View Full Version : what phenotype do Venezuelans have?

11-17-2018, 09:56 PM
The other day on the bus a Venezuelan sat next to me and asked me if I was of Venezuelan nationality to which I replied that

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10-10-2020, 06:12 AM
You look a lot like many Euro leaning mixed Venezuelans.

But anyways, to answer your question. Venezuela is on average a Mestizo-leaning triracial country. It means that is on average triracial but with more of both Euro and Amerindian contributions than SSA contribution in its general population. However, Venezuelans can go from black/griffes in one extreme of their spectrum to whites and Euro mestizos on the other (including whites who could even pass in Central Europe), and everything in between, including triracials in diverse proportions (with some predominance of mestizo-leaning triracials), Amerindians, mestizos in diverse proportions, etc.

12-07-2020, 01:28 AM
Oh man theres no solid answer to the question, but usually a mixed phentoype is what is common. Triracials are in my opinion one of the most common phenotypes, just as genotype.