View Full Version : Harvard University ban's men only clubs...but allows women only clubs to exist

Bobby Martnen
09-24-2018, 09:01 PM
I guess that this, just like genital integrity, is another right society only thinks women are worthy of...


09-24-2018, 09:03 PM
I agree that that policy is complete and utter garbage. Notice also that there are basically no all-male colleges, but women's colleges still exist. The thing is, I believe all-male colleges are good for young men who don't want distractions while they're focusing on their studies.

09-24-2018, 09:20 PM
That is 100% a Title IX violation.

Fraternities and sororities can still exist because there's an equal opportunity for both sexes to join Greek societies. Taking away men-only finals clubs while leaving women-only ones is textbook discrimination.