View Full Version : Are Pamirids part Mongoloid or fully West Eurasian?

09-13-2018, 06:26 PM
Please discuss.

09-13-2018, 06:27 PM
Partly mongoloid but pred. Caucasoid. It is Europo-mongoloid phenotype like Turanid.

09-13-2018, 06:31 PM
Partly mongoloid but pred. Caucasoid. It is Europo-mongoloid phenotype like Turanid.

Interestingly, I have encountered some information which consider Turanids and Pamirids as Dinarid form.

Chaos One
09-13-2018, 06:33 PM
Partly mongoloid but pred. Caucasoid. It is Europo-mongoloid phenotype like Turanid.

This. Most Pamiris have also a interesting South Asian score, being a Pred Caucasian + South Asian + Mongoloid, like a 75/15/10 mix for example.

09-13-2018, 06:35 PM
Interestingly, I have encountered some information which consider Turanids and Pamirids as Dinarid form.

Pamirids have similarities with dinarids, but Turanids are totally different.

09-13-2018, 06:37 PM
This. Most Pamiris have also a interesting South Asian score, being a Pred Caucasian + South Asian + Mongoloid, like a 75/15/10 mix for example.

pamirids do not show any south asian though in terms of phenotype. for some reason no surrounding populations around south asia show any south asian.

09-13-2018, 06:39 PM
Pamirids have similarities with dinarids, but Turanids are totally different.

I guess, Pamirids are intermediate between East Mediterranid (Iranian Mediterranid or Cappadocid) and Paleo Mongoloid. On the other hand, Turanids might be intermediate between Cromagnid and Paleo Mongoloid.

Chaos One
09-13-2018, 06:40 PM
pamirids do not show any south asian though in terms of phenotype. for some reason no surrounding populations around south asia show any south asian.

Yes, and I think btw Pamiris are the group who show least to any phenotype in fact. Burusho too.

09-13-2018, 06:40 PM
This. Most Pamiris have also a interesting South Asian score, being a Pred Caucasian + South Asian + Mongoloid, like a 75/15/10 mix for example.

Not South Asian. It is South Central Asian.

09-13-2018, 06:46 PM
Minor Mongoloid, but overwhelmingly Andronovoid. Pamiri Tajiks, the ethnic group where this type supposedly peaks, are almost 50% steppe/Eastern European like. Much before genetics, in 1966, anthropologists already noted the close affinities between Pamirid and Andronovo Indo-European crania.

Chaos One
09-13-2018, 06:47 PM
Not South Asian. It is South Central Asian.


For example, some Tajik Rushan samples :

# Population Percent
1 Gedrosia 29.5
2 North_European 24.28
3 Caucasus 18.59
4 South_Asian 9.53
5 Atlantic_Med 6.69
6 Siberian 4.14
7 Southwest_Asian 3.5
8 East_Asian 3.47
9 Southeast_Asian 0.31

# Population Percent
1 Gedrosia 31.95
2 North_European 24.28
3 Caucasus 19.49
4 South_Asian 9.59
5 Atlantic_Med 7.08
6 Siberian 3.14
7 Southwest_Asian 2.55
8 East_Asian 1.92

09-13-2018, 06:48 PM
Minor Mongoloid, but overwhelmingly Andronovoid. Pamiri Tajiks, the ethnic group where this type supposedly peaks, are almost 50% steppe/Eastern European like. Much before genetics, in 1966, anthropologists already noted the close affinities between Pamirid and Andronovo Indo-European crania.

What is the difference between Turanid, Pamirid and Aralid?

09-13-2018, 06:50 PM
I think pamirid is mongoloid type not turanid.

Chaos One
09-13-2018, 06:51 PM
Pamiri sample

# Population Percent
1 Gedrosia 30.45
2 North_European 27.31
3 Caucasus 15.89
4 South_Asian 10.01
5 Atlantic_Med 7.79
6 Siberian 4.25
7 East_Asian 3.44
8 Southwest_Asian 0.87

Btw I've a 7.5cM share with this sample, we're probably far relatives lol

09-13-2018, 06:52 PM
I think pamirid is mongoloid type not turanid.

Turanid is an Eurasian type. Turanid is paleo-mongoloid+eastern cro-magnon

09-13-2018, 06:53 PM

For example, some Tajik Rushan samples :

# Population Percent
1 Gedrosia 29.5
2 North_European 24.28
3 Caucasus 18.59
4 South_Asian 9.53
5 Atlantic_Med 6.69
6 Siberian 4.14
7 Southwest_Asian 3.5
8 East_Asian 3.47
9 Southeast_Asian 0.31

# Population Percent
1 Gedrosia 31.95
2 North_European 24.28
3 Caucasus 19.49
4 South_Asian 9.59
5 Atlantic_Med 7.08
6 Siberian 3.14
7 Southwest_Asian 2.55
8 East_Asian 1.92

its only SHARED dna bro. tajiks can never have actual interactions with south asians. its only SHARED dna.

09-13-2018, 06:53 PM
I think pamirid is mongoloid type not turanid.

The Pamirid race, also Pamir-Fergana race (Russian Памиро-ферганская раса, named for the Pamir range and the Fergana valley), is the most Eastern subrace of the Europid race, common in Central Asia, represented mostly by the Tajiks (especially mountain Tajiks), the Pamir people and the majority of Uzbeks.

09-13-2018, 06:55 PM
Interestingly, I have encountered some information which consider Turanids and Pamirids as Dinarid form.

Pamirids can indeed be dinariform but turanids no...

Chaos One
09-13-2018, 06:58 PM
its only SHARED dna bro. tajiks can never have actual interactions with south asians. its only SHARED dna.

Of course it's shared. I'm not saying they are mixed with South Asians. I've Pamiri ancestry btw.

09-13-2018, 07:00 PM
In the late 19th and first three decades of the 20th century the most characteristic representatives of this race, the population of the Western Pamir, was attributed to the Eastern branch of the Alpine race. But in the early second decade of the 20th century, appeared a classification, that distinguishes this type as an independent race, standing in the same row with Armenoid, Dinaric, and Alpine races. Such theories were joined to the Soviet researchers of Central Asia in the 20-30-s.

In Le Razze e i popoli della terra, Renato Biasutti offers the Armenoid as a sub-type of the Pamirian (Anatolico-Pamirian).

According to Ginzburg (1966),[2] the Pamir-Fergana race was developed from intermixture of the two other Central Asian types: the Andronovo, which went through the process of gracilization (reduction of prominence of facial features), and a Central Asian variant of Mediterranean that became brachycephalic.[2] According to Andrianov (1969, 1991), with the transition of Central Asian peoples from nomadic to agricultural lifestyle, parallel processes of anthropological mixing, on the one hand, brachycephalization and gracilization, on the other, could have occurred here.[citation needed] According to Khodjaev (1981), the Pamir-Fergana race has no ancient origin and is a result of intermixture between different races.[citation needed]

According to L.T. Yablonski, at the end of the 1st millennium BC, as a result of centuries of mixing processes among a wide variety of anthropological components, and above all, among descendants of hypomorphic, high-headed Europids and descendants of meso-brachycephalic, mesomorphic Europids with a slightly flattened facial skeleton the foundations for the plain version of the Pamir-Fergana race was created.[3]

09-13-2018, 07:04 PM
Turanid is an Eurasian type. Turanid is paleo-mongoloid+eastern cro-magnon

Finnic turanid = Nordid + Siberian
Hungarian turanid = Gorid + Siberian
Turkic turanid = Orientalid + Mongol

09-13-2018, 07:06 PM
Pamirids can indeed be dinariform but turanids no...

Dinarids are brachy Mediterranids. Armenoids are brachy Iranids. Pamirids might be brachy East Mediterranids but I am not sure. If this is true, yes, Pamirid might give a pseudo Dinarid look.

09-16-2018, 07:45 PM
Finnic turanid = Nordid + Siberian
Hungarian turanid = Gorid + Siberian
Turkic turanid = Orientalid + Mongol

As far as I know, Turanids have formed as a results of mix between Ancestral North Eurasians and Caucasus Hunter Gatherers. I am not sure whether it is Orientalid + Mongol or not.