View Full Version : Who doesn't consider native Iberians, Maltese, Greeks, Sardinians as part of the White race?

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10-26-2018, 06:56 AM
Please list good reasons why you do not think so. I believe we are all entitled to our personal opinion.

10-26-2018, 07:03 AM
It depends on where you personally draw the line. If I am to consider Maltese and Cretan Greeks as Whites then I would also have to consider Ashkenazi Jews as Whites. All those groups are intermediates of the European and West Asian races.

Iberians are unequivocally European.

10-26-2018, 07:21 AM
I dont have a personal opinion but go by socially accepted definitions, which can vary too from culture to culture or from time frame. But as for now and in western hemisphere i would say all those groups are socially white now. Also ashkenazi jews and some christian middle easterners too. Muslim middle easterners are rather considered outsiders socially.

10-31-2018, 12:20 AM
They're still more white than Saamis to me.

10-31-2018, 03:07 AM
By nordicism, those who do it

10-31-2018, 03:29 AM
Depends on the individual with outliers such as Iberian & Georgians etc

10-31-2018, 03:30 AM
Maltese arent white. they are genetically more levantine then sicilians making them more mid east then euro

10-31-2018, 04:37 PM
A Nazi ideologist

11-01-2018, 01:32 PM
Some idiots

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11-01-2018, 01:35 PM
White is European. Full stop.

11-01-2018, 01:35 PM
A complete retard

11-01-2018, 01:41 PM
It's like saying this is Black:


But this isn't:

Both look different sub racially. But are both obviously Blacks.

11-01-2018, 03:05 PM
It's like saying this is Black:


But this isn't:

Both look different sub racially. But are both obviously Blacks.

you can apply that to other caucasoids especially west asians too . it is not exclusive to europe

Damiăo de Góis
11-01-2018, 03:11 PM
Depends on the individual with outliers such as Iberian & Georgians etc

"outliers such as iberian and georgians"


11-01-2018, 03:19 PM
I know Iberians are Europeans, but I have a hard time seeing them as white because they look a lot like my family members and my family isn’t considered white. But since my family is predominantly Iberian they should have Iberian features.

11-02-2018, 02:05 AM
I know Iberians are Europeans, but I have a hard time seeing them as white because they look a lot like my family members and my family isn’t considered white. But since my family is predominantly Iberian they should have Iberian features.

Your case is different because you're a weird looking white Canadian, but most Iberians are not weird looking for white-European standards. Those are stupid Hollywood fairy tales.

Seth MacFarlane
11-02-2018, 02:14 AM
you can apply that to other caucasoids especially west asians too . it is not exclusive to europe

true , In us white means " any of the orginal people of europe,middle east and north africa " at least on the census and applications

11-02-2018, 02:19 AM
Probably American Southerners and other Rednecks up until the 1990s or so...

Even I stood out in the South as an outsider in the1980s, there's no way anyone would think I'm anything other than just a White guy nowadays...

11-02-2018, 02:38 AM
Probably American Southerners and other Rednecks up until the 1990s or so...

Even I stood out in the South as an outsider in the1980s, there's no way anyone would think I'm anything other than just a White guy nowadays...

Really? Are you swarthy ?

11-02-2018, 03:05 AM
Your case is different because you're a weird looking white Canadian, but most Iberians are not weird looking for white-European standards. Those are stupid Hollywood fairy tales.

What white European standards? Lmao you need to stop sucking Cristiano viejo dick no matter how euro or blond or blue eyed you are to them you are just another Panchito I have observed how Spaniards like BOA1 and Tietar and many of there perceived us it's always Iberians crying and bitching on these types of forums posting blue eyed blond Atlantids as average while that true reason why in real life to that average Anglo white American men sees no different among "Harnizos and Castizos" Latin Americans and Spaniards because there's a strong similarly just like "Indomestizo to Amerindian" Caprich??

Bobby Martnen
11-02-2018, 03:06 AM
There's really 3 races in Europe: Celto-Germanic, Mediterranean, and Slavic.

11-02-2018, 06:56 AM
"outliers such as iberian and georgians"


The left and right corners of Europe.

11-02-2018, 07:07 AM
Probably American Southerners and other Rednecks up until the 1990s or so...

Even I stood out in the South as an outsider in the1980s, there's no way anyone would think I'm anything other than just a White guy nowadays...

Leander Perez and other Canarian Spaniards were definitely seen as white in the South.

The Lawspeaker
11-02-2018, 07:27 AM
Q: Who doesn't consider native Iberians, Maltese, Greeks, Sardinians as part of the White race?

A: A small group of total retards

11-02-2018, 07:44 AM
https://books.google.ro/books?id=SE_FQmoxCs8C&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=gustave+de+beaumont+affirms+that+the+blood+whic h+flows+in+her+veins+is+Spanish.&source=bl&ots=wpg7mRpzIv&sig=6nOst16sC3DBO6_QemTTyFy4DpY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiYsuKSmrXeAhWIKsAKHU8HDWcQ6AEwAHoECAQQA Q#v=onepage&q=gustave%20de%20beaumont%20affirms%20that%20the%2 0blood%20which%20flows%20in%20her%20veins%20is%20S panish.&f=false Apparently in 19th century America even swarthy Spaniards were considered white. This is from a novel by Gustave de Beaumont, who traveled through America in the 1830s with Alexis de Tocqueville, so stop with the bullshit about who was or wasn't white once!

11-02-2018, 07:51 AM
https://books.google.ro/books?id=SE_FQmoxCs8C&pg=PA5&lpg=PA5&dq=gustave+de+beaumont+affirms+that+the+blood+whic h+flows+in+her+veins+is+Spanish.&source=bl&ots=wpg7mRpzIv&sig=6nOst16sC3DBO6_QemTTyFy4DpY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiYsuKSmrXeAhWIKsAKHU8HDWcQ6AEwAHoECAQQA Q#v=onepage&q=gustave%20de%20beaumont%20affirms%20that%20the%2 0blood%20which%20flows%20in%20her%20veins%20is%20S panish.&f=false Apparently in 19th century America even swarthy Spaniards were considered white. This is from a novel by Gustave de Beaumont, who traveled through America in the 1830s with Alexis de Tocqueville, so stop with the bullshit about who was or wasn't white once!

Good point, I'm going to make a thread on this.

The Lawspeaker
11-02-2018, 07:53 AM
Come on ! We all know that Africa starts at Calais. ;)

11-02-2018, 08:04 AM
Good point, I'm going to make a thread on this.

There's barely a Spanish population in that U.S now 600-000 what's makes you think there were Spaniards in that 19-20th ? The book is totally inaccurate because that United States was never a Spanish destination those so called "Spaniards " were white Mexicans migrating in that earliest 20th and latest 19th century from Mexico.

That first Mexican migration in that U.S were white since that's why Mexican as group were considered white in that earliest 20th century.

Mexican kids from that 1900s



11-02-2018, 08:08 AM
There's barely a Spanish population in that U.S now 600-000 what's makes you think there were Spaniards in that 19-20th ? The book is totally inaccurate because that United States was never a Spanish destination those so called "Spaniards " were white Mexicans from migrating in that earliest 20th and latest 19th century from Mexico.

1: You're wrong. There were significant Spanish communities in states like Louisiana.
2: If they were Latin Americans of pure Spanish blood they would still be called Spanish.

11-02-2018, 10:38 AM
It's like saying this is Black:


But this isn't:

Both look different sub racially. But are both obviously Blacks.
You can call someone black or white based on their skin colour, but the White Race has to be defined genetically; I and most people define it as European.

11-02-2018, 11:13 AM
There's really 3 races in Europe: Celto-Germanic, Mediterranean, and Slavic.

I agree there are 3 races but I would call them differently:

- Atlantic (Basques)
- Mediterranean or Med (Greeks)
- Baltic (Balts)

Celto-Germanic = Atlantic + Baltic mix
Northern Slavic = mostly Baltic + some Med + some Atlantic
Southern Slavic = Baltic + Mediterranean mix + some Atlantic


11-02-2018, 11:51 AM
I agree there are 3 races but I would call them differently:

- Atlantic (Basques)
- Mediterranean or Med (Greeks)
- Baltic (Balts)

Celto-Germanic = Atlantic + Baltic mix
Northern Slavic = mostly Baltic + some Med + some Atlantic
Southern Slavic = Baltic + Mediterranean mix + some Atlantic

Our ancestry has nothing to do with Balts or Basques, who have always just been outliers.

11-02-2018, 12:28 PM
Don't dare talking shit about Malta ! <3


11-02-2018, 12:32 PM
Please list good reasons why you do not think so. I believe we are all entitled to our personal opinion.wow it's the first time that someone calls me "native Iberian", thanks for that native Flemish ;)

Well I'm 100% Spaniard and when I travel around Europe on holidays people usually mistake me with a Dutch or a German. So if I'm not white I assume that Dutch and Germans are not white neither.

11-02-2018, 01:01 PM
Our ancestry has nothing to do with Balts or Basques, who have always just been outliers.

Not directly with them of course. I am only trying to say that their admixtures are enough to describe entire Europe genetically.

11-02-2018, 02:50 PM
The left and right corners of Europe.

Georgians are genetically in NW Asian, not European cluster. Absolutely incomparable with Iberians...

Even though I see them as whites, just not Europeans.

11-02-2018, 03:00 PM
you can apply that to other caucasoids especially west asians too . it is not exclusive to europe

Genetically, Europeans of any region differ quite abit from west Asians. West Asians form their own Race i believe. Even though they are Caucasoids too.

11-02-2018, 03:02 PM
Southern Europeans ARE Whites, and they were regarded as such in America for many centuries. Even the swarthiest of them are more lighter than most MENAs and other non-Europeans.

11-02-2018, 03:02 PM
Genetically, Europeans of any region differ quite abit from west Asians. West Asians form their own Race i believe. Even though they are Caucasoids too.

Basically this.

11-02-2018, 03:42 PM
No Iberian,Greek or Sardinian gives a fuck who considers us white or not.

You can take your Nordic supremacy and shove it up your ass.

11-02-2018, 03:56 PM
You can take your Nordic supremacy and shove it up your ass.

No he can't, it's too big.

11-02-2018, 05:03 PM
Genetically, Europeans of any region differ quite abit from west Asians. West Asians form their own Race i believe. Even though they are Caucasoids too.

own race ? lol do you really think that ?

11-02-2018, 05:10 PM
own race ? lol do you really think that ?

Yes. Genetically there are different clusters of people. West Asians are too far from any European cluster. There's nothing wrong with that.

11-02-2018, 05:12 PM
Yes. Genetically there are different clusters of people. West Asians are too far from any European cluster. There's nothing wrong with that.

west asians cluster close to europeans actually ....it seems you missed all the posted maps

even more so if you look at it more globally . and we score mostly the same components just in a different number

there is no way west asians are a different race . I wouldnt even have thought that this is up to debate :lol: . but ok

11-02-2018, 05:14 PM
Maltese arent white. they are genetically more levantine then sicilians making them more mid east then euro

That’s true.

11-02-2018, 05:20 PM
west asians cluster close to europeans actually ....it seems you missed all the posted maps

even more so if you look at it more globally . and we score mostly the same components just in a different number

there is no way west asians are a different race . I wouldnt even have thought that this is up to debate :lol: . but ok

Ofcourse West Asians are naturally going to be closer to Europeans then any other race due to close geographic proximity, but there is still too much of a gap.

Kurds, Turks, Georgians sit between Europeans and Baloch's, Kalash and Turkmens.

There's a clear boundary there.


11-02-2018, 05:22 PM
Most of the people who consider these Southern Europeans "non white" are very insecure non Europeans who want to make themselves feel better by bringing others down, it's all jealousy and OWD. I can think of a few from this forum.

11-02-2018, 05:29 PM
Ofcourse West Asians are naturally going to be closer to Europeans then any other race due to close geographic proximity, but there is still too much of a gap.

Kurds, Turks, Georgians sit between Europeans and Baloch's, Kalash and Turkmens.

There's a clear boundary there.


that is not a big gap really . I guess it depends all on how you look at it . it is not possible that we cluster all with our asses touching each others :D of course there will be some gap especially the more far a population is to each other

we sit between europeans and baloch/kalash because those people are predominantly west eurasian too . the major difference between west asians and europeans is that we score the components in diffirent numbers . for example a south euro will score more of north atlantic and SOME west asian / caucasus , east med while the west asian will score a lot more of the west asian and east med and SOME north atlantic . so this will create some gap but both score the same components just in different amounts

Georgians are no fucking way a different race from europeans . we arent either but in our case I can understand the ignorants thinking so since les muslims + swarthier etc. but Georgians score Caucsasus/GedrosiaCHG the most and other than that some med and small north euro baltic . same applies to us . those components also exist in europeans but in different numbers . according to your logic sardinians are not european because there is a gap between them and other europeans

sardinians are actually a good example . they score high in east and west med / neolithic and the rest of the components they score little of . so this isolates them somewhat . does that mean that they are a different race ? of course not . you know what I mean ?

I am not trying to be accepted into the "family" right now . but we really arent different races . just different variations of the same race

11-02-2018, 05:35 PM
There seems like a pretty clear genetic distinction to me, the only Europeans West Asians plot remotely close to are ones which are heavily West Asian influenced, like Jews and Sicillians. West Asians aren't remotely close to other Europeans. Look at the gap between Bulgarians and Chechens even, and that's a kind example.

11-02-2018, 05:40 PM
There seems like a pretty clear genetic distinction to me, the only Europeans West Asians plot remotely close to are ones which are heavily West Asian influenced, like Jews and Sicillians. West Asians aren't remotely close to other Europeans. Look at the gap between Bulgarians and Chechens even, and that's a kind example.

is it really a big gap for you ? to me it isnt . as I said especially if you look at it globally . if we go by your logic then bulgarians and greeks are not the same race as norwegians for example because there is gap among them too on the plot . which would be a nonsense thing to say . as I said we cant cluster with our asses touching each others ...of course there will be some gaps

but if you guys think that way then it seems I cant "change" it anyway . but I am surprised

11-02-2018, 05:48 PM
is it really a big gap for you ? to me it isnt . as I said especially if you look at it globally . if we go by your logic then bulgarians and greeks are not the same race as norwegians for example because there is gap among them too on the plot . which would be a nonsense thing to say . as I said we cant cluster with our asses touching each others ...of course there will be some gaps

but if you guys think that way then it seems I cant "change" it anyway . but I am surprised

Hadouken. There needs to be a boundary somewhere. Otherwise by your logic, the Chinese will also be European. The boundary is pretty much the border of Geographical Europe. With some exceptions to the rule.

Genetic similarities between Europeans also place the racial border in the same place as the geographic border of Europe.

Throw in historical Christianity to the mix also, and you see a clear picture of where the racial border is, once you add it all up.

11-02-2018, 05:52 PM
Hadouken. There needs to be a boundary somewhere. Otherwise by your logic, the Chinese will also be European. The boundary is pretty much the border of Geographical Europe. With some exceptions to the rule.

Genetic similarities between Europeans also place the racial border in the same place as the geographic border of Europe.

Throw in historical Christianity to the mix also, and you see a clear picture where the racial border is once you add it all up.

no because chinese are TOO far . and they are mongoloid . we west eurasians cluster relatively close to each other . on a global scale we are very close . I also didnt say we are europeans but we west asians are not a different race lol

I dont understand how a sicilian and icelander are = same category , but a Georgian/Kurd/Turk who cluster near europeans = different race . different race ? we are caucasian too ...this is as if a nigerian calls a tanzanian to be a different race lol

but ok bro if you think like this I respect your opinion . I dont want to come off as if I am wanting to force you guys to think like me but we will have to agree to disagree . I dont see us as different races and love you you are our cousins :love:

11-02-2018, 06:11 PM
own race ? lol do you really think that ?

You think you are white?

11-02-2018, 06:17 PM
You think you are white?

why are you asking me this question now ? I was arguing that west asians and europeans are not different races . nobody was talking about the term white . I dont identify as a color and where I live we dont use such terms but my race is caucasian yes . and if ALL europeans are white including the mena looking ones (like this for example https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?264928-classify-spanish-guy . I can post many more such examples) then I am too . otherwise it doesnt make any sense

11-02-2018, 06:23 PM
why are you asking me this question now ? I was arguing that west asians and europeans are not different races . nobody was talking about the term white . I dont identify as a color and where I live we dont use such terms but my race is caucasian yes . and if ALL europeans are white including the mena looking ones (like this for example https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?264928-classify-spanish-guy . I can post many more such examples) then I am too . otherwise it doesnt make any sense

What West Asians for example? Kurds? Right. That guy is just a very atypical Spanish, genetic lottery. Probability is that his child will look like average Spanish because his genetics is spanish/european. It's funny when MENAs cling on dark Europeans. It is not that different from finding Northern European looking West Asians and calling West Asians Scandinavian brothers.

11-02-2018, 06:24 PM
What West Asians for example? Kurds? Right. That guy is just a very atypical Spanish, genetic lottery. Probability is that his child will look like average Spanish because his genetics is spanish/european. It's funny when MENAs cling on dark Europeans.

of course he is atypical . I am not clinging on anything . I also didnt claim anything . but I go by logic

I didnt want to offend anybody either

11-02-2018, 06:39 PM
of course he is atypical . I am not clinging on anything . I also didnt claim anything . but I go by logic

I didnt want to offend anybody either

Pointing out atypical individuals from countries which are genetically far away from west asians is not logical. So no, you are not white even if dark individuals may be.

11-02-2018, 06:44 PM
Pointing out atypical individuals from countries which are genetically far away from west asians is not logical. So no, you are not white even if dark individuals may be.

there are many such atypicals though . if you would count them you would get ten thousands if not millions of people . if they are white then west asians are white too

furthermore even without them I see west asians and europeans as the same race . to me a swarthy armenian is the same race as a blond scot . I know you disagree ...thats ok

but what race are we ? tell me : negroid ? mongoloid ? native american ? australoid ? ....






























11-02-2018, 06:45 PM




11-02-2018, 06:47 PM
but what race are we ? tell me : negroid ? mongoloid ? native american ? australoid ? ....

None.You're mixed race between west eurasian(caucasoid) and S.Asian plus sometimes SSA.

11-02-2018, 06:48 PM
None.You're mixed race between west eurasian(caucasoid) and S.Asian plus sometimes SSA.

we score VERY little south asian and no ssa

11-02-2018, 06:50 PM
we score VERY little south asian and no ssa

Still its enough to impact your look, because they are dominant genes.
Middle Easterners are basically Caucasians with S.asian and sometimes SSA, the more S.Asian, the more middle eastern an individual looks like.

11-02-2018, 06:50 PM
None.You're mixed race between west eurasian(caucasoid) and S.Asian plus sometimes SSA.

Kurds and other Middle Easterners are true Caucasians. No or very little S. Asian and SSA.

11-02-2018, 06:51 PM
Kurds and other Middle Easterners are true Caucasians. No or very little S. Asian and SSA.

You're obviously clueless.They are on avg 8% S.Asian.(the kurds)

11-02-2018, 06:53 PM
Still its enough to impact your look, because they are dominant genes.
Middle Easterners are basically Caucasians with S.asian and sometimes SSA, the more S.Asian, the more middle eastern an individual looks like.

bro please understand this already : I score zero percent ...ZERO on 23andme and only 6% on average on calculators . it doesnt impact anything . on harappa / dodecad k12b we score only around 2% south asian . the onge stuff

here I posted this already . comparison between me and a georgian : we are 95% caucasoid on average . also look at my people that I posted . we look caucasian



11-02-2018, 06:54 PM
I don't care about your photos you keep sticking to people's noses all the time. Your race is non-European, non-white. People at worst have problem accepting all Southern Europeans or either only Southern Italians and Islander Greeks as white, but european nevertheless. Having that in mind there is no point to discuss about anyone else.

11-02-2018, 06:54 PM
You're obviously clueless.They are on avg 8% S.Asian.(the kurds)

the 8% south asian ( it is a little less in us turkish kurds . like more 6-7%) is 60-70% or so caucasoid . and 8% is not much and it is very old . as I showed you above we are mostly caucasian . what you say is true for north africans who have higher ssa but not for us northwest asians .

11-02-2018, 06:55 PM
bro please understand this already : I score zero percent ...ZERO on 23andme

23andme tests only in the last ~300 years plus the % there are relative to populations.

itt doesnt impact anything

It does.This is why most georgians look white, while I have yet to see a kurd that can pass as white.

11-02-2018, 06:56 PM
I don't care about your photos you keep sticking to people's noses all the time. Your race is non-European, non-white. People at worst have problem accepting all Southern Europeans or either only Southern Italians and Islander Greeks as white, but european nevertheless. Having that in mind there is no point to discuss about anyone else.

I am just showing them to portray how we look . my aim is not to annoy you with the photos

I think you are being a bit too strict and dont want to open up . we are obviously caucasian people I dont know why this is so hard to agree on even though it is the reality

11-02-2018, 06:57 PM
23andme tests only in the last ~300 years plus the % there are relative to populations.

It does.This is why most georgians look white, while I have yet to see a kurd that can pass as white.

I just showed you my gedmatch results compared to a georgian . and I showed you several kurdish faces above . you are just being biased nothing more :) you WANT to stick on your opinion

11-02-2018, 06:59 PM
I just showed you my gedmatch results compared to a georgian . and I showed you several kurdish faces above . you are just being biased nothing more :) you WANT to stick on your opinion

Georgians don't score more than 2% S.Asian, while kurds score over 8%.Those gedmatch tests aren't reliable yet, we need a few more decades to make them accurate,to discover more SNPs.Right now, we know more about the bottom of the ocean, than about genetics.Until this happens, the eye is the best tool, to determine a race.

11-02-2018, 06:59 PM
Georgians score south asian as do Chechens, Circassians and all North Caucasians. They are lighter because they score steppe which is lacking in west/sw Asians except Turks in significant numbers + east Iranics who are darker because they score lot more South Asian.

Plus west Asians score Iran neolithic type of ancestry which is very low to inexistant in Europeans who are Anatolian farmer/Sardinian type of neolithic instead.

11-02-2018, 07:00 PM
I am just showing them to portray how we look . my aim is not to annoy you with the photos

I think you are being a bit too strict and dont want to open up . we are obviously caucasian people I dont know why this is so hard to agree on even though it is the reality

Just like you don't care about some things I don't care about "caucasians". There are either Europeans (either all white or not) and others.

11-02-2018, 07:01 PM
Georgians don't score more than 2% S.Asian, while kurds score over 8%.Those gedmatch tests aren't reliable yet, we need a few more decades to make them accurate,to discover more SNPs.Right now, we know more about the bottom of the ocean, than about genetics.Until this happens, the eye is the best tool, to determine a race.

I just showed you my gedmatch results compared to a georgian . look at the numbers again and come back . I also posted 10000 kurdish people . you can check all my galleries in my signature

this is as if you say that the sky is green even though the sky is obviously blue . wtf is wrong with you

here one more


11-02-2018, 07:02 PM
Georgians score south asian as do Chechens, Circassians and all North Caucasians. They are lighter because they score steppe which is lacking in west/sw Asians except Turks in significant numbers + east Iranics who are darker because they score lot more South Asian.

Plus west Asians score Iran neolithic type of ancestry which is very low to inexistant in Europeans who are Anatolian farmer/Sardinian type of neolithics instead.

some europeans score 15% iran neolithic

11-02-2018, 07:02 PM
Georgians score south asian as do Chechens, Circassians and all North Caucasians.

Its either noise or to low to impact one's look.

They are lighter because they score steppe which is lacking in west/sw Asians

I'm not talking about pigmentation.Hadouken, even if blonde blue eyed, wouldn't pass as european.He looks more semite than european.Its all about facial structure.The darkest sicillian/maltese/iberian/cypriot,looks more european than him.

11-02-2018, 07:02 PM
Its either noise or to low to impact one's look.

I'm not talking about pigmentation.Hadouken, even if blonde blue eyed, wouldn't pass as european.He looks more semite than european.Its all about facial structure.The darkest sicillian/maltese/iberian/cypriot,looks more european than him.

I think you are being biased and unfair towards me

11-02-2018, 07:03 PM
bro please understand this already : I score zero percent ...ZERO on 23andme and only 6% on average on calculators . it doesnt impact anything . on harappa / dodecad k12b we score only around 2% south asian . the onge stuff

V3 Georgian
South Asian 0.10

V3 Kurd
South Asian 9.89

11-02-2018, 07:03 PM
I just showed you my

Most georgians look white.
Most kurds dont look white.

Draw the conclusions yourself why's that and maybe then you will stop spamming gedmatch aspie crap.

V3 Georgian
South Asian 0.10

V3 Kurd
South Asian 9.89

Lmfaoo destroyed that kurd.

11-02-2018, 07:05 PM
V3 Georgian
South Asian 0.10

V3 Kurd
South Asian 9.89

first of all the south asian component on v3 exeggerates all peoples south asian . it has a lot of west eurasian in it . and 2. the georgian sample on the spreadsheet is flawed . I have several georgian kits and this is how they score :

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 West_Asian 59.99
2 Mediterranean 20.9
3 Southwest_Asian 7.36
4 West_European 6.11
5 South_Asian 3.98
6 East_European 1.29
7 Northwest_African 0.3
8 Northeast_Asian 0.07

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Armenians_16 (Behar) 8.53
2 Armenian (Dodecad) 10.9
3 Iranian (Dodecad) 12.98
4 Georgians (Behar) 13.65
5 Turks (Behar) 14.96
6 Assyrian (Dodecad) 15.35
7 Adygei (HGDP) 17.42
8 Iranians (Behar) 17.59
9 Kurd (Dodecad) 17.91
10 Kurd (Xing) 18.09
11 Azerbaijan_Jews (Behar) 18.14
12 Turkish (Dodecad) 18.89
13 Uzbekistan_Jews (Behar) 21.35
14 Iranian_Jews (Behar) 21.67
15 Urkarah (Xing) 22.23
16 Iraq_Jews (Behar) 22.33
17 Georgia_Jews (Behar) 22.94
18 Druze (HGDP) 23.02
19 Stalskoe (Xing) 25.2
20 Lezgins (Behar) 25.45

11-02-2018, 07:06 PM
Light Kavkazians often dont look too European, they most often look depigmented west Asian with faint mongoloid touch (in North Caucasus)

You can model them as mix of Arabs and Finno Ugrics on PCA, no joke.

11-02-2018, 07:06 PM
Most georgians look white.
Most kurds dont look white.

Draw the conclusions yourself why's that and maybe then you will stop spamming gedmatch aspie crap.

Lmfaoo destroyed that kurd.

you call my gedmatch posts aspie crap but call his message "destroyed that kurd"

are you trolling ?

I actually destroyed you . you are looking like a stupid baboon the whole time who doesnt acknowledge facts

11-02-2018, 07:08 PM
first of all the south asian component on v3 exeggerates all peoples south asian . it has a lot of west eurasian in it . and 2.

No, it doesn't.

I have several georgian kits and this is how they score :

Admix Results (sorted):

4 Georgians (Behar) 13.65


11-02-2018, 07:10 PM
No, it doesn't.

4 Georgians (Behar) 13.65


yes it does

and as I said the georgian reference is flawed . thats why the georgian gets georgian at that distance

another georgian :

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Armenians_16 (Behar) 6.27
2 Armenian (Dodecad) 8.04
3 Turks (Behar) 12.25
4 Iranian (Dodecad) 12.69
5 Assyrian (Dodecad) 13.04
6 Azerbaijan_Jews (Behar) 15.43
7 Turkish (Dodecad) 15.86
8 Kurd (Xing) 16.11
9 Georgians (Behar) 16.17
10 Kurd (Dodecad) 16.31
11 Iranians (Behar) 16.89
12 Uzbekistan_Jews (Behar) 18.92
13 Iranian_Jews (Behar) 19.14
14 Adygei (HGDP) 19.2
15 Iraq_Jews (Behar) 19.71
16 Druze (HGDP) 19.98
17 Georgia_Jews (Behar) 20.31
18 Urkarah (Xing) 22.12
19 Stalskoe (Xing) 24.07
20 Samaritians (Behar) 26.95

11-02-2018, 07:10 PM
you call my gedmatch posts aspie crap but call his message "destroyed that kurd"

are you trolling ?

I actually destroyed you . you are looking like a stupid baboon the whole time who doesnt acknowledge facts

He posted a gedmatch, you posted a gedmatch, who should I believe?Obviously him, since you and all kurds, look very S.Asian influenced.It just proves, like I said, that we have yet to discover enough SNP's, to accurately predict ancient components.
You dont look fully caucasian, you are mixed, the eye is the best tool still.

11-02-2018, 07:11 PM
You can model them as mix of Arabs and Finno Ugrics on PCA, no joke.

You can actually model most SE europeans, as MENA + N.euro

11-02-2018, 07:11 PM
He posted a gedmatch, you posted a gedmatch, who should I believe?Obviously him, since you and all kurds, look very S.Asian influenced.It just proves, like I said, that we have yet to discover enough SNP's, to accurately predict ancient components.
You dont look fully caucasian, you are mixed, the eye is the best tool still.

I posted several . you can believe me

and we dont look south asian influenced . you just see what you want to see . I look fully caucasian

you are weird ....do you dislike kurds or something ? I cant explain it otherwise

my genetic results and galleries speak a clear language

11-02-2018, 07:13 PM
I look fully caucasian

You obviously don't,else you could fit in Europe. this is my and pretty much everyone's opinion.

11-02-2018, 07:13 PM
yes it does

and as I said the georgian reference is flawed . thats why the georgian gets georgian at that distance

another georgian :

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Armenians_16 (Behar) 6.27
2 Armenian (Dodecad) 8.04
3 Turks (Behar) 12.25
4 Iranian (Dodecad) 12.69
5 Assyrian (Dodecad) 13.04
6 Azerbaijan_Jews (Behar) 15.43
7 Turkish (Dodecad) 15.86
8 Kurd (Xing) 16.11
9 Georgians (Behar) 16.17
10 Kurd (Dodecad) 16.31
11 Iranians (Behar) 16.89
12 Uzbekistan_Jews (Behar) 18.92
13 Iranian_Jews (Behar) 19.14
14 Adygei (HGDP) 19.2
15 Iraq_Jews (Behar) 19.71
16 Druze (HGDP) 19.98
17 Georgia_Jews (Behar) 20.31
18 Urkarah (Xing) 22.12
19 Stalskoe (Xing) 24.07
20 Samaritians (Behar) 26.95

Eurogenes k13 Georgians
South Asian 1.80 (not strange for europeans to score that much)

Eurogenes k13 Kurds
South Asian 8.07

Punct K13 Modern Georgian
South Asian 0.5

Punct K13 Modern Kurdish
South Asian 8

11-02-2018, 07:14 PM
You can actually model most SE europeans, as MENA + N.euro

Not Croats, thank to God.

11-02-2018, 07:15 PM
You obviously don't,else you could fit in Europe. this is my and pretty much everyone's opinion.

caucasian doesnt mean european

and for your information . I know you dont see me passing in europe but I passed often as european . I have been mistaken for south euro quite often . so what now ?

you are very ignorant dude haha wtf is wrong with you seriously . I post my genetic results , I post my people in masses who look CLEARLY caucasian . I post so much evidence but you still talk shit

11-02-2018, 07:17 PM
caucasian doesnt mean european

and for your information . I know you dont see me passing in europe but I passed often as european . I have been mistaken for south euro quite often . so what now ?

you are very ignorant dude haha wtf is wrong with you seriously . I post my genetic results , I post my people in masses who look CLEARLY caucasian . I post so much evidence but you still talk shit

You don't look fully caucasian, hence you dont look european.The people from the bottom of Malta, look more caucasian than you.I wouldn't take you for anything else than a Middle easterner.

11-02-2018, 07:17 PM
There are several Georgian pop averages on MDLP K16 modern spreadsheet and there most score 8, 7, 6 percent Indian with lovest pop average above 3 while first one is above 8 percent Indian(probably those are various regional samples) while average Euros score below 1 percent. So yes they are SA admixed. Go check for yourself on gedmatch.

11-02-2018, 07:19 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/tTrz807j/Capture.png (https://postimages.org/)

11-02-2018, 07:19 PM
Ofcourse West Asians are naturally going to be closer to Europeans then any other race due to close geographic proximity, but there is still too much of a gap.

Kurds, Turks, Georgians sit between Europeans and Baloch's, Kalash and Turkmens.

There's a clear boundary there.


tutata bugarin

11-02-2018, 07:20 PM
Eurogenes k13 Georgians
South Asian 1.80 (not strange for europeans to score that much)

Eurogenes k13 Kurds
South Asian 8.07

Punct K13 Modern Georgian
South Asian 0.5

Punct K13 Modern Kurdish
South Asian 8

many georgians score around 3% on k13 . and I will run our puntdnal k13 too to show you how we compare

first of all : eurogenes k13


now puntdnal k13 my result :

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 West_Asia 43.21
2 SW_Europe 20.72
3 SW_Asia 16.66
4 NE_Europe 8.29
5 South_Asia 5.24
6 Siberia 1.49
7 West_Africa 1.27
8 Americas 1.13
9 NE_Asia 0.77
10 SE_Asia 0.62
11 South_Africa 0.58

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Kurdish 3.77
2 Iranian 5.02
3 Azerbaijan_Azeri 5.17
4 Abkhasian 8.32
5 Turkish_Kayseri 9.49
6 Dagestan_Azeri 9.67
7 Armenian 10.12
8 Assyrian 10.38
9 Ossetian 10.44
10 Turkish 11.44
11 Adygei 13.21
12 Lebanese_Muslim 13.39
13 Turkish_Trabzon 13.44
14 Turkish_Aydin 13.52
15 Lebanese_Druze 13.57
16 Syrian 13.93
17 Balkar 14.21
18 Kumyk 15.43
19 Lebanese_Christian 15.79
20 Chechen 18.09

Georgian result :

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 West_Asia 51.25
2 SW_Europe 23.79
3 SW_Asia 13.22
4 NE_Europe 6
5 South_Asia 3.75
6 Siberia 1.03
7 West_Africa 0.66
8 South_Africa 0.3

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Abkhasian 7.05
2 Kurdish 7.05
3 Iranian 9.45
4 Azerbaijan_Azeri 9.6
5 Armenian 10.28
6 Turkish_Trabzon 10.46
7 Dagestan_Azeri 11.72
8 Assyrian 11.78
9 Ossetian 12.36
10 Adygei 14.64
11 Turkish_Kayseri 15.01
12 Balkar 17.2
13 Turkish 17.21
14 Lebanese_Druze 18.15
15 Lebanese_Muslim 18.23
16 Syrian 19.39
17 Turkish_Aydin 19.65
18 Kumyk 19.81
19 Lebanese_Christian 20.16
20 Chechen 20.22

11-02-2018, 07:21 PM
There are several Georgian pop averages on MDLP K16 modern spreadsheet and there most score 8, 7, 6 percent Indian with lovest pop average above 3 while first one is above 8 percent Indian(probably those are various regional samples) while avergae Euros score below 1 percent. So yes they are SA admixed. Go check for yourself on gedmatch.

Tests change every year, the eye remains the biggest tool.Again, how come most georgians, pass as white, yet kurds don't?Use your brain.And dont come up with this Steppe/N.euro admixture, in the bottom of S.europe, ther are people who score similar or even lower Steppe/N.euro admix yet they still look fully caucasian.

11-02-2018, 07:22 PM
You don't look fully caucasian, hence you dont look european.The people from the bottom of Malta, look more caucasian than you.I wouldn't take you for anything else than a Middle easterner.

my sister was in malta for 5 weeks and she passed there as maltese and italian . she told me I would have passed too . she saw many maltese people in that long time (small island as you know)

as I said caucasian doesnt mean european . and I passed as european often in my life . BUT me myself I also dont think I look european . but I would pass as an atypical in fringe regions . I have seen countless of south euro wogs more exotic than me .

11-02-2018, 07:23 PM
my sister was in malta for 5 weeks and she passed there as maltese and italian . she told me I would have passed too . she saw many maltese people in that long time (small island as you know)

as I said caucasian doesnt mean european . and I passed as european often in my life . BUT me myself I also dont think I look european . but I would pass as an atypical in fringe regions . I have seen countless of south euro wogs more exotic than me .

Open a thread, ask if you pass in Italy/Malta/Sicily then.

11-02-2018, 07:23 PM
caucasian doesnt mean european

and for your information . I know you dont see me passing in europe but I passed often as european . I have been mistaken for south euro quite often . so what now ?

you are very ignorant dude haha wtf is wrong with you seriously . I post my genetic results , I post my people in masses who look CLEARLY caucasian . I post so much evidence but you still talk shit

He obviously has no idea about population genetics. Caucasian doesn't mean European. The most Caucasian are Middle Easterners including Kurds.
Europeans are much more mixed because they are a mix of Paleo-Europeans (WHG, EHG) and Caucasians/Middle Easterners (ENF, CHG)

11-02-2018, 07:24 PM
Kurds and other Middle Easterners are true Caucasians. No or very little S. Asian and SSA.

The only true Caucasians are the ones from Caucasus.

11-02-2018, 07:24 PM
Tests change every year, the eye remains the biggest tool.Again, how come most georgians, pass as white, yet kurds don't?Use your brain.And dont come up with this Steppe/N.euro admixture, in the bottom of S.europe, ther are people who score similar or even lower Steppe/N.euro admix yet they still look fully caucasian.

you are just biased and also dont know well how we look

this is how we look check out :


















11-02-2018, 07:24 PM
Not Croats, thank to God.

You can model Jana part Alien / Part ET Fingers

https://i.postimg.cc/rsBPsdWj/download.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

11-02-2018, 07:25 PM
He obviously has no idea about population genetics. Caucasian doesn't mean European. The most Caucasian are Middle Easterners including Kurds.
Europeans are much more mixed because they are a mix of Paleo-Europeans (WHG, EHG) and Caucasians/Middle Easterners (ENF, CHG)

You obviously have no idea about population genetics.
Caucasian = West Eurasian.
Caucasian race predates the WHG,EHG,ENF,CHG by over 20k years.

11-02-2018, 07:25 PM
There are several Georgian pop averages on MDLP K16 modern spreadsheet and there most score 8, 7, 6 percent Indian with lovest pop average above 3 while first one is above 8 percent Indian(probably those are various regional samples) while average Euros score below 1 percent. So yes they are SA admixed. Go check for yourself on gedmatch.

And on that one Kurds score 15% Indian while Europeans score less than 1%. So whatever the case is it is not helping Hadouken's OWD.:rotfl:

11-02-2018, 07:27 PM
Tests change every year, the eye remains the biggest tool.Again, how come most georgians, pass as white, yet kurds don't?Use your brain.And dont come up with this Steppe/N.euro admixture, in the bottom of S.europe, ther are people who score similar or even lower Steppe/N.euro admix yet they still look fully caucasian.

West Asian component peak in Georgians and it seem non Euro White compoment. Kurds and Armenians score more Red Sea than Georgians, plus bit more South Asian and bit less Baltic so they look darker. But climate plays a role too, Georgia is quite less sunny than Kurdistan isnt it ?

Anway, Georgians are much closer to Kurds than to any Europeans, both are NW Asians.

11-02-2018, 07:28 PM
West Asian component peak in Georgians and it seem non Euro White compoment. Kurds and Armenians score more Red Sea than Georgians, plus bit more South Asian and bit less Baltic so they look darker. But climate plays a role too, Georgia is quite less sunny than Kurdistan isnt it ?

Anway, Georgians are much closer to Kurds than to any Europeans, both are NW Asians.

You dont want to understand.West Asian is a caucasoid component.Kurds dont look entirely caucasoid, because they have non-caucasoid components.Its as simple as that.Now the only question is, how much % non-caucasoid, does one need to have, to still be considered caucasian?

11-02-2018, 07:28 PM
And on that one Kurds score 15% Indian while Europeans score less than 1%. So whatever the case is it is not helping Hadouken's OWD.:rotfl:

hey you nerdy looking serial killer looking retard dont go too far . only because I say that I am caucasian which is what I am I am not owd . I dont view you europeans as superior or anything . in fact I see a lot of you as cucking albino retardos

georgians score up to 8% indian on that calculator too . I can prove that ALSO like I proved other stuff already . get a grip already

11-02-2018, 07:30 PM
You dont want to understand.West Asian is a caucasoid component.Kurds dont look entirely caucasoid, because they have non-caucasoid components.Its as simple as that.Now the only question is, how much % non-caucasoid, does one need to have, to still be considered caucasian?

again ....as I proved already ....we are around 95% caucasian while georgians are 98-99% . we look caucasian as I also proved

has a kurd fucked your mother or something ?

11-02-2018, 07:30 PM
caucasian doesnt mean european

and for your information . I know you dont see me passing in europe but I passed often as european . I have been mistaken for south euro quite often . so what now ?

you are very ignorant dude haha wtf is wrong with you seriously . I post my genetic results , I post my people in masses who look CLEARLY caucasian . I post so much evidence but you still talk shit

You don't pass anywhere in Europe bro. I hate to be brutal, as I like your posts, but you're a brown skinned middle easterner/western asianer, you have 0 to do with Europe or "Whites". Being White doesn't literally mean having White skin, otherwise many Japanese would be White, or South Indians would be black considering how dark some of them; it's about being indigenous to the European continent. You are completely separate from us racially, culturally and genetically as others have demonstrated. You are not European what so ever and there is nothing wrong about that.

11-02-2018, 07:31 PM
has a kurd fucked your mother or something ?


11-02-2018, 07:32 PM
I really hate it when ANYONE feels the need to try and suck up to a group they have nothing to do with, it genuinely saddens me and in a sense shows their is a problem with White supremacy in some cultural ways. Everyone should be proud of who they really are, they shouldn't need to feel to "prove themselves" to Whites.

11-02-2018, 07:33 PM
You obviously have no idea about population genetics.
Caucasian = West Eurasian.
Caucasian race predates the WHG,EHG,ENF,CHG by over 20k years.

Gedrosia K3

Kurds are more west eurasian than russians

West Eurasian - 88.75
East Eurasian - 11.23
SSA - 0.02

West Eurasian - 91.89
East Eurasian - 6.29
SSA - 1.83

11-02-2018, 07:33 PM
You don't pass anywhere in Europe bro. I hate to be brutal, as I like your posts, but you're a brown skinned middle easterner/western asianer, you have 0 to do with Europe or "Whites". Being White doesn't literally mean having White skin, otherwise many Japanese would be White, or South Indians would be black considering how dark some of them; it's about being indigenous to the European continent. You are completely separate from us racially, culturally and genetically as others have demonstrated. You are not European what so ever and there is nothing wrong about that.

again .....I already PASSED as european countless of times . many people mistook me for it and/or told me I pass . so I already passed . which doesnt mean that I think I look european myself . as I said I dont look european but I would pass as an atypical one in deep south regions . I am good in taxonomy and can also place myself accordingly . this is where I pass best :


so what race are we ? me and my people ? https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?264852-Who-doesn-t-consider-native-Iberians-Maltese-Greeks-Sardinians-as-part-of-the-White-race&p=5561573&viewfull=1#post5561573

caucasian doesnt mean european . is that so hard to understand

11-02-2018, 07:34 PM
You dont want to understand.West Asian is a caucasoid component.Kurds dont look entirely caucasoid, because they have non-caucasoid components.Its as simple as that.Now the only question is, how much % non-caucasoid, does one need to have, to still be considered caucasian?

Red Sea is Caucasoid too but not white it peaks in Bedouins! I score zero red sea but 10 percent west asian. Maybe Red Sea has Horner admix ?

11-02-2018, 07:35 PM
I really hate it when ANYONE feels the need to try and suck up to a group they have nothing to do with, it genuinely saddens me and in a sense shows their is a problem with White supremacy in some cultural ways. Everyone should be proud of who they really are, they shouldn't need to feel to "prove themselves" to Whites.

no such thing happened

I said west asians are the same race as europeans which is true . and you guys went apeshit . just lol .....I thought europeans are so smart ? many here disprove that

11-02-2018, 07:35 PM
hey you nerdy looking serial killer looking retard dont go too far . only because I say that I am caucasian which is what I am I am not owd .

Oh noes, nerdy looking serial killer. Gone straight through my heart. caucasian, muh is caucasian, caucasian, caucasian, caucasian, caucasian, caucasian.

I dont view you europeans as superior or anything . in fact I see a lot of you as cucking albino retardos

Is that why you spent one third of your life on posting Kurdish photos on the European cultural forum?

georgians score up to 8% indian on that calculator too . I can prove that ALSO like I proved other stuff already . get a grip already


11-02-2018, 07:37 PM
Back to work.

You are all niggers compared to me. I am the WHiTeSST.

11-02-2018, 07:37 PM
Oh noes, nerdy looking serial killer. Gone straight through my heart. caucasian, muh is caucasian, caucasian, caucasian, caucasian, caucasian, caucasian.

Is that why you spent one third of your life on posting Kurdish photos on the European cultural forum?


I just said west asians and europeans are the same race which is true and then you went apeshit . something is wrong ....

11-02-2018, 07:37 PM
Red Sea is Caucasoid too but not white it peaks in Bedouins!

You're associating an ancient component with a modern population.Bedouins look non-white because of their high non-caucasoid %, S.Asian and SSA.

11-02-2018, 07:38 PM
I just said west asians and europeans are the same race which is true and then you went apeshit . something is wrong ....

I went apeshit because I can't stand people who can't cope with reality.

11-02-2018, 07:40 PM
And on that one Kurds score 15% Indian while Europeans score less than 1%. So whatever the case is it is not helping Hadouken's OWD.:rotfl:

I score more SSA than Indian on MDLP K16.
Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucasian 31.96
2 Neolithic 19.52
3 NorthEastEuropean 19.29
4 Steppe 12.98
5 NearEast 5.77
6 NorthAfrican 3.04
7 Arctic 1.51
8 Australian 1.29
9 Siberian 1.26
10 EastAfrican 1.08
11 Subsaharian 1.04
12 Indian 0.67
13 Amerindian 0.3
14 SouthEastAsian 0.27
15 Ancestor 0.01

11-02-2018, 07:40 PM
I went apeshit because I can't stand people who can't cope with reality.

but the reality is on my side . even anthropolically/scientifically . west asians and europeans are the same race . it doesnt mean that there are no differences too . of course there are . but still it is the same race . and we also cluster close together on a global scale . I dont know why this is so controversial to say . sorry for name calling btw

11-02-2018, 07:40 PM
You obviously have no idea about population genetics.
Caucasian = West Eurasian.
Caucasian race predates the WHG,EHG,ENF,CHG by over 20k years.

You are really putting into one bag WHG, EHG, ENF and CHG?

I have one fun fact for you. There are some genetic distances (based on Global 25 coordinates) for EHG:

Ust_Ida_LN Onge
45.5837395 45.6786204

Tharu Bhumij
46.0257334 46.1363119

Santhal Levant_N
46.2134203 46.3238676

Mongolian Tuvinian
47.2763631 47.4940036

Kalmyk Buryat
47.5823639 47.6278374

Khonda_Dora Natufian
47.7494025 47.7919393

EHG is basically as close to ENF (which is essentialy Levant_N or Natufian) as it is to Mongolian, Onge, Buryat etc.
EHG is a completely different race compared to ENF.
There is no West Eurasian race.

11-02-2018, 07:40 PM
Gedrosia K3

Kurds are more west eurasian than russians

West Eurasian - 88.75
East Eurasian - 11.23
SSA - 0.02

West Eurasian - 91.89
East Eurasian - 6.29
SSA - 1.83

East eurasian should be mostly mongoloid, so definitely something wrong with that calculator.

11-02-2018, 07:41 PM
East eurasian should be mostly mongoloid, so definitely something wrong with that calculator.

everything that disoproves your idiotic beliefs is wrong :)

11-02-2018, 07:42 PM
no such thing happened

I said west asians are the same race as europeans which is true . and you guys went apeshit . just lol .....I thought europeans are so smart ? many here disprove that

Somalians also often have caucasoid skull shapes, doesn't mean they are White/European. I consider West Asians as their own group, how you classify yourselves is your decision, but we Europeans all cluster together and separately from you lot. The distance between Bulgarians and say the Swedish according to genetic plots are no where near the differences even between Turks (who are heavily mixed with Europeans) and Bulgarians. There's a pretty significant genetic division clearly if Bulgarians can plot closer to Swedes than Turks, their neighbours. It's an example of the common European origin we all share. You are your own people.

11-02-2018, 07:43 PM
but the reality is on my side . even anthropolically/scientifically . west asians and europeans are the same race . it doesnt mean that there are no differences too . of course there are . but still it is the same race . and we also cluster close together on a global scale . I dont know why this is so controversial to say . sorry for name calling btw

Keep coping.

11-02-2018, 07:43 PM
You are really putting into one bag WHG, EHG, ENF and CHG?

No.Caucasian race split into those subgroups over 60k years ago, in which time they evolved different, according to multiple factors, I will not count, because it is not the point of our discussion.

11-02-2018, 07:44 PM
everything that disoproves your idiotic beliefs is wrong :)

When you gonna open that thread, Mr. italiano? :lol::lol::lol:

11-02-2018, 07:45 PM
No.Caucasian race split into those subgroups over 60k years ago, in which time they evolved different, according to multiple factors, I will not count, because it is not the point of our discussion.

I don't believe there was Caucasian race in a first place.

11-02-2018, 07:45 PM
Somalians also often have caucasoid skull shapes, doesn't mean they are White/European. I consider West Asians as their own group, how you classify yourselves is your decision, but we Europeans all cluster together and separately from you lot. The distance between Bulgarians and say the Swedish according to genetic plots are no where near the differences even between Turks (who are heavily mixed with Europeans) and Bulgarians. There's a pretty significant genetic division clearly if Bulgarians can plot closer to Swedes than Turks, their neighbours. It's an example of the common European origin we all share. You are your own people.

somalis are half ssa half arabian like ...they are not 95-99% caucasian like us west asians

and europeans and west asians despite having a gap still cluster relatively close together . on every pca chart that is the case

according to your logic a blonde icelander and a swarthy mena looking sicilian/spanish/cretan etc are the same race but west asians are a different race ? it is just not true

I am not trying to become european or something . if you want us to see as a different race then you can do so but the reality is on my side . and again tell me what race are we then ?


you are playing in the hands of people who say that race is a social construct

11-02-2018, 07:47 PM
When you gonna open that thread, Mr. italiano? :lol::lol::lol:

I wont . why should I ? I dont claim to look italian or european . I just said that I have passed often .

this is how I fit :


caucasian =/= european

11-02-2018, 07:49 PM
Why are you thumbing me down Kivan you dirty retard? Desperate to be white also?

Turks are the most whitewashed group on this forum, mainly by Kivan. I go to my local Turkish shop or restaurant, they're all brown skinned. If you trust Kivan and other Turks on TA you'd think they are as white as Swedes.

11-02-2018, 07:51 PM
I really hate it when ANYONE feels the need to try and suck up to a group they have nothing to do with, it genuinely saddens me and in a sense shows their is a problem with White supremacy in some cultural ways. Everyone should be proud of who they really are, they shouldn't need to feel to "prove themselves" to Whites.

That’s true. Where is the white supremacy culture though?

11-02-2018, 07:51 PM
I wont . why should I ? I dont claim to look italian or european . I just said that I have passed often .

And I say you don't pass as anything else than a Middle Easterner.Your map is wrong tho, you don't pass as cypriot or jew, let alone italian.

11-02-2018, 07:52 PM
That’s true. Where is the white supremacy culture though?

It's found all over the world, go to India, parts of Africa, you still have people bleaching their skin. Many people are desperate to appear lighter and whiter. Probably a left over from colonialism.

11-02-2018, 07:52 PM
And I say you don't pass as anything else than a Middle Easterner.Your map is wrong tho, you don't pass as cypriot or jew, let alone italian.

my map is very correct

just lol at this nonsense . unbelievable xD

11-02-2018, 07:53 PM
Why are you thumbing me down Kivan you dirty retard? Desperate to be white also?

Turks are the most whitewashed group on this forum, mainly by Kivan. I go to my local Turkish shop or restaurant, they're all brown skinned. If you trust Kivan and other Turks on TA you'd think they are as white as Swedes.

MENAs are the most owd, even more than asians.Why?Because they are so close to being white, yet will never be, because of their non-caucasoid %,religion and culture.

11-02-2018, 07:54 PM
MENAs are the most owd, even more than asians.Why?Because they are so close to being white, yet will never be, because of their non-caucasoid %,religion and culture.

west asians are 95-99% caucasoid

is this real life ? you guys are stupid tbh. sorry

very subhumanoid behaviour . seeing facts but still barking

11-02-2018, 07:57 PM
MENAs are the most owd, even more than asians.Why?Because they are so close to being white, yet will never be, because of their non-caucasoid %,religion and culture.

I find Arabs are the least owd, they are usually very proud of their race, same with Kurds, Hadouken is an outlier in this regard with wanting to say he's the same as Euros.

11-02-2018, 07:58 PM
Why are you thumbing me down Kivan you dirty retard? Desperate to be white also?

Turks are the most whitewashed group on this forum, mainly by Kivan. I go to my local Turkish shop or restaurant, they're all brown skinned. If you trust Kivan and other Turks on TA you'd think they are as white as Swedes.

Average ethnic Turkish couple.

11-02-2018, 07:58 PM
I don't believe there was Caucasian race in a first place.

I agree with this. Most Modern Europeans have typical mix of these compoments that make us similar but I agree with you ENF and EHG for example were like different races.

11-02-2018, 08:02 PM
Caucasoid obsolete term and pretty much meaningless.

11-02-2018, 08:02 PM
I find Arabs are the least owd, they are usually very proud of their race, same with Kurds, Hadouken is an outlier in this regard with wanting to say he's the same as Euros.

but thats a wrong way to put it . "wanting to say he's the same as euros" . what does that even mean ? I just said that west asians and europeans are the same race . differences exist still

I posted genetic results and posted my people who look nothing but caucasian . I can also post pca plots too if you want

the problem is that you have the mindset of "not european not same race" "not european = foreigner" kind of thinking which doesnt apply to reality . now you are trying to make me look like a wannabe who is asking for your confirmation

I didnt even say anyhting offensive either and dont understand all this . and as I said you are playing in the hands of people who say that race is a social construct . and I ask you one more time because you havent answered me yet : what race are we ? https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?264852-Who-doesn-t-consider-native-Iberians-Maltese-Greeks-Sardinians-as-part-of-the-White-race&p=5561573&viewfull=1#post5561573

of course caucasian . I mean wtf is going on

11-02-2018, 08:02 PM
Why are you thumbing me down Kivan you dirty retard? Desperate to be white also?

Turks are the most whitewashed group on this forum, mainly by Kivan. I go to my local Turkish shop or restaurant, they're all brown skinned. If you trust Kivan and other Turks on TA you'd think they are as white as Swedes.

We are not brown-skinned and i thumbed you(and that Romanian gypsy, IncelSlayer) down because of your retarded/clueless comment. And no, i'm not desperate to be anything, i'm very proud of what i am. And just get a life, obese fuck, your opinion does not matter anything to me.

PS: Interesting is that anybody passed me as looking Eastern European, even when my phenotype is typical. Pretty ironic, i think.

11-02-2018, 08:03 PM
Average ethnic Turkish couple.

According to the desperate to be White Turks like Kivan on this forum yes. I can go to my kebab shop right now, where the people come from Western Turkish coast, and they are all brown skinned anatoloids with dark skin, I can go to my local shop run by cypriot Turks, they are Whiter, but still darker than ANY European and clearly West Asian. Turks are the most white-washed race on this forum and it's absurd and anyone who lives in Western Europe along side Turkish diaspora knows its all bullshit.

11-02-2018, 08:07 PM
According to the desperate to be White Turks like Kivan on this forum yes. I can go to my kebab shop right now, where the people come from Western Turkish coast, and they are all brown skinned anatoloids with dark skin, I can go to my local shop run by cypriot Turks, they are Whiter, but still darker than ANY European and clearly West Asian. Turks are the most white-washed race on this forum and it's absurd and anyone who lives in Western Europe along side Turkish diaspora knows its all bullshit.

Marmara says those immigrants are mainly Kurds.

11-02-2018, 08:08 PM
We are not brown-skinned and i thumbed you(and that Romanian gypsy, IncelSlayer) down because of your retarded/clueless comment. And no, i'm not desperate to be anything, i'm very proud of what i am. And just get a life, obese fuck, your opinion does not matter anything to me.

PS: Interesting is that anybody passed me as looking Eastern European, even when my phenotype is typical. Pretty ironic, i think.

Everyone knows that North-West Turkey is whiter because you assimilated millions of Serbs, Bosniaks, Albanians, Greeks, Macedonian Muslims, etc. Average Turk plots nowhere near Europeans, and average Turk that I know (and I know Turks ranging from cypriots, to people from Istanbul, Bodrum, etc) is brown skinned and west Asian, the people you post are complete outliers. I am 1.88cm and 190 pounds which is completely within a normal weight range for my height and not obese at all.

My opinion matters to you A LOT because you seem to follow me around disliking my posts, I have more dislikes from you than any other user yet you never bother communicating with me. Fuck off you stupid kebab.

11-02-2018, 08:09 PM
Marmara says those immigrants are mainly Kurds.

They are not, the people I know are mainly from western Anatolia. Bodrum, Izmir, that area. I can distinguish between Turks and Kurds quite well they look quite different imo even with their close geographical proximity.

11-02-2018, 08:10 PM
ayetooey bro what race are we :


















11-02-2018, 08:12 PM
ayetooey bro what race are we :


















Not give a fuck race.

11-02-2018, 08:13 PM
ayetooey bro what race are we :


















I really don't care, you are western Asians to me, you can consider yourselves what you want, but I am here to discuss European issues mainly as this is a European cultural community, MENA doesn't concern me as much.

11-02-2018, 08:13 PM
Not give a fuck race.

I really dont understand this hostility from you :confused:

11-02-2018, 08:14 PM
I love how this thread went off-topic.

11-02-2018, 08:15 PM
I really don't care, you are western Asians to me, you can consider yourselves what you want, but I am here to discuss European issues mainly as this is a European cultural community, MENA doesn't concern me as much.

well we ARE west asians . but we are caucasian race . we are not negroid , not australoid , not mongoloid , not even arabians , not north africans with ssa , not native americans . we clearly look caucasian because this is what we are . also genetically ( as I proved with my own results)

I just said that west asians and europeans are from the same race . this doesnt mean that we are europeans or that we all look the same and that we all have to cluster within millimeters . I am really shocked by the reactions

11-02-2018, 08:15 PM
According to the desperate to be White Turks like Kivan on this forum yes. I can go to my kebab shop right now, where the people come from Western Turkish coast, and they are all brown skinned anatoloids with dark skin, I can go to my local shop run by cypriot Turks, they are Whiter, but still darker than ANY European and clearly West Asian. Turks are the most white-washed race on this forum and it's absurd and anyone who lives in Western Europe along side Turkish diaspora knows its all bullshit.

Neither me or any single Turkish person i have seen in this forum fit your description. Sure sure, we are brown shitskins and Cypriots are Nordic if compared to us.




11-02-2018, 08:25 PM
My opinion doesn't matter but you spam like 10 photos trying to prove your Whiteness? I can post 10 photos from Privislavs northern Serb thread but it doesn't mean the average Serb is blonde haired blue eyed and Nordic. I walk past your people every day I know your phenotypes, you can't fool me like others who may of never seen a Turk in person before.

https://cdnuploads.aa.com.tr/uploads/Contents/2017/10/29/thumbs_b_c_8b852cffe2b75d3ccaf732cabe16dbad.jpg?v= 140015




11-02-2018, 08:25 PM
By the way, those 4 photos were all within the first 4 RESULTS of an image search, I did not spend hours CHERRY PICKING like Kivan.

11-02-2018, 08:27 PM
By the way, those 4 photos were all within the first 4 RESULTS of an image search, I did not spend hours CHERRY PICKING like Kivan.

how is he cherrypicking ? he posted a lot more people than you did

and your pics are not even good . tanned bearded man , little children etc

I can confirm that his pics are realistic

why do you guys want to alienate west asians so much ? damn man ....whats going on :lol:

11-02-2018, 08:27 PM


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTDwWVoIavs3DFqljL5DRNqbkd8TqyOx Q0tWi1sZQ5Gl108kTgbAg

11-02-2018, 08:28 PM
I like my Anatolian admixture. If you don't think I am white, idgaf :dancingpoop:

I can't seem to be able to find compatible senses of humor with 'white' Europeans anyways (big exceptions in the British Isles :smilie_flagge3:).

11-02-2018, 08:29 PM
Yes group photos can be cherrypicked too.
Pribislav ones indeed are, as Serbs I see are way more Balkan than those he likes to post.

11-02-2018, 08:31 PM
Yes group photos can be cherrypicked too.
Pribislav ones indeed are, as Serbs I see are way more Balkan than those he likes to post.
The thread is called "Northern Serbs" they are meant to be atypical, they are purposely cherry picked. It's different from picking the most whitest Turks, that wouldn't even pass in the Balkans never mind MENA, and claim they represent the average Turk, which is what Kivan often does. No one claims the Northern Serbs in that thread are typical they obviously aren't, I have never met anyone like that.

11-02-2018, 08:35 PM
how is he cherrypicking ? he posted a lot more people than you did

and your pics are not even good . tanned bearded man , little children etc

I can confirm that his pics are realistic

why do you guys want to alienate west asians so much ? damn man ....whats going on :lol:

He already has a database of pictures saved ready to share, which he spent probably hours cherry picking. My pics are all from the most relevant results in a google search. You only defend him because it fits your agenda, Turks are whiter than Kurds so if he isn't White you obviously aren't. Luckily anyone can get a plane to Istanbul and see for themselves, I might be going next summer with a friend, if I do I'll get some pictures and debunk this retarded white Turk ideology.

11-02-2018, 08:35 PM
The thread is called "Northern Serbs" they are meant to be atypical, they are purposely cherry picked. It's different from picking the most whitest Turks, that wouldn't even pass in the Balkans never mind MENA, and claim they represent the average Turk, which is what Kivan often does. No one claims the Northern Serbs in that thread are typical they obviously aren't, I have never met anyone like that.

I dont mean that thread. Even Croats are mainly SE Euro / Balkan looking and we are lighter and more northern shifted than Serbs (and especially Romanians)

11-02-2018, 08:37 PM
He already has a database of pictures saved ready to share, which he spent probably hours cherry picking. My pics are all from the most relevant results in a google search. You only defend him because it fits your agenda, Turks are whiter than Kurds so if he isn't White you obviously aren't. Luckily anyone can get a plane to Istanbul and see for themselves, I might be going next summer with a friend, if I do I'll get some pictures and debunk this retarded white Turk ideology.

stop projecting ...

I say his pics are representative because his pics are representative . turks are only marginally whiter than kurds . and I dont care if they are whiter or not we are both from west asia anyway

whats the deal with you trying to alienate west asians ? something is not right here . .....you would even claim we look negroid if you wouldnt have any shame

11-02-2018, 08:38 PM
stop projecting ...

I say his pics are representative because his pics are representative . turks are only marginally whiter than kurds . and I dont care if they are whiter or not we are both from west asia anyway

whats the deal with you trying to alienate west asians ? something is not right here . .....you would even claim we look negroid if you wouldnt have any shame

I have nothing against your people, I just believe you are separate to Europeans, I have 0 hatred for any West Asian. You are close to us than Africans, no one denies that.

11-02-2018, 08:40 PM

Still, that people don't look like your description. The difference is that I posted photo of massive crowds while you are nitpicking photos of the swarthiest people possible. I posted two video as well, with lots of regular people walking around. Also, some photos have nothing anormal, they are just tanned or with bad lightining, Some photos are not even from Turkey, are diasporeans and that children are not Turkish either, they looked gypsy. You don't need to tell how my own people look like, i know it very well.

http://www.ereglionder.com.tr/images/upload/image/5_%20meral%20koltuk%20polat%20%20%20%C3%B6nde%20k% C4%B1rm%C4%B1z%C4%B1%20giysili.jpg

11-02-2018, 08:41 PM
Nitpicking? All of my photos were from the first results of a google search, I literally just copy and pasted the first results that came up, that is the OPPOSITE of nit picking.

Your data bank of cherry picked photos proves nothing, all of the people who have actually met Turks know what you look like.

11-02-2018, 08:43 PM
I have nothing against your people, I just believe you are separate to Europeans, I have 0 hatred for any West Asian. You are close to us than Africans, no one denies that.

wait a minute wait a minute ....eeehm.....

nobody said we are european . we are west asians . I said we are the same race but have of course differences . we are also darker than any european population even the most outlying . but fact of the matter is that we kurds , armenians , assrians etc. are 95-99% caucasoid and also look caucasoid . a good amount of our people can also individually pass as europeans .

as I said the problem in this discussion is that you treat europe as a closed club and everybody else outside of it has nothing to do with europe in any way . well this is nonsense

11-02-2018, 08:44 PM
wait a minute wait a minute ....eeehm.....

nobody said we are european . we are west asians . I said we are the same race but have of course differences . we are also darker than any european population even the most outlying . but fact of the matter is that we kurds , armenians , assrians etc. are 95-99% caucasoid and also look caucasoid . a good amount of our people can also individually pass as europeans .

as I said the problem in this discussion is that you treat europe as a closed club and everybody else outside of it has nothing to do with europe in any way . well this is nonsense

This is a European cultural community, you shouldn't be surprised that people here are Eurocentric I thought you would of realised this by now bro lol.

11-02-2018, 08:46 PM
This is a European cultural community, you shouldn't be surprised that people here are Eurocentric I thought you would of realised this by now bro lol.

of course . I understand

but I also expect from europeans to be able to look over the edge of the plate and embrace reality

11-02-2018, 08:46 PM
My opinion doesn't matter but you spam like 10 photos trying to prove your Whiteness? I can post 10 photos from Privislavs northern Serb thread but it doesn't mean the average Serb is blonde haired blue eyed and Nordic. I walk past your people every day I know your phenotypes, you can't fool me like others who may of never seen a Turk in person before.





I think pribislavs photos are representative as many Serbians are blue eyed.

11-02-2018, 08:48 PM
I think pribislavs photos are representative as many Serbians are blue eyed.

Pure blue eyes are not very common among Serbs, around 30 percent is light eyed and as most East Euros gray, green and light mixed eyes are majority in the light eyes spectrum.

11-02-2018, 08:48 PM
Nitpicking? All of my photos were from the first results of a google search, I literally just copy and pasted the first results that came up, that is the OPPOSITE of nit picking.

Your data bank of cherry picked photos proves nothing, all of the people who have actually met Turks know what you look like.

Yeah, all the photos are cherrypicked and that people don't exist, they are all from Mars. Good are yours showing few individuals, with bad lightning, etc. I repeat, i don't need your opinion(it is quite different from other people who visited the country) and it's not my fault if you are blinded with an Eurocentristic agenda/propaganda.

11-02-2018, 08:50 PM
of course . I understand

but I also expect from europeans to be able to look over the edge of the plate and embrace reality

Reality is that genetically there is no Caucasoid race.

11-02-2018, 08:52 PM
Reality is that genetically there is no Caucasoid race.


if there is no caucasoid race then there is no negroid no mongoloid race either

11-02-2018, 08:55 PM

if there is no caucasoid race then there is no negroid no mongoloid race either

Exactly. Both of them are made of several ancient components/races and some of them are still undiscovered, especially regarding Africans. For example, modern East Asians can be modeled as mix of SE Asians who harbour Oceanic/Australic admixture and some Siberian/Mongolic genes. So no they are not pure race like neither are Europeans or West Asians.

11-02-2018, 08:55 PM
nobody said we are european . we are west asians . I said we are the same race but have of course differences .


11-02-2018, 08:56 PM
Exactly. Both of them are made of several ancient components/races and some of them are still undiscovered, especially regarding Africans. For example, modern East Asians can be modeled as mix of SE Asians who harbour Ocenic/Asutralic admixture and some Siberian/Mongolic genes. So no they are not pure race like neither are Europeans or West Asians.

so there are no races ? or what

we both know that both europeans and west asians are (almost) fully west eurasian

11-02-2018, 09:00 PM
so there are no races ? or what

we both know that both europeans and west asians are (almost) fully west eurasian

There were many ancient races, not just 3. In my personal opinion. Plus EHG/ANE is not entirely West Eurasian ancestry, but something more ancient than that especially ANE.

I think Caucasoid/Mongoloid/Negroid division is severely outdated one especially in pop. Genetics.

11-02-2018, 09:01 PM
There were many ancient races, not jusr 3. In my personal opinion. Plus EHG/ANE is not entirely West Eurasian amcestry, but something more ancient than that especially ANE.

I think Caucasoid/Mongoloid/Negroid division is severely outdated one especially in pop. Genetics

then "european" is even more vague

11-02-2018, 09:02 PM
I see it more like circular components connected in chain with no end and beginming.

11-02-2018, 09:03 PM
I see it more like circular components connected in chain with no end and beginming.

Very philosophical.

11-02-2018, 09:06 PM
Yes group photos can be cherrypicked too.
Pribislav ones indeed are, as Serbs I see are way more Balkan than those he likes to post.


Western Serbia



It's very sad fact that your never visited Serbia and your opionion about Serb is based on TV, on singers, sportists and politicians from Serbia. Among there is a lot of non-Serbs or non-fully Serbs. Among singers there is a lot of Gypsies and Gypsy influenced muts. "Serbian" politicians are often not fully Serbs or not Serbs at all.
I waiting that you visited Serbia like Romania, and than we will see you impressions.

11-02-2018, 09:07 PM
then "european" is even more vague

Europe is before anything geographic and culturo-historical term. Most Euros share similar ancestral componenets and there is European genetic cluster.

11-02-2018, 09:09 PM
Europe is before anything geographic and culturo-historical term. Most Euros share similar ancestral componenets and there is European genetic cluster.

and we west asians are almost fully west eurasian , have a cluster too . and that cluster is not far from europeans :)

in fact we west asians are clustering closer to each other than europeans do . you guys have more extremes / gaps

11-02-2018, 09:10 PM

Western Serbia



It's very sad fact that your never visited Serbia and your opionion about Serb is based on TV, on singers, sportists and politicians from Serbia. Among there is a lot of non-Serbs or non-fully Serbs. Among singers there is a lot of Gypsies and Gypsy influenced muts. "Serbian" politicians are often not fully Serbs or not Serbs at all.
I waiting that you visited Serbia like Romania, and than we will see you impressions.

In my opinion Serbs are lighter than Romanians. There are many Serbs in Rijeka.

I just say majority is Balkan looking.

11-02-2018, 09:12 PM
and we west asians are almost fully west eurasian , have a cluster too . and that cluster is not far from europeans :)

in fact we west asians are clustering closer to each other than europeans do . you guys have more extremes / gaps

I dont think Yemeni and Chechens are genetically much closer than are Norwegians and Greeks or am I wrong ?

11-02-2018, 09:13 PM
and we west asians are almost fully west eurasian , have a cluster too . and that cluster is not far from europeans :)

in fact we west asians are clustering closer to each other than europeans do . you guys have more extremes / gaps

East Meds and Red Sea cluster even closer than West Asians.

11-02-2018, 09:18 PM
I dont think Yemeni and Chechens are genetically much closer than are Norwegians and Greeks or am I wrong ?

yemeni are not west asian . I mean northwest asians

btw. some plots for you guys






anything that I said in this thread is backed up actually . saying the truth brings out hostility of some people because of "muh europe" ...

11-02-2018, 09:20 PM
and we west asians are almost fully west eurasian , have a cluster too . and that cluster is not far from europeans :)

in fact we west asians are clustering closer to each other than europeans do . you guys have more extremes / gaps

For most Europeans White race=European. Maybe some wouldn't consider southern Europeans as white, but would consider them as European. And that is about that. Therefore it is pointless to discuss about others and especially what others think. It is like saying some person has no need to discuss about buying cars which cost 50 000$ or more because that person is only able to spend 20000$ on a car and maybe push it to 25000$. Are you able to understand that or you don't care because you want people to think that you are the same race as French?

11-02-2018, 09:21 PM
yemeni are not west asian . I mean northwest asians

btw. some plots for you guys






anything that I said in this thread is backed up actually . saying the truth brings out hostility of some people because of "muh europe" ...

Yes they are they are south-WEST Asian, you are NW Asian. Why are you comparing entire continent of Europe with only half of West Asians ?

Than we can compare North Euros or South Euros separately, both are highly genetically related within each other regional cluster.

11-02-2018, 09:24 PM
For most Europeans White race=European. Maybe some wouldn't consider southern Europeans as white, but would consider them as European. And that is about that. Therefore it is pointless to discuss about others and especially what others think. It is like saying some person has no need to discuss about buying cars which cost 50 000$ or more because that person is only able to spend 20000$ on a car and maybe push it to 25000$. Are you able to understand that or you don't care because you want people to think that you are the same race as French?

so you are basically saying that it doesnt matter how we west asians look , how we cluster etc. . . it is just not in your interest and you dont care what race we are

the reality is that we are and look caucasian . it doesnt matter how much you want to "close the doors" and live in your european club . not everything is about europe . you have no right to define shit . we are as west eurasian as you . imagine if we said "only we west asians are caucasian . europeans are something else"

and that south europeans are not white doesnt make sense either . or saying that caucasian doesnt mean white . it is like saying "negroid but not black" . wtf

11-02-2018, 09:25 PM
West Asia = western part of Asia

Portugese and Scottish are both West European, one SW other NW, just like Georgian and Saudi are both from opposite parts of West Asia.

11-02-2018, 09:25 PM
Yes they are they are south-WEST Asian, you are NW Asian. Why are you comparing entire continent of Europe with only half of West Asians ?

Than we can compare North Euros or South Euros separately, both are highly genetically related within each other regional cluster.

because europe is a continent and you guys see it as " we all the same " kind of thing . it is your own words I just use what you say

and southwest asians are too different from us . we are both asians in the end . shall I include chinese too or what ?

11-02-2018, 09:28 PM
Reality is that genetically there is no Caucasoid race.

Indeed it's nothing more than a skull shape. Even Gulf Arab/Bedouin skulls, would be called Caucasoid, we are very far from Europeans genetically. The Red sea does hide East African admixture btw.

11-02-2018, 09:29 PM
I dont think Yemeni and Chechens are genetically much closer than are Norwegians and Greeks or am I wrong ?

Chechens and Arabians are a bit closer than Greeks and Norwegians.


11-02-2018, 09:29 PM
In my opinion Serbs are lighter than Romanians. There are many Serbs in Rijeka.

I just say majority is Balkan looking.

If "Balkan" looking is Albanian and Greek looks, that most of Serbs don't looks "Balkan."

Light pigmented Serbs exist in southern Serbia in higher % than many people think. Especially in Leskovac and Trgovište area.

From night club in Leskovac (southern Serbia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leskovac

11-02-2018, 09:30 PM
so you are basically saying that it doesnt matter how we west asians look , how we cluster etc. . . it is just not in your interest and you dont care what race we are

the reality is that we are and look caucasian . it doesnt matter how much you want to "close the doors" and live in your european club . not everything is about europe . you have no right to define shit . we are as west eurasian as you . imagine if we said "only we west asians are caucasian . europeans are something else"

and that south europeans are not white doesnt make sense either . or saying that caucasian doesnt mean white . it is like saying "negroid but not black" . wtf

It matters somewhat because you don't look white and you don't cluster with europeans. Even if everything is about Europe you shouldn't care what someone else thinks and since everything is not about Europe you definitely shouldn't care what people think.:thumb001:

11-02-2018, 09:31 PM
because europe is a continent and you guys see it as " we all the same " kind of thing . it is your own words I just use what you say

and southwest asians are too different from us . we are both asians in the end . shall I include chinese too or what ?

No, I never said Europeans are same but that most of them are of similar components.
South Europeans are closer to North Europeans genetically than to NW Asians except fringe ones.

Why China ? China is not in West Asia,Yemen is. You said West Asians are homogenous genetically compared to Europeans and I disputed that. NW Asians are small region inside Asia or wider West Asia and compared to smaller European regions like NW or NE Europe it is not more homogenous.

11-02-2018, 09:32 PM
so you are basically saying that it doesnt matter how we west asians look , how we cluster etc. . . it is just not in your interest and you dont care what race we are

the reality is that we are and look caucasian . it doesnt matter how much you want to "close the doors" and live in your european club . not everything is about europe . you have no right to define shit . we are as west eurasian as you . imagine if we said "only we west asians are caucasian . europeans are something else"

and that south europeans are not white doesnt make sense either . or saying that caucasian doesnt mean white . it is like saying "negroid but not black" . wtf

West Asians are not white because you guys lack significant Upper Paleolithic European ancestry. This is essentially what makes Europeans a whole separate people - still West Eurasians but deeply diverged from their eastern cousins.

11-02-2018, 09:32 PM
Indeed it's nothing more than a skull shape. Even Gulf Arab/Bedouin skulls, would be called Caucasoid, we are very far from Europeans genetically. The Red sea does hide East African admixture btw.

what race are we bro ?




















11-02-2018, 09:35 PM
If "Balkan" looking is Albanian and Greek looks, that most of Serbs don't looks "Balkan."

Light pigmented Serbs exist in southern Serbia in higher % than many people think. Especially in Leskovac and Trgovište area.

From night club in Leskovac (southern Serbia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leskovac

Looks cherrypicked to me. I highly doubt average Serbs on street look anything but Balkan, which is not only Greek or Albo but typical South Slavic that wouldnt be confused with North Slavs in groups.

11-02-2018, 09:35 PM
what race are we bro ?




















"Caucasoid" but of West Asian stock.

11-02-2018, 09:36 PM
It matters somewhat because you don't look white and you don't cluster with europeans. Even if everything is about Europe you shouldn't care what someone else thinks and since everything is not about Europe you definitely shouldn't care what people think.:thumb001:

this white stuff again . white is a too blurry term . as I said before I can cherrypick you so many mena looking south euros and some balkanites etc. . how are they white while looking like kebabs ? you dont make any sense . what is white ? a blonde swedish or a woggy southern olive picker ?

West Asians are not white because you guys lack significant Upper Paleolithic European ancestry. This is essentially what makes Europeans a whole separate people - still West Eurasians but deeply diverged from their eastern cousins.

bro same question to you . what race are we :




















11-02-2018, 09:37 PM
so you are basically saying that it doesnt matter how we west asians look , how we cluster etc. . . it is just not in your interest and you dont care what race we are

the reality is that we are and look caucasian . it doesnt matter how much you want to "close the doors" and live in your european club . not everything is about europe . you have no right to define shit . we are as west eurasian as you . imagine if we said "only we west asians are caucasian . europeans are something else"

and that south europeans are not white doesnt make sense either . or saying that caucasian doesnt mean white . it is like saying "negroid but not black" . wtf

We are not in a club dude, we are just Europeans, you are not European that's all. For us being white means you have ancestors from Europe, you are not white because you have ancestors from western asia, you can be caucasian or w/e, you can call yourself diamond or gold, we don't care bro, that's just how it is.

11-02-2018, 09:39 PM
We are not in a club dude, we are just Europeans, you are not European that's all. For us being white means you have ancestors from Europe, you are not white because you have ancestors from western asia, you can be caucasian or w/e, you can call yourself diamond or gold, we don't care bro, that's just how it is.

and I dont bother with the term white but if I did for me white means caucasian and we west asians are 95-99% caucasian . my point is that we are the same race as europeans are but with differences . there are differences between all races . Vojnik depicted it wonderfully with his pic of the 2 black men

11-02-2018, 09:40 PM
We are not in a club dude, we are just Europeans, you are not European that's all. For us being white means you have ancestors from Europe, you are not white because you have ancestors from western asia, you can be caucasian or w/e, you can call yourself diamond or gold, we don't care bro, that's just how it is.

Pretty much this, being Caucasian doesn't mean anything, as our identities as European go above "Caucasian", proving you have the same skull type or W/E as us doesn't mean anything. You would never have a European on a Kurdish forum posting this stuff.

11-02-2018, 09:40 PM
Average is what matter. Finding blond Iranians wont make them European neither will posting woggy Greeks make them Asian.

On average all ethnic groups native to Europe look undoubtely European.

11-02-2018, 09:41 PM
Reality is that genetically there is no Caucasoid race.

Does not being West Eurasian geneticaly equates to being caucasoid?

11-02-2018, 09:41 PM
I would say Europeans are Europeans regardless, other than some fringe regions that have some affinity with North Africa and Mideast. Most Europeans swarthy or not show genetic relationship. In fact Iberians are much closer to Germans than they are to their immediate North African neighbours says it all. Not to mention that Balkanoids even the southernmost groups like Albanians and Greeks are much distinct from Kavkazians should speak enough about the situation.

11-02-2018, 09:42 PM
Pretty much this, being Caucasian doesn't mean anything, as our identities as European go above "Caucasian", proving you have the same skull type or W/E as us doesn't mean anything. You would never have a European on a Kurdish forum posting this stuff.

it is not only about skull shape . racially northwest asians look very caucasian which also leads to annoying responses as "fits as european !!!" in my kurdish threads without me asking . it is obvious that west asia and europe are NOT seperate races . coon is turning in his grave btw

11-02-2018, 09:42 PM
this white stuff again . white is a too blurry term . as I said before I can cherrypick you so many mena looking south euros and some balkanites etc. . how are they white while looking like kebabs ? you dont make any sense . what is white ? a blonde swedish or a woggy southern olive picker ?

White stuff you care so much about. So why do you care if it is too blurry term? If it is already blurry we don't need to make it more blurry. Those cherrypicked persons would be atypical looking people among their own nations. Likewise, I can cherrypick Kurds who you would say are not Kurds, but Pakistanis yet you have no problem posting swarthy Europeans (like that Spaniard yesterday). Furthermore, would some Spaniard say he is mixed you would call him a hypocrite.

11-02-2018, 09:44 PM
and I dont bother with the term white but if I did for me white means caucasian and we west asians are 95-99% caucasian . my point is that we are the same race as europeans are but with differences . there are differences between all races . Vojnik depicted it wonderfully with his pic of the 2 black men

Man you can't take term white literally, there are chinesse guys that are whiter than me, it doesn't have to do with skin anything. Being white here means having European ancestors, I feel no connection with western Asians or north Africans or w/e, I feel that you don't understand this.

"If someone is called Bella, that doesn't mean she is pretty it's just her name.." (Bella - Italian beautifull)

11-02-2018, 09:44 PM
it is not only about skull shape . racially northwest asians look very caucasian which also leads to annoying responses as "fits as european !!!" in my kurdish threads without me asking . it is obvious that west asia and europe are NOT seperate races . coon is turning in his grave btw

Who cares, we are allowed to have a European identity whether you like it or not, stop trying to culturally appropriate us, you have your own culture ffs.

You are not European its that simple, the fact that you may or may not possible belong to a "Caucasoid race" means nothing to me.

11-02-2018, 09:44 PM
White stuff you care so much about. So why do you care if it is too blurry term? If it is already blurry we don't need to make it more blurry. Those cherrypicked persons would be atypical people among their own nations. Likewise, I can cherrypick Kurds who you would say are not Kurds, but Pakistanis yet you have no problem posting swarthy Europeans (like that Spaniard yesterday). Furthermore, would someone Spaniard say he is mixed you would call him a hypocrite.

you started with the white term stuff not me .

exotic atypical kurds will look pashtun or MAYBE at most like some balochs . 99% of kurds look like what I have posted so many times . and it is clear that we are not a different race from europeans by looking at us

but ok bro . we are different races then . if that makes you so happy :confused: damn

11-02-2018, 09:46 PM
Man you can't take term white literally, there are chinesse guys that are whiter than me, it doesn't have to do with skin anything. Being white here means having European ancestors, I feel no connection with western Asians or north Africans or w/e, I feel that you don't understand this.

"If someone is called Bella, that doesn't mean she is pretty it's just her name.." (Bella - Italian beautifull)

but europe and west asia are not different races ffs xD is this for real ....

you can be european still .

let me explain how I see it :

1. european caucasian

2. west asian caucasian

both are caucasian . there are differences but also some overlaps . but both are caucasians

11-02-2018, 09:46 PM
I would say Europeans are Europeans regardless, other than some fringe regions that have some affinity with North Africa and Mideast. Most Europeans swarthy or not show genetic relationship. In fact Iberians are much closer to Germans than they are to their immediate North African neighbours says it all. Not to mention that Balkanoids even the southernmost groups like Albanians and Greeks are much distinct from Kavkazians should speak enough about the situation.

I agree. I mean Buglarians are closer to Swedes than they are to their neighbour Turks lmao.

11-02-2018, 09:47 PM
Holy shit you guys are still going.

11-02-2018, 09:47 PM
I agree. I mean Buglarians are closer to Swedes than they are to their neighbour Turks lmao.

and europeans are closer to turks and other west asians than they are to blacks , mongoloids , arabians , amerindians , south asians . etc. etc.

11-02-2018, 09:47 PM
you started with the white term stuff not me .

It doesn't matter who started with that term for fuck sakes. The point is you care about it.

exotic atypical kurds will look pashtun or MAYBE at most like some balochs . 99% of kurds look like what I have posted so many times. and it is clear that we are not a different race from europeans by looking at us

Show me those kind of Pashtuns and Balochs. How could I not be entertained, I mean interested. Are you going to post blue eyed, light haired Pashtuns?

11-02-2018, 09:48 PM
Holy shit you guys are still going.

I wanted to say that, but didn't want to incur their wrath!

11-02-2018, 09:50 PM
and europeans are closer to turks and other west asians than they are to blacks , mongoloids , arabians , amerindians , south asians . etc. etc.

That doesn't make us the same bro. Someone who is 5 foot 7 is closer to someone who is 6 foot 5 than a Dwarf who is 3 feet tall, doesn't make the first dude tall, he is still short, just taller than the dwarf. There has to be a cut off point somewhere, just because we are relatively closer to you doesn't mean we are in any way shape or form the same, you plot away from Europe as a group and are distinct genetically.

The fact that Buglarians are much closer to Swedes, a group they have nothing in common with, than their neighbour Turks who they have been besides for a very long time shows how absurd your argument is.

11-02-2018, 09:51 PM
That doesn't make us the same bro. Someone who is 5 foot 7 is closer to someone who is 6 foot 5 than a Dwarf who is 3 feet tall, doesn't make the first dude tall, he is still short, just taller than the dwarf. There has to be a cut off point somewhere, just because we are relatively closer to you doesn't mean we are in any way shape or form the same, you plot away from Europe as a group and are distinct genetically.

and I am asking you again .

look at us . you want to tell me that we look as different from europeans as a 5'7 guy is different from a 6'5 guy ?

sorry to spam this the whole time but I want to prove a point




















11-02-2018, 09:51 PM
I agree. I mean Buglarians are closer to Swedes than they are to their neighbour Turks lmao.

Yes Europeans form a cluster together. Well West Asians do as well, and Southwest Asians do well as well. Each group can be called a different "race". That said I believe Caucasoid is a void term and it only describes skull shape. Wadaad had a Caucasoid skull for example.

11-02-2018, 09:52 PM
and I am asking you again .

look at us . you want to tell me that we look as different from europeans as a 5'7 guy is different from a 6'5 guy ?

sorry to spam this the whole time but I want to prove a point




















They all look like Western Asian/MENA Kurds, what's your point? They are not European..... This is really sad, if an old Kurdish uncle heard you trying to be a European then he'd hit you with a slipper or something!

11-02-2018, 09:52 PM
Yes Europeans form a cluster together. Well West Asians do as well, and Southwest Asians do well as well. Each group can be called a different "race". That said I believe Caucasoid is a void term and it only describes skull shape. Wadaad had a Caucasoid skull for example.

xD lmaooooooo

11-02-2018, 09:52 PM
Yes Europeans form a cluster together. Well West Asians do as well, and Southwest Asians do well as well. Each group can be called a different "race". That said I believe Caucasoid is a void term and it only describes skull shape. Wadaad had a Caucasoid skull for example.

Some Somalis have Caucasoid skull shapes even.

11-02-2018, 09:53 PM
ok then :)

we are different races . thanks for opening my eyes

in the future when you guys say some dumb stuff I will remember you this

11-02-2018, 09:53 PM
xD lmaooooooo

You are Urban Turk+Kurd race

11-02-2018, 09:54 PM
Yes Europeans form a cluster together. Well West Asians do as well, and Southwest Asians do well as well. Each group can be called a different "race". That said I believe Caucasoid is a void term and it only describes skull shape. Wadaad had a Caucasoid skull for example.

What caucasoid skull rofl?He was dolicho if i remember well.

Typical african skull xd.

11-02-2018, 09:54 PM
You are Urban Turk+Kurd race

oh wow . there are so many races but also no races at the same time . amazing

11-02-2018, 09:54 PM
and I dont bother with the term white but if I did for me white means caucasian and we west asians are 95-99% caucasian . my point is that we are the same race as europeans are but with differences . there are differences between all races . Vojnik depicted it wonderfully with his pic of the 2 black men

Again, there is a sharp genetic difference between Europeans and others West Eurasians, and that is WHG-related admixture and less Basal Eurasian admixture in the former. Genetic supports a separate race/subrace/whatever for Europeans. If we consider the big circle broadly 'West Eurasian/caucasoid', then Europeans and West Asians are something like that:


11-02-2018, 09:55 PM
ok bros :)

11-02-2018, 09:57 PM
oh wow . there are so many races but also no races at the same time . amazing

Urban Kurd & Turks are here around 10k years since City States in MiddleEast. SO these are big race in Asia.

11-02-2018, 09:58 PM
Mashallah, it is over, time to chill out (and finish my coursework).


11-02-2018, 09:58 PM
Urban Kurd & Turks are here around 10k years since City States in MiddleEast. SO these are big race in Asia.

:thumb001: :lol:

11-02-2018, 09:59 PM
Looks cherrypicked to me. I highly doubt average Serbs on street look anything but Balkan, which is not only Greek or Albo but typical South Slavic that wouldnt be confused with North Slavs in groups.

Southern Serbs don't looks like Albanian. They are not close to Albanians in term of genetic neither phenotypes. I noticed claims of some Albanian users here that southern Serbs have a lot of "Albanian DNA."

If this photos are cherrypicked, are photos in my previous post with dozens of people cherrypicked?

Random Serbian students

11-02-2018, 10:01 PM
Southern Serbs don't looks like Albanian. They are not close to Albanians in term of genetic neither phenotypes. I noticed claims of some Albanian users here that southern Serbs have a lot of "Albanian DNA."

If this photos are cherrypicked, are photos in my previous post with dozens of people cherrypicked?

Random Serbian students

I have always been told Serbs in the South-East are some of the blondest Serbs, and I have seen some maps which indicate higher amounts of light hair and light eyes in that region, I think some people confuse them with Montenigs and south-west (Sandzakian Serbs) who actually are Albanian admixed.

11-02-2018, 10:01 PM
Not I1/I2 ydna = Not European. /thread

11-02-2018, 10:03 PM
I have always been told Serbs in the South-East are some of the blondest Serbs, and I have seen some maps which indicate higher amounts of light hair and light eyes in that region, I think some people confuse them with Montenigs and south-west (Sandzakian Serbs) who actually are Albanian admixed.

This students up are from central and western Serbia (mostly central).

11-02-2018, 10:04 PM
Not I1/I2 ydna = Not European. /thread

Majority of Europeans are R1b

11-02-2018, 10:04 PM
This students up are from central and western Serbia (mostly central).

Interesting. You should do a thread on South-East Serbs, from places like Vranje, I am interested in their phenotype; I have never met anyone from that region.

11-02-2018, 10:05 PM
Majority of Europeans are R1b

So? Then go back to Asia

11-02-2018, 10:06 PM

11-02-2018, 10:07 PM

11-02-2018, 10:08 PM
Lunatic claims that Romanians, Italians and Spaniards are lighter than Serbs on average are very funny to me.

Even Romanians, Italians and Spaniards with light hair often looks southern, because of darker eyes, tanned skin and southern facial features. This phenomenon that light haired people still looks southern/meddish is especially common among Spaniards.
Serbs are paler than all this 3 nations which I mentioned.

11-02-2018, 10:09 PM
So? Then go back to Asia

Not me, i am Australian aborigine