View Full Version : Classify Kivanc Tatlitug

The Blade
10-22-2018, 02:16 PM
Turkish actor whom I have read to also have some Bosnian roots.
http://www.kadinhaberleri.com/images/upload/14333654_1093129514104488_7324004735159602901_n.jp g

10-22-2018, 02:20 PM
North Pontid/Dinarid???

I am not sure.

10-22-2018, 04:24 PM
Turkified Slav.

10-22-2018, 04:26 PM
Paternally he has Albanian roots from Kosovo, though mixed with Bosniak.

10-22-2018, 04:30 PM
He does look albanian to me and bosnian.In between!!

I have seen several albos with this face in here.

10-22-2018, 04:32 PM
Paternally he has Albanian roots from Kosovo, though mixed with Bosniak.

He said that his grandmother from father's side is from Saraybosna (Turkish name for Sarajevo), and he said that his grandfather from father's side is from Yugoslavia.
His did not mention Albanians or Kosovo at all.


His father looks like Balt or Russian, due to Albanian blood maybe?

Kivanc is probably R1a (M458 or Z280). He looks Polish.

10-22-2018, 04:32 PM
North Pontid

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10-22-2018, 04:36 PM
He said that his grandmother from father's side is from Saraybosna (Turkish name for Sarajevo), and he said that his grandfather fromn father's side is from Yugoslavia.
His did not mention Albanians or Kosovo at all.


His father looks like Balt or Russian, due to Albanian blood maybe?

Kivanc is probably R1a (M458 or Z280). He looks Polish.
His grandfather was an Albanian from Prishtina, it his fathers maternal side which is Bosniak. Kosovo was part of Yugoslavia, that is common knowledge so when referring to Yugoslavia he is referring to Kosovo as at the time it was in Yugoslavia. As for Ydna, though it can't be predicted through phenotype, he is most likely E-V13 going by the fact that his paternal origin is Kosovar Albanian


10-22-2018, 04:46 PM
His grandfather was an Albanian from Prishtina, it his fathers maternal side which is Bosniak. Kosovo was part of Yugoslavia, that is common knowledge.


Sorry dude, I don't understand Turkish language.
He had various statements about his paternal origin. Once he said that his paternal ancestors are from Mostar in Herzegovina. Guy probably does not know exactly about origin of his direct paternal line.

So what if his ancestors are from Priština?
100 years ago there was more Turks and Serbs in Priština than Albanians.
Turks were urban population of Priština, same as in Prizren. Albanians lived in sourounding villages around Priština. After WW2 happened mass migration of rural Albanians to Priština (mostly from Drenica).
His ancestors which lived in Priština might be Muhacirs from Bosnia which came to Priština in 1878 when Austro-Hungary occupied Bosnia.
Why do you think if some have origin from Kosovo that he has Albanian origin? Albanians were not only Muslims in Kosovo. In Kosovo lived also Turks, Gorani, Bosniaks and Circassians.

Moje ime
10-22-2018, 04:51 PM
North pontid + CM.

10-22-2018, 04:51 PM
Sorry dude, I don't understand Turkish language.
He had various statements about his paternal origin. Once he said that his paternal ancestors are from Mostar in Herzegovina. Guy probably does not know exactly about origin of his direct paternal line.

So what if his ancestors are from Priština?
100 years ago there was more Turks and Serbs in Priština than Albanians.
Turks were urban population of Priština, same as in Prizren. Albanian lived in sourounding villages around Priština. After WW2 happened mass migration of rural Albanian to Priština (mostly from Drenica).
His ancestors which lived in Priština might be Muhacirs fro9m Bosnia which came to Priština in 1878 when Austro-Hungary occupied Bosnia.
Why do you think if some have origin from Kosovo that he has Albanian origin? Albanians were only Muslims in Kosovo, in Kosovo lived also Turks, Gorani, Bosniaks and Circassians.
Because he has said that he has Albanian origin from Prishtina in other videos and interviews. As for the population of Prishtina, the Serb Bransilav Nusic noted that 66% of the population was Albanian in 1902. Ottoman census from later dates also show an Albanian majority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Pristina. One census noted 118,500 Albanians and 32,500 Serbs. Another one from the first Balkan war shows 63,000 Albanians and 3,000 Serbs

10-22-2018, 04:58 PM
Is this how Turkish member Kivan looks like?

10-22-2018, 05:00 PM
Because he has said that he has Albanian origin from Prishtina in other videos and interviews. As for the population of Prishtina, the Serb Bransilav Nusic noted that 66% of the population was Albanian in 1902. Ottoman census from later dates also show an Albanian majority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Pristina

Do you understand difference between Priština as urban place and Priština district? In Priština district are included souronding villages.

Albanians were never urban population in Ottoman time, except tiny minority. Albanians were predominantly villagers, until SFRJ and Enver Hoxha in Albania.

1:01 - 1:07 left is father of Kivanc. He looks East Baltid or even depigmented Turanid. Since when this phenotype produces mixing of Albanians and Bosniaks?


10-22-2018, 05:06 PM
Do you understand difference between Priština as urban place and Priština district? In Priština district are included souronding villages.

Albanians were never urban population in Ottoman time, except tiny minority. Albanians were predominantly villagers, until SFRJ and Enver Hoxha in Albania.

1:01 - 1:07 left is father of Kivan. He looks East Baltid or even depigmented Turanid. Since when this phenotype produces mixing of Albanians and Bosniaks?

Yes I do understand the difference, and sources also show that Albanians were the majority there as shown by the census done around the same time the Balkan war began. Albanian did inhabit cities, not all were the mountain shepherds that you picture. Albanians in Albania were in cities before Zogu, let alone Hoxha. Sure he doesn't look like an Albanian or Bosniak but it's incorrect to say that there aren't people of those ethnicites that may look like him.

10-22-2018, 05:14 PM
Pribislav is clinically retarded

10-22-2018, 05:37 PM
His dad looks turk turk at least partially.

The Blade
10-23-2018, 03:05 PM
Is this how Turkish member Kivan looks like?
Do you have a problem with him?

10-23-2018, 03:25 PM
He says his father is Albanian from Priština and Novi Pazar, also says that his paternal grandmother is from Sarajevo and his paternal grandfather is "yugoslavian". His paternal side immigrated in Turkey after WW2.

11-03-2018, 08:04 PM
I agree he’s a Turkified Slav similar to my Kang clan who are Indianfied Central Asian in origin.

06-08-2019, 01:03 PM

06-08-2019, 01:05 PM
this is how I image Turkish member Kivan to look like

10-20-2019, 10:41 PM
Sorry dude, I don't understand Turkish language.
He had various statements about his paternal origin. Once he said that his paternal ancestors are from Mostar in Herzegovina. Guy probably does not know exactly about origin of his direct paternal line.

So what if his ancestors are from Priština?
100 years ago there was more Turks and Serbs in Priština than Albanians.
Turks were urban population of Priština, same as in Prizren. Albanians lived in sourounding villages around Priština. After WW2 happened mass migration of rural Albanians to Priština (mostly from Drenica).
His ancestors which lived in Priština might be Muhacirs from Bosnia which came to Priština in 1878 when Austro-Hungary occupied Bosnia.
Why do you think if some have origin from Kosovo that he has Albanian origin? Albanians were not only Muslims in Kosovo. In Kosovo lived also Turks, Gorani, Bosniaks and Circassians.

He is Albanian, his dad even confirmed his Albanian origins.


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10-20-2019, 10:43 PM
I agree he’s a Turkified Slav similar to my Kang clan who are Indianfied Central Asian in origin.

He doesn’t even look Slavic at all, he looks Nordic Albanian mixed lol. Lol

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10-21-2019, 10:21 AM
He is Turkish on the maternal side and his paternal side is Albanian with partial Bosnian ancestry, as far as I know.

Nordid + Faelid. Looks NW European.

10-21-2019, 10:26 AM

10-21-2019, 10:42 AM
He is Turkish on the maternal side and his paternal side is Albanian with partial Bosnian ancestry, as far as I know.

Nordid + Faelid. Looks NW European.

He looks Albanian too as well, minus the blonde hair, but as atypical. He looks Nordic to me, not Slavic.

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