View Full Version : Classify old Georgian man

Seth MacFarlane
11-17-2018, 09:16 PM

11-17-2018, 09:17 PM

11-17-2018, 09:17 PM
Extreme Armenoid lol

11-17-2018, 09:22 PM
Face shape and eyes are Dinarid, but the nose looks Armenoid, judging by the photo. I can't tell very well without a profile photo.

11-17-2018, 09:24 PM

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

11-17-2018, 09:29 PM
dinarid-armenoid intermediate

11-17-2018, 09:33 PM

11-17-2018, 09:34 PM
Face shape and eyes are Dinarid, but the nose looks Armenoid, judging by the photo. I can't tell very well without a profile photo.

Dinarid get a a thicker nose when old, he can be just dinarid

11-17-2018, 09:34 PM
he looks kurdish as fuck btw

11-17-2018, 09:36 PM
He looks very Georgian. Also he looks very different from Armenians.

11-17-2018, 09:37 PM
He looks very Georgian. Also he looks very different from Armenians.

he looks a lot like our kurdish uncles . you dont know wtf you are talking about jackie chan

11-17-2018, 09:37 PM
he looks G2a-L91

Seth MacFarlane
11-17-2018, 09:37 PM
he looks kurdish as fuck btw

Thought so

Seth MacFarlane
11-17-2018, 09:39 PM
he looks a lot like our kurdish uncles . you dont know wtf you are talking about jackie chan

Lmaooo , yea I think he fits as all . Georgian , Armenian , Kurdish . Armenoid

11-17-2018, 09:45 PM

11-17-2018, 09:49 PM
he looks G2a-L91

True. He looks like from Western Caucasus region.

11-17-2018, 09:53 PM
Taurid. good example

11-17-2018, 09:54 PM

11-17-2018, 09:56 PM

11-17-2018, 09:59 PM
He looks very Georgian. Also he looks very different from Armenians.

Yeah you're right. Galaxies apart. Fuck outta here troll :D

11-17-2018, 10:00 PM
Yeah you're right. Galaxies apart. Fuck outta here troll :DImo he looks more closer to Armenians

11-17-2018, 10:00 PM
Armenoid + Dinarid

11-17-2018, 10:02 PM
Imo he looks more closer to Armenians

He would pass for both.

11-17-2018, 10:10 PM
Dont think he Georgian
Very atypical for all Kartvelian subethnoses

11-17-2018, 10:10 PM
Yeah you're right. Galaxies apart.

Not galaxies apart but there is something distinct about Georgian man. He has very narrow face with gracile cheek bones and his eyes are deeper set while Armenians don't have such cheeks and their eyes are more open.

Here is Armenoid


Another example of gracile cheek bones from Caucasus mountains


Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
11-17-2018, 10:14 PM
Dinaro-Armenid: Mtebid.

11-17-2018, 10:17 PM
Not galaxies apart but there is something distinct about Georgian man. He has very narrow face and his eyes are deeper set while Armenians have broader shorter faces and their eyes are more open.

Here is Armenoid


That's just one example. And a very minute one at that. Both men look like they can be from the same ethnicity. And let's not pretend that the man above cant be a Georgian either. Also, regional genetic variations exist among Armenians as well. Yet its always these extreme Armenoid types being posted lol

Tbh you're not well versed in phenotypes so I suggest you at least visit our sub thread and find out what we really look like.

11-17-2018, 10:17 PM
Georgians have or massive Mtebid faces or long thin Pontids with Mtebid massive features

Its actually how "white" western Georgian men look


Seth MacFarlane
11-17-2018, 10:19 PM
Not galaxies apart but there is something distinct about Georgian man. He has very narrow face with gracile cheek bones and his eyes are deeper set while Armenians don't have such cheeks and their eyes are more open.

Here is Armenoid


Another example of gracile cheek bones from Caucasus mountains


Nothing really distinct about Georgian types . Georgians have some more lighter types but all those lighter types and the darker types are all present in Armenia .

11-17-2018, 10:20 PM
And here are black assed Easterner who have most "Asian" looking


11-17-2018, 10:21 PM
hey everybody calm down and salute to the west asian race

11-17-2018, 10:27 PM
hey everybody calm down and salute to the west asian race

No problem with west asian race but I want my own Kartvelo-Caucasico race :(

Armenians are always jealous that we are aboriginal nation in the region but they are Indo-European 1 ml bc wave mixed with local peoplea of East Anatolia

Sure the person who want to take from us our Kartvelo looking is Armenian nazi :(

11-17-2018, 10:28 PM
No problem with west asian race but I want my own Kartvelo-Caucasico race :(

Armenians are always jealous that we are aboriginal nation in the region but they are Indo-European 1 ml bc wave mixed with local peoplea of East Anatolia

Sure the person who want to take from us our Kartvelo looking is Armenian nazi :(

kartvelo caucasian race is a subtype of the west asian race . SALUTE

11-17-2018, 10:29 PM
kartvelo caucasian race is a subtype of the west asian race . SALUTE

We are told here we are Europeans :D

11-17-2018, 10:30 PM
We are told here we are Europeans :D

well you are the most european leaning west asians thats for sure . I consider you to be quasi europeans too but still west asians also

11-17-2018, 10:33 PM
Look at this Chechen dude and his gracile cheek bones. I don't see such cheek bones among Armenians. And this Georgian man also has high gracile cheek bones.


11-17-2018, 10:33 PM
well you are the most european leaning west asians thats for sure . I consider you to be quasi europeans too but still west asians also

I know but our modern politics want us to think we are Europeans as the West can be our allies

We were fucked by Near East Empires
Then by Russia
So we hate them both
Also because of Christianity we are like white kva kva crow in the region

11-17-2018, 10:34 PM
Look at this Chechen dude and his gracile cheek bones. I don't see such cheek bones among Armenians. And this Georgian man also has high gracile cheek bones.


Very ultra chechenish chechen :)

11-17-2018, 10:35 PM
No problem with west asian race but I want my own Kartvelo-Caucasico race :(

Armenians are always jealous that we are aboriginal nation in the region but they are Indo-European 1 ml bc wave mixed with local peoplea of East Anatolia

Sure the person who want to take from us our Kartvelo looking is Armenian nazi :(

Armenians are indigenous to the region...Why do Georgians have a chip on their shoulder? It's like everything they do they have to somehow prove to do better than Armenians. We are like your golden standard somehow.

And shove your Sultan Abdul Hamid "east Anatolia" bullshit where the sun dont shine. It's the Armenian Highlands.

11-17-2018, 10:36 PM
I dont like fights between west asians


11-17-2018, 10:37 PM
Look at this Chechen dude and his gracile cheek bones. I don't see such cheek bones among Armenians. And this Georgian man also has high gracile cheek bones.


You dont see such features because you've hardly ever seen an Armenian in your life or you need to try and open your eyes first instead of your mouth.

11-17-2018, 10:40 PM
Armenians are indigenous to the region...Why do Georgians have a chip on their shoulder? It's like everything they do they have to somehow prove to do better than Armenians. We are like your golden standard somehow.

And shove your Sultan Abdul Hamid "east Anatolia" bullshit where the sun dont shine. It's the Armenian Highlands.

Armenians are of course indigenous ancient people of the region but not as aboriginal specific people like we are

We are like Basques

One and unique

And Indo-Europeans are everywhere

You can be proud you are descendants of great people family

But you always want to be like us

11-17-2018, 10:41 PM
I dont like fights between west asians



West asian race !!! :D

You are real Kurdish peacekeeper

We need you here but not Russian PK :(

11-17-2018, 10:43 PM

West asian race !!! :D

You are real Kurdish peacekeeper

We need you here but not Russian PK :(

I love you too babe :o

11-17-2018, 10:43 PM
Armenians are of course indigenous ancient people of the region but not as aboriginal specific people like we are

We are like Basques

One and unique

And Indo-Europeans are everywhere

You can be proud you are descendants of great people family

But you always want to be like us

We dont really mind you at all, let alone try to be "like you". I think most of you lot are bitter at the Armenian contributions to your nation.

11-17-2018, 10:45 PM

11-17-2018, 10:47 PM
I love you too babe :o


11-17-2018, 10:48 PM
We dont really mind you at all, let alone try to be "like you". I think most of you lot are bitter at the Armenian contributions to your nation.

No we are bitter that you assimilated ancient Alarodies when you came and settled future Armenian Highland


11-17-2018, 10:49 PM
You dont see such features because you've hardly ever seen an Armenian in your life or you need to try and open your eyes first instead of your mouth.

OK. Show me even a single Armenian from these group photo who has such high cheek bones.

Also Georgian man has very deeply set eyes with very low brows while Armenians have more open eyes with high brows.


11-17-2018, 10:53 PM
Now you will the real reason of historical Armenian-Georgian inet wars

Here will be now histerics like "We we Armenians are the most ancient nation in the world. Armenian highland is the earth were first Armenian human was born..."

But of course I will not be Georgian if dont answer that their ancestors protoArmenians migrated during Indo-European waves toward Anatolia and then assimilated a lot of Caucasian tribes including Kartvelians

Armenian will say something like mamajan you are jealous we gave you script



11-17-2018, 11:03 PM
OK. Show me even a single Armenian from these group photo who has such high cheek bones.

Also Georgian man has very deeply set eyes while Armenians have more open eyes.


This cheek bones are typical in the Caucasus only for Chicha

Ossetians also have very specific cheek bones

Our little Abkhaza brothers have also a specific cheek bones on narrow sharp pointed chin (look Ardzinba) but these type is typical for Chicha

Thats Armenian trying to be like Caucasians

But here all Caucasians are different

Not a Cop
11-17-2018, 11:03 PM
Georgians have or massive Mtebid faces or long thin Pontids with Mtebid massive features

Its actually how "white" western Georgian men look


One of the main differences between Armenians and Georgians IMO is skin tone, Georgians tend to have mostly light skin, with minority of darker types, while armenians have mostly olive skin with light minority. There are other differences, but skin colour is most apparent one.

11-17-2018, 11:08 PM
Now you will the real reason of historical Armenian-Georgian inet wars

Here will be now histerics like "We we Armenians are the most ancient nation in the world. Armenian highland is the earth were first Armenian human was born..."

But of course I will not be Georgian if dont answer that their ancestors protoArmenians migrated during Indo-European waves toward Anatolia and then assimilated a lot of Caucasian tribes including Kartvelians

Armenian will say something like mamajan you are jealous we gave you script



Our ancestors are indigenous to Armenia. Which part of that eludes your comprehension? Yes it's a fact that our ethnogenesis predates that of most. And yes, Mesrop Mashtots did in fact create the original Georgian alphabet.

Come to think of it, I kind of pity you since you're always going to live in our shadow.

11-17-2018, 11:10 PM
One of the main differences between Armenians and Georgians IMO is skin tone, Georgians tend to have mostly light skin, with minority of darker types, while armenians have mostly olive skin with light minority. There are other differences, but skin colour is most apparent one.

Most Armenians range from light to olive skinned with a minority that are naturally light brown. The difference is that Georgians have a bit more light colored people on average and a bit less natural light brown people.

11-17-2018, 11:15 PM
Our ancestors are indigenous to Armenia. Which part of that eludes your comprehension? Yes it's a fact that our ethnogenesis predates that of most. And yes, Mesrop Mashtots did in fact create the original Georgian alphabet.

Come to think of it, I kind of pity you since you're always going to live in our shadow.

Ancient people of Armenian Highlands were people of Hurrito-Urartian language family
They are thought to be language relatives of modern Chechen-Ingush-Batso people

11-17-2018, 11:17 PM
One of the main differences between Armenians and Georgians IMO is skin tone, Georgians tend to have mostly light skin, with minority of darker types, while armenians have mostly olive skin with light minority. There are other differences, but skin colour is most apparent one.

Whats other differences can you write also?
Im interesting in antropology and planet people culture and specifity

To whom Georgians mostly look like?

11-17-2018, 11:28 PM
Ancient people of Armenian Highlands were people of Hurrito-Urartian language family
They are thought to be language relatives of modern Chechen-Ingush-Batso people

Urartu=Assyrian toponym for Ararat

But keep spreading your Turko-Bolshevik propaganda about mythical "Urartians" lol

11-17-2018, 11:34 PM
Urartu=Assyrian toponym for Ararat

But keep spreading your Turko-Bolshevik propaganda about mythical "Urartians" lol

You want say there were no such peoples whose native languages were Urarto-Hurritian?

Look at me

Your modern propaganda science can make idiots from people of Armenia who has connect with only their propaganda but how are you going to dissapear a numerous in ancient times having great Near East Kingdomds peoples on non Armenian forum where people can read non Armenian sources too?

You know well nobody has problems with Armenians if not your this theatralic things to be more then you are

Especially when after there were no Hurrito-Urartian you and Ossetians whith their "there were no Dvals" began expansion to other Caucasian peoples claiming our land with arguments we have conwuered your diaspora populayion while we are aboriginal peoples

Its like Basques conquered French in Basqonia

Thats why you have problems with your almost all neighbours

11-17-2018, 11:46 PM
You want say there were no such peoples whose native languages were Urarto-Hurritian?

Look at me

Your modern propaganda science can make idiots from people of Armenia who has connect with only their propaganda but how are you going to dissapear a numerous in ancient times having great Near East Kingdomds peoples on non Armenian forum where people can read non Armenian sources too?

You know well nobody has problems with Armenians if not your this theatralic things to be more then you are

Especially when after there were no Hurrito-Urartian you and Ossetians whith their "there were no Dvals" began expansion to other Caucasian peoples claiming our land with arguments we have conwuered your diaspora populayion while we are aboriginal peoples

Its like Basques conquered French in Basqonia

Thats why you have problems with your almost all neighbours

We have problems with all our neighbors because two of them are Turks and the one north of us has adopted the turko-bolshevik approach towards Armenians. Where are these hurro urartu scripts? Alphabet? Is it kept in the dark? It's not too difficult to infiltrate academia and discredit who ever youd like or praise whoever you'd like. If everyone is constantly trying to shit on us and negate our own influence in our damn soul then you can bet your ass we are going to fight back and fight back with actual facts, not made up fairy tale garbage that's been fabricated in recent memory.

Besides, it's not my problem that facts hurt your feelings. You either need to grow a thicker skin and admit that Armenians did in fact play a crucial role in building your nation or you can simply discredit historical facts and continue to act like a turko-bolshevik.

You have been petty thus far, but I still love you sweetheart ;)

11-17-2018, 11:48 PM

Judging by pigmentation, he looks very similar to this old romanian shepherd from South Transylvania. The difference is, what the georgian man have asiatic armenoid influences.

11-18-2018, 12:01 AM
We have problems with all our neighbors because two of them are Turks and the one north of us has adopted the turko-bolshevik approach towards Armenians. Where are these hurro urartu scripts? Alphabet? Is it kept in the dark? It's not too difficult to infiltrate academia and discredit who ever youd like or praise whoever you'd like. If everyone is constantly trying to shit on us and negate our own influence in our damn soul then you can bet your ass we are going to fight back and fight back with actual facts, not made up fairy tale garbage that's been fabricated in recent memory.

Besides, it's not my problem that facts hurt your feelings. You either need to grow a thicker skin and admit that Armenians did in fact play a crucial role in building your nation or you can simply discredit historical facts and continue to act like a turko-bolshevik.

You have been petty thus far, but I still love you sweetheart ;)

Its evil Georgians who invented ancient Urartian lanfuage


Ps I dont think its insulting of Armenian nation to say they are of course indigenous in the region like French German Chech peoples are but its well known that in Europe the most ancient called aboriginal are Basques

The world was settled by humankind and there were always migration ways and it is not insulting to say to Italians - Romanian languages are ancient in Europe but they migrated after Basque and non Indo European Paleo European languages

But you Armenians always are doing such thing to claim in face there were no.Hurrito-Urartians

No Alarodians Taokhians and Kartvelian Meskhians then to claim - Georgian conquered ancient Armenian land, plz Russia returm them to us. There were no Kartvelians in so called Javakhk and claiming our culture and history in "Javakhk" like your far but relatives Ossetians do

Yeah. Yeah yeah

Basques occupied Spain and Georgians Armenia and Ossetia so called your Javakhks and South Ossetia

11-18-2018, 12:34 AM
Its evil Georgians who invented ancient Urartian lanfuage


Ps I dont think its insulting of Armenian nation to say they are of course indigenous in the region like French German Chech peoples are but its well known that in Europe the most ancient called aboriginal are Basques

The world was settled by humankind and there were always migration ways and it is not insulting to say to Italians - Romanian languages are ancient in Europe but they migrated after Basque and non Indo European Paleo European languages

But you Armenians always are doing such thing to claim in face there were no.Hurrito-Urartians

No Alarodians Taokhians and Kartvelian Meskhians then to claim - Georgian conquered ancient Armenian land, plz Russia returm them to us. There were no Kartvelians in so called Javakhk and claiming our culture and history in "Javakhk" like your far but relatives Ossetians do

Yeah. Yeah yeah

Basques occupied Spain and Georgians Armenia and Ossetia so called your Javakhks and South Ossetia

Oh just shut up and give me a kiss.

11-18-2018, 12:39 AM
Oh just shut up and give me a kiss.

Fercile cheek bone Chicha forbids
He is unglad you say Urartu-Hurritian languages that many scientists think were their relatives were not in history

Though I say you dont hate Georgians like some.Armenians

So I give you half kiss :p

11-18-2018, 12:41 AM
This cheek bones are typical in the Caucasus only for Chicha

Ossetians also have very specific cheek bones

Our little Abkhaza brothers have also a specific cheek bones on narrow sharp pointed chin (look Ardzinba) but these type is typical for Chicha

Thats Armenian trying to be like Caucasians

But here all Caucasians are different

What is "chicha"?

11-18-2018, 12:44 AM
So the Georgian - Armenian war started?

11-18-2018, 12:50 AM
Fercile cheek bone Chicha forbids
He is unglad you say Urartu-Hurritian languages that many scientists think were their relatives were not in history

Though I say you dont hate Georgians like some.Armenians

So I give you half kiss :p

I dont hate Georgians at all. I respect some aspects about your culture. Your music is nice. You have a good rugby culture and your cuisine is solid. I think we have many similarities as well. I simply dont like the turko-bolshevik approach your government takes against Armenia and how a lot of your countrymen subscribe to their views. I think we can be great with one another but unfortunately Armenia doesnt have much in the way of bargaining chips right now.

I want a nice big full kiss :)

11-18-2018, 12:51 AM
What is "chicha"?


Chicha has come with his own. I will get now some real kavkazski blows up my face

Chicha I call such Circassians

11-18-2018, 12:52 AM
So the Georgian - Armenian war started?

It ended before it began. Rest easy.

11-18-2018, 12:58 AM
It ended before it began. Rest easy.I was joking. You don't need to be gross!

11-18-2018, 01:03 AM
I dont hate Georgians at all. I respect some aspects about your culture. Your music is nice. You have a good rugby culture and your cuisine is solid. I think we have many similarities as well. I simply dont like the turko-bolshevik approach your government takes against Armenia and how a lot of your countrymen subscribe to their views. I think we can be great with one another but unfortunately Armenia doesnt have much in the way of bargaining chips right now.

I want a nice big full kiss :)

You know how to get kiss from Georgian
Georgians are kindhearted but childish they like when.somebody.caress them.and.tells - you are who.you are (that means.you.Georgians are the best among the best)

Tell me - Georgians are who they are

11-18-2018, 01:05 AM
We have problems with all our neighbors because two of them are Turks and the one north of us has adopted the turko-bolshevik approach towards Armenians. Where are these hurro urartu scripts? Alphabet? Is it kept in the dark? It's not too difficult to infiltrate academia and discredit who ever youd like or praise whoever you'd like. If everyone is constantly trying to shit on us and negate our own influence in our damn soul then you can bet your ass we are going to fight back and fight back with actual facts, not made up fairy tale garbage that's been fabricated in recent memory.

Besides, it's not my problem that facts hurt your feelings. You either need to grow a thicker skin and admit that Armenians did in fact play a crucial role in building your nation or you can simply discredit historical facts and continue to act like a turko-bolshevik.

You have been petty thus far, but I still love you sweetheart ;)

I think what klarji meant was that Indo-Europeans (Armenians) came after Georgians and North Caucasians to the region, who have been in living in that region since the Bronze Age. Prior to Indo-Europeans (Armenians) coming there, the Hurrians lived there. This doesn't mean the Armenians aren't native though as they've lived there for thousands of years. Saying Armenians aren't native to the Armenian Highlands is like saying that Germans aren't native to Germany cause they didn't live there during the Bronze Age. Armenians are also of mostly native Hurrian ancestry rather than of IE ancestry.

Also, Armenia doesn't have problems with all its neighbors. It gets along well with Iran.

11-18-2018, 01:05 AM
You know how to get kiss from Georgian
Georgians are kindhearted but childish they like when.somebody.caress them.and.tells - you are who.you are (that means.you.Georgians are best among best)

Tell me - Georgians are who they are

Georgians are the best and you are the best Georgian. You like that? Lol

11-18-2018, 01:08 AM
This cheek bones are typical in the Caucasus only for Chicha

Ossetians also have very specific cheek bones

Our little Abkhaza brothers have also a specific cheek bones on narrow sharp pointed chin (look Ardzinba) but these type is typical for Chicha

Abkhazes are basically a subgroup of Circassians.

11-18-2018, 01:11 AM
I think what klarji meant was that Indo-Europeans (Armenians) came after Georgians and North Caucasians to the region, who have been in living in that region since the Bronze Age. Prior to Indo-Europeans (Armenians) coming there, the Hurrians lived there. This doesn't mean the Armenians aren't native though as they've lived there for thousands of years. Saying Armenians aren't native to the Armenian Highlands is like saying that Germans aren't native to Germany cause they didn't live there during the Bronze Age. Armenians are also of mostly native Hurrian ancestry rather than of IE ancestry.

Also, Armenia doesn't have problems with all its neighbors. It gets along well with Iran.

I just dont buy this Hurrio crap. That's my point. Our ethnogenesis was formed between 3000 and 2000 BC which clearly predates all that noise. I simply dont see any evidence of these Hurrio people. It's never been discussed or explored seriously either. I'm sorry if I give off the impression that I'm acting like a "kang" but most people, including academia dont have very good knowledge about us or our origins.

Armenia gets along well with Georgia for the most part but there are other variables that hinder us from having much better relations with one another.

11-18-2018, 01:12 AM
Georgians are the best and you are the best Georgian. You like that? Lol

Yes of course
Great full kiss :p

11-18-2018, 01:14 AM
I think what klarji meant was that Indo-Europeans (Armenians) came after Georgians and North Caucasians to the region, who have been in living in that region since the Bronze Age. Prior to Indo-Europeans (Armenians) coming there, the Hurrians lived there. This doesn't mean the Armenians aren't native though as they've lived there for thousands of years. Saying Armenians aren't native to the Armenian Highlands is like saying that Germans aren't native to Germany cause they didn't live there during the Bronze Age. Armenians are also of mostly native Hurrian ancestry rather than of IE ancestry.

Also, Armenia doesn't have problems with all its neighbors. It gets along well with Iran.

Why Bronze Age?
are not we there erlier?
Who met us there ?

11-18-2018, 01:23 AM
Abkhazes are basically a subgroup of Circassians.

They are near relatives
But in the Caucasus few peoples try to "eat" their relatives to survive among great numerous neighbours

For example Georgians ate all their relatives and made them subethnoses
Lazes of Turkey dont want to become Georgian subetnose and are very evil because of it

So did Circassians or try to did
Lezgins Avars Chechens
These peoples have their all relatives in neighbour valleys and are afraid of assimilating by neighbour empires and other massive peoples

So they decided such way of surviving

One Circassians told me yesterday Abazins are Circassian subetnose
Though Abazins and Abkhazians are very close
And Abkhazians living in the South Caucasus dont think they are Circassians but close relative peoples

Today Laz told me on fb - fuck all you Georgians ))
He doesnt want to be Georgian.subetnos Laz but maybe relative but itself people

But Georgians are crazy of that
As Turkey Lazes have influence on Mingrelians who speak with them in one language that has two dialects like Abkhazian-Abazian

Georgian language is only relative language to Laz-Mingrelian but Mingrelians are part of Georgian people

And Georgians have now fear that Laz activism will destroy their unity with very numerous for Georgian people Mingrelians and try to make battles with Lazes

So are Chechens and Ingushians but Chechens are not such active and paranoicly fearing

11-18-2018, 01:30 AM
I just dont buy this Hurrio crap. That's my point. Our ethnogenesis was formed between 3000 and 2000 BC which clearly predates all that noise. I simply dont see any evidence of these Hurrio people. It's never been discussed or explored seriously either. I'm sorry if I give off the impression that I'm acting like a "kang" but most people, including academia dont have very good knowledge about us or our origins.

Armenia gets along well with Georgia for the most part but there are other variables that hinder us from having much better relations with one another.

So then what's your explanation for the Hurrian language texts that have been found in the region and have no connection to any Indo-European languages?

According to the Annual of Armenian Linguistics that's cited on Wikipedia, the earliest evidence of Proto-Armenian being spoken was in the Iron Age Kingdom of Urartu which lasted from 860 BC–590 BC. It seems like Hurrian and IE were spoken together during this time period but then IE-speakers overtook them eventually. By the time that this kingdom ended, Hurrian was no longer a commonly spoken language in the highlands.

Here are some interesting theories on where the name Hay comes from (I found the first theory somewhat interesting & relevant which is why I mentioned it):

According to Diakonoff, the ethnonym derives from Proto-Armenian *hatiyos, *hatyos, from Urartian [script needed] (Ḫāti, “the land of Hittites”); compare Hittite [script needed] (Ḫatti). This name was given by Urartians to all lands west of Euphrates, including the territory around Malatya occupied by Proto-Armenians. When the Urartians were assimilated among the Proto-Armenians, they took over their Indo-European language and started calling themselves by the same name of the “Hittites”.[1]

On the other hand, Martirosyan connects հայ (hay) with the country name Hayaša- and derives both from Proto-Indo-European *áyos, h₂éyos (“metal”). He explains Hayaša- as “the land of metal or iron” and հայ (hay) as “inhabitant of the land of metal or iron”. Hayasa, located on the north-western corner of historical Armenia, was famous for metalworking.[2]

An old proposal derives the word from Proto-Indo-European *pótis (“lord, master”), but a Proto-Indo-European *po- would yield Old Armenian ո- (o-): compare ոտն (otn).

It doesn't make a difference if Hurrians existed or not because it wouldn't make the Armenians non-indigenous since Kartvelians, even during the Bronze Age, didn't live in the Armenian Highlands (some border lands like Lori are disputed but that's a different argument). I don't really get why the Georgian user brought this up anyways.

11-18-2018, 01:42 AM
So then what's your explanation for the Hurrian language texts that have been found in the region and have no connection to any Indo-European languages?

According to the Annual of Armenian Linguistics that's cited on Wikipedia, the earliest evidence of Proto-Armenian being spoken was in the Iron Age Kingdom of Urartu which lasted from 860 BC–590 BC. It seems like Hurrian and IE were spoken together during this time period but then IE-speakers overtook them eventually. By the time that this kingdom ended, Hurrian was no longer a commonly spoken language in the highlands.

Here are some interesting theories on where the name Hay comes from:

It doesn't make a difference if Hurrians existed or not because it wouldn't make the Armenians non-indigenous since Kartvelians, even during the Bronze Age, didn't live in the Armenian Highlands (some border lands like Lori are disputed but that's a different argument). I don't really get why the Georgian user brought this up anyways.
We dont claim.on Armenian.highlands
Some crazy Georgians do claim Lori but not active oy to answer Armenians or really are crazy
There in Lori lived Gugars whose origin is not clear
Definitely they were not Armenians but local tribe
Kartvelian or not is not clear
But nobody makes sites and movies about Lori but some youth is rarely trolling

Whats about Georgia Ossetians and Armenians very aggressive claim its part to be theirs

Russians/Ossetians conquered our territories by making local Ossetian diaspora indigenous and us conquerors in our own ancestor land where Kartveliam tribes lived since Bronze Age and think earlier

Such thing want Armenian ideologist toward SouthGeorgia

And as we are struggling witb Russia they called us little empire and we have here a numerous Ossetian and Armenian diaspora living in Georgian regions neighbours to Armenia and Ossetia and Ossetia and Armenia both are Russians allies in the region

So these ideologist dont want Hurrartians and Dvals to claim still neighbour ancient Caucasian peoples land
Alongside with Georgians Ossetians and Russians did such thing with Ingushians another Bronze or stone age population Chechen relatives when Chechen began their struggling

11-18-2018, 01:57 AM
Do Georgian and Armenian languages sound close to each other? For me Armenian sounds like a hybrid between Georgian and Iranian.

Georgian language


Armenian language


11-18-2018, 02:04 AM
So then what's your explanation for the Hurrian language texts that have been found in the region and have no connection to any Indo-European languages?

According to the Annual of Armenian Linguistics that's cited on Wikipedia, the earliest evidence of Proto-Armenian being spoken was in the Iron Age Kingdom of Urartu which lasted from 860 BC–590 BC. It seems like Hurrian and IE were spoken together during this time period but then IE-speakers overtook them eventually. By the time that this kingdom ended, Hurrian was no longer a commonly spoken language in the highlands.

Here are some interesting theories on where the name Hay comes from (I found the first theory somewhat interesting & relevant which is why I mentioned it):

It doesn't make a difference if Hurrians existed or not because it wouldn't make the Armenians non-indigenous since Kartvelians, even during the Bronze Age, didn't live in the Armenian Highlands (some border lands like Lori are disputed but that's a different argument). I don't really get why the Georgian user brought this up anyways.

How would they know that it has no connection to IE languages? Who supposedly translated this text? It would be next to impossible to translate an extinct language that supposedly isnt related to any language family.

11-18-2018, 02:34 AM
Jewish and Georgians pronounce H sound in similar manner with a rale. I think there was linguistic continuity between the Levant and Caucasus.





11-18-2018, 02:36 AM
An exemplary Taurid.

11-18-2018, 02:41 AM
Jewish and Georgians pronounce H sound in similar manner with a rale. I think there was linguistic continuity between the Levant and Caucasus.



Arabic with German accent :D

Sad Semitic peoples are so close and are killing each other :(


Georgian verse (Svan language with Kortu accent) sounds Jewish :rolleyes:

11-18-2018, 02:48 AM
There are weird sounds and when they are shared between nations ( which situated close to each other) it is not coincidental. Jewish and Georgian people pronounce H sound like KkkkHHHH with a rale.

11-18-2018, 02:49 AM
There are weird sounds and when they are shared between nations ( which situated close to each other) it is not coincidental. Jewish and Georgian people pronounce H sound like KkkkHHHH with a rale.

shut up bro :)

11-18-2018, 02:52 AM
How would they know that it has no connection to IE languages? Who supposedly translated this text? It would be next to impossible to translate an extinct language that supposedly isnt related to any language family.

Several extinct languages have been identified so I don't see why Hurrian is out of reach. Of course the amount of words and sentences we'd have from extinct languages would be quite limited and make their exact classification harder, but there is enough info on Hurrian to deduce that it was an ergative agglutinative language. The earliest Hurrian texts are on the Hurrian foundation pegs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurrian_foundation_pegs) and this is what they were translated to mean:

"Tishatal, [Endan] king of Urkesh, has built a temple for the god Nergal. May the god Nubadag protect this temple. May Nubadag destroy whomsoever seeks to destroy [it]; may his god not listen to his prayers. May the Lady of Nagar, [the sun god] Shimiga, and the god of the storm [curse 10,000 times whomsoever might seek to destroy it]."

Here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Armenian_language) are some possible Hurric (Hurro-Urartian) substrate words in Old Armenian:

agarak "field" from Hurrian awari "field";
ałaxin "slave girl" from Hurrian al(l)a(e)ḫḫenne;
arciw "eagle" from Urartian Arṣiba, a proper name with a presumed meaning of "eagle";
art "field" from Hurrian arde "town" (rejected by Diakonoff and Fournet);
astem "to reveal one's ancestry" from Hurrian ašti "woman, wife";
caṙ "tree" from Urartian ṣârə "garden";
cov "sea" from Urartian ṣűǝ "(inland) sea";
kut "grain" from Hurrian kade "barley" (rejected by Diakonoff; closer to Greek kodomeýs "barley-roaster");
maxr ~ marx "pine" from Hurrian māḫri "fir, juniper";
pełem "dig, excavate" from Urartian pile "canal", Hurrian pilli (rejected by Diakonoff);
salor ~ šlor "plum" from Hurrian *s̄all-orə or Urartian *šaluri (cf. Akkadian šallūru "plum");
san "kettle" from Urartian sane "kettle, pot";
sur "sword", from Urartian šure "sword", Hurrian šawri "weapon, spear" (considered doubtful by Diakonoff);
tarma-ǰur "spring water" from Hurrian tarman(l)i "spring";
ułt "camel" from Hurrian uḷtu "camel";
xarxarel "to destroy" from Urartian harhar-š- "to destroy";
xnjor "apple" from Hurrian ḫinzuri "apple" (itself from Akkadian hašhūru, šahšūru).

I'm not a linguist so I don't know the exact method they used to figure out what the ancient words meant but translating these stuff can take an incredibly long time and countless cuneiform inscriptions have been translated. Based on its complete dissimilarity to Indo-European, it was deduced to be a non-IE language. If there was a possibility of it being an IE language, then some linguists would have mentioned the possibility. Since there were multiple texts in Hurrian found, we have more info on this language than others. Some others like the Indus Valley Civilization script are still undeciphered to this day and others (Geto-Dacian & Thracian) are only known from toponymy and a few words here and there.

More on the Hurrian language vocabulary:

• https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Hurrian_Swadesh_list
• http://foroya.homeserver.com/indexxhu.php

As you can see, a respectable amount of vocabulary from Hurrian exists. This isn't enough to properly learn the language I'd say, but it is enough to say that it is too radically different from Indo-European to be classified with it. Its only been linked the Kassite language and Nakh-Dagestani languages so far, not with Indo-European.

11-18-2018, 03:09 AM
but there is enough info on Hurrian to deduce that it was an ergative agglutinative language.
Its only been linked the Kassite language and Nakh-Dagestani languages so far, not with Indo-European.

Nakh have suspiciously similar elements in terms of pronunciation like in Mayan Amerindian language. There is even a theory ( Dené–Caucasian languages) which connects Nakh language with Amerindian languages.

Dené–Caucasian is a largely discredited[1][2] broad language family that includes the widely-separated languages spoken in the Northern Hemisphere: Sino-Tibetan, Yeniseian, Burushaski and North Caucasian in Asia; Na-Dené in North America; and from Europe the Vasconic (including Basque).

11-18-2018, 03:50 AM
There are weird sounds and when they are shared between nations ( which situated close to each other) it is not coincidental. Jewish and Georgian people pronounce H sound like KkkkHHHH with a rale.

H and Kh are different phonemas
H is laryngeal phonema
while kh is pharyngeal
there are a lot of such phonemas in the Caucasian languages
especially in the Abkhazo-Adyghean
they have very specific sounding



11-18-2018, 04:26 AM
LOL. Abkhazo-Adyghean sounds like Mongolian rap.


11-18-2018, 08:49 AM
Georgians are not predominantly armenoid or east med, Georgians are mix of west Asian and east European types, that makes unique georgian phenotype.

I'll post a group picture of georgians, not models and not sweet teenage girls, but mature criminals. As a group they are easily distinguishable from neighbors.

https://image.ibb.co/fgb9vL/57-3.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

11-18-2018, 08:50 AM

Seth MacFarlane
11-18-2018, 09:00 AM
Georgians are not predominantly armenoid or east med, Georgians are mix of west Asian and east European types, that makes unique georgian phenotype.

I'll post a group picture of georgians, not models and not sweet teenage girls, but mature criminals. As a group they are easily distinguishable from neighbors.

https://image.ibb.co/fgb9vL/57-3.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

I agree that on average in groups Georgians look different some can pass as Balkan and north Caucasus , you however are on the exotic side even with your light hair you’ll pass well as Armenian and other west Asian ethinities . Right when I seen your pic I knew u were Georgian or Armenian .

11-18-2018, 09:24 AM
Georgians are not predominantly armenoid or east med, Georgians are mix of west Asian and east European types, that makes unique georgian phenotype.

I'll post a group picture of georgians, not models and not sweet teenage girls, but mature criminals. As a group they are easily distinguishable from neighbors.

https://image.ibb.co/fgb9vL/57-3.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

With the exception of Gobershvili, I think the rest would pass for Armenian quite easily. At least pass as Eastern Armenians.

11-18-2018, 09:58 AM
That's why I'm talking about groups, because on individual level some Georgian can pass either in Norway or Egypt.

11-18-2018, 05:49 PM
With the exception of Gobershvili, I think the rest would pass for Armenian quite easily. At least pass as Eastern Armenians.As a group, would they pass?

Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk

11-18-2018, 07:12 PM
As a group, would they pass?

Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk

Nope, as a group they cant be Armenian.

11-18-2018, 07:24 PM
As a group, would they pass?

Sent from my SM-G925T using Tapatalk

They would be atypical as a group as some differences would be recognizable. But if there is one country that they would pass best as a group, then its us.

11-18-2018, 07:44 PM
Nope, as a group they cant be Armenian.

As a group, could they be Circassian or Chechen?

11-18-2018, 08:07 PM
If you are not ignorant this two groups are distinguishable, many of us are interchangeable, but as a group totally different vibe.
Some say Georgians give more Balkan vibe than Caucasian. I don't know, never been in any country of Balkan.

https://preview.ibb.co/kav4VL/4-BBEE2-B4-FFC7-4047-B3-BF-810-FF8-A0-A4-CA-w1023-r1-s-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/hkAtPf)

https://preview.ibb.co/ctjbc0/auto-18-21-My-Post-13-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/ccJf4f)

11-18-2018, 08:14 PM
As a group, could they be Circassian or Chechen?
Not really.

https://image.ibb.co/kQ96AL/128dad2109efe083a2b3bea29a0e432c.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://preview.ibb.co/e2R8Pf/georgian-people1.jpg (https://ibb.co/gikeVL)

https://preview.ibb.co/dNKjx0/52174-original.jpg (https://ibb.co/jefDqL)
https://preview.ibb.co/kgADqL/38474503-2182974908648368-1319182854025904128-n.jpg (https://ibb.co/c6vPx0)

11-18-2018, 08:24 PM
If you are not ignorant this two groups are distinguishable, many of us are interchangeable, but as a group totally different vibe.
Some say Georgians give more Balkan vibe than Caucasian. I don't know, never been in any country of Balkan.

https://preview.ibb.co/kav4VL/4-BBEE2-B4-FFC7-4047-B3-BF-810-FF8-A0-A4-CA-w1023-r1-s-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/hkAtPf)

https://preview.ibb.co/ctjbc0/auto-18-21-My-Post-13-1.jpg (https://ibb.co/ccJf4f)

I agree. Both sets are quite similar yet distinct at the same time.

Seth MacFarlane
11-18-2018, 08:27 PM
Not really.

https://image.ibb.co/kQ96AL/128dad2109efe083a2b3bea29a0e432c.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://preview.ibb.co/e2R8Pf/georgian-people1.jpg (https://ibb.co/gikeVL)

https://preview.ibb.co/dNKjx0/52174-original.jpg (https://ibb.co/jefDqL)
https://preview.ibb.co/kgADqL/38474503-2182974908648368-1319182854025904128-n.jpg (https://ibb.co/c6vPx0)

Those Armenians look similiar to north iranian and Assyrian while the Georgians look east European but those are just few pics both have a much bigger spectrum of looks , many Armenians are lighter too . Also I think Georgians May be slavicized or something lol idk why they look so different , even Greeks indigenous to the region look more west Asian Idk

11-18-2018, 08:46 PM
Those Armenians look similiar to north iranian and Assyrian while the Georgians look east European but those are just few pics both have a much bigger spectrum of looks , many Armenians are lighter too . Also I think Georgians May be slavicized or something lol idk why they look so different , even Greeks indigenous to the region look more west Asian Idk

Thing is those Armenians arent even dark at all. As a group, we're a bit "off" to be Georgian and vice versa for them. However, many people are interchangeable as user has stated.

And to be honest I don't see how Georgians look East Euro when they look convincingly more similiar to Ossetians, Abkhaz and us as well. I think people place them there because they look strikingly different to mainstream middle easterners ala Levantines or Arabs. I think Georgians have their own diversity

As for Greeks, I think they have slightly higher East Med and Red sea scores which can make them look a bit eastern shifted. This is most likely true of Islanders and definitely Cypriots.

Seth MacFarlane
11-18-2018, 09:35 PM
Thing is those Armenians arent even dark at all. As a group, we're a bit "off" to be Georgian and vice versa for them. However, many people are interchangeable as user has stated.

And to be honest I don't see how Georgians look East Euro when they look convincingly more similiar to Ossetians, Abkhaz and us as well. I think people place them there because they look strikingly different to mainstream middle easterners ala Levantines or Arabs. I think Georgians have their own diversity

As for Greeks, I think they have slightly higher East Med and Red sea scores which can make them look a bit eastern shifted. This is most likely true of Islanders and definitely Cypriots.

Yea I don’t think think the Armenians look dark , they look typical but I said that because user compared it to a pic of extremely light georgians . Georgians do overlap with osseitians , abkhazians etc but even they do have some overlap with Eastern Europe as well because they have north pontid and Baltid types, they border Russia and don’t forgot Russia is considered part of the Caucasus as well. As for the Greeks I meant specifically pontian Greeks from Georgia and nearby Black Sea region aren’t even as light as the Georgian pics I quoted . Pontians look similiar to the Pontid med like Georgians , Armenians, Cypriots and Greeks from other regions but not these Baltid like types above

11-18-2018, 09:39 PM
Also I think Georgians May be slavicized or something lol idk why they look so different , even Greeks indigenous to the region look more west Asian Idk

Georgia got a big group of Scythian during 11-13 centuries and they settled here, also last 200 years Georgians mixed with slavs better than any other caucasian ethnicity because of common Orthodox christian culture, also Georgians have very few "swarthy" components.

But the most interesting thing is that more far you go to rural, isolated areas, more "euro" types you see. Some have central europe faces, can't understand from where, because that areas are really not mixed with slavs or anyone else.

11-18-2018, 09:42 PM
Yea I don’t think think the Armenians look dark , they look typical but I said that because user compared it to a pic of extremely light georgians . Georgians do overlap with osseitians , abkhazians etc but even they do have some overlap with Eastern Europe as well because they have north pontid and Baltid types, they border Russia and don’t forgot Russia is considered part of the Caucasus as well. As for the Greeks I meant specifically pontian Greeks from Georgia and nearby Black Sea region aren’t even as light as the Georgian pics I quoted . Pontians look similiar to the Pontid med like Georgians , Armenians, Cypriots and Greeks from other regions but not these Baltid like types above

Yeah you're right about that. I may be wrong but I think Russians did leave a bigger genetic impact in Georgia than Armenia. There were more Russians in Georgia during the USSR and Russian empire era and their churches were in communion. I think that would probably explain their Baltid types that pop up every now and again. That's more than likely the reason as to why you might find a Baltid Armenian once in a blue moon. All this talk makes me want to do a gallery of Armenians. I think I should make one and include every and any footballer I can find lol

11-18-2018, 09:43 PM
georgians would score genetically accordingly if they would be mixed with slavs . but they dont .

11-18-2018, 09:48 PM
georgians would score genetically accordingly if they would be mixed with slavs . but they dont .

They generally score less East Med and Red Sea than others in the region south of them hence why even when they look woggy, they still seem somewhat unwoggy if that makes sense.

11-18-2018, 09:50 PM
Georgians have R1a 10%.

11-18-2018, 09:50 PM
They generally score less East Med and Red Sea than others in the region south of them hence why even when they look woggy, they still seem somewhat unwoggy if that makes sense.

they are the whitest west asians . so proud of them ! . they still have woggy types . and we other west asians are not negritos either .....no matter how darkwashed we are

but they dont have slavic influence except maybe some of them a little .

11-18-2018, 09:55 PM
they are the whitest west asians . so proud of them ! . they still have woggy types . and we other west asians are not negritos either .....no matter how darkwashed we are

but they dont have slavic influence except maybe some of them a little .

Their slavic influence is directly from Ruskis and Ukrainians and by no means is the dominant type among them, not even close. But it's obvious that the "West Asian" component is clearly a white component as it peaks among them(technically among their Megrels). 70% of their DNA on Gedmatch calculators is undoubtedly white while 30% is wog. Not negrito but woggy. Georgians might cluster far from the mainstream Euro populations but being white is not exclusive to native Europeans that's for sure.

black hole
11-18-2018, 09:56 PM
Nakh have suspiciously similar elements in terms of pronunciation like in Mayan Amerindian language. There is even a theory ( Dené–Caucasian languages) which connects Nakh language with Amerindian languages.

Nakh-Avaro-Ando-Tsezic group is extremely similar to the native Amerindian languages. Such sounds are extremely difficult to pronounce

North East Caucasus language


11-18-2018, 09:56 PM
Georgians have R1a 10%.

Haplogroups mean fuck all. Armenians have R1b at 30-40%. We ain't French :D

Focus on autosomal DNA not haplogroups

11-18-2018, 09:57 PM
Svans definitely never mixed with Slavs.
But look at them.


11-18-2018, 09:58 PM
Their slavic influence is directly from Ruskis and Ukrainians and by no means is the dominant type among them, not even close. But it's obvious that the "West Asian" component is clearly a white component as it peaks among them(technically among their Megrels). 70% of their DNA on Gedmatch calculators is undoubtedly white while 30% is wog. Not negrito but woggy. Georgians might cluster far from the mainstream Euro populations but being white is not exclusive to native Europeans that's for sure.

armenians and kurds are similar to georgians genetically . we just have more southwest asian influence


11-18-2018, 10:04 PM
armenians and kurds are similar to georgians genetically . we just have more southwest asian influence


That's the key difference. We are a bit woggier genetically and it corresponds with our output of wog types relative to theirs.

11-18-2018, 10:07 PM
That's the key difference. We are a bit woggier genetically and it corresponds with our output of wog types relative to theirs.

yeah but ....come on ....:rolleyes:

11-18-2018, 10:12 PM
According to autosomal results of National Geographic DNA project Georgians score 4% East Europe, 7% South Europe, 6% Central Asia, 77% Asia Minor, 5% Persian Gulf, 2% Jewish.


11-18-2018, 10:12 PM
According to autosomal results of National Geographic DNA project Georgians score 4% East Europe, 7% South Europe, 6% Central Asia, 77% Asia Minor, 5% Persian Gulf, 2% Jewish.


cool thank you jackie chan

11-18-2018, 10:17 PM
According to autosomal results of National Geographic DNA project Georgians score 4% East Europe, 7% South Europe, 6% Central Asia, 77% Asia Minor, 5% Persian Gulf, 2% Jewish.


That Asia minor is actually Caucasian and probably more "white" than south euro, and it peaks among Georgians and North west Caucasians ( Circasians).

11-18-2018, 10:17 PM
cool thank you jackie chan


11-18-2018, 10:29 PM
Do you guys think this girls as group pass better among Kurds, Armenians, or among Balkan?
Maybe not visible but 5 of them have blue or green eyes.


or this guys


11-18-2018, 10:29 PM
That Asia minor is actually Caucasian and probably more "white" than south euro, and it peaks among Georgians and North west Caucasians ( Circasians).

There is also reference for Northern Caucasus

59% Asia Minor
19% Eastern Europe
9% Persian Gulf
8% Central Asia
2% East Asia
2% Jewish

11-18-2018, 10:30 PM
Do you guys think this girls as group pass better among Kurds, Armenians, or among Balkan?
Maybe not visible but 5 of them have blue or green eyes.


or this guys



but something is "off" for balkans overall as a group

11-18-2018, 10:39 PM
Can we say that Kartvelian and Northern Caucasian languages are native to the whole Anatolia since these populations retained their original languages due to geographical position higher in the mountains?

Kartvelian languages are agglutinative. And presumable Hurrito-Urartian language seems to be agglutinative.

11-18-2018, 10:45 PM
Can we say that Kartvelian and Northern Caucasian languages are native to the whole Anatolia since these populations retained their original languages due to geographical position higher in the mountains?

Kartvelian languages are agglutinative. And presumable Hurrito-Urartian language seems to be agglutinative.

We can say that Kartvelian civilization was much much bigger, they were pushed aside by Indo Europeans and a little group survived in the mountains of Caucasus. Same happened with Basques in Pyrenees.

11-18-2018, 10:53 PM
We can say that Kartvelian civilization was much much bigger, they were pushed aside by Indo Europeans and a little group survived in the mountains of Caucasus. Same happened with Basques in Pyrenees.

Ironically Turkish language is also agglutinative like Kartvelian and Northern Caucasian languages. LOL.

11-18-2018, 10:53 PM
yeah but ....come on ....:rolleyes:

No Hadouken you cant be Georgian :D

11-18-2018, 10:53 PM
No Hadouken you cant be Georgian :D


11-18-2018, 10:55 PM
Can we say that Kartvelian and Northern Caucasian languages are native to the whole Anatolia since these populations retained their original languages due to geographical position higher in the mountains?

Kartvelian languages are agglutinative. And presumable Hurrito-Urartian language seems to be agglutinative.

Nah. In the past, Caucasian languages were certainly spoken in a wider area than they are today, but the Hurro-Urartian/Caucasian theory remains uncertain

11-18-2018, 11:00 PM

Be proud of what you are :)

11-18-2018, 11:01 PM
Be proud of what you are :)

I am :confused:

so even you start to bust my balls now ? wow

11-18-2018, 11:06 PM
I am :confused:

so even you start to bust my balls now ? wow

No. Consider me your conscience.

11-19-2018, 01:43 AM
Georgia got a big group of Scythian during 11-13 centuries and they settled here, also last 200 years Georgians mixed with slavs better than any other caucasian ethnicity because of common Orthodox christian culture, also Georgians have very few "swarthy" components.

But the most interesting thing is that more far you go to rural, isolated areas, more "euro" types you see. Some have central europe faces, can't understand from where, because that areas are really not mixed with slavs or anyone else.

All Kartvelo-Caucasian nations are in majority east European white with in majority Mtebid-MrebidoPontid antropology
Kartvelians - mountain Svans (where were not Scythians), Mingrelians (also issolated Sea Kartvelian people) etc
Abkhazo-Adyghean peoples

Its not serious to compare them with Armenians and Azerbaijanians as they live in present days in the same region

Above peoples have their own origin and appearance

Fairy-tales about Scythians are not serious

11-19-2018, 01:51 AM
georgians would score genetically accordingly if they would be mixed with slavs . but they dont .

aboriginal Caucasians are genetically west Asian J1,J2, caucasian G2
But mountain region where they were formed as nations made them such they are
and they are the whites among western Asians

Ossetians have their Indo-European appearance still though they are Mtebid now like Caucasians
but their Mtebid appearance is very European in different from local Chechens, Georgians, even Black Sea Mingrelians and Circassians
for example they have European short noses specific not Caucasian high cheek bones
on old pics Kartachay Balkars have a little Turkic Mongoloid eyes on their massive Mtebid faces

among regional Caucasian Ossetians are most European looking
Azerbaijanians are typical South Asians
Armenians also South Asians
but more European looking (proto Armenians were Balkan Indo-Europeans) compared with Azerbaijanians

whats about Kartvelian-Caucasian Caucasians they all have their own specific appearance but they have also common own looking

nothing to compare them with Ossetians and Azerbaijanians
they are mixed now but they are all of different origin nations
like Pribaltians - they all live in one regiob but are of different origin - Estonians / Lithua+Lathuanian

11-19-2018, 01:51 AM
aboriginal Caucasians are genetically west Asian J1,J2, caucasian G2
But mountain region where they were formed as nations made them such they are
and they are the whites among western Asians

Ossetians have their Indo-European appearance still though they are Mtebid now like Caucasians
but their Mtebid appearance is very European in different from local Chechens, Georgians, even Black Sea Mingrelians and Circassians
for example they have European short noses specific not Caucasian high cheek bones
on old pics Kartachay Balkars have a little Turkic Mongoloid eyes on their massive Mtebid faces


11-19-2018, 01:58 AM
aboriginal Caucasians are genetically west Asian J1,J2, caucasian G2
But mountain region where they were formed as nations made them such they are
and they are the whites among western Asians

Ossetians have their Indo-European appearance still though they are Mtebid now like Caucasians
but their Mtebid appearance is very European in different from local Chechens, Georgians, even Black Sea Mingrelians and Circassians
for example they have European short noses specific not Caucasian high cheek bones
on old pics Kartachay Balkars have a little Turkic Mongoloid eyes on their massive Mtebid faces

among regional Caucasian Ossetians are most European looking
Azerbaijanians are typical South Asians
Armenians also South Asians
but more European looking (proto Armenians were Balkan Indo-Europeans) compared with Azerbaijanians

whats about Kartvelian-Caucasian Caucasians they all have their own specific appearance but they have also common own looking

nothing to compare them with Ossetians and Azerbaijanians
they are mixed now but they are all of different origin nations
like Pribaltians - they all live in one regiob but are of different origin - Estonians / Lithua+Lathuanian

South asians? Lmao Brainy and funny!

11-19-2018, 01:59 AM
lol xD

11-19-2018, 02:00 AM
She was probably kidding about south asians :))))

11-19-2018, 02:01 AM
Ironically Turkish language is also agglutinative like Kartvelian and Northern Caucasian languages. LOL.

Turkic are not Ergative
while Hurro-Urartian with being agglutinative are also Ergative
it says nothing
but there is proved 90% that Hurro-Urartian languages are related with Checheno-Ingushian languages just accorging to they vocabelary

while they Chechens are related with other Caucasians

100% with Dagestanian
80% with Abkhazo-Adyghean
40% with Kartvelian

but relativness of Russian Soviet Federation Caucasians with Georgian Soviet Republic was always political problem then scientific
Tbilisi always turmoiled situation and tried to have influence on proved or unproved relatives
while kinship in the Caucasus means everything
they all Caucasian groups are feeling like they are one - Kartvelians, Abkhazo-Adygheans, Nakhians, Dagestanians
give them all feel they are one its meen the greatest problem in the most difficult region of Russia
Russians politics in the Caucasus was always to desunite locals and make them enemies
for example Circassians are divided by Russians into Kavardianians, Circassians and Adygheans etc

11-19-2018, 02:09 AM
Turkic are not Ergative
while Hurro-Urartian with being agglutinative are also Ergative
it says nothing
but there is proved 90% that Hurro-Urartian languages are related with Checheno-Ingushian languages just accorging to they vocabelary

while they Chechens are related with other Caucasians

100% with Dagestanian
80% with Abkhazo-Adyghean
40% with Kartvelian

but relativness of Russian Soviet Federation Caucasians with Georgian Soviet Republic was always political problem then scientific
Tbilisi always turmoiled situation and tried to have influence on proved or unproved relatives

That's strange because I dont understand a single word when I hear North Caucasians speak. Btw, the Armenian language still has many words that havent been derived from proto indo-european. Theres a reason why our language is only considered a language isolate in the IE language family.

11-19-2018, 02:10 AM
haplogroups and language = race

dont forget that

11-19-2018, 02:15 AM
Several extinct languages have been identified so I don't see why Hurrian is out of reach. Of course the amount of words and sentences we'd have from extinct languages would be quite limited and make their exact classification harder, but there is enough info on Hurrian to deduce that it was an ergative agglutinative language. The earliest Hurrian texts are on the Hurrian foundation pegs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurrian_foundation_pegs) and this is what they were translated to mean:

Here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Armenian_language) are some possible Hurric (Hurro-Urartian) substrate words in Old Armenian:

I'm not a linguist so I don't know the exact method they used to figure out what the ancient words meant but translating these stuff can take an incredibly long time and countless cuneiform inscriptions have been translated. Based on its complete dissimilarity to Indo-European, it was deduced to be a non-IE language. If there was a possibility of it being an IE language, then some linguists would have mentioned the possibility. Since there were multiple texts in Hurrian found, we have more info on this language than others. Some others like the Indus Valley Civilization script are still undeciphered to this day and others (Geto-Dacian & Thracian) are only known from toponymy and a few words here and there.

More on the Hurrian language vocabulary:

• https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Hurrian_Swadesh_list
• http://foroya.homeserver.com/indexxhu.php

As you can see, a respectable amount of vocabulary from Hurrian exists. This isn't enough to properly learn the language I'd say, but it is enough to say that it is too radically different from Indo-European to be classified with it. Its only been linked the Kassite language and Nakh-Dagestani languages so far, not with Indo-European.

You know those are Armenian language words, right? Lol

Literally every single one of those words are in the modern day Armenian language as well.

Honestly, this "Hurro-Urartian" language seems more of a dialect of Armenian than a separate language altogether.

11-19-2018, 02:16 AM
haplogroups and language = race

dont forget that

I'm a Frenchman since we are mostly R1b

11-19-2018, 05:38 AM
I'm a Frenchman since we are mostly R1b

Indo-European ancestry in Armenians
Nobody in the Caucasus has R1b and even R

Typical for Caucasians are J - J1, J2 and G2

Karachay-Balkarians have also R1a
Think from Iranian Alans living in the Caucasus that were assimilated by Turks

11-19-2018, 06:47 AM
You know those are Armenian language words, right? Lol

Literally every single one of those words are in the modern day Armenian language as well.

Honestly, this "Hurro-Urartian" language seems more of a dialect of Armenian than a separate language altogether.The words I quoted were specifically Armenian words of Hittite origin i.e. substrate words. Click on the links I gave and tell me if the words look Armenian. Literally no linguist has yet to classify Hurrian as an Indo-European language. Whether Hurrian is related to Armenian or not isn't even up for debate. Its like talking about whether Turkic is related to Indo-European.

Hurrian being an agglutinative language with ergative grammar and use of suffixaufnahmes separates it from IE languages. Interestingly, these features would bring it closer to Georgian than to Indo-European. The Wikipedia page on the Hurrian language goes into extensive detail on the Hurrian sentence structure and all that. Trust me, there isn't as much ignorance on Hurrian as you think, its been well studied and nobody has yet to link it to Indo-European, not even Armenian linguists. There have been bilingual scripts found of Hurrian and Hittite (IE language) and Hurrians were even ruled by IE-speakers (Mittani) with IE loanwords even found in Hurrian texts but nobody has called Hurrian an Indo-European language yet. You can look it up on Google Books or something and you'll have numerous references to people calling Hurro-Urartian an isolated family tree or sometimes connecting it to non-IE language families like Northwest Caucasian.

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11-19-2018, 07:16 AM
The words I quoted were specifically Armenian words of Hittite origin i.e. substrate words. Click on the links I gave and tell me if the words look Armenian. Literally no linguist has yet to classify Hurrian as an Indo-European language. Whether Hurrian is related to Armenian or not isn't even up for debate. Its like talking about whether Turkic is related to Indo-European.

Hurrian being an agglutinative language with ergative grammar and use of suffixaufnahmes separates it from IE languages. Interestingly, these features would bring it closer to Georgian than to Indo-European. The Wikipedia page on the Hurrian language goes into extensive detail on the Hurrian sentence structure and all that. Trust me, there isn't as much ignorance on Hurrian as you think, its been well studied and nobody has yet to link it to Indo-European, not even Armenian linguists. There have been bilingual scripts found of Hurrian and Hittite (IE language) and Hurrians were even ruled by IE-speakers (Mittani) with IE loanwords even found in Hurrian texts but nobody has called Hurrian an Indo-European language yet. You can look it up on Google Books or something and you'll have numerous references to people calling Hurro-Urartian an isolated family tree or sometimes connecting it to non-IE language families like Northwest Caucasian.

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Hittite is far far more familiar to me. Hurrian seemed like a doofus language and if we did in fact speak it, then I'm glad we made an astronomical upgrade to the Armenian language.

You also must remember that linguists classified the Armenian language as part of the indo-iranian family. That was a mistake on their part which they corrected. Not everything is accurate or set in stone. Just sayin'...

11-19-2018, 07:38 AM
Hittite is far far more familiar to me. Hurrian seemed like a doofus language and if we did in fact speak it, then I'm glad we made an astronomical upgrade to the Armenian language.

You also must remember that linguists classified the Armenian language as part of the indo-iranian family. That was a mistake on their part which they corrected. Not everything is accurate or set in stone. Just sayin'...

Hittite was an IE language similar to Armenian but it was spoken in Anatolia mainly not the Armenian Highlands, though there likely was contact between Hurrians and Hittites. If I'm not mistaken, the word Hurrian is an exonym that means "Hittite".

Armenian being an Indo-Iranian language was a mainstream theory before but it was never fully accepted. Similarily, Hurro-Urartian being a primary language family or language isolate is the mainatream theory but not fully accepted. However, it being non-IE is pretty much fully accepted. If it magically turns out its actually an IE language, then it would have to be on new and radically different inscriptions.

I think it would have been cool if you guys kept your pre-IE language just cause it would have meant that a very ancient civilized people's ethnolinguistic continuity lived on (not that Armenians aren't ancient but the Hurrians are older) and have having a non-IE language makes them more unique. Would have also been nice if a few other ancient languages like Gothic and Tocharian survived. Oh well, what can you do.

Anyways, I don't think Hurrian sounded bad really. Here are some clips:



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11-19-2018, 07:48 AM
Hittite was an IE language similar to Armenian but it was spoken in Anatolia mainly not the Armenian Highlands, though there likely was contact between Hurrians and Hittites. If I'm not mistaken, the word Hurrian is an exonym that means "Hittite".

Armenian being an Indo-Iranian language was a mainstream theory before but it was never fully accepted. Similarily, Hurro-Urartian being a primary language family or language isolate is the mainatream theory but not fully accepted. However, it being non-IE is pretty much fully accepted. If it magically turns out its actually an IE language, then it would have to be on new and radically different inscriptions.

I think it would have been cool if you guys kept your pre-IE language just cause it would have meant that a very ancient civilized people's ethnolinguistic continuity lived on (not that Armenians aren't ancient but the Hurrians are older) and have having a non-IE language makes them more unique. Would have also been nice if a few other ancient languages like Gothic and Tocharian survived. Oh well, what can you do.

Anyways, I don't think Hurrian sounded bad really. Here are some clips:



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If what you're saying is in fact true, then we essentially endured a language shift some 3,000 years ago. Which is interesting because our ethnogenesis formed at least a millenia before that.

I just heard it btw, its sounds like shit. Pales in comparison to the richer-sounding classical Armenian. No wonder we switched :D

11-19-2018, 08:36 AM
Big armenoid

11-19-2018, 12:58 PM
Even Modern Armenian language sounds somewhat like Georgian. Armenian doesn't sound neither Greek nor Iranian. But it is closer to Iranian.

11-19-2018, 03:18 PM
Even Modern Armenian language sounds somewhat like Georgian. Armenian doesn't sound neither Greek nor Iranian. But it is closer to Iranian.

Its Caucasian substratum in modern Ossetian/Armenian
There are abruptives (sharp consonants) in both languages from locals

Both languages sound sharply as Caucasian languages but not similar
Phonematical tactics in Armenian and Georgian is very different for example

For example Armenian word is like Atsavatsatsun (where "t" is not IndoEuropean "t" but sharp Caucasian abruptive "t")

While typical Georgian word sounds like Khartskvetili

11-19-2018, 07:54 PM

young highlander
11-20-2018, 01:56 PM
west caucasus languages are closer and related to east caucasus languages, than south caucasus(kartvelian languages) and both WC languages and EC languages make one northcaucasian family while south caucasian is barely close to both of them, however it's a kind relative group

young highlander
11-20-2018, 02:01 PM

something like this