View Full Version : Classify me

04-05-2011, 07:18 AM
I would appreciate it if you guys can please classify me. Well I have been told a few times that I have cromagnid influence on my browridge so I also wan't to see what you guys can give an opinion on that. thanks

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/167922_501721912928_643147928_5899608_3493026_n.jp g
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/189856_10150136981802929_643147928_6494566_4391548 _n.jpg

04-05-2011, 11:06 AM
Atlantid+dinaric I would think.

04-05-2011, 01:15 PM
Atlantid+Indio. You are probably a mexican Castizo.

04-05-2011, 02:01 PM
50% Aprox.

Yes, there is some atlantic blood in you from some conquistador.

Much more than the average mexicano who carry Spanish surnames without a drop of spanish blood but as a gift of misioneros to dignify these indios.

There is, as well, an important amerindio component. I would guess almost 50%, a high number of spaniard blood compared to the great majority of average sudacas.

Seeing your facial hair potencial of growth would be indicative also of conquistador blood, or non-amerindian but european trait.

But your ethnicity is not Iberian since Iberians are the ones of pure breed from Iberia like most of the modern Spaniards.
I would say : Ameriberian.

04-05-2011, 02:10 PM
I am agree, I think you are predominantly European with significant Native American contribution, any sort of Atlantid+mediterranid+amerindian with cromagnid influences.

04-05-2011, 02:12 PM
There is, as well, an important amerindio component. I would guess almost 50%, a high number of spaniard blood compared to the great majority of average sudacas.

I think the Iberian component is more than 50%, but the indian admixture is clearly visible.

04-05-2011, 06:34 PM
I have been classified at other forums before and quite a lot of people were not able to notice an amerindian component on my features, to be honest I found that a bit strange though. I was told at other forums that my european component would be atlanto-med but here you guys said atlantid but I am not an expert when it comes to this terms. I appreciate that you guys have classified me, but I have a question. So I am castizo or how mixed am I? I been wondering about that for a long time. thanks to all of you though :)

04-05-2011, 06:44 PM
Is an impossible task to know your percentuals of blood.

That was a duty that, as you probably know, did us in the Imperio in our caste systems, carefully noting the race of ancestors of all the new born in territories of Spain.

Probably in the churches of the regions where your ancestors were born, you could find the registros by the Españoles and if you can dig enough, (many generations in a region with many combinations of mixed castes) find what you are seeking for.

As I said, to my eyes you have significant amount of spaniard blood (long face, maybe that hair is not found among the amerindians, with "asian" straight hair, skin tone in the last picture and the face as a whole shows) but the presence of amerindian blood in some features (the eyes, some incongruence in the nose and the face as a whole, to my spaniard eyes) is evident as well.

De blanco e indía - mestizo
De indio con negra - zambo
De negro con zamba - zambo prieto
De español con negra - mulato
De mulata con blanco - morisco
De español con morisca - albino
De español con mestizo - castizo
De albino con blanca - salta atrás (Uno de los miembros tenía que tener como abuelo o bisabuelo negro)
De indio con mestizo - coyote (También se denomina cholo)
De mulato con india - chino
De español con coyote - harnizo
De coyote con indio - chamizo
De chino con india - cambujo
De salta atrás con mulato - lobo
De lobo con china - gilvaro
De gilvaro con mulata - albarazado
De albarazado con negra - cambujo
De cambujo con india - sambaigo
De sambaigo con loba - campamulato

Be aware that in reality, contrary to vulgar and ignorant opinions, most of people from territories of América Española very rarely even reach to mestizo or 50% of spaniard blood. Very few spaniard blood poured in a massive local amerindian tank plus the pass of 5 centuries...

04-05-2011, 06:46 PM
Guys, might I ask where do you see ''Armendian'' influence from him ?

04-05-2011, 06:48 PM
50% Aprox.

Yes, there is some atlantic blood in you from some conquistador.

Much more than the average mexicano who carry Spanish surnames without a drop of spanish blood but as a gift of misioneros to dignify these indios.

There is, as well, an important amerindio component. I would guess almost 50%, a high number of spaniard blood compared to the great majority of average sudacas.

Seeing your facial hair potencial of growth would be indicative also of conquistador blood, or non-amerindian but european trait.

But your ethnicity is not Iberian since Iberians are the ones of pure breed from Iberia like most of the modern Spaniards.
I would say : Ameriberian.

Sure he isn't 100% Caucasian but saying he is a 50%-50% Mestizo it's an exaggeration, he is clearly more Caucasian than Native American. Atlanto Mediterranid + Minor Native.

04-05-2011, 06:51 PM
Sure he isn't 100% Caucasian but saying he is a 50%-50% Mestizo it's an exaggeration, he is clearly more Caucasian than Native American. Atlanto Mediterranid + Minor Native.

Agreed, on second thought I think atlantomed (with minor native) is a better classification then what I said earlier.

04-05-2011, 07:10 PM
I have been classified at other forums before and quite a lot of people were not able to notice an amerindian component on my features, to be honest I found that a bit strange though. I was told at other forums that my european component would be atlanto-med but here you guys said atlantid but I am not an expert when it comes to this terms. I appreciate that you guys have classified me, but I have a question. So I am castizo or how mixed am I? I been wondering about that for a long time. thanks to all of you though :)

That's hard to believe. Anyway, it's obvious you are predominantly caucasian. So castizo seems accurate to me.

04-05-2011, 10:26 PM
Mediterranid looks dominant. For sure, you're not 1/2 Amerindid. A profile picture would definitely help along with pictures of your parents.

04-05-2011, 11:45 PM
I would not really have guessed you were Hispanic. You look like a white American with a good deal of American Indian blood, maybe a quarter Indian-blooded. The length of your hair may contribute to that impression. :P But I think your nose & browridge are the features that point in that direction, though I should like to see a profile shot.

04-05-2011, 11:51 PM
Facial expression, eyes, lips and nose, to me are clearly influenced by something foreign, probably Native American, but in the case of American people can never know if there are other races involved.

Information about your family could help. Either way I would say you are 75-80% European and 20-25% amerindian+Unknow.

04-06-2011, 01:00 AM
There is Amerindian in you, but not significant indeed, you're mostly European. You remind me of this (http://www.google.com.pe/images?q=Nicholas%20C%C3%A1ceres&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=es&tab=wi&biw=1440&bih=775) Peruvian singer.

04-06-2011, 01:02 AM
and this one? Joaquin Cortes and other 100% Spaniard

He's a gypsy (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joaqu%C3%ADn_Cort%C3%A9s).

04-06-2011, 01:53 AM
Kosovo, you clearly cannot be objective when it comes to Spaniards.

Especially since this is a personal classification thread of a single member, not a general anthropological thread about Spanish people. Please give it a rest.

04-06-2011, 02:18 AM
I know some people here asked me to post some pictures of my parents but I am not quite comfortable with that, how ever before I have shown pictures of my parents to Glory, and Killer for anthropology purposes because I know them and am quite comfortable with them.

Anyways I wanted to say thanks to all of you who classified me because the information I was given here was pretty useful, how ever special thanks from me to Lábaru and Alvarado :thumb001:

04-06-2011, 02:47 AM
I know some people here asked me to post some pictures of my parents but I am not quite comfortable with that, how ever before I have shown pictures of my parents to Glory, and Killer for anthropology purposes because I know them and am quite comfortable with them.

Anyways I wanted to say thanks to all of you who classified me because the information I was given here was pretty useful, how ever special thanks from me to Lábaru and Alvarado :thumb001:

Un placer. Supongo que entiendes castellano. Perfectamente comprensible la idea de no poner aquí la foto de tus padres, algo que comparto completamente.

Remember that to be sure you can always track back your ancestor lines in the local churches. That is not only a quest for your origins, but a duty of honoring your ancestors.

Be aware that from the visions from a few pictures we can not talk about percentuals. Even I, after seeing you from the first momments to a more detailed and careful valoration about the traits, I have passed from a 50% of spaniard blood (to me, a high porcentaje among hispanic american population) to an 75%.

Bienvenido, espero verte por aquí.

04-06-2011, 02:58 AM
Un placer. Supongo que entiendes castellano. Perfectamente comprensible la idea de no poner aquí la foto de tus padres, algo que comparto completamente.

Remember that to be sure you can always track back your ancestor lines in the local churches. That is not only a quest for your origins, but a duty of honoring your ancestors.

Be aware that from the visions from a few pictures we can not talk about percentuals. Even I, after seeing you from the first momments to a more detailed and careful valoration about the traits, I have passed from a 50% of spaniard blood (to me, a high porcentaje among hispanic american population) to an 75%.

Bienvenido, espero verte por aquí.

Si entiendo muy vien el Castellano, pero bueno pues por el momento escribire en Ingles para que los de mas foristas comprendan lo que digo y no se enfanden conmigo.

Well I agree with you and I think it is a great idea for me to honer my ancestors, well when ever I go to mexico I will look up records it does sound like a very good idea. I have a specific reason why I don't post up pics of my parents and thats because my mom passed away years ago and I know if some of you were in my situation you would find it hard to post pictures of someone who passed away recently in your family, so thanks for trying to understand.

50% is a pretty high percentage, I even used to think I was completely native indian or something so I am a bit surprised

By the way I know this is a cultural forum so I have a quick question. Well I live in USA so what cultures should I adopt to? spaniards prefer when I speak spanish, and White americans prefer that I speak only english and not spanish, how ever I honor both languages since they are both very important. Well anyways thanks for welcoming me here, and I hope the rest of the forum members can welcome me because I have very high interests in the pre-hispanic cultures as well as USA history.

Dark Angel
04-06-2011, 03:01 AM
European and Indian

Dario Argento
04-06-2011, 06:55 AM
Castizo would seem right. You seem over a quarter more Caucasian for the average Mexican.

I would say you are Atlanto-Med + Pueblid, given that you said you're of Mexican origin.

I know a few Chileans and even Argentines here in my country that somehow look like you.


This is a Castizo from Argentina

04-06-2011, 07:24 AM
Castizo would seem right. You seem over a quarter more Caucasian for the average Mexican.

I would say you are Atlanto-Med + Pueblid, given that you said you're of Mexican origin.

I know a few Chileans and even Argentines here in my country that somehow look like you.


This is a Castizo from Argentina
Oh wow he is even wearing a Kreator t-shirt like me LOL. Well I know some people suggested that I should take a profile picture or post up pictures of my parents, but I have webcam so maybe my features can be studied with a bit more detail through msn or something. How ever thanks to you and everybody else for the classification. Here is another picture of me which I should have added for my classification. thanks.
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/180717_10150117694302929_643147928_6314514_4697870 _n.jpg

04-06-2011, 11:29 AM
Si entiendo muy vien el Castellano, pero bueno pues por el momento escribire en Ingles para que los de mas foristas comprendan lo que digo y no se enfanden conmigo.

Well I agree with you and I think it is a great idea for me to honer my ancestors, well when ever I go to mexico I will look up records it does sound like a very good idea. I have a specific reason why I don't post up pics of my parents and thats because my mom passed away years ago and I know if some of you were in my situation you would find it hard to post pictures of someone who passed away recently in your family, so thanks for trying to understand.

50% is a pretty high percentage, I even used to think I was completely native indian or something so I am a bit surprised

By the way I know this is a cultural forum so I have a quick question. Well I live in USA so what cultures should I adopt to? spaniards prefer when I speak spanish, and White americans prefer that I speak only english and not spanish, how ever I honor both languages since they are both very important. Well anyways thanks for welcoming me here, and I hope the rest of the forum members can welcome me because I have very high interests in the pre-hispanic cultures as well as USA history.

Castilian was the first European language spoken in Americas.
The colonists and pilgrims of english stock came behind the discoveries and conquistas of the alpha breeds, the Spaniards. These anglos and other europeans had an advantadge that the spaniards didn't have: they took their women and invaded these regions as colonists, not as conquistadores as the spaniards, as a great tsunami. So they, eventually, took control by number of the region...

... El lenguaje natural y más correcto allí es el Castellano. Nunca olvides ni permitas que hagan olvidar a tus hijos este noble idioma.

Never let them to make your children forget this noble language of Conquistadores and the ones that expanded Europe.

Is an insult and an infamy that these other europeans who took numeric (by invasion and reproduction rate) advantadge from the efforts, courage, cojones, sacrifices, discoveries and conquistas of the ones who discovered and conquered these new territories, dare to ban the noble Castilian, Spanish, the first and more correct european language for these territories.

Habla castellano, háblalo siempre. Es el más adecuado. No importa lo que te digan. Éstos son los gestos que honran la verdad y a los tuyos.


04-06-2011, 01:09 PM
Castilian was the first European language spoken in Americas.

Actually, probably Old Norse was the first European language spoken in the Americas.

The colonists and pilgrims of english stock came behind the discoveries and conquistas of the alpha breeds, the Spaniards. These anglos and other europeans had an advantadge that the spaniards didn't have: they took their women and invaded these regions as colonists, not as conquistadores as the spaniards, as a great tsunami. So they, eventually, took control by number of the region...

Please. They went to areas the Spaniards had never been. With the exception of Florida, the entire eastern seaboard of the modern United States was never conquered or even colonized by Spaniards. The vast stretch of land between the Appalachain Mountains & California, while claimed by Spain, was largely devoid of Spanish influence except in the southernmost parts near the modern Mexican border. If the Spaniards failed to bring their own women over, it is proof of a lack of sound colonial strategy rather than "alpha breed" status. By the time the Anglos gained control of the lands that make up the western half of the modern U.S., Spain had already lost nearly all of her American colonies to the Indios.

... El lenguaje natural y más correcto allí es el Castellano. Nunca olvides ni permitas que hagan olvidar a tus hijos este noble idioma.

This is like saying that Arabic is the natural language of Catalonia since the Moors conquered & the controlled the area for several hundred years. Nonsense. But for what it's worth, U.S. land, especially in the southwest, is slowly being "reconquered" by Spanish-speakers in the guise of Indios, who are immigrating in large numbers & reproducing at a higher rate than us Gringos.

04-06-2011, 01:33 PM
Actually, probably Old Norse was the first European language spoken in the Americas.

Please. They went to areas the Spaniards had never been. With the exception of Florida, the entire eastern seaboard of the modern United States was never conquered or even colonized by Spaniards. The vast stretch of land between the Appalachain Mountains & California, while claimed by Spain, was largely devoid of Spanish influence except in the southernmost parts near the modern Mexican border. If the Spaniards failed to bring their own women over, it is proof of a lack of sound colonial strategy rather than "alpha breed" status. By the time the Anglos gained control of the lands that make up the western half of the modern U.S., Spain had already lost nearly all of her American colonies to the Indios.

This is like saying that Arabic is the natural language of Catalonia since the Moors conquered & the controlled the area for several hundred years. Nonsense. But for what it's worth, U.S. land, especially in the southwest, is slowly being "reconquered" by Spanish-speakers in the guise of Indios, who are immigrating in large numbers & reproducing at a higher rate than us Gringos.

As I see you are new to the forum and probably don't know how I act, I will inform you that I don't lose my time teaching history to other members who clearly need lessons about it (impressive historico-cultural errors yours), very in particular with northamericans, whose, sadly, share a paupérrima y corrupta cultura histórica.

I think now you are advised about my attitude and my lack of wish to interact in these situations with these profiles of members and in consequence I would help you to preserve your time from being lost in a lost cause like this one.

I encourage strongly to any "latino" or amerindian in actual USA to Speak Spanish. Then we will talk about english.

Don't let them destroy your culture and heritage like they did just 2 generations ago with the Filipinos and their infamous forbidding of the castilian.

A pathetic and dramatic situation that only can be prevented by active resistance.

04-06-2011, 01:39 PM

The first Native American to arrive in Europe may have been a woman brought to Iceland by the Vikings more than 1,000 years ago, a study by Spanish and Icelandic researchers suggests.

04-06-2011, 01:46 PM
As I see you are new to the forum and probably don't know how I act, I will inform you that I don't lose my time teaching history to other members who clearly need lessons about it (impressive historico-cultural errors yours), very in particular with northamericans, whose, sadly, share a paupérrima y corrupta cultura histórica.

I've read around enough to have an idea of how you act. I'll grant you authority on the history of your own people & land. But you pretend a knowledge of North American history you obviously do not possess. There were no "historico-cultural" errors in what I wrote. If I must correct you for the sake of preventing others from being seriously misinformed, I shall.

Dario Argento
04-07-2011, 09:28 AM
Oh wow he is even wearing a Kreator t-shirt like me LOL. Well I know some people suggested that I should take a profile picture or post up pictures of my parents, but I have webcam so maybe my features can be studied with a bit more detail through msn or something. How ever thanks to you and everybody else for the classification. Here is another picture of me which I should have added for my classification. thanks.
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/180717_10150117694302929_643147928_6314514_4697870 _n.jpg

Actually, seeing again, I think you look more Caucasoid that the man I posted. Either that or it's the different Amerindian component. Contrary to popular belief, not all Indios look the same (remember the Americas are the only continent that stretches from pole to pole, so it's obvious there's a good deal of variation amongst them).

Black Sun Dimension
04-07-2011, 02:30 PM
Ive met several argentinos who look like you, ese; that was my first choice. You dont look like a mexican to me, vato.

04-07-2011, 02:43 PM
http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21104The first Native American to arrive in Europe may have been a woman brought to Iceland by the Vikings more than 1,000 years ago, a study by Spanish and Icelandic researchers suggests.
We are not talking about visting America, but actually settling in it.

04-07-2011, 02:47 PM
It was already settled when we visited;)

04-07-2011, 02:49 PM
It was already settled when we visited;)
By europeans ? ;)

04-07-2011, 03:59 PM
We are not talking about visting America, but actually settling in it.

The Norse began settling in Greenland in the 980's. L'Anse aux Meadows is the site of a medieval Norse settlement in what is now Newfoundland, Canada.

04-07-2011, 04:01 PM
The Norse began settling in Greenland in the 980's. L'Anse aux Meadows is the site of a medieval Norse settlement in what is now Newfoundland, Canada.

And did those supposedly settlers survived there or just "died"/got diluted with the natives over time? Out of curiosity.

04-07-2011, 05:30 PM
And did those supposedly settlers survived there or just "died"/got diluted with the natives over time? Out of curiosity.

The Norse colonies in Greenland survived roughly 500 years, eventually disappearing around 50 or so years before Columbus made his seminal voyage. Whether they "died off" or assimmilated to the native population isn't really known. L'Anse aux Meadows appears to have been a winter camp and/or base for exploration in the region the Norse termed "Vinland," but it appears whatever attempts may have been made to establish permanent colonies in Vinland never really got off the ground.

04-07-2011, 06:11 PM


04-07-2011, 06:34 PM
Prove it...

04-07-2011, 09:15 PM
Ive met several argentinos who look like you, ese; that was my first choice. You dont look like a mexican to me, vato.
Thanks well I will take it as compliment than :thumb001: