View Full Version : Classify this guy ;)

08-23-2018, 12:42 PM
Hi guys,

probably one of my DNA results I was shocked the most was the "2%" of Balochistan. But it inspired me to draw the portrait of a Balochistan man, which has nothing to do with sicilian culture. :)
It's fascinating though to know that in my DNA they found that amount of DNA. In Gedmatch the calculator also gives me some percentage of South Asia. I really can't believe it. It takes to my mind the theory of a friend of mine with sicilian roots, a very passionate historian from the town of Macerata who found some "similarities" between sicilian language and sanskrit. I must share this "discovery" with him.


08-23-2018, 12:46 PM
Not sure. Irano-Afghan, perhaps.

08-23-2018, 12:50 PM
He looks a bit like half English and Indian actor, Ben Kingsley. You are talented!

Dinarid + North Indid