View Full Version : India multiculturalism destroying Jats, the last ancient Aryan progeny in India

11-04-2018, 01:22 AM
Jats consider them descendants of asian nomads central-Asian Aryan migrants.

Jats were honest & hard-working peoples, who mostly lived around western-Punjab. They are an ethnic peoples just like Persians, they are not “Hindu” or specific “caste”. jats are only 17% of total punjab yet every one think every punjabi is jatt

They take pride in their ethnicity & culture. From bollywood to Indian army, they showed their excellence.

Old generation jats still carry the Caucasian features, but after formation of India (the forced meltingpot ugly mongrel nation ), they are struggling to survive. Their identity diminishing every day at the hand of billions of degenerate non-Aryan Indian population like these below

https://realhistoryindia.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/1e0e0c745c4d9f54991747fc1a30fda0_11802453.jpg?w=33 7&h=253

India is now a perfect goyim nation as majority of its population is ugly ape-face, mud colored mongrels & ape races.

So it has become a tough battle for the minority Aryans & noble races to survive in this shithole.

because Caucasians/Aryans can’t breed like rats.
because, the govt. run by ape-people, who trying best to turn India 100% goyim nation
because this shithole is run by corrupted capitalist, who can buy anything they want
because every single ape males trying to marry/impregnate Jat women

https://realhistoryindia.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/18301259_10156109573907519_1778250887348639213_n.j pg

Indian culture raise people to be greedy, dishonest, identity-less low-lives. And when its joined by Jewish capitalism(which is India’s democracy), women becomes property of rich ape-men. In India only money rules. Morality can’t help you when you are outnumbered & poor.
checke how this jat activist of jattistan explain it


On top of that many jats are uneducated village peoples who are not race conscious. They are blinded by Hinduism & pro-Indian civic patriotism, which is accelerating this destruction.

See a spost by page on facebook : Jats arena.

A post made by Sandeep Singh Randhwa:

—The mass killing of jats(minority who are indo-arians) by degenerate ugly Australoid crossbred hindus who make the 80%, of india,they did not kill thousands of jats but also imposed fake charges on several thousands of jats so their careers can be spoiled,i request to all arians of the world please share it and take steps forward to save us

The native or real Punjabis, jat-Sikhs were forced to leave their lands & settle in foreign nations. Indian black Dravidian Brahman leaders have killed & tortured many of them for demanding separate lands (Khalistan) .

Still to date, the native Caucasian jat-Sikhs fighting for survival of their race (the Jat-Land) : but Indian govt. illegally punishing them.

separate sikh land called Khalistan-seeker Simranjit Mann’s SAD (A) now demands ‘Jat-land’ state (http://www.hindustantimes.com/punjab/khalistan-seeker-simranjit-mann-s-sad-a-now-demands-jat-land-state/story-xKmAzdyGEDqZYxMTDwITAI.html)

Given the rate of miscegenation, Within next decade all jats will turn into round face, black-skin, monkey-nose turd-nugget looking average mongrel Indian.

old gen of jatts


current gen mixed jatts (guru randhawa india singer)


best example india singer new gen guru randhawa and his old gen grandmother


Another example is nimrat kaur randhawa from same randhawa clan who survived because they moved to america before india formation

Nimrat kaur randhawa or niki haley who survived india forced multiculturalism

I borrowed this research article from butter king not my own

11-04-2018, 01:43 AM
tbh guru randhawa looks better than nimrat kaur/nikki haley lol

11-04-2018, 01:46 AM
tbh guru randhawa looks better than nimrat kaur/nikki haley lol

don't shit and ruin my threads, can we ban pajeets

11-04-2018, 01:48 AM
don't shit and ruin my threads, can we ban pajeets

pajeets will hump your women in mass scale sooner or later. deal with it my high class aryan brotha :)

11-04-2018, 01:54 AM
pajeets will hump your women in mass scale sooner or later. deal with it my high class aryan brotha :)

you have already made my thread dirty,ugly and smelly don,t apply your microsoft tech support logics here . forced multiculturalism made a wimp inferior creature like you sound equal to me

11-04-2018, 02:04 AM
Show us many more of these Jatts please. Its intriguing for me thus far.

11-04-2018, 02:04 AM
you have already made my thread dirty,ugly and smelly don,t apply your microsoft tech support logics here . forced multiculturalism made a wimp inferior creature like you sound equal to me

microsoft tech support is better than jihaad hut isnt it? lol look at yourself you look like a pink gracilized baby doll. how cute. you're so adorable. and its your aryan ancestors that brought in the stinky genes to the subcontinent. lower castes have higher prevelance of dry ear wax similar to east asians, indicating lower body odor.

11-04-2018, 02:15 AM
Show us many more of these Jatts please. Its intriguing for me thus far.

there are too many , recently shared sunny hindal is jatt (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?231974-Classify-Indian-man-Sunny-Hundal) and i am also jatt

11-04-2018, 02:21 AM
there are too many , recently shared sunny hindal is jatt (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?231974-Classify-Indian-man-Sunny-Hundal) and i am also jatt

You posted some of those here already. It's interesting simply because they dont look stereotypically Indian to me. Are they still around in large numbers? Earlier you mentioned that many are mongrelized now.

11-04-2018, 02:22 AM

11-04-2018, 02:23 AM
You posted some of those here already. It's interesting simply because they dont look stereotypically Indian to me. Are they still around in large numbers? Earlier you mentioned that many are mongrelized now.

you can see thousands of jatt here (http://www.forumbiodiversity.com/showthread.php?t=27140) most of these are mongrelized now unfortunatly

11-04-2018, 02:29 AM

11-04-2018, 02:31 AM
microsoft tech support is better than jihaad hut isnt it? lol look at yourself you look like a pink gracilized baby doll. how cute. you're so adorable. and its your aryan ancestors that brought in the stinky genes to the subcontinent. lower castes have higher prevelance of dry ear wax similar to east asians, indicating lower body odor.
I’ve never seen thambi this angry lol

11-04-2018, 02:43 AM
People called Jatts are not full tribe. They were made up of different groups in some religion even different castes put together. There is nothing distinct about this group of people. There is is not enough diversity compared to other higher castes in the admixture.

11-04-2018, 02:46 AM
I’ve never seen thambi this angry lol

lol. nah im cool. I'm joking mostly. Bandesha is a nice dude overall. He's just pissed off that I claimed his results as being fake earlier. Now he's having revenge through such threads lol.

11-04-2018, 02:53 AM
lol. nah im cool. I'm joking mostly. Bandesha is a nice dude overall. He's just pissed off that I claimed his results as being fake earlier. Now he's having revenge through such threads lol.

i don't care about your claims i am pissed because i thought here lifeless paki nerd will back me instead he called me drama queen which made me pissed and i come back otherwise i would have never come back to this forum again

11-04-2018, 03:00 AM
i don't care about your claims i am pissed because i thought here lifeless paki nerd will back me instead he called me drama queen which made me pissed and i come back otherwise i would have never come back to this forum again
Who you talking about?

11-04-2018, 03:02 AM
Who you talking about?

lameduck which i thought was bro but turned out to be pajeet

11-04-2018, 03:02 AM
lol. nah im cool. I'm joking mostly. Bandesha is a nice dude overall. He's just pissed off that I claimed his results as being fake earlier. Now he's having revenge through such threads lol.

This study here clearly says Jats are majorith L haplogroup & This study has shown that the genetic origins of the Jats can be traced to at least nine and possibly more MRCA's, with nine different geographical origins that are spread thousands of miles apart (e.g., from the Fertile Crescent to Serbia). These nine MRCAs were genetically different. Therefore, any assertion that Jats are descendants of a single ancient population such as, the Indo-Aryans or Indo-Scythians cannot be supported


They just a little bit of extra diffusion & strict endogamy over last 2k years

11-04-2018, 03:03 AM
I say the same what I said about Brahmins. They should preserve their distinctiveness.

11-04-2018, 03:04 AM
Why is this inbred Muhammadan Jatt who looks like lighter version of Bhil tribe of Rajasthan taking about Jatt supremacy and shit? Probably hails from low caste family who were never allowed to enter Jatt Gurudwara hence converting to that pathetic religion.

11-04-2018, 03:08 AM
Why is this inbred Muhammadan Jatt who looks like lighter version of Bhil tribe of Rajasthan taking about Jatt supremacy and shit? Probably hails from low caste family who were never allowed to enter Jatt Gurudwara hence converting to that pathetic religion.


11-04-2018, 03:17 AM
This study here clearly says Jats are majorith L haplogroup & This study has shown that the genetic origins of the Jats can be traced to at least nine and possibly more MRCA's, with nine different geographical origins that are spread thousands of miles apart (e.g., from the Fertile Crescent to Serbia). These nine MRCAs were genetically different. Therefore, any assertion that Jats are descendants of a single ancient population such as, the Indo-Aryans or Indo-Scythians cannot be supported


They just a little bit of extra diffusion & strict endogamy over last 2k years

simple translation please , i am simple person i don't understand complex diplomacy

11-04-2018, 03:18 AM
There is very high chance of some Jatts who are endogamous over last 2k years to have probably descended from very few set of male & female set of ancesters with very contribution to the gene pool over the years. Other populations with similar paucity of genetic variation Like Ashkenazi suffer from many genetic conditions & genetic bottlenecks

11-04-2018, 03:24 AM
There is very high chance of some Jatts who are endogamous over last 2k years to have probably descended from very few set of male & female set of ancesters with very contribution to the gene pool over the years. Other populations with similar paucity of genetic variation Like Ashkenazi suffer from many genetic conditions & genetic bottlenecks

i understand,nt

11-04-2018, 08:18 AM
lameduck which i thought was bro but turned out to be pajeet

lameduck was pointing out the facts. your results did look sketchy. how can you get typical results on myheritage for a pakistani and have completely atpyical results on gedmatch? Thats all he looked at as well. lameduck doesnt take "sides". He supports the facts lol. Anyways end of that discussion

back on topic. Yeah jats probably are quite mongrelized now and you could point that out without insulting rest of india as an ugly ape faced nation or something. You created this thread clearly of that intention rather than show achievements or other positive qualities of jats.

11-04-2018, 09:06 AM
lameduck was pointing out the facts. your results did look sketchy. how can you get typical results on myheritage for a pakistani and have completely atpyical results on gedmatch? Thats all he looked at as well. lameduck doesnt take "sides". He supports the facts lol. Anyways end of that discussion

back on topic. Yeah jats probably are quite mongrelized now and you could point that out without insulting rest of india as an ugly ape faced nation or something. You created this thread clearly of that intention rather than show achievements or other positive qualities of jats.

it all depends on your approach i dont mind jatts marrying jatts at all but calling others ape face is terrible approach

11-04-2018, 09:26 AM
Jatts and Brahmins, as the purest descendants of the Vedic Aryans, have the right to rule over the conquered aboriginals.

11-04-2018, 09:39 AM
Jatts and Brahmins, as the purest descendants of the Vedic Aryans, have the right to rule over the conquered aboriginals.

Jatts aren't Vedic Aryans, they arrived later.

Purohit ji
11-04-2018, 09:55 AM
Pakistani mulle teri ma ka bhos

11-04-2018, 10:02 AM
Jats consider them descendants of asian nomads central-Asian Aryan migrants.

Jats were honest & hard-working peoples, who mostly lived around western-Punjab. They are an ethnic peoples just like Persians, they are not “Hindu” or specific “caste”. jats are only 17% of total punjab yet every one think every punjabi is jatt

They take pride in their ethnicity & culture. From bollywood to Indian army, they showed their excellence.

Old generation jats still carry the Caucasian features, but after formation of India (the forced meltingpot ugly mongrel nation ), they are struggling to survive. Their identity diminishing every day at the hand of billions of degenerate non-Aryan Indian population like these below

https://realhistoryindia.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/1e0e0c745c4d9f54991747fc1a30fda0_11802453.jpg?w=33 7&h=253

India is now a perfect goyim nation as majority of its population is ugly ape-face, mud colored mongrels & ape races.

So it has become a tough battle for the minority Aryans & noble races to survive in this shithole.

because Caucasians/Aryans can’t breed like rats.
because, the govt. run by ape-people, who trying best to turn India 100% goyim nation
because this shithole is run by corrupted capitalist, who can buy anything they want
because every single ape males trying to marry/impregnate Jat women

https://realhistoryindia.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/18301259_10156109573907519_1778250887348639213_n.j pg

Indian culture raise people to be greedy, dishonest, identity-less low-lives. And when its joined by Jewish capitalism(which is India’s democracy), women becomes property of rich ape-men. In India only money rules. Morality can’t help you when you are outnumbered & poor.
checke how this jat activist of jattistan explain it


On top of that many jats are uneducated village peoples who are not race conscious. They are blinded by Hinduism & pro-Indian civic patriotism, which is accelerating this destruction.

See a spost by page on facebook : Jats arena.

A post made by Sandeep Singh Randhwa:

—The mass killing of jats(minority who are indo-arians) by degenerate ugly Australoid crossbred hindus who make the 80%, of india,they did not kill thousands of jats but also imposed fake charges on several thousands of jats so their careers can be spoiled,i request to all arians of the world please share it and take steps forward to save us

The native or real Punjabis, jat-Sikhs were forced to leave their lands & settle in foreign nations. Indian black Dravidian Brahman leaders have killed & tortured many of them for demanding separate lands (Khalistan) .

Still to date, the native Caucasian jat-Sikhs fighting for survival of their race (the Jat-Land) : but Indian govt. illegally punishing them.

separate sikh land called Khalistan-seeker Simranjit Mann’s SAD (A) now demands ‘Jat-land’ state (http://www.hindustantimes.com/punjab/khalistan-seeker-simranjit-mann-s-sad-a-now-demands-jat-land-state/story-xKmAzdyGEDqZYxMTDwITAI.html)

Given the rate of miscegenation, Within next decade all jats will turn into round face, black-skin, monkey-nose turd-nugget looking average mongrel Indian.

old gen of jatts


current gen mixed jatts (guru randhawa india singer)


best example india singer new gen guru randhawa and his old gen grandmother


Another example is nimrat kaur randhawa from same randhawa clan who survived because they moved to america before india formation

Nimrat kaur randhawa or niki haley who survived india forced multiculturalism

I borrowed this research article from butter king not my own

I agree with Bandesha on many things, but it’s wrong the way he’s describing other Indians even though it’s true. Plus, Bandesha and me are the most atypical South Asians posting on here and we’re Jatts what a coincidence? LOL

11-04-2018, 01:06 PM
I agree with Bandesha on many things, but it’s wrong the way he’s describing other Indians even though it’s true. Plus, Bandesha and me are the most atypical South Asians posting on here and we’re Jatts what a coincidence? LOL
JATTS are WHITE ARYANS unlike the rest of the subhuman South Asians.

11-04-2018, 08:45 PM
Pretty sure Kimbo is the most atypical South Asian dude here lol

11-04-2018, 08:55 PM
JATTS are WHITE ARYANS unlike the rest of the subhuman South Asians.

You probably were kept seeing a proper Aryan Brahmin or a Rajput all your life & kept thinking that you are the only one in the whole world who is a bit whiter

11-04-2018, 08:59 PM
You probably were kept seeing a proper Aryan Brahmin or a Rajput all your life & kept thinking that you are the only one in the whole world who is a bit whiter
I’m woggy as fuck bro, i look straight out of Bihar

11-04-2018, 09:06 PM
Pretty sure Kimbo is the most atypical South Asian dude here lol

Why’s that?

11-04-2018, 09:11 PM
Pretty sure Kimbo is the most atypical South Asian dude here lol

Hi PakDude, you could be correct, but I haven’t seen what Kimbo looks like. Plus, I bet I have relatives more atypical than him because my Dad can pass as Mongolian like Genghis Khan and a Great Uncle could pass as Scandinavian who could be Chris Hemsworth’s relative.

11-05-2018, 04:23 AM
JATTS are WHITE ARYANS unlike the rest of the subhuman South Asians.

this post is a joke i don't believe it , in fact i defend south asian on all forums but this time i lost it

11-05-2018, 04:27 AM
Do you like my orange shirt in my avatar? Its a southasian type shirt. A short kurta. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurta

11-05-2018, 04:34 AM
Is jatt a subrace native to India? is a high class casta? Tell me about it

11-05-2018, 05:43 AM
Do you like my orange shirt in my avatar? Its a southasian type shirt. A short kurta. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurta

Mortimer what’s your post got to do with this topic? Plus, do you think you’re Teddy or Gary from Legend or Kingsman? I’m sorry you’re not handsome or cool enough to make the Kurta look amazing.

11-05-2018, 05:58 AM
Mortimer what’s your post got to do with this topic? Plus, do you think you’re Teddy or Gary from Legend or Kingsman? I’m sorry you’re not handsome or cool enough to make the Kurta look amazing.

It has nothing to do with your thread though, yes its off-topic (sorry) but I didnt know where to place this. I saw that most southasian members view and post in this thread so I decided to place the question here. I dont think im a male model for kurta though, no, I thought maybe someone just likes the shirt.

11-05-2018, 06:02 AM
It has nothing to do with your thread though, yes its off-topic (sorry) but I didnt know where to place this. I saw that most southasian members view and post in this thread so I decided to place the question here. I dont think im a male model for kurta though, no, I thought maybe someone just likes the shirt.

Hi Quasimodo, it’s off topic and doesn’t make sense you posting that here you do know that?

11-05-2018, 06:06 AM
Mortimer what’s your post got to do with this topic? Plus, do you think you’re Teddy or Gary from Legend or Kingsman? I’m sorry you’re not handsome or cool enough to make the Kurta look amazing.

Why do you feel the need to insult this good man? It's one thing to ask him to post that in another thread, or ask a mod to delete it, but c'mon.

11-05-2018, 06:09 AM
Why do you feel the need to insult this good man? It's one thing to ask him to post that in another thread, or ask a mod to delete it, but c'mon.

He’s a very good and decent person that’s obvious, but it’s very strange that he posted that here when it’s got nothing to do with Jats and looking at our Central Asian Scythian Aryan origin.

11-05-2018, 06:15 AM
Hi Quasimodo, it’s off topic and doesn’t make sense you posting that here you do know that?

I said because many southasians look at this thread, thats why I posted it.

11-05-2018, 06:18 AM
I said because many southasians look at this thread, thats why I posted it.

I suppose you have freedom of speech, but if you don’t realise posting that here is strange you need to take more of your medication and I hope it works.

11-05-2018, 06:30 AM
I suppose you have freedom of speech, but if you don’t realise posting that here is strange you need to take more of your medication and I hope it works.

I do realise it but posted it for the reason that many view this thread, and I apologised already but that doesnt seem to pacify you. You still insult me. Well I created a own thread now.

11-05-2018, 06:38 AM
I do realise it but posted it for the reason that many view this thread, and I apologised already but that doesnt seem to pacify you. You still insult me. Well I created a own thread now.

You don’t need to apologise to me, but it was very strange posting it here. Plus, let’s forget about it and have a good day.

11-05-2018, 04:50 PM
Why do you feel the need to insult this good man? It's one thing to ask him to post that in another thread, or ask a mod to delete it, but c'mon.
Because he’s a troll, sock or both.