View Full Version : How common is Iranid phenotype among Armenians?

08-27-2018, 10:09 PM
Please discuss.

08-27-2018, 10:11 PM
Maybe less than 5% of Armenians are Iranid, but many more are Iranid influenced I think.

08-27-2018, 10:12 PM
Maybe less than 5% of Armenians are Iranid, but many more are Iranid influenced I think.

As far as I know, Armenoid itself is Borealised Iranid.

08-27-2018, 10:13 PM
Maybe less than 5% of Armenians are Iranid, but many more are Iranid influenced I think.

do you even know what iranid exactly is ? I am not sure anymore . and I think such statements as yours are rather a wild guess more than anything

08-27-2018, 10:13 PM
As far as I know, Armenoid itself is Borealised Iranid.

Armenoids are dinaricized MENAs

08-27-2018, 10:14 PM
do you even know what iranid exactly is ? I am not sure anymore . and I think such statements as yours are rather a wild guess more than anything

But all we can do is make guesstimations, taxonomy is a pseduo-science.

08-27-2018, 10:14 PM
do you even know what iranid exactly is ? I am not sure anymore . and I think such statements as yours are rather a wild guess more than anything

He is an expert in anthropology, he showed me his university degree, everything he says i can confirm.

08-27-2018, 10:15 PM
But all we can do is make guesstimations, taxonomy is a pseduo-science.

it is only pseudo science to a degree . it has a lot of truth in it . a dinarid will look like a dinarid and an alpine will look like an alpine

08-27-2018, 10:15 PM
Armenoids are dinaricized MENAs

I see you started a trolling career . any reason ?

08-27-2018, 10:15 PM
do you even know what iranid exactly is ? I am not sure anymore . and I think such statements as yours are rather a wild guess more than anything

no shit... acting like an expert without even stepping foot in armenia

08-27-2018, 10:16 PM
But all we can do is make guesstimations, taxonomy is a pseduo-science.

It is not pseudo-science at all

08-27-2018, 10:17 PM
He is an expert in anthropology, he showed me his university degree, everything he says i can confirm.
Yes, I went to the Academy of Anthrotardation and majored in shitposting.

08-27-2018, 10:19 PM
I see you started a trolling career . any reason ?

But are not armenoids just dinaricized MENAs? What they are then?

08-27-2018, 10:19 PM
Armenoids are dinaricized MENAs

Which phenotype does MENA equal to? There are Iranids, Pontids, Atlanto Mediterranids, Alpinids, Arabids, Berberids and even Danubian Mediterranids among them.

08-27-2018, 10:21 PM
not sure about percentage but its rather very low. I think robust iranid shows up here and there among armenians.

Iranid in pure form is quite restricted to Iran and parts of afghanistan.

08-27-2018, 10:22 PM
But are not armenoids just dinaricized MENAs? What they are then?

wtf is a mena ....are armenids dinaricized yemenese or what . man this stupid term needs to be whiped out

armenid is a type mostly to find in the caucasus and east/northeast anatolia . it is not "mena" . arabians who have armenid are often mixed with other things such as arabid

08-27-2018, 10:23 PM
not sure about percentage but its rather very low. I think robust iranid shows up here and there among armenians.

Iranid in pure form is quite restricted to Iran and in parts of afghanistan.

There are also fair amount of Iranids in Northern Arabian Peninsula.

08-27-2018, 10:24 PM
what is iranid though ? many people who got classified as iranid dont pass as my ethnicity for example yet people claim kurds are often iranid . I already talked about this a few times and it is confusing . either iranid is something that people judge wrongly or we dont have many iranids . show me iranid plates

08-27-2018, 10:25 PM
There are also fair amount of Iranids in Northern Arabian Peninsula.

As Hadouken mentioned I highly doubt if they are pure iranids. They usually have arabid or orientalid mix

08-27-2018, 10:26 PM
what is iranid though ? many people who got classified as iranid dont pass as my ethnicity for example yet people claim kurds are often iranid . I already talked about this a few times and it is confusing . either iranid is something that people judge wrongly or we dont have many iranids . show me iranid plates

Most Kurds are Turkey are pretty much mixed with Turanids, Alpinids, Pontids and Dinarids. That might be the reason why pure Iranids atypically pass among them.

08-27-2018, 10:27 PM
As Hadouken mentioned I highly doubt if they are pure iranids. They usually have arabid or orientalid mix

Also, either Alpinid or Pontid too.

08-27-2018, 10:29 PM
Most Kurds are Turkey are pretty much mixed with Turanids, Alpinids, Pontids and Dinarids. That might be the reason why pure Iranids atypically pass among them.

OR what people think iranid is doesnt even exist among us and vice versa

can you post some iranids ?

is this man iranid ? he was posted as an example


08-27-2018, 10:30 PM
what is iranid though ? many people who got classified as iranid dont pass as my ethnicity for example yet people claim kurds are often iranid . I already talked about this a few times and it is confusing . either iranid is something that people judge wrongly or we dont have many iranids . show me iranid plates

Iranid INFLUENCE extends far according to map in the link.

08-27-2018, 10:32 PM
I have never seen a dochilo armenian tbh ;)

08-27-2018, 10:32 PM

Iranid INFLUENCE extends far according to map in the link.

humanphenotypes has many flaws . those morphs dont fit as my ethnicity so he has to paint east turkey black not yellow . he also writes that the type "indoiranid" occurs sometimes in kurds . bullshit

08-27-2018, 10:35 PM

He seems like Iranid + Alpinid.

I have found these by the way:

08-27-2018, 10:37 PM
looks fucking foreign to me . the 2nd guy can pass as atypical kurd but in all honesty a lot of these iranid examples dont fit among us . it is getting on my nerves a bit that people wrongly scream "IRANID!" when they hear the word kurds when most people that are classified as iranid look exotic to my kurdish eyes

08-27-2018, 10:40 PM
looks fucking foreign to me . the 2nd guy can pass as atypical kurd but in all honesty a lot of these iranid examples dont fit among us . it is getting on my nerves a bit that people wrongly scream "IRANID!" when they hear the word kurds when most people that are classified as iranid look exotic to my kurdish eyes

Where can the second guy pass best after Iran?

08-27-2018, 10:40 PM
humanphenotypes has many flaws . those morphs dont fit as my ethnicity so he has to paint east turkey black not yellow . he also writes that the type "indoiranid" occurs sometimes in kurds . bullshit

I think Kurds can be Iranid influenced, based off of your photo. Perhaps you need to understand the definition of the term "influenced", it doesn't say indo-iranid occurs in Eastern Turkey.

08-27-2018, 10:41 PM

Iranid INFLUENCE extends far according to map in the link.

humanphenotypes... you must be the type of guy that when asked to show a map of the world you reveal one hand drawn by a toddler

08-27-2018, 10:42 PM
I think Kurds can be Iranid influenced, based off of your photo. Perhaps you need to understand the definition of the term "influenced", it doesn't say indo-iranid occurs in Eastern Turkey.

my photo ? you mean me ? I am not iranid influenced . my father is a little I think but rest of the family not . and as I said above a lot of iranids look foreign to my eyes and dont fit well among us

it does say that . go to the phenotype indo iranid and read it . fucking nonsense haha

08-27-2018, 10:48 PM
my photo ? you mean me ? I am not iranid influenced . my father is a little I think but rest of the family not . and as I said above a lot of iranids look foreign to my eyes and dont fit well among us

it does say that . go to the phenotype indo iranid and read it . fucking nonsense haha

I think you are Assyroid + Iranid

Most people are a mixture of 2 or more phenotypes, these classification terms, they exist, you can disagree with them if you want but I am basing my classifications on them. You are basing your argument on anecdotal evidence because you don't like the terms and feel that X group cannot pass as X.

08-27-2018, 10:49 PM
I think you are Assyroid + Iranid

Most people are a mixture of 2 or more phenotypes, these classification terms, they exist, you can disagree with them if you want but I am basing my classifications on them. You are basing your argument on anecdotal evidence because you don't like the terms and feel that X group cannot pass as X.


08-27-2018, 10:50 PM
I think you are Assyroid + Iranid

Most people are a mixture of 2 or more phenotypes, these classification terms, they exist, you can disagree with them if you want but I am basing my classifications on them. You are basing your argument on anecdotal evidence because you don't like the terms and feel that X group cannot pass as X.

I am not assyroid + iranid . most people including members who are known as good classifiers classified me as either armenoid + east med or east med + taurid . I am west asian dinaric + armenid + cappadodcian med

you just talk out of your ass right now because you hold a grudge against me from the south asian threads

and I base my argument in the fact that I am a fucking kurd and know my people better than random internet nerds

08-27-2018, 10:52 PM
wtf is a mena ....are armenids dinaricized yemenese or what . man this stupid term needs to be whiped out

armenid is a type mostly to find in the caucasus and east/northeast anatolia . it is not "mena" . arabians who have armenid are often mixed with other things such as arabid

Hmmm ok but i wanted to say is that armenoids are like a dinaricized phenotype, myabe dinaricized iranid but i don't know

08-27-2018, 10:55 PM
Not very common

08-27-2018, 10:55 PM
I am not assyroid + iranid . most people including members who are known as good classifiers classified me as either armenoid + east med or east med + taurid . I am west asian dinaric + armenid + cappadodcian med

you just talk out of your ass right now because you hold a grudge against me from the south asian threads

and I base my argument in the fact that I am a fucking kurd and know my people better than random internet nerds

LOL what grudge? I don't even remember what you said in that thread.

I don't claim to be good at classifying, I can only offer my opinion. Are you implying something negative about being Assyroid or Iranid? Based off of the face composites, this is my only reference, feel free to disagree with me.

08-27-2018, 10:58 PM
LOL what grudge? I don't even remember what you said in that thread.

I don't claim to be at classifying, I can only offer my opinion. Are you implying something negative about being Assyroid or Iranid? Based off of the face composites, this is my only reference, feel free to disagree with me.

not only I disagree with you but most people that classified me . and there is nothing wrong with assyroids or iranids but classifying someone based on ignorance aka "u kurd ? uuuuhm iranid + assyroid" even though my profile already says what my phenotype is is fucking cringy

beside of that I am discussing what iranid is supposed to be because as I said people that are said to be iranid look foreign to my kurdish eyes so I want to make things clear . yet instead of helping the discussion you go into straw man arguments like a little bitch tbh . stop and focus on topic

08-27-2018, 10:58 PM
Its simple. Go to the Armenia section and take a gander.

08-27-2018, 10:59 PM
Its simple. Go to the Armenia section and take a gander.

the problem is that people dont fully know what iranid is . including myself xD but if the man I posted is iranid and the men berkan posted are iranid then iranid is very rare anywhere west of iran

08-27-2018, 11:00 PM
Hmmm ok but i wanted to say is that armenoids are like a dinaricized phenotype, myabe dinaricized iranid but i don't know

Armenoid is Borealised Iranid.

Dinarid is Borealised Mediterranid.

Assyroid is Borealised Arabid.

08-27-2018, 11:05 PM
LOL what grudge? I don't even remember what you said in that thread.

I don't claim to be good at classifying, I can only offer my opinion. Are you implying something negative about being Assyroid or Iranid? Based off of the face composites, this is my only reference, feel free to disagree with me.

Is this Lebanese woman Iranid? If not, please guessify.

08-27-2018, 11:06 PM
not only I disagree with you but most people that classified me . and there is nothing wrong with assyroids or iranids but classifying someone based on ignorance aka "u kurd ? uuuuhm iranid + assyroid" even though my profile already says what my phenotype is is fucking cringy

beside of that I am discussing what iranid is supposed to be because as I said people that are said to be iranid look foreign to my kurdish eyes so I want to make things clear . yet instead of helping the discussion you go into straw man arguments like a little bitch tbh . stop and focus on topic

Well, there isn't much point in my giving a classification if I base my opinion on what other users have said and you and others are welcome to have your own opinion.

Well, explain to me how you define the Iranid phenotype and post an example because my opinion is only based on humanphenotypes.

08-27-2018, 11:08 PM
Is this Lebanese woman Iranid? If not, please guessify.

No she doesn't look Iranid at all, I think Armenid + some kind of Med, possibly Gracile or Pontid.

Pic is a little blurry though.

08-27-2018, 11:13 PM
Well, there isn't much point in my giving a classification if I base my opinion on what other users have said and you and others are welcome to have your own opinion.

Well, explain to me how you define the Iranid phenotype and post an example because my opinion is only based on humanphenotypes.

the iranid morph on humanphenotypes doesnt look like me either wtf . I already told you that the morph doesnt fit well as my ethnicity . and it doesnt look like me

but apperently people say this is iranid



I dont look like that and I am east med (cappadocian) + taurid (west asian dinarid + armenoid)






I am basically a brachycephalized Cappadocid

08-27-2018, 11:25 PM
the iranid morph on humanphenotypes doesnt look like me either wtf . I already told you that the morph doesnt fit well as my ethnicity . and it doesnt look like me

but apperently people say this is iranid



I dont look like that and I am east med (cappadocian) + taurid (west asian dinarid + armenoid)
To me could be Iranid influenced, but his look is quite ambiguous and definately not soley Iranid.

I said you were Assyroid + Iranid
I thought you looked like a blend of both though looking at more photos of you, I think there is some Mtebid influence.

Overall you look 60-70% Assyroid based on this, whether or not others see it I don't know. http://humanphenotypes.net/Assyroid.html

08-27-2018, 11:29 PM
To me could be Iranid influenced, but his look is quite ambiguous and definately not soley Iranid.

I said you were Assyroid + Iranid
I thought you looked like a blend of both though looking at more photos of you, I think there is some Mtebid influence.

Overall you look 60-70% Assyroid based on this, whether or not others see it I don't know. http://humanphenotypes.net/Assyroid.html

you are trolling I think . I look nothing like that assyroid morph . assyroid is armenid arabid mix btw. and arabid doesnt even exist among us especially where I am from

my nose is not even hooked like the morph nor do I have arabian features etc.

I am basically a brachycephalized cappadocid . thats also what member columella said and he is very strict and goes mostly by anthropologist books

08-27-2018, 11:32 PM
Armenoid is Borealised Iranid.

Dinarid is Borealised Mediterranid.

Assyroid is Borealised Arabid.


08-27-2018, 11:35 PM
@Kivan . arkas says I am Iranid + assyroid . what do you say ?

08-27-2018, 11:37 PM

What is wrong about them? :D

08-27-2018, 11:39 PM
@Kivan . arkas says I am Iranid + assyroid . what do you say ?

You are not. Assyroid have the Arabid component which you clearly lack, and Iranid is dolichocephalic while you are brachy.

08-27-2018, 11:39 PM
You are not. Assyroid have the Arabid component which you clearly lack, and Iranid is dolichocephalic while you are brachy.

I am brachycephalized cappadocian med right ?

08-27-2018, 11:40 PM
I am brachycephalized cappadocian med right ?


08-27-2018, 11:40 PM
you are trolling I think . I look nothing like that assyroid morph . assyroid is armenid arabid mix btw. and arabid doesnt even exist among us especially where I am from

my nose is not even hooked like the morph nor do I have arabian features etc.

I am basically a brachycephalized cappadocid . thats also what member columella said and he is very strict and goes mostly by anthropologist books

I didn't even realise the Assyroid nose was hooked nor that it was greatly influenced by Arabian features. I agree you don't look Arabid.

Anyways, I am just basing this off which face I think you resemble the most. You could also be Armenid influenced but I still see Assyroid but I suppose I am the only one.

08-27-2018, 11:43 PM
I didn't even realise the Assyroid nose was hooked nor that it was greatly influenced by Arabian features. I agree you don't look Arabid.

Anyways, I am just basing this off which face I think you resemble the most. You could also be Armenid influenced but I still see Assyroid but I suppose I am the only one.

as I said I am Armenid + West Asian Dinaric + Cappadocian Mediterranid mix . what you see in me is the Armenid . but in real life my Armenid part is weaker than on pics . a member met me in real life and he said I actually have almost no armenid (nor assyroid of course) but am mostly med . on pics my nose looks bigger and I am a little less brachy looking in real life . but on the pics most people classified me as armenoid + east med or taurid + med as I said . I am not assyroid at all . what you see is the armenid part that is also in assyroid

08-27-2018, 11:45 PM
as I said I am Armenid + West Asian Dinaric + Cappadocian Mediterranid mix . what you see in me is the Armenid . but in real life my Armenid part is weaker than on pics . a member met me in real life and he said I actually have almost no armenid (nor assyroid of course) but am mostly med . on pics my nose looks bigger and I am a little less brachy looking in real life . but on the pics most people classified me as armenoid + east med or taurid + med as I said . I am not assyroid at all . what you see is the armenid part that is also in assyroid

Cappadocid is half way between Pontid and Iranid, as far as I know. Therefore, most people might classify some Cappadocids as Iranid.

08-27-2018, 11:49 PM
Cappadocid is half way between Pontid and Iranid, as far as I know. Therefore, most people might classify some Cappadocids as Iranid.

cappadocid is its own type . metrically pontid and iranid , nordid , atlanto med are all similar but cappadocid is not pontid + iranid

08-27-2018, 11:51 PM
cappadocid is its own type . metrically pontid and iranid , nordid , atlanto med are all similar but cappadocid is not pontid + iranid

Yes. I do not mean it is a blend but a transition type from Iranid to Pontid or Pontid to Iranid.

08-27-2018, 11:53 PM
Yes. I do not mean it is a blend but a transition type from Iranid to Pontid or Pontid to Iranid.

you classified me as Armenoid + Pontid right ?

08-27-2018, 11:56 PM
you classified me as Armenoid + Pontid right ?

I guess, intermediate between Iranid + Dinarid and Pontid + Armenoid.

08-27-2018, 11:57 PM
I guess, intermediate between Iranid + Dinarid and Pontid + Armenoid.

+ nordid + arabid + atlantid

08-27-2018, 11:59 PM
+ nordid + arabid + atlantid


08-28-2018, 12:15 AM
Is this Lebanese woman Iranid? If not, please guessify.

She wouldn't pass in Iran at all.

08-28-2018, 12:23 AM
the iranid morph on humanphenotypes doesnt look like me either wtf . I already told you that the morph doesnt fit well as my ethnicity . and it doesnt look like me

but apperently people say this is iranid


If people say that this pakistani/balochi is an Iranid then most people in Iran aren't even Iranid to begin with. But that's not the case because this guy right here doesn't look like a person who I would recognize as an Iranian.

These Iranian soldiers are Iranids. Nothing more, nothing less. Stop complicating things. Most Iranians look like these soldiers. Sharp facial features, high headed and straight nose. That is an Iranid


08-28-2018, 12:24 AM
^ the pic is a little blurry so it makes hard to see their faces properly

08-28-2018, 12:26 AM
You definitely look pretty exotic for a kurd. I'll be honest. Iranian Kurds dont look like you at all. Your nose and eye shape are very exotic for a typical kurd. Kurds in Iran can look more Atlanto med. You're something else

08-28-2018, 12:28 AM

I want you to explain me something please

can you explain me why these iranians look so exotic ? most iranians I know in real life dont look like them but still

they can not pass anywhere among us . they would stand out like a sore thumb . how typical are they for iranians and is is possible that they are mixed with something else or maybe kuwaitis or something ?




08-28-2018, 12:29 AM
You definitely look pretty exotic for a kurd. I'll be honest. Iranian Kurds dont look like you at all. Your nose and eye shape are very exotic for a typical kurd. Kurds in Iran can look more Atlanto med. You're something else

yeah right ;)

I am very typical for turkey kurds dude . I am also not atypical for turkey in general

08-28-2018, 12:33 AM

I want you to explain me something please

can you explain me why these iranians look so exotic ? most iranians I know in real life dont look like them but still

they can not pass anywhere among us . they would stand out like a sore thumb . how typical are they for iranians and is is possible that they are mixed with something else or maybe kuwaitis or something ?




I'll be honest, most of these soldiers look exotic in my eyes as well. The origin of these soldiers is complicated because the islamic government only relies on recruiting people from ahwas and other southern provinces. I can see clearly Arab influenced groups. Look closer, you can even see afro Iranians. Most Iranians don't even see afro Iranians. They are descendants of African slaves whom were brought into Iran. These people in general are not what I would consider Iranian.

08-28-2018, 12:34 AM
yeah right ;)

I am very typical for turkey kurds dude . I am also not atypical for turkey in general

My brother in law is an Iranian kurd and this is what he looks like. This look isn't rare at all in Iranian Kurds.


08-28-2018, 12:34 AM
I'll be honest, most of these soldiers look exotic in my eyes as well. The origin of these soldiers is complicated because the islamic government only relies on recruiting people from ahwas and other southern provinces. I can see clearly Arab influenced groups.

some also have ssa . I never met an iranian like that

08-28-2018, 12:35 AM
My brother in law is an Iranian kurd and this is what he looks like. This look isn't rare at all in Iranian Kurds.

there is a place in iranian kurd land where people are a lot lighter and have high volume of light eyes . he probably comes from there

but I am very typical for kurds bro . I also get guessed as turk by turks mostly and fit well among turks too

08-28-2018, 12:40 AM
some also have ssa . I never met an iranian like that

Then you can't classify half of them as Iranian. They probably come from poor religious villages from the south. Easiest way for the muslims to recruit these people and send them into Syria to die. Compare these people with the Shahs imperial army and look at the difference.


08-28-2018, 12:46 AM
Again, compare those with these iranians.

08-28-2018, 12:52 AM
Then you can't classify half of them as Iranian. They probably come from poor religious villages from the south. Easiest way for the muslims to recruit these people and send them into Syria to die. Compare these people with the Shahs imperial army and look at the difference.


most iranians look like this in my experience

http://www1.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Persian+Cats+Photocall+2009+Cannes+Film+Festival+I ZtaNGASyXQl.jpg












08-28-2018, 12:54 AM
most iranians look like this in my experience

http://www1.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Persian+Cats+Photocall+2009+Cannes+Film+Festival+I ZtaNGASyXQl.jpg












These people dont resemble the "Persians" out here in LA.

08-28-2018, 12:56 AM
These people dont resemble the "Persians" out here in LA.

but they are all persians and they also match with the persians I know in real life

I am guessing many of the "persians" in LA have foreign roots . I actually played with that thought before and it would make sense because the way some people talk about persians doesnt match at all with my experience

there is a kuwaiti member on other forums who says he is iranian yet scores 8% ssa or something for example etc

08-28-2018, 12:57 AM
but they are all persians and they also match with the persians I know in real life

I am guessing many of the "persians" in LA have foreign roots . I actually played with that thought before and it would make sense because the way some people talk about persians doesnt match at all with my experience

Because the "Persians" out here are Iranian Jews, much like our "Russians" too.

08-28-2018, 12:59 AM
Because the "Persians" out here are Iranian Jews, much like our "Russians" too.

but iranian jews are not swarthier than iranians . some people talk about iranians as if they are gulf arabs or indians . that doesnt match with my experience as I said . the people I posted look like what most persians I have met look like . I know a lot of iranians in real life . a lot

08-28-2018, 01:01 AM
but iranian jews are not swarthier than iranians . some people talk about iranians as if they are gulf arabs or indians . that doesnt match with my experience as I said . the people I posted look like what most persians I have met look like . I know a lot of iranians in real life . a lot

Never said that they were, I simply claimed that Iranian Jews arent ethnic Persians no matter how much they like to claim that title.

08-28-2018, 01:02 AM
Never said that they were, I simply claimed that Iranian Jews arent ethnic Persians no matter how much they like to claim that title.

well thats another topic alltogether but we both agree that persians are extremely darkwashed on forums :) my people are also darkwashed a lot but since I posted many kurdish faces it changed and people actually learned stuff lol

08-28-2018, 01:08 AM
Again, compare those with these iranians.

Don’t bother discussing with that guy, his main agenda is differentiating Kurds from Persians as if they are completely unrelated people. Meanwhile 95% of the poeple he posts clearly pass as Persian and vis versa. He posts dark Indian looking Ahvazi soldiers teying to insinuate that Iranians look like that. You posted normal looking Persians that were white and his reaction was “they look odd” in some other thread, Keeps saying “these people look completely foreign to me” like the Iranian Turkish border was some geographical barrier and not arbitrarily drawn out, Iranian kurds and Persians are 100% Phenotypically interchangeable, so if we go by what he sais then Turkish Kurds and Iranian Kurds will be comple Foreign to one another, and we know this is opposite of the truth.

08-28-2018, 01:12 AM
Don’t bother discussing with that guy, his main agenda is differentiating Kurds from Persians as if they are completely unrelated people. Meanwhile 95% of the poeple he posts clearly pass as Persian and vis versa. He posts dark Indian looking Ahvazi soldiers teying to insinuate that Iranians look like that. You posted normal looking Persians that were white and his reaction was “they look odd” in some other thread, Keeps saying “these people look completely foreign to me” like the Iranian Turkish border was some geographical barrier and not arbitrarily drawn out, Iranian kurds and Persians are 100% Phenotypically interchangeable, so if we go by what he sais then Turkish Kurds and Iranian Kurds will be comple Foreign to one another, and we know this is opposite of the truth.

I am actually talking in favor of iranians always and point out that you are trolled often and also darkwashed . so what is this now are you stupid or what ?

I said that many iranians look foreign to me and that is the truth . it doesnt mean that we are "completely unrelated" . I also dont say so because of exoticness either but iranians often have their own look that dont pass well among us . let people check my galleries and let them decide if iranians and us look the same or not . we dont . nothing bad with it . of course there is also overlap ...claiming otherwise would be stupid but when I say that many persians dont pass as kurds then thats the way it is

I didnt post those soldiers to troll or to darkwash . I was just interested why they look that way because I never have met an iranian like that you retardo

08-28-2018, 04:39 AM
Don’t bother discussing with that guy, his main agenda is differentiating Kurds from Persians as if they are completely unrelated people. Meanwhile 95% of the poeple he posts clearly pass as Persian and vis versa. He posts dark Indian looking Ahvazi soldiers teying to insinuate that Iranians look like that. You posted normal looking Persians that were white and his reaction was “they look odd” in some other thread, Keeps saying “these people look completely foreign to me” like the Iranian Turkish border was some geographical barrier and not arbitrarily drawn out, Iranian kurds and Persians are 100% Phenotypically interchangeable, so if we go by what he sais then Turkish Kurds and Iranian Kurds will be comple Foreign to one another, and we know this is opposite of the truth.

Yeah I understand. He's not from Iran. 99% of the people who talk about Iran on here have never stepped a foot in Iran. Ive been to Tehran, Shiraz and have been all over the Azerbaijan province. I can easily distinguish ethnic Iranians from some what foreigners whether they are Arabs from Iraq or Pakistanis or heavily foreign admixed Iranians. I can easily tell how Arab influenced an Iranian might be just by looking at their facial structure. Infact, many azeris from Azerbaijan look more Iranian than those soldiers. I seriously want to know where the government is recruiting these poor bastards. They could be imported from Lebanon as Hezbollah fighters or afghans. Who knows.

Iranian Kurds look like they're native to their land. Despite their lighter features, they still resemble Iranians with a more robust phenotype. If he resembles the average Turkish kurd then those Kurds must not be really kurdish. Probably a mix of Anatolian Armenian. As far as I know, the native home of Kurds has always been western Iran and northern Mesopotamia. I don't know the legitimacy of the Kurds in turkey. This guy doesn't resemble the Kurds I've seen in Iran. Iranian Kurds look more Europid in my eyes than the Anatolian ones which is the ironic part

08-28-2018, 04:40 AM
^ I didnt say anything offensive or wrong I think

also I dont need to visit iran to know how iranians look . I know many iranians in real life . and I always protect you guys from trolls . instead of thanking me zarzian is pissing on my leg

08-28-2018, 04:45 AM

08-28-2018, 04:53 AM
^ I didnt say anything offensive or wrong I think

also I dont need to visit iran to know how iranians look . I know many iranians in real life . and I always protect you guys from trolls . instead of thanking me zarzian is pissing on my leg

Kurds in general do overlap with Iranians but not all of them do. Yes, some Iranians look foreign in your eyes the same way you look foreign to my eyes but you could actually pass in Iran which is the interesting part. Once again, there is no such thing as a typical Iranian. Iran has the diversity of the US, where the people come in all different shapes and sizes. You could easily live the rest of your life in Iran and no one would look at you twice. I showed you a picture of my brother in law who could easily pass for a European but no one questions his nationality in Iran. There is definitely a man in Iran who looks just like you. Your appearance isn't foreign in Iran. It is for a kurd but not for an Iranian. We have Georgians and Armenians living here and even polish Jews. They all fit into the greater population some way or another.

08-28-2018, 05:15 AM
Kurds in general do overlap with Iranians but not all of them do. Yes, some Iranians look foreign in your eyes the same way you look foreign to my eyes but you could actually pass in Iran which is the interesting part. Once again, there is no such thing as a typical Iranian. Iran has the diversity of the US, where the people come in all different shapes and sizes. You could easily live the rest of your life in Iran and no one would look at you twice. I showed you a picture of my brother in law who could easily pass for a European but no one questions his nationality in Iran. There is definitely a man in Iran who looks just like you. Your appearance isn't foreign in Iran. It is for a kurd but not for an Iranian. We have Georgians and Armenians living here and even polish Jews. They all fit into the greater population some way or another.

I look typical for turkey especially turkey kurds. I posted many kurdish faces and my face too and it is obvious that I fit well with my people. I know that I can pass in Iran. many west asians can of course but that doesnt change the fact that many iranians dont fit well as kurds . not because too exotic but just foreign vibes. I think you guys are misunderstanding a lot of what I say

08-28-2018, 05:03 PM
I look typical for turkey especially turkey kurds. I posted many kurdish faces and my face too and it is obvious that I fit well with my people. I know that I can pass in Iran. many west asians can of course but that doesnt change the fact that many iranians dont fit well as kurds . not because too exotic but just foreign vibes. I think you guys are misunderstanding a lot of what I say

Considering the fact that eastern turkey was the home for Armenians, Anatolian and Assyrians, there is no doubt the kurdish population there looks completely different than the kurdish population in Iran. I don't know the legitimacy of how pure the Kurds are in turkey but I know that the native kurdish land lies between Iran and northern Mesopotamia. It would be really hard for you to find an Iranian kurd who has your features. I'd say it goes the same for Iraqi Kurds as well.

08-28-2018, 10:55 PM
Considering the fact that eastern turkey was the home for Armenians, Anatolian and Assyrians, there is no doubt the kurdish population there looks completely different than the kurdish population in Iran. I don't know the legitimacy of how pure the Kurds are in turkey but I know that the native kurdish land lies between Iran and northern Mesopotamia. It would be really hard for you to find an Iranian kurd who has your features. I'd say it goes the same for Iraqi Kurds as well.

Iranian and Iraqi Kurds are very similar, Anatolian Turks from far southeastern Turkey are also quite similar to them. Possibly only Kurds further north in Anatolia that have a substantial western shift.
But lets not kid ourself, once Kurds became significant enough in Anatolia the population had already stabilized itself into mainly Armenian, Greek and Assyrian in the far southeast. Any pull that Turkish Kurds have is due to assimilation of Armenians, Turks or Greeks. It's not some kind of "ancient" Anatolian input, it's rather recent. Which is why there's also small amount Siberian(from Turks) that modern Kurds score but the late medieval Kurdish woman from Western Iran doesn't.

08-28-2018, 11:01 PM
Iranian and Iraqi Kurds are very similar, Anatolian Turks from far southeastern Turkey are also quite similar to them. Possibly only Kurds further north in Anatolia that have a substantial western shift.
But lets not kid ourself, once Kurds became significant enough in Anatolia the population had already stabilized itself into mainly Armenian, Greek and Assyrian in the far southeast. Any pull that Turkish Kurds have is due to assimilation of Armenians, Turks or Greeks. It's not some kind of "ancient" Anatolian input, it's rather recent. Which is why there's also small amount Siberian(from Turks) that modern Kurds score but the late medieval Kurdish woman from Western Iran doesn't.

what makes you an expert on kurds you faceless semitic troll ?

08-28-2018, 11:17 PM
Iranian and Iraqi Kurds are very similar, Anatolian Turks from far southeastern Turkey are also quite similar to them. Possibly only Kurds further north in Anatolia that have a substantial western shift.
But lets not kid ourself, once Kurds became significant enough in Anatolia the population had already stabilized itself into mainly Armenian, Greek and Assyrian in the far southeast. Any pull that Turkish Kurds have is due to assimilation of Armenians, Turks or Greeks. It's not some kind of "ancient" Anatolian input, it's rather recent. Which is why there's also small amount Siberian(from Turks) that modern Kurds score but the late medieval Kurdish woman from Western Iran doesn't.

Well this is why Iranian Kurds tend to overlap with other Iranians. Mainly azeris and Caspian ones. Iranian Kurds are on average a robust version of other Iranian communities. Some of them have retained their Indo European qualities like light features. Mostly from Scythian migration or invasion.

The Kurds I know are robust, as opposed to Persians who have a softer features. That's the only difference I see. It just depends on where you live and who your neighbors are. Turkish Kurds look Anatolian because they have lived in Anatolia amongst other races, Iranian Kurds look like the people they border but not necessarily the semites. They can look similar to Azeris and Caspian Iranians

08-28-2018, 11:27 PM
what makes you an expert on kurds you faceless semitic troll ?

I like how you use faceless(and semitic) like an insult. I totally wish my face was as exposed as yours. Your and Mortimers pics are what comes up when you google TA. You must be proud as fuck.

08-28-2018, 11:33 PM
To low imo

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08-29-2018, 01:33 AM
I like how you use faceless(and semitic) like an insult. I totally wish my face was as exposed as yours. Your and Mortimers pics are what comes up when you google TA. You must be proud as fuck.

semitic is not an insult actually but yeah you are a faceless troll . you are hiding behind your computer and going on other peoples nuts online . pretty much a cockroach nothing more . I show my face because I dont have anything to hide . and if you want when you are in germany we can also meet . I have no problems with it . you should find a new hobby instead of bothering with me . you seem to have issues

08-30-2018, 06:18 PM
Well this is why Iranian Kurds tend to overlap with other Iranians. Mainly azeris and Caspian ones. Iranian Kurds are on average a robust version of other Iranian communities. Some of them have retained their Indo European qualities like light features. Mostly from Scythian migration or invasion.

The Kurds I know are robust, as opposed to Persians who have a softer features. That's the only difference I see. It just depends on where you live and who your neighbors are. Turkish Kurds look Anatolian because they have lived in Anatolia amongst other races, Iranian Kurds look like the people they border but not necessarily the semites. They can look similar to Azeris and Caspian Iranians

So light features=From scythian migrations. Absolutely ridiculous. These people don't look much different before any Iranic stepped foot into Iran.

08-30-2018, 06:28 PM
Kim kardashians dad is iranid?


08-30-2018, 06:30 PM
I guess around %18-22

08-30-2018, 06:33 PM
Kim kardashians dad is iranid?

I would say Armenoid.

08-30-2018, 06:34 PM
I guess around %18-22

Hmmm. Interesting. :)

08-30-2018, 06:36 PM
I would say Armenoid.

Whats the difference?

https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2013122/reg_1024.KimRobertKard.mh.022213.jpg?fit=inside|90 0:auto&output-quality=90


08-30-2018, 06:37 PM
Whats the difference?

Her father seems to be more brachy.