View Full Version : The Shadow Government Strikes Back Against Trump Via Reddit etc

09-21-2018, 04:58 AM
The US Shadow government has long controlled American politics, which is downstream from culture as Andrew Breitbart observed, through control of the media, academy & ultimately politics through mostly covert nefarious mechanisms. I would say underlying this is a antinomianist eschatology cult but one can only speculate as to the motivations of those pulling the strings who seem to belong to around 200 interlinked families.

One way the elite exerts control is through various methods. It's been previous noted that the CIA was behind the so-called counter-cultural revolution of the 1960s producing LSD on a mass scale. The CIA & military was caught in a black weapons & drugs operation in the 1980s called the "Iran Contra" affair. These were intertwined with the Project MKUltra program.

Similarly the Shadow government exerts control through programs such as Operation Brownstone and Operation Brownstar whereby they compromise politicians & businessmen by recording them in illegal activity such as paedophilia, drugs & prostitution. They then blackmail them to do their bidding. Last year the so-called MeToo movement sacrificed Harvey Weinstein & Seth Rich in efforts to stop leaked information regarding Hilary Clinton's illegality & immorality to surface in the mainstream & by distracting from the real Pedogate scandal with a semi-fictitious Pizzagate conspiracy designed to imply all such scandals are only conspiracy theories. They even hired a crisis actor &/or Manchurian candidate Edgar Maddison Welch to ineffectively fire shots in the Comet Ping Pong restaurant to further discredit investigations into Pedogate as the work of lunatics. Here (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2625901/) is actor Edgar Maddison Welch's IMDb page. We have seen what happens when their agents go too far, as in the case of Asia Argento, who has now had her own dirty laundry leaked in the form of her own paedophilic sexual impropriety in the form of an affair with an underage co-star she had groomed since age 7 after she was used to expose Weinstein as a distraction from the Pedogate conspiracy.

Through these mechanisms of control the Shadow government can usually pull the strings of politicians such as homosexual communist former President Barry Soetoro.

Trump however is different. He is beholden to no one thanks to his wealth. He does have links to the elite through his cousins the Heinz family & shadow government through his uncle John George Trump who helped to censor Tesla's technology for the Rockefellers. However he was initially viewed as a clownish buffoon just used to pad out the Republican Party election process whereby nomination would ultimately go to the annointted Jeb Bush to battle it out against Killary Clinton. Trump however had other ideas. He appealed to a broad group of libertarians & conservatives disillusioned by what they labelled as the Washington Swamp, by big government, lobby groups, collusion, media bias and “Rino” Republicans. His lack of political experience actually acted in his favour as did his failure to stick to the pre-approved politically correct script. Despite using illegal immigrants to act as a new political base in order to socially engineer a new supporter base for the anti-white globalist party the Democrats.

It should be noted that the UK is also socially engineering a new welfare-dependent third-world immigrant political base for the globalist Labour party with only 20% of whites now voting for them: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-133519.html

We now see literally daily media attacks on Trump with CNN basically being a 24/7 anti-Trump broadcasting network with a Harvard study showing that mainstream media coverage of Trump has been 93% negative (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?256933-Media-Collusion-By-Journalists-amp-Networks-Against-Trump-Continues). Reddit, Twitter & other social media platforms are now routinely expelling & silencing pro-Trump (or even neutral) voices in an effort by the shadow government to take back control of the narrative. Reddit has becoming particularly bad with sub-reddits that should be neutral like politics being little more than thinly-disguised misinformation & disinformation propaganda mouthpieces by the shadow government through their agents Podesta, Soros & others.

Thankfully, as I outlined in regards to the persecution of Alex Jones here (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?254721-Why-the-Lefts-Persecution-Of-Alex-Jones-Will-Ultimately-Backfire), this 1984-style propaganda campaign is backfiring upon the Deep State Swamp as people are becoming even more cynical of the mainstream media & the elites are giving up any control they had of the alternative media who once de-platformed can say and do what they please on alternative platforms such as Voat, Gab et cetera (at least until they too are targeted by the left).