View Full Version : Venezuela's Loss of Population is So Bad they Formed a Migration Force

The Lawspeaker
10-07-2018, 05:02 PM

10-07-2018, 05:21 PM
Reminds me of the GDR

10-07-2018, 05:42 PM
Guessing about 10% of the population have left in recent years. 25% of the population of Mexico has moved to the USA over the past couple decades.

10-07-2018, 09:23 PM
Guessing about 10% of the population have left in recent years. 25% of the population of Mexico has moved to the USA over the past couple decades.

You are wrong with your numbers. There are 11 million Mexicans in the US (6 million illegals, 5 legal), the rest is offspring, and half of the offspring are half Gringo and half Mexican.
11 million out of 132 million represents 9%, not 25%.

The Lawspeaker
10-07-2018, 09:35 PM
Reminds me of the GDR

Compared to that, even the f... GDR was a paradise on earth !

10-07-2018, 09:39 PM
Compared to that, even the f... GDR was a paradise on earth !

Yep. Often out of toilet paper and forced to use wet carton or used newspapers, yet still a paradise compared to Venezuela. ;) Sadly the regime is successfully able to brainwash the populace that the US is solely responsible for it all and not dogmatic socialism.

10-07-2018, 09:58 PM
You are wrong with your numbers. There are 11 million Mexicans in the US (6 million illegals, 5 legal), the rest is offspring, and half of the offspring are half Gringo and half Mexican.
11 million out of 132 million represents 9%, not 25%.

There is 100% no way to know for sure how many illegals are in the USA. Overwhelming the most have come from Mexico and in more recent years, Honduras, El Salvador etc. Some guy back in 2006 came up with 11 Million illegals and everyone seems to use that number. An MIT/Yale research team places at an average of 22 Million and could be 30 Million. Reagan and Bush 1 gave amnesty to about 8 Million people living in the USA illegally. Vast majority were Mexican. Assuming that they are mostly still alive your number would mean virtually no immigration from Mexico since Bush 1 in 1992. I will look for legal immigration number from Mexico over the last few decades are repost.

The commonly quoted estimate of 11.3 million is extrapolated from population surveys. "We read that [the previous estimates] were based on surveys, but surveys may not be the most appropriate method for measuring hidden populations," Fazel-Zarandi said. In the case of undocumented immigration, it's particularly challenging, he said, since undocumented immigrants might have an incentive to stay undetected.

"It's likely that undocumented immigrants are more difficult to locate and survey than other foreign-born residents and if contacted, they may be inclined to misreport their country of origin, citizenship, and number of household residents, fearing the legal consequences of revealing their status," he said.
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-09-undocumented-immigrant-population-roughly-current.html#jCp

10-07-2018, 10:10 PM
You are wrong with your numbers. There are 11 million Mexicans in the US (6 million illegals, 5 legal), the rest is offspring, and half of the offspring are half Gringo and half Mexican.
11 million out of 132 million represents 9%, not 25%.

Since only 1990 11.5 Million "legal" immigrants from Mexico to the USA. Add in the 8 Million that got amnesty from Reagan and Bush 1,
19.5 Million Mexican born. Then add is the illegals? Census data, not official government green card shit, which I will look for.

10-08-2018, 11:53 PM
Since only 1990 11.5 Million "legal" immigrants from Mexico to the USA. Add in the 8 Million that got amnesty from Reagan and Bush 1,
19.5 Million Mexican born. Then add is the illegals? Census data, not official government green card shit, which I will look for.

The 11 million Mexicans includes illegal Mexicans. It should never include illegal immigrants in official immigration stats. It's from the census not INS STATS.

A total of 2.7-3 million illegals got amnesty under Reagan not 8 million .About 80% were of Mexican origin which is around 2-2.4 million Mexicans got amnesty under Reagan.

A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants : NPR
Jul 4, 2010 - The bill made nearly 3 million illegal immigrants eligible for amnesty
Nov 26, 2014 - Ultimately, about 2.7 million received it.

That's about 9.5% of Mexico's population not 25%

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTyfdPnHSyIV5P4fgW3V4aNKFh0zJnSo vz2YdKLvUkZYKNazu6AHg

10-09-2018, 01:03 AM
Lets compare Canada another neighbor to the USA.

Their was 1,300,000 million Canadians in the USA IN 1930.At it's peak for Canadian immigration to the USA. Canada's population was in 1930 10,208,000.

10.65% OF Canada's population LIVED in the USA in 1930.

With the exception of slight increases in the 1970s and 1990s, the number of Canadians living in the United States has gradually decreased since 1930, when it peaked at 1,310,000. The most recent increase in emigrants from Canada is attributable to the growing number of skilled Canadian workers who left Canada to work in the United States.1 Overall, however, this phenomenon, dubbed the 'brain drain,' remained small, both from a historic perspective as well as relative to the Canadian workforce.2

link to Canada's population by decades

Mexican immigrants in the USA 11,700,000 IN 2014.At it's peak.Mexico's population in 2014 was 118,400,000 million.
9.88% of Mexico's population lived in the USA in 2014.
10.65% of Canada's population lived in the USA in 1930.

Link to Mexican immigration to the USA

link to Mexico's population in 2014.

Many European countries in the 1900's had 15-20% of their populations living in the USA.[/QUOTE]

10-09-2018, 02:11 AM
The 11 million Mexicans includes illegal Mexicans. It should never include illegal immigrants in official immigration stats. It's from the census not INS STATS.

A total of 2.7-3 million illegals got amnesty under Reagan not 8 million .About 80% were of Mexican origin which is around 2-2.4 million Mexicans got amnesty under Reagan.

A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants : NPR
Jul 4, 2010 - The bill made nearly 3 million illegal immigrants eligible for amnesty
Nov 26, 2014 - Ultimately, about 2.7 million received it.

That's about 9.5% of Mexico's population not 25%

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTyfdPnHSyIV5P4fgW3V4aNKFh0zJnSo vz2YdKLvUkZYKNazu6AHg

No it does not you can't track them. If you could you arrest and deport them.

♥ Lily ♥
10-09-2018, 02:15 AM
Underpopulation can have some advantages and disadvantages, but I think it's a worse situation to live in an overcrowded and overpopulated place (very high rent prices for small homes, less land and parking space available for all the people, congestion charges to pay to drive through very busy and heavily congested roads, more high rise tower blocks to accommodate millions of people, more countryside trees being removed to build motorways over, crammed public transport, high parking costs, etc.)

In Victorian England, the population more than doubled (despite having the highest rate of infant mortality in the world,) and many people were living in squalor and in crammed small housing with several families sharing houses. Lots of expats move to live in Australia, the US and Canada each year.

Ideally there should be a healthy balance in the population in relation to the amount of available homes, road space, resources, etc. It's also important to have plenty of healthy people within a working age range within a nation to allow for a productive economy to emerge and develop.

We've got the opposite problem and the population here is more than Canada and Australia's populations combined.

If a nation becomes prosperous and looks appealing, it will attract lots of migrants. Not all immigration is bad (providing there's enough jobs and homes available for the native people who were born in the land.... otherwise the native people will become hostile and accuse immigrants of stealing their jobs.)

I think immigrants should respect the cultures they moved to live in and make the effort to integrate, otherwise it causes societal problems. E.g;- honour killings, burkas, sharia law, etc, is disrespectful and offensive to western peoples cultures and causes cultural clashes. (I think all mosques and koran books should be banned in western nations as the Koran is full of hate speech towards non-muslims and it calls for murder and violence towards non-muslims. If muslims don't respect the cultures of the nations that they moved to live in for a better quality of life, and if they want to enforce sharia law and their culture onto us.... then they're free to leave western nations and can go an live in an Islamic nation instead if they don't respect western peoples culture.)

The UK government even put out negative campaign adverts to try to deter potential migrants seeking to move here as soon as they move to Europe and become an EU citizen and are free to move anywhere they like within the borderless EU states, by telling them in advert campaigns that the U.K. weather is 'awful', etc.



How many millions more people can move here when it's already overcrowded in London?


Maybe Chinese people should move to underpopulated nations. :dunno: They had a 1 child per family rule as they're extremely overpopulated. Both China and India have populations of 1.2 billion people each. 1/4 of India's population is highly educated... and just 1/4 (25%) of India's massive population is more than the US population total... which news reports show puts them at an advantage when competing for international jobs.


10-09-2018, 02:16 AM
There are not even numbers on illegals caught and released who never show up for a court date. They vanish. Then no way to track those never caught. Everyone knows the running joke among Mexican in the USA is you legal or no, fake SSN or no. 86% of the people on DACA are Mexican.
It is laughable.

10-09-2018, 02:17 AM
Underpopulation can have some advantages and disadvantages, but I think it's worse to live in an overpopulated place (high rent prices for smaller homes, less land space, congestion charges to pay to travel on congested roads, crammed public transport, high parking costs, etc.)

You forgot what is the law.