View Full Version : Feminist became a Trans Man, is now outraged by how people treat 'him'

08-21-2018, 11:32 PM
She finally got her long desired "male privilege":



Some excerpts from 'his' experiences as a man:



"(...) What continues to strike me is the significant reduction in friendliness and kindness now [after becoming a trans man] extended to me in public spaces. It now feels as though I am on my own: No one, outside of family and close friends, is paying any attention to my well-being. I can recall a moment where this difference hit home. A couple of years into my medical gender transition, I was traveling on a public bus early one weekend morning. There were six people on the bus, including me. One was a woman. She was talking on a mobile phone very loudly and remarked that “men are such a–holes.” I immediately looked up at her and then around at the other men. Not one had lifted his head to look at the woman or anyone else. The woman saw me look at her and then commented to the person she was speaking with about “some a–hole on the bus right now looking at me.” I was stunned, because I recall being in similar situations, but in the reverse, many times: A man would say or do something deemed obnoxious or offensive, and I would find solidarity with the women around me as we made eye contact, rolled our eyes and maybe even commented out loud on the situation. I’m not sure I understand why the men did not respond, but it made a lasting impression on me. (...)"

08-21-2018, 11:37 PM
Headline should be: Woman finds out men have feelings through pretending to be one. I’m not against transsexual people but this is obviously a female since she displayed hatred previously towards the sex she now pretends to be.