View Full Version : Can autism show up in phenotype?

09-10-2018, 01:20 AM
Can you tell if someone is autistic by their facial features? Some people weren't surprised when I told them I was on the autism spectrum. I surmised it was because of my appearance.
Some autistic children are said to look "angelic" or unusually beautiful. I don't know. It's not like down syndrome, but close. Isn't it?

09-10-2018, 01:24 AM
I have a cousin who has autism and she never looks at people eyes or tends to not. Some people assumed I have autism lol but reality just trolling haters.

09-10-2018, 01:25 AM
I think you can tell more based on mannerisms and expressions.

09-11-2018, 06:25 PM
I think facial expressions tell more. I don't think autists would have diferent facial features.

09-11-2018, 06:26 PM
I dont know.

03-22-2020, 11:26 AM
If that person has Fetal-Alcohol Syndrome, it can, it can also create a Neanderthalish appearance.

In Caucasoids & Mongoloids, sometimes it can alter the lips a bit.

It depends on the ethnicity of the person.

03-22-2020, 11:31 AM
No in the phenotype itself i don't think so

Maybe in your mimics and gestures?

03-22-2020, 11:37 AM
Aspies are usually very slim, lanky and youthful looking with little body hair, maybe because their hormones are not as strong as in NT people.
I dated two Aspies in my life and both fit that description.

They are also unusually clumsy and have no muscle definition. But yes, they tend to be on beautiful side because they look so young.

03-22-2020, 11:38 AM
Can you tell if someone is autistic by their facial features? It's not like down syndrome, but close. Isn't it?


03-23-2020, 03:54 AM
Aspies are usually very slim, lanky and youthful looking with little body hair, maybe because their hormones are not as strong as in NT people.
I dated two Aspies in my life and both fit that description.

They are also unusually clumsy and have no muscle definition. But yes, they tend to be on beautiful side because they look so young.

It can either way, because some with autism tend to be overweight. But they do tend to look also. Thin people often look a lot older than their age.

03-23-2020, 04:53 AM

Tldr, yes to a degree

03-23-2020, 06:21 AM

I would say no.

03-23-2020, 06:26 AM
It can. Look at this dog for example:

03-23-2020, 07:31 AM
Not sure if it is Autism but in normal circumstances if I dont purposefully look and concentrate on it my hand looks a bit like this positioned


03-23-2020, 09:33 AM
It can either way, because some with autism tend to be overweight. But they do tend to look also. Thin people often look a lot older than their age.

Thin NT people look older because of effort they put to remain thin, dieting etc and it wears them out because it is hard. Aspied are thin without any effort and look much younger, because they have no need to enjoy food like NT people do.

They can restrain from food easily because Aspies are oppsite of hedonistic, food means nothing to them.

03-23-2020, 06:58 PM
Thin NT people look older because of effort they put to remain thin, dieting etc and it wears them out because it is hard. Aspied are thin without any effort and look much younger, because they have no need to enjoy food like NT people do.

They can restrain from food easily because Aspies are oppsite of hedonistic, food means nothing to them.

Not sure, but there are quite a few overweight autistic people. I would say the autism either contributes to obesity or anorexia . Either way, the thin ones look older. You lose collagen when you're too thin.

03-23-2020, 07:02 PM
Severe autism can show up in some features and body definition.

Aspies are usually very slim, lanky and youthful looking with little body hair, maybe because their hormones are not as strong as in NT people.
I dated two Aspies in my life and both fit that description.

They are also unusually clumsy and have no muscle definition. But yes, they tend to be on beautiful side because they look so young.

I fit this description too. I am not clumsy though.

03-23-2020, 07:03 PM
I fit this description too.

I'm autistic and I'm fat. But I have HFA and not Aspergers.

03-23-2020, 07:22 PM
I'm autistic and I'm fat. But I have HFA and not Aspergers.

That sh*t don't exist Nukka G Psychiatric definitions of disorders or diseases are myths in 98% or 99% of the categories. They throw in a real 1% or 2% of diseases to try to make it seem scientific but it is half ass attempt.

The pseudo-nobility Capitalist class (which is not the real bloodline nobility of Jesus Christ) seeks to remove themselves from the problems they create in society via neo-liberalism so they use psychiatry as a tool to shift the blame onto the atomized individual while at the sametime cooling them off with medications so they don't squawk on the system since Capitalism is a con-game.

Why does Communism fail ? Because it only works the the nobility/aristocracy such as myself .

Without the “Hive Mind” (symbolised in the Dragon Dynasty by the Merovingian Bee, the Phoenician “House of the Gods” and the hexagonal figure of the Tree of Life of the Kabala) the Grail Code is a meaningless set of unattainable social aspirations.

To the “New Age” authors and devotees—the people left outside the group who don't have the wiring or chemistry to participate and understand the collective mind—the Grail Code is just another set of rules. However prettily and romantically packaged, these rules will inevitably be broken, and are therefore no better or worse than any other meaningless regulations.

The universe has features which are prime constants. The behaviour of materials is one example, which we call the “laws of physics”. These we can term truths, because they don't vary under a given range of circumstances. Even down at the sub atomic level, the peculiarities are constant, inasmuch as they are constantly peculiar. Without these prime constants the universe would cease to exist.

The Grail Code, as a worthy set of regulations or aspirations for the governance of people's behaviour in relationship to each other is, quite frankly, an idealistic load of nonsense. It isn't that the Grail Code is a fantasy or a lie. It is simply a fact that it was and still is misapplied, and to the wrong people.

Relatively and contextually speaking, the Grail Code is not a truth, because it is not a constant, and it cannot be applied to regulate human behaviour in human societies. We know this because it caused, in part, the manifestation of a set of social conditions which were required in order to allow to occur the 1000 year genocide which is referred to in the Family as the Elven Holocaust. This resulted ultimately in the abandonment of the Grail Code itself.

What was the big mistake the Family made? They did unto others as they would have done unto themselves. In other words they used the transcendently inspired Grail Code they anciently applied to their own mystical race to order societies that were founded not upon transcendent perception, but upon animal instincts.

The Grail Code was applicable only to the Grail Blood. Elsewhere the only thing that worked was the law of the jungle and terrorism. The Family was seen as a soft touch because their empathy was extended to peoples who had no empathy themselves—only the desire to satisfy their own greed and assuage their own fears.

These peoples' selfish, individualistic motivations stood in direct opposition to the Grail Code of “royal communism” and community service. Desire is a great motivator in any society and the Elves' desires were motivated by their transcendent consciousness, which could only operate in an environment of truth and empathy.

The more one sees, the less one desires for oneself and the less attached one becomes. If one desires truth and sees only truth and gives instinctively for the common good because one can feel the common need, one becomes the target for opportunists and deceivers.

Faced with the violence and hostility of a group of myopic animals hell bent on their pursuing their own interests and unable to see the bigger picture, the Elves had no chance of survival anyway, whatever the other circumstances might have been. This alone was enough to destroy them. In a sense then, the Grail Code was a death sentence to the Dragon Families. This, perhaps, is how the Mayors of the Palace took over, through exploiting what they perceived as the innate trust, complacency and weakness of the Merovingian kings.

One can appear dark or harsh in one's attitudes towards human beings and human behaviour and one may make people wonder how one could possibly preach about the Grail on one hand and despise humans so much on the other. After all, isn't the Grail Code all to do with being nice to each other? Isn't it about being fair to one's fellow man? Doesn't it fit in with the overall ethos of the “New Age”? The answer to all these rhetorical questions is an absolute No. It isn't and it doesn't.

The Grail Code is the perfect example of an ill-advisedly applied series of innate laws arising from the profound depths of the genetic constitution of one species, applied to and completely misunderstood and abused by another.

Look around you and judge for yourself. After a thousand years of tyrannical misrule, European society is finally beginning to throw off the shackles of merchant class stupidity. Unfortunately this new found dissent and “freedom” has no direction either, and the path society is treading will inevitably become littered with the corpses of the fallen.

People aren't naturally “nice” to each other. They are simply conditioned to fear the consequences of not appearing to be nice to each other. Even so, this barrier is now breaking down and at the grassroots level, society is becoming more violent as individuals embrace selfish opportunism and disregard their conditioning.

There is a stark difference between the two concepts and conditions of natural empathy and social fear. One comes from within, the other is applied from without. If people were naturally co-operative and naturally empathic, the Grail Code would be a universal behavioural constant in an ordered world of ecological sensitivity and social harmony. This, plainly and manifestly is not, and never has been the case, and certainly not since the Church came to power. The Grail Code arises naturally from, and is pertinent solely to, the Grail Blood.

The Grail Code is the behavioural benchmark by which those of the Grail or Dragon Blood might be recognised, but it is not the code that efficiently orders the behaviour of the Dragon Families in their dealings with those not of the Grail Blood.

You are not of Grail or Dragon blood so you cannot practice Royal Communism you are an inferior Homo-Sapien and I am a Draco Sentien Humanoid.

03-23-2020, 07:25 PM
I'm autistic and I'm fat. But I have HFA and not Aspergers.

Royal Communism Nukka G :


This book offers a comprehensive Marxist critique of the business of mental health, demonstrating how the prerogatives of neoliberal capitalism for productive, self-governing citizens have allowed the discourse on mental illness to expand beyond the psychiatric institution into many previously untouched areas of public and private life including the home, school and the workplace. Through historical and contemporary analysis of psy-professional knowledge-claims and practices, Bruce Cohen shows how the extension of psychiatric authority can only be fully comprehended through the systematic theorising of power relations within capitalist society. From schizophrenia and hysteria to Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, from spinning chairs and lobotomies to shock treatment and antidepressants, from the incarceration of working class women in the nineteenth century to the torture of prisoners of the ‘war on terror’ in the twenty-first, Psychiatric Hegemony is an uncompromising account of mental health ideology in neoliberal society.


brennus dux gallorum
03-23-2020, 07:26 PM
If that counts, they usually have larger heads

Aspies are usually very slim, lanky and youthful looking with little body hair, maybe because their hormones are not as strong as in NT people.
I dated two Aspies in my life and both fit that description.

They are also unusually clumsy and have no muscle definition. But yes, they tend to be on beautiful side because they look so young.

Does stears observe eye contact?

03-23-2020, 09:11 PM
Yes it can. And HFA is Aspergers.

03-23-2020, 11:16 PM
If that person has Fetal-Alcohol Syndrome, it can, it can also create a Neanderthalish appearance.

In Caucasoids & Mongoloids, sometimes it can alter the lips a bit.

It depends on the ethnicity of the person.

Greta Thunberg has Asperger syndrome and her facial feautures are just soft and not Neanderthalish at all imo. Many claimed her having Fetal-Alcohol Syndrome, which is probably not true.


03-26-2020, 05:59 PM
Yes it can. And HFA is Aspergers.

No it isn't. I was diagnosed in 2015 and HFA is separate from Aspergers, even though they decided to move Aspergers into Autism Spectrum Disorders in the DSM-5.

11-07-2020, 09:18 PM
Aspies are usually very slim, lanky and youthful looking with little body hair, maybe because their hormones are not as strong as in NT people.

Like Stears?