View Full Version : Classify French people from Aosta

11-03-2018, 08:15 PM

Just a small community, but they look pretty much identical to French I saw in Lyon and cities around Paris (Chartres, Amiens, Reims). The difference between them and Italians nearby is very significant...

11-03-2018, 08:26 PM
Just a small community, but they look pretty much identical to French I saw in Lyon and cities around Paris (Chartres, Amiens, Reims). The difference between them and Italians nearby is very significant...

Yes they are two worlds apart. If i meet them irl i can clearly say without problem that those are French and not Italian. :picard1:

11-03-2018, 08:40 PM
I don't think there's a lot of difference between them and North Italians. If you said they were Italian from Lombardy in stead of French from Aosta nobody would have been the wiser.

Vid Flumina
11-03-2018, 08:46 PM
LOL Aosta Valley was over 50% ethnic Italian in 1931..

11-03-2018, 09:06 PM
Just to be clear, not that i care if those French look different from other Italians. The more we are different from the opportunistic French the better is.

Vid Flumina
11-03-2018, 09:19 PM
Just to be clear, not that i care if those French look different from other Italians. The more we are different from the opportunistic French the better is.

Those French.. not even Swiss French are French

11-04-2018, 07:36 AM
LOL Aosta Valley was over 50% ethnic Italian in 1931..


The Aosta Valley was the first government authority to adopt Modern French as working language in 1536, three years before France itself.[1] French has been the official language of the Aosta Valley since 1561, when it replaced Latin.[2] In the 1861 census, the first held after the unification of Italy, 93% declared being Francophone; in 1921, the last census with a question about language found that 88% of the population was French-speaking.

11-04-2018, 07:48 AM
I don't think there's a lot of difference between them and North Italians. If you said they were Italian from Lombardy in stead of French from Aosta nobody would have been the wiser.

That's completely false... Check pigmentation map I've supplied. As a group, they are as different from Italians as Germans from S Tirol.

Check people of Ticino, lightest ethnic Italians:


As a group, they pass better as Sicilians than as French from Aosta.

Vid Flumina
11-04-2018, 07:51 AM


Missing a piece much?

Il 30 dicembre 1920 si costituì ad Aosta il primo Fascio di combattimento, alla presenza di Cesare Maria De Vecchi. In seguito all'avvento al potere di Benito Mussolini, venne avviata la politica di italianizzazione. Il Consiglio provinciale scolastico di Torino dispose la soppressione di 268 scuole di villaggio (in francese, écoles de hameau), nell'intento di centralizzare e italianizzare l'educazione valdostana (dopo lunghe trattative furono riaperte 53 scuole di villaggio). Al contempo fu promossa una massiccia industrializzazione, con l'inaugurazione del tunnel ferroviario fra Cogne e Acque Fredde per il trasporto del minerale ferroso delle miniere, la fondazione della Ansaldo-Cogne e della Industrie Lamiere Speciali SpA a Pont-Saint-Martin. Grazie all'immigrazione dal resto d'Italia, la popolazione residente in Valle d'Aosta al censimento del 1931 ammontava a 83.479 abitanti, di cui oltre il 50% nati fuori Valle (in maggioranza provenienti dal Piemonte e dal Veneto).


11-04-2018, 08:00 AM
Currently 18% of people from Aosta Valley speak "French" as mother tongue (Valdôtain dialect 17,90% + Aostan French language 1,05%) according to official census. Even in the pic of a group of supporters of the autonomous movements there is no possibility that they are all Valdôtain or French speaking.

11-04-2018, 12:31 PM
These areas have an overlap from a physical point of view which extended far beyond French and Italian border.

The Blade
11-04-2018, 01:26 PM
Med, Alpinid, Atlantid, Dinarid, Norid.