View Full Version : give percentages of my Armenoid , Med , and east Dinaric part

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11-12-2018, 02:59 AM
allright guys so the general consensus is that I am a mix of Armenoid and East Med with some east Dinaric influence and possible slight alpine

I would like to know how much % Armenid/Taurid I am and how much Med . as I said before I met a member in real life and he says he can not see much armenoid and said that I am mostly med . you can view some of his posts about it here : https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anthroworld/which-ethnicities-do-i-look-would-i-pass-as-t742-s210.html#p8645

I am definitely less armenoid in real life beause cameras/selfies make my nose longer and bigger for some reason and it creates a fish eye effect

this photo I took for my ID . I was a lot fatter there and it also doesnt look like me that much but you can see how much the camera can change you . in real life my nose looks rather like on this ID pic . I never understood why some people here on TA think I would have such a big nose


selfies :









11-12-2018, 03:00 AM
100% armenoid. :p

11-12-2018, 03:01 AM
100% armenoid. :p

:D really ?

11-12-2018, 03:03 AM
General Med: 60%
General Taurid: 25%
Armenoid: 15%

11-12-2018, 03:08 AM
For comparison, mine would look like this:

General Atlantic to Med: 60%
General Taurid: 25%
Armenoid: 15%

I think the above is pretty reasonable.

11-12-2018, 03:09 AM
but Taurid is DinaroArmenid

11-12-2018, 03:09 AM
My ID pics I was also fatter

this is on my passport and drivers license
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19959105_847658958718713_8842231021258079717_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=0251330ed4ca9aae3eb03670b19c867c&oe=5C815C1A

And this is newer just took it for applications and profiles i create but not for passport

11-12-2018, 03:10 AM
^ you have lost a lot of weight since then bro :thumb001:

so what can you say to my question ?

11-12-2018, 03:11 AM
^ you have lost a lot of weight since then bro :thumb001:

so what can you say to my question ?

I dont know. But I think you are mostly med. If i were you i would listen to what the real life guy said.

11-12-2018, 03:15 AM
40% med
30% taurid
30% armenioid

11-12-2018, 03:15 AM
40% med
30% taurid
30% armenioid

so this makes it 45% armenoid :D since taurid apperently a mix of dinaric and armenid

11-12-2018, 03:16 AM
but Taurid is DinaroArmenid

I guess you are right. I often use the term 'Taurid' perhaps too loosely.

Then I would think that you have more Dinarid than Armenid because when I look at Armenoid proper plates, they don't really look like you. But you also don't look proper Dinaric either so I guess it's hard to say. You do however, (to me) look to be to be more within the general Mediterranean scope. And I know that 'med' does cover a lot of looks within it.

Seth MacFarlane
11-12-2018, 03:20 AM
Id say armenoid east med mix . It’s like u have the face of many armenoid Armenians but with the less extreme nose. You look really Armenian but idk the amount of armenoid you are . Btw u should post younger pics too bro

11-12-2018, 03:23 AM
Id say armenoid east med mix . It’s like u have the face of many armenoid Armenians but with the less extreme nose. You look really Armenian but idk the amount of armenoid you are . Btw u should post younger pics too bro

but armenian doesnt mean armenoid :)

nah old days are gone :)

11-12-2018, 03:25 AM
I like the black shirt on picture 5

11-12-2018, 03:34 AM
50% Med
30% Taurid
20% Armenoid

Seth MacFarlane
11-12-2018, 03:42 AM
but armenian doesnt mean armenoid :)

nah old days are gone :)

I know it doesent mean that but many Armenians are armenoid tho , and u are armenoid , just with a less extreme nose

11-12-2018, 03:43 AM
I know it doesent mean that but many Armenians are armenoid tho , and u are armenoid , just with a less extreme nose

so I am full armenoid ?

Seth MacFarlane
11-12-2018, 03:48 AM
so I am full armenoid ?

Idk if full buts it’s more predominant then the med , I’d say if u were more med youd be more gracile looking. But also the lower haircut/balding makes u look even more mountain like , that’s why younger pictures with hair would help lol

11-12-2018, 03:49 AM
Idk if full buts it’s more predominant then the med , I’d say if u were more med youd be more gracile looking. But also the lower haircut/balding makes u look even more mountain like , that’s why younger pictures with hair would help lol

nevermind pics with hair . I dont have hair anymore so I dont care for the classifciations with hair :lol:

as I said pics make me more armenoid but how much armenoid and how much med am I in YOUR opinion ?

Seth MacFarlane
11-12-2018, 03:51 AM
nevermind pics with hair . I dont have hair anymore so I dont care for the classifciations with hair :lol:

as I said pics make me more armenoid but how much armenoid and how much med am I in YOUR opinion ?
Lol I’d say 75 percent armenoid 25 percent med

11-12-2018, 03:52 AM
Lol I’d say 75 percent armenoid 25 percent med

where do I pass ? !!!

11-12-2018, 03:54 AM
Not fully Armenoid, just some elements.

To me, you are mostly a Cappadocian Med, despite being brachycephalized.

I do not see any alpine whatsoever. Your face and head are too long for that (in a good way - after all long heads are manly).

Seth MacFarlane
11-12-2018, 03:55 AM
where do I pass ? !!!

Armenia 1000 percent , besides that your other neighbors.georgian , Azeri , Assyrian

11-12-2018, 03:55 AM
Armenia 1000 percent , besides that your other neighbors.georgian , Azeri , Assyrian


Seth MacFarlane
11-12-2018, 03:56 AM

Salute !! :cool:

11-12-2018, 03:58 AM
Armenia 1000 percent , besides that your other neighbors.georgian , Azeri , Assyrian
He is somewhat atypical for Assyrian, but he can pass atypically.

11-12-2018, 04:03 AM
50% Armenoid
25% Taurid
25% Med

You can pass quite generally in West Asia, but I don't think you can pass as Assyrian very easily.

Seth MacFarlane
11-12-2018, 04:04 AM
He is somewhat atypical for Assyrian, but he can pass atypically.

Yea I think so too that’s why I put it last , Assyrians have such a wide spectrum tho it’s really hard to say face with them. Many can look Italian or Greek like , iranian like , Caucasus and Turkish like , Jewish and Levantine like etc . I figure he fits somewhere in the spectrum of the many faces I’ve seen, at least atypically .

11-12-2018, 04:06 AM
55% cap med
35% armenoid
10% dinarid

11-12-2018, 04:07 AM
55% cap med
35% armenoid
10% dinarid

now we're talkin . in real life thats roughly how I would classify myself

maybe a bit more armenid and a bit less med

11-12-2018, 04:07 AM
70% East Dinaric, 15% Armenid, 15% Med

11-12-2018, 04:09 AM
now we're talkin . in real life thats roughly how I would classify myself

maybe a bit more armenid and a bit less medOh i changed my mind! You are 150% iranid!! KURDISH LEGEND!!!

11-12-2018, 04:10 AM
50% Armenoid
25% Taurid
25% Med

I think you can pass in Armenia, Turkey, Georgia, and parts of the North Caucasus, but even Northern Iraq is pushing it. I think you can pass in Northeastern Syria and Lebanon though

11-12-2018, 04:14 AM
what I dont understand is why you list armenoid and taurid seperately because taurid has armenoid in it

11-12-2018, 04:15 AM
50% Armenoid
25% Taurid
25% Med

I think you can pass in Armenia, Turkey, Georgia, and parts of the North Caucasus, but even Northern Iraq is pushing it. I think you can pass in Northeastern Syria and Lebanon though

would I pass as jordanian ?

11-12-2018, 04:16 AM
would I pass as jordanian ?Deffenetly not as an Arab

11-12-2018, 04:18 AM

11-12-2018, 04:51 AM
70% East Dinaric, 15% Armenid, 15% Med
Isn't Armenid an "east dinaric" variant itself?

11-12-2018, 04:53 AM
Isn't Armenid an "east dinaric" variant itself?

there is also west asian dinaric

11-12-2018, 05:51 AM
1/3 Taurid
1/3 Armenoid
1/3 East Med

11-12-2018, 12:41 PM
70% Med

30% taurid

11-12-2018, 12:47 PM
60% med
15% armenoid
25% dinarid

11-12-2018, 03:55 PM
60% med
15% armenoid
25% dinarid

where do I pass in your opinion ?

11-12-2018, 04:05 PM
60 cap med
30 taurid
10 armenoid

11-12-2018, 04:06 PM
60 cap med
30 taurid
10 armenoid

where do I passing ?

11-12-2018, 04:07 PM
where do I passing ?

west asia

11-12-2018, 04:08 PM
west asia

thats a little too generic :D


11-12-2018, 04:10 PM
0% Med
0% Dinaric

50% Armenoid and 50% Asian Alpine

11-12-2018, 04:11 PM
0% Med
0% Dinaric

50% Armenoid and 50% Asian Alpine

I knew you will come and post that xD so predictable

11-12-2018, 04:13 PM
I knew you will come and post that xD so predictable

I knew you will quote me and post that you knew I will come and post that.

11-12-2018, 04:14 PM
Imo you can pas in Anatolia, Armenia, some parts of Iran, in Levant and Iraq as atypical.

11-12-2018, 04:17 PM
Imo you can pas in Anatolia, Armenia, some parts of Iran, in Levant and Iraq as atypical.

you said other things on AW :) . scared to get lynched here ?

11-12-2018, 04:20 PM
you said other things on AW :) . scared to get lynched here ?I said the exact same ones!

11-12-2018, 04:22 PM
I said the exact same ones!

"I think you can pass as
1. Turk
2. Northern Kurd
3. Armenian
4. Assyrian
5. Cypriot
6. Azeri
7. Druze
you also can pass in some regions of Iran, Greece and even Italy imo."



11-12-2018, 04:23 PM
"I think you can pass as
1. Turk
2. Northern Kurd
3. Armenian
4. Assyrian
5. Cypriot
6. Azeri
7. Druze
you also can pass in some regions of Iran, Greece and even Italy imo."


https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anthroworld/which-ethnicities-do-i-look-would-i-pass-as-t742-s240.html#p11485Its the same shit.

11-12-2018, 04:24 PM
Its the same shit.

dont call it shit :cussing

11-12-2018, 04:25 PM
dont call it shit :cussingFUCKING SHIT!!!

11-12-2018, 04:27 PM
dont call it shit :cussing

He just got a better look at you here.

11-12-2018, 04:28 PM
dont call it shit :cussing

He just got a better look at you here.

11-12-2018, 04:28 PM
He just got a better look at you here.

nah . I posted even more pics there

Cristiano viejo
11-12-2018, 04:36 PM
100% Armenoid.

11-12-2018, 05:05 PM
:D really ?

Lets see:
-Flat occiput=Armenoid or/and dinarid
-Sloped forehead=Armenoid or/and dinarid
-Very prominent browridges=Armenoid
-Short face(?)=Armenoid
-Weak chin in a strong jaw=Armenoid
-Desattached and pontiy ears=Armenoid or/and dinarid
-Short/ wide and angled neck=Armenoid
-Droopy eyes=Armenoid
-Bushy eyebrows=Armenoid
-Short, straight and prominent nose=Mediterranid+dinarid
So, for me, i think you are like 85% armenoid, 10% dinarid and 5% mediterranid

11-12-2018, 05:10 PM
no way am I that much armenoid . my features are not that exeggerated etc. . many people see med . when I first joined everybody said armenoid + east med

11-12-2018, 05:12 PM
no way am I that much armenoid . my features are not that exeggerated etc. . many people see med . when I first joined everybody said armenoid + east med

Ok, some of your armenoid traits can be dinarid traits

11-12-2018, 05:15 PM
no way am I that much armenoid . my features are not that exeggerated etc. . many people see med . when I first joined everybody said armenoid + east med

Maybe 65% armenoid, 25% dinarid and 10% med would be more acurate

11-12-2018, 05:15 PM
Ok, some of your armenoid traits can be dinarid traits

funny how the member who saw me in real life says I am mostly med and some of you say I am mostly armenoid .

compare me with pure armenoids :







11-12-2018, 05:17 PM
Maybe 65% armenoid, 25% dinarid and 10% med would be more acurate

Or 65% armenoid, 25% med and 10% dinarid, can be that too

11-12-2018, 06:11 PM
70% in the Taurid spectrum (I will break down more in a second) & maybe 30% in the Med spectrum.

I'd say~ 50% Armenoid, 20% Dinarid, 30% Cappadocian Med more or less.

11-12-2018, 06:48 PM
Hard tô say. Armenoid + Anadolid. It is just my bet.

11-12-2018, 06:50 PM
Hard tô say. Armenoid + Anadolid. It is just my bet.

Anatolid is Armenid + East Med

11-12-2018, 06:50 PM
Anatolid is Armenid + East Med

Anadolid is the best fit tô you, I guess.

11-12-2018, 06:53 PM
Anadolid is the best fit tô you, I guess.

many people classified me as anatolid

let me show you 2 anatolid examples :

a good example of anatolid is Berhan Şimşek





================================================== ================================================== ======================

Şener Şen is another great example






11-12-2018, 06:54 PM
Mainly East med, with a little bit of Armenoid, I don't really see Dinaric.

11-12-2018, 06:55 PM
Mainly East med, with a little bit of Armenoid, I don't really see Dinaric.

so 70% med + 30% armenoid ?

11-12-2018, 06:57 PM
so 70% med + 30% armenoid ?

Yeah something like that, I can see Armenoid influence which makes sense but you are majority East Med.

11-12-2018, 06:58 PM
Yeah something like that, I can see Armenoid influence which makes sense but you are majority East Med.

on pics I look even more armenoid than in real life :) my nose is a lot bigger on pics except on my ID pic and my eyes are a little more droopy on pics

11-12-2018, 07:05 PM
40% Dinarid
40% Armenoid
20% Mediterranid

In my opinion.

11-12-2018, 07:13 PM
40% Dinarid
40% Armenoid
20% Mediterranid

In my opinion.

thanks Berkan but still fuck you :cussing

11-12-2018, 07:15 PM
40% Dinarid
40% Armenoid
20% Mediterranid

In my opinion.

which ethnicities do I look/pass in your opinion Berkan ? never asked you this I think

11-12-2018, 07:19 PM
I told in a previous thread

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

11-12-2018, 07:24 PM
I told in a previous thread

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

say it here again please

11-12-2018, 07:27 PM
I think you pass as Kurd, maybe

11-12-2018, 07:32 PM
which ethnicities do I look/pass in your opinion Berkan ? never asked you this I think

Greek, Turkish, Georgian, Armenian, Azeri, Northeast Caucasian, Kurdish, Northern Iranian, Tadjik, and Northwest Levatine.

Mr. Anybody
11-12-2018, 07:48 PM

Mr. Anybody
11-12-2018, 07:50 PM
Greek, Turkish, Georgian, Armenian, Azeri, Northeast Caucasian, Kurdish, Northern Iranian, Tadjik, and Northwest Levatine.

He never pass as greek.only hallstatt pussyslayers can pass as greek.

11-12-2018, 07:54 PM
you can fit as a telugu/tamil :D

anyways i'd say

50% east med
25% armenoid
25% dinarid

11-13-2018, 05:34 PM
50% Med (face shape, nose)

25% Dinarid (cranium)

25% Armenoid (eyes)

11-13-2018, 07:02 PM
You are a brachycephalic, high headed West Asian.
in range you belong to a Armenoid/Dinaric type.
However you lack either the angularities of the classic Balkanian Dinaric, nor the heavily arched and pronounced nose bridge of the classic “Armenoid”.
your type of features seem to appear on ancient Hittite art.

11-13-2018, 07:03 PM
You are a brachycephalic, high headed West Asian.
in range you belong to a Armenoid/Dinaric type.
However you lack either the angularities of the classic Balkanian Dinaric, nor the heavily arched and pronounced nose bridge of the classic “Armenoid”.
your type of features seem to appear on ancient Hittite art.

those hittite statues have exeggerated features like nose and ears which I dont have

also you said before that I am a brachycephalised cappadocid

11-13-2018, 07:04 PM
You are a brachycephalic, high headed West Asian.
in range you belong to a Armenoid/Dinaric type.
However you lack either the angularities of the classic Balkanian Dinaric, nor the heavily arched and pronounced nose bridge of the classic “Armenoid”.
your type of features seem to appear on ancient Hittite art.

So do you think he is mainly armenoid or dinarid?

11-13-2018, 08:03 PM
So do you think he is mainly armenoid or dinarid?

we need to have patience I guess

11-13-2018, 08:17 PM
we need to have patience I guess

I have a feel that we need to salute the West Asian race until he answer

11-14-2018, 03:12 AM
::: UPDATE:::

General Mediterranean Spectrum: 60%
East Dinarid: 20%
Armenoid: 20%

Anatolia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Greek Islands, Sicily.

11-14-2018, 03:17 AM
quickly making an advertasion for my gallery :lol:


muh people :lovehearts:


11-14-2018, 09:12 PM
those hittite statues have exeggerated features like nose and ears which I dont have

also you said before that I am a brachycephalised cappadocid
It’s artwork.
However it describes brilliantly the type.
Round headed, dominant nose, large eyes, however it seems lower headed than textbooks.

So do you think he is mainly armenoid or dinarid?
Hadouken has finer features. As I said in my previous post Hadouken is metrically Dinaro-Armenoid.
However is not Dinaric as it lacks the angular features of the classic “Balkanian” type. He is closer to Armenoid although lacks the traditional heavy arched nose, pronounced lips, heavy lidded eyes.
Anyway the range is Dinaric/Anatolid/Armenoid.
Brachy “Cappadocian” (which is basically Coon’s description for most of Anatolia) is another good classification.

11-14-2018, 09:15 PM
It’s artwork.
However it describes brilliantly the type.
Round headed, dominant nose, large eyes, however it seems lower headed than textbooks.

Hadouken has finer features. As I said in my previous post Hadouken is metrically Dinaro-Armenoid.
However is not Dinaric as it lacks the angular features of the classic “Balkanian” type. He is closer to Armenoid although lacks the traditional heavy arched nose, pronounced lips, heavy lidded eyes.
Anyway the range is Dinaric/Anatolid/Armenoid.
Brachy “Cappadocian” (which is basically Coon’s description for most of Anatolia) is another good classification.


so what would be the percentages for armenid dinaric and med ?

50 30 20 ?

11-14-2018, 09:33 PM

so what would be the percentages for armenid dinaric and med ?

50 30 20 ?

If we take two extremes A) Meditettanean with a value of 0 and B Dinaric/Armenoid Witj a Value of 100. I would place you somewhere like 80-85.

The problem here is that Armenoid is usually limited on textbooks to Armenians or Jews, and cares little about other west Asian (SE Asians and middle easterners and south Asians) that share the same carachteristics.

11-14-2018, 09:35 PM
If we take two extremes A) Meditettanean with a value of 0 and B Dinaric/Armenoid Witj a Value of 100. I would place you somewhere like 80-85.

The problem here is that Armenoid is usually limited on textbooks to Armenians or Jews, and cares little about other west Asian (SE Asians and middle easterners and south Asians) that share the same carachteristics.

Huh ? 80 85 med then if med is 0

11-14-2018, 09:39 PM
Huh ? 80 85 med then if med is 0

Nevermind I understand ow

11-14-2018, 09:41 PM
From Russian point of view i would recognize your as Armenian. The main sign is eyes. Not clear but something is armenian.

Obviously this is very non-objective assessment. Because i badly know west asian varieties and familiar only with some living in Russia.

11-14-2018, 09:44 PM
Probably split down the middle. Partially Med/partially Armenoid

11-14-2018, 09:45 PM
From Russian point of view i would recognize your as Armenian. The main sign is eyes. Not clear but something is armenian.

Obviously this is very non-objective assessment. Because i badly know west asian varieties and familiar only with some living in Russia.

yeah many people told me I look south caucasus

thanks for your post

11-14-2018, 09:49 PM
From Russian point of view i would recognize your as Armenian. The main sign is eyes. Not clear but something is armenian.

Obviously this is very non-objective assessment. Because i badly know west asian varieties and familiar only with some living in Russia.
He looks slightly foreign for any ex-USSR Caucasians. He looks just like who he is - Kurd from Turkey. 65% Armenoid+ 35% East Med.

11-14-2018, 09:51 PM
He looks slightly foreign for any ex-USSR Caucasians. He looks just like who he is - Kurd from Turkey. 65% Armenoid+ 35% East Med.

nah I asked many armenians and georgians and most said I fit among them . some even daid that I pass in parts of the north too

11-14-2018, 09:55 PM
nah I asked many armenians and georgians and most said I fit among them . some even daid that I pass in parts of the north too
I can't explain, but I see the difference.
The situation as with the Baltic peoples, they are phenotypically similar to the neighboring Russians, but you still understand that they are not “ours”.

11-14-2018, 09:58 PM
I can't explain, but I see the difference.
The situation as with the Baltic peoples, they are phenotypically similar to the neighboring Russians, but you still understand that they are not “ours”.

I know what you mean but that is going into subtleties

as i said I asked many members from there and they said I fit . if I get cockblocked even from the south caucasus now then this is just going crazy

11-14-2018, 10:04 PM
I know what you mean but that is going into subtleties

as i said I asked many members from there and they said I fit . if I get cockblocked even from the south caucasus now then this is just going crazy
The situation is complicated for me by the fact that there are small amount of Kurds living in Armenia and Georgia, and I do not know how much they differ from their Turkish and Iraqi brothers;).

11-14-2018, 10:06 PM
The situation is complicated for me by the fact that there are small amount of Kurds living in Armenia and Georgia, and I do not know how much they differ from their Turkish and Iraqi brothers;).

we have nothing to do with iraqis

When I asked armenians and georgians if I pass among them we were talking about ethnic armenians and georgians and 99% of them said I fit well

11-14-2018, 10:06 PM
I know what you mean but that is going into subtleties

as i said I asked many members from there and they said I fit . if I get cockblocked even from the south caucasus now then this is just going crazy

Pass denied!

11-14-2018, 10:14 PM
we have nothing to do with iraqis

When I asked armenians and georgians if I pass among them we were talking about ethnic armenians and georgians and 99% of them said I fit well
I meant Iraqi Kurds, of course. Are Iraqi Kurds very different from Turkish ones?
You have visible East-Med component, your nose in profile is completely different from the Armenian one.

11-14-2018, 10:15 PM
I meant Iraqi Kurds, of course. Are Iraqi Kurds very different from Turkish ones?
You have visible East-Med component, your nose in profile is completely different from the Armenian one.

For me, his nose and maybe his lips are the only med traits in him, all other traits of him seens armenoid mostly and some dinarid

11-14-2018, 10:19 PM
I still think he can't pass in Georgia and North Caucasian. In case of Armenians, he resembles western Armenians for obvious reasons.

11-14-2018, 10:23 PM
I meant Iraqi Kurds, of course. Are Iraqi Kurds very different from Turkish ones?
You have visible East-Med component, your nose in profile is completely different from the Armenian one.

yes there are big differences . but it also depends on the person .

I still think he can't pass in Georgia and North Caucasian. In case of Armenians, he resembles western Armenians for obvious reasons.

well georgians and other people from kavkaz said I pass . of course I wouldnt be the most typical in Georgia but member user gave me a 6-7/10 for passing and for armenia he gave me a fucking 10 lol

11-14-2018, 10:30 PM
yes there are big differences . but it also depends on the person .

well georgians and other people from kavkaz said I pass . of course I wouldnt be the most typical in Georgia but member user gave me a 6-7/10 for passing and for armenia he gave me a fucking 10 lolThey probably didn't want to break your heart. You can only pass as Kurd, Armenian or Assyrian in Javakheti and as atypical "Georgian" in Tbilisi. Trust me i lived in Dagestan for mare than 9 years which people here consider them "swarthy" and you can't pass there at all.

11-14-2018, 10:31 PM
They probably didn't want to break your heart. You can only pass as Kurd, Armenian or Assyrian in Javakheti and as atypical "Georgian" in Tbilisi. Trust me i lived in Dagestan for mare than 9 years which people here consider them "swarthy" and you can't pass there at all.

they seemed very genuine . another member who is russian if I remember right who knows a lot about the caucasus said also that I fit as georgian

I will take their word

11-14-2018, 10:32 PM
Yeah live your dream!

11-14-2018, 10:34 PM
Yeah live your dream!

this was your list for me

"1. Turk
2. Northern Kurd
3. Armenian
4. Assyrian
5. Cypriot
6. Azeri
7. Druze
you also can pass in some regions of Iran, Greece and even Italy imo."

so you think I pass better as Greek , Cypriot and maybe even Italian than Georgian ?

11-14-2018, 10:43 PM
this was your list for me

"1. Turk
2. Northern Kurd
3. Armenian
4. Assyrian
5. Cypriot
6. Azeri
7. Druze
you also can pass in some regions of Iran, Greece and even Italy imo."

so you think I pass better as Greek , Cypriot and maybe even Italian than Georgian ?

Yes cuz Georgian resemble eastern Europeans and balkans and in some cases can even look west European than south Europeans. Also i have to mention, you can't pass everywhere in Greece or Italy. Back then i was trying to be nice and tbh didn't know how most Italians and Greeks looked like cuz i didn't know Sikeliot lol

11-14-2018, 10:45 PM
Yes cuz Georgian resemble eastern Europeans and balkans and in some cases can even look west European than south Europeans. Also i have to mention, you can't pass everywhere in Greece or Italy. Back then i was trying to be nice and tbh didn't know how most Italians and Greeks looked like cuz i didn't know Sikeliotlol

there are many georgians who look "normal" west asian . and as I said to you georgians themselves said I pass so I am a bit confused by you . you wanted to be nice ? wtf

you have become really weird towards me tbh. . is it because you took what I said per pm the wrong way ? when I said that I have never heard about your ethnicity etc. . it was not meant offensively at all

another reason for your behaviour could be that I say that persians look different from us I dont know . but something is not right here .....

11-14-2018, 10:46 PM
They probably didn't want to break your heart. You can only pass as Kurd, Armenian or Assyrian in Javakheti and as atypical "Georgian" in Tbilisi. Trust me i lived in Dagestan for mare than 9 years which people here consider them "swarthy" and you can't pass there at all.

Of all the North Caucasus ethnic groups, Dags are the one group(they're a mish mash of many many tribes) that Hadouken wont have too much trouble passing in. I dont see why he wont pass in Georgia either, even if supposedly being atypical.

11-14-2018, 10:48 PM
I am not very good at classification, but from my experience,living all my life in Bulgaria and travelled many times to Greece.
I can say thay from the photos, you can pass as Greek, whole South Europe and also Bulgarian.

Изпратено от моят RNE-L01 с помощта на Tapatalk

11-14-2018, 10:48 PM
there are many georgians who look "normal" west asian . and as I said to you georgians themselves said I pass so I am a bit confused by you . you wanted to be nice ? wtf

you have become really weird towards me tbh. . is it because you took what I said per pm the wrong way ? when I said that I have never heard about your ethnicity etc. . it was not meant offensively at all

another reason for your behaviour could be that I say that persians look different from us I dont know . but something is not right here .....Like i said i like poking fun at ppl specially the ones that get angry easily. But i am being genuine when i say you don't look Georgian. Plus i didn't get offended by your words or your opinion you might assume that because of my sarcastic humour lol

11-14-2018, 10:48 PM
Of all the North Caucasus ethnic groups, Dags are the one group(they're a mish mash of many many tribes) that Hadouken wont have too much trouble passing in. I dont see why he wont pass in Georgia either, even if supposedly being atypical.

as I said already several times bro georgians themselves gave me a pass . in fact all who I asked gave me a pass except one and even she said I would pass as a mixed one . the others said I pass 100%

I think Fiera dislikes me for some reason and thinks I want to fit in georgia so he doesnt want me to pass . maybe he thinks really that I dont pass which is okay but he just said he made the ethnicity list for me where he included greece and italy because he wanted to be "nice" which is really weird

11-14-2018, 10:49 PM
Like i said i like poking fun at ppl specially the ones that get angry easily. But i am being genuine when i say you don't look Georgian. Plus i didn't get offended by your words or your opinion you might assume that because of my sarcastic humour lol

but you will understand that I take the word of the georgian and other kavkaz members that I asked as more reliable because they are more :)

and you dislike me I can feel it . I wonder why . you seemed to like me before ...

11-14-2018, 10:50 PM
Of all the North Caucasus ethnic groups, Dags are the one group(they're a mish mash of many many tribes) that Hadouken wont have too much trouble passing in. I dont see why he wont pass in Georgia either, even if supposedly being atypical.Yeah comming from an Armenian guy that makes a lot of sense!

11-14-2018, 10:50 PM
as I said already several times bro georgians themselves gave me a pass . in fact all who I asked gave me a pass except one and even she said I would pass as a mixed one . the others said I pass 100%

I think Fiera dislikes me for some reason and thinks I want to fit in georgia so he doesnt want me to pass . maybe he thinks really that I dont pass which is okay but he just said he made the ethnicity list for me where he included greece and italy because he wanted to be "nice" which is really weird

That bit about Georgians looking East European had me going man lol

11-14-2018, 10:51 PM
I still think he can't pass in Georgia and North Caucasian. In case of Armenians, he resembles western Armenians for obvious reasons.

Georgia +/-?. North Caucasus sure cant pass.

11-14-2018, 10:51 PM
I am not very good at classification, but from my experience,living all my life in Bulgaria and travelled many times to Greece.
I can say thay from the photos, you can pass as Greek, whole South Europe and also Bulgarian.
Here is a photo of an ethnic Bulgarian tv hosthttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20181114/eec08b4766c467395f933bf38aadfea6.jpg

Изпратено от моят RNE-L01 с помощта на Tapatalk

thanks bro

this is interesting . from some people who try to cockblock me even from republic of armenia to people like you who have no problem placing me in the balkans . people are strange when you're a stranger . I dont understand why so many people seem to dislike me :confused: and so many cockblockers

11-14-2018, 10:53 PM
Yeah comming from an Armenian guy that makes a lot of sense!

My eyes still work, regardless of my ethnicity. Are you telling me that I'm lying about the fact that Dagestan is a region consisting of a variety of ethnic groups?

11-14-2018, 10:53 PM
as I said already several times bro georgians themselves gave me a pass . in fact all who I asked gave me a pass except one and even she said I would pass as a mixed one . the others said I pass 100%

I think Fiera dislikes me for some reason and thinks I want to fit in georgia so he doesnt want me to pass . maybe he thinks really that I dont pass which is okay but he just said he made the ethnicity list for me where he included greece and italy because he wanted to be "nice" which is really weird

Well, he did include Greece and Italy in an offhand kind of way, as an afterword.

11-14-2018, 10:53 PM
Yeah comming from an Armenian guy that makes a lot of sense!

My eyes still work, regardless of my ethnicity. Are you telling me that I'm lying about the fact that Dagestan is a region consisting of a variety of ethnic groups?

11-14-2018, 10:54 PM
but you will understand that I take the word of the georgian and other kavkaz members that I asked as more reliable because they are more :)

and you dislike me I can feel it . I wonder why . you seemed to like me before ...Lol dude this ain't no high school drama! If you wanna go by other Caucasian "experts" opinion then good for you but imo you look uber kurdish and thats it. And i guess when i say "i was trying to be nice" doesn't makes sense in English so what i meant was that i was trying to look like i am goid at taxonomy i hope you get what i mean now

11-14-2018, 10:54 PM
I am not very good at classification, but from my experience,living all my life in Bulgaria and travelled many times to Greece.
I can say thay from the photos, you can pass as Greek, whole South Europe and also Bulgarian.
Here is a photo of an ethnic Bulgarian tv hosthttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20181114/eec08b4766c467395f933bf38aadfea6.jpg

Изпратено от моят RNE-L01 с помощта на Tapatalk

btw mate take a look at my kurdish gallery thread and you can post if you want


I bet you dont know much about us :) you could post how many can pass in bulgaria or something

11-14-2018, 10:56 PM
Lol dude this ain't no high school drama! If you wanna go by other Caucasian "experts" opinion then good for you but imo you look uber kurdish and thats it. And i guess when i say "i was trying to be nice" doesn't makes sense in English so what i meant was that i was trying to look like i am goid at taxonomy i hope you get what i mean now

oh now I look only kurdish ...hm ok

thanks for your opinion man :) see you in other threads

11-14-2018, 10:56 PM
btw mate take a look at my kurdish gallery thread and you can post if you want


I bet you dont know much about us :) you could post how many can pass in bulgaria or somethingYeah, i really don't know much. Despite living not that far

Изпратено от моят RNE-L01 с помощта на Tapatalk

11-14-2018, 10:57 PM
Yeah, i really don't know much. Despite living not that far

Изпратено от моят RNE-L01 с помощта на Tapatalk

check it out and post your opinion :o

I want my work to be appreciated :P

11-14-2018, 11:02 PM
oh now I look only kurdish ...hm ok

thanks for your opinion man :) see you in other threadsWell at least i tried to explain. This just indicates you are mad at me or something but tbh i am srry if i offended you by making claims about how kurds look like and "you dont look georgian". Those are just my opinions and i am allowed to have my opinions. Yea some may agree and some may not thats up to them. Have a nice day

11-14-2018, 11:19 PM
edit : next page I posted more pics

11-14-2018, 11:59 PM
You mostly Med with some Armenoid typical Anatolian look

11-15-2018, 12:13 AM
Mostly East-Med with some Armenoid in the mix. I honestly don't see the asiatic Dinaric phenotype on you.

11-15-2018, 12:14 AM
This guy is very armenoid looking

11-15-2018, 12:14 AM
This guy is very armenoid looking

this guy is me :P

11-15-2018, 12:15 AM
more photos on next page

11-15-2018, 01:15 AM
80% Armenoid
20% Med

11-15-2018, 01:17 AM
very inconsistent . the opinions range from mostly med to mostly armenoid :lol: . I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle . in real life I would say 50 50 or even 60% med 40% armenoid . weird it seems on pics my armenoid is strong but even on pics I dont see how I am 80% armenoid

11-15-2018, 01:18 AM

Are your hair very curly or just a bit?

11-15-2018, 01:19 AM
Are your hair very curly or just a bit?

not curly at all

11-15-2018, 01:28 AM
not curly at all

Then your hair may be a med or dinarid hair because armenoids tend to have very curly hair, i think

11-15-2018, 01:32 AM
Then your hair may be a med or dinarid hair because armenoids tend to have very curly hair, i think

I think armenoids have mostly either straight or wavy hair

but guys I can not be mostly armenoid just by my features alone . armenoids have more exeggerated features

11-15-2018, 01:36 AM
I classified you as pred cap med before,but mediterranean guys are gracile youre more robust,deffo something else alongside med!

11-15-2018, 01:38 AM
I classified you as pred cap med before,but mediterranean guys are gracile youre more robust,deffo something else alongside med!

and what is it in your opinion ? :o

11-15-2018, 01:38 AM
armenoids have more exeggerated features

And even your skull shape is far from Armenoids. People should study well the plates of the archetypal amenoids, not much in common with you.

11-15-2018, 01:39 AM
allright guys so the general consensus is that I am a mix of Armenoid and East Med with some east Dinaric influence and possible slight alpine

I would like to know how much % Armenid/Taurid I am and how much Med . as I said before I met a member in real life and he says he can not see much armenoid and said that I am mostly med . you can view some of his posts about it here : https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anthroworld/which-ethnicities-do-i-look-would-i-pass-as-t742-s210.html#p8645

I am definitely less armenoid in real life beause cameras/selfies make my nose longer and bigger for some reason and it creates a fish eye effect

this photo I took for my ID . I was a lot fatter there and it also doesnt look like me that much but you can see how much the camera can change you . in real life my nose looks rather like on this ID pic . I never understood why some people here on TA think I would have such a big nose


selfies :









more pics :







11-15-2018, 01:53 AM
I classified you as pred cap med before,but mediterranean guys are gracile youre more robust,deffo something else alongside med!

answer faggot :biggrin:

11-15-2018, 04:24 AM

11-15-2018, 04:30 AM

I sent you a friend request and just realized you didn't accept it eh?

11-15-2018, 04:31 AM

I sent you a friend request and just realized you didn't accept it eh?

11-15-2018, 04:33 AM
I sent you a friend request and just realized you didn't accept it eh?

I dont remember . send again

11-15-2018, 04:35 AM
I dont remember . send again

I like to keep in touch with certain users I like being around nothing more .

11-15-2018, 04:52 AM
I would say 70% Med and 30% Armenoid or Dinarid

11-15-2018, 04:54 AM
every new page I repost the pics

this photo I took for my ID . I was a lot fatter there and it also doesnt look like me that much but you can see how much the camera can change you . in real life my nose looks rather like on this ID pic . I never understood why some people here on TA think I would have such a big nose


selfies :









more pics :







11-15-2018, 04:57 AM
every new page I repost the pics

As you should. Let us all rejoice in celebration of the...

..well, you know. ;)

11-15-2018, 05:08 AM
50% Dinarid...40% Med and maybe 10% Armenoid not because of the nose but more so the shape of the nose.

which ethnicities would I pass in your opinion ?

11-15-2018, 05:28 AM
You could be anything Balkan. To me you look closer to Bulgarian and Greek people though. You could also be Armenian, Georgian, Israeli etc. (prob also countries close to there). You could also be a type of Turkish (I'm saying this as Turkey is a really big country and people vary in looks to region). To me you look like this Cypriot dude from Cypress I meant once so if I saw you on the street I'd think of Cypress.

He doesn't look like Balkanite or Greek at all. He is pan West Asian. Could pass everywhere in WA and east-med.

50 Med 50 Armenoid to me.

11-15-2018, 05:30 AM
He doesn't look like Balkanite or Greek at all. He is pan West Asian. Could pass everywhere in WA and east-med.

50 Med 50 Armenoid to me.

young cockblocker where do I pass tell me

11-15-2018, 05:36 AM
young cockblocker where do I pass tell me

Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijani, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Cyprus, Lebanese, Israel.

11-15-2018, 05:36 AM
You could be anything Balkan. To me you look closer to Bulgarian and Greek people though. You could also be Armenian, Georgian, Israeli etc. (prob also countries close to there). You could also be a type of Turkish (I'm saying this as Turkey is a really big country and people vary in looks to region). To me you look like this Cypriot dude from Cypress I meant once so if I saw you on the street I'd think of Cypress.

Besides him and I being friends, I think we have a slight similarity to each other (eye region/expression). But my look is more western-shifted and his, more eastward.

11-15-2018, 05:38 AM
Besides him and I being friends, I think we have a slight similarity to each other (eye region/expression). But my look is more western-shifted and his, more eastward.

nah we look nothing alike lol

11-15-2018, 05:41 AM
nah we look nothing alike lol

Well i am disappointed then lol. But in all seriousness, there is some minor feel that at least I can pick up on. Not saying it's obvious, but something...

11-15-2018, 05:42 AM
Well i am disappointed then lol. But in all seriousness, there is some minor feel that at least I can pick up on. Not saying it's obvious, but something...

I take that as a big compliment :)

11-15-2018, 05:45 AM
That's a far more accurate representation than mine is but I did say he reminds me of a Cypriot guy so yeah lol

dont be hard on yourself you are not the only one saying I pass in the balkans region at all . actually surprisingly quite a few people say it .

this member said it too : https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?267140-give-percentages-of-my-Armenoid-Med-and-east-Dinaric-part&p=5590354&viewfull=1#post5590354

11-15-2018, 05:47 AM
damn another new page .

photos :

every new page I repost the pics

this photo I took for my ID . I was a lot fatter there and it also doesnt look like me that much but you can see how much the camera can change you . in real life my nose looks rather like on this ID pic . I never understood why some people here on TA think I would have such a big nose


selfies :









more pics :







11-15-2018, 05:50 AM
Mark I am getting a feeling you wanna look West Asian or am I wrong lol? Does looking like that make you feel more special lol?

No, not at all lol. I mean, I have nothing against looking like anything in particular because I feel that it's good to embrace people and their respective look/s from all over the world. But I guess I see some things that others may not see. Is it a loose form of dysmorphia of sorts? Well, could be. But I just like being open to it all. :)

11-15-2018, 05:51 AM
dont be hard on yourself you are not the only one saying I pass in the balkans region at all . actually surprisingly quite a few people say it .

this member said it too : https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?267140-give-percentages-of-my-Armenoid-Med-and-east-Dinaric-part&p=5590354&viewfull=1#post5590354

Can i pass in West Asia? I wonder your opinion

11-15-2018, 05:53 AM
Can i pass in West Asia? I wonder your opinion

only georgia and parts of turkey

11-15-2018, 05:58 AM
only georgia and parts of turkey

Good. I'm planning to settle Turkey permanently after school. :D

11-15-2018, 05:59 AM
damn another new page .

photos :

every new page I repost the pics

this photo I took for my ID . I was a lot fatter there and it also doesnt look like me that much but you can see how much the camera can change you . in real life my nose looks rather like on this ID pic . I never understood why some people here on TA think I would have such a big nose


selfies :









more pics :







another new page ? that fast ....reposting pics

11-15-2018, 06:58 PM
To me you look mainly(majority 50-70%?) Armenoid, I'm guessing because of the overall head shape

11-15-2018, 07:00 PM
To me you look mainly(majority 50-70%?) Armenoid, I'm guessing because of the overall head shape

you can see pics of me above

compare me with pure armenoids :







11-15-2018, 07:05 PM
you can see pics of me above

compare me with pure armenoids :






Yh definitely not pure. You look nothing like the first two or so examples. Maybe somewhere around 40-50% Armenoid actually, it's just that your head shape seems to give off a Dinarid-Armenid vibe to me, the back of the head seems to be more on the flat side from what I can see. Though your ID pic doesn't give off Armenoid vibes at all imo.

11-15-2018, 07:05 PM
Yh definitely not pure. You look nothing like the first two or so examples. Maybe somewhere around 40-50% Armenoid actually, it's just that your head shape seems to give off a Dinarid-Armenid vibe to me, the back of the head seems to be more on the flat side from what I can see. Though your ID pic doesn't give off Armenoid vibes at all imo.

so 50% armenoid 50% med ?

11-15-2018, 07:07 PM
so 50% armenoid 50% med ?
I guess so, something like that. Though maybe some Alpine, IDEK

11-15-2018, 07:07 PM
There is not so much Armenoid about him^

His overall headshape a little bit and his eyes only

But eyes can be considered Mediteranid as well

His Nose is not Armenoid at all

11-15-2018, 07:09 PM
There is not so much Armenoid about him^

His overall headshape a little bit and his eyes only

But eyes can be considered Mediteranid as well

His Nose is not Armenoid at all

so where do I pass according to you bro ....I have never really understood because you talk in mysteries lol

11-15-2018, 07:16 PM
so where do I pass according to you bro ....I have never really understood because you talk in mysteries lol

Not sure bro

I would say Southern Europe as less typical"not necessarily atypical but not average everyday John Doe type neither"

West Asia as typical
I would say however you neither look Semitic"whatever that real means" nor Iranian to me.
You fit most typical as Kurdish or Assyrian i think.

And you can pass in Caucasus too"Armenian or Azeri"

11-15-2018, 07:19 PM
Not sure bro

I would say Southern Europe as less typical"not necessarily atypical but not average everyday John Doe type neither"

West Asia as typical
I would say however you neither look Semitic"whatever that real means" nor Iranian to me.
You fit most typical as Kurdish or Assyrian i think.

And you can pass in Caucasus too"Armenian or Azeri"

the assyrian members said I would be atypical for assyrian while the lebanese members and people who have been to lebanon said that I can pass comfortably as lebanese

11-15-2018, 07:28 PM
You may pass for balkan it isn't your best fit, you would look slightly off.

11-15-2018, 07:30 PM
lol a new page that fast

reposting the photos

allright guys so the general consensus is that I am a mix of Armenoid and East Med with some east Dinaric influence and possible slight alpine

I would like to know how much % Armenid/Taurid I am and how much Med . as I said before I met a member in real life and he says he can not see much armenoid and said that I am mostly med . you can view some of his posts about it here : https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anthroworld/which-ethnicities-do-i-look-would-i-pass-as-t742-s210.html#p8645

I am definitely less armenoid in real life beause cameras/selfies make my nose longer and bigger for some reason and it creates a fish eye effect

this photo I took for my ID . I was a lot fatter there and it also doesnt look like me that much but you can see how much the camera can change you . in real life my nose looks rather like on this ID pic . I never understood why some people here on TA think I would have such a big nose


selfies :















11-15-2018, 07:31 PM
You may pass for balkan it isn't your best fit, you would look slightly off.


these are my people/ethnicty btw.

take a look


11-15-2018, 08:33 PM
You pass in some Armenian parts but not Georgia nor North Caucasus, North Caucasus has less Armenid than before and they are mixed (i mean Armenid types are mixed), they also have high Baltic influence especially in North East and lighter Pontids/Alpines in West North Caucasus, Georgia have fairer pigmentation and less Armenid and nearly no Med too, while you look Armenid-Med

You pass more in Greece or Turkey than in Georgia or N. Caucasus

11-15-2018, 08:44 PM
You pass in some Armenian parts but not Georgia nor North Caucasus, North Caucasus has less Armenid than before and they are mixed (i mean Armenid types are mixed), they also have high Baltic influence especially in North East and lighter Pontids/Alpines in West North Caucasus, Georgia have fairer pigmentation and less Armenid and nearly no Med too, while you look Armenid-Med

You pass more in Greece or Turkey than in Georgia or N. Caucasus

I really doubt this

btw. most georgian (and other kavkaz) members said I pass in georgia

while with greek members the one half says I pass as greek while the other half says it is not possible and some even get angry

11-15-2018, 09:03 PM
He doesn't look like Balkanite or Greek at all. He is pan West Asian. Could pass everywhere in WA and east-med.

50 Med 50 Armenoid to me.I think he can pass as somewhat atypical Bulgarian or Greek. From my experience I have seen individual phenotypes like his in both Bulgaria and Greece.

Изпратено от моят RNE-L01 с помощта на Tapatalk

11-15-2018, 09:43 PM
I think he can pass as somewhat atypical Bulgarian or Greek. From my experience I have seen individual phenotypes like his in both Bulgaria and Greece.

Изпратено от моят RNE-L01 с помощта на TapatalkHe can pass as Anatolian Greek not as local, plus some islands but in Mainland not.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

11-15-2018, 09:45 PM
He can pass as Anatolian Greek not as local, plus some islands but in Mainland not.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

you told me I pass also atypical in the mainland :P

11-15-2018, 09:45 PM
you told me I pass also atypical in the mainland :PAs Anatolian Greek.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

11-15-2018, 09:46 PM
As Anatolian Greek.

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

ah ok

so basically Anatolian Greek , some Islands (probably atypical) , Cypriot . Pontian too ?

11-15-2018, 09:47 PM
ah ok

so basically Anatolian Greek , some Islands (probably atypical) , Cypriot . Pontian too ?Yep

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

11-15-2018, 09:48 PM
allright guys so the general consensus is that I am a mix of Armenoid and East Med with some east Dinaric influence and possible slight alpine

I would like to know how much % Armenid/Taurid I am and how much Med . as I said before I met a member in real life and he says he can not see much armenoid and said that I am mostly med . you can view some of his posts about it here : https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anthroworld/which-ethnicities-do-i-look-would-i-pass-as-t742-s210.html#p8645

I am definitely less armenoid in real life beause cameras/selfies make my nose longer and bigger for some reason and it creates a fish eye effect

this photo I took for my ID . I was a lot fatter there and it also doesnt look like me that much but you can see how much the camera can change you . in real life my nose looks rather like on this ID pic . I never understood why some people here on TA think I would have such a big nose


selfies :









new page . reposting pics







11-15-2018, 10:02 PM
You pass in South Europe easily,Hadouken :)

11-15-2018, 10:03 PM
You pass in South Europe easily,Hadouken :)

easily ? you said before that I pass but you didnt say "easily" lol . did the more pics changed something ?

also what about my armenoid , med etc. ? percentages ?

11-15-2018, 10:14 PM
the assyrian members said I would be atypical for assyrian while the lebanese members and people who have been to lebanon said that I can pass comfortably as lebanese

Yes you can be Lebanese too without trouble

But you don't look general Arabic or Semitic imo

11-15-2018, 10:15 PM
Yes you can be Lebanese too without trouble

But you don't look general Arabic or Semitic imo

I am a very weird case imo . I somehow look distinctly anatolian but also can pass in many places it seems . wtf

11-15-2018, 10:22 PM
I am a very weird case imo . I somehow look distinctly anatolian but also can pass in many places it seems . wtf

As i said you look typical West Asian and in particular typical for your ethnicity

Kurds are not a Semitic ethnicity so suppose it makes more or less sense when i say you look West Asian but not Semitic.

In my notion Semitic is more specific than West Asian.

Semitic people at least North Semites are part of West Asians people but not all West Asian are Semites.

Of course Semites and Non Semites in West Asia share common types too

What i find wierd or funny is that many people here think that you pass quite easy in Southern Europe or look South European
depsite that you are West Asian and look typical because same people often emphasize the strict gap or difference between West Asians and South Euros
or claim that certain Sicilians and other would look West Asia and not European lol

11-15-2018, 10:25 PM
As i said you look typical West Asian and in particular typical for your ethnicity

Kurds are not a Semitic ethnicity so suppose it makes more or less sense when i say you look West Asian but not Semitic.

In my notion Semitic is more specific than West Asian.

Semitic people at least North Semites are part of West Asians people but not all West Asian are Semites.

Of course Semites and Non Semites in West Asia share common types too

What i find wierd or funny is that many people here think that you pass quite easy in Southern Europe or look South European
depsite that you are West Asian and look typical because same people often emphasize the strict gap or difference between West Asians and South Euros
or claim that certain Sicilians and other would look West Asia and not European lol

well me personally I dont think that I look south european or balkan

BUT ....there are some europeans who can look similar to me which we call atypical wogs :P I think I can pass in a nightclub for example :lol: if you know what I mean

I think west asians and europeans are the same race but that we are your more woggy annoying cousins :laugh:


11-15-2018, 10:33 PM
well me personally I dont think that I look south european or balkan

Yes i know you told me that from the beginning even the first time you asked me for classifying and guessing,i remember

BUT ....there are some europeans who can look similar to me which we call atypical wogs :P I think I can pass in a nightclub for example :lol: if you know what I mean

I think west asians and europeans are the same race but that we are your more woggy annoying cousins :laugh:



I didn't found funny when you asked or what you said about yourself but the reaction of some European posters
when often they don't hesitate to excommunicate Sicilians and other South European individuals as West Asian,Semitic or Armenian and
Non European looking i was in fact surprised how they responded to you because i didn't expected them to do so.

As i said i myself do think you can pass in South Europe also Greek but not as that typical but you wouldn be everywhere ultra exotic.

Some South Europeans may look at least very similar or close to you perhabs not 100% identical but to pass somewhere in real life
you don't have to look 100% identical to the locals

11-15-2018, 10:37 PM
Yes i know you told me that from the beginning even the first time you asked me for classifying and guessing,i remember


I didn't found funny when you asked or what you said about yourself but the reaction of some European posters
when often they don't hesitate to excommunicate Sicilians and other South European individuals as West Asian,Semitic or Armenian and
Non European looking i was in fact surprised how they responded to you because i didn't expected them to do so.

As i said i myself do think you can pass in South Europe also Greek but not as that typical but you wouldn be everywhere ultra exotic.

Some South Europeans may look at least very similar or close to you perhabs not 100% identical but to pass somewhere in real life
you don't have to look 100% identical to the locals

well in real life I have been guessed as south euro maybe 100000 times no joke . when I first joined this forum and made my first classify thread some members also placed me in south europe

after I said I am kurdish people said I can only pass in iraq , iran , afghanistan :D some people even placed me in pakistan . you know why ? because my ethnicity is misrepresented and people have a wrong image of how we look . they think "oh kurds are iranic ...hmmm . so this means iran - afghan because they are also iranic . but wait a minute afghanistan is next to pakistan and pakistan has pashtuns who are also iranics ....and pakistan borders india ....so yeah you pass from iraq to india" hahaha :D

but now since I informed people and posted many kurds and my genetic results people know better and often dont say such things anymore except a few . I really dont think I look typical anywhere east of azerbaijan and for sure not east of iran

11-15-2018, 10:44 PM
I think armenoids have mostly either straight or wavy hair

but guys I can not be mostly armenoid just by my features alone . armenoids have more exeggerated features

Armenoid and dinarid features get more visible with age, when you get older you porbably will look more armenoid and dinarid

11-15-2018, 10:46 PM
allright guys so the general consensus is that I am a mix of Armenoid and East Med with some east Dinaric influence and possible slight alpine

I would like to know how much % Armenid/Taurid I am and how much Med . as I said before I met a member in real life and he says he can not see much armenoid and said that I am mostly med . you can view some of his posts about it here : https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anthroworld/which-ethnicities-do-i-look-would-i-pass-as-t742-s210.html#p8645

I am definitely less armenoid in real life beause cameras/selfies make my nose longer and bigger for some reason and it creates a fish eye effect

this photo I took for my ID . I was a lot fatter there and it also doesnt look like me that much but you can see how much the camera can change you . in real life my nose looks rather like on this ID pic . I never understood why some people here on TA think I would have such a big nose


selfies :









new page . reposting pics







11-15-2018, 10:51 PM
well in real life I have been guessed as south euro maybe 100000 times no joke .

I have no trouble believing you at all

when I first joined this forum and made my first classify thread some members also placed me in south europe

And this is what i find surpising.
I'm not sure what i would have answered in this case but you look very West Asian to me
Perhabs its because you don't look exotic.
You look West Asian but not exotic.

Seems many Eupean people think that West Asian have to look exotic.
I think this is not the case West Asians just look distinct compared to European Caucasoids but not necessarily
exotic but simply West Asian in the same sense Russian or East Slavs look often distinct Slavic or East European or Chechens look distinct Caucasus.

after I said I am kurdish people said I can only pass in iraq , iran , afghanistan :D some people even placed me in pakistan . you know why ? because my ethnicity is misrepresented and people have a wrong image of how we look . they think "oh kurds are iranic ...hmmm . so this means iran - afghan because they are also iranic . but wait a minute afghanistan is next to pakistan and pakistan has pashtuns who are also iranics ....and pakistan borders india ....so yeah you pass from iraq to india" haha

Yeah i know thats TA.

As you can see also when a blond Sicilian or Cypriot woman is posted she still looks depigmented Med
or Armenoid.

Whereas when you would claim the same person is from Epiros or Thessaly everyone would say North Pontid or Dinarid and
or claim she has Slavic look.

When Med looking Epirotes are posted many claim these people are not natives from Epiros but must be half Pontians or students from Crete or God knows
what else and some particular users will despite that still claim that they don't pass in Syracuse but look Serbian or Bulgarian because it says Epiros.

11-15-2018, 10:56 PM
I have no trouble believing you at all

And this is what i find surpising.
I'm not sure what i would have answered in this case but you look very West Asian to me
Perhabs its because you don't look exotic.
You look West Asian but not exotic.

Seems many Eupean people think that West Asian have to look exotic.
I think this is not the case West Asians just look distinct compared to European Caucasoids but not necessarily
exotic in the sense Russian or East Slavs look often distinct Slavic or East European or Chechens look distinct Caucasus.

I think many people have bin ladenoids in mind when they think of west asia and this could be a reason why many have guessed me south euro in real life . we also have many moroccans here who look really exotic and often even quadroonish etc. and germans see them often they think that this is what the "mena" look is and when they see me they think I am a south euro often because I dont fit in that picture . however most still think I am turkish

and there are some europeans who can look west asian dont let us forget that

Yeah i know thats TA.

As you can see also when a blond Sicilian or Cypriot woman is posted she still looks depigmented Med
or Armenoid.

Whereas when you would claim the same person is from Epiros or Thessaly everyone would say North Pontid or Dinarid and
or claim she has Slavic look.

When Med looking Epirotes are posted many claim these people are not natives from Epiros but must be half Pontians or students from Crete or God knows
what else and some particular users will despite that still claim that they don't pass in Syracuse but look Serbian or Bulgarian because it says Epiros.

exactly this happens too often . I dont like it when people are biased . and often when one person makes a biased post the other members hop on the same wagon and agree with him/her which then escalates into a biased fuckfest lol

11-15-2018, 10:58 PM
I think many people have bin ladenoids in mind when they think of west asia and this could be a reason why many have guessed me south euro in real life . we also have many moroccans here who look really exotic and often even quadroonish etc. and germans see them often they think that this is what the "mena" look is and when they see me they think I am a south euro often because I dont fit in that picture . however most still think I am turkish

and there are some europeans who can look west asian dont let us forget that

exactly this happens too often . I dont like it when people are biased . and often when one person makes a biased post the other members hop on the same wagon and agree with him/her which then escalates into a biased fuckfest lol

Not bin ladenoids. More like Khalid Shaikh Mohammed.

11-15-2018, 11:06 PM

can you make a top 10 ethnicity list for me ? :D I didnt ask for that in a thread in a long time

1. best fit / most typical

10. least typical / atypical . but still passable

11-15-2018, 11:23 PM
You don't pass in Southern Europe, Hadouken, but that's ok.

Also you are very very very Armenoid and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

11-15-2018, 11:26 PM
You don't pass in Southern Europe, Hadouken, but that's ok.

Also you are very very very Armenoid and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

but I have passed already ...lol

very very very Armenoid ?

these are full armenoids : compare me with them :







11-15-2018, 11:29 PM
but I have passed already ...lol

very very very Armenoid ?

these are full armenoids : compare me with them :

These are some extremely ugly armenoids, not all of you have to be ugly.

a brachycephalic skull, often flattish in the occipital region, the foramen magnum and auricular passages set disproportionately far to the rear, the forehead often sloping, the face frequently elongated, and the nose salient and frequently convex.

You are pretty much the living example of dinaricization, other than convex nose.

11-15-2018, 11:30 PM
You don't pass in Southern Europe, Hadouken, but that's ok.

Well he says about himself that he doesn't look South Euro
It was some European members also some Greeks who claimed he does
And don't worry no it was not me who did but some other Greek members

Also you are very very very Armenoid and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

And here we can see how clueless and prejudiced you are with classifications because he doesn't look
very Armenoid.

There is already one feature which isn't Armenoid at all and thats his Nose.

In fact the Hawk or hooked nose of some of your beloved Euro Dinarics is much closer to a real Armenoid nose than his

He is far away from being pure Armenoid

11-15-2018, 11:32 PM
These are some extremely ugly armenoids, not all of you have to be ugly.

You are pretty much the living example of dinaricization, other than convex nose.

my point was not that they are ugly but I have different shapes like nose , features , also a bit different skull

as I said on OP the member that met me in real life said that he doesnt see much armenoid even and many members said I am a mix of armenoid and med . some also see east dinaric and/or alpine

but ok thanks for your opinion :)

11-15-2018, 11:33 PM
And here we can see how clueless and prejudiced you are with classifications because he doesn't look
very Armenoid.

There is already one feature which isn't Armenoid at all and thats its Nose.

In fact the Hawk or hooked nose of some of your beloved Euro Dinarics is much closer to a real Armenoid nose than his

He is far away from being pure Armenoid

Except not all dinarics have a convex nose. You have plagued this site with your ignorance and shitposting for how long now? Don't you think it's finally time to stfu?

11-15-2018, 11:33 PM
a new page ? so fast . man I cant hold up lol

reposting the pics so the members can see the other pics I added too

allright guys so the general consensus is that I am a mix of Armenoid and East Med with some east Dinaric influence and possible slight alpine

I would like to know how much % Armenid/Taurid I am and how much Med . as I said before I met a member in real life and he says he can not see much armenoid and said that I am mostly med . you can view some of his posts about it here : https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/anthroworld/which-ethnicities-do-i-look-would-i-pass-as-t742-s210.html#p8645

I am definitely less armenoid in real life beause cameras/selfies make my nose longer and bigger for some reason and it creates a fish eye effect

this photo I took for my ID . I was a lot fatter there and it also doesnt look like me that much but you can see how much the camera can change you . in real life my nose looks rather like on this ID pic . I never understood why some people here on TA think I would have such a big nose


selfies :















11-15-2018, 11:36 PM
Except not all dinarics have a convex nose.

Yeah not all of them have

But convex nose is a typical Dinaric or Armenoid trait.

You have plagued this site with your ignorance and shitposting for how long now? Don't you think it's finally time to stfu?

You have plagued this site with your ignorance and shitposting for how long now? Don't you think it's finally time to stfu?

11-15-2018, 11:37 PM
please bros dont fight here in this thread

and cybernautic please make the list for me and nightrider+ no matter where other members place me please dont highjack the thread by disagreements :D I have understood your opinion already

11-15-2018, 11:41 PM
please bros dont fight here in this thread

and cybernautic please make the list for me and nightrider+ no matter where other members place me please dont highjack the thread by disagreements :D I have understood your opinion already

Sorry bro

but this dude comes always into threads and forces me into fights as you can see he was the first person of us two who became personal
because he disagreed with me.

He is also a notorius troll who derails threads and turns them into shit when he doesn't like them
He has been banned for incessant trolling in the past.

Well i can not make a list in one evening i will need some time to think about it if you want a top 10.

So far i can say at place 1 of the list comes your native ethnicity imo
that means

1 Kurdish

rest is following soon

11-15-2018, 11:45 PM
but this dude comes always into threads and forces me into fights as you can see he was the first person of us two who became personal
because he disagreed with me.

He is also a notorius troll who derails threads and turns them into shit when he doesn't like them
He has been banned for incessant trolling in the past.


You responded first to my post which contained no reference to you with this, you fucking lunatic:

And here we can see how clueless and prejudiced you are with classifications

You also have been banned more times than me by far.
At least respect the wishes of the op and for once in your life quit shitposting and provoking members.

11-15-2018, 11:46 PM
ok bros enough please . dont respond to each other

11-15-2018, 11:46 PM
Sorry bro

but this dude comes always into threads and forces me into fights as you can see he was the first person of us two who became personal
because he disagreed with me.

He is also a notorius troll who derails threads and turns them into shit when he doesn't like them
He has been banned for incessant trolling in the past.

Well i can not make a list in one evening i will need some time to think about it if you want a top 10.

So far i can say at place 1 of the list comes your native ethnicity imo
that means

1 Kurdish

rest is following soonYou banned a lot because you trolled Sikeliot remember?

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

11-15-2018, 11:46 PM
NarLFC I see you browsing the thread


post something

11-15-2018, 11:50 PM

You responded first to my post which contained no reference to you with this, you fucking lunatic:

Yeah i responded first but i didn't say anything about you as a poster realy
you where the first who did though i find you quite annoying and a pain in the ass sometimes
and i'm not the only who does

You also have been banned more times than me by far.
At least respect the wishes of the op and for once in your life quit shitposting and provoking members.

I have been banned only because trolled and insulted mods.

Mostly Sikeliot who tried to permaban me and one time the Albanian mod Wrong with whom you align here very often.

Loki who is the chief mod anyway allowed me to come back everytime i was banned.

And yeah this is my last reply to you here.


If you feel annoyed by him simply report him or ask his posts to be deleted

11-15-2018, 11:52 PM
:tsk: why do my classify threads always get highjacked .....I can not have one thread about myself without people arguing or cockblocking or trolling etc.

11-15-2018, 11:54 PM
but I have passed already ...lol

very very very Armenoid ?

these are full armenoids : compare me with them :







I'd like to know who the hell came up with those Armenoid plates lol

11-15-2018, 11:56 PM
I'd like to know who the hell came up with those Armenoid plates lol

based on the plates and people in that post that are pure armenoid . how much armenoid am I in your opinion ?

I need to repost the pics because already a new page . fuck man this is so fast














11-15-2018, 11:59 PM
A couple of those plates look absolutely deformed. I'd say you're an even split. I can see Med and Dinarid/Armenoid traits about you.

Overall, your best pass is in the Kurdish part of Turkey.

11-16-2018, 12:00 AM
A couple of those plates look absolutely deformed. I'd say you're an even split. I can see Med and Dinarid/Armenoid traits about you.

Overall, your best pass is in the Kurdish part of Turkey.

place me as other passing ethnicities

make a top 10 list please :D try to be unbiased of course

11-16-2018, 12:08 AM
place me as other passing ethnicities

make a top 10 list please :D try to be unbiased of course

In no specific order

Other than Kurdish-inhabited nations I'd say

Lebanon, Cyprus, Israel, Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Malta, Greece and Italy.

I excluded Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey for the aforementioned reason. I dont think youd look very typical in the last 2 nations but they have some areas that I think you'll blend in even if atypical.

I dont see you anywhere east of Iran or West/north of S. Europe. I included Israel because they have a mish mash of phenotypes. Dont think you look Palestinian or can pass in Jordan either. Forget about gulf Arab nations. I could see you sooner convince everyone that you're a native Bulgarian than pass in Arab countries.

Then again you're a MENA so maybe Morocco? :D

11-16-2018, 12:11 AM
In no specific order

Other than Kurdish-inhabited nations I'd say

Lebanon, Cyprus, Israel, Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Malta, Greece and Italy.

I excluded Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey for the aforementioned reason. I dont think youd look very typical in the last 2 nations but they have some areas that I think you'll blend in even if atypical.

I dont see you anywhere east of Iran or West/north of S. Europe. I included Israel because they have a mish mash of phenotypes. Dont think you look Palestinian or can pass in Jordan either. Forget about gulf Arab nations. I could see you sooner convince everyone that you're a native Bulgarian than pass in Arab countries.

Then again you're a MENA so maybe Morocco? :D

thanks bro :) I hoped you would list them in an order though :D but this is good too thanks

well since my hair is shaven I have gotten 2-3 times north african in real life :D haha

I really dont look moroccan though that one I know 100% . I know many moroccans

I am not a MENA btw :P because I am closer to you guys than to most mena :D I get modelled as 75-80% Armenian or Georgian Jew + 20-25% Tajik :D

11-16-2018, 12:13 AM
thanks bro :) I hoped you would list them in an order though :D but this is good too thanks

well since my hair is shaven I have gotten 2-3 times north african in real life :D haha

I really dont look moroccan though that one I know 100% . I know many moroccans

I am not a MENA btw :P because I am closer to you guys than to most mena :D I get modelled as 75-80% Armenian or Georgian Jew + 20-25% Tajik :D

I wouldn't put too much stock into Gedmatch calculators for now.

11-16-2018, 12:18 AM
I wouldn't put too much stock into Gedmatch calculators for now.

well it shows clearly that we are closer to south caucasians than to menas ....which makes sense geographically and phenotypically too as you should know

11-16-2018, 01:39 AM

60% Taurid (blended Armenid Dinaric)
40% East Med

I think you posted some Armenid examples with very flat occiput huge noses but you look nothing like them bro! :thumb001:
You have WAY way more symmetric face than the Armenid examples thus I believe you have a native Anatolian look (Taurid) like the Hittites or even your Median ancestors :)

The Armenid look could be intermediate between Taurid and Mtebid but Im not sure

Btw you also pass in southern territories mostly as Lebanese

11-16-2018, 01:41 AM

60% Taurid (blended Armenid Dinaric)
40% East Med

I think you posted some Armenid examples with very flat occiput huge noses but you look nothing like them bro! :thumb001:
You have WAY way more symmetric face then the Armenid examples thus I believe you have a native Anatolian look (Taurid) like the Hittites or even your Median ancestors :)

The Armenid look could be intermediate between Taurid and Mtebid but Im not sure

thanks I take the symmetric face as a compliment :D in real life when people made me compliments why they find me good looking they also said I have harmonious features which I guess goes into the same direction :o oh stop it youuuuuuu lmao

can you place me as the ethnicities I pass ?

11-16-2018, 01:41 AM
Another page :D

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

11-16-2018, 01:42 AM
Another page :D

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk















11-16-2018, 02:03 AM
thanks I take the symmetric face as a compliment :D in real life when people made me compliments why they find me good looking they also said I have harmonious features which I guess goes into the same direction :o oh stop it youuuuuuu lmao

can you place me as the ethnicities I pass ?

But its true broooo!!! You do have symmetric/Harmonious looks and thats why I believe you are pred Taurid with East Med coming second :)

Imo , if we divide the Kurds into the northern Highlanders and the Near Eastern looking ones I'd say you pass in the latter spectrum. That being said I believe Armenia would be the northernmost point that you can pass and Azerbaijan the Easternmost one but your real "Homeland" would be Mesopotamia. That being said you could easily pass as Syrian, Lebanese, Assyrian, or Northern Iraqi without being noticed

I know a Lebanese guy who resembles you a lot and he is handsome :)

11-16-2018, 02:07 AM
But its true broooo!!! You do have symmetric/Harmonious looks and thats why I believe you are pred Taurid with East Med coming second :)

Imo , if we divide the Kurds into the northern Highlanders and the Near Eastern looking ones I'd say you pass in the latter spectrum. That being said I believe Armenia would be the northernmost point that you can pass and Azerbaijan the Easternmost one but your real "Homeland" would be Mesopotamia. That being said you could easily pass as Syrian, Lebanese, Assyrian, or Northern Iraqi without being noticed

I know a Lebanese guy who resembles you a lot and he is handsome :)

I am typical for my people I dont know if highlander or not :D https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?266484-Kurdish-People-Gallery

I think you placed me a bit too "narrow" :D and a bit too southern ? I mean ....syria , iraq etc. ...they have many people that are too exotic to pass as my ethnicity and I come from more northern geographics etc. . I do have a jewish and levantine shift on gedmatch though so I dunno

bro I am handsome too but unphotogenic . and I am fat :( I will have to lose weight but my medication hinders me . I will also buy a new webcam and make pics or even vids :D

11-16-2018, 02:14 AM
I am typical for my people I dont know if highlander or not :D https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?266484-Kurdish-People-Gallery

Completly agree
Man this obsession here always with highlanders and non highlanders.

As if living in the highlands somewhere would make you automatically part of different ethnicity or race compared to lowland
people from the same ethnicity

11-16-2018, 02:17 AM
Completly agree
Man this obsession here always with highlanders and non highlanders.

As if living in the highlands somewhere would make you automatically part of different ethnicity or race compared to lowland
people from the same ethnicity

I have the feeling Freeroostah sees me a little more woggy than I am :P

I wish you guys could see me in real life without the photo effects making my nose longer , hiding my ears and making my face narrower etc.

I am also very unphotogenic for some fucked up reason . but then again thats better than looking better on pics than in real life lol

can you believe that many members thought I have a big hooked nose ? like this : it is because of photos

Leto said I look like this man .....


11-16-2018, 02:51 AM
I am typical for my people I dont know if highlander or not :D https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?266484-Kurdish-People-Gallery

I think you placed me a bit too "narrow" :D and a bit too southern ? I mean ....syria , iraq etc. ...they have many people that are too exotic to pass as my ethnicity and I come from more northern geographics etc. . I do have a jewish and levantine shift on gedmatch though so I dunno

bro I am handsome too but unphotogenic . and I am fat :( I will have to lose weight but my medication hinders me . I will also buy a new webcam and make pics or even vids :D

I dont know but for some reason the highlander Kurds look a bit lighter than you and closer to Caucasian groups but to me you belong to the near Eastern group that is closer to Cypriots and Lebanese. I dont even know if there are such distinctions within the Kurds, Its just a personal observation with no scientific background haha :)
But I do insist that your Taurid-East Med phenotype does make you pass easier as Levantine than other lighter Kurds.

Basically where the Arab phenotypes start fading away(north-central Syria,Lebanon, North Iraq), your phenotype and people with your looks become more prevalent :thumb001:

Believe me bro but I spend a good portion of time to take a photo cause most of the time cameras won't cooperate :dunno:
By having already a harmonious look you have already built the foundations for handsome guy. Dont worry about the excessive fat. You can easily lose them ;)

11-16-2018, 02:54 AM
Completly agree
Man this obsession here always with highlanders and non highlanders.

As if living in the highlands somewhere would make you automatically part of different ethnicity or race compared to lowland
people from the same ethnicity

By highlanders I meant the people who live to mountainous areas close to Armenia and Pontus. Judging by the humid Caucasian like environment of course they will be lighter than the lowlander Kurds of North Syrian sunny drylands since UV light radiation varies between those two climates

11-16-2018, 02:56 AM
I dont know but for some reason the highlander Kurds look a bit lighter than you and closer to Caucasian groups but to me you belong to the near Eastern group that is closer to Cypriots and Lebanese. I dont even know if there are such distinctions within the Kurds, Its just a personal observation with no scientific background haha :)
But I do insist that your Taurid-East Med phenotype does make you pass easier as Levantine than other lighter Kurds.

Basically where the Arab phenotypes start fading away(north-central Syria,Lebanon, North Iraq), your phenotype and people with your looks become more prevalent :thumb001:

Believe me bro but I spend a good portion of time to take a photo cause most of the time cameras won't cooperate :dunno:
By having already a harmonious look you have already built the foundations for handsome guy. Dont worry about the excessive fat. You can easily lose them ;)

well just check the kurdish gallery :) also post there if possible

so I pass as cypriot for you . many people said that . what about other kind of greek ? would I pass ? I hope so :D you guys are a good looking people

11-16-2018, 09:59 AM
I dont know but for some reason the highlander Kurds look a bit lighter than you and closer to Caucasian groups but to me you belong to the near Eastern group that is closer to Cypriots and Lebanese. I dont even know if there are such distinctions within the Kurds, Its just a personal observation with no scientific background haha :)
But I do insist that your Taurid-East Med phenotype does make you pass easier as Levantine than other lighter Kurds.

Basically where the Arab phenotypes start fading away(north-central Syria,Lebanon, North Iraq), your phenotype and people with your looks become more prevalent :thumb001:

Believe me bro but I spend a good portion of time to take a photo cause most of the time cameras won't cooperate :dunno:
By having already a harmonious look you have already built the foundations for handsome guy. Dont worry about the excessive fat. You can easily lose them ;)

In Caucasus mountains, especially North there is no pure Armenid types, nor Armeno-Med types, nor pure Med types, highlanders generally have fairer pigmentation and round head, but in North Caucasus they are Gorids or Asian Alpines with some Dinarids and Balkan Borreby type, they also have Pontid (but Caucasus-like) and sometimes Baltid.

11-16-2018, 10:02 AM
I wanted to add that Georgians have rare pure Armenids and Meds are Pontids, if they say you can pass there and Greeks say you don't pass in their country, it's probably shame or something, Greeks have high East_Med just like Kurds and many Med types, while "West_Asian" is a term that can be divided in many categories.
I think overall, you don't have that ugly Armenid nose (gg bro xD) but yes you have high % of Armenid in you