View Full Version : Classify Iraqi Assyrian singer Haitham Yousif

09-15-2018, 11:03 AM
He is famous in Iraq for his music. He never sung in Assyrian as he grew up speaking Arabic. May have Arab ancestry as well, but I'm not sure. Pics may not be the best:


09-15-2018, 11:06 AM

09-15-2018, 11:13 AM

09-15-2018, 11:40 AM
He is famous in Iraq for his music. He never sung in Assyrian as he grew up speaking Arabic. May have Arab ancestry as well, but I'm not sure. Pics may not be the best:


His parents are from Al Qosh how would he have Arab blood? I think he looks Armenoid.

09-15-2018, 11:44 AM
Looks like a typical turk in Europe selling dvds or molesting girls. If I saw him in the street I would think another muslim parasite we don't want here.

09-15-2018, 11:48 AM
Mostly Assyroid, with a hint of East Alpinid.


09-15-2018, 12:00 PM
To those giving me thumbs down, this is a EUROPEAN CULTURAL COMMUNITY. I have to see Arab rapefugees every day in the street, why do I want to see them here?

09-16-2018, 09:33 AM
To those giving me thumbs down, this is a EUROPEAN CULTURAL COMMUNITY. I have to see Arab rapefugees every day in the street, why do I want to see them here?

Maybe because the man in OP's pic isn't an Arab but an Assyrian?

09-16-2018, 11:10 AM
Mostly Assyroid, with a hint of East Alpinid.



09-16-2018, 09:36 PM
Maybe because the man in OP's pic isn't an Arab but an Assyrian?

1.) He looks just like any Arab rapefugee and afaik many of those might be Assyrian 2.) Still not European 3.) Check the OP he didn't even speak Assyrian, he spoke and sung in Arabic, his fame was amongst Iraqi Arabs, and he was apparently fully assimilated in that culture, plus he looks racially indistinguishable from them, so if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...4.) Assyrians are not European so regardless my point stands.

09-16-2018, 09:36 PM
sirid mainly

09-16-2018, 09:38 PM
He does have several songs in Assyrian afaik.
Also obviously someone who grew up in Alqosh is gonna speak Syriac.

09-17-2018, 01:03 AM
He does have several songs in Assyrian afaik.
Also obviously someone who grew up in Alqosh is gonna speak Syriac.
My father knew his family. They didn't speak Assyrian much, and they spoke Arabic with each other. They're Chaldean Catholics and this tradition is not unheard among them. Chaldeans also usually give their kids Arabic names.

What about Muslawis? They're Assyrians from northern Iraq who were assimilated into speaking Arabic. They hardly understand Assyrian.

What are some songs that he sung in Assyrian btw?

1.) He looks just like any Arab rapefugee and afaik many of those might be Assyrian 2.) Still not European 3.) Check the OP he didn't even speak Assyrian, he spoke and sung in Arabic, his fame was amongst Iraqi Arabs, and he was apparently fully assimilated in that culture, plus he looks racially indistinguishable from them, so if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...4.) Assyrians are not European so regardless my point stands.
He is a Christian, despite the fact that he was assimilated into the Arab culture. And I'm sure you know this that most refugees who have raped and assaulted women in European have rarely been Christian. So why throw a fellow Christian under a bus and accuse him of being a potential rapist? I thought Christians stick out for each other.

09-17-2018, 01:07 AM
Looks Syrian as fuck

09-17-2018, 03:51 AM
My father knew his family. They didn't speak Assyrian much, and they spoke Arabic with each other. They're Chaldean Catholics and this tradition is not unheard among them. Chaldeans also usually give their kids Arabic names.

What about Muslawis? They're Assyrians from northern Iraq who were assimilated into speaking Arabic. They hardly understand Assyrian.

What are some songs that he sung in Assyrian btw?

He is a Christian, despite the fact that he was assimilated into the Arab culture. And I'm sure you know this that most refugees who have raped and assaulted women in European have rarely been Christian. So why throw a fellow Christian under a bus and accuse him of being a potential rapist? I thought Christians stick out for each other.

Maslawi Assyrians were not recent migrants to Mosul, we were there for a couple hundreds years which is why we don't understand sureth and can't trace any speakers in our lineages. Haitham is only a second generation immigrant to Baghdad, so surely his parents would still speak it around him.

Here's him singing in Assyrian, correct me if I'm wrong (not sure if it's kurdish or not) because I can't understand shit lmao:


09-17-2018, 03:57 AM
I suck at distinguishing Mideasterns generally speaking.

09-17-2018, 04:59 AM
1.) He looks just like any Arab rapefugee and afaik many of those might be Assyrian 2.) Still not European 3.) Check the OP he didn't even speak Assyrian, he spoke and sung in Arabic, his fame was amongst Iraqi Arabs, and he was apparently fully assimilated in that culture, plus he looks racially indistinguishable from them, so if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...4.) Assyrians are not European so regardless my point stands.

That's ironic considering that the singer's phenotype is Alpine influenced. Sometimes I truly am baffled at the inability of Anglos and westerners in general to distinguishing Levantine or Mesopotamian faces from clear North African and Central/South Asian. The again, you probably can distinguish them, who am I kidding.

"Oooo ooooo east of Greece?!?!?! Arab! Terrorist!!! Rapefugee!!!"

09-17-2018, 05:41 AM
That's ironic considering that the singer's phenotype is Alpine influenced. Sometimes I truly am baffled at the inability of Anglos and westerners in general to distinguishing Levantine or Mesopotamian faces from clear North African and Central/South Asian.

Sure he looks Levantine. Most of the rapefugees we get are syrian eg Levantine, so what's your point?

"Oooo ooooo east of Greece?!?!?! Arab! Terrorist!!! Rapefugee!!!"

:lmao That would actually be a good campaign slogan, thank you made me lmao

09-17-2018, 07:07 AM
Sure he looks Levantine. Most of the rapefugees we get are syrian eg Levantine, so what's your point?

:lmao That would actually be a good campaign slogan, thank you made me lmao

Lol dont get me wrong. I'm staunchly against rapefugees and support your cause. But calling out an insignificant and harmless minority(Assyrians) who pose absolutely zero threats to the integrity of the West, rapefugees, is just imbecilic if I'm honest with you.

09-17-2018, 07:12 AM
Lol dont get me wrong. I'm staunchly against rapefugees and support your cause. But calling out an insignificant and harmless minority(Assyrians) who pose absolutely zero threats to the integrity of the West, rapefugees, is just imbecilic if I'm honest with you.

I didn't say he is one I said he looks like one. He does. This is a EUROPEAN cultyral community. In another context would I support Syrian minorities against the "rebels" ? Yes I would and I have fact I worked on this for a year (among other projwcts admittedly) losing a lot of friends and forfeiting a lot of business to staunchly oppose our neocon line on Syria followed by Cameron and May under Obama's leadership back in 2016. So I stand with them I am just bantzing about his appearance, just like they would call me gammon and I would laugh. All good.

09-17-2018, 09:40 AM
Mainly Syrid, with a bit of Asiatic Alpine.

09-17-2018, 10:42 AM
Maslawi Assyrians were not recent migrants to Mosul, we were there for a couple hundreds years which is why we don't understand sureth and can't trace any speakers in our lineages. Haitham is only a second generation immigrant to Baghdad, so surely his parents would still speak it around him.

Here's him singing in Assyrian, correct me if I'm wrong (not sure if it's kurdish or not) because I can't understand shit lmao:

Well, they may have spoken some Assyrian. But I assure you that many Chaldeans still revert back to Arabic and speak that predominantly. In other words their vocabulary is like 80% Arabic, 20% Assyrian, and I'm being generous. ;)

Nargis is "daffodil" in some Indo-Iranian language (could be Persian or Kurdish, I don't know). But he sings Assyrian pretty good. Thanks for sharing. It's like hearing a unicorn singing cos I never heard him sing Assyrian.

10-14-2018, 05:22 AM
On second pic he looks very south asian

Seth MacFarlane
11-30-2018, 07:34 PM
Alpinized armenoid-iranid . Looks very Assyrian

11-30-2019, 09:17 AM
Asiatic alpine + Armenoid/Iranid