View Full Version : Classify hungarians who have german ancestry

12-01-2018, 12:29 PM
Tamás Sneider, politician:


Zsolt Baumgartner, ex F1 driver:


Szandra Zimmermann, porn star:


Szilvia Szeitl, footballer:


Peter Müller, writer:


Norbert Schober, celeb:


Nadine Schatzl, handball player:


Kristóf Steiner, celeb:


12-01-2018, 01:09 PM
Baumgartner looks like a dark Iberian, rather than a German

12-02-2018, 05:17 AM
Szilvia Szeitl, footballer: is Gorid

12-02-2018, 05:35 AM
Kristóf Steiner, gay and Sub-Nordid.

12-02-2018, 02:53 PM
What % of Hungarians have German surnames in your estimation?

12-02-2018, 03:14 PM
I live in Budapest and in my class every 3. or 4. person has german family name. But the national average is roughly 5-10%.

Saxon villages in East Hungary:
Újszász/Newsaxon: https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%9Ajsz%C3%A1sz
Szászberek/Saxongrove: https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sz%C3%A1szberek

Sopron/Ödenburg was 51% german: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sopron

Budapest was german city until 19. century: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest


But majority of these german named hungarians don't even speak deutsch :)

12-02-2018, 03:26 PM

Norbert Schobert and Kristóf Steiner are jews. The latter even moved to Israel. Péter Müller is most likely jewish too. In Hungary it is not uncommon for jews to have german surnames.

What % of Hungarians have German surnames in your estimation?

From my experience, around 5%.

I think you will find more people with slavic surnames than german. These slavic surnames are hungarianized 99% of the time. They are written with hungarian letters based on hungarian pronunciation rules so you may not notice them. For example we have 'Babinyecz' surname, it is originally 'Babinec' in slovak. also Hrabovský-> Hrabovszki, Jesenský-> Jeszenszki, Hudec -> Hugyecz and so on.

12-02-2018, 03:40 PM

Norbert Schobert and Kristóf Steiners are jews. The latter even moved to Israel. Péter Müller is most likely jewish too. In Hungary it is not uncommon for jews to have german surnames.

From my experience, around 5%.

I think you will find more people with slavic surnames than german. These slavic surnames are hungarianized 99% of the time. They are written with hungarian letters based on hungarian pronunciation rules so you may not notice them. For example we have 'Babinyecz' surname, it is originally 'Babinec' in slovak. also Hrabovský-> Hrabovszki, Jesenský-> Jeszenszki, Hudec -> Hugyecz and so on.

Schobert Norbi and Steiner Kristóf are not jews, are you drunk? :picard2:

12-02-2018, 03:52 PM
Schobert Norbi and Steiner Kristóf are not jews, are you drunk? :picard2:

Both of them are jews.

Just google it.

Édesapám zsidó származású és vallású volt.

Amikor Schindler listáját, vagy a Saul fiát nézem, akkor folyik a könnyem és zsidónak is érzem magam,
http://mandiner.hu/cikk/20161006_schobert_norbert_zsidosagomrol_es_kereszt enysegemrol

Izraelben egyébként furcsa szerepben vagyok: a zsidóknak nem elég zsidó, a liberálisoknak túl cionista, de ez engem nem zavar.

12-02-2018, 04:18 PM
But the national average is roughly 5-10%.

Probably similar as the national average for Poland.

Sometimes it is hard to distinguish Polonized German from Polish, though.

For example a surname such as Bartlewski is apparently of German origin.

12-02-2018, 04:36 PM
Why the thumb downs? For including the porn star? :)

12-02-2018, 04:38 PM
Why the thumb downs? For including the porn star? :)

That too. Also half the people she posted are jews :icon_lol: nor german neither hungarian ethnically.

12-02-2018, 05:19 PM
I think you will find more people with slavic surnames than german. These slavic surnames are hungarianized 99% of the time. They are written with hungarian letters based on hungarian pronunciation rules so you may not notice them. For example we have 'Babinyecz' surname, it is originally 'Babinec' in slovak. also Hrabovský-> Hrabovszki, Jesenský-> Jeszenszki, Hudec -> Hugyecz and so on.

Do you have a breakdown of these Slavic surnames by ethnicity?

For example Stears has a Polish surname.

But I guess most of it are Slovak surnames?

12-02-2018, 05:26 PM
That too. Also half the people she posted are jews :icon_lol: nor german neither hungarian ethnically.

Only 2 was jewish. By the way Schobert Norbi is half jewish, raised in catholic family, he have nothing to do with judaism.

12-02-2018, 05:30 PM
Do you have a breakdown of these Slavic surnames by ethnicity?

For example Stears has a Polish surname.

But I guess most of it are Slovak surnames?

I don't have statistics on this. I think slavic surnames among hungarians are mostly of slovak and south slavic origin. It's not uncommon to find a hungarian who has a surname ending with -ics. I have one such friend and he doesn't know about any south slavic ancestry so it should be pretty distant.

There's a wikipedia page on hungarian surnames of slovak origin, sadly it doesn't have an english version.

12-02-2018, 05:32 PM
Only 2 was jewish. By the way Schobert Norbi is half jewish, raised in catholic family, he have nothing to do with judaism.

Schobert got his surname from his jewish father. And you posted him thinking "he has german surname, must have german origins", it doesn't work like that. German surnames are found in the hungarian-jewish community.

I think Péter Müller is jewish too, but I found no evidence of it. He just has that mediterranean-jewish look. Wouldn't be surprised if Baumgartner is jewish too tbh.

12-02-2018, 05:34 PM
it is not uncommon for jews to have german surnames.

Until the 1700s the majority of Jews had no surnames, just patronymics.

Later surnames were assigned to them by Austrian / Prussian / Russian clerks.

12-02-2018, 05:38 PM
Schobert got his surname from his jewish father. And you posted him thinking "he has german surname, must have german origins", it doesn't work like that. German surnames are found in the hungarian-jewish community.

I think Péter Müller is jewish too, but I found no evidence of it. He just has that mediterranean-jewish look. Wouldn't be surprised if Baumgartner is jewish too tbh.

Yes of course everyone is jewish who has german surname... Germany is home of 85 million jew. Bravo.... :lmao

12-02-2018, 05:43 PM
Until the 1700s the majority of Jews had no surnames, just patronymics.

Later surnames were assigned to them by Austrian / Prussian / Russian clerks.

That's called hungarian far right neo nazi propaganda. This "every gernam named people are jew" is very popular urban legend in Hungary, which belong to anti Habsburg anti german identity of some hungarian nationalist.

12-02-2018, 05:45 PM
Yes of course everyone is jewish who has german surname... Germany is home of 85 million jew. Bravo.... :lmao

I didn't say that. Can you prove the people you posted have actual german ancestry? I've just proved 2 of 'em are jews.

12-02-2018, 05:46 PM
That's called hungarian far right neo nazi propaganda. This "every gernam named people are jew" is very popular urban legend in Hungary, which belong to anti Habsburg anti german identity of some hungarian nationalist.

That's not what he said.

12-02-2018, 05:48 PM
I didn't say that. Can you prove the people you posted have actual german ancestry? I've just proved 2 of 'em are jews.

Your name shows your origin. Majority of hungarians are not ethnic magyars but magyarized germans and slavs.

12-02-2018, 05:49 PM
Interjú az általad posztolt Müller Péter fiával, 'Müller Péter Sziámi'-val

Az igazán érdekes az, hogy minden oldalról zsidó vagyok.

hahahahahaha, hahahahaha
még hogy nem zsidó

12-02-2018, 05:53 PM
Interjú az általad posztolt Müller Péter fiával, 'Müller Péter Sziámi'-val


hahahahahaha, hahahahaha
még hogy nem zsidó

why tumb down?:picard2: I was right, Müller is a jew too.

12-02-2018, 05:54 PM
Interjú az általad posztolt Müller Péter fiával, 'Müller Péter Sziámi'-val


hahahahahaha, hahahahaha
még hogy nem zsidó

That's another Müller Péter you idiot :D

This is my Müller Péter (not jew):

He is yours:

No one ever talks about him :picard2: :picard2:

12-02-2018, 05:58 PM
That's another Müller Péter you idiot :D

This is my Müller Péter (not jew):

He is yours:

No one ever talks about him :picard2: :picard2:

Can you even interpret hungarian language? Sziámi is the son of the old man you posted.:picard2: In the interview Sziámi says his biological father and stepfather are both jews.

12-02-2018, 06:02 PM
Can you even interpret hungarian language? Sziámi is the son of the old man you posted.:picard2: In the interview Sziámi says his biological father and stepfather are both jews.

Yes i'm native hungarian speaker unlike you because:

"Nevelőapja Müller Péter író"

Nevelőapa = stepdad so he is not real father :bounce:

12-02-2018, 06:04 PM
Your name shows your origin.

Just direct paternal line, not all of your ancestry:



12-02-2018, 06:04 PM
they look typical Hungarian, their green eyes are especially like the ones that Hungarians have

12-02-2018, 06:06 PM
The 3rd is Pornoid...

12-02-2018, 06:06 PM
Yes i'm native hungarian speaker unlike you because:

"Nevelőapja Müller Péter író"

Nevelőapa = stepdad so he is not real father :bounce:

You're wrong again, his biological father is also a jew. Read the interview: http://www.szombat.org/politika/3450-minden-oldalrol-zsido-vagyok

he got the german surname from the stepdad anyway

12-02-2018, 06:08 PM
You're wrong again, his biological father is also a jew. Read the interview: http://www.szombat.org/politika/3450-minden-oldalrol-zsido-vagyok

he got the german surname from the stepdad anyway

So yeah, Péter Müller, the guy she posted is a jew through and through:thumb001:

12-02-2018, 06:12 PM
they look typical Hungarian, their green eyes are especially like the ones that Hungarians have

She posted at least three jews in this thread, I can prove it with sources. So these people can't be very typical hungarian.