View Full Version : U.S. Immigrant Numbers Hit 44.5 Million, Near 108-Year Record

09-17-2018, 06:33 PM

by NEIL MUNRO 14 Sep 2018

The immigrant percentage of the U.S. population has hit 13.7 percent, near the 1910 record of 14.7 percent, according to the latest release by the Census Bureau.

In 2017, 13.7 percent of people (one in 7.3 people) in the United States were immigrants, up from 13.5 percent in 2016, and up from 5 percent (one in 20 people) in 1970, according to the bureau’s data.

The rising share means 44.5 million people in a population of 325.7 million people were born abroad. That 44.5 million includes roughly 22 million naturalized citizens, 11 million other residents, including more than 1.5 million foreign temporary visa-workers, plus roughly 11 million illegal immigrants, according to the bureau:

The millions of migrants are concentrated in the coastal metropolises, such as Los Angeles and New York, but many are migrating into interior states. According to the New York Times:

New York and California, states with large immigrant populations, both had increases of less than six percent since 2010. But foreign-born populations rose by 20 percent in Tennessee, 13 percent in Ohio, 12 percent in South Carolina and 20 percent in Kentucky over the same period.

The recent inflow includes a rising percentage of Asians from China, Vietnam, India, said the New York Times.

Brookings Institution analysis of that data shows that 41 percent of the people who said they arrived since 2010 came from Asia. Just 39 percent were from Latin America. About 45 percent were college educated, the analysis found, compared with about 30 percent of those who came between 2000 and 2009.

The Asian inflow include includes many college graduates because many of them are immigrating via the various business-backed programs for college-graduate visa-workers.

The Census Bureau may have undercounted the number of illegal immigrants, ensuring the immigrant population now exceeds the 1910 percentage, NBC News reported:

Illegal immigrants can be more difficult for surveyors to locate due to informal living arrangements, and some may avoid being included in surveys for fear of being reported to the government, researchers say.

Jeffrey Passel, a demographer at Pew Research Center, has estimated that the actual immigrant population is likely 3 percent to 5 percent higher than the number in the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.

A chart by the Washington Post suggests that this huge wave of migrants has changed politics by giving Democrats’ identity-politics ideology an electoral lock in counties where immigrants comprise more than 20 percent of the population:

The New York Times report, however, demurely ignored the political and economic impact of this huge wage of workers, consumers, and renters.

Some economic impacts are obvious, for example, immigrants expand the economy by working, consuming and renting real-estate. Some also raise the productivity of Americans by inventing new products, importing new goods, or develop novel services that allow Americans to produce more wealth or enjoyment per hour.

But many less-skilled migrants play their largest role by simply shifting small slices of wealth from person to person, for example, by competing up rents in their neighborhood or by competing down wages in their workplace. The crudest examples can be seen in agriculture.

European farms tend to buy labor-saving machines from well-paid European manufacturing workers because their farmworkers’ wages are high, but many U.S. farm companies simply use cheap legal and illegal immigrant labor while sharing the savings from not buying machines between profit-seeking investors and penny-counting consumers.


Of course, that cheap-labor business practice leaves Americans taxpayers to carry the off-work costs of immigrants, such as welfare programs, civic turmoil, Diversity, education costs for migrants’ children, and the occasional murder of an Iowa jogger, a massacre in a Florida nightclub, or the destruction of the Twin Towers in 2011.

But the immigration is not happening in a vacuum — it is happening as a vast wave of technology allows companies and investors to move products and assets (such as cheap migrant labor) around the world, at very low cost. This technological change has liberated societies to vastly enrich themselves — see China for example — even as it also seems to centralize power and wealth.

There is plenty of data to suggest that this combination of technological change and Congress’ passage of the 1965 immigration law have together since shifted a huge volume of wealth from younger, working Americans towards the older Americans who own real-estate, stocks, or companies.

That wage-pressure process began first among the interchangeable, blue-collar, unskilled Americans — such as farm workers — but it is shifting up the economic ladder to hit interchangeable, college-educated Americans. In President Donald Trump’s economy, blue-collar Americans are gaining amid modest restrictions on immigration while middle-class Americans are seeing slower gains as companies import more cheap college-graduates and also export their jobs to expanding foreign populations of clever, hardworking college-graduates.

This economic shift is reflected in another important economic change — the declining importance of Americans’ wages and salaries compared to other Americans’ dividends and stock prices. As the New York Times noted September 12:

Data from the Federal Reserve show that over the last decade and a half, the proportion of family income from wages has dropped from nearly 70 percent to just under 61 percent. It’s an extraordinary shift, driven largely by the investment profits of the very wealthy. In short, the people who possess tradable assets, especially stocks, have enjoyed a recovery that Americans dependent on savings or income from their weekly paycheck have yet to see. Ten years after the financial crisis, getting ahead by going to work every day seems quaint, akin to using the phone book to find a number or renting a video at Blockbuster” …

In 2016, net worth among white middle-income families was 19 percent below 2007 levels, adjusted for inflation. But among blacks, it was down 40 percent, and Hispanics saw a drop of 46 percent. For many, old-fashioned hard work has simply not been a viable path out of this hole. After unemployment peaked in the fall of 2009, it took years for joblessness to return to pre-recession levels. Slack in the labor market left the employed and unemployed alike with little leverage to demand raises, even as corporate profits surged.

Maybe it was inevitable that when half the population watches its wages stagnate while the other half gets rich in the market, the result is President Donald Trump and Brexit.

Unsurprisingly, many legislators are under severe pressure from donors to preserve the current national economic strategy of growth-by-immigration. In February 2018, for example, a loose alliance of business-first Republicans, pro-migration Democrats, and progressive media blocked President Donald Trump’s “Four Pillars” immigration reforms which would shift the United States back towards a low-immigration/high-wage economy.

Economists, investors, talking heads and political advocates in the Democratic and Republican parties are deeply reluctant to draw any connection between the immigration inflow of consumers, workers, and renters, and the economic shift from wages to stocks.

But the linkage is often hinted at. For example, Noah Smith, a pro-immigration, pro-diversity writer for Bloomberg News empire, wrote a column in July 2018 saying that the 1924 immigration cutbacks helped create the 1929 crash:

The housing crash of the mid-1920s might well have been a direct result of the curtailment of immigration. And if the Great Depression and/or the stock crash of 1929 was caused or exacerbated by that housing crash, there’s a clear and direct link between immigration restriction and the U.S.’s worst economic crisis of the 20th century. The reduction in agglomeration effects reported by Ager and Hansen probably also contributed to lower corporate earnings and sapped vitality in American cities.

Yet Smith is silent about the flip-side of immigration cuts — the impact of the 1965 immigration expansion law, which has added up to 44.5 million consumers, workers and renters to the United States’ marketplace.

Immigration Economics

Overall, the Washington-imposed economic policy of economic growth via immigration shifts wealth from young people towards older people by flooding the market with cheap white-collar and blue-collar foreign labor.

Four million young Americans will join the workforce this year, but the federal government will also import 1.1 million legal immigrants, and allow an army of at least 2 million visa-workers to work U.S. jobs, alongside asylum-claiming migrants and illegal aliens.

That flood of outside labor spikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees. The policy also drives up real estate prices, widens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions. Immigration also pulls investment and wealth away from heartland states because investment flows towards the large immigrant populations living in the coastal states.


Bobby Martnen
09-18-2018, 12:16 AM

09-18-2018, 04:26 AM
The U.S will become a Mestizo nation, especially in the Southwest

09-18-2018, 04:27 AM
:bullet puke

09-18-2018, 04:27 AM
It's the new world - what does one expect?

It's all about the money.

09-18-2018, 04:28 AM
The U.S will become a Mestizo nation, especially in the Southwest

It never will I think. Real Americans won't tolerate it.

09-18-2018, 04:44 AM
This is no joke. They are seriously changing the demographics for good. The repercussions of this will be big

09-18-2018, 05:04 AM
It never will I think. Real Americans won't tolerate it.

True. But Texas and all of the Southwest seem to be Mestizo domain. However many Texans are not really liking this situation. California do you think is lost though?

Bobby Martnen
09-18-2018, 05:35 AM
It never will I think. Real Americans won't tolerate it.

Trump will start to solve the immigrant problem.

09-18-2018, 05:38 AM
All Americans are immigrants just before it was mostly Europeans/Whites who immigrated. Now its Asians, Africans and Mestizos. If you are concerned for demographics, the country could invite more immigrants who are white. Trump said a thing like "we need more immigrants from scandinavia and less from shitholes". He was then attacked for saying that some countries are shitholes. Im a non-white myself just thinking from a white american perspective.

09-18-2018, 05:38 AM
Idk why u hoes r mad like the whole country is made off of immigrants! Just because they are not white or have accents doesn't make them subhuman. Deep inside those people who assume immigrants in countries like USA and such are problems they need to take a reality test!

09-18-2018, 05:41 AM
Idk why u hoes r mad like the whole country is made off of immigrants! Just because they are not white or have accents doesn't make them subhuman. Deep inside those people who assume immigrants in countries like USA and such are problems they need to take a reality test!

Im a non-white myself but i can understand it, america is world wide known as white country and english speaking and based on anglo traditions (anglos are white). Now its changing so drastically that the american face will be very different in future or what was always known as american. Think of marlboro man or cowboys etc. who are stereotypical what is american, they are all white.

Bobby Martnen
09-18-2018, 05:44 AM
All Americans are immigrants just before it was mostly Europeans/Whites who immigrated. Now its Asians, Africans and Mestizos. If you are concerned for demographics, the country could invite more immigrants who are white. Trump said a thing like "we need more immigrants from scandinavia and less from shitholes". He was then attacked for saying that some countries are shitholes. Im a non-white myself just thinking from a white american perspective.

The problem is that we already have too many immigrants to assimilate...the reason assimilation of Italians/Greeks/Jews/Poles/etc... worked is because we cut off their immigration which forced them to integrate and assimilate with us.

Though I'd love to have you come live here.

09-18-2018, 03:10 PM
True. But Texas and all of the Southwest seem to be Mestizo domain. However many Texans are not really liking this situation. California do you think is lost though?

Commiefornia is lost. We should let them go their own way.

09-18-2018, 05:17 PM
All Americans are immigrants just before it was mostly Europeans/Whites who immigrated. Now its Asians, Africans and Mestizos. If you are concerned for demographics, the country could invite more immigrants who are white. Trump said a thing like "we need more immigrants from scandinavia and less from shitholes". He was then attacked for saying that some countries are shitholes. Im a non-white myself just thinking from a white american perspective.

You would count as white on the U.S census.

09-18-2018, 05:25 PM
You would count as white on the U.S census.

Technically he'd be mixed race or "other".

09-18-2018, 05:30 PM
Idk why u hoes r mad like the whole country is made off of immigrants! Just because they are not white or have accents doesn't make them subhuman. Deep inside those people who assume immigrants in countries like USA and such are problems they need to take a reality test!

You're missing the point. If the mass of immigrants we're talking about were halfway decent people, we wouldn't care.
You have no idea what has happened to this country in the past 15 years or so.

As far as I'm concerned, it's over, there's no going back...

09-18-2018, 05:32 PM
True. But Texas and all of the Southwest seem to be Mestizo domain. However many Texans are not really liking this situation. California do you think is lost though?

I lived in Texas for over a year, and had to travel through it several times (which takes days, by the way)...

..and I don't know where all these 'white' people are... Texas is generally Mexican.

It's too late.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2018, 05:32 PM
Im a non-white myself but i can understand it, america is world wide known as white country and english speaking and based on anglo traditions (anglos are white). Now its changing so drastically that the american face will be very different in future or what was always known as american. Think of marlboro man or cowboys etc. who are stereotypical what is american, they are all white.

Cowboy is a Spanish tradition. Spanish. From Spain. Adopted by your loved Anglos.

09-18-2018, 05:39 PM
Cowboy is a Spanish tradition. Spanish. From Spain. Adopted by your loved Anglos.

Whoa, hey, wait, are you saying that Spanish people aren't white? I honestly don't think the average white American would care if the country were suddenly inundated with Spanish people.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2018, 05:41 PM
Whoa, hey, wait, are you saying that Spanish people aren't white? I honestly don't think the average white American would care if the country were suddenly inundated with Spanish people.
I am saying cowboy culture is not Anglo but Spanish.

09-18-2018, 05:43 PM
The whole Southwest should just be sold back to Mexico.

Bobby Martnen
09-18-2018, 11:17 PM
The whole Southwest should just be sold back to Mexico.

Just southern California.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2018, 11:40 PM
Just southern California.

That makes no sense since South California, along North California, along Arizona, along New Mexico, along Nevada, etc etc, were stolen at the same time.

Bobby Martnen
09-18-2018, 11:42 PM
That makes no sense since South California, along North California, along Arizona, along New Mexico, along Nevada, etc etc, were stolen at the same time.

Stolen is the wrong word.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2018, 11:43 PM
Stolen is the wrong word.

It is the exact word.

Bobby Martnen
09-18-2018, 11:51 PM
It is the exact word.

Wrong. It was our Manifest Destiny.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2018, 11:53 PM
Wrong. It was our Manifest Destiny.

It was an illegar war against a country (Mexico) that still was recovering itself of its independence war against Spain.
It was unfair and theft.

Bobby Martnen
09-18-2018, 11:55 PM
It was an illegar war against a country (Mexico) that still was recovering itself of its independence war against Spain.
It was unfair and theft.

Mexico deserved it for trying to leave the great Spanish Empire.

Cristiano viejo
09-18-2018, 11:59 PM
Mexico deserved it for trying to leave the great Spanish Empire.


09-19-2018, 04:07 AM
Cowboy is a Spanish tradition. Spanish. From Spain. Adopted by your loved Anglos.

And noodles are from china but in recent times its italian. Cowboys are Anglo maybe also Mexican. Spanish is Bull hunting. Even Amerindians are more cowboy then spanish.


09-19-2018, 04:11 AM
The whole Southwest should just be sold back to Mexico.

Now I'll have to really brush up on my Spanish.

09-19-2018, 04:25 AM
And noodles are from china but in recent times its italian. Cowboys are Anglo maybe also Mexican. Spanish is Bull hunting. Even Amerindians are more cowboy then spanish.


The Cowboy culture was actually developed by Arabian Bedouins, then it was adopted by the Spanish, which then was adopted by the Mexicans, and later by the White and Amerindian Americans.

https://i.postimg.cc/Px44b3Ts/arabs-horses.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

The word Guacho for South American cowboys, actually comes Arabic, mutawash which means "Wild", Bedouin means people of the Wilderness at it's root, though now it means "nomad"

Thus the origin of the cowboy culture is from us, the Spanish took it when we ruled them

09-19-2018, 04:29 AM
The Cowboy culture was actually developed by Arabian Bedouins, then it was adopted by the Spanish, which then was adopted by the Mexicans, and later by the White and Amerindian Americans.

https://i.postimg.cc/Px44b3Ts/arabs-horses.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

The word Guacho for South American cowboys, actually comes Arabic, mutawash which means "Wild", Bedouin means people of the Wilderness at it's root, though now it means "nomad"

Thus the origin of the cowboy culture is from us, the Spanish took it when we ruled them

Cool, i am from The gaúcho people, we are brothers of the bedouins but instead of desert, we have the pampas

Thot Whisperer
09-19-2018, 04:29 AM
I wonder what the people that enacted the 1965 immigration and nationality Act would think of these numbers now..

09-19-2018, 04:54 AM
I wonder what the people that enacted the 1965 immigration and nationality Act would think of these numbers now..

The legislators would be thrilled. The Americans who voted them in would turn over in their graves.

09-19-2018, 05:03 AM
I can teach you all spanish , payments via paypal


09-19-2018, 05:10 AM
I can teach you all spanish , payments via paypal


Ya lo sé (más o menos), y no lo utilizo con nuestros invasores. Se trata del principio.

09-19-2018, 05:12 AM
Ya lo sé (más o menos), y no lo utilizo con nuestros invasores. Se trata del principio.

Yes your spanish is very good! if you look at the stats, you are not increasing in mexicans. The biggest increase are indians and chinise.

There is actually a decrease in mexicans apparently


09-19-2018, 05:16 AM
Yes your spanish is very good! if you look at the stats, you are not increasing in mexicans. The biggest increase are indians and chinise


It's all the same difference really, in my opinion. Mexicans have been more visible in recent decades, but Indians are becoming very noticeable in my area.

Cristiano viejo
09-19-2018, 01:58 PM
And noodles are from china but in recent times its italian. Cowboys are Anglo maybe also Mexican. Spanish is Bull hunting. Even Amerindians are more cowboy then spanish.

What happens is that in recent times, same than in past, Cowboy culture is very alive in Spain :rolleyes: You talk without knowing anything


The Cowboy culture was actually developed by Arabian Bedouins, then it was adopted by the Spanish, which then was adopted by the Mexicans, and later by the White and Amerindian Americans.

Thus the origin of the cowboy culture is from us, the Spanish took it when we ruled them
Not true since the cowboy culture in Spain developed in Central-North Spain, where Muslims never ruled anything.
You think cowboy culture is something just related to horses, and horses are a secondary thing. "Cow" is the key.

If the term was Camelboy then you could be right :rolleyes:

09-19-2018, 02:22 PM
And noodles are from china but in recent times its italian. Cowboys are Anglo maybe also Mexican. Spanish is Bull hunting. Even Amerindians are more cowboy then spanish.


Still, in the US cowboys are generally Hispanic anyway... while there are some "white" cowboys, generally in the Plains states, cowboy culture is most common among the Mexican/Navajo areas in the Southwest.

09-19-2018, 02:24 PM
Yes your spanish is very good! if you look at the stats, you are not increasing in mexicans. The biggest increase are indians and chinise.

There is actually a decrease in mexicans apparently


Incorrect, sir.

(1) Illegal immigration from Central America, which is most.
(2) The number of babies they have, which is a lot. (A Mexican born in the US is not an immigrant)
(3) The young people of the US are already mostly Mexican. The chart means nothing.
(4) Look at the chart more carefully. The loss of Mexican immigrants is just a slight decrease from the intense increase from a few years earlier.
(5) Again, looking more closely, the decrease in Mexicans in 2017 is made up for by the continuing increase in other Latin Americans.
(6) Oh, my goodness! Over 22 million in 2017. These are only the immigrants! Not their children, and not the ones that escape being counted! Only about 3.5 million South Asians, that's only around 16% of Central American immigrants.

Cristiano viejo
09-19-2018, 02:28 PM
Still, in the US cowboys are generally Hispanic anyway... while there are some "white" cowboys, generally in the Plains states, cowboy culture is most common among the Mexican/Navajo areas in the Southwest.


09-19-2018, 02:37 PM

Yep, exactly what I said. Although those posts on that thread ignore how common "Cowboy Culture" is in the Southwest among Mexicans. Even in Chicago, where no one has a ranch nor a horse, Mexicans often dress like Cowboys.

09-19-2018, 02:52 PM
It's all the same difference really, in my opinion. Mexicans have been more visible in recent decades, but Indians are becoming very noticeable in my area.

The biggest problem with Chinise/Indian immigration IMO is that those countries are so heavily populated that a small emigration towards X country would destroy it. An increase in 800.000 Indians or 700.000 Chinise is nothing for them. They could be sending 10 millon easily if they were allowed :eek:

India Population (LIVE) The current population of India is 1,357,171,227

The current population of China is 1,416,244,513 as of Wednesday, September 19, 2018, based on the latest United Nations estimates.

If 2% of Indians or Chinise decided to emigrate abroad, that means 29 millon people

Cristiano viejo
09-19-2018, 03:04 PM
Yep, exactly what I said. Although those posts on that thread ignore how common "Cowboy Culture" is in the Southwest among Mexicans. Even in Chicago, where no one has a ranch nor a horse, Mexicans often dress like Cowboys.

But the point is that it is not only famous among Mexicans, fortunately.

Black Panther
09-19-2018, 03:13 PM
The whole Southwest should just be sold back to Mexico.

Mexico can't afford to buy the Southwest. It would cost tens of trillions of dollars nowadays.

Black Panther
09-19-2018, 03:15 PM
The biggest problem with Chinise/Indian immigration IMO is that those countries are so heavily populated that a small emigration towards X country would destroy it. An increase in 800.000 Indians or 700.000 Chinise is nothing for them. They could be sending 10 millon easily if they were allowed :eek:

India Population (LIVE) The current population of India is 1,357,171,227

The current population of China is 1,416,244,513 as of Wednesday, September 19, 2018, based on the latest United Nations estimates.

If 2% of Indians or Chinise decided to emigrate abroad, that means 29 millon people

They should all go to Latin America where they can be integrated.

09-19-2018, 03:31 PM
Incorrect, sir.

(1) Illegal immigration from Central America, which is most.
(2) The number of babies they have, which is a lot. (A Mexican born in the US is not an immigrant)
(3) The young people of the US are already mostly Mexican. The chart means nothing.
(4) Look at the chart more carefully. The loss of Mexican immigrants is just a slight decrease from the intense increase from a few years earlier.
(5) Again, looking more closely, the decrease in Mexicans in 2017 is made up for by the continuing increase in other Latin Americans.
(6) Oh, my goodness! Over 22 million in 2017. These are only the immigrants! Not their children, and not the ones that escape being counted! Only about 3.5 million South Asians, that's only around 16% of Central American immigrants.

I don't think that chart shows illegal immigrants either. I would also doubt they would answer any surveys or fill out census documents.

09-19-2018, 05:01 PM
The biggest problem with Chinise/Indian immigration IMO is that those countries are so heavily populated that a small emigration towards X country would destroy it. An increase in 800.000 Indians or 700.000 Chinise is nothing for them. They could be sending 10 millon easily if they were allowed :eek:

India Population (LIVE) The current population of India is 1,357,171,227

The current population of China is 1,416,244,513 as of Wednesday, September 19, 2018, based on the latest United Nations estimates.

If 2% of Indians or Chinise decided to emigrate abroad, that means 29 millon people

Wow, you can do basic mutiplication. Congratulations.

Indians and Chinese are a billion times more productive and useful for America than South American immigrants.

My last uber driver was a Brazilian and thats not a joke by the way. He was very friendly, actually. haha

And this is also coming from someone who isn't a fan of Chinamen/east Asians and how they're taking over the state I reside in.

09-20-2018, 03:39 AM
The biggest problem with Chinise/Indian immigration IMO is that those countries are so heavily populated that a small emigration towards X country would destroy it. An increase in 800.000 Indians or 700.000 Chinise is nothing for them. They could be sending 10 millon easily if they were allowed :eek:

India Population (LIVE) The current population of India is 1,357,171,227

The current population of China is 1,416,244,513 as of Wednesday, September 19, 2018, based on the latest United Nations estimates.

If 2% of Indians or Chinise decided to emigrate abroad, that means 29 millon people

Very true. And, although Central America is no Eden, Indians surely have more reason to leave. I don't discount Asia as a problem. I just see it as another manifestatIon of the same problem. It's culturally foreign immigrants of all types that threaten America's way of life, be they Indians, Mexicans, or Indonesians.

09-20-2018, 04:18 AM
Very true. And, although Central America is no Eden, Indians surely have more reason to leave. I don't discount Asia as a problem. I just see it as another manifestatIon of the same problem. It's culturally foreign immigrants of all types that threaten America's way of life, be they Indians, Mexicans, or Indonesians.

Good luck with that.

I know many folks in Chicago. All the gas stations, convenience stores, motels and now hotels are owned by Indians.

And just like NorCal, they also make up a majority of the software engineering base as well as computer hardware.

Naperville and Schaumburg two suburbs are heavily Indian.

09-20-2018, 04:45 AM
Good luck with that.

I know many folks in Chicago. All the gas stations, convenience stores, motels and now hotels are owned by Indians.

And just like NorCal, they also make up a majority of the software engineering base as well as computer hardware.

Naperville and Schaumburg two suburbs are heavily Indian.
