View Full Version : You go to church everyday

Thanas Django
09-02-2018, 05:20 PM
80 years ago, 90 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago
people went to church to listen to music and read the stories of the Bible.
for entertainment.
and through this entertainment of music and story telling
they learned lessons for the future and built the world we know

but when your parents were absent at work
you switched on the TV or played your videogame
for entertainment
and the TV and your videogame
gave you the framework you follow today.

It used to be that everyone had the same opinion on things as their priest
who claimed to be in contact with God
but now, you have new priests
millions of them
they are called Youtubers
and they are preaching you what to think

and every time you go to Youtube.com you go to church
so you go to church every day every minute
and the songs and the texts of the church your grandparents went to
because they were good religious people
do not give you the same dopamine kick
as a Youtuber
which means they are boring
but you call them untrue
and instead are willing
to listen to whatever the fuck the TV and Youtube tell you

so you go to church every day.
Enjoy your programming.
What values are they teaching you btw?

09-02-2018, 08:13 PM
All people are brainwashed by a state = All states are members of UN, UN = controlled by Jews and their military Wing USA = they are controlled by AntiChrist (Jesus impostor)

Now let's see Ottoman Empire

All people are members of either Islamic or Christian community region = regions are controlled by Governors who are appointed by Viziers = Viziers are appointed by Emperor = Emperor was servant of God.

WW1 = Destruction of Religious Empires
WW2 = Communism and Rethoric of Hate (final battle with faith)
WW3 = Rise of New Religion and Jews. (Jews rule the world)

So don't be surprised about anything.

War against Christianity and Islam is nothing new, but modern Christians are stupid or Christians by declaration only.

Thanas Django
09-03-2018, 06:16 AM
All people are brainwashed by a state = All states are members of UN, UN = controlled by Jews and their military Wing USA = they are controlled by AntiChrist (Jesus impostor)

Now let's see Ottoman Empire

All people are members of either Islamic or Christian community region = regions are controlled by Governors who are appointed by Viziers = Viziers are appointed by Emperor = Emperor was servant of God.

WW1 = Destruction of Religious Empires
WW2 = Communism and Rethoric of Hate (final battle with faith)
WW3 = Rise of New Religion and Jews. (Jews rule the world)

So don't be surprised about anything.

War against Christianity and Islam is nothing new, but modern Christians are stupid or Christians by declaration only.
