View Full Version : Bolsonaro got votes from women and poor

11-20-2018, 05:42 AM
Quite interesting, many women support Bolsonaro. This documentary explains why so many women voted for Bolsonaro at the elections in Brazil. And it is amazing that many of these women are from the favelas - the Brazilian ghettoes. Another very large group of supporters comes from the Evangelical churches which are very popular in the ghettoes of Brazil. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-election/brazil-far-right-candidate-gains-women-voters-despite-sexist-remarks-idUSKCN1MD2KZ

Will he help the women and the poor in the ghettos? Or is he paid by the rich and is he a anarcho-capitalist and elitist? Will he really help the poor and women? Opinions please. I dont make a judgment either ways. I dont believe he is a racist or fascist really. But I believe he is a capitalist, libertarian, and rich white elite so Im uncertain why he should be the candidate for people who are poor or in favelas or for women, since he also made sexist remarks belittled rape in brasil and such.

11-20-2018, 05:55 AM
I dont know whether he is a racist or fascist really. I for example agree with tougher stance on crime and I dont support LGBTQ or radical feminism. Some might call me bigoted for it. But Im very tolerant and liberal minded and not a racist or fascist. But he is certainly a capitalist and libertarian, I dont know if he is good for poor people in the favelas. But capitalism or economic liberalism might bring more prosperity then socialism because most socialist countries were poor and most people in socialist countries fled to capitalist countries where there is free market. So Im uncertain if he is bad. He probably is elitist because he is from a rich white background but his policies might make most people profit maybe. We will see.

11-20-2018, 06:20 AM
I really don't know. I can only loosely assume he is for the power and glory of feeding his own pockets and the company he keeps who are of a higher socio-economic strata but under the guise of helping the disenfranchised. Well, politics as usual.

11-20-2018, 06:50 AM

11-20-2018, 06:59 AM
I think he was the best for Brazil to be honest. Hopefully he will make it work.

11-25-2018, 10:08 PM
Quite interesting, many women support Bolsonaro. This documentary explains why so many women voted for Bolsonaro at the elections in Brazil. And it is amazing that many of these women are from the favelas - the Brazilian ghettoes. Another very large group of supporters comes from the Evangelical churches which are very popular in the ghettoes of Brazil. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-election/brazil-far-right-candidate-gains-women-voters-despite-sexist-remarks-idUSKCN1MD2KZ

Will he help the women and the poor in the ghettos? Or is he paid by the rich and is he a anarcho-capitalist and elitist? Will he really help the poor and women? Opinions please. I dont make a judgment either ways. I dont believe he is a racist or fascist really. But I believe he is a capitalist, libertarian, and rich white elite so Im uncertain why he should be the candidate for people who are poor or in favelas or for women, since he also made sexist remarks belittled rape in brasil and such.

Why should the government help only the favela's people? What about all the other Brazilians that don't live in favelas?
Not all poor Brazilians lives in favelas and not all favela persons are poor, many of them are rich thugs
The government should worl for all people, regardless of poor or rich, even because it is not like the government have capaity to solve anything

11-25-2018, 10:12 PM
I think he was the best for Brazil to be honest. Hopefully he will make it work.

I'm glad you think in this way.

11-25-2018, 10:26 PM
Honestly, I could be wrong but I think that a huge percentage of the women that voted for him did it because they hate the other main party (PT) rather then because they support him. I have some female acquaintances and even relatives that voted for him, because the city where I'm from is highly conservative. Some of them don't agree with a lot of his ideas, others didn't even know most of them, only chose him because they thought he could win against PT. But I also have many female friends that, like me, would never vote for him.

11-25-2018, 10:29 PM
Honestly, I could be wrong but I think that a huge percentage of the women that voted for him did it because they hate the other main party (PT) rather then because they support him. I have some female acquaintances and even relatives that voted for him, because the city where I'm from is highly conservative. Some of them don't agree with a lot of his ideas, others didn't even know most of them, only chose him because they thought he could win against PT. But I also have many female friends that, like me, would never vote for him.

The same thing probably can aplly for the poor people who voted on him, maybe they don't like much him but voted on him because they thought he is less worse than Haddad

11-29-2018, 06:31 AM
Honestly, I could be wrong but I think that a huge percentage of the women that voted for him did it because they hate the other main party (PT) rather then because they support him. I have some female acquaintances and even relatives that voted for him, because the city where I'm from is highly conservative. Some of them don't agree with a lot of his ideas, others didn't even know most of them, only chose him because they thought he could win against PT. But I also have many female friends that, like me, would never vote for him.

vc não é umbandista e namora negros e diz q sua cidade e conservadora?

11-29-2018, 08:42 AM
vc não é umbandista e namora negros e diz q sua cidade e conservadora?

Eu sou umbandista, nunca namorei negros mas namoraria. E no que o jeito que eu, em específico, sou, impede que a minha cidade seja conservadora? Petrópolis não é uma cidade tão pequena assim, é claro que a população não é homogênea e nem todas as pessoas são conservadoras, muitas, como eu, não são. Mas a maioria, eu acho, ainda é, em algum nível. Também podemos estar partindo de pontos de vista diferentes sobre o que é ser conservador.

11-29-2018, 09:23 AM
Eu sou umbandista, nunca namorei negros mas namoraria. E no que o jeito que eu, em específico, sou, impede que a minha cidade seja conservadora? Petrópolis não é uma cidade tão pequena assim, é claro que a população não é homogênea e nem todas as pessoas são conservadoras, muitas, como eu, não são. Mas a maioria, eu acho, ainda é, em algum nível. Também podemos estar partindo de pontos de vista diferentes sobre o que é ser conservador.

Tu és um verme.

11-29-2018, 10:22 AM
Tu és um verme.

Haha porque sou umbandista, porque namoraria um negro ou pelos dois? :confused::rolleyes:

11-29-2018, 10:27 AM
Haha porque sou umbandista, porque namoraria um negro ou pelos dois? :confused::rolleyes:

Pelo primeiro fato. Não sei porque alguém é devoto a algo tão idiota e sem sentido. Tu tens que namorar quem tu quiseres.

11-29-2018, 10:52 AM
Pelo primeiro fato. Não sei porque alguém é devoto a algo tão idiota e sem sentido. Tu tens que namorar quem tu quiseres.

Acredito que não saiba. exatamente o que é e como funciona a Umbanda. A maioria das pessoas não sabe de fato.E mesmo que saiba, tem direito a achar uma besteira, ninguém é obrigado a acreditar na religião do outro. Tem um monte de coisa por aqui que acho besteira também. Daí a tentar (foco na palavra "tentar") me ofender me chamando de verme, sendo que nunca nem me referi a você, já deixa de ser a sua liberdade religiosa pra entrar o seu preconceito mesmo e não vou perder tempo com isso.

11-29-2018, 10:54 AM
Acredito que não saiba. exatamente o que é e como funciona a Umbanda. A maioria das pessoas não sabe de fato.E mesmo que saiba, tem direito a achar uma besteira, ninguém é obrigado a acreditar na religião do outro. Tem um monte de coisa por aqui que acho besteira também. Daí a tentar (foco na palavra "tentar") me ofender me chamando de verme, sendo que nunca nem me referi a você, já deixa de ser a sua liberdade religiosa pra entrar o seu preconceito mesmo e não vou perder tempo com isso.

Como tu és superior...se tu gostas de ser macumbeira, tudo bem. Estou no meio direito de discordar disso. Adeus.

11-29-2018, 03:31 PM
Eu sou umbandista, nunca namorei negros mas namoraria. E no que o jeito que eu, em específico, sou, impede que a minha cidade seja conservadora? Petrópolis não é uma cidade tão pequena assim, é claro que a população não é homogênea e nem todas as pessoas são conservadoras, muitas, como eu, não são. Mas a maioria, eu acho, ainda é, em algum nível. Também podemos estar partindo de pontos de vista diferentes sobre o que é ser conservador.

vc disse q tinha namorados não brancos, e se pratica a umbanda sem sua família falar qualquer coisa e no minimo estranho para uma cidade conservadora

Sacrificed Ram
11-29-2018, 07:36 PM
nunca namorei negros mas namoraria

Eu jamais namoraria um negro.

Black Panther
12-04-2018, 12:27 AM
Eu jamais namoraria um negro.

Seu racista homofóbico.

12-04-2018, 12:49 AM
I dont know and I dont give a fuck, im leaving brazil again very soon

Black Panther
12-04-2018, 01:16 PM
I dont know and I dont give a fuck, im leaving brazil again very soon

I'm moving to Brazil in January, when Bolsonaro becomes president.

12-10-2018, 06:55 PM
I'm moving to Brazil in January, when Bolsonaro becomes president.

No, don't came to here! Just kidding lol i'd like to drink a beer with you

Black Panther
12-11-2018, 12:34 AM
No, don't came to here! Just kidding lol i'd like to drink a beer with you

I'll try to visit at least one of the Southern States. I'll spend almost 3 months in Brazil (accumulated vacation).

12-11-2018, 12:35 AM
I'll try to visit at least one of the Southern States. I'll spend almost 3 months in Brazil (accumulated vacation).


01-05-2019, 08:08 PM

Why is the western mainstream media so shit? A woman talking in Libras is a military salute now.
