View Full Version : Your cultural relation with family?

10-18-2018, 07:45 AM
For example:

In Bosnian Ottoman families, Grandfather is "alfa and omega" of everything, he can yell at our fathers and order them what to do (not in case of their families, but in other general things).

Children would go to Grandfather and kiss his ring and put it on their forehead whilst asking for permission to sit.

When our family is together, when grandfather speaks noone is to interrupt him his angry look would be enough to silence anyone even if he is for example 70+ years old.

Do you have any specific things related to your culture in family relations?

10-18-2018, 07:48 AM
that would be pretty much the same case in every patriachate. i think its the same for serbs, the same for roma gypsies, and for most other people except some weird tribes who are matriachate or have gender equality. it would be the case too for western europeans 200 years ago. but i never lived with my grandfather in one household, and we are progressive, that means that we accept nuclear family (mother, father, one or two children) and that we believe in gender equality, i was never superior to my sister, neither my dad to my mum, and such. the male has a symbolic position as that he is head of the family but its only symbolic. thats the case for myself, but i cant speak for traditional roles as im not traditional.

Thanas Django
10-18-2018, 08:40 AM
does your grandpa kiss you in the cheeks Bosniensis?

10-18-2018, 08:52 AM
does your grandpa kiss you in the cheeks Bosniensis?

The one I was talking about died 1996, He greeted me few times, he was always busy talking with others. He had a lot of grand children so he couldn't dedicate time to talk with one.