View Full Version : Do you think Congo/Yemeni suffers from OWD or "OBD" Off-black dilemma?

Congolese Rice
10-02-2018, 05:43 PM
just curious, i read a post from mortimer on this same subforum and im just curious now.

since alot of ppl in the past said i had "OAD" or "OWD" problems, meanwhile ive always accepted my identity and for who i was, but still some ppl seemed to disagree.

eitherway, do you think i have OWD or that i pretend to be more black than i actually am? because personally i dont think so. i act the way i want to act naturally and i am always myself, yes while i do dislike my white side more than my black side it doesnt remove the fact that i am actually half white.

However, there are also people on this forum that believe strongly that i am 70%> European and they think that i am delusional for not agreeing with them. Do you agree with those people?

As far as i am concerned, mixed oracles giving me 70% euro and 30% SSA doesnt say ANYTHING at all.

because World9 or Africa9 Dodecad also gives me 70% Tuscan, am i actually 70% tuscan? no.

the Tuscany reference on that test is 30%> SW-Asian, and since i am partially north african/moroccan it gets clustered into my euro side. It tries to find the best fit for your ethnic breakdown, and since IF a test doesnt have Somali, Ethiopian, or Fulani reference populations the excess SW asian gotta go somewhere right?

SW Asians are caucasoid, not African, and if they dont have a arab admixed african reference then how am i supposed to score 50% european?

same is demonstrated in my EthioHelix K10 test and myGenomeBox.

MyGenomeBox full results:










^ Asia + east asia are my berber/arab percentages. i have no excess asian ancestry aside from amerind. and my amerind is only 2% at that.

MyGenomebox + K47 + K7 total percentages:

K47 YourDNAPortal percentages:

European: 52.65%

African: 45.59%

Asian: 2.62%
K7 YourDNAPortal:

Population Percentage
Sub-Saharan 25.72%
Oceanian 0.28%
Amerindian 2.27%
Euro Hunter-Gatherer 42.33%
Siberian 0.27%
Southeast Asian 1.49%
Near Eastern 27.65%

MyGenomeBox percentages:

54.14% European
41.72% African
4.14% Amerindian
EthioHelix K10 + French:

58.5% French + 41.5% Fulani

EthioHelix K10:

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 French 58.69
2 West-Africa 20.55
3 North-Africa 14.08
4 Eastern-Bantu 2.85
5 Biaka-Pygmy 1.99
6 Omotic 0.87
7 Nilo-Saharan 0.85
8 Khoi-San 0.11

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 egypt 26.21
2 egyptans 27.61
3 libya 36.9
4 french 51.84
5 algeria 53.34
6 morocco-n 54.82
7 EtA 58.34
8 EtT 58.87
9 ethiopian-jews 59.25
10 EtT-P 62.1
11 moroccans 62.63
12 EtA-P 64.71
13 Afar 66.13
14 EtO-P 67.02
15 morocco-s 67.69
16 EtO 70.28
17 hema 72.8
18 fulani 72.86
19 EtS-P 75.95
20 Somali 76.71

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 58.5% french + 41.5% fulani @ 4.33
2 60.6% french + 39.4% kaba @ 15.99
3 57.2% french + 42.8% morocco-s @ 16.03
4 63% french + 37% mandenka @ 16.52
5 61.8% french + 38.2% hausa @ 16.57
6 61.8% french + 38.2% igbo @ 16.65
7 63% french + 37% bambaran @ 16.81
8 61% french + 39% bamoun @ 16.97

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% french +50% fulani @ 10.893702

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% french +25% morocco-n +25% yoruba @ 2.964315

Using 4 populations approximation:
1 algeria + bambaran + french + french @ 1.882089
2 bambaran + french + french + morocco-n @ 1.951400
3 algeria + brong + french + french @ 2.032186
4 brong + french + french + morocco-n @ 2.141153
5 algeria + french + french + yoruba @ 2.832829
6 algeria + french + french + yoruba @ 2.832829
7 brong + french + french + moroccans @ 2.857018
8 french + french + morocco-n + yoruba @ 2.964315
9 french + french + morocco-n + yoruba @ 2.964315
10 bambaran + french + french + moroccans @ 3.036810

^ what gives people the reason to think i am lying about my euro percentage? These oracles are 5-6x lower than that of Eurogenes K13, yet they used eurogenes K13 as main reference to claim that i am more euro. How so?

also, lastly my chromosome paintings from Doug McDonald, not that they are important, they are just a cool bit of info doug gave me. It includes both his chromosome painting and my self editted version.

Cuz if my "Mideastern" is actually North african or Ethiopian non-bantu as he said, then i can color it blue just the same color as african.


^ self editted


^ original

so what yall think? of all of this? i put as much of it in a spoiler because otherwise my OP would be tooooo long. Vote or comment yall ^^

10-02-2018, 05:47 PM
So far only Carlito's Way is OBD

Chaos One
10-02-2018, 05:47 PM
No. You're really mixed, so you want to have more conclusive definitions about what you are (at start I was the same but after finding everything possible I don't need to test myself anymore). Plus, you're very clear about finding your North African origins and that would be the opposite of OWD/OBD at same time.

10-02-2018, 05:49 PM
You seems to be biased towards being less European than you actually are. That is my impression.

Congolese Rice
10-02-2018, 05:51 PM
No. You're really mixed, so you want to have more conclusive definitions about what you are (at start I was the same but after finding everything possible I don't need to test myself anymore). Plus, you're very clear about finding your North African origins and that would be the opposite of OWD/OBD at same time.

Yeah ok i assume that's true. I just wanna figure out how african i am in general, i consider Moroccans and mozabites to be native africans too, because they are. They didnt come out of the middle east or europe, they originated right in the motherland.

But yeah, i just wanna figure out my definite ancestry, and i want to know which ancestry i look like most since i am so ambigious looking.

TECHNICALLY speaking, i could pass for Half Fulani and Half Euro. half fulani half euro mixes could look very similar to mine because we have very similar ancestral components.

However, phenotypically looking i look pred. west african feature-wise, pigment-wise i could pass better in the maghreb, and when it comes to hair texture and some other minor feats like body hair i could pass easier in europe.

its quite odd.

Congolese Rice
10-02-2018, 05:56 PM
You seems to be biased towards being less European than you actually are. That is my impression.

yeah, i understand your observation. Because you have concluded to yourself that i am 70% european, and me disagreeing with your "fact" doesnt help with your impression on me either.

dont get me wrong dude, you are a very cool guy i assume, you are very intelligent and you are good at what you do dont get me wrong. I will never be as smart in genetics as you will be probably, but you cant take ancestry results TOO literally. especially Gedmatch. Answer me honestly, IF i were to have 14% moroccan ancestry, where would it get clustered into? My SSA? or my Caucasoid percentage? because i know the answer to that question.

Take for example my mixed oracle in Dodecad world9:

# Population Percent
1 Europe 46.81
2 SW_Asia 21.83
3 W_Africa 21.08
4 NW_Africa 5.11
5 S_Africa 2.24
6 San 1.81
7 Biaka 1.12

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Morocco_Jews 26.2
2 North_African_Jews (Dodecad) 30.79
3 Tuscan 32.2
4 North_Italian 34.54
5 Druze 39.46
6 Egypt 40.97
7 Jordanians 40.97
8 Egyptans 43.22
9 Yemenese 46.36
10 North_African (Dodecad) 47.45
11 Libya 47.72
12 Algeria 53.9
13 Morocco_N 59.26
14 Bedouin 59.69
15 French_Basque 63.96
16 Moroccans 64.38
17 Yemen_Jews 65.12
18 Morocco_S 65.18
19 Luhya 65.75
20 Bantu_N.E. 66.07

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 70% Tuscan + 30% Hausa @ 5.42
2 70.2% Tuscan + 29.8% Igbo @ 5.63
3 70.5% Tuscan + 29.5% Yoruba @ 5.74
4 71.6% Tuscan + 28.4% Mandenka @ 5.87
5 70.7% Tuscan + 29.3% Brong @ 5.9
6 69.1% Tuscan + 30.9% Bamoun @ 6
7 69.5% Tuscan + 30.5% Kaba @ 6.15
8 68.5% Tuscan + 31.5% Fulani @ 6.52
9 68.9% Tuscan + 31.1% Kongo @ 6.6
10 68.5% Tuscan + 31.5% Fang @ 7.14
11 68.7% North_Italian + 31.3% Hausa @ 7.77
12 68.9% North_Italian + 31.1% Igbo @ 7.83
13 67.7% North_Italian + 32.3% Bamoun @ 8
14 69.2% North_Italian + 30.8% Yoruba @ 8.03
15 69.4% North_Italian + 30.6% Brong @ 8.17
16 68.2% North_Italian + 31.8% Kaba @ 8.21
17 70.3% North_Italian + 29.7% Mandenka @ 8.39
18 67.5% North_Italian + 32.5% Kongo @ 8.39
19 67% North_Italian + 33% Fang @ 8.79
20 69.9% Tuscan + 30.1% Mada @ 8.92

^ go look up the reference population of Tuscan, you'll see that they are 30%> middle eastern genetically.

what is 70% of 30%? that's right, 21%. 21% + 30% = 51%.

^ and i dont agree that this is accurate, which it isnt, since i am more european than african and amerindian combined. But im not 70% european i can conclude from my own form of researching my background and tinkering with tests.

i respect your opinion, i would wish for others to also respect my own view on my ethnic breakdown.

Congolese Rice
10-02-2018, 08:09 PM
anyone else? im tbh interested to hear what yall have to say haha, dont be quiet bout the matter :P

Congolese Rice
10-03-2018, 07:32 AM
lol, seems like nobody gives a fuck about what i think bout my ethnicity or views. thats good i guess xD thanks yall for sparing me your inner rage and murder intent

Congolese Rice
10-03-2018, 09:25 AM
goddammit people, this is a thread specifically created for you to unleash your inner anger for me, and aint nobody respond xD why yall do me like this mayn.

last bump, then i will let this thread peacefully die xD

10-03-2018, 09:27 AM
You should simply accept that you cannot please certain people of any race. This is the dilemma of a mulatto. I think be proud of your both sides and ignore haters of both sides, is the best solution.

Congolese Rice
10-03-2018, 09:31 AM
You should simply accept that you cannot please certain people of any race. This is the dilemma of a mulatto. I think be proud of your both sides and ignore haters of both sides, is the best solution.

Yeah thats true, i am proud to be mixed race, but if i could change 2 things about myself is that i'd turn my skin a bit darker, and my hair afro-textured xD for the rest i am 100% proud of who i am and what i am.

but yeah thats true, being a mulatto is a blessing or a curse, it depends what you make of it yourself. There will always be people who hate you for the way you look, and people who wish they looked they way you look.

Im 100% convinced that there are 100% black african americans that HATE their nappy hair, and would do anything to look more like me. So in that perspective, i should be proud of my looks. I am definitely not fugly ugly as hell looking so i took the best from both my germanic and african ancestors B^)

10-03-2018, 09:49 AM
U a real nigga either way, and that's what counts the most

Congolese Rice
10-03-2018, 10:12 AM
U a real nigga either way, and that's what counts the most

B^) thank u my fellow nigga, i know u always got ma back cuzz

10-03-2018, 10:14 AM
You are white chocholate who likes KFC and Watermelon.

Congolese Rice
10-03-2018, 10:21 AM
You are white chocholate who likes KFC and Watermelon.

dam rite my bruddah xD aint nothing better than chicken, grape juice, and watermelon. the only thing i can name that equals those is Rice xD

instead of white chocolade, "Caramel" would be more fitting dont u think? XD

10-03-2018, 10:38 AM
dam rite my bruddah xD aint nothing better than chicken, grape juice, and watermelon. the only thing i can name that equals those is Rice xD

instead of white chocolade, "Caramel" would be more fitting dont u think? XD

Yes my Milka Caramel friend, true true - Chicken and rice is my favorite food actually :D


Would eat 24/7

Congolese Rice
10-03-2018, 10:57 AM
Yes my Milka Caramel friend, true true - Chicken and rice is my favorite food actually :D


Would eat 24/7

yeah G, i would fucking kill niggas for that food. and yup xD im definitely caramel, skintype 4 on fitzpatrick scale is quite dark compared to euros and menas

10-03-2018, 11:00 AM
Embrace being mixed race, it's a different identity to being Black or White. It's how I was raised.

Congolese Rice
10-03-2018, 11:06 AM
Embrace being mixed race, it's a different identity to being Black or White. It's how I was raised.

yeah ok thats true, still i'd prefer if i were fully black, but i dont mind that im mixed. its all a matter of preferance really, because i was raised so black that my mind and way of thinking is also 100% black. my mom was the most caribbean person you will ever hope to meet xD like it was insane.

i once did a "How caribbean is your mom test" and she scored 96/100, LOL

but yeah, id rather be black but i am mulatto so i embrace that. only thing i would change about myself is my skincolor and my hairtexture. id rather have nappy hair xD

10-03-2018, 11:12 AM
yeah ok thats true, still i'd prefer if i were fully black, but i dont mind that im mixed. its all a matter of preferance really, because i was raised so black that my mind and way of thinking is also 100% black. my mom was the most caribbean person you will ever hope to meet xD like it was insane.

i once did a "How caribbean is your mom test" and she scored 96/100, LOL

but yeah, id rather be black but i am mulatto so i embrace that. only thing i would change about myself is my skincolor and my hairtexture. id rather have nappy hair xD

Do you want to live in the Caribbean forever?

Well, nappy hair would bring out your Black features more but I think you'd still look mixed. You can always get a perm if you're desperate.

Congolese Rice
10-03-2018, 11:44 AM
Do you want to live in the Caribbean forever?

Well, nappy hair would bring out your Black features more but I think you'd still look mixed. You can always get a perm if you're desperate.

Welll noo, im not really one for the desperate type, hair changes every 7 years so who knows maybe my curly hair will return.

and yeah, i will still look mixed, but i will clearly look the Mulatto i am xD

Congolese Rice
10-03-2018, 12:21 PM
anyways, anyone else wunna comment or nawww xD

10-05-2018, 08:07 PM

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

10-05-2018, 08:09 PM
You cannot suffer from owd since you’re already white. Maybe OBD?

Congolese Rice
10-05-2018, 08:10 PM
You cannot suffer from owd since you’re already white. Maybe OBD?

Perhaps, that is a good point my brethren... Yknow, i was always so white but i just want to feel black yknow wut im saying? this blonde straight majestic hair and my beautiful ginger beard just dont feel right... i feel like i belong in the hood, with my N-words, yknow wut im sayin my neighbor?

10-05-2018, 08:12 PM
Perhaps, that is a good point my brethren... Yknow, i was always so white but i just want to feel black yknow wut im saying? this blonde straight majestic hair and my beautiful ginger beard just dont feel right... i feel like i belong in the hood, with my N-words, yknow wut im sayin my neighbor?

That 30% African is just statistical noise. You know what I’m saying. It’s actually european, like Jewish is Native American.

10-05-2018, 08:14 PM
If you are part black you can claim to be black, there is no purity rule in blackness.

Congolese Rice
10-05-2018, 08:15 PM
That 30% African is just statistical noise. You know what I’m saying. It’s actually european, like Jewish is Native American.

Wow, thanks dude! you helped me clear up alot of my OBD.. You really are a life changer, you helped me see that my 45% african isnt actually african, but it is 100% pure unmixed viking blood. i will do my white bearded angry war-axed ancestors proud now.

and yeah dude, jewish and amerindians are like cousins, they are 100% related to eachother, cant believe anyone else would think otherwise. thats just plain stupidity


goddammit rein, allah will punish you one of these days for your goddamn humor xD

Congolese Rice
10-05-2018, 08:16 PM
If you are part black you can claim to be black, there is no purity rule in blackness.

Well yeah thats true, but not everyone views it like that. ESPECIALLY African-Americans, those salty ass fuckers think being "Black" literally means having a dark skin color.

little do they know their Igbo ancestors couldve been just as lightskin as i am, LOL. Africans are one of the most diverse races of humans on this planet, ppl dont even realize that lol

10-05-2018, 08:17 PM
Wow, thanks dude! you helped me clear up alot of my OBD.. You really are a life changer, you helped me see that my 45% african isnt actually african, but it is 100% pure unmixed viking blood. i will do my white bearded angry war-axed ancestors proud now.

and yeah dude, jewish and amerindians are like cousins, they are 100% related to eachother, cant believe anyone else would think otherwise. thats just plain stupidity


goddammit rein, allah will punish you one of these days for your goddamn humor xD

In all seriousness though wasn’t one of your great-grandparents Dutch on Carribean side?

Congolese Rice
10-05-2018, 08:21 PM
In all seriousness though wasn’t one of your great-grandparents Dutch on Carribean side?

yeah bro, he was.

He was a dutch surinam, born in surinam. He had 2 dutch parents from the district of "Utrecht" in the netherlands.

that means my mom is roughly 25% dutch. i dont have much euro from my grandpa's side either, i assume its only 2-3%. my grandpa is black as fuck. and most of his ancestors are from Bonaire, Curacao, and St Eustatius, the places where most slaves were brought.

i tbh in all honesty think my mom is either less than <18% dutch, or i inherited way less dutch from my mom's side. but yeah, i should be 4-8% dutch, anywhere in that range yeah.

10-05-2018, 08:24 PM
yeah bro, he was.

He was a dutch surinam, born in surinam. He had 2 dutch parents from the district of "Utrecht" in the netherlands.

that means my mom is roughly 25% dutch. i dont have much euro from my grandpa's side either, i assume its only 2-3%. my grandpa is black as fuck. and most of his ancestors are from Bonaire, Curacao, and St Eustatius, the places where most slaves were brought.

i tbh in all honesty think my mom is either less than <18% dutch, or i inherited way less dutch from my mom's side. but yeah, i should be 4-8% dutch, anywhere in that range yeah.

Maybe it’s just your interpretation of results.

Congolese Rice
10-05-2018, 08:42 PM
Maybe it’s just your interpretation of results.

could be, i dont think i am any more than 56%> european though, that seems very unlikely regarding my family tree, genealogy, and MyGenomeBox results.

even ancestryDNA gives me a range for my African of 0% to 51%, thats a HUGE range xD

It isnt 0%, and it probably isnt 51% either, <20% is also rendered off, anything lower than <35% african is inaccurate.