View Full Version : Serbs from Banja Luka (NW Bosnia)

10-14-2018, 11:43 AM


10-14-2018, 11:49 AM
Balkan Slavic countries

10-14-2018, 11:53 AM
It might come as a shock to you, but these people could fit the most in neighbouring countries and the further you go, the less they fit in

10-14-2018, 12:12 PM
A wide variety of phenotypes here. Overall noticeably lighter pigmented than Serbs from Serbia, mostly because of the high incidence of light hair. They would fit only in the western part of the Balkans, excluding Montenegro.

10-14-2018, 12:45 PM
They look Croatian to me. Might be purer Serbs than the ones in Serbia.

Moje ime
10-14-2018, 01:00 PM
They look Croatian to me. Might be purer Serbs than the ones in Serbia.

Not true.

Moje ime
10-14-2018, 01:01 PM

10-14-2018, 01:43 PM
More photos from Banja Luka

10-14-2018, 01:46 PM
They fit in well all Balkan slavic countries excluding Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria. Some could fit futher North.

10-14-2018, 01:53 PM
Not true.

Well I mean they weren't subject to mixing with Turks.

10-14-2018, 01:55 PM
Well I mean they weren't subject to mixing with Turks.

It's probably the fact that Serbia as a state has moved significantly to the east over the centuries to where it originally was, so "Western Serbs" (from Croatia, Bosnia) didn't assimilate any of those populations and were more isolated. Bosnian/Croatian Serbs were often more isolated village people so any remnants of paleo-balkanites within these territories were also unlikely to be assimilated. No evidence of Turk dna in Serbs, Serbs are 100 percent European, most I've seen is like 0.1 percent through people on 23andme which is noise.

10-14-2018, 02:11 PM
It's probably the fact that Serbia as a state has moved significantly to the east over the centuries to where it originally was, so "Western Serbs" (from Croatia, Bosnia) didn't assimilate any of those populations and were more isolated. Bosnian/Croatian Serbs were often more isolated village people so any remnants of paleo-balkanites within these territories were also unlikely to be assimilated. No evidence of Turk dna in Serbs, Serbs are 100 percent European, most I've seen is like 0.1 percent through people on 23andme which is noise.

That's funny considering I live in Serbia and 40 percent here must be mixed to shit.

10-14-2018, 02:18 PM
Best fit are Balkan Slavic countries

To some extend Central Europe to some extend Northern Italy

10-14-2018, 02:20 PM
That's funny considering I live in Serbia and 40 percent here must be mixed to shit.

Serbs never mixed with Turks. Muslims in the Serbian ethnic areas in Ottoman time were mostly islamized Serbs, and few Albanians and Pomaks.

You remember Dahije https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dahije
Aganlija was islamized Serb from Valjevo.
Kučuk Alija Đevrlić was islamized Serb from Rudnik.
Mehmed Fočić aga was islčamized Serb from Herzegovina.
Mula Jusuf was muslim Albanian from Novi Pazar.

Serbs are genetically closer to Scandinavians than to Anatolian Turks.

10-14-2018, 02:24 PM
Best fit are Balkan Slavic countries

To some extend Central Europe to some extend Northern Italy

Could they pass in Greece? :)

10-14-2018, 02:28 PM
That's funny considering I live in Serbia and 40 percent here must be mixed to shit.

You live on 4chan's /pol/ board and after getting banned here, that's all you will have left in your life.

10-14-2018, 02:30 PM
Could they pass in Greece? :)

Saying none of them can pass in Greece would be an exageration

But as a group they don't look that much Greek or strike me imo

The certainly fit better in the regions mentioned by me and others than in Greece

10-14-2018, 02:32 PM
Saying none of them can pass in Greece would be an exageration.

OK, I didn't notice.

10-14-2018, 02:32 PM
Serbs never mixed with Turks. Muslims in the Serbian ethnic areas in Ottoman time were mostly islamized Serbs, and few Albanians and Pomaks.

You remember Dahije https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dahije
Aganlija was islamized Serb from Valjevo.
Kučuk Alija Đevrlić was islamized Serb from Rudnik.
Mehmed Fočić aga was islčamized Serb from Herzegovina.
Mula Jusuf was muslim Albanian from Novi Pazar.

Serbs are genetically closer to Scandinavians than to Anatolian Turks.

Interesting how far removed Turks are from even the most south eastern plotting Europeans, yet some still pretend to be European. I have nothing against Turks (and I love Turkish food) but I respect the ones who are proud of their Asian roots and don't pretend to be something they're not.

10-14-2018, 02:33 PM
They fit in well all Balkan slavic countries excluding Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria. Some could fit futher North.

Why do you think they can't fit in Montenegro? Montenegrins are Serbs and look such
And what is the main difference from those Bulgarians

10-14-2018, 02:33 PM
OK, I didn't notice.


Non capisco

10-14-2018, 02:36 PM
Why do you think they can't fit in Montenegro? Montenegrins are Serbs and look such
And what is the main difference from those Bulgarians

Montenegrins are much more Balkanic, Dinaric and often more Med looking. The Slavic look in Bosnian-Serbs is rarer in Montenegro. I'm sure some could fit individually but if your asking where they as a group would naturally pass well I wouldn't say Montenegro.

Those Bulgarians have some faces that are pretty alien to me; Bulgarians aren't far from Serbs as a whole but they're further from Bosnian-Serbs. Once again some could individually fit but as a group I don't see it.

10-14-2018, 02:37 PM
Interesting how far removed Turks are from even the most south eastern plotting Europeans, yet some still pretend to be European. I have nothing against Turks (and I love Turkish food) but I respect the ones who are proud of their Asian roots and don't pretend to be something they're not.

On average Turks shifted quite more southern and eastern not only of south Slavs, but also of Greeks.

10-14-2018, 02:38 PM
Interesting how far removed Turks are from even the most south eastern plotting Europeans, yet some still pretend to be European. I have nothing against Turks (and I love Turkish food) but I respect the ones who are proud of their Asian roots and don't pretend to be something they're not.

We are not Europeans and i have never seen a Turk here pretending to be one, imbecile. We cluster with Georgians, Circassians, Armenians and other West-Asian groups. I wonder why you and other retards of your kind are so obsessed with us here.

10-14-2018, 02:38 PM
Kivan could you stop following me around and down voting me every time I mention Turks. I have nothing against Turks. I go to my local Turkish restaurant every Saturday. :cool:

10-14-2018, 02:38 PM
Voted Russia for Pribislav favorites xD

10-14-2018, 02:40 PM
Voted Russia for Pribislav favorites xD

I don't think they look Russian that much

Of course some of them will pass

10-14-2018, 02:40 PM
Montenegrins are much more Balkanic, Dinaric and often more Med looking. The Slavic look in Bosnian-Serbs is rarer in Montenegro. I'm sure some could fit individually but if your asking where they as a group would naturally pass well I wouldn't say Montenegro.

Those Bulgarians have some faces that are pretty alien to me; Bulgarians aren't far from Serbs as a whole but they're further from Bosnian-Serbs. Once again some could individually fit but as a group I don't see it.

Montenegrin Dinarids look pretty Noble and warrior like.
I like their looks. It certainly much better than potato Slavs.
Look at the men at 1;31

10-14-2018, 04:14 PM
It's probably the fact that Serbia as a state has moved significantly to the east over the centuries to where it originally was, so "Western Serbs" (from Croatia, Bosnia) didn't assimilate any of those populations and were more isolated. Bosnian/Croatian Serbs were often more isolated village people so any remnants of paleo-balkanites within these territories were also unlikely to be assimilated. No evidence of Turk dna in Serbs, Serbs are 100 percent European, most I've seen is like 0.1 percent through people on 23andme which is noise.

Aren’t Serbs from Croatia and Bosnia descendants of Serbs who migrated there during the Great Migration of the Serbs?

10-14-2018, 04:18 PM
Aren’t Serbs from Croatia and Bosnia descendants of Serbs who migrated there during the Great Migration of the Serbs?

Some were, some came over earlier. My ancestors were Serb Orthodox settlers from Western Bosnia who came to Dalmatia mainly in the 1500's, the first and main "great migration" was in the 1680's i believe with the second being in the 1700's, most of the great migrations actually went to Vojvodina and parts of Romania not Bosnia or Croatia.

10-14-2018, 04:20 PM
Serbia and Croatia. Very SW Slavic faces.

10-14-2018, 05:46 PM
Serbs never mixed with Turks. Muslims in the Serbian ethnic areas in Ottoman time were mostly islamized Serbs, and few Albanians and Pomaks.

You remember Dahije https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dahije
Aganlija was islamized Serb from Valjevo.
Kučuk Alija Đevrlić was islamized Serb from Rudnik.
Mehmed Fočić aga was islčamized Serb from Herzegovina.
Mula Jusuf was muslim Albanian from Novi Pazar.

Serbs are genetically closer to Scandinavians than to Anatolian Turks.

You're saying this from Bosnia. I'm saying this from the epicenter. Belgrade. I see these half-breeds with fat faces, brown gypsy skin and beady little eyes all the time. They're at least 40 percent of the population, and pure white Serbs are slowly dying.

Moje ime
10-14-2018, 06:11 PM
You're saying this from Bosnia. I'm saying this from the epicenter. Belgrade. I see these half-breeds with fat faces, brown gypsy skin and beady little eyes all the time. They're at least 40 percent of the population, and pure white Serbs are slowly dying.

You saying this because you are envy troll.

Btw Gypsies have big eyes. Small eyes are dinaric trait.

10-14-2018, 06:15 PM
You saying this because you are envy troll.

Btw Gypsies have big eyes. Small eyes are dinaric trait.

Bothe small and big eyes exist among Gypsies as they do among Europeans.

Sorry but you can't tell by the eyes alone what a person look like

At least most of times not

Moje ime
10-14-2018, 06:16 PM
Bothe small and big eyes exist among Gypsies as they do among Europeans.

Sorry but you can't tell by the eyes alone what a person look like

At least most of times not

You forgot about Mortimer big Indian eyes? xD

10-14-2018, 06:17 PM
Bothe small and big eyes exist among Gypsies as they do among Europeans.

Sorry but you can't tell by the eyes alone what a person look like

At least most of times not

Whilst this is true, all of my Serb side of the family who are very dinaric and 100 percent European have small eyes. Indians typically do have bigger eyes from my experience.

10-14-2018, 06:20 PM
You forgot about Mortimer big Indian eyes? xD

But its not true

Neither all Indian nor Gypsies have big eyes

And Slavs can have big eyes as fuck

At least some Russians and Poles i have met had

Moje ime
10-14-2018, 06:21 PM
But its not true

Neither all Indian nor Gypsies have big eyes

And Slavs can have big eyes as fuck

At least some Russians and Poles i have met had

Ok I was just responding to troll's malicious comment.

10-14-2018, 06:23 PM
But its not true

Neither all Indian nor Gypsies have big eyes

And Slavs can have big eyes as fuck

At least some Russians and Poles i have met had

Serbs don't get small eyes from slavic admixture, they get it from dinaric, paleo-balkan admixture. You don't really find dinarids in Russians and Poles and Serbs are ethnically barely related to those groups especially Russians who are more Baltid than anything.

I'm not saying ALL Indians have big eyes, I'm saying most do from my experience living among many. Btw this is completely irrelevant Serbs are 100 percent European and plot with neighboring countries in the region, there's no evidence that 40% of Serbs are half gypsy like Torba stated which is what begun this entire conversation.

10-14-2018, 06:33 PM
Serbs don't get small eyes from slavic admixture, they get it from dinaric, paleo-balkan admixture. You don't really find dinarids in Russians and Poles and Serbs are ethnically barely related to those groups especially Russians who are more Baltid than anything.

I'm not saying ALL Indians have big eyes, I'm saying most do from my experience living among many. Btw this is completely irrelevant


Βut not everyone with small eyes is a Dinaric type
My point is one particular feature like eyes or nose alone don't constitute a particular pheno
But i get where you and others are coming at
You basicly say its a feature typical for Dinarics

Serbs are 100 percent European and plot with neighboring countries in the region, there's no evidence that 40% of Serbs are half gypsy like Torba stated which is what begun this entire conversation.

I nevere debated that one

10-15-2018, 02:35 AM
Aren’t Serbs from Croatia and Bosnia descendants of Serbs who migrated there during the Great Migration of the Serbs?

Bosnia was part of Serbia and inhabited by Serbs since early middle age. Herzegovina also was inhabitated by Serbs in early middle age, and it was part of Serbia from early middle age to year 1329. About 60% of Serbs originated from Herzegovina in the last few centuries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbs_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina#History

My ancestors are recorded in one document in western Bosnia in year 1604, they lived here https://sh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanica_(Ključ)

10-15-2018, 11:24 AM

Vlatko Vukovic
10-15-2018, 03:32 PM

This photo is from Sarajevo. It is Ferhadija in Sarajevo, not in Banja Luka.

10-15-2018, 03:42 PM
This photo is from Sarajevo. It is Ferhadija in Sarajevo, not in Banja Luka.

Than it's mistake. I found photo when I looked for pictiures from Banja Luka, by acident.

It's removed.

11-10-2018, 01:41 AM
Dodecads of one Serb from Banja Luka area.

Dodecad K12b
North_European - 41,62
Atlantic_Med - 26,13
Caucasus - 22,32
Gedrosia - 3,6
Southwest_Asian - 3,38
East_Asian - 1,56
South_Asian - 1,39

Dodecad K7b
Atlantic_Baltic - 61,91
West_Asian - 18,03
Southern - 17,25
Siberian - 1,11
East_Asian - 1,03
South_Asian - 0,67

Dodecad V3
West_European - 35,9
Mediterranean - 24,97
East_European - 20,3
West_Asian - 14,41
Southeast_Asian - 0,83
Northwest_African - 0,53
Northeast_Asian - 0,44
South_Asian - 0,11

11-24-2018, 10:04 AM
Croatia, Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia. (Also in Bulgaria and Romania, but I don't vote for them)

06-09-2022, 09:27 AM
Voted for Croatia

06-10-2022, 04:57 AM
Very typical for their ethnic group (SW Slavs), closer to Catholics (aka "Croats") of Zagreb than Orthodox (aka "Serbs") of Belgrade. There is decent similarity to Hungarians, Bulgarians and Romanians also (most pass easily as individuals)

06-10-2022, 01:11 PM
Very typical for their ethnic group (SW Slavs), closer to Catholics (aka "Croats") of Zagreb than Orthodox (aka "Serbs") of Belgrade. There is decent similarity to Hungarians, Bulgarians and Romanians also (most pass easily as individuals)

They surely don't look Montenegrin which you voted for.

06-10-2022, 02:08 PM
Very typical for their ethnic group (SW Slavs), closer to Catholics (aka "Croats") of Zagreb than Orthodox (aka "Serbs") of Belgrade. There is decent similarity to Hungarians, Bulgarians and Romanians also (most pass easily as individuals)

Will you stop with denying nations? There is no "SW Slav" ethnic group.

And no, they do not look Zagrebians and Croats.

06-10-2022, 02:25 PM
Very typical for their ethnic group (SW Slavs), closer to Catholics (aka "Croats") of Zagreb than Orthodox (aka "Serbs") of Belgrade. There is decent similarity to Hungarians, Bulgarians and Romanians also (most pass easily as individuals)

Have you ever been in Zagreb?

Voted for Serbia. They look like Serbs.

06-10-2022, 05:54 PM
Have you ever been in Zagreb?

Voted for Serbia. They look like Serbs.
And have you ever been to Serbia? lmao

06-10-2022, 05:56 PM
And have you ever been to Serbia? lmao

They don't look anything like Croats native to Zagreb. But they can fit in some other regions quite easily.

That being sad, I was in Banja Luka and they look like normal western Serbs-quite Balkanic. Many are refugees from Croatia btw.

06-10-2022, 06:00 PM
They look generic western Balkan and fit in both Croatia and Serbia in terms of pigmentation/facial features or both.
A few of these cherry picked individuals can fit in Hungary/Slovakia as well.

06-10-2022, 06:16 PM
They don't look anything like Croats native to Zagreb. But they can fit in some other regions quite easily.

That being sad, I was in Banja Luka and they look like normal western Serbs-quite Balkanic. Many are refugees from Croatia btw.
Natives of Zagreb are minority, and they dont look like a group Belgraders neither. If by western Serbia you mean town of Valevo, than yes, they do,, but they dont look like a group from Kragujevac.
Western Serbia is not the only region, and she stated 'they look like Serbs', and no they dont look like Serbs exclusively, thats why I commented.

This is not comparation of Banjaluka and Zagreb. But I understand your point, and I agree with your original comment.

After all, many ethnic Serbs voted the same, including CommonSense.

I havent been to Banja Luka, but I was in Doboj and I agree with that too, a bit more Balkan than this pictures are showing, but they arent like Serbia Serbs, there is only an overlap

06-10-2022, 06:25 PM
Natives of Zagreb are minority, and they dont look like a group Belgraders neither. If by western Serbia you mean town of Valevo, than yes, they do,, but they dont look like a group from Kragujevac.
Western Serbia is not the only region, and she stated 'they look like Serbs', and no they dont look like Serbs exclusively, thats why I commented.

This is not comparation of Banjaluka and Zagreb. But I understand your point, and I agree with your original comment.

After all, many ethnic Serbs voted the same, including CommonSense.

I havent been to Banja Luka, but I was in Doboj and I agree with that too, a bit more Balkan than this pictures are showing, but they arent like Serbia Serbs, there is only an overlap

They look different than Croats, they look like Serbs, as they are.

And who are you, what is your ethnicity?
You are talking about Doboj, Valjevo, Kragujevac, etc?

Are you Croat, Slovene, Bosnian Muslim?

06-10-2022, 06:39 PM
They look different than Croats, they look like Serbs, as they are.

And who are you, what is your ethnicity?
You are talking about Doboj, Valjevo, Kragujevac, etc?

Are you Croat, Slovene, Bosnian Muslim?

Some do, some look very generic.
Im a mutt, have diverse background but nothing to do with Balkan. Was born and raised in Switzerland.
Yeah, Im mentioning it because I have visited those places. I have also Serbian friends and Switzerland is ex-Yu enclave in general

06-10-2022, 06:45 PM
And have you ever been to Serbia? lmao

No, I have never been in Serbia , but I know Serbs in Banja Luka.

People from Zagreb looks different. Simple as that.

I mentioned Zagreb because of aherne.

06-10-2022, 06:57 PM
.. she stated 'they look like Serbs', and no they dont look like Serbs exclusively, thats why I commented

Question was "where they can fit" and you can pick only one answer. Ffs, they are Serbs, aren't they?

Ooooh, hahha, my bad...it's a multiple choice. Covid is messing with my brain. Still, my answer is the same.

06-10-2022, 07:05 PM
Natives of Zagreb are minority, and they dont look like a group Belgraders neither. If by western Serbia you mean town of Valevo, than yes, they do,, but they dont look like a group from Kragujevac.
Western Serbia is not the only region, and she stated 'they look like Serbs', and no they dont look like Serbs exclusively, thats why I commented.

This is not comparation of Banjaluka and Zagreb. But I understand your point, and I agree with your original comment.

After all, many ethnic Serbs voted the same, including CommonSense.

I havent been to Banja Luka, but I was in Doboj and I agree with that too, a bit more Balkan than this pictures are showing, but they arent like Serbia Serbs, there is only an overlap

By western Serbs I mean Serbs from Bosnia and Croatia. Yeah they don't look like Srbijanci in group.

They can fit in south and east Croatia as there is large overlap but yeah, normal Bosnian/Croatian Serb faces.

06-10-2022, 07:47 PM
They surely don't look Montenegrin which you voted for.

Bosnian Serbs usually do look more Montenegrin. These are a bit cherrypicked.

here is an uncherrypicked group, from an isolated rural village:

also a group from west Serbia for comparison, since that's being discussed as well.

06-10-2022, 09:46 PM
Some do, some look very generic.
Im a mutt, have diverse background but nothing to do with Balkan. Was born and raised in Switzerland.
Yeah, Im mentioning it because I have visited those places. I have also Serbian friends and Switzerland is ex-Yu enclave in general

I'm trying to answer for two hours straight lol, but this forum is sometimes a mess.
Ignore Varda and his well known cherrypicking.
Bosnian Serbs do overlap with their neighbors, but they are still more Balkanic as a group in terms of facial features. On this photos you can't see that.

Regarding pigmentation, they turned out to be somewhat lighter than a random group from Vinkovci or Slav.Brod (southern Slavonia) lol.
In Bosnian Posavina (north) only Bosniaks are predominantly light featured in some villages, no one else. Some can be mistaken for Balts.

06-10-2022, 10:18 PM
I'm trying to answer for two hours straight lol, but this forum is sometimes a mess.
Ignore Varda and his well known cherrypicking.
Bosnian Serbs do overlap with their neighbors, but they are still more Balkanic as a group in terms of facial features. On this photos you can't see that.

Regarding pigmentation, they turned out to be somewhat lighter than a random group from Vinkovci or Slav.Brod (southern Slavonia) lol.
In Bosnian Posavina (north) only Bosniaks are predominantly light featured in some villages, no one else. Some can be mistaken for Balts.

"Regarding pigmentation, they turned out to be somewhat lighter than a random group from Vinkovci or Slav.Brod (southern Slavonia) lol.
In Bosnian Posavina (north) only Bosniaks are predominantly light featured in some villages, no one else. Some can be mistaken for Balts."

I disagree with this as ur neighbour,aint no way they are lighter than a random/average group from Vk or Sb(unless you cherry pick like varda),and neither are Bosniaks pred lighter in cities/villages like Orašje and its surrounding,its same with Croats there,much light featured population compared to other parts of BiH.

06-10-2022, 11:11 PM
"Regarding pigmentation, they turned out to be somewhat lighter than a random group from Vinkovci or Slav.Brod (southern Slavonia) lol.
In Bosnian Posavina (north) only Bosniaks are predominantly light featured in some villages, no one else. Some can be mistaken for Balts."

I disagree with this as ur neighbour,aint no way they are lighter than a random/average group from Vk or Sb(unless you cherry pick like varda),and neither are Bosniaks pred lighter in cities/villages like Orašje and its surrounding,its same with Croats there,much light featured population compared to other parts of BiH.

1. Bosnian Serbs aren't lighter, but on pair or slightly darker. You misunderstood the post. On this photograph you can't see the variety of phenotypes.

2. Croats from Bosnian Posavina are yet another SlavoBalkanic group, and Orašje is only one drop in the sea. Eastern Bosnia has somewhat higher % of lighter types, I know that. I'm not talking about the presence of certain features, but dominance.

There is no Croat village where half of the residents are balto-nordids/nordids, but there are such Bosniak villages, or pockets within Bosnia. And no need to stay in Posavina, go in Kakanj surroundings.
That's a well known thing, so no need to discuss this, it's way offtopic.

06-10-2022, 11:52 PM
Bosnian Serbs usually do look more Montenegrin. These are a bit cherrypicked.

here is an uncherrypicked group, from an isolated rural village:

also a group from west Serbia for comparison, since that's being discussed as well.

I'm trying to answer for two hours straight lol, but this forum is sometimes a mess.
Ignore Varda and his well known cherrypicking.
Bosnian Serbs do overlap with their neighbors, but they are still more Balkanic as a group in terms of facial features. On this photos you can't see that.

Regarding pigmentation, they turned out to be somewhat lighter than a random group from Vinkovci or Slav.Brod (southern Slavonia) lol.
In Bosnian Posavina (north) only Bosniaks are predominantly light featured in some villages, no one else. Some can be mistaken for Balts.

Older Serbs in general tend to look more 'Dinaric/Balkanic' than younger generation regardless on region.
Descendants of colonists from Dinaric regions (including Montenegro) to Vojvodina after WW2 look different on average only 2-3 generations later, they are more central Euro shifted than their ancestors. Physical appearance it changes and varies faster than we think independently of the genetic that remain same.
In diameter of 2 km from me there is 3 elementary schools. There is tons of light pigmented kids, noticeable more than when i was a student of one of those three schools and it was relatively recent (also in this 21st century). I heard from some older people when they were students there was only 2-3 light pigmented students in the class, and today half of class is light pigmented. They noticed it and they can't explain, there is no explanation.

I will post tomorrow what Petar Rađenović (1885-1941) wrote about physical appearance of Serbs from Bjelajsko polje in western Bosnia in his book "Bjelajsko polje i Bravsko." It's totally opposite to Montenegrins.

06-11-2022, 08:23 AM



Faces of the mostly younger Serbs from western Bosnia can be seen on the short video down.
It is from traditional manifestation "Kočićev zbor" in Stričići on Manjača (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manjača) which is held in honor of Petar Kočić (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petar_Kočić)


06-11-2022, 08:50 AM
Also from Manjača. :thumb001:



06-11-2022, 10:34 AM
In my opinion, many can pass as White American

*Correct me if I'm wrong

06-11-2022, 11:16 AM
Those "who is lighter/darker" stories about Serbs and Croatians never end well. From my personal experience, Serbs in Bosnia are lighter then Serbs from Serbia. As I've said before, I've never been in Serbia but I have some friends (normal people, not extremists who claim Croatian teritories, and I don't claim Serbian teritories ) and there are photos. I didn't pay attention to that before, I tought there is no difference, but there is. I have visited BiH many times. But this is my subjective statement, maybe I'm wrong.

About Zagreb, I live in Zagreb now, and i have never seen someone as light and northern looking as my father (who is from Zg) native to south Croatia, and I've never seen Mediterranean looking woman with olive skin as my mother (she is ofc not from Zg) from north Croatia.

Phenotype of people from the first photo looks more Serbian to me, again my personal opinion, my first impression. It's not good or bad, just...it is what it is. But ofc, they can be seen in Croatia also and in all Balkan countries.

06-11-2022, 11:19 AM
Physiognomies as of these two Serbian singers from western Bosnia on video are common among Serbs from Dinaric regions. In Serbia are common only in western Serbia.


06-11-2022, 01:05 PM
I'm trying to answer for two hours straight lol, but this forum is sometimes a mess.
Ignore Varda and his well known cherrypicking.
Bosnian Serbs do overlap with their neighbors, but they are still more Balkanic as a group in terms of facial features. On this photos you can't see that.

Regarding pigmentation, they turned out to be somewhat lighter than a random group from Vinkovci or Slav.Brod (southern Slavonia) lol.
In Bosnian Posavina (north) only Bosniaks are predominantly light featured in some villages, no one else. Some can be mistaken for Balts.
yeah, that's what i though. People look more eastern and they dont fit in central Eu. I was only in Valevo, Kragujevac, Belgrade and Montenegro, and regional differences are visible ŕs ěn any other country. Doboj was only by coincidence lol, but a person doesn't even need to travel to form an opinion, ex-Yu diaspora is huge

edit- i didn't understand thé part with your région, can u elaborate?

06-11-2022, 02:15 PM
yeah, that's what i though. People look more eastern and they dont fit in central Eu. I was only in Valevo, Kragujevac, Belgrade and Montenegro, and regional differences are visible ŕs ěn any other country. Doboj was only by coincidence lol, but a person doesn't even need to travel to form an opinion, ex-Yu diaspora is huge

edit- i didn't understand thé part with your région, can u elaborate?

What differences you noticed between the people from there? I have always been interested how foreigners see my people, because they are neutral unlike many other former Yugoslavians who have an agenda.

06-11-2022, 04:07 PM
In Kragujevac every 5th person that I've encountered either looked straight up Gypsy or mixed. Of course you wont see such things in Bosnia.

06-13-2022, 03:32 AM
Will you stop with denying nations?

Your "nations" are just different religions. Funny is that I've been to your countries and didn't find you guys to be that religious (at least Pakis and Indians are devout):D

06-13-2022, 03:34 AM
They surely don't look Montenegrin which you voted for.

I've been to Montenegro. They do have more Dinaro-Meds and less Slavic admixture, but most look like regular SW Slavs

06-29-2022, 10:45 PM
I've been to Montenegro. They do have more Dinaro-Meds and less Slavic admixture, but most look like regular SW Slavs

Anyone can tell right away these people (on the photos) are not Montenegrins.

06-29-2022, 10:56 PM
Your "nations" are just different religions. Funny is that I've been to your countries and didn't find you guys to be that religious (at least Pakis and Indians are devout):D

Serbs, Croats and Bosnian Muslims hate each other so deeply and we will never form any harmonious community.

So stop calling us one nation when we are not.

When Yugoslavia could not function, neither can Bosnia.

Our goal is the independence of Republika Srpska and the cut off all ties with Muslims and Croats. Forever.

06-29-2022, 11:15 PM
Anyone can tell right away these people (on the photos) are not Montenegrins.

Have you ever been in Republika Srpska, Serbia or Montenegro, or just talk some crap based from internet experience?