View Full Version : Early C-Sections to avoid weight???

Grumpy Cat
04-16-2011, 07:14 PM
Stumbled upon this little blurb online and found it particularly disturbing.

I have enough problems with young women jeopardizing their health by not eating enough, taking laxatives, or binging and purging, but this is just ridiculous! They're endangering the life of their children!

Q: Is it true stars schedule their C-sections early so they don't get fat?

It is true, but I don't know how often it happens. And no matter the number who do or how fabulous the stars are, it's always a bad idea.

First of all, they're not saving themselves many pounds. Most of the weight you put on occurs earlier in the pregnancy. Toward your due date, you should only be gaining one or two pounds per week. In addition, this weight gain is very important - it helps ensure the healthy growth of the baby.

Second, recent studies show that delivering babies even as little as three weeks early can affect their health and learning abilities for the rest of their lives. Who would want to risk her baby's future to escape a few pounds of pregnancy weight? Plus, scheduling a C-section for convenience's sake is too risky for you and baby for lots of other reasons.

My bottom line: Anyone who has had a baby knows that the last few weeks are the worst in terms of physical discomfort (back pain, pelvic pressure, peeing all the time, heartburn), but it makes sense for your baby's health and yours to hang on to the end.


Whatever happened to eating right and exercising?