View Full Version : BNP candidate Sion Owens faces 'Koran burn' charge

04-10-2011, 09:31 PM
A BNP candidate for next month's Welsh assembly elections has been charged with a public order offence, after police were passed a video appearing to show him burning a copy of the Koran.


Sion Owens, 41, was named as a party candidate for the South Wales West regional list last week.

He is due to appear at Swansea magistrates' court on Monday.

A second BNP election candidate has been arrested in connection with the incident, and released on bail.

A BNP spokesperson said both would still be candidates in the assembly election on 5 May.

On Friday, police were given a video which appeared to show Mr Owens dousing a copy of the Koran with a highly flammable fluid, before setting it alight and watching it burn.

Later that day he and another of the party's candidates for the assembly election, Swansea East candidate Joanne Shannon, were arrested.

Mr Owens was charged on Saturday night. He is in custody in Swansea, and due to appear in court on Monday.

Ms Shannon has been bailed pending further inquiries

Link (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-13028793)

The Lawspeaker
04-10-2011, 09:44 PM
I appreciate the general idea of his action but .. what a damn fucking idiot ! The guy is a politician and represents a party that is already under constant attack and thus he should know better. :mad::rolleyes2:

04-11-2011, 11:53 PM
Why was the other candidate arrested? The shocking crime of seeing a Quran burn?

I've never heard of anyone getting done for destroying Bibles. Has the ever happened in the UK?

04-11-2011, 11:55 PM
Good for him. I don't see what he did wrong at all.

04-12-2011, 12:04 AM
The Establishment smear charges against British National Party candidate Sion Owens, for the Welsh assembly elections, who had been accused of being filmed burning a copy of the Koran have been withdrawn. However the CPS have announced that investigations would continue and that "almost certainly other proceedings will ensue." One will assume these will also be dropped after the election have taken place.
Welsh Patriot, Mr Owens, from Swansea, appeared in court from custody.
A BNP candidate for the South Wales West regional list, he was arrested on Friday evening when the lickspittle government Police Farce was passed a video recording showing a man burning the Koran by the Establishment Press, who are gleefully rubbing at their hands at the thoughts of more innocent heads being lopped off by moslem maniacs around the world.
No news yet on whether the charges against Joanne Shannon, another BNP candidate also arrested in connection with the incident have also been dropped.
CPS prosecutor and Dhimmi traitor Bryn Hurford told Mr Owens to be in "no doubt" that investigations into his actions were continuing and that "almost certainly other proceedings will ensue."
The rat Hurford should also be in doubt, that the British People have long memories and they one day look forward to seeing him and other traitors facing charges for crimes against the British People.
No person should be arrested for buring a book, especially terrorist manuals containing the mad ramblings of a long dead paedophile that are contained in the Koran.

thebritishresistance.co.uk (http://thebritishresistance.co.uk/pp-news/850-bnp-koran-burn-candidate-sion-owens-case-withdrawn)

04-12-2011, 12:19 AM
Actually, this is a good thing, in that it shows that Koran burning is becoming popular. If a politician felt compelled to do it(however stupidly), it is going down on the list of taboo actions.