View Full Version : Is it true that Brünn is just berid+nordid?

08-26-2018, 09:22 PM
A user here said that. Is it true?

08-26-2018, 09:33 PM
Brunn is a dolichocephalic variety of UP European ("CM") spectrum, it has nothing to do with Nordic or imaginary phenotypes such as "Berid".
Also bear in mind that 90+% of what is presented on internet as "Brunn" is not Brunn at all. Same goes for Borreby.

08-26-2018, 09:41 PM
No, there is nothing nordid or berid about brunn, all 3 of these phenotypes are opposite of each other in everything.
Also, berid doesn't even exist, its usually what SSA admixed iberians get classified same way as east med is used in south europeans with non euro(gipsy,midle eastern ...) mixture.
99,9% of people here can't classify, also i noticied slavic look is way way overestimated here, everyone including tons of greeks and other south euros are classified as either north pontid(if they are doli with light eyes) or neo danubian(chubby with light eyes).

08-26-2018, 09:52 PM
Bruunn is a large headed dolico/mesocephalic race, also called 'paleoatlantid'' and very similar to Faelid.
Brunn have large heads, with very prominent glabella,strong occipital prominence,extremly broad faces (but at the same time long), long and wide nose, extremly wide jaw, pigmentation of this type in Ireland is mostly redish or dark haired,fair skin and light eyes, while in Scandinavia most of brunn are brown of blond haired.
Berid is a protomediterranid phenotype, extremly gracilized, short statured and small headed, main difference with gracilmediterranid is face and nose widht, though berid isn't ''overgrown'' as brunn and borreby, also berid is dark eyed,haired and olive skinned.

08-26-2018, 09:57 PM
Brunn measuraments:


08-26-2018, 10:00 PM
No, there is nothing nordid or berid about brunn, all 3 of these phenotypes are opposite of each other in everything.
Also, berid doesn't even exist, its usually what SSA admixed iberians get classified same way as east med is used in south europeans with non euro(gipsy,midle eastern ...) mixture.
99,9% of people here can't classify, also i noticied slavic look is way way overestimated here, everyone including tons of greeks and other south euros are classified as either north pontid(if they are doli with light eyes) or neo danubian(chubby with light eyes).

But Greeks are very slavicized, so they have a lot of slavic phenotypes, including many baltids

08-26-2018, 10:07 PM
But Greeks are very slavicized, so they have a lot of slavic phenotypes, including many baltids

no, thats what you hear on this forum were as i said almost everyone can't classify.
It's not even worth giving arguments why greeks have no slavic input because this is absurd.
South romanians for example plot a more more northern than greeks and are like 80% darkish people with no slavic input, yet in this forum every other greek is north-pontid/neo-danubian despite greeks having no eastern slavic ancestry and being a lot darker than romanians.

Mouth breathers in this forum get classified as north-pontids, this alone tells how bad people are at classifying.

08-26-2018, 10:11 PM
no, thats what you hear on this forum were as i said almost everyone can't classify.
It's not even worth giving arguments why greeks have no slavic input because this is absurd.
South romanians for example plot a more more northern than greeks and are like 80% darkish people with no slavic input, yet in this forum every other greek is north-pontid/neo-danubian despite greeks having no eastern slavic ancestry and being a lot darker than romanians.

Mouth breathers in this forum get classified as north-pontids, this alone tells how bad people are at classifying.

Hmm ok

08-26-2018, 10:20 PM
Bruunn is a large headed dolico/mesocephalic race, also called 'paleoatlantid'' and very similar to Faelid.
Brunn have large heads, with very prominent glabella,strong occipital prominence,extremly broad faces (but at the same time long), long and wide nose, extremly wide jaw, pigmentation of this type in Ireland is mostly redish or dark haired,fair skin and light eyes, while in Scandinavia most of brunn are brown of blond haired.
Berid is a protomediterranid phenotype, extremly gracilized, short statured and small headed, main difference with gracilmediterranid is face and nose widht, though berid isn't ''overgrown'' as brunn and borreby, also berid is dark eyed,haired and olive skinned.

Are Brünns really the same thing as paleo-atlantid? Can these guys classified as "paleo-atlantids" be brünns too?

https://scontent.fcxj7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40158740_913065748886490_6736818725338480640_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=2217637a4cf3c2c39405ff1339528c5a&oe=5BF6849C

https://scontent.fcxj7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40102942_913065952219803_3427677939964051456_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=cd38393aa6ed3f6a9b3355f53c1eca2d&oe=5C022DF4

https://scontent.fcxj7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40098263_913066052219793_8390649732963237888_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=24a5cf9f2214cc372f3f3c0a2520a26b&oe=5BEEE3F4

https://scontent.fcxj7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40158330_913066138886451_7334387566864498688_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=19df1afde695fbb7140a5c7b2ba69931&oe=5C070A27

https://scontent.fcxj7-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40143719_913067152219683_9024944672333627392_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&oh=f63814885813a1e128e9adfd0869a9f1&oe=5BF0674E

08-27-2018, 06:37 PM

08-27-2018, 07:37 PM
Are Brünns really the same thing as paleo-atlantid? Can these guys classified as "paleo-atlantids" be brünns too?

"Paleo-Atlantid" is from Bertil Lundman's work, "Brünn" is from Carleton Coon's work. So you can't really say they are synonyms, but they are similar, both being relatively dark pigmented Cromag Nordic types.

The Blade
08-27-2018, 08:22 PM
Brunn is an archaic separate Cro-Magnon type (dolicho to brachy) with large facial and cranial dimensions, long and broad face, high forehead, thin lips, strong browridge, thick neck, strongly developed (often cleft) chin, robust build, broad shoulders, brown/blond/red (often curly) hair, etc.
Neither Nordids, nor Berids (who are a mix of Atlanto-Med + Alpinid + CM) took part in its formation.
Berid type is much later than Brunn.
Nordid/Brunn blends happened later and were most present among the Anglo-Saxons and Norwegian Vikings. Yet, Brunn proper, doesn't have Nordid influence, as I already pointed out.

08-27-2018, 08:41 PM
Brunn is an archaic separate Cro-Magnon type (dolicho to brachy) with large facial and cranial dimensions, long and broad face, high forehead, thin lips, strong browridge, thick neck, strongly developed (often cleft) chin, robust build, broad shoulders, brown/blond/red (often curly) hair, etc.
Neither Nordids, nor Berids (who are a mix of Atlanto-Med + Alpinid + CM) took part in its formation.
Berid type is much later than Brunn.
Nordid/Brunn blends happened later and were most present among the Anglo-Saxons and Norwegian Vikings. Yet, Brunn proper, doesn't have Nordid influence, as I already pointed out.

Is brünn and paleo-atlantid the same thing or no

08-28-2018, 07:07 AM
Nordid/Brunn blends happened later and were most present among the Anglo-Saxons and Norwegian Vikings. Yet, Brunn proper, doesn't have Nordid influence, as I already pointed out.

It would be the opposite. The large type named Bruenn, (misleadingly as Coon’s type has nothing to do with the Moravian Finds besides dolicocephaly). So Coon’s Bruenn that is likely a “Proto Nordic” .

The type seems more associate with Bronze Age expansion and it is probably when encountering WHG and EEF that produced a Nordic (which as Coon write emerges especially in the Iron Age).

Therefore Bruenn is a Proto-Nordic, as in Eickstedt Phalian is robust Nordic sub-type.
It’s Internet that introducing the silly “Cro-Magnon” descendants has confused everybody. Remember No (serious) Antropologist ever mentioned of a “CM” type.

Paleo-Atlantid is from another system. It’s motivated by little data and pics, for convenience should be eliminated or it will generate continuous confusion.

08-28-2018, 03:10 PM
It would be the opposite. The large type named Bruenn, (misleadingly as Coon’s type has nothing to do with the Moravian Finds besides dolicocephaly). So Coon’s Bruenn that is likely a “Proto Nordic” .

The type seems more associate with Bronze Age expansion and it is probably when encountering WHG and EEF that produced a Nordic (which as Coon write emerges especially in the Iron Age).

Therefore Bruenn is a Proto-Nordic, as in Eickstedt Phalian is robust Nordic sub-type.
It’s Internet that introducing the silly “Cro-Magnon” descendants has confused everybody. Remember No (serious) Antropologist ever mentioned of a “CM” type.

Paleo-Atlantid is from another system. It’s motivated by little data and pics, for convenience should be eliminated or it will generate continuous confusion.


The Blade
08-28-2018, 04:30 PM
It would be the opposite. The large type named Bruenn, (misleadingly as Coon’s type has nothing to do with the Moravian Finds besides dolicocephaly). So Coon’s Bruenn that is likely a “Proto Nordic” .

The type seems more associate with Bronze Age expansion and it is probably when encountering WHG and EEF that produced a Nordic (which as Coon write emerges especially in the Iron Age).

Therefore Bruenn is a Proto-Nordic, as in Eickstedt Phalian is robust Nordic sub-type.
It’s Internet that introducing the silly “Cro-Magnon” descendants has confused everybody. Remember No (serious) Antropologist ever mentioned of a “CM” type.

Paleo-Atlantid is from another system. It’s motivated by little data and pics, for convenience should be eliminated or it will generate continuous confusion.
Each with his opinion. By Coon both Brunn and Borreby are considered Upper Paleolithic (CM) types.
Dalofaelid/Dalsrasse is a term referred to by its creator Paudler who first observed it in Dalarna, as well as by Herman Lundborg and Hans Günther, as a fully Cro-Magnon type.
Paleo Atlantid is from Lundman. Different from Brunn in facial structure, darker pigmentation (it is a uniformly brunette type, no blondism or rufosity in this group) and most likely with Atlanto-Mediterranean admixture decreasing some of the robustness.

08-28-2018, 05:02 PM
Each with his opinion. By Coon both Brunn and Borreby are considered Upper Paleolithic (CM) types.
Dalofaelid/Dalsrasse is a term referred to by its creator Paudler who first observed it in Dalarna, as well as by Herman Lundborg and Hans Günther, as a fully Cro-Magnon type.
Paleo Atlantid is from Lundman. Different from Brunn in facial structure, darker pigmentation (it is a uniformly brunette type, no blondism or rufosity in this group) and most likely with Atlanto-Mediterranean admixture decreasing some of the
Although I acknowledge the work of old anthropologist (especially coon), it’s time to cut the ombelical cord of the old theories.

Coon’s rejected the 1939 theories and eliminated the whole “UP” thing.
Only his Borreby “maybe” have partially replicated some CM features. Danish Borreby was much later anyway than “CM” thousand of years.

Unfortunately too many amateur websites spread pre 1940 theories but using pics of celebrities. Unfortunately a few of these are Italian.
There are no races or types. Just local variation and morphological tendencies. We can isolate these as a game as I do, but claiming that a steroid wrestler or a fat necked rugby player are “CM” is useless and misleading.

The Blade
08-29-2018, 12:10 PM
but claiming that a steroid wrestler or a fat necked rugby player are “CM” is useless and misleading.
This is most of the time true, yes. Less than 10% of these athletes actually show CM features.

Off topic: If Linebacker was still a member he would probably curse me (tell me to fuck off) for these words, lol.

08-29-2018, 12:28 PM
[QUOTE=Übermensch;5378611]Brunn measuraments:


where can i find more of these measurements?

08-29-2018, 12:56 PM
Not true, of course.

08-29-2018, 12:58 PM
Brunn is CM type, and has the strongest CM element of all CM types.

The Blade
08-29-2018, 01:34 PM
[QUOTE=Übermensch;5378611]Brunn measuraments:


where can i find more of these measurements?
Head size map (length + breadth):

08-29-2018, 02:46 PM
[QUOTE=Übermensch;5378611]Brunn measuraments:


where can i find more of these measurements?

08-29-2018, 02:47 PM


08-29-2018, 02:55 PM

thanks a lot!