View Full Version : How similar, how different are Uralid and Turanid?

08-31-2018, 01:15 AM
How similar, how different are Uralid and Turanid?

12-12-2019, 07:33 PM
These are completely two different types. Bunak stated that Uralische race inherited the features of the oldest "undifferentiated " anthropological complex (type), which existed even before the division of mankind into Caucasoid and Mongoloid racial trunks.
Urlaische race is prevalent in North-East Europe while Turanid is common in Central Asia, Turkey and some parts of continental Europe. They have completely different anthropological characteristics. Uralische race is characterized by predominantly light pigmentation(Zenkevich found 63% of Mari people have light-eyes), mesocephaly, leptoprosopia or mesoprosopia. Turanid is characterized by dark pigmentation (Miklashevskaya found 96,2% of Kazakhs and 89,9% of Kirghiz have dark eyes, Zolotareva found 85,3% of Uzbeks have dark eyes) brachycephaly and euryprosopia.
Examples of Uralische race (Mari men) from Bunak.

Some examples of Turanid type (Kazakhs and Kirghiz) from Henkey and Horvath.

12-12-2019, 07:36 PM
Uralid - Turanid = about 44%