View Full Version : Classify British Conservative Politician - Jo Johnson

♥ Lily ♥
11-30-2018, 09:24 PM


11-30-2018, 09:28 PM
I classify him as cute lol. He looks very Nordid/Anglo to me

♥ Lily ♥
11-30-2018, 09:38 PM
I classify him as cute lol. He looks very Nordid/Anglo to me

He looks like his conservative politician brother Boris Johnson (the former mayor of London and a Brexiteer supporter.)


Pity that Jo Johnson and their father Stanley were Remain campaign supporters.


11-30-2018, 09:39 PM

11-30-2018, 09:39 PM
Keltic-Nordid + Anglo-Saxon.

11-30-2018, 09:42 PM
He looks his conservative politician brother Boris Johnson (the former mayor of London and a Brexiteer supporter.)


Pity that Jo Johnson and their father Stanley were Remain campaign supporters.


He looks better than Boris though. But I was always jealous of Boris's hair.

11-30-2018, 09:56 PM
Halstatt nordid+anglo-saxon

11-30-2018, 09:58 PM
Keltic Nordid + Faelid.

11-30-2018, 10:01 PM

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

11-30-2018, 10:14 PM
pred. Nordid. You wouldn't guess a trace of Turkish in him if you didn't mention it.

♥ Lily ♥
11-30-2018, 10:42 PM
He looks better than Boris though. But I was always jealous of Boris's hair.

I think Boris needs a good hair stylist, lol. Before he became the UK Foreign Secretary for a while, Boris was the London Mayor (and he spent a lot of public tax-money on vanity projects when he was our mayor,)... but he was once demonstrating a zip line to a crowd in East London... telling people what a good idea it was.... then he tried it out for people to see... and he got stuck on the wire! :rolleyes:

He's got into trouble for a lot of things he said, such as 'President Obama has a deep resentment for the British because of his partial Kenyan ancestry,' and 'If gay marriage is legal - then I don't see why it will be illegal for a man to marry his dog and two men.'


11-30-2018, 10:47 PM
I think Boris needs a good hair stylist, lol. When Boris was the London Mayor (he spent a lot of public tax-money on vanity projects) he was once demonstrating a zip line to a crowd in East London... telling people what a good idea it was.... then he tried it out for people to see... and he got stuck on the wire! :rolleyes:

He's got into trouble for a lot of things he said, such as 'Obama has a deep resentment for the British because of his partial Kenyan ancestry,' and 'If gay marriage is legal - then I don't see why it will be illegal for a man to marry his dog and two men.'


He was mad at Therese May for not coming to an economic agreement with Trump because he's pro American. I think one of his parents is American and that's why or smth like that. He has very interesting ancestry: Ethnicity: English, 1/8th Turkish, 1/8th Ashkenazi Jewish, small amounts of Swiss-German, German, French, European Royal, and Irish

♥ Lily ♥
11-30-2018, 11:00 PM
He was mad at Therese May for not coming to an economic agreement with Trump because he's pro American. I think one of his parents is American and that's why or smth like that. He has very interesting ancestry: Ethnicity: English, 1/8th Turkish, 1/8th Ashkenazi Jewish, small amounts of Swiss-German, German, French, European Royal, and Irish

He said in this video-clip that one of his great great grandfather's was Russian.

The whole country is fuming with May at the moment.... along with the DUP, Leave/Brexit politicians, Remain politicians.... her awful EU deal will most likely be voted down by a lot of the UK politicians on 11th December in the UK Houses of Parliament.

Politicians in May's own weak coalition government have resigned in anger, including Boris and his brother.

The Northern Irish DUP party that currently supports her in a coalition government are fuming with the deal offer... and the Scottish are very angry with her proposed deal with the EU... the opposition Labour party is angry and wants another referendum... she hasn't got much support from leave or remain supporter politicians.

President Trump made a public statement the other day that the UK risks not being able to trade with the US if May's deal keeps us tied to the EU. She cowered to Angela Merkel and President Juncker during her meetings with them.

If her terrible deal offer isn't approved on 11th December by the majority of politicians in the UK Houses of Parliament, we risk being forced to have a second referendum vote on leaving the EU before 11pm on 29th March.... or a General Election may be called.... or we may leave with no deal at all... (better than her awful deal that keeps us tied to the EU's custom union and laws, forces us to pay a massive sum of money to the EU, and other very bad things for the UK.... the deal is even worse for the UK than if we just stayed in the EU or left with no deal. She's sabotaging Brexit on purpose with Angela Merkel and President Junker to force another referendum.)

A lot of politicians and the public want treasonous May to step-down and resign as the most hated and unpopular Prime Minister as she supported the Remain campaign prior to the referendum. She's betrayed what the British people voted for. Remain politicians in the Labour and Green parties and LibDems and Remainiacs are calling for a 'Peoples Vote' (second referendum.) We've already had a 'Peoples Vote' - we voted to leave and that vote should be upheld and respected... not sabotaged so that we're forced to revote on leaving the EU.

If her awful deal is approved in the UK Parliament, I think there will be a lot of fury and protests. If there's no deal agreement and we're forced to have a second referendum on leaving the EU, there will be even more massive public fury and divides.

It's very tense for people in the UK at the moment as it feels like our democracy is hanging on a thread in the countdown to 11th December. I want her very unpopular deal to be voted down in the UK parliament.

I'd rather leave the EU with no deal than with a treacherous deal for the UK.

So what if French wine or German cars become more expensive for us to import outside of the EU?! We'll just do more trade and buy more cars and wines and products from other countries (such as the US and Australia and Canada and New Zealand) outside of the EU's single market and customs union as we have a lot of spending power... so it's the EU's loss that we're leaving! The UK imports more from Germany than Germany imports from the UK. The UK is one of Germany's largest export markets.... that's why Angela Merkel wants to keep the UK tied to the EU.

Each day there's lots of fearmongering in the national media against Brexit. It's now the second round of 'Project Fear' propaganda! The government-controlled media's first attempt to scaremonger people into voting 'Remain in the EU' didn't work and we voted to leave.

The £400 million we give each week to help fund the poorer EU states can be used on funding our currently underfunded fire brigade services and National Health Service instead. We can close our borders to refugees to the EU and the other EU states can give them free homes, etc, instead.



11-30-2018, 11:02 PM
He said in this video-clip that one of his great great grandfather's was Russian. The whole country is fuming with May at the moment.... along with the DUP, Leave/Brexit politicians, Remain politicians.... her awful EU deal will most likely be voted down by the UK politicians on 11th December in the UK Houses of Parliament. Politicians in May's own coalition government have resigned in anger, including Boris and his brother.

The Northern Irish and Scottish are very angry with her proposed deal with the EU... the opposition Labour party is angry and wants another referendum... she hasn't got much support from leave or remain supporter politicians.

If her deal offer isn't approved on 11th December by all the politicians in the UK Houses of Parliament, we risk being forced to have a second referendum vote on leaving the EU before 11pm on 29th March.... or a General Election may be called.... or we may leave with no deal at all... (better than her awful deal that keeps us tied to the EU's custom union and laws, forces us to pay a massive sum of money to the EU, and other very bad things for the UK.... the deal is even worse for the UK than if we just stayed in the EU or left with no deal. She's sabotaging it with Angela Merkel and President Junker on purpose to force another referendum.)

A lot of politicians and the public want Treasonous May to step-down as she supported the Remain campaign. She's betrayed what the British people voted for. We've already had a 'People's Vote'... we voted to leave and that vote should be upheld and respected... not sabotaged.


The people will vote Brexit again no doubt. Even though a lot are against there's more for it. Nice info. I haven't been following UK news much but I prob should since I'm partly British due to being born there and having their passport lmao

♥ Lily ♥
11-30-2018, 11:40 PM
The people will vote Brexit again no doubt. Even though a lot are against there's more for it. Nice info. I haven't been following UK news much but I prob should since I'm partly British due to being born there and having their passport lmao

The media puts out so much fearmongering and scare tactics each day against Brexit and leaving the EU.

The Irish and other EU states were forced to revote on treaties when the EU's bureaucrats (Eurocrats) weren't happy with peoples vote results in other EU states.... until the bureaucratic dictators got the vote results they wanted when the Irish were forced to revote on the Lisbon Treaty.

The EU is so anti-democratic and they removed democratically elected leaders in Italy and Greece in the past and forced pro-EU puppet governments on them.

11-30-2018, 11:46 PM
Nordid with Taurid influences

11-30-2018, 11:47 PM
The media puts out so much fearmongering and scare tactics each day against Brexit and leaving the EU.

The Irish and other EU states were forced to revote when the EU's bureaucrats (Eurocrats) weren't happy with their vote results.... until the bureaucratic dictators got the vote results they wanted when the Irish and others were forced to revote on the Lisbon Treaty, etc.

The EU is so anti-democratic and they removed democratically elected leaders in Italy and Greece in the past and forced pro-EU puppet governments on them.


insert vomit meme:


Thot Whisperer
11-30-2018, 11:58 PM
Anglo Saxon

♥ Lily ♥
12-01-2018, 12:18 AM

insert vomit meme:


lol... so true. I wish I could just leave this country sometimes.

Many people are feeling so tired and fatigued of seeing the word 'Brexit' each day in the media headlines non-stop for two years now since the 2016 referendum.

It's a subject that many Brits are so sick and tired of... that we can't wait for it all to be over. It's a subject we want to avoid - yet can't avoid seeing and discussing as it's something that has a major impact on our country.

I'm sorry for the rant about our hated leader May betraying the people... but it's a very tense time for people at the moment in the UK.

12-01-2018, 12:19 AM
lol... so true. I wish I could just leave this country sometimes.

Many people are feeling so tired and fatigued of seeing the word 'Brexit' each day in the media headlines non-stop for two years now since the 2016 referendum.

It's a subject that many Brits are so sick and tired of... that we can't wait for it all to be over. It's a subject we want to avoid - yet can't avoid seeing and discussing as it's something that has a major impact on our country.

I'm sorry for the rant about our Traitor May... but it's a very tense time for people at the moment in the UK.

I don't like the Conservatives lmao it's ok. Just move to a village or a smaller town. Leave eww London