View Full Version : Muslims Take Over Countries in 3 Stages

11-01-2018, 05:43 AM
These are the 3 stages of Islamization of any country.

1. Dar ul Harab

When the Muslims are less than 5% , they are advised to live and merge their identity with the rest of the population , dress like others , behave like others and even use local names. Slowly they bring in relatives, convert by marrying non-Muslims, and use deception and lies to convert the ignorant. Have have many children to increase their numbers. They will use the ignorant non-Muslims to help them in cause to exist and multiply.

2. Dar ul Habeeb

Once they reach 15 to 20% they start asserting themselves through their Islamic dress which includes hijaab and burkaa for women , skull caps , start doing Namaz in public places , demand more rights , and setup Islamic courts and Sharia law centers. Demand extra rights to practice their religion more freely.

3. Dar ul Islam

Once Muslim population exceeds 35% then starts a policy of aggressive and brutal persecution of the non Muslims and it becomes so violent and bloody that eventually the non Muslims either flee that country or convert to Islam. The evidence of all the above stages can be seen in many countries and regions around the world.

11-01-2018, 05:45 AM
Pakistan is good example how Muslims took most important region of South Asia when they reach substantial number.

11-01-2018, 05:50 AM
Pakistan is good example how Muslims took most important region of South Asia when they reach substantial number.

Are you Muslim yourself?

11-01-2018, 05:52 AM
Never heard of such rules truth be told.

11-01-2018, 06:08 AM
Never heard of such rules truth be told.

*Taqiyya intensifies*

11-01-2018, 06:13 AM
When the process is complete the finest part is to see dudes wearing long white skirts, typically having bare feet in slippers. Each having a long beard and walking around with four fat wives in burqa. That’s must see.