View Full Version : Multiples ethnics origins, chance or bad ?

Visage pâle
09-07-2018, 06:43 PM
IMO, when you are from than 3 ethnicities or nationalities, it's a trouble, because you don't know your identity anymore. It's too much. I think it's less a problem in colonials countries such USA because most peoples have multiples ancestries. There is a sort of 'white american ethnicity' now.
What is your opinion ?

09-07-2018, 06:48 PM
My family comes from more than three ethnic groups, but I always felt Croatian.
It helps that majority of my ancestry is Croat, while other admixures are much smaller.

09-07-2018, 06:48 PM
I kind of disagree. If you are from one ethnicity, it usually means you are probably from lower socio-economic status. I.E. full blooded Irish from New York and Boston. The more upwardly mobile folks have a more blended ancestry. Ironically being a Euro "mutt" is more prestigious in this case. Most all my ancestry is Northwest European. Where I live people have Celtic Games, and Oktoberfest with ease. I feel more Irish than anything. It's largely based on to what culture you relate to the most. But where I live, most people just consider themselves plain 'ol American.

09-07-2018, 06:49 PM
My family comes from more than three ethnic groups, but I always felt Croatian.

5 ethnic groups, is not it?

Chaos One
09-07-2018, 06:51 PM
The share makes some diff IMO. If you're like 3/4+ of any specific ethnical group, you hold it overall speaking.

I'm 3/4 Italian and have a huge share on those last 1/4, and while I can't say I'm Italian (although I can get dual citizenship) I feel more connected to it instead Tajik/Berber sides. Probably because I was created as a typical Italian-Brazilian at all.

09-07-2018, 06:54 PM
5 ethnic groups, is not it?

Four that I am certain of. Fifth (Jewish) is not that sure with my parents results.
My mother's family has unresolved origins and it seems that there is possibly another ethnicity in the mix (Greek) rather than Jewish, but also in realm of speculation. Or both of them with who knows what else.

I plan to visit Zemun soon and look in the church records and county books to find out the truth, but it is possible we will never know. :(

09-07-2018, 07:02 PM
IMO, when you are from than 3 ethnicities or nationalities, it's a trouble, because you don't know your identity anymore. It's too much. I think it's less a problem in colonials countries such USA because most peoples have multiples ancestries. There is a sort of 'white american ethnicity' now.
What is your opinion ?

I think you're correct in that having more than 4 ethnicities makes it difficult to 'identify' with one, but I do not agree that there's a "white American ethnicity" now.

Since people immigrate for certain reasons, you have regional and class variations that end up representing something like a new identity... Americans are more regional... Since I'm mostly Slavic, I grew up around other children who were also of Eastern European and related backgrounds (Italian, Jewish, etc) and I think we identify--if not entirely consciously--with that.

It also depends on your family... my Slovak family was the closest to me throughout my life, so I feel more 'Slovak' than anything else, but only in a Chicago-immigrant-family kind of way... know what I mean?

09-07-2018, 07:05 PM
Four that I am certain of. Fifth (Jewish) is not that sure with my parents results.
My mother's family has unresolved origins and it seems that there is possibly another ethnicity in the mix (Greek) rather than Jewish, but also in realm of speculation. Or both of them with who knows what else.

I plan to visit Zemun soon and look in the church records and county books to find out the truth, but it is possible we will never know. :(

We don't know from which ethnicities our ancestors were in the deep past. Church books goes few centuries in the past maximum.
Even genetic can not give many answers. Only y dna is singificant for reconstruction of the past, autosomal is more fun than seriuos science.

Visage pâle
09-07-2018, 07:10 PM
I known a girl of polish french and russian heritage, she married a vietnamese. I really think their children will have great identities problems.

Visage pâle
09-07-2018, 07:13 PM
The share makes some diff IMO. If you're like 3/4+ of any specific ethnical group, you hold it overall speaking.

I'm 3/4 Italian and have a huge share on those last 1/4, and while I can't say I'm Italian (although I can get dual citizenship) I feel more connected to it instead Tajik/Berber sides. Probably because I was created as a typical Italian-Brazilian at all.

75/25 seems the barrier. When you have less you can identify to a single identity, when you have 25 or more you are mixed.

09-07-2018, 07:15 PM
I known a girl of polish french and russian heritage, she married a vietnamese. I really think their children will have great identities problems.

Because that children are mixed race.

When parents are from different ethnicities but of same race that is less problematic for children, than when parents are from different races.

09-07-2018, 07:25 PM
I'm 1/2 English, 3/8 Spanish and 1/8 Portuguese, with dual citizenship (triple really, but for the sake of technicality) and I've never had any problem identifying who I am, I was raised as a Briton and that's what I idenfity with.

If you're somewhere where you look nothing like the native population, then that might be a problem, but that can happen to someone with just one ethnicity, or five.

09-07-2018, 07:29 PM
Because that children are mixed race.

When parents are from different ethnicities but of same race that is less problematic for children, than when parents are from different races.

I doubt that particular couple's children will have a problem, depending where they live. Children of mixed Slav/SE Asian hardly look very unusual, usually just better-looking versions of their parents. With darker hair and eyes, normally... They've essentially just created a Central Asian.

Cristiano viejo
09-07-2018, 10:29 PM
I kind of disagree. If you are from one ethnicity, it usually means you are probably from lower socio-economic status. I.E. full blooded Irish from New York and Boston.
That maybe happens in countries like USA, not in Europe. Here being from only one ethnicity is a sign of status and something positive.

09-07-2018, 10:53 PM
If you resemble only 1 of your backgrounds, so OK.

09-07-2018, 11:02 PM
There are many Europeans who are multiple ehtnicites as well, its not just an American thing.

I have a few in me and have always associated with my German side the most, even before taking a DNA test.

Cristiano viejo
09-08-2018, 12:04 AM
There are many Europeans who are multiple ehtnicites as well, its not just an American thing.

Yes... and what are they exactly? :rolleyes: