View Full Version : Fox News: FEMA Camps theory "Can't be debunked"

Sol Invictus
03-06-2009, 05:38 AM
Here's fox news talking about how they've been doing research over the last several days, and apparently they've been determined to debunk it. Glenn Beck, on international t.v, says "I can't debunk it". He proceeds to say "look out, buckle up, there's something going on in our country.."

You know how many times I've been told that I am crazy for saying stuff about this? And now they're coming out and saying this openly..

And there's Ron Paul saying that FEMA doesn't need legislative authority in order to conduct their operations, that they operate above and beyond law..

I can't wait to show these ignorant fucks, and my instructor at school this..

These are the same people who refuse to believe that our drinking water has been contaminated with prozac, even though it's admitted in several publications.. That we're not being sprayed with chemicals from the air from jets, that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are responsible for 9/11 and 7/7, and that the Patriot Act and so on are actually here to protect us, and that the U.S, Canadian, and Mexican dollar isn't going to be replaced.

Is ignorance truly bliss? Nope. They're succeeding in dumbing us out.



Sol Invictus
03-07-2009, 03:41 AM
No one has anything to say about this?

03-07-2009, 04:10 AM
I don't know how I didn't catch this until just now. It seems like the media is starting to realize something is going on. But notice how the others tried to make him look like a fool?

Somethings happening here. I'm sick of being labeled as a loon and a conspiracy-theorist. Even some of my closest friends will not believe me on this shit, no matter what I show them. I've been showing the Sovereignty Bill for Arizona to lots of people, and very few take it seriously despite it's source. Maybe if their precious news channells tell them this shit they'll take it to heart.

Sol Invictus
03-08-2009, 08:44 AM
Ok people,

Ron Paul says there's no evidence.. He just lied on international t.v., or he is just blind..

Look at the amount of these *empty* installations located in the U.S. We're told they're for illegals, yet, if they were to be built to house hordes of illegal immigrants, why are they empty? They can't find any?

If they really are built for illegals, are they waiting for Mexico to completely bust open like a pinata in order to activate them? Are they waiting for the U.S to break down completely, and use them as labour camps for homeless and jobless Americans thanks to the meltdown? There's too many questions and not enough answers.


We've been told they're for illegals, yet here we see Oliver North being questioned about his involvment in the NSC and a program (Rex 84) to maintain the "Continuity of Government" in the event of civil unrest or a natural disaster.


Alex Jones, who was amongst the foremost champions for the awareness of these top-secret camps, made commentary on the following video about what appeared to be 500,000 plastic vaults/coffins on land owned by FEMA. This (http://www.polyguardvaults.com/) site proves they are infact coffins, and not water levies as suggested.


The short little couple of minutes that FOX news touched up on doesn't do anything but raise awareness, and more questions. Ron Paul said there's no evidence, What about HR 645..? A New Legislative Mandate Authorizing FEMA Camps In U.S. ?? (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=h111-645)

What the hell is going on here??