View Full Version : Do you think that Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the Supreme Court?

Bobby Martnen
09-24-2018, 07:41 AM
I hope he is, but with all of these accusations, it might be hard.

If two or more Republicans defect and no Democrats do, the nomination is sunk.

I hope that Grassley and McConnell can keep the Republican caucus in line, but it's looking more and more difficult.

Bobby Martnen
09-24-2018, 05:47 PM
It pisses me off to see al the feminists slandering this good man so that they can keep murdering their babies with impunity.

09-27-2018, 08:00 PM
Yes, based on the testimony on both parties so far, I'm watching their testimonies live at the moment. The ford lady is most likely misremembering though she sounds credible but I highly doubt that brett was at the party since she literally has no else to corraborate her claim to be true. Not only does she lack evidence to back up her claims but her own friend even denied ford knowing brett during high school. At the very least she prob was assaulted by some other dude looking like brett if she is telling the truth about being assaulted. Regardless this is gonna backfire spectacularly on the democrats, mark my words

09-27-2018, 08:18 PM
Dam he took the gloves off in his statement. The organized Democrat effort and lies to take him down are a national disgrace. They picked the wrong candidate to lie about.

Bobby Martnen
09-28-2018, 12:39 AM
Dam he took the gloves off in his statement. The organized Democrat effort and lies to take him down are a national disgrace. They picked the wrong candidate to lie about.

This is why I wish Roy Moore had won, if he had the Republicans would be 52-48 instead of 51-49, and this would be less uncertain.