View Full Version : Y-haplogroup P1 in Pleistocene Siberia (Sikora et al. 2018 preprint)

10-25-2018, 11:15 PM

10-25-2018, 11:16 PM
"Note that P1 is ancestral to Y-haplogroups Q and R."

10-25-2018, 11:19 PM
"Of six Devil's Gate Cave specimens in this study, three have been assigned to D4m, and the other three have been assigned to D4. The one male specimen has been assigned to Y-DNA haplogroup C2b, which I suppose should be ISOGG's C2b-L1373, the typically northern branch of haplogroup C2-M217. Among modern populations, the D4m2 clade seems to be most common in the Nivkhs of northern Sakhalin. D4m2 and its subclades also have been observed in Kazakhs, a Kyrgyz, Turkmens, Uyghurs, an Uzbek, a Shor, Tubalars, a Tuvinian, Buryats, a Bargut, Evens, Yakuts, an Evenk, and a Yukaghir. The D4m1 clade has been observed in Japanese. D4m has been observed in two Kyrgyzes, a Uyghur, and a Tuvinian.

Of the mtDNA haplogroups detected in the UstBelaya_EBA samples, F1b1b and C4a1a3 tend to be found in Turkic people at present (but also a bit among their neighbors, such as Buryats, Mongols, Tajiks, Nganasans, etc.), while D4j1 has a distribution centered on Tibet but also extending to Mongol, Turk, Indian, and Thai populations.

Yakut or Siberian Tungus x 11
Uyghur x 9
Kyrgyz x 4
Kazakh x 2
Mongol x 2
China? x 1
Turk x 1
Altai-Kizhi x 1
Mongush x 1
Tajik x 1
Uzbek x 1
[F1b1 has been found in at least nine Chinese, two Azeris, an individual from Ladakh, an individual from Tibet, an Armenian, an Iranian, a Uyghur, and a Kyrgyz. F1b1a and F1b1d appear to be Japanese clades, although F1b1a also has been found in a Uyghur and in an African-American. F1b1c has been found in China, including a Yi, and in a Buryat, a Kazakh, a Mongush, and a Telengit. F1b1e has been found in three Uyghurs, a Kyrgyz in Artux, an individual in Sverdlovsk Oblast of Russia, a Buryat, and an Oroqen. F1b1e1 has been found in at least two Yakut. F1b1f has been found in a Stony Tunguska Evenk, a Buryat, and an individual from China. The MRCA of F1b1 appears to date back to some time between 16,000 and 26,000 ybp.]

Altai-Kizhi x 1
Uyghur x 1

Buryat x 3

Tofalar x 1
Nganasan x 1

Tubalar x 1
Bargut x 1

Siberian Tungus or Yakut x 3

Siberian Tungus or Yakut x 2

Thailand-Laos x 4
Uyghur x 1

Bargut x 3
Mongol x 2
Buryat x 1
Khamnigan x 1
Irgit x 1

India? x 7
China x 1
Buryat x 2
Bargut x 1
Khamnigan x 1
Tibet x 3
Lahu x 2
Thailand-Laos x 8
Thailand x 1
Uyghur x 7
Kyrgyz in Artux x 1

India? x 6
Tibet x 3

India? x 9

Ladakh x 1
Tibet? x 1

India? x 2
Nepal x 1
Tibet x 3
Thailand-Laos x 3
Kyrgyz in Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County x 2

India? x 2

The one tested UstBelaya_EBA male has been assigned to Y-DNA haplogroup Q1b1, so he may be related to many modern Ket, Samoyedic, and Turkic males.

The UstBelaya_N individual from approximately 2,000 years earlier has been assigned to mtDNA haplogroup D4b1a2. Among samples of modern populations, D4b1a2 has been found in a Yukaghir. D4b1a2a has been found in a Khamnigan and a Han Chinese in Beijing. D4b1a2a1 has been observed in eight Buryat, three Tubalar, a Mongol, a Uyghur, a Karakalpak, and an Inuit. (D4b1a2a1 also has been found in one of the present study's two specimens from Uelen_IA and two of the present study's ten specimens from Ekven_IA.) D4b1a2a2 has been observed in a Tuvan and a Buryat. The nearest outgroup, D4b1a1 (including its subclade, D4b1a1a), has been observed mainly in Japanese, although the D4b1a1a subclade also has been observed in one Kyrgyz."