View Full Version : Report: Chain Migration Used to Import Entire Family Villages of Foreigners

09-19-2018, 04:46 PM
18 Sep 2018
The New York Times is admitting that the process known as “chain migration” — whereby newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. — is being used to import entire small villages of extended foreign families.

The Times published a report on two men from India that have used the U.S. legal immigration system to bring their entire extended families to the country for no other reason than the fact that they are related.

The Times reports how one legal immigrant from India was able to eventually bring nearly ten foreign relatives to the country with now more than 90 family members benefiting from chain migration:

The young engineer arrived in America when he was 23 with a good education and little else. He landed a job at a nuclear test site, and built a home in Nevada. Between the 1970s and the mid-1980s, he brought his wife, mother, five sisters and a brother over from India, his native land. [Emphasis added]

In later years, his siblings sponsored family members of their own, and their clan now stretches from Nevada to Florida, New Jersey to Texas — more than 90 Americans nurtured on the strength of one ambitious engineer, Jagdish Patel, 72. [Emphasis added]

Another legal immigrant chronicled by the Times, Jagdish Patel, was able to bring at least 13 extended foreign family members to the U.S. through chain migration:

In 1977, he became a United States citizen, and sponsored his brother Jay and Jay’s wife for green cards. By 1985, he had also sponsored his mother, five sisters and their husbands and children, most of whom settled in the New York-New Jersey area. [Emphasis added]

As Breitbart News has extensively reported, Since 2005, 9.3 million foreign nationals have been able to resettle in the U.S. through chain migration. This huge inflow outpaces two years of American births, which amount to roughly four million babies every year.

The number of extended-family foreign nationals who have resettled in the U.S. in the last decade is greater than the total combined population of Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, and Cleveland.



Additionally, chain migration has brought more than 117,000 foreign nationals from the three countries that the State Department recognizes as state-sponsors of terrorism — Iran, Syria, and Sudan — to the U.S.

Chain migration makes up more than 70 percent of all legal immigration — with every two new immigrants bringing seven foreign relatives with them. Only one in 15 foreign nationals admitted to the U.S. come to the country based on skills and employment purposes. Though roughly 150,000 employment-based Green Cards are allotted every year, half of those Green Cards actually go to the foreign relatives of employees.

President Trump has demanded an end to chain migration — endorsing Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. David Perdue’s (R-GA) RAISE Act legislation — in favor of a merit-based legal immigration system that gives priority to high-skilled foreigners who have English-speaking skills.
