View Full Version : Mohammed cartoonist faces blasphemy trial...

04-18-2011, 12:27 AM
"'These judicial steps (http://www.cphpost.dk/news/national/88-national/51452-mohammed-cartoonist-faces-blasphemy-trial.html) should serve to prevent future attempts to insult Islam and stir up racial hatred towards Muslims across the world, particularly in Europe,' said Sheikh."

Now we wouldn't want to insult Islam, would we? :rolleyes2:

04-18-2011, 07:41 AM
That's in Jordan. I doubt Denmark would deport him there.

04-18-2011, 08:12 AM
Islam is a rapist ideology.

04-18-2011, 09:23 AM
we europeans are so lame and permissive... i am sick of the millions of SSA, maghrebi, near easterners, indians+pakistani+blangladeshi that occupy jobs that could have been of the less wealthy europeans (balkans + some eastern europe). we should have integrated and develop intra-continental things instead of taking all of these turks and the rest. i am sick of the thing europe is becoming. malmo in sweden will become majoritary muslim in 20 years. it is just awful. i am not against non-european immigration, we could take some people to fill the gaps BUT we have to SELECT them. so that's why non-european immigration is ruining europe in matters of safety, purchase power parity, healthcare, culture et caetera, because we don't select them, we're allowing them to come in hordes. and they mostly don't integrate. they're creating semi-segregated communities in our cities' outskirts, they are generally uneducated and have other values than us europeans. their financial instability is causing many of them to act against our communities. not to mention the muslim issue with their absurd beliefs and stubborness. A POLITICALLY CORRECT THING TO DO: DEPORT BACK THE JOBLESS AND USELESS, KEEP THOSE WORKING, SELECT FUTURE WANNABE EUROPEANS SO WE GET THE RIGHT ONES AND ONLY