View Full Version : Did earliest Slavs usually look like these morphs?

08-28-2018, 10:07 AM

08-28-2018, 10:13 AM

08-28-2018, 10:15 AM

Hmmm. Looks like Faelid + Yenisey.

08-28-2018, 10:25 AM

Those morphs, are they not Turanid? I mean, their emergence is relatively recent I thought.

08-28-2018, 10:26 AM
The male morph reminds me of this Croatian guy i know.

08-28-2018, 10:38 AM
No, early slavs were blonde very dolicho people, skulls and history agree with this.

08-28-2018, 10:39 AM

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08-28-2018, 10:40 AM
No, early slavs were blonde very dolicho people, skulls and history agree with this.

This is the Pre Slavic phenotype from there: http://humanphenotypes.net/PreSlavic.html

08-28-2018, 10:43 AM
No, that's more of a Germanic look. This is probably close to how they looked like (at least the males):


08-28-2018, 11:53 AM
Those morphs, are they not Turanid? I mean, their emergence is relatively recent I thought.

Yes this is turanid, it was a troll for berkan.

08-28-2018, 11:53 AM
Hmmm. Looks like Faelid + Yenisey.

Hallstat nordid + berkanoid

08-28-2018, 11:56 AM
This is the Pre Slavic phenotype from there: http://humanphenotypes.net/PreSlavic.html

Slavs were mainly indo-european steppe people invaders not pre-slavs, both by skulls and traditions(look up some of the early slavic tribes).

08-28-2018, 11:59 AM
they looked like me xD

08-28-2018, 12:17 PM
Yes this is turanid, it was a troll for berkan.

08-28-2018, 01:21 PM
they looked like me xD

Too progressive to look like them.

08-28-2018, 01:29 PM
Slavs were mainly indo-european steppe people invaders not pre-slavs, both by skulls and traditions(look up some of the early slavic tribes).

Yes, that is why when proto-Turkic and probably proto-Mongolic speaking groups showed up in Europe, proto-Slavs were living in swamps, forests and little villages.

08-28-2018, 01:49 PM
they looked like me xD
it really is.

08-28-2018, 01:51 PM
Yes, that is why when proto-Turkic and probably proto-Mongolic speaking groups showed up in Europe, proto-Slavs were living in swamps, forests and little villages.
Turks are different. Your Turks sat in the ass the whole story, and today sweeping the yards.

08-28-2018, 01:51 PM
Yes, that is why when proto-Turkic and probably proto-Mongolic speaking groups showed up in Europe, proto-Slavs were living in swamps, forests and little villages.
Turks are different. Your Turks sat in the ass the whole story, and today sweeping the yards.

08-28-2018, 02:02 PM
Turks are different. Your Turks sat in the ass the whole story, and today sweeping the yards.

Too much Boyarishnik today my friend? :)

Silver Lining
08-28-2018, 02:04 PM
Earliest Slavs were probably Proto-Nordic but they assimilated a shitload of those "Pre-Slavics" and other Osteuropoids in Central and Eastern Europe.

08-28-2018, 02:07 PM
This is the Pre Slavic phenotype from there: http://humanphenotypes.net/PreSlavic.html

That site is just pseudo science.. skull findings agree earliest Slavs were Nordic like a large part of the Indo Europeans

If the evidence of literary sources makes the early Slavs Nordic in stature and pigmentation, that of ostcology makes them the same in the metrical and morphological sense. In brief, all of the earliest Slavic skeletal material, dating mostly from the eighth to the eleventh centuries, falls, by ,groups if not as individuals, into one or more of the Nordic categories already found to be characteristic of Iron Age Indo-Europeanspeaking peoples.

That from Poland, the eastern half of which was included in the home of the Slavic peoples before their period of dispersion, is not very abundant. Altogether less than 40 male crania may be assembled, and few of these have complete measurements.103(See Appendix I, col. 46.) These skulls are all predominantly dolichocephalic; the mean cranial index is 73, and not a single round-headed example is included. Among these Polish skulls are some notably long and large specimens Nvith long. narrow faces. The noses of the ,group, as a whole, are fully leptorrhine. On the whole, the ancestral Slavs of Poland were Nordics, within the range of the Indo-European group; these skulls lean to the longer- and larger-headed Corded extreme, and resemble in many respects, the Hannover series, and by extension, the Anglo-Saxons.

Numerous remains of the Slavic expansion into Germany show clearly the physical types of the particular invaders concerned in this quarter. The most important series is that studied by Asmus, who collected the skulls of the ancient Wends of Mecklenburg.104(See Appendix I, col. 47.) These form a reasonably homogeneous group of high dolichocephals and low mesocephals, with a moderate vault height, a low sloping forehead, long narrow faces, leptorrhine or mesorrhine noses, high orbits, and a strongly built jaw. These Old Wends, rounder headed than the Poles, fall very close metrically to the Kelts and to the Scythians. In intermediate parts of Germany, particularly in western Prussia and Pomerania, the Old Slavic skulls are higher vaulted, and closer in this respect to the Polish sub-type.105

Those in Bohemia are for the most part the same as the Wend crania in Germany, except for one series of Matiegka (see Appendix I, col. 48); in this, the vaults are extremely high, nearly reaching early Corded dimensions. This is true to a minor extent of a small group from Slovakia and of individual skulls.106Thus, in Bohemia, the Slavs included three sub-types, with Hallstatt, Polish, and Keltic analogies.

The Slavs who invaded Styria between the seventh to ninth centuries are basically the same as those in Germany, and fall very close to an older Keltic mean.107They formed, without question, a mixed group and included in their number a minority of round-headed forms. Some of the Slavic crania from Styria, recalling the Polish prototype, are extremely large and powerful. We have, unfortunately, no data with which to trace the further progress of the southern Slavs into the Dinaric mountain stronghold, and thence into Old Serbia and the Kossovo plain. We rnay, however, study a third Slavic movement, that which penetrated Russia.108

The skulls of these invaders belong to a generalized Nordic form, with a cranial index of 75 to 76, and an intermediate vault height. The Ukrainian skulls from the eighth to the ninth centuries A.D. do not greatly diverge from this general standard, but the early Slavic crania from the Moscow region in Russia, dated from the eleventh to twelfth centuries A.D., are, in fact, almost purely dolichocephalic, with a mean cranial index of 73.5.

On the whole, the Slavic racial type, as exemplified by skeletal series from Poland, Germany, Bohemia, Austria, and Russia, was reasonably uniform. In view of its geographical location, the Polish group probably represents most nearly the original form, while those who expanded southward and westward absorbed local Keltic and other Indo-European-speaking populations. The Slavs, like all the other Indo-European-speaking peoples whom we have been able to trace, were originally Nordic, and there is no suggestion in their early remains, in the regions studied, of the numerically predominant brachycephalic racial increments which today are considered typically Slavic. However, the Slavs who migrated to southern Hungary, like the Germanic Gepidae before them, mixed with a local short-statured, broad-faced, and broad-nosed brachycephalic people, who, antedating the historic arrival of the Magyars, were descended from the central Asiatic Avars.109Most of the Slavs retained their original dolichocephalic cranial form until at the earliest the thirteenth, and the latest the fifteenth, century. At that time, those who inhabited Russia and central Europe grew progressively brachycephalic, at a rapid but consistent rate. Well-documented series from Bohemia and the Moscow government show how this change progressed from century to century, so that normal means of 73 to 75 rose as high as 83 by the nineteenth. Few Slavs were spared this change, which was parallel to that which affected the southern Germans and other peoples of central and eastern Europe. Although it took place in the full light of late mediaeval and modern history, no one fully satisfactory explanation has vet been offered.

08-28-2018, 02:07 PM
they looked like me xD

no, they were like me Nordid and R1a

08-28-2018, 02:08 PM

^^^ This male morph looks kind of Irish:


Earliest Slavs were probably Proto-Nordic but they assimilated a shitload of those "Pre-Slavics" and other Osteuropoids in Central and Eastern Europe.

In Central Europe, Early Slavs expanded into Germanic and Celtic habitats.

Was "Pre-Slavic" type typical for East Germanic tribes living in that area?

Silver Lining
08-28-2018, 02:09 PM
Was "Pre-Slavic" type typical for East Germanic tribes living in that area?

Pre-Slavic type were the slave caste of East Germanics and Pre-Slavics became more numerous later because of higher birthrates.

08-28-2018, 02:21 PM
skull findings agree earliest Slavs were Nordic

What skulls are you talking about considering that Early Slavs practiced cremation and their burials do not contain any skulls?

Only after conversion to Christianity they switched from cremation to inhumation, around 500 years after the Migration Period.

08-28-2018, 02:23 PM
Too much Boyarishnik today my friend? :)
I have some of your stupid brothers working for me, and when I walk in, they look down. I suggest you do the same.

08-28-2018, 02:23 PM
no, they were like me Nordid and R1a

you look too Western for that. they were Eastnordid, Nordpontid and Westbaltid and combinations of these for the most, and some were even Pontid

08-28-2018, 02:24 PM
What skulls are you talking about if Early Slavs practiced cremation and their burials do not contain any skulls?

I'm talking about the skull findings that I just quoted from Carleton Coon Races of Europe.

08-28-2018, 02:26 PM
I'm talking about the skull findings that I just quoted from Carleton Coon Races of Europe.

I'm asking about the details, not about general information. What skulls did Coon talk about?

Coon's work is old and outdated. There are more recent ones (for example Alexeeva 2003).

Vlatko Vukovic
08-28-2018, 02:27 PM

Early Slavs (which could be surely classificated as Slavs) were dolicocephalic and fair-haired people. So it says; or Nordids? or dolicocephalic Pontids with some Northern influences. :)

08-28-2018, 02:28 PM
If you want I can quote it for you again


If the evidence of literary sources makes the early Slavs Nordic in stature and pigmentation, that of ostcology makes them the same in the metrical and morphological sense.In brief, all of the earliest Slavic skeletal material, dating mostly from the eighth to the eleventh centuries, falls, by ,groups if not as individuals, into one or more of the Nordic categories already found to be characteristic of Iron Age Indo-Europeanspeaking peoples.

08-28-2018, 02:29 PM

It would be good to extract DNA from these skulls, if still available.

08-28-2018, 02:32 PM
I think that North Pontid was more common than Nordic among Early Slavs.

08-28-2018, 02:34 PM
and fair-haired people

Wrong. They were not described as fair-haired, but as neither very brunette nor very blonde.

The only sources which described them as fair-haired were Arabic - because for Arabs, anything other than black was "fair".

Vlatko Vukovic
08-28-2018, 02:35 PM
Yes, that is why when proto-Turkic and probably proto-Mongolic speaking groups showed up in Europe, proto-Slavs were living in swamps, forests and little villages.

Turks liked Steppes, we liked swamps, forests and villages, what's the problem :cool:

08-28-2018, 02:35 PM
I'm asking about the details, not about general information. What skulls did Coon talk about?

Coon's work is old and outdated. There are more recent ones (for example Alexeeva 2003).

Skeletal findings are now outdated ?

Any links to Alexeeva ? I googled it. Found absolutely nothing.

Whatever you say dude.. I already know you're delusional about a lot of things.. Like that time you were trying to tell me climate and diet I.e natural selection did not affect pigmentation where you ended up contradicting yourself. You were saying Info Europeans had blondes and were Nordic but same time you're trying to argue the proto Slavs that were indo Europeans were not Nordic. All you do is contradict yourself. Nordics were btw originally darker pigmented. They are a branch of the Mediterranean. Which you were also denying. Nordics also come in different branches and there are mixed types.

Vlatko Vukovic
08-28-2018, 02:36 PM
Wrong. They were not described as fair-haired, but as neither very brunette nor very blonde.

The only sources which described them as fair-haired were Arabic - because for Arabs, anything other than black was "fair".

I mean - archaeology :)

08-28-2018, 02:37 PM
Any links to Alexeeva ? I googled it. Found absolutely nothing.


08-28-2018, 02:40 PM
Pre-Slavic type were the slave caste of East Germanics and Pre-Slavics became more numerous later because of higher birthrates.

Brachycephalization in Central Europe (also in South Germany) started in the 1400s - not in the 600s-800s, when you would expect the mixing between expanding Slavs and Restgermanen. Moreover, in the 20th and 21st century the reverse process - De-brachycephalization - has been observed, in Poland at least. Young generations of Poles are more dolichocephalic than older generations.

08-28-2018, 02:42 PM
It would be good to extract DNA from these skulls, if still available.

There's no such thing as North Pontid. It is technically a Mediterranean with dark hair and light eyes.The skulls were identified as Nordic regardless of their pigmentation. Extracting DNA could determine their pigmentation and various other things but this doesnt change that the skulls were Nordic. They could of been dark haired or even blonde. This just would mean humans were originally darker. Earliest Yamnaya were darker than modern Europeans and even South Europeans if we go by DNA but the skulls were still Nordic. There has obviously occurred a natural selection in Europe within 8000 years where Europeans have become lighter than their ancestors which is backed up by scientific research which you were denying

8000 years of natural selection in Europe (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/03/13/016477)

Coon was saying the same thing as this modern paper btw ^ He was obviously ahead of his time.

People of the Middle East and North Africa belong to a similar racial type, they are probably ancestral types, Mediterranean branch , and are darker.

08-28-2018, 02:43 PM
Like that time you were trying to tell me climate and diet I.e natural selection did not affect pigmentation where you ended up contradicting yourself. You were saying Info Europeans had blondes and were Nordic but same time you're trying to argue the proto Slavs that were indo Europeans were not Nordic.

Indo-Europeans had several different types, of which Nordic was just one, I even posted that in my thread about them:

According to Kurts 1984 (p. 90), there were at least 3 main anthropological types among the PIE:

Type 1) - "Dolichocephalic individuals, with broad faces of medium height"
Type 2) - "More robust elements with high and wide faces of the Proto-Europoid type"
Type 3) - "More gracile individuals with narrow and high faces of the East Mediterranean type"

Dark-haired East Mediterranean types were also present among them.

IMO North Pontid was more common than Nordid among Early Slavs.

08-28-2018, 02:47 PM
People of the Middle East and North Africa belong to a similar racial type, they are probably ancestral types


Nordic type evolved from Upper Paleolithic Russian hunter-gatherers and it has nothing to do with Mediterranean.

Russian Hunter-Gatherers (reconstructions), they were very different than Western Hunter-Gatherers (WHGs):




08-28-2018, 02:58 PM
Like that time you were trying to tell me climate and diet I.e natural selection did not affect pigmentation

Of course, that it did not affect pigmentation. Changes in pigmentation were due to sexual selection, not natural selection.

Western Hunter-Gatherers survived in Europe's climate / environment for thousands of years despite being dark-skinned:


"Western hunter-gatherers (WHG) had a distinctive blue-eyed, dark skin pigmentation
phenotype1,2 that emerged in the Mesolithic.6 In contrast, we show that Mesolithic and
Neolithic individuals from Ukraine, Latvia and the Iron Gates had, like Scandinavian and
Eastern hunter-gatherers, intermediate to high frequencies of the derived skin pigmentation
allele at SLC24A5. Unlike Scandinavian and Eastern hunter-gatherers, however, they have
low frequency of the derived SLC45A2 allele. The derived OCA2/HERC2 allele associated
with light (particularly blue) eye color is common in WHG, SHG, and hunter-gatherers from
Latvia, but at low frequency in hunter-gatherers from Ukraine and the Iron Gates. This allele
appears to be differentiated in a North-South gradient, as it is today – suggesting the
possibility of long-term balancing selection due to geographic variation in selective pressure.
The WHG phenotype of light eye and dark skin pigmentation1 thus appears to be restricted to
western Europe and is far from universal in European hunter-gatherers, with light skin
pigmentation common in Northern and Eastern Europe before the appearance of agriculture."

There is no evidence that light skin or light hair provide benefits to survival in Northern climates, compared to dark skin.

08-28-2018, 03:10 PM
Early Slavs (which could be surely classificated as Slavs) were dolicocephalic and fair-haired people. So it says; or Nordids? or dolicocephalic Pontids with some Northern influences. :)

East Nordids, most probably.

08-28-2018, 03:12 PM
More about skin pigmentation:


Quote: "Adaptation to non-African environments was also believed to be the cause of human variation in skin color. It was thought that the light skin of Europeans was a Paleolithic adaptation to facilitate vitamin D production in reduced sunlight regions [43]. Consistent with this hypothesis, aDNA analyses show that Scandinavian hunter-gatherers and Early European farmers indeed carried derived alleles contributing to light skin [44]. However, western hunter-gatherers of central and southern European populations survived in Palaeolithic Europe with dark skin pigmentation [44, 45]; thus, light skin has not been an essential adaptation for survival in this environment, and perhaps has resulted instead from sexual selection."

08-28-2018, 03:15 PM
:) I think you suffer from complexes.

08-28-2018, 03:24 PM
There has obviously occurred a natural selection in Europe within 8000 years where Europeans have become lighter than their ancestors which is backed up by scientific research which you were denying

8000 years of natural selection in Europe (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/03/13/016477)

Your link is to a study from 2015 which has been debunked by new findings from 2017.

As it turns out, Eastern and Northern Europe were already light 8000 years ago (Anatolia as well), only Western Europe was still dark:


And Western Europe became light not because of selection, but population replacement.

Immigrants from the East came and killed and / or outbred indigenous Western hunters.

In other words:

Western Europeans became lighter-skinned after 6000 BC for the same reason why Americans became lighter-skinned after 1492 AD.

08-28-2018, 03:34 PM
Cocoa Tea,

Imagine some scientist researching ancient DNA in year 4015 AD, and coming to the following conclusion:

"We observed strong signal of natural selection for blue eyes and light hair in North America in samples from period 1500-1900 AD".

That will be equally ridiculous as your claim that Western Europeans evolved light skin during last 8000 years.

In fact, native dark-skinned Western Europeans were just replaced. First by farmers, then by Indo-Europeans. This is confirmed by autosomal DNA and drastic changes in Y-DNA (for example there was absolutely no R1b in Western Europe 8000 years ago).

08-28-2018, 04:50 PM
I have some of your stupid brothers working for me, and when I walk in, they look down. I suggest you do the same.

Who are you trying to deceive chap? The only thing working for you or rather inside you is a Kavkazian bottleneck. You've received too big of dose today, your butthole expanded too much that is why you are hyperactive as of now. :)

08-28-2018, 04:53 PM
Turks liked Steppes, we liked swamps, forests and villages, what's the problem :cool:

No worries, early proto-Turkics were also forest peoples like Slavs.

08-28-2018, 04:58 PM
Cocoa Tea,

Imagine some scientist researching ancient DNA in year 4015 AD, and coming to the following conclusion:

"We observed strong signal of natural selection for blue eyes and light hair in North America in samples from period 1500-1900 AD".

That will be equally ridiculous as your claim that Western Europeans evolved light skin during last 8000 years.

In fact, native dark-skinned Western Europeans were just replaced. First by farmers, then by Indo-Europeans. This is confirmed by autosomal DNA and drastic changes in Y-DNA (for example there was absolutely no R1b in Western Europe 8000 years ago).

I'm not saying they evolved light skin within 8000 years, but it became more dominant within 8000 years more than it actually was. Our ancestors were not 99% light skinned.

How do you explain the difference in pigmentation between all the Mediterranean branches and it's people of the Middle East, Europe, Kavkaz, North Africa, including Nordics ? If you are into anthropology and read some of Carleton Coons work you would know what I'm talking about.

08-28-2018, 04:59 PM
It is possible I look very close to them, since I am hyperdolicho and Nordic-med (or between East Nordid and North Pontid if you wish), but quite more Nordic than med.

Vlatko Vukovic
08-28-2018, 05:03 PM
It is possible I look very close to them, since I am hyperdolicho and Nordic-med (or between East Nordid and North Pontid if you wish), but quite more Nordic than med.

+1 !

I think you could be from Zarubintsy culture. :D

Vlatko Vukovic
08-28-2018, 05:11 PM
It is possible I look very close to them, since I am hyperdolicho and Nordic-med (or between East Nordid and North Pontid if you wish), but quite more Nordic than med.


Silver Lining
08-28-2018, 05:15 PM
Brachycephalization in Central Europe (also in South Germany) started in the 1400s - not in the 600s-800s, when you would expect the mixing between expanding Slavs and Restgermanen. Moreover, in the 20th and 21st century the reverse process - De-brachycephalization - has been observed, in Poland at least. Young generations of Poles are more dolichocephalic than older generations.

Debrachycephalization doesn't turn Neo-Danubian/Pre-Slavic types into Nordics :) Before medieval times we don't know much about the Slavs, so this is all speculation on your part. There is no stereotype of the Nordic Pole, so they never were pred. Nordid or strongly Nordid.

08-28-2018, 05:27 PM
It is possible I look very close to them, since I am hyperdolicho and Nordic-med (or between East Nordid and North Pontid if you wish), but quite more Nordic than med.

You dont have any nordic traits,you're some faelid-baltid with little uralid(eye area), like most from TA and anthroscape classified you, but you dont want to accept it because you view CM derived phenotypes as low class and have the typical fetish for nordoid,which you equalize with "noble".Same as Stears, who believes he comes from some noble family, so he must be nordoid.I dont blame you, this is also what media potraits, harmonious slender looking people as nobles, never a brute.Last time i told you to look at Elena Dementieva and then look at yourself you change the subject and started calling her weird and ugly.The key of your problems is that you think CM derived phenotypes are more common in working class people, because of sexual selection, robust people breed with each other more often, because it would benefit them, and you dont want to have a CM derived phenotype because (you think) it might signal others you have a low class origin.

Vlatko Vukovic
08-28-2018, 05:28 PM
You dont have any nordic traits,you're some faelid-baltid with little uralid(eye area), like most from TA and anthroscape classified you, but you dont want to accept it because you view CM derived phenotypes as low class and have the typical fetish for nordoid,which you equalize with "noble".Same as Stears, who believes he comes from some noble family, so he must be nordoid.I dont blame you, this is also what media potraits, harmonious slender looking people as nobles, never a brute.Last time i told you to look at Elena Dementieva and then look at yourself you change the subject and started calling her weird and ugly.The key of your problems is that you think CM derived phenotypes are more common in working class people, because of sexual selection, robust people breed with each other more often, because it would benefit them, and you dont want to have a CM derived phenotype because (you think) it might signal others you have a low class origin.

Do you know what is uraloid?

08-28-2018, 07:25 PM
Slavs were mainly indo-european steppe people invaders not pre-slavs, both by skulls and traditions(look up some of the early slavic tribes).

I think they must have had some phenotype diversity within their group, most certainly they were not all blue-eyed blondes. but that variety could have been in the Nordic range - Eastnordic, Nordpontic, probably Pontic too and that Westbaltic/Eastnordic blend they call Kurgan.

do you think I am in the range of their phenotypes? since it's summer and I am not afraid of the Sun, I am tanned in the photos, and they had sunny summers too in the steppe :) . my ancestry is rather close to their Urheimat (western Ukraine and northeast Romania)

https://scontent.fsbz1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40307930_10210387059512687_4875681496150573056_n.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=316401fcb7bba2d5a59d1e893c6266ca&oe=5C39790C

https://scontent.fsbz1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/39203643_10210305027101928_492127768071372800_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=0609a5f5a3b89b3ba6dd482336e7c8c4&oe=5BEFBE24

08-28-2018, 07:32 PM
Aren’t these morphs of real people. How can they be proto slavs

08-28-2018, 07:59 PM
Who are you trying to deceive chap? The only thing working for you or rather inside you is a Kavkazian bottleneck. You've received too big of dose today, your butthole expanded too much that is why you are hyperactive as of now. :)
no yapping, animal.

08-28-2018, 08:16 PM
Coon's work is old and outdated. There are more recent ones (for example Alexeeva 2003).

No it isn't. Recent doesn't mean better.

08-28-2018, 10:00 PM
You dont have any nordic traits,you're some faelid-baltid with little uralid(eye area), like most from TA and anthroscape classified you, but you dont want to accept it because you view CM derived phenotypes as low class and have the typical fetish for nordoid,which you equalize with "noble".Same as Stears, who believes he comes from some noble family, so he must be nordoid.I dont blame you, this is also what media potraits, harmonious slender looking people as nobles, never a brute.Last time i told you to look at Elena Dementieva and then look at yourself you change the subject and started calling her weird and ugly.The key of your problems is that you think CM derived phenotypes are more common in working class people, because of sexual selection, robust people breed with each other more often, because it would benefit them, and you dont want to have a CM derived phenotype because (you think) it might signal others you have a low class origin.

My mother is a Faelid and we look nothing alike. I look the most as my paternal grandfather who was classifed here as eastnnordid or northpontid.

I think you are a troll.

08-28-2018, 10:39 PM
My mother is a Faelid and we look nothing alike. I look the most as my paternal grandfather who was classifed here as eastnnordid or northpontid.

I think you are a troll.

I am the one trolling, or you who calls cm derived types, ugly, because you have preconceptions about them?I'm sure the borreby females here(we have some from England) feel insulted.
You think just because you have blue eyes and doli skull, you are nordic, in reality pigmentation makes like 0.00001% of your genome, cromagnon skulls were uber dolico and often had blue eyes

08-29-2018, 04:43 AM
Slavs were originally indistinguishable from fellow P.I.E.s until the nasty Mongols went on a killing and raping spree, and the rest, as they say, is history.

08-29-2018, 05:19 AM
Slavs were originally indistinguishable from fellow P.I.E.s until the nasty Mongols went on a killing and raping spree, and the rest, as they say, is history.

I call bullshit - http://polishgenes.blogspot.com/2013/03/no-mongolian-admixture-in-poland.html

However, on a Polish forum we have one member with Hunnic Y-DNA:

Genetic genealogy of the Q-L712 Y-DNA haplogroup can be supplemented by archeological research and archaic DNA tests. In the ancient burial grounds in Altai Mountains, Tien Shan and also in other areas of Asia the archaeologists have discovered human remains, from which you could obtain genetic material (aDNA). Some samples belong to Q-M25 and to its subclades Q-L712, Q-L715 and Q-L713 (which have been for first time discovered in the genetic profile of the kit 180029 - member of our Q-L712 Focus Group) and have matches with living people who are the Q-L712 Focus Group project members.

Sample RISE493, archaeological site Sabinka 2, Karasuk Culture, Bronze Age, 1531-1268 BC (*Q-L715);
Sample RISE600, archaeological site Verh-Uimon, Hunnic-Sarmatian culture, Iron Age – middle of the first millennium AD (*Q-L713);
Sample RISE601, archaeological site Verh-Uimon, Hunnic-Sarmatian culture, Iron Age – middle of the first millennium AD (*Q-L715).

The “Nature” magazine has published an article titled 137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes. Several samples taken from male remains belonged to Q Y-DNA haplogroup, and in particular to its subclades: Q-L712, Q-L715 and Q-L713.

Sample DA54, archeological site Keden, kurgan K70, 1595 BP, Tian Shan Hun (Q-L715);
Sample DA74, archeological site Baskiya 2, kurgan 30, 1514 BP, Tian Shan Hun - child, buried together with another individual (Q-L713);
Sample DA86, archeological site Boz-Adyr, kurgan 16, 1468 BP, Tian Shan Turk - warrior buried together with horse (Q-L715);
Sample DA105, archeological site Uch-Kurbu, kurgan 1/4 (grave 4.), 1769 BP, Tian Shan Hun (Q-L715).

The results of other studies were published in the magazine “Science”, in an article entitled The first horse herders and the impact of early Bronze Age steppeexpansions into Asia. The article presents representatives of the archaeological culture of Yamna, the oldest horse breeders, among them a large part of men belongs to Q Y-DNA haplogroup. One of them belonged to the subclade Q-L712. This is probably the oldest known example of archaic Y-DNA belonging to the Q-L712 Y-DNA haplogroup.

Sample RISE683, archeological site Okunevo EMBA, 2850-1900 BC, Q-L712.

The above mentioned arguments lead to the conclusion about the possible Hunnic origin of men belonging to Q-L712 Y-DNA and its subclades and also about close links between the project participant's ancestors and the ancient Hunnic or Hunnic-Sarmatian culture.

08-29-2018, 11:32 AM
I am the one trolling, or you who calls cm derived types, ugly, because you have preconceptions about them?I'm sure the borreby females here(we have some from England) feel insulted.
You think just because you have blue eyes and doli skull, you are nordic, in reality pigmentation makes like 0.00001% of your genome, cromagnon skulls were uber dolico and often had blue eyes

I am zero percent Borreby, uhliest phenotype on earh for female with big fat faces that look like pigs.

Faelid is much better looking, and my mother is that, with square jaw and wide square face, and she looks better than me.

but i look nothing like her, my face is small and narrow with gracile jaw and softer features, also longer than hers.

Bauchus is anthroscapre troll.

08-29-2018, 11:55 AM
I am zero percent Borreby, uhliest phenotype on earh for female with big fat faces that look like pigs.

Faelid is much better looking, and my mother is that, with square jaw and wide square face, and she looks better than me.

but i look nothing like her, my face is small and narrow with gracile jaw and softer features, also longer than hers.

Bauchus is anthroscapre troll.

Stop insulting other people's appearance just because you have preconceptions,borreby and other CM derived phenotyped females aren't ugly just because they are robust.
You had same 'pig' nose that you hate before surgery,according to you.For example you are mostly CM and you aren't ugly at all,the proof is right in your face, or I can say on your face.
If Borreby is ugly, then are most irish,british,norwegian,icelandic women ugly?Your ancestors were mostly CM derived people, not only that you insult yourself but you also insult them and for what?So you appear online as the nordic nazi noble master race?

08-29-2018, 12:26 PM
Stop insulting other people's appearance just because you have preconceptions,borreby and other CM derived phenotyped females aren't ugly just because they are robust.
You had same 'pig' nose that you hate before surgery,according to you.For example you are mostly CM and you aren't ugly at all,the proof is right in your face, or I can say on your face.
If Borreby is ugly, then are most irish,british,norwegian,icelandic women ugly?Your ancestors were mostly CM derived people, not only that you insult yourself but you also insult them and for what?So you appear online as the nordic nazi noble master race?

Borreby don't have small upturned noses like I Had! Iz is Baltid or alpind trait

And I Had accident, that why my
Nose is now straight, i plan to do plastic surgery and return it to the way it was!!!

Sorry, but most Scandinavian women are not Borreby! It is good phenotype for Men not for women.
I have never seen attractive Borreby woman.

Their description say big, wide face .....Wtf?!! I am total opposite of that

You are just trolling me because I say Borreby are ugly (and They are, but Men look good)

Vlatko Vukovic
08-29-2018, 12:30 PM
Slavs were originally indistinguishable from fellow P.I.E.s until the nasty Mongols went on a killing and raping spree, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Yes, they raped every Slavic woman and every Slavic modern man is descedant of nasty Mongol.

Good trolling, now just fuck off.

08-29-2018, 12:37 PM
Borreby don't have small upturned noses like I Had! Iz is Baltid or alpind trait

And I Had accident, that why my
Nose is now straight, i plan to do plastic surgery and return it to the way it was!!!

Sorry, but most Scandinavian women are not Borreby! It is good phenotype for Men not for women.
I have never seen attractive Borreby woman.

Their description say big, wide face .....Wtf?!! I am total opposite of that

You are just trolling me because I say Borreby are ugly (and They are, but Men look good)

Not true, all borrebies have small and most of the time upturned noses, and it the most common phenotype in Scandinavia and British isles, thats why people say North Euros look like pigs.
The reason alpinids and baltids also have such noses is because they are CM derived phenotypes too, baltid is reduced west baltid and alpinid is reduced local CM form.I didnt say you are borreby,I said you have no med or nordoid trait, you are mostly faelid,still a CM derived phenotype.




08-30-2018, 07:45 AM
Not true, all borrebies have small and most of the time upturned noses, and it the most common phenotype in Scandinavia and British isles, thats why people say North Euros look like pigs.
The reason alpinids and baltids also have such noses is because they are CM derived phenotypes too, baltid is reduced west baltid and alpinid is reduced local CM form.I didnt say you are borreby,I said you have no med or nordoid trait, you are mostly faelid,still a CM derived phenotype.

dude you didn't answer on my question a few pages back - I am curious on your take :) I think I display both CM and Med/Nordic-like feats, so I am curious where you'll place me. most recent photos below and on avatar.

https://scontent.fsbz1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/40307930_10210387059512687_4875681496150573056_n.j pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=316401fcb7bba2d5a59d1e893c6266ca&oe=5C39790C

https://scontent.fsbz1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/39203643_10210305027101928_492127768071372800_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=0609a5f5a3b89b3ba6dd482336e7c8c4&oe=5BEFBE24

08-30-2018, 07:52 AM
dude you didn't answer on my question a few pages back - I am curious on your take :) I think I display both CM and Med/Nordic-like feats, so I am curious where you'll place me. most recent photos below and on avatar.

I don't think you look like early slavs at all as i think they were very homogenous.

08-30-2018, 08:00 AM
I don't think you look like early slavs at all as i think they were very homogenous.

the people of which nation or region today do you think look similar to early Slavs?

09-07-2018, 07:25 PM

^^^ These morphs actually look similar to many people in this video:


09-07-2018, 07:32 PM
These morphs look like Sorbs.