View Full Version : What's your drug of choice ?

08-28-2018, 01:23 AM
For me, this song speaks for itself.


I Don't drink alcohol, neither do I smoke cigs or do any other drugs. I just smoke weed sometimes but I prefer edibles for various health reasons. Also maybe do mushrooms once a year. I essentially wanted to move to a country where cannabis is legal and where you're allowed to cultivate it.

08-28-2018, 01:24 AM

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-28-2018, 01:24 AM
(Pipe) Tobacco.

08-28-2018, 01:24 AM
dont smoke weed man . just dont . stop it immediately

08-28-2018, 01:25 AM
(Pipe) Tobacco.

Do you smoke cigars too?

08-28-2018, 01:25 AM
Fresh unpolluted non-urban air. Preferably off the ocean.

08-28-2018, 01:27 AM
dont smoke weed man . just dont . stop it immediately

Thanks for your advice but I honestly don't need it as you are ignorant and uneducated about a lot of things. Same in this case. I still respect you though. But you can believe whatever you like.

08-28-2018, 01:30 AM
I haven't met a functioning adult who continued smoking weed regularly into their 30s.

They are legalizing it now because the social environment has changed... trouble is brewing and is better to keep the masses sedated in a deep slumber, like the Lotus eaters.

There is a reason why the drug epidemics today are weed and opiates (downers) while when the economy was booming it was alcohol and crack/cocaine (uppers). Sleep and dream away, ignore the bruning fires brother (the subliminal message).

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
08-28-2018, 01:33 AM
Do you smoke cigars too?

Rarely. By the way Germany is the place to be for a pipe tobacco aficionado in Europe, huge variety and selection of pipe tobaccos unlike Portugal. The few pipe tobacco brands we have available in here are usually imported from Germany and Denmark.

08-28-2018, 01:35 AM
Stay away from the drugs kids. Keeps the brain healthy.

08-28-2018, 01:36 AM
Thanks for your advice but I honestly don't need it as you are ignorant and uneducated about a lot of things. Same in this case. I still respect you though. But you can believe whatever you like.

hahahah do you believe what these left-wing faggots saying about how good weed is for mental health and shit?

The majority of people that i used to know from my school and neighborhood, started with weed and they doing now heroin and crack...

08-28-2018, 01:41 AM
Stay away from the drugs kids. Keeps the brain healthy.

Rarely. By the way Germany is the place to be for a pipe tobacco aficionado in Europe, huge variety and selection of pipe tobaccos unlike Portugal. The few pipe tobacco brands we have available in here are usually imported from Germany and Denmark.

Haha yes I know my big brother is into pipes and cigars

08-28-2018, 01:42 AM
hahahah do you believe what these left-wing faggots saying about how good weed is for mental health and shit?

The majority of people that i used to from my school and neighborhood, started with weed and they doing now heorin and crack...

They think its big pharma or government conspiracy to name side effects.
Just have to look at those kids doing it regularly they look lost and the common themes you see in their clothes, earrings, colored hair, etc.
Some end up dying early, lose relationships, lose their sex drive, etc.

08-28-2018, 01:44 AM

♥ Lily ♥
08-28-2018, 01:47 AM
Prescription painkillers (oxycodone,) and sleeping pills (zopiclone)... but I haven't touched those in a while and only take them occasionally and never exceed or abuse my dosages. But I love their effects. I still have some prescribed boxes of painkillers and sleeping pills that I haven't touched or felt the need to use. I take them only when I really need it, which is a couple of times a year at most. I'm not addicted to them because the dosages are low, but I love the effects. The problem is, if you misuse them or don't use them responsibly, then you can become addicted and will need higher and higher dosages to get the same effect.

I can't tolerate codeine though and always vomit the pills back up.

I'm anaphylactic and have to carry emergency adrenalin injections and emergency pills with me at all times... and I'm allergic to morphine. I was given that in hospital one night prior to surgery and it didn't agree with me. It made me feel sick and my skin started itching so much that I stayed awake all night scratching myself until my skin bled. When I woke-up from my anaesthetic following my surgery the following day, the doctors wanted to give me some more morphine... and I was like 'Oh no... I don't think that agrees with me... no thanks'.... which is kind of amusing, because morphine is supposed to be extremely addictive. They had to give me oxycodone instead for the pain... and I found that I like that painkiller a lot.

I don't like nor touch caffeine or alcohol. (I used to have the occasional glass of wine once or twice a year, but haven't bothered to drink anything for over 5 years now after losing a lover who died young from an accidental overdose of alcohol and morphine. My father also has problems with it, and my uncle was killed by a drink-driver.) Even a small glass of wine makes me feel nauseous and gives me a slight headache.

Haven't used antidepressants in many months, although I was taking 40mg daily as prescribed for several years following a second hospital admission. My friends and relatives are concerned that I suddenly stopped taking my pills 7/8 months ago, but I've managed fine without them and I know the warning signs of a relapse.

I gave-up smoking 16 months ago and I haven't touched a single cigarette since 20th April last year. (I used to roll my own.) I'm proud to have quit, as I used to love smoking and I'm still a nicotine addict but my cravings for nicotine have gradually reduced a lot since I switched to vaping.

I can't stand cannabis.... I hate its effects and I hate the smell of it too. I used to like poppers sometimes.

My English boyfriend loves cannabis (vaping it, baking it in cakes, cannabis tea, smoking it in pipes, etc)... he does it outside as the smell of cannabis makes me feel nauseous.)

I'm still a nicotine addict though.... but I don't smoke. I've got a lot of small vaping clouds of steam in my room right now as I type as I'm always vaping around the clock. I'm currently vaping on JAC nicotine salts (cherry flavour) from the UK and The Milkman Moonies flavour e-liquid (from the US) mixed together. It's like a cookies & cream with a hint of cherry nicotine. I was vaping on mint chocolate and coconut chocolate flavours earlier. I fancy lemon & ice-cream flavoured nicotine next.

I have a lot of syringes and little bottles and nozzles on my desk (to make my own 18mg strength nicotine liquids) and vaping equipment and coils and NRT patches. I take a lot of nicotine daily but through vaping, inhalators and patches only, as it's much safer and so much cleaner than smoking. (You don't get all the expense, coughing, and the 4000 chemicals of smoking.... and all the other crap in cigarettes like carbon monoxide and tar.... you just get pharmaceutical grade ingredients and pure nicotine.)

I'm lucky to live in a country that has strong government approval and backing and medical support for vapers over smokers, and lots of free smoking cessation counselling clinics. The US and UK and Canada have the biggest vaping markets, but it's being demonised in many European nations which have high rates of smokers.

You can buy cloudless liquids too, by using a high PG ratio over high VG ratio liquids, which is fine if you're using an atomiser with at least 1.0ohm resistance or higher.... or make your own by ordering the base ingredients and flavour concentrates from specialist online vaping stores... and then using a syringe and other vaping tools to measure the ratio and mix your liquids yourself at home. I like to use nicotine salt bases from JAC Vapour and order my flavour concentrates from them, which absorb into the bloodstream faster than conventional liquids.

I only use very high-quality and reputable top brand e-liquids that are made in the UK (a lot of British vapers are fussy about where their liquids are made,) or from Germany, or from the US... because the US products adhere to America's FDA regulations, and the UK and German products adhere to the EU's strict TPD regulations. Cheap e-iquids that are made in China have no regulations and can't be trusted. I especially like e-liquids by V.I.P., The Milkman, JAC and V2.


⇡ He shouldn't refer to vaping as 'smoking';- especially coming from a vaper. :picard1: A lot of vapers get agitated when non-vapers think it's 'smoking'. You're not lighting or burning anything - so no smoke is produced!! You don't get the heavy feeling of smoke in your lungs;- it's a much lighter and cleaner feeling... like inhaling steam from your shower.

Vapour steam produced from heating e-liquid is not smoke production. Steam is what you get from a warm shower, from an iron, when you're cooking, from your tumble drier, from e-cigarettes and vaping devices, etc. Steam is not the same as smoke. Steam is light and quickly evaporates in the air, unlike thick smoke in a room which contains a lot of carcinogens and lingers in the air for hours.

Most of the vapers who go onto online vaping community sites and make vaping device review videos on YT are mostly people from the US, Canada and the UK.

We don't like to be around smokers (most of the anti-smoking articles and anti-smoking pictures online is submitted by vapers,) due to the unpleasant smell of smokers, and the risks of passive smoking, etc. Vapers like to call ourselves as 'air fresheners who make rooms smell nice,'.

We don't fit in with smokers in society, yet we don't quite fit in with the non-smoking/non-vaping people in society. So we're kind of a bit isolated, but more people are making the switchover and becoming vapers each year. I've found non-smokers to be more tolerant towards being around vapers than towards smokers.


Cloud chasing has become a competitive sport amongst some vapers who custom-design and make their own coils using special tools. They're using a very low resistance coil, organic cotton wicks, and 100% VG liquids.

I personally prefer discreet vaping and cloudless liquids when I'm vaping outside, but indoors I like a mixture of both throat hit and vapour production, so I use a blend of VG and PG, but at least 50% or higher VG ratio when sub-ohm vaping.

I also prefer MTL (mouth-to-lung) vaping more than DL (Direct Lung) vaping... as I like to appreciate the flavour of the e-liquids. I like to steep my e-liquids in a warm cupboard for several weeks prior to using them to maximise the flavour.



I didn't bother attending any of those free smoking cessation clinics as I was able to quit by myself via vaping. The UK government now wants revolutionary electric cigarettes and box mod devices and vaping equipment to become free to people on prescription in a news headline report I saw a few weeks ago and they also want to stop the negative scepticism towards vapers as switching from smoking to vaping has helped to save many lives. The stuff they'll prescribe for free though will be the basic devices and coils and liquids, rather than the top vaping devices, drip-tips, atomisers, coils, and liquids.

I carry portable charging banks to charge my e-cigs and box mod devices, spare tanks and atomisers, and liquids in little carry cases with me everywhere I go. I have a range of liquids including cloudless ones (for discreet vaping.) I use my inhalator and patches inside buildings where vaping isn't permitted.


These are two of my favourite devices, although I've got about 20 different devices and a range of tanks, including the Smok Brit Mini Flavour tank and Aspire Nautilus Mini Tank and V2 and JAC. I find the e-cigs and box mods a lot more innovative than traditional analogue cigarettes, a lot more stylish, more revolutionary (as you can adjust the mouthpieces, air-flows, strengths, customise your settings, digitally record how many inhalations you take and digitally see the length of time in seconds per inhalation, and there's many other settings and customisations.)

https://www.best-ecig.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Vapor_Couture_Rose_Gold_Portable_Charging_Case_Bat tery__88534.1405431582.1280.1280-1024x653.jpg

Smoking adverts are banned in the UK, but vaping adverts are frequently seen here, along with vaping products and liquids sold in pharmacies, etc. I buy all my own patches and coils and vaping devices using the money I would've spent on cigarettes and tobacco.

The UK now has the second lowest rate of smokers in Europe, after Sweden. We have a public smoking ban and strict laws on smoking in many places. It's not worth the hassle, plus tobacco prices are now ridiculously high. I've been tempted a few times and still get the occasional craving for a cigarette... but I've been strong in my willpower and resisted and not touched one since April last year.

I can breathe much better since I made the switch and the withdrawal cravings for nicotine aren't as strong as they used to be whilst smoking. My senses of smell and taste improved a lot within the first two weeks after making the switch. I no longer cough. I had flu-like detox symptoms from smoking cessation during the first two weeks of the switchover to vaping. Vaping gradually weans people off nicotine and the dosages of nicotine in the e-liquids can be reduced to 0mg. The hand-to-mouth habit is difficult to overcome, but I've read techniques online to help find something to do with your hands after quitting both the nicotine addiction and the hand-to-mouth habit.

Vaping eases the craving although it takes longer for the nicotine to absorb into the bloodstream than smoking. When I walk past a person outside who is a smoker, the smell on their clothes and hair makes me feel sick. (Smokers don't realise that they smell like an ashtray - cos they can't smell much until they quit.) E-liquids smell of cherries, mint, menthol, lemon, milkshake, peaches, strawberries, chocolate, raspberries, coffee & cream, coconut, pina colada, and a whole range of fllavours that can be mixed and blended with other flavours, etc. There's a range of tobacco flavours too. https://www.themilkmaneliquid.com

The UK Government Department of Health made an official report that scientists and researchers found vaping to be '95% safer than smoking.' (Tobacco and analogue cigarette companies like to put out fearmongering against vaping - as they're losing profits and sales from all the people who are switching from smoking to e-cigarettes.)

In the 1950s, half of the UK smoked. Today in the 21st century UK, the smoking rate has fallen to 1 in 6 people... and the rise in stylish vaping and electronic cigarette devices have played a large role in the decline of smokers in the UK, along with the strict anti-smoking laws. Smoking can also discolour the teeth and nails and causes bad breath. Vaping doesn't have those side-effects. The only ingredient that smokers are addicted to is nicotine... not tar or carbon monoxide. They can still get nicotine without all the 4000 chemicals of cigarettes by using alternative methods, such as lozenges, patches, inhalators, e-cigs, etc. E-cigs also help with both the nicotine addiction as well as the hand-to-mouth habit.

The UK has one of the lowest rates in Europe when compared to the nations of the world with the highest rate of smokers, and China and Russia and Eastern and Southern European nations have the worst rates of smokers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_cigarette_consumption_per_cap ita

A Canadian male showed his chest x-ray pictures since he quit smoking and switched to vaping. You can see from the x-ray photos that his lungs have cleared since the switchover.



Sometimes I feel nauseous though from nicotine overdoses, so I reduce it to 12mg or 6mg, depending on the voltage/wattage of the power of the device I'm using and the type of atomiser being used, and the resistance of the coil, especially if I'm sub-obm vaping.


Zopiclone prescription sleeping pills, vaping on pharmaceutical-grade nicotine, and oxycodone prescription painkillers are my favourite drugs of choice.

08-28-2018, 01:48 AM
They think its big pharma or government conspiracy to name side effects.
Just have to look at those kids doing it regularly they look lost and the common themes you see in their clothes, earrings, colored hair, etc.
Some end up dying early, lose relationships, lose their sex drive, etc.

I know buddy!Weed destroys your brain cells,and you end up like a plant!

You losing memory,you can't focus and other stuff.

08-28-2018, 01:49 AM
none, I'm not perverted

08-28-2018, 01:50 AM
Driving fast in my sports car :)

08-28-2018, 01:54 AM
I haven't met a functioning adult who continued smoking weed regularly into their 30s.

They are legalizing it now because the social environment has changed... trouble is brewing and is better to keep the masses sedated in a deep slumber, like the Lotus eaters.

There is a reason why the drug epidemics today are weed and opiates (downers) while when the economy was booming it was alcohol and crack/cocaine (uppers). Sleep and dream away, ignore the bruning fires brother (the subliminal message).

I have met plenty. This dude is pretty functioning. He smoked it first then started making it in oil


You're one of those anti marijuana who talks like it's crack cocaine. If I said I drank alcohol would you tell me to stop. I guess it's OK to wake up with a head ache after a night. Nothing unhealthy about it. If I smoked tobacco, would you say stop? These things are worse than weed.

I'm not in my 30s , im in my 20s... I use it for medicinal benefits. It works better than any pill you can get from a doctor. Atleast for me.

It helps you sleep, eat, calms you down and many other benefits. Makes me stay more focused. Wide range of benefits that outweigh the con.

He tells me to stop doing weed but takes anti depressives from these money hungry elites which I would never do. They come in full side effects and can make you even more depressed and gain weight too. But do the people that give you it give a fuck about that ? . I'm very educated and read a lot.. I cannot bother type and explain everything. You see people die from these prescription pills.

They made it illegal because it has a lot of benefits more than anything they sell to you in prescription form. They cannot make money out of it. Now they are trying to patent it but you cannot do that to something that grows natural. Of course they legalise it because they have no choice, people are waking up to the schemes of the elites. But they still try to control it.

Keep being ignorant, bruvva. You have been brainwashed.

Cannabis for the people. If you don't like it too bad, more weed for me ;)

08-28-2018, 01:57 AM
^ I used to think like you but it is not the right way

I smoked weed a few times . one times even while I was on antidepressant and after I smoked I also drank alcohol at the same evening . that fucks up your head

weed has many dangers . I dont want to go too much in detail because of the quality of certain members but dont smoke that shit man . and the antidpressant I take now probably saved my life

08-28-2018, 02:05 AM
hahahah do you believe what these left-wing faggots saying about how good weed is for mental health and shit?

The majority of people that i used to know from my school and neighborhood, started with weed and they doing now heroin and crack...

Interesting you say that, I have done weed since I was 18 and I have been around gangsters and junkies doing heavy drugs in front of me like cocaine and amphetamine and pills and alcohol, they offered me and even begged me to take it ...99%.9 of the time I thanked no and simply rolled up a joint and smoked it while they all sat there sniffing coke.

People do drugs for various reasons... weed itself doesn't make you go heavier.

08-28-2018, 02:07 AM
I have met plenty. This dude is pretty functioning. He smoked it first then started making it in oil


You're one of those anti marijuana who talks like it's crack cocaine. If I said I drank alcohol would you tell me to stop. I guess it's OK to wake up with a head ache after a night. Nothing unhealthy about it. If I smoked tobacco, would you say stop? These things are worse than weed.

I'm not in my 30s , im in my 20s... I use it for medicinal benefits. It works better than any pill you can get from a doctor. Atleast for me.

It helps you sleep, eat, calms you down and many other benefits. Makes me stay more focused. Wide range of benefits that outweigh the con.

He tells me to stop doing weed but takes anti depressives from these money hungry elites which I would never do. They come in full side effects and can make you even more depressed and gain weight too. But do the people that give you it give a fuck about that ? . I'm very educated and read a lot.. I cannot bother type and explain everything. You see people die from these prescription pills.

They made it illegal because it has a lot of benefits more than anything they sell to you in prescription form. They cannot make money out of it. Now they are trying to patent it but you cannot do that to something that grows natural. Of course they legalise it because they have no choice, people are waking up to the schemes of the elites. But they still try to control it.

Keep being ignorant, bruvva. You have been brainwashed.

Cannabis for the people. If you don't like it too bad, more weed for me ;)

I see a bit strange logic here. Just because it works for you now doesn't mean some other people disagreeing with you are brainwashed. Cannabis absolutely has it's place in our universe and is helping many people in different forms, but it is far from the safest drug. There are many reasons why it's not safe drug for ordinary people.

That to be said, antidepressants carry risks as well.

♥ Lily ♥
08-28-2018, 02:09 AM
I think this song by Depeche Mode sums up the feeling I get from oxycodone painkillers. (Dave wrote the song about his heroin addiction... which has a similar effect to opiate based prescription painkillers.... although he's not touched it in over a decade since leaving rehab.)

The sweetest perfection
To call my own
The slightest correction
Couldn't finely hone
The sweetest infection
Of body and mind
Sweetest injection
Of any kind

I stop and I stare too much
Afraid that I care too much
And I hardly dare to touch
For fear that the spell may be broken

When I need a drug in me
And it brings out the thug in me
Feel something tugging me
Then I want the real thing not tokens

The sweetest perfection...

Things you'd expect to be
Having effect on me
Pass undetectedly
But everyone knows what has got me

Takes me completely
Touches so sweetly
Reaches so deeply
I know that nothing can stop me

Sweetest perfection
An offer was made
An assorted collection
But I wouldn't trade

The sweetest perfection...

Takes me completely
Touches so sweetly
Reaches so deeply
Nothing can stop me


The US consumes 80% of the world's prescription painkillers. (Michael Jackson absolutely loved his painkillers, for example. I watched documentaries about his death and he went to private clinics and paid doctors a lot of money to have shots of demerol each day.)

Tranquillizer additcs and sleeping pill addicts have the same problem. After a while, people need higher and higher dosages to get the same effect. Marilyn Monroe was addicted to them before her sudden death from an overdose of prescription pills.

He made this song years before his death about his love of demerol and morphine. His voice sounded like he was sedated in interviews many years before his death. His addiction to painkillers also started after he had an accident on-stage when a crane fell and crashed onto him and he was in chronic pain a lot.


Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced to 4 years in jail after his court trial hearing in the death of Michael Jackson.

MJ complained that he couldn't sleep and begged his private doctor to give him an anaesthetic medication to knock him out after other medications he tried to give him to sleep failed to work, (his body had become resistant to the effects of the other meds.)

MJ called the anaesthetic medication as his 'milk' and begged his doctor to give him his milk. He paid his personal private doctor a very high salary to help him to sleep and to help him with his pain. It's extreme to give a person an anaesthetic medication to sleep at night. MJ was threatening to fire his private doctor (who was receiving a lot of money from MJ each day,) if he didn't give him his milk.

He suffered from pain and insomnia and he said he needed to sleep, otherwise he wouldn't be able to attend his rehearsals to perform at the 50 shows that his agents wanted him to do for the concert tour in London. His concert agents didn't care about his health condition;- they just wanted to push him to perform and make big money out 50 concert shows.

He was taking a range of strong sleeping pills, opiate-based prescription painkillers, and was probably taking energising uppers during the day to counteract the drowsy morning side-effects of the night pills and painkillers. (That's one of the problems with medications... they help with one problem... but the side-effects causes other problems. Eg;- antidepressants increases serotonin levels in the brain and helps with clinical depression.... but causes side-effects like anxiety and insomnia... that then requires sleeping pills, sedatives, tranquillisers, etc.) Tranquillisers ease anxiety... but have side-effects of depression.

So people end-up taking a pill for one problem, another pill for the side-effects.... a pill to stay awake in the day... a pill to relax... a pill to sleep at night.... until their whole life revolves around pills just to function... and in higher and higher dosages to get the same effect.


I remember when I was forced to stay in hospital for several months for severe clinical depression and anxiety, I couldn't sleep at night and I'd see patients on the ward begging doctors to give them some zopiclone sleeping pills... absolutely begging the nurses and doctors for the pills.

I've seen patients going crazy on hospital wards if they didn't get their valium and tranquillisers.

I've had patients in hospital approaching me with money and they were begging to buy some of my medication pills from me, but I said no.... although I let a very desperate Scottish patient buy a few pills from me once as I felt sorry for her and she wouldn't stop begging. I was feeling quite relaxed from my other medications anyway. (She was also a heroin addict and was always begging me for money and things I'd give to her out of sympathy.) There were times when I needed my sleeping medication, but I'd let her take it from me as she wouldn't stop pleading for it.

In the UK, zopiclone is only prescribed for a few weeks to a month at most. I was also prescribed with zopiclone at night for a short while, and my doctor wanted to reduce it after one month as he said he didn't want to give me an addiction problem.

Prescription painkiller addiction is on the rise in the UK: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/prescription-drugs-addictive-codeine-pregablin-fentanyl-us-drug-crisis-nhs-a8177336.html

I couldn't sleep without zopiclone though in hospital, (some crazy patients kept shouting and banging and setting the loud panic alarms off at night, and nurses would check on each patient at night by switching bright lights on over your bed every hour to check you've not committed suicide,)... I couldn't sleep in those circumstances and I started crying one night... and an African nurse on the ward secretly gave me some pills without noting it in the medication book.... out of kindness and mercy. He said it was discretionary and I was so grateful.

An Indian nurse on the hospital ward once gave me my night medication in the morning by mistake, and I ended-up falling asleep during the day instead of attending therapy sessions. She apologised for her mistake when she realised she'd given me the wrong pill. Sometimes the nurses accidentally mix the medications up.

I can manage without them now though, but I keep some boxes of zopiclone at home and only take them occasionally... if I really need one. Same with my oxycodone painkillers... I'll only take it if I'm in extreme pain and when ibuprofen and aspirin hasn't helped. I renew my prescription once or twice a year and my GP can see that I'm not abusing my dosage and manage to take it responsibly and only occasionally as required. I can make a box of 14 small zopiclone sleeping pills last me an entire year. I disposed of my boxes of codeine though as they make me vomit heavily within 20-30 minutes of taking one small pill... I just vomit it back up.


They've got a crisis of 'accidental addicts' in the US. People who had normal lives until having an accident one day, being in chronic and agonising pain, being prescibed prescription painkillers.... and then becoming an accidental addict. It's usually the same anecdote given by accidental addicts.... they never took street drugs or anything, but the doctors prescribed the pills to relieve them of chronic pain and to help them to function that they got hooked on.

In the UK, the dosages are much smaller than what a lot of people are prescribed in the US, and we don't have the same epidemic crisis as they have in the US with painkiller addictions.

I saw a news report that Japan doesn't want certain painkillers legalised on their market as they're afraid of having the same painkiller addiction crisis that the US has.

I saw documentaries about people in the US who were good citizens, never took any street drugs, worked as teachers in universities, or were wounded soldiers, etc, who had accidents and chronic pain and were prescribed strong painkillers (which blocks pain receptors in the brain,) and they soon became addicted and they got so desperate for their painkillers, that some reports showed former teachers who took to crime and raided pharmacies.



I saw news reports from Canada about a painkiller they put on their market that's '20 times stronger than heroin.' There's teens in the US raiding their parents medical cabinets to get hold of their painkillers.


08-28-2018, 02:11 AM
regarding antidepressants I want to say something : NEVER EVER stop using them all of a sudden on your own . always with a doctor and never abruptly . I have done that and have been though the hardest time in my whole life and it made new problems with my health . it should be self explanatory and I shouldnt need to say this but I think many will think "ah I am fine now I can quit them by my own" ....please dont . you dont want to go through this

08-28-2018, 02:12 AM
^ I used to think like you but it is not the right way

I smoked weed a few times . one times even while I was on antidepressant and after I smoked I also drank alcohol at the same evening . that fucks up your head

weed has many dangers . I dont want to go too much in detail because of the quality of certain members but dont smoke that shit man . and the antidpressant I take now probably saved my life

You shouldn't drink alcohol , take pills and smoke weed same time.. of course it fucks you up. Out of that mixture , you are blaming weed ? Those things are more dangerous than weed. How can you believe alcohol is good for you ?

You see people take these anxiety prescription pills and they fuck you up badly , especially when mixed with alcohol. You lose memory and everything.

If they worked for you then good for you. I'm happy for you but I believe in nature. Weed probably would save my life too but they made it illegal so I got hard time to access my medicine. Same way if they made your medicine illegal.

08-28-2018, 02:15 AM
regarding antidepressants I want to say something : NEVER EVER stop using them all of a sudden on your own . always with a doctor and never abruptly . I have done that and have been though the hardest time in my whole life and it made new problems with my health . it should be self explanatory and I shouldnt need to say this but I think many will think "ah I am fine now I can quit them by my own" ....please dont . you dont want to go through this

They wanted to get me on anti depressants but I said no because of the side effects. I'm not mocking you for being on them. I just believe they are dangerous and unnatural. Especially what you just said above. You're allowed to have your opinion. I'm not gonna argue anymore, same way you believe weed is dangerous.

08-28-2018, 02:16 AM
all of the various sedatives

08-28-2018, 02:18 AM
Interesting you say that, I have done weed since I was 18 and I have been around gangsters and junkies doing heavy drugs in front of me like cocaine and amphetamine and pills and alcohol, they offered me and even begged me to take it ...99%.9 of the time I thanked no and simply rolled up a joint and smoked it while they all sat there sniffing coke.

People do drugs for various reasons... weed itself doesn't make you go heavier.

You don't have idea what effects weed has...

08-28-2018, 02:23 AM
They wanted to get me on anti depressants but I said no because of the side effects. I'm not mocking you for being on them. I just believe they are dangerous and unnatural. Especially what you just said above. You're allowed to have your opinion. I'm not gonna argue anymore, same way you believe weed is dangerous.

I wasnt giving weed the blame only . just said that I took them all together

but weed can cause serious issues with your mind be careful

anti depressants are not something I would say that people should take easily . but some people just need them . some people like me are just born with a hormonal imbalance in their brain and meds are good for people like me and even necessary

I used to think that it is a conspiracy and that meds will destroy me and that my psychiatrist is also involved in giving people meds to get money and make people feel addicted . what happened ? I said "I dont go to that doc anymore " and stopped taking the meds by myself . and then I was REALLY fucked up . I went to another doc for a year but she wasnt good for me and now finally I returned to my original doc I just mentioned and I am happy he gave me another chance and he pulled me out of my misery once again and explained me stuff . I trust him now . the pills are to help not to harm ...even though of course they have side effects too but thats normal . the pills I take right now dont make fat either . I still am chubby from previous meds I took and have to lose that weight.

08-28-2018, 02:28 AM
Amphetamines are hands-down my absolute favorite drug. I haven't done any in 7 months and it's best not to get habituated lest you have a heart attack at 50, but they are the best, no doubt about it.

In grad school, my hippie friend and I had a week where we tried every class of drug except opiates (coke, weed, speed, LSD, ecstasy, etc.) and amps remained the best, IMO.

N.B. MDMA and ecstasy should not be two separate choices.

08-28-2018, 03:06 AM
Amphetamines are hands-down my absolute favorite drug. I haven't done any in 7 months and it's best not to get habituated lest you have a heart attack at 50, but they are the best, no doubt about it.

In grad school, my hippie friend and I had a week where we tried every class of drug except opiates (coke, weed, speed, LSD, ecstasy, etc.) and amps remained the best, IMO.

N.B. MDMA and ecstasy should not be two separate choices.

Yeah, should of added amphetamine instead

08-28-2018, 03:09 AM
Weed by far.

08-28-2018, 03:11 AM
For me, this song speaks for itself.


I Don't drink alcohol, neither do I smoke cigs or do any other drugs. I just smoke weed sometimes but I prefer edibles for various health reasons. Also maybe do mushrooms once a year. I essentially wanted to move to a country where cannabis is legal and where you're allowed to cultivate it.

Mary Jane is getting legalized in Canada soon

08-28-2018, 03:12 AM
Mary Jane is getting legalized in Canada soon

I am coming to Canada :D

08-28-2018, 03:30 AM
I see a bit strange logic here. Just because it works for you now doesn't mean some other people disagreeing with you are brainwashed. Cannabis absolutely has it's place in our universe and is helping many people in different forms, but it is far from the safest drug. There are many reasons why it's not safe drug for ordinary people.

That to be said, antidepressants carry risks as well.

I understand that they only mean good. They are good guys. There are many good people here. Should of not argued. But I'm not an idiot. If I'm unfunctional it's more to do with maybe coming a from 3rd world country where was war, seeing fucked up shit, going to another country where I got bullied for being an immigrant and had to fight everyday against several people same time, they called me nigger, paki, immigrant scum, muslim scum and everything...they were kids and we were all kids.. from there escaping to another country because they wanted to send us back, and experienced same thing there.. my whole life moving and escaping.. growing up around angry people that beat you and they grew up the same, ran away from home cos I was so scared I was gonna get beat, getting sexually abused by an adult stranger as a child... How could I possibly be functional? Sometimes I think about my life and I cry.

I'm an angry person and when I get angry I can be a dangerous and unstable person. Not trying to scare anyone. But deep inside I think I'm a good person and I don't really wanna be the way I am which is why I cry about it but what can you do man... life is fucked up. I tried to change myself many times... smoking weed helped me calm down etc.

I cannot even have a girlfriend because I will end up getting angry and beat her and abuse her therefore I never bothered getting into a serious relationship which is why I said I have problems.. it's best I stay away.

08-28-2018, 03:32 AM
God some people are so fucking stupid. Alcohol, tobacco and prescription pills are all much worse than weed.

08-28-2018, 03:34 AM

08-28-2018, 05:28 AM
God some people are so fucking stupid. Alcohol, tobacco and prescription pills are all much worse than weed.

It's one of the few things that has helped with my problems like anger issues. I get really calm from it. This is why I wanna move to another country where it is legal so I can grow it legally and use it as medicine. It also helps with sleep and eating and even doing tasks.

08-28-2018, 06:16 AM
Alcohol, tobacco (rollies), caffeine. Psychedelics fuck the brain and can easily destroy/change a person - I've seen it happen to 2 mates.

Bobby Martnen
08-28-2018, 06:22 AM
Some are believers
Some don't know
Some are lost
They're lost and alone
Some are decievers
Their souls been sold
For the love of strange medicine

08-28-2018, 06:30 AM
Only alcohol, but I smoke socially sometimes.

All other drugs are gross, especially weed sorry.

Bobby Martnen
08-28-2018, 06:34 AM
Only alcohol, but I smoke socially sometimes.

All other drugs are gross, especially weed sorry.


Congolese Rice
08-28-2018, 07:05 AM
Weed / hash. i dont mind alcohol either but i dont use it very often, maybe once in the 3 months or half year.

08-28-2018, 07:16 AM
Any drugs most of all hit the brain, kill the neurons. Just look at Snoop Dogg. To what state it is necessary to smoke to threaten the wife and children of the incumbent president? My drug is swimming. I swim 2 kilometers every 2 days, totaling 6 kilometers per week. The secret is this: when you finish a complex training, you start breathing normally, the brain is filled with dopamine, and this is a hormone of happiness.

Congolese Rice
08-28-2018, 07:27 AM
Any drugs most of all hit the brain, kill the neurons. Just look at Snoop Dogg. To what state it is necessary to smoke to threaten the wife and children of the incumbent president? My drug is swimming. I swim 2 kilometers every 2 days, totaling 6 kilometers per week. The secret is this: when you finish a complex training, you start breathing normally, the brain is filled with dopamine, and this is a hormone of happiness.

weird ass white boy...

weed does literally nothing to you unless you are underaged. it has no known death causes and probably never will have death causes. it actually slows down cancer, it helps with depression, anorexia, etc etc. i dont know what the fuck you goin on about but you must be smokin somethin XD

if so i need myself some of that

08-28-2018, 07:32 AM

Truth Preacher
08-28-2018, 10:12 AM
Only alcohol, but I smoke socially sometimes.

All other drugs are gross, especially weed sorry.

Not fond of pingaz ?

08-28-2018, 10:27 AM
weird ass white boy...
weed does literally nothing to you unless you are underaged. it has no known death causes and probably never will have death causes. it actually slows down cancer, it helps with depression, anorexia, etc etc. i dont know what the fuck you goin on about but you must be smokin somethin XD
if so i need myself some of that
My dear Negro friend, you enjoy smoking weed, I already got it. You are 17 years old and drug-addict already. Do your parents know it? Well, if you want to die faster, it's your business. I do not impose my way of life on others, unlike you.

08-28-2018, 11:25 AM
No drugs

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08-28-2018, 12:15 PM
You shouldn't drink alcohol , take pills and smoke weed same time.. of course it fucks you up. Out of that mixture , you are blaming weed ? Those things are more dangerous than weed. How can you believe alcohol is good for you ?

You see people take these anxiety prescription pills and they fuck you up badly , especially when mixed with alcohol. You lose memory and everything.

If they worked for you then good for you. I'm happy for you but I believe in nature. Weed probably would save my life too but they made it illegal so I got hard time to access my medicine. Same way if they made your medicine illegal.

Weed is a horses for courses drug.
It may be completly fine for a lot of people but it is like kryptonite for others.
Some people can lead productive lives and be regular dope smokers but their are lots of people who just end up sitting around all day doing not much more than smoking weed all day.

08-28-2018, 12:17 PM

08-28-2018, 12:17 PM
unfortunately I drink a lot. I just finished a 6-night zapoi yesterday... (this is why I also didn't log in here for a week). but drugs I don't take at all, I don't feel I need that

08-28-2018, 12:20 PM
Dudes don't do drugs, but less than 400 MG of caffeine ain't bad (Source: EFSA)

08-28-2018, 12:33 PM
Tea & coffee!

Once in a while I have a sip of Scotch.

Moje ime
08-28-2018, 12:38 PM
Clean water.

08-28-2018, 12:57 PM
I understand that they only mean good. They are good guys. There are many good people here. Should of not argued. But I'm not an idiot. If I'm unfunctional it's more to do with maybe coming a from 3rd world country where was war, seeing fucked up shit, going to another country where I got bullied for being an immigrant and had to fight everyday against several people same time, they called me nigger, paki, immigrant scum, muslim scum and everything...they were kids and we were all kids.. from there escaping to another country because they wanted to send us back, and experienced same thing there.. my whole life moving and escaping.. growing up around angry people that beat you and they grew up the same, ran away from home cos I was so scared I was gonna get beat, getting sexually abused by an adult stranger as a child... How could I possibly be functional? Sometimes I think about my life and I cry.

I'm an angry person and when I get angry I can be a dangerous and unstable person. Not trying to scare anyone. But deep inside I think I'm a good person and I don't really wanna be the way I am which is why I cry about it but what can you do man... life is fucked up. I tried to change myself many times... smoking weed helped me calm down etc.

I cannot even have a girlfriend because I will end up getting angry and beat her and abuse her therefore I never bothered getting into a serious relationship which is why I said I have problems.. it's best I stay away.

You had a very rough past man. I feel so sorry for you! If weed is the thing which helps to calm your nerves and to reflect on your life it is probably helping then. I would still consider psychotherapy as well, they might offer very good tools and support for your depression. You have probably been there however, i guess? But there are many things you can use in order to deal with your emotional pain. Maybe you can start writing short stories about your life experiences and other things. Staying creative is a very good thing for our brains just like praying and meditating is. I know you are not stupid, but sometimes we find new things very randomly.

I didn't know you had problems functioning, but i gotta say you are a brave man and can be proud of yourself surviving all those horrible things. Some people are very dumb and brutal animals, just be happy you are not one of them. But don't lose hope on people and yourself, because we need each other and i hope you have good friends/ people around you. I think dating is not for you right now, unless you feel good and safe doing so. I wish you all the best!

Moje ime
08-28-2018, 01:04 PM
I understand that they only mean good. They are good guys. There are many good people here. Should of not argued. But I'm not an idiot. If I'm unfunctional it's more to do with maybe coming a from 3rd world country where was war, seeing fucked up shit, going to another country where I got bullied for being an immigrant and had to fight everyday against several people same time, they called me nigger, paki, immigrant scum, muslim scum and everything...they were kids and we were all kids.. from there escaping to another country because they wanted to send us back, and experienced same thing there.. my whole life moving and escaping.. growing up around angry people that beat you and they grew up the same, ran away from home cos I was so scared I was gonna get beat, getting sexually abused by an adult stranger as a child... How could I possibly be functional? Sometimes I think about my life and I cry.

I'm an angry person and when I get angry I can be a dangerous and unstable person. Not trying to scare anyone. But deep inside I think I'm a good person and I don't really wanna be the way I am which is why I cry about it but what can you do man... life is fucked up. I tried to change myself many times... smoking weed helped me calm down etc.

I cannot even have a girlfriend because I will end up getting angry and beat her and abuse her therefore I never bothered getting into a serious relationship which is why I said I have problems.. it's best I stay away.

I recommend you to go to psychiatrist and ask for help, he will give you right kind of drugs, also to pray to God, have lot of work, physical work in your life and some sport activity as well.

08-29-2018, 03:24 PM
I recommend you to go to psychiatrist and ask for help, he will give you right kind of drugs, also to pray to God, have lot of work, physical work in your life and some sport activity as well.

I have been there , they took my driver license away and wanted me to take drugs , I said no... they fucked my life up even more... I used to have a job delivering papers with my car, it was really well paid and not so much work but I lost it since I ain't got no drivers license anymore... I had other regular jobs too that were more physical active... all lost... all fucked up.. I could of made a lot of money , delivering papers in morning and going to regular job after etc. Save that money and invested it in something I really wanna do coz I don't wanna spend all my life working for others but life put me many steps back.

Also because of the things I experienced it's hard to function on a daily basis ... it's like I'm in a battle against myself... I have all these negative thoughts, I also suffer from PTSD probably ... People like me at times just wanna run away but I can't spend my life running away.

08-29-2018, 03:27 PM
Traveling... once you begin, you can't stop, a real addiction

08-29-2018, 03:36 PM
Cigars/pipe tobacco and caffeine in the form of Pepsi

08-29-2018, 03:37 PM
Was tobacco but Im trying to stop smoke it, Alcohol on the weekend sometimes, And adrenalin :D

08-29-2018, 03:45 PM
Caffeine and occasional alcohol at social events if any.

Moje ime
08-29-2018, 04:10 PM
I have been there , they took my driver license away and wanted me to take drugs , I said no... they fucked my life up even more... I used to have a job delivering papers with my car, it was really well paid and not so much work but I lost it since I ain't got no drivers license anymore... I had other regular jobs too that were more physical active... all lost... all fucked up.. I could of made a lot of money , delivering papers in morning and going to regular job after etc. Save that money and invested it in something I really wanna do coz I don't wanna spend all my life working for others but life put me many steps back.

Also because of the things I experienced it's hard to function on a daily basis ... it's like I'm in a battle against myself... I have all these negative thoughts, I also suffer from PTSD probably ... People like me at times just wanna run away but I can't spend my life running away.

That means fast money wasn't for you. You need to be patient. I'm sure there are jobs that do not require driving license.

Be satisfied with small things, with less money. Money is worth nothing when it screws your health. Health should be your priority.

I think your best choice is to trust doctors.

Drop off bad habits, do everything what doctors tell you, and start learning again from begining how to live a good life.

08-29-2018, 04:18 PM
That means fast money wasn't for you. You need to be patient. I'm sure there are jobs that do not require driving license.

Be satisfied with small things, with less money. Money is worth nothing when it screws your health. Health should be your priority.

I think your best choice is to trust doctors.

Drop off bad habits, do everything what doctors tell you, and start learning again from begining how to live a good life.

It isn't fast money when I'm working my ass off but you're right about patience. Most doctors honestly have no idea to help themselves let alone me... the doc I went to had several heart attacks. I'm not just gonna trust these people when I also do my own research that contradicts what they recommend. The medical system is mostly useless.

We need a little money so We can live, put food on the table etc roof over your head, you know I used to live on the streets,

Moje ime
08-29-2018, 04:22 PM
It isn't fast money when I'm working my ass off but you're right about patience. Most doctors honestly have no idea to help themselves let alone me... the doc I went to had several heart attacks. I'm not just gonna trust these people when I also do my own research that contradicts what they recommend. The medical system is mostly useless.

We need a little money so We can live, put food on the table etc roof over your head, you know I used to live on the streets,

I suppose you have good medical system in country you're in now. There are doctors who are open for suggestions and talk, maybe to find that kind.

But I'm all for legal medical drugs, instead of weed. One day you can be healthy enough to stop with them but that is not the case with weed.

♥ Lily ♥
08-29-2018, 09:54 PM
Was tobacco but Im trying to stop smoke it, Alcohol on the weekend sometimes, And adrenalin :D

Adrenalin, huh?! :cool: (I carry adrenalin injections with me at all times. :P)

You mean like things which give people an adrenalin rush.... such as exercise (which releases endorphins in the brain,) sex, shopping, computer games, motor-racing, stunt-riding, gambling, casinos, joy-riding, etc..? :icon_ask:

08-29-2018, 10:00 PM
none of the mentioned

08-29-2018, 10:21 PM
Adrenalin, huh?! :cool: (I carry adrenalin injections with me at all times. :P)

You mean like things which give people an adrenalin rush.... such as exercise (which releases endorphins in the brain,) sex, shopping, computer games, motor-racing, stunt-riding, gambling, casinos, joy-riding, etc..? :icon_ask:

Do u have allergic reactions to something? I've just googled on this adrenalin injection stuff . :) Nothing extreme, but I always felt low key I have an inner adrenalin junkie . :D

08-29-2018, 10:21 PM
I haven't met a functioning adult who continued smoking weed regularly into their 30s.

They are legalizing it now because the social environment has changed... trouble is brewing and is better to keep the masses sedated in a deep slumber, like the Lotus eaters.

There is a reason why the drug epidemics today are weed and opiates (downers) while when the economy was booming it was alcohol and crack/cocaine (uppers). Sleep and dream away, ignore the bruning fires brother (the subliminal message).

I dont smoke, but I know several people pass their 30s that smoke pot everyday and been doing it for years. Im speaking of people with Phd's, academics, business managers and such. You think only the hippy, artsy or junkies do it because its notorious, but there are many productive people that do it as well but you dont notice because they're functional.

♥ Lily ♥
08-29-2018, 10:25 PM
Do u have allergic reactions to something? I've just googled on this adrenalin injection stuff . :) Nothing extreme, but I always felt low key I have an inner adrenalin junkie . :D

Yeah, I'm anaphylactic so I have to carry epipen injections at all times. (I was just pullin' your leg about the adrenalin shots. :P) What kind of things or activities give you an adrenalin rush? :icon_ask:

08-29-2018, 10:44 PM
Yeah, I'm anaphylactic so I have to carry epipen injections at all times. (I was just pullin' your leg about the adrenalin shots. :P) What kind of things or activities give you an adrenalin rush? :icon_ask:

Oh okay. Well nothing gives me too much adrenalin kicks nowadays lol, aside from the joke I had pretty much sitting lifestile in the past year, now im considering to do some exercise again after a longer time, progressively ocf. I like skiing , but unfortunately there are not so good places to do this hobby in hungary, so the closest destination is Austria for this intention. It's only a winter hobby so not too universal.. :D Btw anything can give a little adrenalin/dopamine spark from time to time . : ) It's the little things they say..

08-29-2018, 10:55 PM

08-29-2018, 10:58 PM

08-29-2018, 11:14 PM