View Full Version : Do these people look mesopotamians or caucasians?

10-22-2018, 02:36 PM















10-22-2018, 02:39 PM

10-22-2018, 02:43 PM

Do you think they pass in levant?

10-22-2018, 02:45 PM
Do you think they pass in levant?

Sure. For example, second one looks very coastal Syrian.

10-22-2018, 02:47 PM
Sure. For example, second one looks very coastal Syrian.

I agree.Pontic Greeks are not caucasians,we are actually mesopotamians.

We have high near east admixture.These people would never pass in caucasus IMO.

10-22-2018, 02:47 PM
Lol no

They look like Greeks or South Italians but with some extra exotic or Mena influence

Some of them might pass or be Greek gypsies"Roma"

10-22-2018, 02:55 PM
Lol no

They look like Greeks or South Italians but with some extra exotic or Mena influence

Some of them might pass or be Greek gypsies"Roma"

Very atypical faces for Greece witch excepton 1 or 2.

They look MENAS.

10-22-2018, 02:57 PM
Very atypical faces for Greece witch excepton 1 or 2.

They look MENAS.

Last guy is Uber-Greek-looking

10-22-2018, 02:59 PM
Last guy is Uber-Greek-looking

I know.


10-22-2018, 02:59 PM
I know.


As well as the 2nd guy

10-22-2018, 03:00 PM
Very atypical faces for Greece witch excepton 1 or 2.

They look MENAS.

Mena is a broad term

Mesopotamians i have met looked kinda different their features were not exactly the same

Caucasus people look different too and are usualy lighter less Med than this people.

The first three pictures don't seem that atypical for Greek to me
If not Greek then South Italian.

I would say your set looks more like a mix between atypical or Mena looking people and some Southern Euro looking ones.

I can't say the set as whole looks Mena because some individuals don't look atypical at all to me

Others however do,yes

10-22-2018, 03:01 PM
As well as the 2nd guy

I know,he is from my village.I can post more Pontic who looks Greeks,but this is not my point here.

Pontic Greeks are mesopotamians.We score very high east med.And the near east admixture is obvious.We are closer with armenians and assyrians rather with other caucasian groups!

10-22-2018, 03:02 PM
Last guy is Uber-Greek-looking

He is indeed.

10-22-2018, 03:02 PM
Mena is a broad term

Mesopotamians i have met looked kinda different their features were not exactly the same

Caucasus people look different too and are usualy lighter less Med than this people.

The first three pictures don't seem that atypical for Greek to me
If not Greek then South Italian.

I would say your set looks more like a mix between atypical or Mena looking people and some Southern Euro looking ones.

I can't say the set as whole looks Mena because some individuals don't look atypical at all to me

Others however do,yes

Some of them looking like cypriots i think!

10-22-2018, 03:03 PM
As well as the 2nd guy

Exactly this was one of which i meant

He doesn't stick out among standard Greeks at all

10-22-2018, 03:03 PM
I know,he is from my village.I can post more Pontic who looks Greeks,but this is not my point here.

Pontic Greeks are mesopotamians.We score very high east med.And the near east admixture is obvious.We are closer with armenians and assyrians rather with other caucasian groups!

I think the guy here on the left has a typical Pontic Greek look. I would guess him as Greek 100% of the time. Guy on the right can pass as any kind of Greek easily.


10-22-2018, 03:08 PM
Some of them looking like cypriots i think!

Sure many of them could pass

10-22-2018, 03:11 PM
I know,he is from my village.I can post more Pontic who looks Greeks,but this is not my point here.

Pontic Greeks are mesopotamians.We score very high east med.And the near east admixture is obvious.We are closer with armenians and assyrians rather with other caucasian groups!

I think I may have distant Pontic Greek ancestry. When I remove "Central Greek" from my K36 results through the mapping tool, my next highest results peak in the Pontus region.

10-22-2018, 03:12 PM















10-22-2018, 03:15 PM

10-22-2018, 03:16 PM
More Euro looking set.

Your cousin looks like Cher.

10-22-2018, 03:17 PM
More Euro looking set.

This one looks like Cher.

I think many can pass as Italians from Calabria

10-22-2018, 03:18 PM
More Euro looking set.

This one looks like Cher.

xd,she is my cousin!

10-22-2018, 03:24 PM





10-22-2018, 03:29 PM
From these pictures, it shows Pontic Greeks are very diverse phenotypically. There's not really any continuous thread that connects them all. Most look typical Greek, some look like gypsies (seems rare).

Many have this type of nose:


^ But he isn't Pontic Greek. It's also a similar type of nose I see quite often amongst my Southern Italian friends:

https://scontent.fyto1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/11703429_10153509094809248_2179673589372278243_o.j pg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ht=scontent.fyto1-1.fna&oh=db7a3cae5aae4609319ecacc186b2b2d&oe=5C87D2AC

10-22-2018, 03:32 PM
From these pictures, it shows Pontic Greeks are very diverse phenotypically. There's not really any continuous thread that connects them all. Most look typical Greek, some look like gypsies (seems rare).

Many have this type of nose:


^ But he isn't Pontic Greek. It's also a similar type of nose I see quite often amongst my Southern Italian friends:

https://scontent.fyto1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/11703429_10153509094809248_2179673589372278243_o.j pg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ht=scontent.fyto1-1.fna&oh=db7a3cae5aae4609319ecacc186b2b2d&oe=5C87D2AC

This guy is typical sarakatsani slavic face from thessalia.Dont post him as an a good example of how real greeks looked like xd.

North Pontid textbook.

10-22-2018, 03:33 PM
This guy is typical sarakatsani slavic face from thessalia.Dont post him as an a good example of how real greeks looked like xd.

North Pontid textbook.

I'm simply talking about his nose, not his face!

10-22-2018, 03:34 PM
I'm simply talking about his nose, not his face!

Oh,ok sorry :thumb001:

10-22-2018, 04:06 PM
Anyone else to help?

Polish phenotypes
10-22-2018, 04:12 PM
Anyone else to help?

I've opened several of the photos you've posted and some could pass as Israelis, if that helps :D Having visited the Levantine region I can see some passing as both.

10-22-2018, 04:20 PM
I've opened several of the photos you've posted and some could pass as Israelis, if that helps :D Having visited the Levantine region I can see some passing as both.

Ty.I think easy some of them passing as Jews.

10-22-2018, 04:22 PM
Ty.I think easy some of them passing as Jews.

I guess they have a universal Greek and Middle Eastern look.

10-22-2018, 04:25 PM
I guess they have a universal Greek and Middle Eastern look.

I agree.Pretty much a mix between south europe and west asia.In between!!!

10-22-2018, 04:34 PM
A mix of Greek and Middle East

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

10-22-2018, 05:01 PM
Last Bump!!!

10-22-2018, 05:02 PM
Last Bump!!!

That’s what you said last time!

10-22-2018, 05:03 PM
That’s what you said last time!

where exactly xd?

10-22-2018, 07:30 PM
Lol no

They look like Greeks or South Italians but with some extra exotic or Mena influence

Some of them might pass or be Greek gypsies"Roma"

many of them look very exotic tbh

10-22-2018, 07:35 PM
So these people are not MENAs?

10-22-2018, 07:37 PM
lol at some people who say I dont pass as pontic greek

these people are not less exotic than me . some are even more exotic than me



guy on right wtf


lol this guy looks like a more woggy kurd even





biased much ? ....


10-22-2018, 07:55 PM
many of them look very exotic tbh

Thats why i am saying that we are not actually 100% caucasians.

We are mesopotamians and we are closer to assyrians,armenians.

These people that i posted would never pass in Georgia or in some other caucasus groups.They look hardcore mesopotamians and levants.

Do you think they passing among Kurdish people?>

10-22-2018, 07:57 PM
So these people are not MENAs?

Mesopotamians.Pontic Greeks scoring very high east med.So,yes we have near east admixture.

IMO these people looking like Syrians and Lebanesse.My self too can pass easy in these countries!

10-22-2018, 07:59 PM
Thats why i am saying that we are not actually 100% caucasians.

We are mesopotamians and we are closer to assyrians,armenians.

These people that i posted would never pass in Georgia or in some other caucasus groups.They look hardcore mesopotamians and levants.

Do you think they passing among Kurdish people?>

some yes . but some would be even on the exotic side no joke .

is the guy on left also pontic greek ? https://www.theapricity.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=81082&d=1540218700

if I posted some of these people as kurds you can be sure that people would not in a million years give them a ticket to yurop but since they are pontic greeks of course people will say "south italy and greece" etc . haha so stupid

10-22-2018, 08:03 PM
some yes . but some would be even on the exotic side no joke .

is the guy on left also pontic greek ? https://www.theapricity.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=81082&d=1540218700

if I posted some of these people as kurds you can be sure that people would not in a million years give them a ticket to yurop but since they are pontic greeks of course people will say "south italy and greece" etc . haha so stupid

I think yes.He looks like Indian xdddddd.

I know yes,you are right.People stereotype due to ethnicity etc.

10-22-2018, 08:05 PM
I think yes.He looks like Indian xdddddd.

I know yes,you are right.People stereotype due to ethnicity etc.

he doesnt look indian but he is very dark . his face is mostly pontid but his color is weird . maybe he uses tan spray

yes people are biased as fuck . I noticed this the most when I compare my classify thread when I was new here and people didnt know what I am compared to a new one where people knew what I am . just lol

10-22-2018, 08:06 PM
lol at some people who say I dont pass as pontic greek

these people are not less exotic than me . some are even more exotic than me



guy on right wtf


lol this guy looks like a more woggy kurd even





biased much ? ....


His first set of photos are very atypical Pontic Greeks. Many of them, I've never even seen ones who look like that before, it's even suspicious. The one you say, "right guy wtf", I agree I don't know wth is going there. I think that was his point.

The sets afterwards are more representative of Pontic Greeks.

10-22-2018, 08:06 PM
Ok some examples

This girl looks Cypriot"fits like a glove"


This man pass as general Greeks
Even he looks very typical for Cyprus too i don't see a reason for him to not pass in Crete,the Islands
or even Mainland Greece

10-22-2018, 08:08 PM
he doesnt look indian but he is very dark . his face is mostly pontid but his color is weird . maybe he uses tan spray

yes people are biased as fuck . I noticed this the most when I compare my classify thread when I was new here and people didnt know what I am compared to a new one where people knew what I am . just lol

Yes,he is med but in a more swarthy version.Pontic Greeks are very swarthy in general.

We are more swarthy even from aegean islanders,cretans and cypriots i can say.

10-22-2018, 08:09 PM
Yes,he is med but in a more swarthy version.Pontic Greeks are very swarthy in general.

We are more swarthy even from aegean islanders,cretans and cypriots i can say.

dont exeggerate . you cant be that swarthy regarding your location

10-22-2018, 08:09 PM
Yes,he is med but in a more swarthy version.Pontic Greeks are very swarthy in general.

We are more swarthy even from aegean islanders,cretans and cypriots i can say.

You have some WEIRD examples though in the first bit lol trying to cherry pick I guess for your thread question.

10-22-2018, 08:09 PM
His first set of photos are very atypical Pontic Greeks. Many of them, I've never even seen ones who look like that before, it's even suspicious. The one you say, "right guy wtf", I agree I don't know wth is going there. I think that was his point.

The sets afterwards are more representative of Pontic Greeks.

I will may post some others later.

10-22-2018, 08:11 PM
This guy looks Greek

He can pass as Cretan or Maniot for example easy

10-22-2018, 08:11 PM
dont exeggerate . you cant be that swarthy regarding your location

People in black sea are the swarthiest of all in Turkey and caucasus.

Only laz people are lighter than us because they got steppe admixture and they look more caucasians.

I will share some of my people later probably and you will see even more exotic looks.Trust me!

10-22-2018, 08:12 PM
This guy looks Greek

He can pass as Cretan or Maniot for example easy

This guy is armenoid btw.I dont think he looks maniot at all.

10-22-2018, 08:13 PM
People in black sea are the swarthiest of all in Turkey and caucasus.

Only laz people are lighter than us because they got steppe admixture and they look more caucasians.

I will share some of my people later probably and you will see even more exotic looks.Trust me!

nope . gypsies are swarthiest in turkey . and then arabs from south

also we should be darker than black sea people but we are not that dark either ...

how we look :



I am a bit confused

10-22-2018, 08:14 PM
People in black sea are the swarthiest of all in Turkey and caucasus.

Only laz people are lighter than us because they got steppe admixture and they look more caucasians.

I will share some of my people later probably and you will see even more exotic looks.Trust me!

I guess exotic looks exist (again wtf on some of those guys), like all Greeks around the country, but it's not normal at all. Who knows what those people are mixed with lol

10-22-2018, 08:16 PM
nope . gypsies are swarthiest in turkey . and then arabs from south

also we should be darker than black sea people but we are not that dark either ...

how we look :



I am a bit confused

Dude,your people are normal in skin colour.

We are way more swarthier than you.Trust me!

10-22-2018, 08:18 PM
Dude,your people are normal in skin colour.

We are way more swarthier than you.Trust me!

thats not possible . you must be cherrypicking

10-22-2018, 08:19 PM
thats not possible . you must be cherrypicking

Ding ding ding ding! We have a winner!

10-22-2018, 08:21 PM
This guy is armenoid btw.I dont think he looks maniot at all.

Ok then

But the Armenoid is not that visible in his front profile

And i have seen similar looking Greeks who had no Pontic ancestry.
If you don't want it to be Maniot than its maybe Thessalian or Chios Islander
Doesn't realy matter

10-22-2018, 08:26 PM
thats not possible . you must be cherrypicking

I dont think you are swarthier than us.We are pretty much the same.

I will post in a few minutes some others.

10-22-2018, 08:28 PM
I dont think you are swarthier than us.We are pretty much the same.

I will post in a few minutes some others.

well my ethnicity is heavily darkwashed and mispresented . but I think you are cherrypicking a bit :D ok I am curious for more pics

10-22-2018, 08:32 PM
Livin is right. Pontic Greeks are more swarthier than Northern Greeks imo. That is not bad thing BTW.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

10-22-2018, 08:34 PM
well my ethnicity is heavily darkwashed and mispresented . but I think you are cherrypicking a bit :D ok I am curious for more pics

We have fair/pale skinned people aswell.

But i am gonna show you our dark side....:D

10-22-2018, 08:35 PM
Livin is right. Pontic Greeks are more swarthier than Northern Greeks imo. That is not bad thing BTW.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

He said they are swarthier than Kurds, not Northern Greeks

10-22-2018, 08:36 PM
After a few shots of tsipouro I see Greeks. LOL
He said they are swarthier than Kurds, not Northern Greeks

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

10-22-2018, 08:37 PM
We have fair/pale skinned people aswell.

But i am gonna show you our dark side....:D


10-22-2018, 08:38 PM
After a few shots of tsipouro I see Greeks. LOL

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk


10-22-2018, 08:38 PM

Darth Vader is the typical Pontic Greek example, according to Livin

10-22-2018, 08:40 PM
Darth Vader is the typical Pontic Greek example, according to Livin

Nah, he said he’s going to show you the darker type.

10-22-2018, 08:42 PM
Nah, he said he’s going to show you the darker type.


10-22-2018, 08:42 PM

pass in a sicilian nightclub

10-22-2018, 08:43 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/a5/22/23a52272d6ac8fba0538eea4423a3602.jpgHe looks like an ancient greek :D

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

10-22-2018, 08:47 PM
Can this girl pass as Pontic Greek?
https://scontent-lhr3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/aefb2d65f169cd27d353a3bf39b85b7a/5C443F4E/t51.2885-15/e35/36473331_658555214496413_8192355246140293120_n.jpg ?se=8&ig_cache_key=MTgyMzMyNTg5MDQzMjg1ODM1NA%3D%3D.2

10-22-2018, 08:50 PM
Can this girl pass as Pontic Greek?

Most Greeks can pass as Pontic Greek, I would say

10-22-2018, 08:51 PM
Most Greeks can pass as Pontic Greek, I would say

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

10-22-2018, 08:52 PM
Can this girl pass as Pontic Greek?
https://scontent-lhr3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/aefb2d65f169cd27d353a3bf39b85b7a/5C443F4E/t51.2885-15/e35/36473331_658555214496413_8192355246140293120_n.jpg ?se=8&ig_cache_key=MTgyMzMyNTg5MDQzMjg1ODM1NA%3D%3D.2

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10-22-2018, 08:53 PM

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

Not many have the stereotypical look though. So it's hard to tell who's what

10-22-2018, 08:54 PM
He looks like an ancient greek :D

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

Quite a different type from modern mainland Greeks. I wonder if modern Greeks even have a genetic connection to this ancient type...

10-22-2018, 08:55 PM
Quite a different type from modern mainland Greeks. I wonder if modern Greeks even have a genetic connection to this ancient type...


10-22-2018, 08:55 PM
Not many have the stereotypical look though. So it's hard to tell who's whatIn Macedonia u can distinguish the Macedonians and Pontic, Anatolians. Each other have different <vibe>.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

10-22-2018, 09:12 PM
People in black sea are the swarthiest of all in Turkey and caucasus.

Only laz people are lighter than us because they got steppe admixture and they look more caucasians.

I will share some of my people later probably and you will see even more exotic looks.Trust me!


No, they are not(pay attention in the people walking around too).


Weird is that the people you posted in the OP look very different from the Turks in that region, let alone in the Western and Central Black Sea.

10-22-2018, 09:54 PM

No, they are not(pay attention in the people walking around too).


Weird is that the people you posted in the OP look very different from the Turks in that region, let alone in the Western and Central Black Sea.

These people are not even close to Pontians.

Pontians the majority are very swarthy people.

10-23-2018, 12:46 AM
I think the guy here on the left has a typical Pontic Greek look. I would guess him as Greek 100% of the time. Guy on the right can pass as any kind of Greek easily.


They look afghan too. The guy on the left specifically

10-23-2018, 12:48 AM
They look afghan too. The guy on the left specifically

Dude i love you.

I was about to say that my cousin in left looks like Iranian/Persian,but i was afraid of the trollers in here.

Ty god someones here inside my mind.

Gold bless you bro.

I am not a crazy retartd thought.

10-23-2018, 12:50 AM
They look afghan too. The guy on the left specifically


Another pic of him.

10-23-2018, 12:52 AM
They look afghan too. The guy on the left specifically

Where you think they passing better as a group?

Iran,levant,anatolia or caucasus?

10-23-2018, 01:07 AM
They look afghan too. The guy on the left specifically

Dude i love you.

I was about to say that my cousin in left looks like Iranian/Persian,but i was afraid of the trollers in here.

Ty god someones here inside my mind.

Gold bless you bro.

I am not a crazy retartd thought.


10-23-2018, 01:09 AM
Where you think they passing better as a group?

Iran,levant,anatolia or caucasus?

Greek TA members should all save up and buy you a one way ticket to Kabul :lol: You can find a wifey there, settle down, etc. etc.

You've already moved there in your imaginary world, so you'd fit in perfectly. According to you anyway.

10-23-2018, 01:09 AM
Greek TA members should all save up and buy you a one way ticket to Kabul :lol: You can find a wifey there, settle down, etc. etc.

You've already moved there in your imaginary world, so you'd fit in perfectly. According to you anyway.

Did you saw my new thread?

10-23-2018, 01:11 AM
Did you saw my new thread?

No not yet, I will find it now

10-23-2018, 01:16 AM
No not yet, I will find it now

I hope,because you re gonna change opinion.

10-23-2018, 03:24 AM
Dude i love you.

I was about to say that my cousin in left looks like Iranian/Persian,but i was afraid of the trollers in here.

Ty god someones here inside my mind.

Gold bless you bro.

I am not a crazy retartd thought.

I would say Mesopotamia/Levant, some could pass in Iran for sure. Also his broad face and eyes are very afghan like. due to the mongol invasion, a lot of afghans have the same look your cousin does.

10-23-2018, 03:37 AM
Your people look Anatolian, not really Caucasian and not really Mesopotamian

10-23-2018, 06:24 AM
Somewhere between Upper Mesopotamia and eastern Levant.

They look like Assyrians.

10-23-2018, 07:16 AM

No, they are not(pay attention in the people walking around too).


Weird is that the people you posted in the OP look very different from the Turks in that region, let alone in the Western and Central Black Sea.
indeed, this is also what i've noticed, pontic Greeks and Turks (Trabzon) look a world apart. my wild guess is that the Greeks are helenized armenians or mixed with them while the Turks from Trabzon leaning more to Laz. probably do to religion. They are definitely not the same

10-23-2018, 09:50 AM
indeed, this is also what i've noticed, pontic Greeks and Turks (Trabzon) look a world apart. my wild guess is that the Greeks are helenized armenians or mixed with them while the Turks from Trabzon leaning more to Laz. probably do to religion. They are definitely not the same

Laz and armenians have more steppe ancestry.Pontians we don’t.We have near east admixture and we are more swarthy.

The people in the video are obviously turks,or people who come with turks in black sea area.

Pontic greeks are not the same with armenians.We look much closer with laz people than armenians.Dont confuse genetics with phenotypes.

10-23-2018, 09:53 AM
They are MUCH darker than i expected, some are gypsy-tier dark.

10-23-2018, 09:55 AM
They are MUCH darker than i expected, some are gypsy-tier dark.

I know.Thats why i am saying we are not caucasians.

These people would never pass in caucasus and not even in the rest of anatolia.

10-23-2018, 09:56 AM
More like Mesopotamians.

10-23-2018, 09:59 AM
Your people look Anatolian, not really Caucasian and not really Mesopotamian

These examples are not how anatolians look like.They look foreign even for asia minor greeks or cappadocians.

10-23-2018, 10:07 AM
These examples are not how anatolians look like.They look foreign even for asia minor greeks or cappadocians.

Yes, they look very Eastern.

10-23-2018, 10:08 AM
Yes, they look very Eastern.

Like kurds,black sea people and eastern parts yes.But i think they are atypical for anatolians in centre and western parts.

10-23-2018, 10:14 AM
Like kurds,black sea people and eastern parts yes.But i think they are atypical for anatolians in centre and western parts.

No, some would pass for Central Anatolia, also they don't have the stereotypical Trabzonian look (unlike you). It's clear that today's black seans in Turkey shifts Caucasia significantly more.

There are also few dark Trabzonians and i think they are purely descendants of Pontian convert, Sealin (left the forum) was i think one of them.

10-23-2018, 10:22 AM
No, some would pass for Central Anatolia, also they don't have the stereotypical Trabzonian look (unlike you). It's clear that today's black seans in Turkey shifts Caucasia significantly more.

There are also few dark Trabzonians and i think they are purely descendants of Pontian convert, Sealin (left the forum) was i think one of them.

I respect your opinion.But Pontic Greeks are not coming only from Trabzon.

There are many other cities like ordu,yiserun,sevasteia,sinope,and others.

I agree that we are very swarthy comparing to other groups in anatolia.

10-23-2018, 10:31 AM
I respect your opinion.But Pontic Greeks are not coming only from Trabzon.

There are many other cities like ordu,yiserun,sevasteia,sinope,and others.

I agree that we are very swarthy comparing to other groups in anatolia.

Other parts of Black Sea have Turkic admixture plus recieved immigration from other parts, i exclude them. Trabzonians are the most distinct group in Turkey and has a lot of people with Convert origin. In the neighbouring province, Giresun (where Böri is also from) you would see people with clear Mongoloid/Turanid faces.

This Turkish actor is from Ordu, how well would he pass for a Pontic Greek?

http://i2.haber7.net//haber/haber7/photos/2018/07/mehmet_akif_alakurt_kimdir_aslen_nereli_ve_kac_yas inda_1518509386_4309.jpg

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRRGj7zaa1Nr6gjCJ9DjrglAd3vGjp 8GM5TxEkrzoso7R6oBBaZ

https://scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/38d78eea155073c9de610ac5da1410f1/5C569231/t51.2885-15/e35/40648097_150335209231872_7440411498814613904_n.jpg ?ig_cache_key=MTg2ODI1Nzk4ODQ1NDQ2NTI5OA%3D%3D.2

10-23-2018, 10:36 AM
Other parts of Black Sea have Turkic admixture plus recieved immigration from other parts, i exclude them. Trabzonians are the most distinct group in Turkey and has a lot of people with Convert origin. In the neighbouring province, Giresun (where Böri is also from) you would see people with clear Mongoloid/Turanid faces.

This Turkish actor is from Ordu, how well would he pass for a Pontic Greek?

http://i2.haber7.net//haber/haber7/photos/2018/07/mehmet_akif_alakurt_kimdir_aslen_nereli_ve_kac_yas inda_1518509386_4309.jpg

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRRGj7zaa1Nr6gjCJ9DjrglAd3vGjp 8GM5TxEkrzoso7R6oBBaZ

https://scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/38d78eea155073c9de610ac5da1410f1/5C569231/t51.2885-15/e35/40648097_150335209231872_7440411498814613904_n.jpg ?ig_cache_key=MTg2ODI1Nzk4ODQ1NDQ2NTI5OA%3D%3D.2

Yes,i know.Turks also brought other people with them in black sea.I am watching videos of black sea and faces in facebook and they look not pontic greeks.

I agree that trabzon is probably the only city with some real Pontic Greek population.

Is this guy the famous turkish actor?

No,he dosnt pass as a Pontic.

10-23-2018, 10:38 AM
Other parts of Black Sea have Turkic admixture plus recieved immigration from other parts, i exclude them. Trabzonians are the most distinct group in Turkey and has a lot of people with Convert origin. In the neighbouring province, Giresun (where Böri is also from) you would see people with clear Mongoloid/Turanid faces.

This Turkish actor is from Ordu, how well would he pass for a Pontic Greek?

http://i2.haber7.net//haber/haber7/photos/2018/07/mehmet_akif_alakurt_kimdir_aslen_nereli_ve_kac_yas inda_1518509386_4309.jpg

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRRGj7zaa1Nr6gjCJ9DjrglAd3vGjp 8GM5TxEkrzoso7R6oBBaZ

https://scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/38d78eea155073c9de610ac5da1410f1/5C569231/t51.2885-15/e35/40648097_150335209231872_7440411498814613904_n.jpg ?ig_cache_key=MTg2ODI1Nzk4ODQ1NDQ2NTI5OA%3D%3D.2

He can pass as Mainland Greek easy

believe it or not

10-23-2018, 10:43 AM
Yes,i know.Turks also brought other people with them in black sea.I am watching videos of black sea and faces in facebook and they look not pontic greeks.

I agree that trabzon is probably the only city with some real Pontic Greek population.

Is this guy the famous turkish actor?

No,he dosnt pass as a Pontic.

His name is Mehmet Akif Alakurt.

10-23-2018, 10:45 AM
He can pass as Mainland Greek easy

believe it or not

He was playing more Eastern characters in series.

10-23-2018, 10:46 AM
He was playing more Eastern characters in series.

Yes,i know him.

10-23-2018, 10:47 AM
Other parts of Black Sea have Turkic admixture plus recieved immigration from other parts, i exclude them. Trabzonians are the most distinct group in Turkey and has a lot of people with Convert origin.

No so distinct. I created a thread with photos of girls from that province and they do not looked different from the Turks in other regions, except by the fact they lacked the Mongoloid component.

Here some girls i have posted:


Livin, can some of them pass? They are all native from Trabzon.

10-23-2018, 10:54 AM
No so distinct. I created a thread with photos of girls from that province and they do not looked different from the Turks in other regions, except by the fact they lacked the Mongoloid component.

Here some girls i have posted:


Livin, can some of them pass? They are all native from Trabzon.

Probably the last one yes!

The others definetly not.

10-30-2018, 05:28 PM
These can pass in Caucasus but the rest pass better in Mesopotamia tho some degree. In general they pass better in Anatolia which where they are actually from.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20181030/89ebd7b64c5e8f24ca2750d433b52e2b.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20181030/d0bb1c1628e0176ad9ea73e1a54ff02f.jpg