View Full Version : Can You Classify Me and My Father?

08-26-2018, 02:19 PM
My father and his family is from the Thracian part of Turkey and I'm from an Aegean city called Aydın located in Western Turkey. My mother and her family is also from the Western Turkey with the exception of her fathers mother, she is Albanian. Can you please classify me and my father and tell me where we could pass?

Sorry for the bad qualities...

Here are my photos, my fitst photo is a biometrical one;

Here are my fathers photos, the first is an old one from his compulsory military service days and the other is from a few years ago;

08-26-2018, 02:22 PM
Do you father is 100% turk accordind his heritage? Do you know he has some balkan heritage?

08-26-2018, 02:24 PM
Alpinized Med + Turanid. You could pass well in Turkey, Albania, and Northern Greece.

08-26-2018, 02:27 PM
Yes he has far as I know, all of his grandparents migrated from the Central Macedonia region located in todays Greece 100 years ago. His siblings and parents all have lighter complexions and blue eyes.

08-26-2018, 02:29 PM
Yes he has far as I know, all of his grandparents migrated from the Central Macedonia region located in todays Greece 100 years ago. His siblings and parents are all have a lighter complexions and blue eyes.

I see. He doesnt seem to be 100% turk like I expected.

08-26-2018, 03:08 PM
You seem to be Pontid with Turanid influence, while your father is Subnordid. He could pass as typical in Germany and Central Europe, which is quite unusual.

08-26-2018, 04:06 PM
Alpinized Med + Turanid. You could pass well in Turkey, Albania, and Northern Greece.

Just asking to learn, what makes him look Alpinized? I've coded alpinization as skin depigmentation to my brain i guess. Because I got similiar classifications like Alpine but I don't think I am light enough to seem Alpine I think.

08-26-2018, 04:28 PM
Just asking to learn, what makes him look Alpinized? I've coded alpinization as skin depigmentation to my brain i guess. Because I got similiar classifications like Alpine but I don't think I am light enough to seem Alpine I think.

I forgot to classify your father. I see you as the mixture of Alpinized Med + Turanid due to your skull shape and facial features. Your father looks like a Subnordid (Alpinized Nordid) with maybe some Baltid influences.

08-26-2018, 04:36 PM
Asian Alpine.

08-26-2018, 04:50 PM
You: Pontid with some Turanid.
Your father: Subnordid + Baltid.

08-26-2018, 04:54 PM
You: Pontid with some Turanid.

Doesn't look Pontid aka Mediterranean aka European in the slightest. Just stop, you are horse shit at classifications.

08-26-2018, 04:59 PM
Doesn't look Pontid aka Mediterranean aka European in the slightest. Just stop, you are horse shit at classifications.

Yes, he do, and other users in the first page of this thread seem to agree with me. Facial shape and occiput match that phenotype, plus he have Turanid visible in the eyes and cheekbones. And "Mediterranean" =/= European.

08-26-2018, 05:03 PM
Yes, he do, and other users in the first page of this thread seem to agree with me. Facial shape and occiput match that phenotype, plus he have Turanid visible in the eyes and cheekbones. And "Mediterranean" =/= European.

Jesus Christ... for the love of God research Pontid on Google

he is meso, has a broad face and a short thick nose... the polar opposite of Pontid

08-26-2018, 05:07 PM
Jesus Christ... for the love of God research Pontid on Google

he is meso, has a broad face and a short thick nose... the polar opposite of Pontid

Pontid is mesocephalic, and the broader face is due to Turanid component. Alpine is totally brachycephalic.


08-26-2018, 05:13 PM
Pontid is mesocephalic, and the broader face is due to Turanid component. Alpine is totally brachycephalic.


pontid is doli otherwise it wouldn't be a med variant

alpine is meso. armenoid/dinarid are brachy

refrain from ever posting that god forsaken humanpheno website again

08-26-2018, 05:21 PM
I would say :

You are mainly Mediterranid, I have seen Bulgarians looking like you, for example.

Your father is mainly Alpinid, he could possibly fit in the whole Europe.

08-26-2018, 06:32 PM
You are probably Alpine-Med would pass in a broad range of S.Euro West asoan place. Probably best of all Greece.
Dad looks Slavic in first pic and English In second one. I’ve seen a few Brits with that look.

08-26-2018, 07:39 PM
pontid is doli otherwise it wouldn't be a med variant

alpine is meso. armenoid/dinarid are brachy

refrain from ever posting that god forsaken humanpheno website again

All of the Alpine plates used by anthropologists are very brachy. For example:


