-20-2018, 01:55 PM
Were your biological parents desaparecidos?

08-20-2018, 02:10 PM
Were your biological parents desaparecidos?

Hi Longbowman. No, they were not. According to the story I was told my mother was 19 years old and part of a high society (British ???) family that of course could not allow her to have a child. That is why she was sent to the city were I was born to a Catholic house or something like that for single mothers, until she gave birth to me. After that she returned back home. This was back in 1969. Cheers

08-20-2018, 02:13 PM
None of the pics on post #22 work

08-20-2018, 02:26 PM
None of the pics on post #22 work

Wright, I have edited the post 22 and reposted pics. Hope it works now.

Congolese Rice
08-20-2018, 03:36 PM
best fit in italy i think

08-20-2018, 04:10 PM
For what it's worth I don't think you should change your identity to match the genetic reality.

08-20-2018, 04:12 PM
Surprising results indeed. I don't even see a smidge of Native American influence in your phenotype. I honestly thought both of your parents were European and that the 'surprise' was which part of Europe they were from.

08-20-2018, 04:43 PM
For what it's worth I don't think you should change your identity to match the genetic reality.

I agree with you but the thing is that I am not living anymore where I was born. I am living in another country and in the middle of a process to move to another country, so not living in my original place and no known parents is like not having an identity. I have a family of my own Wife and Children but it is not enough I think.

08-20-2018, 04:45 PM
Surprising results indeed. I don't even see a smidge of Native American influence in your phenotype. I honestly thought both of your parents were European and that the 'surprise' was which part of Europe they were from.

Thanks for your input CommonSense . I will reveal more info soon. The next ones are not shocking but interesting to discuss and understand. cheers

08-20-2018, 06:35 PM
Any foreign third or even second cousins? If you can upload to gedmatch too. Also DNA painter might be a way of working out known relationships.

08-20-2018, 06:58 PM
Any foreign third or even second cousins? If you can upload to gedmatch too. Also DNA painter might be a way of working out known relationships.

Thanks for the advice Graham. I have just uploaded my raw data into GedMatch and transferred to Family Tree. Both of them are busy and it will take some days apparently to fully process. I will have to be patient a little more. I have been waiting for decades hehe. By the way MyHeritage did not give me any close relative. The best match was 0,6% :bored:

08-20-2018, 07:26 PM
Ok it is time to show the second unexpected result. It will make sense for some of you probably.
I have 4.1% of Ashkenazi Jews. According to MyHeritage the posible area is Eastern Europe. Maybe this is the reason why some of you saw some resemblance of this area on me. I have been to Prague for a month some time ago and I know people do not like the term Eastern Europe but Central Europe instead. Sorry for that but we need to make sure we are all talking of the same area.
I do not know how phenotypes works but it seems that they do not necessarily reflect DNA percentages proportionally. It might be the case that some genes are predominant over the others. In next post I will reveal another surprising fact. Cheers



08-20-2018, 08:21 PM
If MyHeritage says you're Ashkenazi but 23andme doesn't, go with 23andme.

08-20-2018, 08:31 PM
You appear Eastern European or Germanic with Med influence to me, and are similar in facial phenotype to my maternal grandfather. He is Slavic and Anglo-Saxon. You are darker in pigment and a bit more sharp than him, hence the possible Med.

08-20-2018, 09:15 PM
Ok This is the final part of this story. and the third shocking fact.
I am 67% Iberian. But the shocking part it not that of course, since most of latinamerican people have Iberian ethnicity what was shocking to me is that I have only Iberian in such a high amount. I would have expected more diverse admixture including North Africa , Italy , Greece etc. In fact I have also expected to have some 3 - 5 % British due to story I was told by the delivery nurse (see first post). Nothing else. Only 3 ethnicities.


I have the following thoughts to discuss.
1) My full admixture is 28.9% Native (central America), 67% Iberian and 4.1% Ashkenazi Jew.
2) To get the huge chunk of native, as I said before my father must have been 50% Native 50% Iberian.(Mestizo)
3) Assuming my Mother as carrier of 8.2% Ashkenazi Jews and 91.8% Iberian. (this is a guess but likely to be true)
4) In all cases the Iberian percentage was quite high. As I have seen, Spanish people has 63% Iberian as an average. On the other hand I saw a table showing that Basque people use to have higher Iberian percentages 90-100%.
5) My blood type is "0" Rh (-) which happens to be typical for Basque people. (if I am not mistaken it is a common trait of 36% of population)

Please review my pictures of first post and post 22 where I have posted pics of me when I was young.
So considering all this info and looking at the pictures , would you consider as possible for me to be classify as Basque phenotypically? (see argument 4 & 5)
And what about the 67% Iberian would you agree that could be more accurate to say it is Basque?

Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback on this subject helping me to find my roots and Identity.

08-20-2018, 09:21 PM
You could surely pass as a Basque, though you look more Central European as others have said. Actually this last fact is pretty interesting, do you suppose it means the nurse was misinformed or not telling the truth since you don't have any British isles admixture?

08-20-2018, 11:13 PM
You could surely pass as a Basque, though you look more Central European as others have said. Actually this last fact is pretty interesting, do you suppose it means the nurse was misinformed or not telling the truth since you don't have any British isles admixture?

That is right ,CommonSense. I think the nurse misunderstood the info my biological mother might have told her. During those years railroads were British owned so if my grandfather was an engineer working for that company, she might have confused to work for a British company as being British or something like that. The same mistake I made with my father side. I was told he was a son of a Spanish lawyer and I have assumed for years that my grand parents (both) were from Spain but according to DNA only my grandfather was 100% Iberian.
From the phenotype perspective I am clear that I could fit from central to south Europe but that is one thing but I will continue seeking for more info about the 67% Iberian DNA . Maybe in the near future we will have more data and databases will do a better admixture breakdown. :)

08-21-2018, 09:42 AM
Hello to everyone. I have the results from FamilyTree and GedMatch. They are giving me a different admixture compared to MyHeritage. On the other hand both GedMatch & Family Tree are pretty close between them. Shall I consider these new results as more accurate?

Family Tree

GEDMatch Eurogenes K13 Admixture Proportions

08-21-2018, 10:06 AM
I don't understand your almost 30% native american. It's a very high percentage and I can't see amerindian features in your face traits.

08-21-2018, 10:16 AM
I don't understand your almost 30% native american. It's a very high percentage and I can't see amerindian features in your face traits.

Hi Autrigon. Me neither. It could be lower than that though. I have uploaded raw data to Gedmatch and Family Tree and I got a lower native composition 18%. I have posted those results on post 41.

08-21-2018, 10:38 AM
My suggestion is you get tested in at least 23andme as well. Almost every test will come up with an result that is off (misread). Only testing in different companies will give you a real idea of what your components are. To give you an example I know my roots and the tests I did all match it, but some gave wrong results for example Anestry misread my lebanese as jewish, and ftDNA read all my iberian as sephardic jewish. The point is you take the results with a grain of salt.

Ok This is the final part of this story. and the third shocking fact.
I am 67% Iberian. But the shocking part it not that of course, since most of latinamerican people have Iberian ethnicity what was shocking to me is that I have only Iberian in such a high amount. I would have expected more diverse admixture including North Africa , Italy , Greece etc. In fact I have also expected to have some 3 - 5 % British due to story I was told by the delivery nurse (see first post). Nothing else. Only 3 ethnicities.


I have the following thoughts to discuss.
1) My full admixture is 28.9% Native (central America), 67% Iberian and 4.1% Ashkenazi Jew.
2) To get the huge chunk of native, as I said before my father must have been 50% Native 50% Iberian.(Mestizo)
3) Assuming my Mother as carrier of 8.2% Ashkenazi Jews and 91.8% Iberian. (this is a guess but likely to be true)
4) In all cases the Iberian percentage was quite high. As I have seen, Spanish people has 63% Iberian as an average. On the other hand I saw a table showing that Basque people use to have higher Iberian percentages 90-100%.
5) My blood type is "0" Rh (-) which happens to be typical for Basque people. (if I am not mistaken it is a common trait of 36% of population)

Please review my pictures of first post and post 22 where I have posted pics of me when I was young.
So considering all this info and looking at the pictures , would you consider as possible for me to be classify as Basque phenotypically? (see argument 4 & 5)
And what about the 67% Iberian would you agree that could be more accurate to say it is Basque?

Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback on this subject helping me to find my roots and Identity.
Genetic tests base their iberian results in basques, so high chances you have basque heritage indeed.

08-21-2018, 12:00 PM

Central american on my heritage is mestizo, NOT native american.

Central american triracial.

08-21-2018, 12:11 PM

Central american on my heritage is mestizo, NOT native american.

Central american triracial.

Maybe that is why FamilyTree gave me 18% native (15% North & Central America + 3% South America) and GedMatch gave me 17.84% Amerindian which is almost the same.

08-21-2018, 01:00 PM
From what I could gather seeing all the results of the testing companies posted on this site, then compared with the GedMatch calculators, MyHeritage seems like it gives the least reliable data. They often mix up different admixtures or lump them into one category.

08-21-2018, 04:48 PM
You could pass easily as Spanish or Italian. Very stereotypical Argentinean look.

But you could also pass unnoticed in many European countries.

08-21-2018, 05:48 PM

Central american on my heritage is mestizo, NOT native american.

Central american triracial.

Central american triracial is composed of iberian + native + SSA. How can they not separate each ethnicity but merge them all into "central american", especially them being so different from each other? What happens If someone is 1/3 of each, would they still score 100% native?

Not a Cop
08-21-2018, 07:58 PM
Hello to everyone. I have the results from FamilyTree and GedMatch. They are giving me a different admixture compared to MyHeritage. On the other hand both GedMatch & Family Tree are pretty close between them. Shall I consider these new results as more accurate?

Family Tree

GEDMatch Eurogenes K13 Admixture Proportions

What does Oracle for K13 says? It's a little button under your results, post both Mixed mode and 4-ancestors.

08-21-2018, 09:26 PM
What does Oracle for K13 says? It's a little button under your results, post both Mixed mode and 4-ancestors.

Thanks for the advice Not a Cop. Here you go.

Oracle results

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 North_Atlantic 30.97
2 West_Med 24.29
3 Amerindian 17.84
4 East_Med 12.5
5 Baltic 8.1
6 Red_Sea 2.4
7 Northeast_African 1.15
8 South_Asian 1.15
9 Sub-Saharan 0.74
10 Oceanian 0.72
11 East_Asian 0.15

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Spanish_Extremadura 21.33
2 Portuguese 21.55
3 Spanish_Murcia 21.73
4 Spanish_Galicia 22
5 Spanish_Valencia 22.27
6 Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon 22.33
7 Spanish_Andalucia 22.46
8 Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha 22.56
9 North_Italian 22.57
10 Spanish_Cantabria 22.9
11 Spanish_Cataluna 22.93
12 Spanish_Aragon 23.68
13 Southwest_French 23.7
14 Tuscan 24.65
15 French 24.88
16 West_Sicilian 27.94
17 Greek_Thessaly 28.12
18 West_German 28.13
19 Romanian 28.31
20 South_Dutch

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 79.5% Spanish_Valencia + 20.5% Mayan @ 2.9
2 82.1% Spanish_Valencia + 17.9% Karitiana @ 3.32
3 80.3% Spanish_Valencia + 19.7% Pima @ 3.36
4 80.3% Spanish_Extremadura + 19.7% Mayan @ 3.46
5 82% Spanish_Andalucia + 18% Karitiana @ 3.47
6 79.4% Spanish_Andalucia + 20.6% Mayan @ 3.51
7 80% Spanish_Murcia + 20% Mayan @ 3.54
8 82.8% Spanish_Extremadura + 17.2% Karitiana @ 3.54
9 79.4% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 20.6% Mayan @ 3.7
10 80.2% Spanish_Andalucia + 19.8% Pima @ 3.71
11 81.1% Spanish_Extremadura + 18.9% Pima @ 3.8
12 82.6% Spanish_Murcia + 17.4% Karitiana @ 3.81
13 80.2% Portuguese + 19.8% Mayan @ 3.81
14 82% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 18% Karitiana @ 3.96
15 80.2% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 19.8% Pima @ 3.96
16 79.6% Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + 20.4% Mayan @ 4
17 82.7% Portuguese + 17.3% Karitiana @ 4.03
18 80.8% Spanish_Murcia + 19.2% Pima @ 4.06
19 79.9% Spanish_Galicia + 20.1% Mayan @ 4.27
20 82.2% Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + 17.8% Karitiana @ 4.36

Oracle 4 results

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 Mayan + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.351268
2 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.365411
3 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.369967
4 Mayan + Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.407353
5 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.448148
6 Mayan + North_Italian + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Aragon @ 5.506244
7 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.525454
8 Mayan + Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.525747
9 Mayan + Portuguese + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.544610
10 Mayan + Spanish_Cantabria + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.547617
11 Mayan + Spanish_Murcia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.549675
12 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.550691
13 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Extremadura + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.553053
14 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Galicia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.557754
15 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.567875
16 Mayan + Spanish_Extremadura + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.569428
17 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Murcia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.582300
18 Mayan + Spanish_Galicia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.584806
19 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.587164
20 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.592223

08-21-2018, 09:32 PM
I have noticed some of my pics were not with natural light. Since skin color is necessary to figure out taxonomy I am posting a new one with sunlight and it is taken of profile. The other profile pic I have posted was with artificial light.


08-21-2018, 09:38 PM
What does Oracle for K13 says? It's a little button under your results, post both Mixed mode and 4-ancestors.

Thanks not a cop. I hope I am not sending this duplicated since I have replied and it is not there

This is the Oracle mixed mode:
Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 79.5% Spanish_Valencia + 20.5% Mayan @ 2.9
2 82.1% Spanish_Valencia + 17.9% Karitiana @ 3.32
3 80.3% Spanish_Valencia + 19.7% Pima @ 3.36
4 80.3% Spanish_Extremadura + 19.7% Mayan @ 3.46
5 82% Spanish_Andalucia + 18% Karitiana @ 3.47
6 79.4% Spanish_Andalucia + 20.6% Mayan @ 3.51
7 80% Spanish_Murcia + 20% Mayan @ 3.54
8 82.8% Spanish_Extremadura + 17.2% Karitiana @ 3.54
9 79.4% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 20.6% Mayan @ 3.7
10 80.2% Spanish_Andalucia + 19.8% Pima @ 3.71
11 81.1% Spanish_Extremadura + 18.9% Pima @ 3.8
12 82.6% Spanish_Murcia + 17.4% Karitiana @ 3.81
13 80.2% Portuguese + 19.8% Mayan @ 3.81
14 82% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 18% Karitiana @ 3.96
15 80.2% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 19.8% Pima @ 3.96
16 79.6% Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + 20.4% Mayan @ 4
17 82.7% Portuguese + 17.3% Karitiana @ 4.03
18 80.8% Spanish_Murcia + 19.2% Pima @ 4.06
19 79.9% Spanish_Galicia + 20.1% Mayan @ 4.27
20 82.2% Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + 17.8% Karitiana @ 4.36

and this is Oracle 4

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 Mayan + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.351268
2 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.365411
3 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.369967
4 Mayan + Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.407353
5 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.448148
6 Mayan + North_Italian + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Aragon @ 5.506244
7 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.525454
8 Mayan + Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.525747
9 Mayan + Portuguese + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.544610
10 Mayan + Spanish_Cantabria + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.547617
11 Mayan + Spanish_Murcia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.549675
12 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.550691
13 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Extremadura + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.553053
14 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Galicia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.557754
15 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.567875
16 Mayan + Spanish_Extremadura + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.569428
17 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Murcia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.582300
18 Mayan + Spanish_Galicia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.584806
19 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.587164
20 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.592223

08-21-2018, 10:59 PM
Central american triracial is composed of iberian + native + SSA. How can they not separate each ethnicity but merge them all into "central american", especially them being so different from each other? What happens If someone is 1/3 of each, would they still score 100% native?

MyHeritage thinks having a New World Triracial category is useful. They also have native categories - I score 0.9 Native American, for example.

MyHeritage's description of Central American:

The largest population of Central America, spanning from Mexico to Colombia and Venezuela, is of Mestizo descent - a mixture of Spanish, Native American, and African ancestry. Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, interestingly, have a greater Caucasian population, representing European migration. In contrast, indigenous Central Americans are Mayans, the descendants of the advanced Mayan civilization of pre-Colombian times. Ancient Central American civilizations produced many important innovations, including pyramid construction, complex mathematical and astronomical observations, early forms of medical surgery, accurate calendar systems, and complex agricultural methods. In contemporary society, many people with Central American ethnicity have settled among the nations in South America, reaching as far south as Uruguay and Argentina.

Maybe that is why FamilyTree gave me 18% native (15% North & Central America + 3% South America) and GedMatch gave me 17.84% Amerindian which is almost the same.

Yeah mate. Ignore MyHeritage like I said.

08-21-2018, 11:01 PM
FTDNA is far more established than MyHeritage which may have said you were British to compensate for essentially giving you substantial but overestimated SSA.

FTDNA thinks you're a harnizo-castizo with a small amount of European Jewish ancestry (Ashkenazi or Sephardi?). I'd go with that :thumb001:

08-21-2018, 11:01 PM
Borreby sounds about right

maybe with a lil Med mixed in

08-21-2018, 11:16 PM
FTDNA is far more established than MyHeritage which may have said you were British to compensate for essentially giving you substantial but overestimated SSA.

FTDNA thinks you're a harnizo-castizo with a small amount of European Jewish ancestry (Ashkenazi or Sephardi?). I'd go with that :thumb001:

It seems that FTDNA is giving me 5% of Sephardi instead of Ashkenazi as MyHeritage did. So in your opinion I should take the Sephardi as truth , right?
Do you know why FTDNA is considering Sephardic as separate from Europe, Africa , Middle east etc?

08-21-2018, 11:41 PM
It seems that FTDNA is giving me 5% of Sephardi instead of Ashkenazi as MyHeritage did. So in your opinion I should take the Sephardi as truth , right?
Do you know why FTDNA is considering Sephardic as separate from Europe, Africa , Middle east etc?

Sephardic is probablymore likely considering your Argentine background anyway. Most Jews in Argentina are Ashkenazim, but there were very few before the late 19th century, too late to be your great-great-grandparent realistically.

08-21-2018, 11:53 PM
Sephardic is probablymore likely considering your Argentine background anyway. Most Jews in Argentina are Ashkenazim, but there were very few before the late 19th century, too late to be your great-great-grandparent realistically.

Longbowman. This is interesting. I have made the Jtest Oracle at Gedmatch. Ashkenazi popped up again with 5.89% (see line 8)

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 ATLANTIC 20.79
2 WEST_MED 15.95
5 EAST_MED 8.11
7 EAST_EURO 6.16

08-21-2018, 11:59 PM
Longbowman. This is interesting. I have made the Jtest Oracle at Gedmatch. Ashkenazi popped up again with 5.89% (see line 8)

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 ATLANTIC 20.79
2 WEST_MED 15.95
5 EAST_MED 8.11
7 EAST_EURO 6.16

JTest is not to be taken at face value. A full Ashkenazi will get ~30% Ashkenazi on it, a full Sephardi or other East Med 20-25%. Remember, there's no Sephardic category there.

My dad is 100% Ashkenazi (scoring that amount exactly on 23andme, too) and he gets 32.73%.

I would say from your results you are almost certainly a harnizo with mostly colonial Argentine heritage and some recent Sephardic blood.

08-22-2018, 12:30 AM
JTest is not to be taken at face value. A full Ashkenazi will get ~30% Ashkenazi on it, a full Sephardi or other East Med 20-25%. Remember, there's no Sephardic category there.

My dad is 100% Ashkenazi (scoring that amount exactly on 23andme, too) and he gets 32.73%.

I would say from your results you are almost certainly a harnizo with mostly colonial Argentine heritage and some recent Sephardic blood.

Sure Longbowman. With a 5% I am not considering myself Ashkenazi at all. I was just trying to understand the changes from Ashkenazi to Sephardic depending on database used to compare.
Thanks for your inputs.

08-22-2018, 12:36 AM
Sure Longbowman. With a 5% I am not considering myself Ashkenazi at all. I was just trying to understand the changes from Ashkenazi to Sephardic depending on database used to compare.
Thanks for your inputs.

Both populations are extremely closely related so some mediocre companies like MyHeritage mistake one for the other. They did it to me, too.

08-22-2018, 12:38 AM
You've got really cool results dude, did you ever find your biological parents? If you haven't already mentioned it :)

08-22-2018, 12:47 AM
You've got really cool results dude, did you ever find your biological parents? If you haven't already mentioned it :)

No, unfortunately I did not. I have decided to take the DNA test hoping to find some answers. So far no luck. I got 4th or more far cousins which make no sense to contact to. It is 0.6% of coincidence or less.

08-22-2018, 01:02 AM
No, unfortunately I did not. I have decided to take the DNA test hoping to find some answers. So far no luck. I got 4th or more far cousins which make no sense to contact to. It is 0.6% of coincidence or less.

Ah, sorry brother. I hope you have better luck :)

08-22-2018, 01:22 AM
lmao you are the opposite of me, i have a single drop of central asian blood, yet i look central asian

08-22-2018, 06:13 AM
Hi Danzig. I have seen a couple of videos in youtube where people look asian and they have just a small portion of central asian or east Asia DNA. I think some genes are stronger than others and prevails over others. ( I am not talking here about typical dominance/recessive inheritance rules) . Probably this is more related to new science of Epic-genetics. Maybe there is a kind of random allele selection that gives same weight to 1% to a 10% . We know that 50/50 male/female chromosomes inherited are randomly picked but after that since we get two chromosomes for the same trait, Mendel laws takes over to decide which one will be shown up. What I mean is what if before that there is a kind of random switch on/off of genes? Results would definitely be different, wouldn't they? :confused:

09-14-2018, 06:42 PM
MyHeritage thinks having a New World Triracial category is useful. They also have native categories - I score 0.9 Native American, for example.

MyHeritage's description of Central American:

Yeah mate. Ignore MyHeritage like I said.

shouldnt his gedmatch result be the most accurate?

Thanks not a cop. I hope I am not sending this duplicated since I have replied and it is not there

This is the Oracle mixed mode:
Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 79.5% Spanish_Valencia + 20.5% Mayan @ 2.9
2 82.1% Spanish_Valencia + 17.9% Karitiana @ 3.32
3 80.3% Spanish_Valencia + 19.7% Pima @ 3.36
4 80.3% Spanish_Extremadura + 19.7% Mayan @ 3.46
5 82% Spanish_Andalucia + 18% Karitiana @ 3.47
6 79.4% Spanish_Andalucia + 20.6% Mayan @ 3.51
7 80% Spanish_Murcia + 20% Mayan @ 3.54
8 82.8% Spanish_Extremadura + 17.2% Karitiana @ 3.54
9 79.4% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 20.6% Mayan @ 3.7
10 80.2% Spanish_Andalucia + 19.8% Pima @ 3.71
11 81.1% Spanish_Extremadura + 18.9% Pima @ 3.8
12 82.6% Spanish_Murcia + 17.4% Karitiana @ 3.81
13 80.2% Portuguese + 19.8% Mayan @ 3.81
14 82% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 18% Karitiana @ 3.96
15 80.2% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 19.8% Pima @ 3.96
16 79.6% Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + 20.4% Mayan @ 4
17 82.7% Portuguese + 17.3% Karitiana @ 4.03
18 80.8% Spanish_Murcia + 19.2% Pima @ 4.06
19 79.9% Spanish_Galicia + 20.1% Mayan @ 4.27
20 82.2% Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + 17.8% Karitiana @ 4.36

and this is Oracle 4

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 Mayan + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.351268
2 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.365411
3 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.369967
4 Mayan + Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.407353
5 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.448148
6 Mayan + North_Italian + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Aragon @ 5.506244
7 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.525454
8 Mayan + Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.525747
9 Mayan + Portuguese + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.544610
10 Mayan + Spanish_Cantabria + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.547617
11 Mayan + Spanish_Murcia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.549675
12 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.550691
13 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Extremadura + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.553053
14 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Galicia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.557754
15 Mayan + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Andalucia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.567875
16 Mayan + Spanish_Extremadura + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.569428
17 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Murcia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.582300
18 Mayan + Spanish_Galicia + Spanish_Valencia + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.584806
19 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.587164
20 Mayan + Spanish_Aragon + Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon + Spanish_Valencia @ 5.592223

09-14-2018, 06:44 PM
Hi Danzig. I have seen a couple of videos in youtube where people look asian and they have just a small portion of central asian or east Asia DNA. I think some genes are stronger than others and prevails over others. ( I am not talking here about typical dominance/recessive inheritance rules) . Probably this is more related to new science of Epic-genetics. Maybe there is a kind of random allele selection that gives same weight to 1% to a 10% . We know that 50/50 male/female chromosomes inherited are randomly picked but after that since we get two chromosomes for the same trait, Mendel laws takes over to decide which one will be shown up. What I mean is what if before that there is a kind of random switch on/off of genes? Results would definitely be different, wouldn't they? :confused:

yo creo que es super random, hay gente que es 30% amerindia y parecen puros euro y otros que tal vez son 10% amerindios y parecen mestizos. Y te lo digo despues de ver muchos resultados geneticos. El SSA parece mas fuerte, en el sentido de que con poco SSA ya pareces un "negro" del nuevo mundo.

09-14-2018, 07:01 PM
shouldnt his gedmatch result be the most accurate?


09-14-2018, 07:30 PM

when talking about continental ancestry, gedmatch and 23andme normally give similar results. My Heritage is the one that constantly gives weird reslts.

I dont get why you say the guy is harnizo when he is scoring 18-20% amerindian in gedmatch.

09-14-2018, 07:32 PM
when talking about continental ancestry, gedmatch and 23andme normally give similar results. My Heritage is the one that constantly gives weird reslts.

I dont get why you say the guy is harnizo when he is scoring 18% amerindian in gedmatch.

GEDmatch assumes a two population split which is unlikely

in this case his amerindian percentage is probably 18-19%

09-14-2018, 07:37 PM
GEDmatch assumes a two population split which is unlikely

in this case his amerindian percentage is probably 18-19%

OK it seems we were talking about different things. Yeah i know i was talking about the amerindian being 18-19%. I see that we agree on that, i thought you were saying something different since you called him harnizo.

The guy is like 79% caucasian, he is the exact average of the 650 argentines i have found in gedmatch.

My heritage gives him 30% amerindian because thats actually 30% mestizo (15-20% amerindian)

09-14-2018, 08:03 PM
OK it seems we were talking about different things. Yeah i know i was talking about the amerindian being 18-19%. I see that we agree on that, i thought you were saying something different since you called him harnizo.

The guy is like 79% caucasian, he is the exact average of the 650 argentines i have found in gedmatch.

My heritage gives him 30% amerindian because thats actually 30% mestizo (15-20% amerindian)

Argentano I have sent you my K15 Results to add them to statistics. I am getting 17.56 % Amerindian there. We are also doing my wife DNA testing. We have just sent samples out. She is Argentinian also. Phenotypically she is more white than me. Regards.

09-14-2018, 08:17 PM
Argentano I have sent you my K15 Results to add them to statistics. I am getting 17.56 % Amerindian there. We are also doing my wife DNA testing. We have just sent samples out. She is Argentinian also. Phenotypically she is more white than me. Regards.

Cool if you want send me the wife k15 when you have it . Your caucasian/amerindian result is the exact average of around 650 argentines i have seen in gedmatch. Interestingly most euros in the site guessed you ass full euro.

Regarding your wife Phenotypes are kind of random so she doesnt nescesarily have to be more euro than you

09-14-2018, 08:34 PM
Cool if you want send me the wife k15 when you have it . Your result is the exact average of around 650 argentines i have seen in gedmatch. Interestingly most euros in the site guessed you ass full euro.

Regarding your wife Phenotypes are kind of random so she doesnt nescesarily have to be more euro than you

I agree Argentano. I was just talking about phenotype, it is not necessarily proportional to admixture. We are expecting the results within one month.
We are doing it with MyHeritage since I did not know the issue of using a composite admiture as amerindian when we bought it. Besides that I have some small portions of chromosomes as "not sampled". I have made a question related to this but I have not got any answer on this forum yet. By the way here is the link if someone knows the answer. https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?259209-quot-Not-sampled-quot-DNA-results-Is-it-common-to-have-portions-of-DNA-as-not-sampled
In the near future we will do the test to our children but probably using another company. thanks.

09-15-2018, 06:04 PM
To all the people that have partipated on this thread I would appreciate your input on classifying my son. He is still 15 years old I know it is not easy since they are changing but I will appreciate it. I will delete the pictures soon to respect his privacy. Thanks to all.
