View Full Version : Another set of parasites supported by the leftwing lovers

03-01-2009, 10:25 AM
Deaves vows to bring down incest haters

Incest daughter Jenny Deaves has vowed police action against "low life cyber bullies" who are using Facebook hate groups to menace her family.

The group "John and Jenny Deaves — you disgust us but we want more" has only 42 members but Ms Deaves, 40, says she's been bombarded with abuse and threats.

Several members wrote on the group's message wall that the Deaves should "be shot". Other posts were even more graphic.

Ms Deaves, who revealed that she had two children with her 62-year-old father John in April last year, said her requests for the group to be deleted had been snubbed by Facebook.

"I've asked Facebook to remove [the group] but they haven't ... and I want each individual who is cyber bullying to have their profiles removed too," she told ninemsn.

source (http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/758579/deaves-vows-to-bring-down-incest-haters)

Another set of parasites supported by the leftwing lovers.

And when people with some kind of moral center speaks out...they are haters.

Sounds familiar? :rolleyes:

03-01-2009, 01:50 PM
Aren't there laws in Australia against this? I mean all of this? People having children with their own father, others threatening to shoot them, etc. ...

This woman should be committed into a mental hospital. She isn't a "parasite", she's the victim of a monster.

03-01-2009, 03:11 PM
The woman is a very willing participant. They're both monsters and there's much more to this story, all of it revolting. Australian 60 minutes did a interview with them last year, if your game it's on the net.

03-02-2009, 05:04 AM
Aren't there laws in Australia against this? I mean all of this? People having children with their own father, others threatening to shoot them, etc. ...

This woman should be committed into a mental hospital. She isn't a "parasite", she's the victim of a monster.

The laws need to be changed, they can't really enforce them.

Revenant This user is on your Ignore List.

Sweet :cool:

03-02-2009, 07:36 PM
What's the point of changing laws that cannot be enforced in the first place?

03-02-2009, 08:25 PM
What's the point of changing laws that cannot be enforced in the first place?

Apparently, it was, according to this article:


03-03-2009, 05:24 AM
What's the point of changing laws that cannot be enforced in the first place?

Well just gives some nuff in the government something to do, for 2 hours out of his day.

With more mutlicutralism comes the death of basic standards. Rudd wants us to be more Asian, and take on their culture. So enforcing this laws would only up set his great plan.