View Full Version : Migrant Throws German Girl Off A Cliff

08-26-2018, 11:45 PM

08-26-2018, 11:50 PM
Zoos without enclosings.

♥ Lily ♥
08-26-2018, 11:55 PM
This reminds me of a documentary I saw about an American radio broadcaster who pushed his third wife over a cliff edge in the Grand Canyon. She fell 140 feet to her death. People had suspected him of being a murderer after his second wife suddenly died, and after his first wife, son, and daughter were all shot dead in their home. Detectives were later able to prove he'd murdered his son, daughter, and first wife too, after he'd had an affair and wanted a new life, but didn't want to pay for his kids in a divorce. He got away with his first crime for nearly 20 years... and by the time he was finally caught and he confessed... he was dying of brain cancer.

Robert Spangler (January 10, 1933 – August 5, 2001) was an Arizona resident who came into the spotlight following the murders of his 1st wife, son, daughter and his 3rd wife.

On the morning of December 30, 1978, in Littleton, Colorado, Robert Spangler lured his wife, Nancy, into the basement with the promise of a "surprise." He then shot her in the head with a .38 handgun. Going upstairs, he shot his teenage children, Susan and David. David was slow in dying, so Spangler finished him off by smothering him with a pillow. Spangler had cunningly framed the crime scene, making it appear that his wife had shot their children and then herself. In April 1993, when Spangler's third marriage to 59-year-old aerobics instructor Donna Sundling went sour, he took her hiking in the Grand Canyon and pushed her off a 140-foot (40 m) drop to her death.

On the morning of December 30, 1978, in Littleton, Colorado, Robert Spangler lured his wife Nancy into the basement with the promise of a "surprise." He then shot her in the head with a.38 handgun. Going upstairs, he shot his teenage children, Susan and David. David was slow in dying, so his father finished him off by smothering him with a pillow. Spangler had cunningly framed the crime scene, making it appear that his wife had shot their children and then herself.

Now he was free to marry his new love, Sharon Cooper. A former high school athlete, he hiked the Grand Canyon with Sharon, who chronicled the trip in a book dedicated to her "soul mate," Spangler. But their happiness was short-lived. The marriage ended in a costly, messy divorce.

In April, 1993, when Spangler's third marriage to 59-year-old aerobics instructor Donna Sundling went sour, he took her hiking in the Grand Canyon and pushed her off a 140-foot drop to her death. In 1994, when ex-wife Sharon allegedly 'committed suicide,' Spangler became the focus of intense police scrutiny. Wracked with brain cancer, he told all to investigators in the fall of 2000, detailing his shocking serial sage-the story of a two-time widower...and a four-time killer.


There's some very sick individuals in this world, but thankfully most people aren't evil.

08-26-2018, 11:56 PM
I think Bosniensis will be right

They are provoking more and more, people will explode and murder them all.

They are shameless people.


08-26-2018, 11:57 PM
This reminds me of a documentary I saw about an American radio broadcaster who pushed his third wife over a cliff edge in the Grand Canyon. People had suspected him of being a murderer after his second wife suddenly died, and after his first wife, son, and daughter were all shot dead in their home. Detectives were later able to prove he murdered his son, daughter, and first wife too, after he'd had an affair and wanted a new life, but didn't want to pay for his kids in a divorce. He got away with his first crime for over a decade... and by the time he was finally caught and confessed, he was dying of cancer.


There's some very sick individuals in this world, but thankfully most people aren't evil.

Huh? These muslim useless subhumans arent even able to hide any of their crimes

stop using a white case to downplay the muslim invasion and the increase in rape, murder and other disgusting crimes

08-26-2018, 11:58 PM
but thankfully most people aren't evil.


Millennial Couple Bikes Near ISIS Territory Thinking ‘Humans Are Kind’ and Gets Killed

"Evil is a make-believe concept we've invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans."


08-26-2018, 11:58 PM
Im glad the italian government is right wing now and they hopefully will punish this subhuman harder than in Germany

08-27-2018, 12:03 AM

At least the national IQ rose.

♥ Lily ♥
08-27-2018, 12:05 AM
Huh? These muslim useless subhumans arent even able to hide any of their crimes

stop using a white case to downplay the muslim invasion and the increase in rape, murder and other disgusting crimes

I'm not downplaying any crime and I think people who do heinous things like that deserve the death penalty.

I wonder if anyone on TA would've cared if a female was killed by a native person....:icon_ask: ... but suddenly cares if an immigrant kills someone. I'm just saying it reminds me of another case that I recently watched where a female was pushed to her death over a cliff-edge.

How many immigrants are pushing females over cliff-edges in Germany out of curiosity? :icon_ask:

08-27-2018, 12:07 AM
I'm not downplaying any crime. I wonder if anyone on TA would've cared if a female was killed by a native person.... but suddenly cares if an immigrant kills a person. I'm just saying it reminds me of another case that I recently watched where a female was pushed to her death over a cliff-edge.

How many immigrants are pushing females over cliff-edges in Germany out of curiosity? :icon_ask:


First this did not happen in Germany

secondly the statistics about sexual and voilent crimes in my country are pretty clear and dominated by muslim immigrants

and they get the attention because they do it in a very burtal and unsual manner, if a native person is doing it it also gets media attention.

♥ Lily ♥
08-27-2018, 12:13 AM

First this did not happen in Germany

secondly the statistics about sexual and voilent crimes in my country are pretty clear and dominated by muslim immigrants

and they get the attention because they do it in a very burtal and unsual manner, if a native person is doing it it also gets media attention.

I can believe the statistics about sexual and violent crimes being committed mostly by muslim immigrants due to the cultural differences and cultural clashes (where muslim men regard females who don't wear a burka as someone they can violate.)

But in terms of people being pushed over cliffs by immigrants... I've not heard of that happening before until now. (Maybe I should drop the plural terms of 'people' and 'immigrants' if this is a one-off incident done by a crazy person with mental issues who may be taking mind-altering drugs or something.)

08-27-2018, 12:17 AM
I can believe the statistics about sexual and violent crimes being committed mostly by muslim immigrants due to the cultural differences and cultural clashes (where muslim men regard females who don't wear a burka as someone they can violate.)

But in terms of people being pushed over cliffs by immigrants... I've not heard of that happening before until now. (Maybe I should drop the plural terms of 'people' and 'immigrants' if this is a one-off incident done by a crazy guy on drugs or something.)

The specific exceution of a crime always varies, so whats your point? Shooting a innoccent girl, kill her or throw her of a clif, they all are connected by the fact that this is a homocide case.

Since the homocide cases rapidly rising since the arrival of middle eastern refugees and are dominated by middle easterners per capita, it is pretty accurate to adress them in plural terms.