View Full Version : Will Sweden Democrats demolish Europe's model 'humanitarian superpower' tonight?

09-09-2018, 06:23 AM
A historic win for the anti-immigrant party in the shining beacon of European values could seismically upend the continent's future, but establishment parties may still collude to keep the Sweden Democrats out of power – for now.

The campaign for Sunday's parliamentary vote ended as it had run – with dire warnings well outside normal political discourse from the incumbents, and indignation verging on self-proclaimed martyrdom from the upstarts.

Stefan Lofven, the Social Democrat prime minister, called voting for the Sweden Democrats "rooted in racism and Nazism," and "dangerous" for the nation. It was "like trying to quench fire with alcohol," he said.

Meanwhile, the party said that it would boycott national broadcaster SVT after it publicly interjected in the final televised political debate on Friday, taking time out to say it "does not stand" by views expressed by Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Akesson. He had said earlier in the discussion that immigrants fail to find jobs in the country because "they are not Swedes" who "do not fit."

But the grandstanding and vitriol in a society reared on heated but civil disagreement is not just for show. The political fate of Sweden is genuinely up in the air.


"This is the first time in the history of Sweden that it's very difficult to say who is going to win, because the parties are trying to build different constellations of blocs," says Adrian Groglopo, professor of social science at the University of Gothenburg.

Both the center-left and the center-right coalitions are polling at around 40 percent, with the balance made up by the Sweden Democrats, with which both sides said they will not work (in turn, Akesson himself has also insisted that his party will not join any centrist grouping without considerable concessions). This leaves the option of a grand coalition, something that has never occurred in peacetime, or a particularly weak minority government.


"The conservatives want to be back in power doubt very much that they are going to hold their promise not to form a coalition with the far-right," says Groglopo. "If this happens, we will have a whole other kind of Sweden."


Sweden has welcomed 1.7 million foreigners since 2000, taking in more refugees per capita in the last four years than any other EU state, and nearly one-in-five residents was born outside the country.


Friberg believes that establishment backroom stitch-ups will anger an already restive electorate, however, particularly if it looks like the supposedly right-wing parties "would prefer to support the continuing high level of immigration than to govern, simply to keep out the Sweden Democrats."

"If they go on and form a government with their traditional worst enemies to stop Akesson, the voters will punish them at the next election, and don't be surprised if the Sweden Democrats get 40 or 50 percent at the next election," he says.

Groglopo predicts that any coalition could be so volatile, and so vulnerable to acts of sabotage from whoever is left out that a new election could come as soon as January or February next year.

"Nothing is clear, yet one thing is certain. Swedish society is growing more and more divided, and Sweden Democrats are getting more and more power," he says.

Just how powerful, the rest of Europe will watch – Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel with trepidation, and Viktor Orban and Matteo Salvini with hope.


09-09-2018, 06:34 AM
And the Mainstream media is at it as usual regarding this election. The only neo-nazis here are the EU/bankers and their anti-free speech/anti-freedom satanic totalitarianism disguised as left wing "liberalism". Real liberalism died when JFK was assassinated by the same NWO/banker scum that are in control of the West today.

Neo-Nazi background hounds Sweden Democrats


09-09-2018, 02:18 PM
They only can win

09-09-2018, 05:33 PM
I voted for AfS , alternative for Sweden instead :) I hope they will enter the parliament. And that SD will become the biggest party.

09-09-2018, 05:34 PM
I voted for AfS , alternative for Sweden instead :) I hope they will enter the parliament. And that SD will become the biggest party.

Dont waste your vote on a small party, thats the biggest problem in our situation.

We need to stick together and concentrate on one party, ofc you cannot agree with everything they say, but the message gotta be there.

09-10-2018, 01:30 AM
So what now for Sweden?

Sweden faces a period of political uncertainty after an election that did not leave either main parliamentary bloc with a majority
With more than 99% of the vote counted, the centre-left bloc is sitting on 40.6% and the centre-right on 40.2%

Social Democrats - 28.4%

Moderates - 19.8%

Sweden Democrats - 17.6%

Centre Party - 8.6%

Left Party - 7.9%

Christian Democrats - 6.4%

Liberal Party - 5.5%

Green Party - 4.3%

09-10-2018, 01:49 AM
Right-wing cuckservatives only need to say the word, and they have their majority. I wonder whether they'll manage. I think they'll rather go in sea with the SocDems.

09-10-2018, 01:52 AM
Right-wing cuckservatives only need to say the word, and they have their majority. I wonder whether they'll manage. I think they'll rather go in sea with the SocDems.

Dear dandelion,

Who is else is right wing except for SD?

forget it, found it


09-10-2018, 01:59 AM
Unless Swedish Democrats had the highest vote share, they would have been shut out of government (and I think this is likely now as well).

09-10-2018, 02:14 AM
A new and third powerblock is formed, one with a powerful voice as the opposition.
I wonder whether Swedish celebs would hold a cheesy concert versus 'perceived' racism and hate. I totally can see them do this.

09-10-2018, 02:16 AM
Unless Swedish Democrats had the highest vote share, they would have been shut out of government (and I think this is likely now as well).

SD was even projected to get 20% of the vote.

09-10-2018, 02:17 AM
SD was even projected to get 20% of the vote.

So it slightly underperformed?

09-10-2018, 06:52 AM
The secret ballot in Sweden does not exist at all :picard2:


Finnish Swede
09-10-2018, 07:18 AM
I'm disappointed, but SD was still the winner of election. And we have keep in minds that Sweden's economy is growing 3% annually and unemployment is low (vs Europe) among of ethnic Swedish. So normally the present bloc (government) should have won this election easily.

First time ever the immigration policy was really on the table. Before it has been one kind of hyss-hyss issue in Sweden ... as nobody (old parties) have wanted to talk about it (as that could open pandora box and make Swedish more racists). Now they were forced to talk about it ...because of SD.

Sweden will get weak government. Weak to be harmonious enough (in big lines/decisions => those can not be done) or not having clear majority in parliament.... or even both. We might even face new election before 2022.

World's economy will not probable look as bright 2022 as it does today (USA, Chine, EU etc. trade agreements, several unsolved world crises etc.). Also Sweden's immigration situation will be even worse than today (as nothing will change now). Soo ... 2022 SD will again increase its popularity. Sweden just lost 4 damn long years...

09-10-2018, 11:17 AM
In Sweden is a problem with the ballot papers, actually, everyone can see what you vote. I can't bet many swedish people did not vote for the SD because of the fear of being called "racists"

09-10-2018, 11:35 AM
Leftists are importing voters so they can win elections by overwhelming the natives who would likely vote against them. Migrants have an incentive to vote left because the left is offering them free stuff. This is not fair, and this is why it's illegal in every country for foreigners to be able to vote. However, the left have found a loophole by having foreigners migrate to the country and granting them citizenship & voting rights so they can vote.

09-10-2018, 11:45 AM
Leftists are importing voters so they can win elections by overwhelming the natives who would likely vote against them. Migrants have an incentive to vote left because the left is offering them free stuff. This is not fair, and this is why it's illegal in every country for foreigners to be able to vote. However, the left have found a loophole by having foreigners migrate to the country and granting them citizenship & voting rights so they can vote.

Is there such thing as “You are the citizen of country X but you cannot vote for the elections in country X”? But, assume that the person is neither a prisoner nor mentally disabled.

Finnish Swede
09-10-2018, 12:08 PM
Is there such thing as “You are the citizen of country X but you cannot vote for the elections in country X”? But, assume that the person is neither a prisoner nor mentally disabled.

Nope, but the present problem is that Sweden shares their citizenships too easily and too quickly (for their immigrants). SD would like to change that.

One of member of SD even attacked against to dual nationality persons (like me). Jimmie Åkesson was needed to soften that comment .... saying that SD will not support that BUT would accept that for their neighbouring Nordic countries people (Danish, Norwegian or Finnish citizens) ... for historical reasons.

09-10-2018, 12:14 PM
Nope, but the present problem is that Sweden shares their citizenships too easily and too quickly (for their immigrants). SD would like to change that.

One of member of SD even attacked against to dual nationality persons (like me). Jimmie Åkesson was needed to soften that comment .... saying that SD will not support that BUT would accept that for their neighbouring Nordic countries people (Danish, Norwegian or Finnish citizens) ... for historical reasons.

Acquiring citizenship of a country should not be very easy, in my opinion. Southern and Central Europeans are on the right way, I guess. Both Turkey and Sweden should follow them in terms of giving citizenship.

09-10-2018, 01:15 PM
Leftists are importing voters so they can win elections by overwhelming the natives who would likely vote against them. Migrants have an incentive to vote left because the left is offering them free stuff. This is not fair, and this is why it's illegal in every country for foreigners to be able to vote. However, the left have found a loophole by having foreigners migrate to the country and granting them citizenship & voting rights so they can vote.

90% is of immigrant background in Rinkeby.


09-10-2018, 03:26 PM
In Sweden is a problem with the ballot papers, actually, everyone can see what you vote. I can't bet many swedish people did not vote for the SD because of the fear of being called "racists"

There was around 100,000 invalid votes, whatever that means

Finnish Swede
09-10-2018, 04:30 PM
There was around 100,000 invalid votes, whatever that means

Some goes to vote Donald Duck, James Bond etc. One of those stupid ways to protests....

Finnish Swede
09-10-2018, 06:31 PM
OK ... just 7 months to go to my next election .... Finland's parliament election 2019.

09-10-2018, 06:33 PM
The secret ballot in Sweden does not exist at all :picard2:


That's not how it works. You can collect ballots from all the parties and no one will know what you voted for.

09-10-2018, 06:35 PM
I'm disappointed, but SD was still the winner of election. And we have keep in minds that Sweden's economy is growing 3% annually and unemployment is low (vs Europe) among of ethnic Swedish. So normally the present bloc (government) should have won this election easily.

First time ever the immigration policy was really on the table. Before it has been one kind of hyss-hyss issue in Sweden ... as nobody (old parties) have wanted to talk about it (as that could open pandora box and make Swedish more racists). Now they were forced to talk about it ...because of SD.

Sweden will get weak government. Weak to be harmonious enough (in big lines/decisions => those can not be done) or not having clear majority in parliament.... or even both. We might even face new election before 2022.

World's economy will not probable look as bright 2022 as it does today (USA, Chine, EU etc. trade agreements, several unsolved world crises etc.). Also Sweden's immigration situation will be even worse than today (as nothing will change now). Soo ... 2022 SD will again increase its popularity. Sweden just lost 4 damn long years...

You should be disappointed with NMR not getting any votes. Your views have nothing to do with SD.

09-10-2018, 06:40 PM
That's not how it works. You can collect ballots from all the parties and no one will know what you voted for.

That black guy looks like he'll be expecting you to vote left, or else. You're not taking an SD ballot by his watch.

09-10-2018, 06:44 PM
Sweden is a liberal Marxist country. Even Ikea left Sweden because of high taxes and state taking from the wealthy to distribute around.
Scandinavian countries are Socialists, a lot more than Russia (save for Russia's Soviet symbolism still in use).

09-10-2018, 06:44 PM
That black guy looks like he'll be expecting you to vote left, or else. You're not taking an SD ballot by his watch.

I'm pretty sure you can get the ballots mailed to your home aswell. Idk, at the place I voted for I simply walked up to the SD and Christian Democrat representatives and took ballots from them directly infront of everyone there. I can imagine pussified Swedes not daring to do that though.

09-10-2018, 06:50 PM
I'm pretty sure you can get the ballots mailed to your home aswell. Idk, at the place I voted for I simply walked up to the SD and Christian Democrat representatives and took ballots from them directly infront of everyone there. I can imagine pussified Swedes not daring to do that though.

Yes. One Swede on ABF even told me he had already voted two weeks ago. He told me in an air of 'aren't you primitive Belgians able to do that?' lol

In Belgium only people take an empty card (the same for everyone) and vote inside the booth, then hand in the vote invisible to anyone whom it was you voted for.

09-10-2018, 07:01 PM
I would take a right wing one, even in Rinkeby. I did read an unfortunate story of a pregnant woman getting assaulted over being SD associated, though.

09-10-2018, 07:07 PM
Some goes to vote Donald Duck, James Bond etc. One of those stupid ways to protests....

Lol reminds me of the time I first voted. I voted for Donald Duck too.

09-10-2018, 08:11 PM
That's not how it works. You can collect ballots from all the parties and no one will know what you voted for.

And everyone will say " He collected all the papers because he wants to vote with SD"

Finnish Swede
09-10-2018, 08:12 PM
You should be disappointed with NMR not getting any votes. Your views have nothing to do with SD.

That bitter? .... LOL. Nope, as I did't even expect them to get much of votes.

And honestly I don't support Nordic Resistance Movement ... too many of those have criminal backgrounds.

Plus I don't either support direct violence. I kick only in trainings. Not like this guy in centrum of Helsinki .... the victim died later one in hospital (brain damage).


09-10-2018, 08:18 PM
That bitter? .... LOL. Nope, as I did't even expect them to get much of votes.

And honestly I don't support Nordic Resistance Movement ... too many of those have criminal backgrounds.

Plus I don't either support direct violence. I kick only in trainings. Not like this guy in centrum of Helsinki .... the victim died later one in hospital (brain damage).


Finnish Swedes tend to be more humanistic than True Finns, who have an element of savagery in them still. You can even notice it by reading posts by them. They're proud of it even. Never mess with a Finn. :)

09-10-2018, 08:18 PM
That bitter? .... LOL. Nope, as I did't even expect them to get much of votes.

And honestly I don't support Nordic Resistance Movement ... too many of those have criminal backgrounds.

Plus I don't either support direct violence. I kick only in trainings. Not like this guy in centrum of Helsinki .... the victim died later one in hospital (brain damage).


Lol so that's the biggest problem you have with NMR? Just that many of them have a criminal background? xD
SD is far away from your own views. You're a radicalized 20 year old racist, SD is just a populistic party with social-liberal tendencies.

09-10-2018, 08:20 PM
Lol so that's the biggest problem you have with NMR? Just that many of them have a criminal background? xD
SD is far away from your own views. You're a radicalized 20 year old racist, SD is just a populistic party with social-liberal tendencies.

What's most unfortunate is that the SD actually started off as a party with neonazi tendencies in the '80s and '90s. But back then they were a marginal shade of their current self. They've changed ever since, still a history that's being used against them today even if other parties in Sweden and in the world also might have had dark histories themselves.

According to international presses SD is still called 'far right', but I disagree with it. It's just a way to try and discredit them. It's especially ridiculous since the Greens are labeled just 'center left'. With the same imagination they can easily be seen as 'far left'. It depends where you situate yourself, I think.

Being against mass immigration alone is already 'far right' nowadays. Meh... :)

Finnish Swede
09-10-2018, 08:25 PM
Lol so that's the biggest problem you have with NMR? Just that many of them have a criminal background? xD
SD is far away from your own views. You're a radicalized 20 year old racist, SD is just a populistic party with social-liberal tendencies.

LOL. It was originally you who started to ''deny'' my links to Sweden (or ''rights'') as I will pollute Swedish genes. I think that; if anything was racist to say. Especially as my father is fully Swedish and my mother has lots of Swedish ancestors. Honestly your ''attack'' was far from fair (you are Assyrian living in Sweden). So I gave you little bit back (you asked that) ... and now I'm racist? Well, so be it. I don't really care what you think.

09-10-2018, 08:29 PM
LOL. It was originally you who started to ''deny'' my links to Sweden (or ''rights'') as I will pollute Swedish genes. I think that; if any was racist to say. Especially as my father is fully Swedish and my mother has lots of Swedish ancestors. Honestly your ''attack'' was far from fair (you are Assyrian living in Sweden). So I gave you little bit back (you asked that) ... and now I'm racist? Well, so be it. I don't really care what you think.

Disgusting lies, I have never said you don't belong in Sweden or anything of the similar.
Either way you already admitted to me before that you are openly racist, so no need to have this discussion at all. SD is not the party for you. Jimmie Åkesson is trying his best to get rid of people like you from his surroundings.

09-10-2018, 08:33 PM
Weird, an assyrian knows better of swedish politics than native swedes?

Finnish Swede
09-10-2018, 08:36 PM
Disgusting lies, I have never said you don't belong in Sweden or anything of the similar.
Bad memory.

Either way you already admitted to me before that you are openly racist
Depending what we now understand with racist. But nope, I don't like people like you living/staying in Sweden. You don't belong there. Nor do I like Sweden's immigration policy.

SD is not the party for you.
Have you ever heard about right to vote? It is ME who choose who I will vote; not you. You have no power on that.

09-10-2018, 08:36 PM
Weird, an assyrian knows better of swedish politics than native swedes?

I was born and raised in Sweden. I don't even think Finnish-Swede is living in Sweden.

09-10-2018, 08:41 PM
Bad memory.
Yeah you do seem to have bad memory.

Depending what we now understand with racist. But nope, I don't like people like you living/staying in Sweden. You don't belong there. Nor do I like Sweden's immigration policy.

Like I said, SD don't have these views. I'm just telling you are voting for a party with vastly different views than you have.
If it wasn't for Christian Middle easterners SD wouldn't even get above 15%. We vote more for the right-ish parties than ethnic Swedes who are still voting for the Greens and Labour and other Islamistic parties.

09-10-2018, 08:42 PM
Yeah you do seem to have bad memory.

Like I said, SD don't have these views. I'm just telling you are voting for a party with vastly different views than you have.
If it wasn't for Christian Middle easterners SD wouldn't even get above 15%. We vote more for the right-ish parties than ethnic Swedes who are still voting for the Greens and Labour and other Islamistic parties.


09-10-2018, 08:46 PM
Weird, an assyrian knows better of swedish politics than native swedes?

There is no surprise here. Aren lives in Sweden, Finnish Swede lives in Finland.

09-10-2018, 08:51 PM
Everyone voting for Alternative for Sweden, you are delusional and the reason, the right will never get shit done in alot of countries.

I am glad the splitting attempts in Germany failed.

Finnish Swede
09-10-2018, 08:54 PM
Like I said, SD don't have these views. I'm just telling you are voting for a party with vastly different views than you have.
If it wasn't for Christian Middle easterners SD wouldn't even get above 15%. We vote more for the right-ish parties than ethnic Swedes who are still voting for the Greens and Labour and other Islamistic parties.

Do you really think that I have not followed discussions? Of course I have. Honestly we watch more Sweden's TV channels than Finland's .... I know pretty well all what Åkesson has said. But I'm realistic too. One can not get all. SD would already be step in right direction....

Any way this debate is quite useless as it starts to look like that Kristersson (Moderate) will not be ready to work with SD.

Black Panther
09-10-2018, 08:57 PM
I voted for AfS , alternative for Sweden instead :) I hope they will enter the parliament. And that SD will become the biggest party.

Bad strategy, in my opinion. From a strategic point of view, voting for AfS means nothing because their rhetoric is not strong enough to surpass the 4% threshold and many Swedes with alt-right mindsets continue to vote SD. I'd have voted for SD this election and waited for a future one when right-wing populism is more prevalent in society as well as more radical.

Black Panther
09-10-2018, 09:00 PM
I stayed at home. I won't vote in the Brazilian election either. Too many fake and incompetent politicians on all sides.

09-10-2018, 09:03 PM

What's so lol about this?


Miljöpartisten Ali Khalil ville bygga en ny moské – och erbjöd Moderaterna 3 000 av församlingens röster om de beviljade bygglov för en ny moské, avslöjar Uppdrag Granskning.
Translation: Greens party member Ali Khalil wanted to build a new Mosque - and offered the Moderates(liberal-conservative oppositional party) 3000 of the parish votes if they granted permit for a new mosque.
The leftist parties are filled with Islamists. The Greens have had several members kicked just before the election due to pressure from the public, including a Turkish minister who was associated with the Grey Wolves(Turkish ultra-right party).

They have infested most parts of the society. In Sweden we have in the lower courts something of the similar to juries but they are appointed by the regional political parties. We've had Islamist juries refusing to rule punishment for muslim men who have abused their wives cause it's against Sharia. Islamism is real problem in Sweden which is why the two most anti-Islam parties gained over 8%.

09-10-2018, 09:06 PM
I stayed at home. I won't vote in the Brazilian election either. Too many fake and incompetent politicians on all sides.

Vite Bolsonaro or whatever this dude name is

09-10-2018, 10:21 PM
Yeah you do seem to have bad memory.

Like I said, SD don't have these views. I'm just telling you are voting for a party with vastly different views than you have.
If it wasn't for Christian Middle easterners SD wouldn't even get above 15%. We vote more for the right-ish parties than ethnic Swedes who are still voting for the Greens and Labour and other Islamistic parties.

>Migrated to the West for a better life
>Ends up having to save the civilization

09-10-2018, 10:23 PM
>Migrated to the West for a better life
>Ends up having to save the civilization

Better than ending up turning it into the shithole they escaped from. Our friend Aren once trolled he was contemplating for voting for the Green so he could prolong his life of living off gibs and smoking shisha (Sweden is rather tough on weed making it more expensive and of shitty local quality). Glad he didn't pursue in that. It's not cool giving society the finger over personal grievances. :p

09-10-2018, 10:24 PM
Better than ending up turning it into the shithole they escaped from. Our friend Aren once trolled he was contemplating for voting for the Green so he could prolong his life of living off gibs and smoking shisha (Sweden is rather tough on weed making it more expensive and off shitty local quality). Glad he didn't pursue in that. It's not cool giving society the finger over personal grievances. :p

LIES again.
Are you referring to what I said on ABF?

09-10-2018, 10:25 PM
LIES again.
Are you referring to what I said on ABF?

Months ago here. :p

09-10-2018, 10:25 PM
Months ago here. :p

I was trolling to trigger Finnish-Swede obviously.

09-10-2018, 10:27 PM
I was trolling to trigger Finnish-Swede obviously.

Yeah, I didn't take it as serious back then and I added the shisha thing and living off gibs myself. :p

09-10-2018, 10:28 PM
Better than ending up turning it into the shithole they escaped from. Our friend Aren once trolled he was contemplating for voting for the Green so he could prolong his life of living off gibs and smoking shisha (Sweden is rather tough on weed making it more expensive and of shitty local quality). Glad he didn't pursue in that. It's not cool giving society the finger over personal grievances. :p

they escaped the shithole because it was muslim and they are christians. Where will you escape to after the caliphate of belgianistan is created?

09-10-2018, 10:30 PM
Yeah, I didn't take it as serious back then and I added the shisha thing and living off gibs myself. :p

How do you know what shisha is ;)
I must say you know a lot about Sweden aswell.

09-10-2018, 10:36 PM
they escaped the shithole because it was muslim and they are christians. Where will you escape to after the caliphate of belgianistan is created?

I dunno. It needs to unfold first. It depends on the extent of resistance of course to be able to say whether I'd flee in the first place.

Rethelite Poland probably wouldn't take me in anymore by then, whereas Poland nowadays still does. ;)

09-10-2018, 10:41 PM
I dunno. It needs to unfold first. It depends on the extent of resistance of course to be able to say whether I'd flee in the first place.

Rethelite Poland probably wouldn't take me in anymore by then, whereas Poland nowadays still does. ;)
You can change your name to blend in ;)


Finnish Swede
09-11-2018, 04:18 AM
they escaped the shithole because it was muslim and they are christians. Where will you escape to after the caliphate of belgianistan is created?

If they ''escape'' here => they should keep their mouth shut better. He attacked against Finns and Finnish Swedes in Sweden ... which in his position .... he has no rights at all.

09-11-2018, 04:41 AM