View Full Version : IQ of nazi defendants at Nurmberg trials

10-02-2018, 11:18 AM
I was reading book about the trial by Airey Neave, that time young British officer and lawyer, and there was interesting part about IQ of the defendants.
Keep in mind it was 1945, when people had lower average IQ than today, and it seems they were lot above average, even the most primitive among them (Streicher), who was said to be a monster and pervert,scored 106.

Higest score was Hjlmar Schnacht, former President of the Reichsbank, who was freed from all the convictions:
Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht (22 January 1877 – 3 June 1970) was a German economist, banker, centre-right politician, and co-founder in 1918 of the German Democratic Party. He served as the Currency Commissioner and President of the Reichsbank under the Weimar Republic. He was a fierce critic of his country's post-World War I reparation obligations.

He was never a member of the National Socialist German Worker's Party, but served in Adolf Hitler's government as President of the National Bank (Reichsbank) 1933–1939 and became Minister of Economics (August 1934 – November 1937).

While Schacht was for a time feted for his role in the German "economic miracle", he opposed Hitler's policy of German re-armament insofar as it violated the Treaty of Versailles and (in his view) disrupted the German economy. His views in this regard led Schacht to clash with Hitler and most notably with Hermann Göring. He was dismissed as President of the Reichsbank in January 1939. He remained as a minister without portfolio, and received the same salary, until he was fully dismissed from the government in January 1943.

In 1944 Schacht was arrested by the Gestapo after the assassination attempt on Hitler on 20 July 1944, because he allegedly had had contact with the assassins. Subsequently, he was interned until the end of the Third Reich in the concentration camps Ravensbrück and later at Flossenbürg. In the last days of the war, he was one of the 134 special and clan prisoners who were transported by the SS from Dachau into the "Alpine Fortress" to Niederdorf in South Tyrol, where they were freed on 30 April 1945.

Despite this, he was tried at Nuremberg, but was fully acquitted.

This is how all of the defendants scored, using German version of American Wechsler-Bellevue oral test for adults:

1 Hjalmar Schacht 143
2 Arthur Seyss-Inquart 141
3 Hermann Goering 138
4 Karl Doenitz 138
5 Franz von Papen 134
6 Eric Raeder 134
7 Dr. Hans Frank 130
8 Hans Fritsche 130
9 Baldur von Schirach 130
10 Joachim von Ribbentrop 129
11 Wilhelm Keitel 129
12 Albert Speer 128
13 Alfred Jodl 127
14 Alfred Rosenberg 127
15 Constantin von Neurath 125
16 Walther Funk 124
17 Wilhelm Frick 124
18 Rudolf Hess 120
19 Fritz Sauckel 118
20 Ernst Kaltenbrunner 113
21 Julius Streicher 106

Part of establishing whether or not the Nazis were capable of standing trial was the administration of an IQ test. The Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Test was adapted from English and given in German, and at the time, it was one of the most widely used IQ tests available. Scores of 65 or less were classified as “defective,” between 80 and 119 as normal, and 128 and above was “very superior.” Only about 2.2 percent of the population scored in that range. The average of all the Nazis tested was 128. This means that they were a lot above from the average human IQ.

I think it is pretty interesting infrmation.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 11:35 AM

Silver Lining
10-02-2018, 11:40 AM
Leaders of the most talented nation on Earth are smart.

Wow. What an insight.

Jana, you really aren't the sharpest tool in the box, are ya?

10-02-2018, 11:46 AM
Leaders of the most talented nation on Earth are smart.

Wow. What an insight.

Jana, you really aren't the sharpest tool in the box, are ya?

I wouldn't call Germans most talented nation on earth, but certanly respectable. My IQ is 135, by the way.

10-02-2018, 11:48 AM
Of course they were much smarter than the average person. They were the leaders of one of the highest IQ countries on earth.

Silver Lining
10-02-2018, 11:54 AM
I wouldn't call Germans most talented nation on earth, but certanly respectable.

12 million Germans feeding their own population and 70% of Europe is unmatched.

My IQ is 135, by the way.

May be true or not, still - not very impressive.

10-02-2018, 11:57 AM
12 million Germans feeding their own population and 70% of Europe is unmatched.

May be true or not, still - not very impressive.

More impressive than yours, and I am a woman. Spare me your fantasies about German superiority, you are one of silier Germans on this forum compared to my friends like Teutone, who do represent true respectable German.

Silver Lining
10-02-2018, 12:05 PM
More impressive than yours, and I am a woman.


Spare me your fantasies about German superiority, you are one of silier Germans on this forum compared to my friends like Teutone, who do represent true respectable German.

Nah. I state facts. I am brutally honest with all of you and brutally honest about myself.

Germany and the Northern countries are the only countries left in Europe that are productive enough to maintain modern day standards.

What the world sees as "respectable Germans" are guys that don't fight back, open their wallets for everyone, let themselves be insulted, make themselves small and excuse themselves all the time.

10-02-2018, 12:08 PM

Nah. I state facts. I am brutally honest with all of you and brutally honest about myself.

Germany and the Northern countries are the only countries left in Europe that are productive enough to maintain modern day standards.

What the world sees as "respectable Germans" are guys that don't fight back, open their wallets for everyone, let themselves be insulted, make themselves small and excuse themselves all the time.

I dislike your posts because you seem to be a nordicist who insult southern and eastern Europeans especially Polish people. Teutone on the other hand is not a leftist nor a cuck, yet he is German patriot who respects most of Europeans.
It is not hard to admit Germany is economically prosperous and productive, and one of most important European countries, but if you think it makes you more worthy than any other nation you are a fool. :)

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 12:11 PM
You lose two World Wars.
Your language is not spoken anywhere outside of your own country.
But still a woman who claims to have 135 iq sucks and respects you.

Here! being white..

10-02-2018, 12:12 PM
You lose two World Wars.
Your language is not spoken anywhere outside of your own country.
But still a woman who claims to have 135 iq sucks and respects you.

Here! being white..

I am part German, ofc I respect country of some of my ancestors.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 12:27 PM
I am part German, ofc I respect country of some of my ancestors.

I think you're taking these black and white green blue yellow red things too seriously..

10-02-2018, 12:31 PM
Quite impressive. Apropos, the Nuremberg trials were a masquerade.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 12:33 PM
Thumbs down?Nice.Now you can to thumbing down this. Now you re open season ;) @Grundig

10-02-2018, 12:35 PM
Well the results are unsurprising, Hjalmar Schacht at the top, not surprising for the guy who rebuilt Germany's economy; Seyss-Inquart, Hitler would often repeat how smart he was. I'm more surprised that Rudolph Hess and Julius Streicher are in the three-digits area.

Silver Lining
10-02-2018, 12:43 PM
I dislike your posts[...]

Okay, you earn some creds now because you have written "dislike your posts" and no "you" :cool:

because you seem to be a nordicist who insult southern and eastern Europeans especially Polish people.

- That actually started with Peterski going rampant in a thread that I started where I simply pointed out that what-is-today Northern Poland and is usually shown as "Nordid" in those old race maps wasn't settled by Poles (really, no bad intention at all). And then Peterski went rampage and all of his other threads about Germans came on, and most of them were actually trolling attempts, so don't expect serious answers there. I actually have nice conversations with Peterski via private messages.
- There is ressentiment in Southern European against Northern Europeans and it shows and is very annoying. And I will not back away from the truth that Greek and Romans were partially Nordic.
- i admit that I am not very fond of Mediterraneans, their whole behavior is just too alien to me. But I have written somewhere that I believe that Med influence in Germany is stronger than previously believe.
- unlike most Germans, I am not 100% stern and serious all the time.
- i am like 25% Eastern European myself

Teutone on the other hand is not a leftist nor a cuck, yet he is German patriot who respects most of Europeans.

But I do not even respect Germans. :D

I think it wasn't on this forum but I have written stuff like "70% of all Germans are mentally insane" in other places.

It is not hard to admit Germany is economically prosperous and productive, and one of most important European countries, but if you think it makes you more worthy than any other nation you are a fool. :)

I have never said that.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 12:55 PM
^ lol

10-02-2018, 01:13 PM
To bad that at trials they didn't have to solve IQ tests instead


Wouldn't surprise me if they faked the documents, same as japs did.

10-02-2018, 01:30 PM

Nah. I state facts. I am brutally honest with all of you and brutally honest about myself.

Germany and the Northern countries are the only countries left in Europe that are productive enough to maintain modern day standards.

What the world sees as "respectable Germans" are guys that don't fight back, open their wallets for everyone, let themselves be insulted, make themselves small and excuse themselves all the time.


10-02-2018, 04:56 PM
Keep in mind it was 1945, when people had lower average IQ than today

They did not. Average in Britain is always 100 at any given time, and then other countries are compared to Britain.

10-02-2018, 04:57 PM
They did not. Average in Britain is always 100 at any given time, and then other countries are compared to Britain.

Yes, average IQ in Europe was lower back than. No point to discuss the obvious.

Focusing on one part of the IQ test, the Raven's Progressive Matrices, they found that on average intelligence has risen the equivalent of 20 IQ points since 1950. IQ tests are designed to ensure that the average result is always 100, so this is a significant jump.

10-02-2018, 04:59 PM
Yes, average IQ in Europe was lower back than. No point to discuss the obvious.

Average IQ in Britain in 1945 was 100, just like today. Because British average is always 100 by default.

If they scored 128 in year 1945, then today they would probably score much less, maybe even below 100.

10-02-2018, 05:00 PM
Jana, you really aren't the sharpest tool in the box, are ya?

Why are you so horrible to her?? :(

10-02-2018, 05:01 PM
Average IQ in Britain in 1945 was 100, just like today. Because British average is always 100 by default.

If they scored 128 in year 1945, then today they would probably score much less, maybe even below 100.

Don't troll my thread. You are just butthurt Pole who is weirdly bitter about Germans, and that is why you don't like the fact those nazis came out significantly above average in intelligence.

10-02-2018, 05:01 PM
They had average of 128 by 1945-1946 standards, which were lower than today's standards due to the Flynn Effect.

But average in 1945 in Britain was 100, because average in Britain is always 100 (that's the unit they measure it in).

10-02-2018, 05:03 PM
Don't troll my thread. You are just butthurt Pole who is weirdly bitter about Germans, and that is why you don't like the fact those nazis came out significantly above average in intelligence.

Jesus Christ, you just don't understand that 100 is by definition what British people on average get?

In year 1945 Brits scored on average 100, because the scale is always adjusted to British results.

If someone scored 128 in 1945, today his score would be lower - not 128. Due to the Flynn Effect.


I don't know if IQ in Europe as a whole was lower or higher on average, but in England IQ is always 100.

Because 100 is average British score by definition, and then the rest of the world is compared to Britain.

10-02-2018, 05:05 PM
Jesus Christ, you just don't understand that 100 is by definition what British people on average get?

In year 1945 Brits scored on average 100, because the scale is always adjusted to British results.

If someone scored 128 in 1945, today his score would be lower - not 128. Due to the Flynn Effect.

Average of 100 in 1945 is very different than average of 100 in 2018 (for 20 IQ points plus). So yes, you are trolling.

Slavic Italian
10-02-2018, 05:15 PM
Off topic but it took a lot of powerful nations to come together to defeat Germany.

10-02-2018, 05:16 PM
Average of 100 in 1945 is very different than average of 100 in 2018 (for 20 IQ points plus).

But they were compared to the average of 100 in 1945, because they were tested back in 1945.

Is it so hard to understand? They do not have 128 IQ by 2018 standards. They are long dead.

Slavic Italian
10-02-2018, 05:16 PM
I'd like to see what the current Polish leaders score. I bet pretty well.

10-02-2018, 05:18 PM
It's like peterski can't help himself.

10-02-2018, 05:19 PM
I was Erwin Rommel, at least according to this : https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?258800-Which-World-War-II-General-Are-You

10-02-2018, 05:20 PM
But they were compared to the average of 100 in 1945, because they were tested back in 1945.
Is it so hard to understand? They do not have 128 IQ by 2018 standards. They are long dead.

First of all, average IQ in Europe of 1945 was waaaaaay below 100. It is still to this day.
They have 128 by 1945 standards, which was considered borderline of ''very superior'' as is stated in text I quoted.

Deal with it.

10-02-2018, 05:20 PM
You have to adjust their scores for the Flynn Effect.

In 1945 they were not adjusting for 2018 scores, because they did not know them.

We have to adjust old scores fore new standards.

10-02-2018, 05:25 PM
First of all, average IQ in Europe of 1945 was waaaaaay below 100.

Mean IQ in Britain in year 1947 was - just like today - 100 (and the rest of the world is always compared to Britain).




You just do not understand at all how IQ is being measured and what the Flynn Effect is and how to adjust for it.

10-02-2018, 05:29 PM
Mean IQ in Britain in year 1947 was - just like today - 100 (and the rest of the world is always compared to Britain).




You just do not understand at all how IQ is being measured and what the Flynn Effect is and how to adjust for it.

Yes, I do. And I understand very well your trolling, like in all other threads related to Germans and Germany.

You won't manipulate us, they had very above average IQ. Fullstop.

10-02-2018, 05:32 PM
No you just don't get it. Their scores were calculated based on 1945 standards, not on modern standards. And in 1945 the average British person scored 100, but to score 100 in 1945 you did not have to answer as many questions correctly as you have to in order to score 100 today.

So you cannot add them 20 points extra to these 128 which they got on average.

If you want to know what would they score by modern standards, you need to subtract points.

10-02-2018, 05:34 PM
No you just don't get it. Their scores were calculated based on 1945 standards, not on modern standards. And in 1945 the average British person scored 100, but to score 100 in 1945 you did not have answer as many questions correctly as today to score 100.

So you cannot add them 20 points extra to these 128 they got on average.

I did not ''add them anything''. I wrote they have above average IQ, bordering very superior for standards of that time.

10-02-2018, 05:35 PM
It's like peterski can't help himself.

I agree.

10-02-2018, 05:37 PM
I did not ''add them anything''. I wrote they have above average IQ, bordering very superior for standards of that time.

You still don't get it. 128 by 1945 standards, is not as much as 128 by modern standards. Just like 100 by 1945 standards, is not as much as 100 by modern standards.

We can ask Richard Lynn how much is 128 from 1945, by modern standards. I have his email.

10-02-2018, 05:40 PM
No you just don't get it. Their scores were calculated based on 1945 standards, not on modern standards. And in 1945 the average British person scored 100, but to score 100 in 1945 you did not have answer as many questions correctly as today to score 100.

So you cannot add them 20 points extra to these 128 they got on average.

Jana with her presumably 135 IQ can't comprehend the simple notion of relativity.Its what happens when you take those 1.99$ SMS IQ tests on the internet, as authentic :icon_smile: :icon_smile:

10-02-2018, 05:43 PM
You still don't get it. 128 by 1945 standards, is not as much as 128 by modern standards. Just like 100 by 1948 standards, is not as much as 100 by modern standards.

We can ask Richard Lynn how much is 128 from 1945, by modern standards. I have his email.

Hahah. :D
You are so cute.

IQ above 128 was classified as ''very superior'' in 1945, 128 of standard of that time. You understand ? There is nothing you can do about it.
and it is absolutely laughable to compare people of 70 years ago with today, when our brains are completely different due to use to technology and communication.

They were above average intelligent for European men of that time. And your comparison is so ridiculous, that than IQ of Sumerians, ancient Greeks or Chinese, would be what, like 50 compared to today ???

And keep Richard Lynn mail for yourself, he is worthless pseudo-scientist that tested mentally impaired children from Africa to prove how intelectually inferior negroids are.

10-02-2018, 05:43 PM
Go on, ask him: LYNNR540@aol.com or Richard@rlynn.co.uk

IQ of 128 in 1945, would be less than 128 today (not more than 128), due to the Flynn Effect.

You have to adjust scores from the past for the Flynn Effect.

10-02-2018, 05:45 PM
Jana with her presumably 135 IQ can't comprehend the simple notion of relativity.Its what happens when you take those 1.99$ SMS IQ tests on the internet, as authentic :icon_smile: :icon_smile:

I was tested with psychologist two times, not by some internet test. And there is no doubt you will troll every thread I make, as you always do. Also because you hold a grudge against Germans.

10-02-2018, 05:50 PM
I asked him about IQ of Indian castes some time ago and he answered.

So he will probably answer. Tell him to explain the Flynn Effect, or what does it mean by modern standards if they scored 128 in 1945 (does it really mean that they would be geniuses with even higher IQ today?) and what was the average IQ in Europe in 1945, etc.

10-02-2018, 05:54 PM
Of course they were much smarter than the average person. They were the leaders of one of the highest IQ countries on earth.

But the irony is Ashkenazi Jews have the Highest IQ's of all ethnic groups. One of the founders of present day Germany's name was Ashkenaz. He was a descendant of Japeth.
The German country was established by the tribe of Gad.

10-02-2018, 05:58 PM
The datum that Lynn and Vanhanen used for the lowest IQ estimate, Equatorial Guinea, was taken from a group of children in a home for the developmentally disabled in Spain.

Very respectable academic indeed. Peterski, can you imagine IQ of Polish leaders in WW2 when these average nazi guys overran your country so fast ? That may be the root of the issue.

10-02-2018, 05:59 PM
But the irony is Ashkenazi Jews have the Highest IQ's of all ethnic groups. One of the founders of present day Germany's name was Ashkenaz. He was a descendant of Japeth.
The German country was established by the tribe of Gad.


10-02-2018, 06:01 PM

This is our real history. Or do you wish to hold onto the "Out of Africa" theory..?

10-02-2018, 06:01 PM
Jana : 135 IQ = Mortimer : Aryan

10-02-2018, 06:02 PM
This is our real history. Or do you wish to hold onto the "Out of Africa" theory..?

It is true Ashkenazi Jews have highest average IQ among whites, but to say Germany was founded by Jews is pure fantasy.

10-02-2018, 06:02 PM
and it is absolutely laughable to compare people of 70 years ago with today, when our brains are completely different due to use to technology and communication.


And keep Richard Lynn mail for yourself, he is worthless pseudo-scientist that tested mentally impaired children from Africa to prove how intelectually inferior negroids are.

You really contradict yourself... Do Negroids today use as much technology as Europeans?

BTW, there is phenotypic IQ and also genotypic IQ.

Genotypic IQ has not really increased since 1945.

10-02-2018, 06:02 PM
My IQ is only 120. That should prove I am not a Jew.

10-02-2018, 06:03 PM
This is our real history. Or do you wish to hold onto the "Out of Africa" theory..?

As I've said before, just stop talking.

10-02-2018, 06:03 PM
Even though i don't think intelligence can truly be measured, it's not surprising.

10-02-2018, 06:04 PM
You really contradict yourself... Do Negroids today use as much technology as Europeans?

BTW, there is phenotypic IQ and also genotypic IQ.

Genotypic IQ has not really increased since 1945.

No, I do think negroids have average lower IQ than whites and especially mongoloids. But I don't believe they are mentally retarded, like your Lynn claimed by manipulating data of developmentally disabled children. It is disgusting :puke:

10-02-2018, 06:06 PM
It is true Ashkenazi Jews have highest average IQ among whites, but to say Germany was founded by Jews is pure fantasy.

Not Jews, Hebrews. Japeth is the father of all modern day Europeans.

10-02-2018, 06:07 PM
Jana : 135 IQ = Mortimer : Aryan

I am glad you got it right.

10-02-2018, 06:07 PM
But I don't believe they are mentally retarded, like your Lynn claimed (...)

He did not claim anything like this.

It has been proven that Negroids with IQ of 60 are not mentally retarded (unlike Europeans with IQ of 60).

For example these people have an average IQ of 60, but they do not sound mentally retarded, do they?:


10-02-2018, 06:08 PM
Not Jews, Hebrews. Japeth is the father of all modern day Europeans.

Japeth is analogy for Indo Europeans.

Silver Lining
10-02-2018, 06:09 PM
Why are you so horrible to her?? :(

I like her now. :dancingrose

10-02-2018, 06:09 PM
Read John R. Baker "Race", he explains that Negroids who test 60-70 on IQ tests, still do not show signs of mental retardation. They do not have impaired social intelligence. Mental retardation is not just about having low IQ, it is about a lot of other symptoms as well.

You can even score relatively high on IQ tests and still be mentally retarded, I guess.

10-02-2018, 06:10 PM
Peterski, Lynn used data collected trough non functioning individuals. Proper data is connected on healthy individuals. He is a manipulator, and does not deserve respect.

10-02-2018, 06:11 PM
Lynn did not manipulate data.

And African-Americans who live in First World countries score not much higher on IQ tests than malnourished Africans, actually.

10-02-2018, 06:11 PM
Japeth is analogy for Indo Europeans.

Perhaps. But he was one of Noah's 3 sons. Ironically, he may/may not have been Semitic.

10-02-2018, 06:12 PM
Perhaps. But he was one of Noah's 3 sons. Ironically, he may/may not have been Semitic.

Lol no.

10-02-2018, 06:14 PM
Lynn did not manipulate data.

And African-Americans who live in First World countries score not much higher on IQ tests than malnourished Africans, actually.

Ofcourse he did, stop denying it.

The data that Lynn and Vanhanen used for the lowest IQ estimate, Equatorial Guinea, was taken from a group of children in a home for the developmentally disabled in Spain.

You would not like if he used disabled Polish children to make a conclusion of average Polish intelligence.

10-02-2018, 06:16 PM
Lol no.

Noah had 3 sons. They basically gave the foundation for the races of people. The Jews/Orientals came from Shem. The Negroes came from Ham. Japeth was the father of Indo-Europeans. His descendants migrated North.
The Hamites came to Egypt and settled in North Africa. There were not people in the rest of Africa till much later. South Africa was never settled by blacks. It belongs to the Dutch.

10-02-2018, 06:17 PM
IQ tests dont mean anything,intelligence is to complex to be measured.I mean, look at this loser, all he is known for is having a 200 IQ.


If he was indeed smart, he would be working at NASA Mars project or solving some complex unsolved math problem at Cambridge.
Once you do 1-2 IQ tests, all others can be cheated, you will always score higher with every test.You think Plato,Goethe or Da Vinci would've scored anything over 120, let alone 200?
They would've probably scored around 100, like I do, because what we all 4 have in common is the fact that we don't waste time learning to solve IQ tests but instead focus on real world problems.

10-02-2018, 06:17 PM
Noah had 3 sons. They basically gave the foundation for the races of people. The Jews/Orientals came from Shem. The Negroes came from Ham. Japeth was the father of Indo-Europeans. His descendants migrated North.
The Hamites came to Egypt and settled in North Africa. There were not people in the rest of Africa to later. South Africa was never settled by blacks. It belongs to the Dutch.

You're very hard to take seriously.

Silver Lining
10-02-2018, 06:19 PM
IQ tests dont mean anything,intelligence is to complex to be measured.I mean, look at this loser, all he is known for is having a 200 IQ.

If he was indeed smart, he would be working at NASA Mars project or solving some complex unsolved math problem at Cambridge.
Once you do 1-2 IQ tests, all others can be cheated, you will always score higher with every test.You think Plato,Goethe or Da Vinci would've scored anything over 120, let alone 200?
They would've probably scored around 100, like I do, because what we all 4 have in common is the fact that we don't waste time learning to solve IQ tests but instead focus on real world problems.


10-02-2018, 06:22 PM
IQ tests are meant for ordinary people to feel validated in some way.

10-02-2018, 06:28 PM
I'd like to see what the current Polish leaders score. I bet pretty well.

Janusz Korwin-Mikke tested 135, but he is just a fringe politician.

I don't know if scores for others are available.

Slavic Italian
10-02-2018, 06:30 PM
Janusz Korwin-Mikke tested 135, but he is just a fringe politician.

I don't know if scores for others are available.

That is around what I score. Funny at one time I owned a business. Now I generally wipe off windows. Intelligence has many boundaries here in America. Here smart people are feared.

10-02-2018, 06:36 PM
Janusz Korwin-Mikke tested 135, but he is just a fringe politician.

I don't know if scores for others are available.


however of distant German descent :)

Janusz Korwin-Mikke, choć w swoim nazwisku ma nazwę herbu szlacheckiego, nie pochodzi od Korwinów, a od niemieckich ewangelików, nazywających się Mücke lub Mükke

Janusz Korwin-Mikke, though in his name has the name of the noble coat of arms, does not come from Korwin, but from the German evangelists called Mücke or Mükke


10-02-2018, 06:37 PM

Doda Elektroda is a member of Mensa, so smarter than all Nazis:


Silver Lining
10-02-2018, 06:41 PM
Doda Elektroda is a member of Mensa, so smarter than all Nazis:


Amazing! She should become our new Führer.

10-02-2018, 06:57 PM
Amazing! She should become our new Führer.


^^^ She has higher IQ than Jana, could you believe this?!

Not a Cop
10-02-2018, 07:18 PM
IQ tests dont mean anything,intelligence is to complex to be measured.I mean, look at this loser, all he is known for is having a 200 IQ.


If he was indeed smart, he would be working at NASA Mars project or solving some complex unsolved math problem at Cambridge.
Once you do 1-2 IQ tests, all others can be cheated, you will always score higher with every test.You think Plato,Goethe or Da Vinci would've scored anything over 120, let alone 200?
They would've probably scored around 100, like I do, because what we all 4 have in common is the fact that we don't waste time learning to solve IQ tests but instead focus on real world problems.

IQ actually has a very good correlation with salary, what you said in post is just IQ version of Genotype does not equal phenotype.

10-02-2018, 07:33 PM
IQ was developed to identify children of special needs not anything else. The sequential differential of IQ 130-80 bares no difference to outcomes. As questions asked may not be in line with individual skillsets.

All members of parliament have high IQ's majority of people in Parliament have completed law, sciences or commerce degree.

Nazis were no special snowflakes.... well their IQ is low as they died a horrible death is the other side of the coin.

10-02-2018, 08:37 PM
IQ was developed to identify children of special needs not anything else. The sequential differential of IQ 130-80 bares no difference to outcomes. As questions asked may not be in line with individual skillsets.

All members of parliament have high IQ's majority of people in Parliament have completed law, sciences or commerce degree.

Nazis were no special snowflakes.... well their IQ is low as they died a horrible death is the other side of the coin.

Less than half of the accused received death penalty, and few were completely free of charges. But I don't know how is it related to the thread.

10-02-2018, 08:42 PM
Less than half of the accused received death penalty, and few were completely free of charges. But I don't know how is it related to the thread.

I am superior to these human waste is the relevance to this thread,

10-02-2018, 08:42 PM
12 million Germans feeding their own population and 70% of Europe is unmatched.

I do not call this talent, I call this working like a robot. Because the working style in Germany is for people without hobbies and in general for people that are not eclectic at all.

10-02-2018, 08:44 PM
a lot of butthurt in this thread...

10-02-2018, 08:52 PM
I am superior to these human waste is the relevance to this thread,

You don't need to drag personal feelings into everything. I am not pro nazi at all, this is simply interesting data I stumbled upon and wanted to share.

10-02-2018, 08:53 PM
More proof Frank et al are Frankists

10-02-2018, 08:53 PM
a lot of butthurt in this thread...

Not really - Nazis lost the war their women got raped and Dresden was destroyed. Where is the high IQ in that?

A tip - if Germans start a war need to actually win them not lose them. No point starting wars then people get demoralised... this goes into Loser territory.

10-02-2018, 08:53 PM
More proof Frank et al are Frankists

What ?

10-02-2018, 08:54 PM
You don't need to drag personal feelings into everything. I am not pro nazi at all, this is simply interesting data I stumbled upon and wanted to share.

Sure and I tell you its irrelevant and what you are doing is pumping tires of subanimals.

10-02-2018, 08:54 PM
Not really - Nazis lost the war their women got raped and Dresden was destroyed. Where is the high IQ in that?

A tip - if Germans start a war need to actually win them not lose them. No point starting wars then people get demoralised... this goes into Loser territory.

blah blah blah butthurt.

10-02-2018, 08:55 PM
IQ tests dont mean anything,intelligence is to complex to be measured.I mean, look at this loser, all he is known for is having a 200 IQ.


If he was indeed smart, he would be working at NASA Mars project or solving some complex unsolved math problem at Cambridge.
Once you do 1-2 IQ tests, all others can be cheated, you will always score higher with every test.You think Plato,Goethe or Da Vinci would've scored anything over 120, let alone 200?
They would've probably scored around 100, like I do, because what we all 4 have in common is the fact that we don't waste time learning to solve IQ tests but instead focus on real world problems.

Is well known that the IQ tests are not relevant at all. It is incredible how some germanic kids from this forum think that they are superior because some nazis had an iq of 130. :picard2: At least, they show us that they are strangers from the superior germans.

10-02-2018, 08:55 PM
Sure and I tell you its irrelevant and what you are doing is pumping tires of subanimals.

You are very butthurt Greek that often hates on Germans, because of Merkel austerity policy towards Greece and probably because of what happened in WW2.
It's irrelevant to this thread. And yes, they has high IQ, weather you like it or not ;)

10-02-2018, 08:56 PM
I do not call this talent, I call this working like a robot. Because the working style in Germany is for people without hobbies and in general for people that are not eclectic at all.

How is that not talent?

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 08:56 PM
a lot of butthurt in this thread...

IQ tests are meant for ordinary people to feel validated in some way.

10-02-2018, 08:57 PM
blah blah blah butthurt herbert.

I am stating facts. High IQ does not equate to being worldly intelligent. There are alot of dumbasses in Euro parliament today that have high IQs and Nazis fall into the category.

All the huff and bluster and patting yourselves on the back and your stuck making cars and not much else

10-02-2018, 08:58 PM
How is that not talent?

Well, in general, the talents are artistic/creative or intelligence aptitudes.

10-02-2018, 08:58 PM
I am stating facts. High IQ does not equate to being worldly intelligent. There are alot of dumbasses in Euro parliament today that have high IQs and Nazis fall into the category.

All the huff and bluster and patting yourselves on the back and your stuck making cars and not much else

I'm stating facts too. You're butthurt.

10-02-2018, 08:58 PM
You are very butthurt Greek that often hates on Germans, because of Merkel austerity policy towards Greece and probably because of what happened in WW2.
It's irrelevant to this thread. And yes, they has high IQ, weather you like it or not ;)

My IQ is far superior and the person with the highest IQ on the planet is a Greek from Epiros. So I am well within my rights to call Nazis subanimals.

10-02-2018, 08:59 PM
this is very simple, the World is sick and we are the doctors


10-02-2018, 08:59 PM
My IQ is far superior and the person with the highest IQ on the planet is a Greek from Epiros. So I am well within my rights to call Nazis subanimals.

little butthurt greek boy.

10-02-2018, 09:00 PM
I'm stating facts too. You're butthurt.

I call it as I see it. If you deem this as butthurt then thats your perocative. Doesn't take away the fact that Germans start wars then lose them.!

10-02-2018, 09:00 PM
My IQ is far superior and the person with the highest IQ on the planet is a Greek from Epiros. So I am well within my rights to call Nazis subanimals.

Good for you, but it's pretty ignorant statement, when some of the accused were not even members of the nazi party but simple bankers and economists like Schnacht.

10-02-2018, 09:00 PM
I wouldn't call Germans most talented nation on earth, but certanly respectable. My IQ is 135, by the way.

You have an IQ of 135? Yes and I have an IQ of 144 :D .Those tests you take online are not official, nor do they give an accurate estimation of IQ, seeing how most of them are ridiculously easy. Taking into account that an IQ of 135 is amongst the 95% percentile (most likely even higher), then I highly doubt your IQ is 135.

10-02-2018, 09:01 PM
They did not. Average in Britain is always 100 at any given time, and then other countries are compared to Britain.

Yes, average IQ in Europe was lower back than. No point to discuss the obvious.

IQ in Britain was bigger than it is today. According to some research it fell by 13 IQ points since Victorian times. I think similar thing happened in all European countries. Flynn says it has nothing to do with their hypothesis, but with youth's culture today which is my opinion too. I agree with Flynn so I wouldn't count there people born in 40s, 50s, 60s, maybe also 70s.

In modern times what does average guy or girl know when they finish highschool except surfing and making accounts on the Internet and changing bulb. I wouldn't allow them to mown my lawn, that is how stupid and uncapable they look. OTOH older people seem very capable and possess clear mind with no brain fog and at the age of 17 were working on all sort of things.

10-02-2018, 09:02 PM
Ofc IQ is no relevant to users coming from countries that havent achieved anything the past 100years and are known as Mexico of Europe

The fact I dont even have to name the country, and everyone knows what I am talking about, says it all.

Intresting post Jana, let the easterners express their inferior complexes :D

10-02-2018, 09:03 PM
You have an IQ of 135? Yes and I have an IQ of 144 :D .Those tests you take online are not official, nor do they give an accurate estimation of IQ, seeing how most of them are ridiculously easy. Taking into account that an IQ of 135 is amongst the 95% percentile (most likely even higher), then I highly doubt your IQ is 135.

Idiot, I said I was tested by psychologist (two imes) not by some worthless internet test. Read the entire thread before writing crap, thanks.

10-02-2018, 09:04 PM
Good for you, but it's pretty ignorant statement, when some of the accused were not even members of the nazi party but simple bankers and economists like Schnacht.

Bankers are trash of society that rubbed shoulders with Jews and got his just deserts,

10-02-2018, 09:04 PM
Leaders of the most talented nation on Earth are smart.

Wow. What an insight.

Jana, you really aren't the sharpest tool in the box, are ya?

Bleib doch mal locker, Kroaten sind einer der wenigen Slawischen Völker die uns wohlgesonnen sind.

Sei mal froh das es in diesem drecks Puff voller Osteuropäischer Krüppel ein paar pro-deutsche gibt.

10-02-2018, 09:04 PM
IQ in Britain was bigger than it is today. According to some research it fell by 13 IQ points since Victorian times. I think similar thing happened in all European countries. Flynn says it has nothing to do with their hypothesis, but with youth's culture today which is my opinion too. I agree with Flynn so I wouldn't count there people born in 40s, 50s, 60s, maybe also 70s.

In modern times what does average guy or girl know when they finish highschool except surfing and making accounts on the Internet and changing bulb. I wouldn't allow them to mown my lawn, that is how stupid and uncapable they look. OTOH older people seem very capable and possess clear mind with no brain fog and at the age of 17 were working on all sort of things.

Very interesting, thanks :thumb001:

10-02-2018, 09:07 PM
Well, in general, the talents are artistic/creative or intelligence aptitudes.

Perhaps that's your observation of what talent is. Still, not everyone is born the same. Germans, on average, have higher ability to efficiently perform science/engineering assigments than people of some other ethnicities, but they may lack in other spheres.

10-02-2018, 09:08 PM
Idiot, I said I was tested by psychologist (two imes) not by some worthless internet test. Read the entire thread before writing crap, thanks.

Psychologist? You mean a psuedo-scientist who claims that he understands the human brain aka the most complex organ in the human body, that is still mostly an enigma to this day?

Yeah I wouldn’t think a person as uncivilized as you (typical Balkan) would have such a high IQ, of course there are some exceptions like in this thread, but they’re definitely not the majority.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 09:09 PM
a lot of butthurt in this thread...

We may be jealous of the Germans or the Nazi. what happens to you???? what hell re you doing here? why? You are phenotypically a Celtic. Will you tell the story "genetically Germanic"?
And people might say you're genetically Germanic, of course.

dude, I like you.but you have problems with reality. you look Celtic (any folks) as hell.deal it.its good.

10-02-2018, 09:10 PM
We may be jealous of the Germans or the Nazi. what happens to you???? what hell re you doing here? why? You are phenotypically a Celtic. Will you tell the story "genetically Germanic"?
And people might say you're genetically Germanic, of course.

dude, I like you.but you look Celtic (any folks) as hell.deal it.

Shut up retard. You always babble on about literally nothing.

10-02-2018, 09:10 PM
We may be jealous of the Germans or the Nazi. what happens to you???? what hell re you doing here? why? You are phenotypically a Celtic. Will you tell the story "genetically Germanic"?
And people might say you're genetically Germanic, of course.

dude, I like you.but you look Celtic (any folks) as hell.deal it.

Whats the matter with you and everyone being celtic? Wacthed too much braveheart or what?

10-02-2018, 09:13 PM
Perhaps that's your observation of what talent is. Still, not everyone is born the same.

Germans, on average, have higher ability to efficiently perform science/engineering assigments than people of some other ethnicities, but they may lack in other spheres.

Why should it indicate ethnic/racial difference? If anything, it's the result of culture and education. Germans were educated to be efficient and hierarchial robots since Prussian times.

10-02-2018, 09:16 PM
Why should it indicate ethnic/racial difference? If anything, it's the result of culture and education. Germans were educated to be efficient and hierarchial robots since Prussian times.

IQ and ability of the people play a role in the first place to create the society, rules and educational system.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 09:18 PM
Shut up retard. You always babble on about literally nothing.

first learn to discuss without urgent insults.rude wannabe viking.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 09:19 PM
Whats the matter with you and everyone being celtic? Wacthed too much braveheart or what?

why are you twisting the subject?

10-02-2018, 09:19 PM
first learn to discuss without urgent insults.rude wannabe viking.

ok my slow little friend. How does your OPINON of my LOOKS have anything to do with this thread?

This is not the first time you've done this...

10-02-2018, 09:20 PM
why are you twisting the subject?

Do I twist the subject? You were speaking about Celts.

10-02-2018, 09:20 PM
Why should it indicate ethnic/racial difference? If anything, it's the result of culture and education. Germans were educated to be efficient and
hierarchial robots since Prussian times.

Ok, lets conduct the thought experiment (and just to make myself clear this is not my attempt to mock you or anyone else):
Why Ottomans didn't do that before Prussians? Prussians were relatively poor in both manpower, and the resources when compared to Ottomans up to late 17th century, am I right? In fact, correct me if I am wrong but Ottomans didn't even have universities (or other highest education institutions) up until 1850 or so. I guess the real answer lies in the society you're part of.

10-02-2018, 09:22 PM
IQ and ability of the people play a role in the first place to create the society, rules and educational system.

Civilization begun in Middle-East.

Some people might argue that it's because previous middle-easterners were smart or that those civilizations were created by nordics (lol). The real reason is the geography, Middle-East had open fields and wheat to domesticate, while Europe had thick forests and no reliable grain.

Mediterraneans were the next most advanced civilization because of their approximaty to Middle-East.

Non-human factors play a significant role in development of civilization and culture.

10-02-2018, 09:23 PM
Psychologist? You mean a psuedo-scientist who claims that he understands the human brain aka the most complex organ in the human body, that is still mostly an enigma to this day?

Yeah I wouldn’t think a person as uncivilized as you (typical Balkan) would have such a high IQ, of course there are some exceptions like in this thread, but they’re definitely not the majority.

I come from far more civilised background than you, we can bet on that.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 09:24 PM
Whats the matter with you and everyone being celtic? Wacthed too much braveheart or what?

Why are you launching me like I'm insulting Celtic folks?

10-02-2018, 09:25 PM
Whats the matter with you and everyone being celtic? Wacthed too much braveheart or what?

Don't think anyone can understand his writings, it looks completely random and unconnected, like if he is smoking weed or drinking while writing it.

10-02-2018, 09:26 PM
Civilization begun in Middle-East.

Some people might argue that it's because previous middle-easterners were smart or that those civilizations were created by nordics (lol). The real reason is the geography, Middle-East had open fields and wheat to domesticate, while Europe had thick forests and no reliable grain.

Mediterraneans were the next most advanced civilization because of their approximaty to Middle-East.

Non-human factors play a significant role in development of civilization and culture.

I never denied the high cultures of Mesopotamia etc

But now we managed to tame nature and the non-human aspects that might stopped some ethnicities to become powerful.

A culture is mostly the result of certain inherited traits and the rest are cultural upringings even tho most middle easterners in 3rd generation still havent mention to adapt any of the German values.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 09:29 PM
ok my slow little friend. How does your OPINON of my LOOKS have anything to do with this thread?

This is not the first time you've done this...

you know well ;) also Why do you care if people are jealous of the Germans? or Nazis(prophet of Teutone)? why do you care? you re neither German nor look Germanic? you re Celtic. deal it.

10-02-2018, 09:30 PM
you know well ;) also Why do you care if people are jealous of the Germans? or Nazis(prophet of Teutone)? why do you care? you re neither German nor look Germanic? you re Celtic. deal it.

Get out of this thread!!

10-02-2018, 09:31 PM
you know well ;) also Why do you care if people are jealous of the Germans? or Nazis(prophet of Teutone)? why do you care? you re neither German nor look Germanic? you re Celtic. deal it.

He is a German, why you care to insult Germans and Germany?

Inferior complex? Why are the Nazis my prophets, please elaborate on that.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 09:34 PM
Don't think anyone can understand his writings, it looks completely random and unconnected, like if he is smoking weed or drinking while writing it.

not.. just realm and its hard to accept. also why do you care? ı have not a problem about you. youre also wannabe German but I never told before. now you re open season ;) you want to war ? ok,my sword is bloody now,lady.

10-02-2018, 09:35 PM
The cringe factor is insane

10-02-2018, 09:37 PM
I never denied the high cultures of Mesopotamia etc

But now we managed to tame nature and the non-human aspects that might stopped some ethnicities to become powerful.

A culture is mostly the result of certain inherited traits and the rest are cultural upringings even tho most middle easterners in 3rd generation still havent mention to adapt any of the German values.

If you think about it, most Middle-Easterners didn't convert to Islam by their will.

Islam was kickstarted by one man which converted some others and then they went out rampaging conquering and converting others. If Islam is keeping Middle-East backward, it's still not entirely bound to the fault of Middle-Easterners themselves as you can see, they faced a forced cultural change.

Germany never had similar obstacles to overcome. It inherited Roman institutions (because they were next to Roman Empire and were converted to Christianity) and never really had a destructive force nearby such as Mongols.

I wonder how would Russia look like without Peter the Great, or how would world be without Karl Marx, or Muhammad? or what would whole Europe look like if the early pre-socratic philosophers, especially Thales let's say drowned in sea.

National success as well as personal success is not entirely caused by one's own talent, but these people should also be lucky.

10-02-2018, 09:38 PM
not.. just realm and its hard to accept. also why do you care? ı have not a problem about you. youre also wannabe German but I never told before. now you re open season ;) you want to war ? ok,my sword is bloody now,lady.

Member you insulted is of German ancestry dummie. And if I was wannabe German, I'd put German in my profile, but obviously I identify only with Croatia.
Even though, I am changing my mind and became more appreciative of my small German admix lately, especially after some of you open my eyes.

Butthurt towards Germans is so funny. You are envy leftie weedman.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 09:38 PM
He is a German, why you care to insult Germans and Germany?

Inferior complex? Why are the Nazis my prophets, please elaborate on that.

good try. insidious. What will happen now? Will the admins ban me because of your statements?
you must be much smarter for them.dude

10-02-2018, 09:40 PM
Triceps is a Turk hiding under Irish flag. Enough said. He is not the first Turk I see doing so. Another one pretends to be Finno Ugric :icon_smile::icon_smile:

10-02-2018, 09:40 PM
If you think about it, most Middle-Easterners didn't convert to Islam by their will.

Islam was kickstarted by one man which converted some others and then they went out rampaging conquering and converting others. If Islam is keeping Middle-East backward, it's still not entirely bound to the fault of Middle-Easterners themselves as you can see, they faced a forced cultural change.

Germany never had similar obstacles to overcome. It inherited Roman institutions (because they were next to Roman Empire and were converted to Christianity) and never really had a destructive force nearby such as Mongols.

I wonder how would Russia look like without Peter the Great, or how would be without Karl Marx, or what would whole Europe look like if the early pre-socratic philosophers, especially Thales let's say drowned in sea.

National success as well as personal success is not entirely caused by one's own talent, but these people should also be lucky.

I completly disagree with your second paragraph

The frist paragraph is about Islam and middle east, I said nothing negative about both in this thread.

In countries like the USA you clearly saw differences between ethnicities even tho they started from the same point.

The Germans became one of the most successful ethnicity in the USA even tho they had alot of obstacles, IQ is also not entirely connected to education.

10-02-2018, 09:40 PM
People of high IQ dont use IQ to measure ones intelligence.

People of high IQ actually create/produce something of value or manage a team of people successfully. People of high IQ actually understand risk and reward better that forge successfull strategies and enjoy the simple things in life is more rewarding than having a self delusion of high IQ and being miserable. The English retiring in Greece are successful high IQ'ers that understand simplicity is everything.

Those that use IQ as a base arguement for ones intelligence is actually a zombie that will never get far.

10-02-2018, 09:40 PM
you know well ;) also Why do you care if people are jealous of the Germans? or Nazis(prophet of Teutone)? why do you care? you re neither German nor look Germanic? you re Celtic. deal it.

And this is why i called you a retard.

Where are you getting any of this from? I said people were butthurt and you are proving to be one of these people...

I'm not German? I don't look German? I Don't look Germanic? I'm celtic?

Regardless of the true answers to these claims, how is this relevant?

10-02-2018, 09:41 PM
good try. insidious. What will happen now? Will the admins ban me because of your statements?
you must be much smarter for them.dude


Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 09:43 PM
Member you insulted is of German ancestry dummie. And if I was wannabe German, I'd put German in my profile, but obviously I identify only with Croatia.
Even though, I am changing my mind and became more appreciative of my small German admix lately, especially after some of you open my eyes.

Butthurt towards Germans is so funny. You are envy leftie weedman.

envy?you? god:picard2: ok you right,lady Curie with 147 iq.

Silver Lining
10-02-2018, 09:44 PM
I do not call this talent, I call this working like a robot. Because the working style in Germany is for people without hobbies and in general for people that are not eclectic at all.


Young Germans do not even work that much.

Mr. Anybody
10-02-2018, 09:47 PM
it is absolutely impossible to speak about something and learn something in a normal way here. god help all to you.

10-02-2018, 09:48 PM
this is why they were defeated, stop answer them but keep on going
do not explain why are you doing this or that

they are good on that - disrupt everything

Silver Lining
10-02-2018, 09:49 PM
Bleib doch mal locker, Kroaten sind einer der wenigen Slawischen Völker die uns wohlgesonnen sind.

Sei mal froh das es in diesem drecks Puff voller Osteuropäischer Krüppel ein paar pro-deutsche gibt.

Isch hab mich doch schon quasi entschuldigt. War a bissl angepisst wegen dem Dolph Lundgren Strang.

10-02-2018, 09:52 PM
I completly disagree with your second paragraph

The frist paragraph is about Islam and middle east, I said nothing negative about both in this thread.

In countries like the USA you clearly saw differences between ethnicities even tho they started from the same point.

The Germans became one of the most successful ethnicity in the USA even tho they had alot of obstacles, IQ is also not entirely connected to education.

In USA, Jews, Asians and Indians dominate Whites in success; while Africans and Latinos are at the bottom.

It actually proves my point. Even though Europeans were more successful than Asians historically, in USA it's twisted.

I'm totally against justifying backwardness and belittling success, and that's not what i do. I only try to prove it's not bound to race and ethnicty as people want to claim, but culture and education.

European or German culture was not created in one day, it went through a long historical development, but now it's also getting degenerated, so one day all these might be history and it would be just a memory for mental masturbations to those whose education system and culture collapsed.

10-02-2018, 09:53 PM
this is why they were defeated, stop answer them but keep on going
do not explain why are you doing this or that

they are good on that - disrupt everything

Aller guten Dinge sind 3.


10-02-2018, 09:56 PM
In USA, Jews, Asians and Indians dominate Whites in success; while Africans and Latinos are at the bottom.

It actually proves my point. Even though Europeans were more successful than Asians historically, in USA it's twisted.

I'm totally against justifying backwardness and belittling success, and that's not what i do. I only try to prove it's not bound to race and ethnicty as people want to claim, but culture and education.

European or German culture was not created in one day, it went through a long historical development, but now it's also getting degenerated, so one day all these might be history and it would be just a memory for mental masturbations to those whose education system and culture collapsed.

Well Jews and northeast Asians are high IQ people too, I dont even get your argumentation against me.

Nowhere I claimed Germans or Europeans are the best at all, I just said we are good.

You turn to be anti-white because of some nordicist retards here, I am not part of them.

You are a Bosporus Turk, you come from an developed area with high IQ too.

10-02-2018, 10:01 PM
Well Jews and northeast Asians are high IQ people too, I dont even get your argumentation against me.

Nowhere I claimed Germans or Europeans are the best at all, I just said we are good.

You turn to be anti-white because of some nordicist retards here, I am not part of them.

You are a Bosporus Turk, you come from an developed area with high IQ too.

I'm not a Bosphorus Turk, my family are immigrants here, i'm from Southeastern Turkey, technically the lowest IQ region and the primary region of origin of Turkish immigrants in Germany.

I'm not anti-white, i don't favor any race. Sometimes i might sound anti-white but it would only be me trolling, i don't troll this time. I'm not being anti-white by saying whites aren't superior.

I was not initially responding to you but pulstar who said no one is born equal, meaning some ethnicities are genetically born more intelligent.

10-02-2018, 10:08 PM
I'm not a Bosphorus Turk, my family are immigrants here, i'm from Southeastern Turkey, technically the lowest IQ region and the primary region of origin of Turkish immigrants in Germany.

I'm not anti-white, i don't favor any race. Sometimes i might sound anti-white but it would only be me trolling, i don't troll this time. I'm not being anti-white by saying whites aren't superior.

I was not initially responding to you but pulstar who said no one is born equal, meaning some ethnicities are genetically born more intelligent.

Fucking apricity didint sent my whole reply

This video sums up what I said, I was telling you about race realism.


10-02-2018, 10:27 PM
Well Jews and northeast Asians are high IQ people too, I dont even get your argumentation against me.

Nowhere I claimed Germans or Europeans are the best at all, I just said we are good.

You turn to be anti-white because of some nordicist retards here, I am not part of them.

You are a Bosporus Turk, you come from an developed area with high IQ too.

Why do you say Jews are a "high IQ people"? Do you think its their genetics? Jews are only so high IQ because of their culture. They cluster genetically with South Italians and Greeks yet are far above them in those IQ tests.

10-02-2018, 10:29 PM
Why do you say Jews are a "high IQ people"? Do you think its their genetics? Jews are only so high IQ because of their culture. They cluster genetically with South Italians and Greeks yet are far above them in those IQ tests.

Because they have an average high IQ

They cluster with Italians and Greeks who are not low IQ anyway but they still differ from them.

10-02-2018, 10:31 PM
Fucking apricity didint sent my whole reply

This video sums up what I said, I was telling you about race realism.


I think blacks can be regarded as genetically low IQ because they are genetically different enough for such difference and their historical position didn't favor intelligence as much as in Europe and Asia.

Both races were much more numerous than Blacks and their lifestyle favored intelligence over physical abilities, which made them enter a loop of producing high numbers of smart people and selecting them through natural selection, so these races evolved to be smarter in higher speed.

But i wasn't talking about races, but ethnicites and effect of culture. As you could see from the video again, Asians are smarter but Whites were historically more successful. The real reason for it is the Western Philosophy which was kickstarted in Greece by some individuals and it was even about to be lost in medieval age. Culture and "Luck" plays an undeniable role.

10-02-2018, 10:34 PM
I think blacks can be regarded as genetically low IQ because they are genetically different enough for such difference and their historical position didn't favor intelligence as much as in Europe and Asia.

Both races were much more numerous than Blacks and their lifestyle favored intelligence over physical abilities, which made them enter a loop of producing high numbers of smart people and selecting them through natural selection, so these races evolved to be smarter in higher speed.

But i wasn't talking about races, but ethnicites and effect of culture. As you could see from the video again, Asians are smarter but Whites were historically more successful. The real reason for it is the Western Philosophy which was kickstarted in Greece by some individuals and it was even about to be lost in medieval age. Culture and "Luck" plays an undeniable role.

Whites were more successful because of the groundbreaking innovations in war machines and other militaristic matters, leading the the colonization of almost the entire planet.

Japan was smart enough buy and study western Weapons.

10-02-2018, 10:41 PM
Fucking apricity didint sent my whole reply

This video sums up what I said, I was telling you about race realism.


I agree with him that West Africans are the best natural sprinters and that East Africans are the best natural long distance runners. This is proven by the study of fast-twitch fibers and different limb proportions among West Africans. But his thing about certain groups being inherently smarter have no proof.

Koreans in Japan have poor academic scores similar to Burakumins ("low caste Japanese") despite S. Korea having a similar IQ to Japan. See this:

There have not been any IQ tests on Koreans in Japan, but they show a similarly low achievement academically, despite Koreans in Korea and the Western world doing very well. Koreans living in Japan originates with Japan’s colonization of Korea and the sometimes forced, sometimes voluntary movement of people to fill labour shortages. Like Burakumin, Koreans have faced general discrimination. As we can see below, Koreans do even worse than Burakumin in qualifying for higher education:


Now you might say that unsuccessful people can have a high IQ to try to debunk this. While this is true, there is a high correlation between IQ and intelligence. Its the richest Mongoloid countries with a high IQ. You don't hear of Siberians or Mongols with a high IQ for example. There were some tests that showed Mongolia with a high IQ but that was based on estimation from neighboring countries rather than proper tests within the country itself. Just look at the IQ difference between Indians abroad and those in India. Education and environment in general impacts IQ. If genetics do play a part, it can't be proven. Certain countries are more developed than others because of different historical/geographical circumstances.

10-02-2018, 10:42 PM
Because they have an average high IQ

They cluster with Italians and Greeks who are not low IQ anyway but they still differ from them.

But my point was the reason they have a high average IQ is not because of their genetics.

10-02-2018, 10:44 PM
But my point was the reason they have a high average IQ is not because of their genetics.

I think its a mix of genetics and culture.

10-02-2018, 10:46 PM
Whites were more successful because of the groundbreaking innovations in war machines and other militaristic matters, leading the the colonization of almost the entire planet.

Japan was smart enough buy and study western Weapons.


Those innovations were made thanks to the Greek Philosophers. It's no surprise for an engineering graduate to innovate military technology. How did the insitutions those engineers recieved their education from created?

Oldest university of Germany Heidelberg University was modelled after University of Paris and recieved first academicians from German students and graduates from there.

So, the first university and first academicians of Germany don't originate from within. Neither does University of Paris. All of them are linked to Ancient Greece.

"Schools" existed throughout the world but European schools were different, they did not teach dogmas (or brainwash) but taught philosopy which is essential for the beginning of all sciences.

10-02-2018, 10:47 PM

Those innovations were made thanks to the Greek Philosophers. It's no surprise for an engineering graduate to innovate military technology. How did the insitutions those engineers recieved their education from created?

Oldest university of Germany Heidelberg University was modelled after University of Paris and recieved first academicians from German students and graduates from there.

So, the first university and first academicians of Germany don't originate from within. Neither does University of Paris. All of them are linked to Ancient Greece.

"Schools" existed throughout the world but European schools were different, they did not teach dogmas (or brainwash) but taught philosopy which is essential for the beginning of all sciences.

Noone with a sane mind denies the foundation of the Western civilisation is based on Greece and the Roman empire.

10-02-2018, 10:51 PM
Noone with a sane mind denies the foundation of the Western civilisation is based on Greece and the Roman empire.

You could also add and say it's "lucky" for Germans to be from Europe in the first place, otherwise you would most likely have no philosophy, no universities, no scientists and engineers.

10-02-2018, 10:53 PM
You could also add and say it's "lucky" for Germans to be from Europe in the first place, otherwise you would most likely have no philosophy, no universities, no scientists and engineers.

You can also say it lucky to be a human not a ant.

Dont understand your point.

Fact of the matter is that we are what we are, and everytime we show some pride people feel offended and butthurt.

10-02-2018, 10:56 PM
You can also say it lucky to be a human not a ant.

Dont understand your point.

Fact of the matter is that we are what we are, and everytime we show some pride people feel offended and butthurt.

I'm no butthurt. We are having this discussion because of my response to pulstar in the first place, that it's not only important how you born, but also what you born into.

10-02-2018, 11:00 PM
I'm no butthurt. We are having this discussion because of my response to pulstar in the first place, that it's not only important how you born, but also what you born into.

It is important that your ancestors worked and fought for the best possible way for your personal upbringing and that you do the same.

Societies and cultures that dont understand this will always be doomed to fail.

10-02-2018, 11:04 PM
It is important that your ancestors worked and fought for the best possible way for your personal upbringing and that you do the same.

Societies and cultures that dont understand this will always be doomed to fail.

Anyway, i feel like we aren't even arguing over the same thing.

It's no surprise for Nazi Defendants to come up with high IQ, otherwise they would not rise to the power in the first place.

10-02-2018, 11:12 PM
Fucking apricity didint sent my whole reply

This video sums up what I said, I was telling you about race realism.



Sadly, her family's house is now getting vandalised with graffiti. She's only 14 yo, so the poetry is a bit childish, but she's not wrong. Very realist.

10-02-2018, 11:12 PM
Triceps is a Turk hiding under Irish flag. Enough said. He is not the first Turk I see doing so. Another one pretends to be Finno Ugric :icon_smile::icon_smile:

He is not Turkish.

10-02-2018, 11:19 PM
He is not Turkish.

He's a Kurd living in Turkey?

EDIT: I know he isn't of course. ;) Just saying, he's an individual whether Turkish or not. But I believe you when you say he isn't.

10-03-2018, 07:21 AM
My IQ is 147. I'm 6'3'. They're untermenschen.

The Lawspeaker
10-03-2018, 07:23 AM
Great intelligence can do great things and it can do terrible things. It all depends on how you use it and this should be the lesson in the story: don't be like the Nazi's and don't be like the Israeli's.

10-03-2018, 07:25 AM
Great intelligence can do great things and it can do terrible things. It all depends on how you use it and this should be the lesson in the story: don't be like the Nazi's and don't be like the Israeli's.

Israel über alles

The Lawspeaker
10-03-2018, 07:26 AM
Israel über alles

They are as bad as the Nazi's. They just have better propaganda (but also that one is beginning to fail).

10-03-2018, 07:53 AM
They are as bad as the Nazi's. They just have better propaganda (but also that one is beginning to fail).

Nazism lost. Zionism won.

10-03-2018, 07:54 AM
In USA, Jews, Asians and Indians dominate Whites in success; while Africans and Latinos are at the bottom.

It actually proves my point. Even though Europeans were more successful than Asians historically, in USA it's twisted.

I'm totally against justifying backwardness and belittling success, and that's not what i do. I only try to prove it's not bound to race and ethnicty as people want to claim, but culture and education.

European or German culture was not created in one day, it went through a long historical development, but now it's also getting degenerated, so one day all these might be history and it would be just a memory for mental masturbations to those whose education system and culture collapsed.

Germans are one of the most successful ethnicites in America? That's news to me because it's BULLSHIT.

The only success they've had is in Operation Paperclip, when all the Nazi rocket scientists were brought over to help with America's space program.

Teuton and Lawspeaker are car washers for Indians here.

10-03-2018, 07:56 AM
With high intelligence comes great responsibility. The Nazis were clearly sophisticated people, but they were one of the most evil people to walk to the earth. They might wanted to ally with us, for cannon fodder, but most us hate them and don't like them. They are true scum of the world. No matter how high their IQ

10-03-2018, 08:24 AM
Great intelligence can do great things and it can do terrible things. It all depends on how you use it and this should be the lesson in the story: don't be like the Nazi's and don't be like the Israeli's.

With high intelligence comes great responsibility. The Nazis were clearly sophisticated people, but they were one of the most evil people to walk to the earth. They might wanted to ally with us, for cannon fodder, but most us hate them and don't like them. They are true scum of the world. No matter how high their IQ

True! :thumb001:

Armenian Bishop
10-03-2018, 09:04 AM
Nazism lost. Zionism won.

A People's virtue makes them Great in the Eye of God.

A People's Worldly Triumph perishes like a House of Cards.

10-08-2018, 07:41 PM

Reversal of the Flynn effect.

10-10-2018, 01:50 AM
Most Nazis probably had distant Jewish blood, lol.

10-10-2018, 01:52 AM
Most Nazis probably had distant Jewish blood, lol.
