View Full Version : classify Iranian volleyball team members

11-13-2018, 02:53 AM
I get a lot of shit from some members only because I state the fact that persians look different from us kurds in general . these men are very persian faces and none of them passes as my ethnicity for example . I can show you a lot more persians regardless of light or dark and most look foreign as fuck to me















11-13-2018, 02:57 AM
Too swarthy to pass anywhere outside of Iran! BTW you can mention my name you don't need to say "some" lol

11-13-2018, 02:58 AM
Too swarthy to pass anywhere outside of Iran! BTW you can mention my name you don't need to say "some" lol

not too swarthy but too distinct looking . some can pass in afghanistan and levant/iraq but most look distinctly persian

it is not only you but some others too like shelassi

11-13-2018, 03:01 AM
not too swarthy but too distinct looking . some can pass in afghanistan and levant/iraq but most look distinctly persian

it is not only you but some others too like shelassiOh yeah they might even pass in Pakistan and stuff too but God knows they can't pass in Anatolia and Caucasus

11-13-2018, 03:03 AM
Oh yeah they might even pass in Pakistan and stuff too but God knows they can't pass in Anatolia and Caucasus

pakistan I dont think so . but one of them looks indian

anatolia and caucasus most dont pass . none of them passes among us I hope that is okay to say or do you decide that for me ?

11-13-2018, 03:04 AM
Very foreign, un-west Asian looking, almost South Asian in appearance.

Irano-Afghan, Indid Brachids, Pamirid shit right there!

11-13-2018, 03:05 AM
Very foreign, un-west Asian looking, almost South Asian in appearance.

Irano-Afghan, Indid Brachids, Pamirid shit right there!

they can not pass as my ethnicity . if they pass as yours thats fine

11-13-2018, 03:17 AM
Very foreign, un-west Asian looking, almost South Asian in appearance.

Irano-Afghan, Indid Brachids, Pamirid shit right there!I agree with this. Iranians are definitely have nothing to do with the superior West Asians. SALUTE

11-13-2018, 03:19 AM
pakistan I dont think so . but one of them looks indian

anatolia and caucasus most dont pass . none of them passes among us I hope that is okay to say or do you decide that for me ?You know i am not gonna comment on that but instead just laugh it off.

11-13-2018, 03:19 AM
more persian men . I will even put some really light ones in it so you can not accuse me of shit . they are all very persian looking . not a single one passes as my ethnicity













11-13-2018, 03:27 AM





























11-13-2018, 03:30 AM
I honestly appreciate the time and effort you put in to convince us to believe Kurds look drastically different from Persians!

11-13-2018, 03:32 AM
I honestly appreciate the time and effort you put in to convince us to believe Kurds look drastically different from Persians!

you are actually mad :D otherwise you wouldnt have called me out on it .now you are trolling . you actually know that I am right because it is obvious from the photos . werent you 3/4 azeri and 1/4 georgian ? or are you a farsi ?

11-13-2018, 03:33 AM
You know Hadouken, the more time and energy you spend trying to convince TA that they're different to Kurds probably makes most readers think the exact opposite.

11-13-2018, 03:33 AM
you are actually mad :D otherwise you wouldnt have called me out on it .now you are trolling . you actually know that I am right because it is obvious from the photos . werent you 3/4 azeri and 1/4 georgian ? or are you a farsi ?No i am Nigerian lol

11-13-2018, 03:34 AM
No i am Nigerian lol

Might as well be. "Urartian" :D

11-13-2018, 03:34 AM
You know Hadouken, the more time and energy you spend trying to convince TA that they're different to Kurds probably makes most readers think the exact opposite.

no . trust me bro they wont think the opposite . BUT they will say it because they will think it angers me :lol: . I know how this works dont worry . but I post this to shuffle it up their ass because reality is on my side

11-13-2018, 03:34 AM
No i am Nigerian lol

salute to the african race then

11-13-2018, 03:47 AM
Well just an honest opinion and i will stop trolling your kurdish ass! All the threads you make are cherry picked and it just indicates you have a complex towards iranians and that might be caused by kurds being iranic and get compared to iranians a lot and by the things we see on news and stuff, Iranians are portrayed as not developed semitic looking weird people and i totally get that cuz us Azeris get compared to Iranians a lot. But in regards things you say or try to do here are just meaning less and childish. Also when i say it seems like you have a complex towards iranians don't get offended cuz your actions and "hard pressed" attitude (as Shelati says) supports that. You might try to whitewash your people here and convince people but that is far from the truth you, yourself very well aware of that at least 50 % of Iranians can pass as kurds with no problem what so ever.
I hope you just understand what I am trying to say and don't take offense. Salute to the Kurds from Azerbaijan!

11-13-2018, 03:51 AM
Well just an honest opinion and i will stop trolling your kurdish ass! All the threads you make are cherry picked and it just indicates you have a complex towards iranians and that might be caused by kurds being iranic and get compared to iranians a lot and by the things we see on news and stuff, Iranians are portrayed as not developed semitic looking weird people and i totally get that cuz us Azeris get compared to Iranians a lot. But in regards things you say or try to do here are just meaning less and childish. Also when i say it seems like you have a complex towards iranians don't get offended cuz your actions and "hard pressed" attitude (as Shelati says) supports that. You might try to whitewash your people here and convince people but that is far from the truth you, yourself very well aware of that at least 50 % of Iranians can pass as kurds with no problem what so ever.
I hope you just understand what I am trying to say and don't take offense. Salute to the Kurds from Azerbaijan!

what a bunch of nonsense

I think very highly of iranians . one of my best friends is half azerbaijani iranian and half persian too

what exactly is cherrypicked ? dont even dare to accuse me of cherrypicking ....I posted literally 10000 kurds and also videos with many people including swarthy as fuck people . you have to be kidding me . dude the problem is that we are too different for your taste compared to what you want us to look at . it is not whitewashing what I do because I post my people .....the way we are ....it is YOU who thinks "oh pretty white . I didnt have that in mind when I think of kurds" etc.

it is not my fault . I dont cherrypick

if you want me to post arabs , mixed people , qerecis etc. then I can not help you

and no 50% of iranians can not pass as kurds . no fucking way . is that a problem ? no it is not . do you make a problem out of it ? YES ! . and you even started trolling me for that reason . it is not hard to see that you got offended only because I say that persians look different and started trolling me . pff pathetic

11-13-2018, 03:54 AM
Delusional. That's all i have to say!

11-13-2018, 06:35 AM
wow they do look quite different to kurds specially turkey kurds

11-13-2018, 08:54 AM
salute to the african race then
i think the main difrences is do the subharan admx what the ethnic persians shows which Kurds in general lack.
# Population Percent
1 East_Med 26.1
2 West_Asian 24.18
3 Red_Sea 15.86
4 South_Asian 12.07
5 Northeast_African 6.89
6 Sub-Saharan 5.24
7 West_Med 4.87
8 Baltic 2.33
9 Siberian 1.14
10 North_Atlantic 1.01
11 Oceanian 0.3

however people like refer to "Iranian" sample, based on the tiny North West Iran individuals which not include the bigger bulk ,rest of Iran, Fars province etc.

11-13-2018, 05:04 PM
i think the main difrences is do the subharan admx what the ethnic persians shows which Kurds in general lack.
# Population Percent
1 East_Med 26.1
2 West_Asian 24.18
3 Red_Sea 15.86
4 South_Asian 12.07
5 Northeast_African 6.89
6 Sub-Saharan 5.24
7 West_Med 4.87
8 Baltic 2.33
9 Siberian 1.14
10 North_Atlantic 1.01
11 Oceanian 0.3

however people like refer to "Iranian" sample, based on the tiny North West Iran individuals which not include the bigger bulk ,rest of Iran, Fars province etc.

iranians also score more south asian

but that guy you linked is very atypical and probably an iranian arab

11-13-2018, 05:19 PM

11-13-2018, 05:22 PM
IRANID af lol

11-13-2018, 05:23 PM

it is just a classify thread :confused:

11-13-2018, 05:55 PM
Irano-Pamirids mostly. They look a lot like Afghans.

11-13-2018, 05:56 PM
Irano-Pamirids mostly. They look a lot like Afghans.

I actually dont think so but maybe thats just me . they look very persian and I can not see them as much else

Seth MacFarlane
11-13-2018, 05:56 PM
They probably don’t overlap with Kurds from your region but some scam definitley as Kurds from Iran , Iraq , Syria . I guess turkey Kurds absorbed more Anatolian . Some can pass as as Assyrian and afghan tho too. Very Persian faces indeed

11-13-2018, 05:57 PM
Very foreign, un-west Asian looking, almost South Asian in appearance.

Irano-Afghan, Indid Brachids, Pamirid shit right there!
Non of them look Pakistani, the pigmentation is making them seem more south Asian then they are

11-13-2018, 05:57 PM
Non of them look Pakistani, the pigmentation is making them seem more south Asian then they are

He's joking lol

They pass best in Afghanistan probably after Iran

11-13-2018, 05:59 PM
They probably don’t overlap with Kurds from your region but some scam definitley as Kurds from Iran , Iraq , Syria . I guess turkey Kurds absorbed more Anatolian . Some can pass as as Assyrian and afghan tho too. Very Persian faces indeed

they dont look like any kurdish group tbh

why is always our anatolian mix talked about ? we come out as normal kurdish on gedmatch . it is rather that some iraqi kurds have absorbed foreign people like arabs and probably gypsies . iranian kurds from what I have seen dont look like persians much

persians have a very distinct look often that doesnt overlap with many people . but when they have overlap then it is mostly with syrians , azerbaijanis , pashtuns . but not us kurds that much except individually . my gallery proves this

11-16-2018, 07:28 PM
Very foreign, un-west Asian looking, almost South Asian in appearance.

Irano-Afghan, Indid Brachids, Pamirid shit right there!This

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11-16-2018, 07:29 PM

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he was being sarcastic

these people dont look south asian at all except one

but they dont fit among us

11-16-2018, 07:48 PM
Honest opinion: they all look too woggy

11-16-2018, 07:53 PM
Honest opinion: they all look too woggy

they are just one facette of persians . there are also many lighter persians but those also dont fit well among us

but these persians I posted dont look that exotic to me . they still look west asian just more distinct . I dont agree that they fit east of iran except one guy

11-16-2018, 07:55 PM
they are just one facette of persians . there are also many lighter persians but those also dont fit well among us

but these persians I posted dont look that exotic to me . they still look west asian just more distinct . I dont agree that they fit east of iran except one guyTbh Iran is a very diverse country

11-16-2018, 08:01 PM
Tbh Iran is a very diverse country

most iranians still look nothing like south asians ....but very persian

persians are one of the best looking people in the world imo . I find persian women extremely attractive

but they dont look like us in general for some reason even though when you would look at gedmatch you would think otherwise . it is pretty interesting

I made a classify iranians thread btw. and iranian members seemed to like it because it is accurate for persian looks :


11-16-2018, 08:05 PM
most iranians still look nothing like south asians ....but very persian

persians are one of the best looking people in the world imo . I find persian women extremely attractive

but they dont look like us in general for some reason even though when you would look at gedmatch you would think otherwise . it is pretty interesting

I made a classify iranians thread btw. and iranian members seemed to like it because it is accurate for persian looks :

https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?258095-classify-some-iraniansI don't know a lot of Persians but seen a lot of Persian tourists back in Azerbaijan and they have their own unique flair. Here in uni I've seen some Persians and all of them look rather south Asian which was quite weird.

11-16-2018, 08:09 PM
I don't know a lot of Persians but seen a lot of Persian tourists back in Azerbaijan and they have their own unique flair. Here in uni I've seen some Persians and all of them look rather south Asian which was quite weird.

really ? all iranians I know look nothing like south asians and I know quite many

persians dont look south asian except some atypical outliers . but yes they have their own flair/look !!!! thats what I am trying to say the whole time . and most look foreign to me to pass among us even though they still look west asian of course

11-16-2018, 11:07 PM
Honest opinion: they all look too woggy

Where are you from?

Lol They are not actually too Woggy by west asian standards. Several of them are ethnic Azeris who are from nw Iran. These pictures seem to darken them perhaps. But at any rate if they are certainly not darker by west Asian standards

11-16-2018, 11:08 PM
really ? all iranians I know look nothing like south asians and I know quite many

persians dont look south asian except some atypical outliers . but yes they have their own flair/look !!!! thats what I am trying to say the whole time . and most look foreign to me to pass among us even though they still look west asian of course

Surely looking south Asian is not a bad thing.btw Iran’s volleyball team can destroy every west Asian team 3-0

They are that much better. They are probably top 7 in the world and one of the better teams in the world

11-16-2018, 11:10 PM
Surely looking south Asian is not a bad thing.

but they just dont

11-16-2018, 11:15 PM
but they just dont

I am Iranian. I agree most Iranian don’t look South Asian but even if they did it is not negative or bad a thing

But to claim these volleyball players are too woggy by west Asian standard is absurd

11-16-2018, 11:16 PM
I am Iranian. I agree most Iranian don’t look South Asian but even if they did it is not negative

But too cliam these volleyball players are too woggy by west Asian standard is absurd

welcome to the forum bro . SALUTE ! :D

too woggy or not is a different question I also dont think they are that woggy except 1 guy but they look different from us and dont pass as my ethnicity

11-16-2018, 11:58 PM
Iranians have very distinct look. Guys are not attractive at all, like AT ALL!
But women, Jesus!
Can distinguish Iranian girls very easy by barbie nose and horny look lol :D
I have a new neighbor, she came from Iran, sexiest girl in neighborhood, she loves cats and when she call kitties "kis kis kis" i get bulge.

I'm against iranian migration to Georgia if it comes to males, but persian females are very much welcome here. They are still very feminine, while our girls becoming like men.

11-16-2018, 11:59 PM
Where are you from?

Lol They are not actually too Woggy by west asian standards. Several of them are ethnic Azeris who are from nw Iran. These pictures seem to darken them perhaps. But at any rate if they are certainly not darker by west Asian standardsWhat i want to say is that these guys look different than the persians i saw before but also i have seen seen some persians who look "south asian" too and that indicates that u guys are very diverse in looks

11-17-2018, 12:00 AM
non of these men pass as my ethnicity Negah . and I am Kurdish .... trust me none of them passes well

11-17-2018, 12:01 AM
Iranians have very distinct look. Guys are not attractive at all, like AT ALL!
But women, Jesus!
Can distinguish Iranian girls very easy by barbie nose and horny look lol :D
I have a new neighbor, she came from Iran, sexiest girl in neighborhood, she loves cats and when she call kitties "kis kis kis" i get bulge.

I'm against iranian migration to Georgia if it comes to males, but persian females are very much welcome here. They are still very feminine, while our girls becoming like men.Agreed Persian girls are very attractive.

11-17-2018, 12:01 AM
non of these men pass as my ethnicity Negah . and I am Kurdish .... trust me none of them passes wellOk we get it! Lord Jesus!

11-17-2018, 12:02 AM
Ok we get it! Lord Jesus!

what I also would like to mention is that once you cross from turkey to iran people start to look noticably different :D

11-17-2018, 12:03 AM
what I also would like to mention is that once you cross from turkey to iran people start to look noticably different :DGood Lord! Plz STAAAAAAWWWWPPPPPPP

11-17-2018, 12:04 AM

even though on gedmatch we have big similarities lookwise a lot of persians look foreign to me :D

11-17-2018, 12:05 AM
even though on gedmatch we have big similarities lookwise a lot of persians look foreign to me :DOk we get it! Kurds are from a different universe and Iranians are the pure Aryan smh

11-17-2018, 12:06 AM
Ok we get it! Kurds are from a different universe and Iranians are the pure Aryan smh

no not from a different planet . there is individual overlap and iranians are west asian people still but lookwise there are a lo..... :D

11-17-2018, 12:06 AM
even though on gedmatch we have big similarities lookwise a lot of persians look foreign to me :D

LOL. bruhh. nigga's gonna go crazy. take it easy on him haha.

11-17-2018, 12:11 AM
^ lol he really thinks we are serious

11-17-2018, 12:16 AM
Honestly if this is what all Persians look like then they definitely dont look much like Kurds Hadouken shows to us.

11-17-2018, 12:18 AM
Honestly if this is what all Persians look like then they definitely dont look much like Kurds Hadouken shows to us.

neither do light iranians look like us . it has nothing to do with dark or light . light iranians look different from us too

11-17-2018, 05:29 PM
I honestly appreciate the time and effort you put in to convince us to believe Kurds look drastically different from Persians!

Yeah, I know right. Judging by his photos Kurds are too exotic for Iran.