View Full Version : Why is Canada more Amerindian than the USA?

12-04-2018, 11:20 PM
Amerindian "race" is reported by 4.86% of Canadians and only 1.69% of Americans.

Amerindian "ancestry" is reported by 6.18% of Canadians and 3.53% of Americans.

Why is Canada more Native, percentage-wise, than the USA? Breakdown by province:


12-04-2018, 11:23 PM
Of course if we take also Latinos into account, then in such case the USA will have more of Amerindian DNA.

But Hispanics can't trace their genealogy back to Pocahontas, they are descended from very different tribes:


12-04-2018, 11:24 PM
Americans gave their natives bullets. Canadians gave their natives whisky.

12-04-2018, 11:26 PM
Racism and racial segregation its part of U.S culture since that nation was born Canada on that other hand has been more liberal and open mind in terms of race . Even though both were under British rule segregation played a huge role in all nations that were under England flag. U.S its probably that racist English speaking country.

12-04-2018, 11:27 PM
Americans gave their natives bullets. Canadians gave their natives whisky.

Yes and many Natives and part-Natives tried to pass as Whites to avoid those bullets, they were hiding among White American population. They are experiencing a revival now. Many people with Native heritage who previously wanted to pass as Whites, are coming out:




12-04-2018, 11:27 PM
Of course if we take also Latinos into account, then in such case the USA will have more of Amerindian DNA.

But Hispanics can't trace their genealogy back to Pocahontas, they are descended from very different tribes:


Very true.

12-04-2018, 11:35 PM
The Canadians didn't kill as many as the Americans did; pacts, inter marrying and land exchange happened more often than outright war.

12-04-2018, 11:36 PM
Yes and many Natives and part-Natives tried to pass as Whites to avoid those bullets, they were hiding among White American population. They are experiencing a revival now. Many people with Native heritage who previously wanted to pass as Whites, are coming out:




As that Anglo population was spreading to that west this is what they did.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQ4vDNwntup3s6QpVqkTPmFNuaS8v1 HC135naAplbxCVV0ZTrIA


12-04-2018, 11:38 PM
As that Anglo population was spreading to that west this is what they did.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQ4vDNwntup3s6QpVqkTPmFNuaS8v1 HC135naAplbxCVV0ZTrIA


And now they are surprised... :


12-04-2018, 11:44 PM
And now they are surprised... :


Stupid Anglo Americans no wonder why they're stereotyped as dumb in Europe and nobody likes them can't blame that Russians xD

Black Panther
12-04-2018, 11:47 PM
Less White immigrants and colonials.

12-10-2018, 11:54 AM
Amerindian "race" is reported by 4.86% of Canadians and only 1.69% of Americans.

Amerindian "ancestry" is reported by 6.18% of Canadians and 3.53% of Americans.

Why is Canada more Native, percentage-wise, than the USA? Breakdown by province:


Cause America in modern times isn't so willing to accept fraudulent claims by white, european, or non-natives that they were "natives". There's a Canadian "metis" (you should know who that is, Litvin) on anthrogenica who knows essentially nothing about metis, metis history, who doesn't even know what the word metis means or how it is applied for that matter, & couldn't care to learn but insists he is "metis" who is a good example of such Canadian make believe "natives".

I won't get into the politics of it [Pierre Trudeau (Justin's charming ever loving father) and Jean Chrétien being the main culprits] so I'll merely repeat what I said elsewhere.

Canada was no where near as discrete about European "natives" as America.

In fact, before 1985 a 100% (European) non-status woman could marry a guy with Indian status and she'd magically become a "status indian". Their potentially half-native (for there's no guarantee the husband is fully native) child could marry another potentially half-native child for a "full" native grandchild. It's one reason why many "natives" on Canadian band councils, who you see parading around with politicians, etc. are very white/european looking as they're some of the most diluted (predominantly European without "being" European) "natives" you can find in Canada.

12-10-2018, 02:47 PM
nice delirium map, but the reality is that only in New Mexico half the population is of Amerindian origin.

1-2% Texas hahaha

12-10-2018, 09:54 PM
Americans gave their natives bullets. Canadians gave their natives whisky.
Both were fatal killing, for them

12-10-2018, 10:34 PM

only 1 -2% for California?

California it's one of the most Amerindian atates. Nebraska too

12-10-2018, 10:43 PM
Racism and racial segregation its part of U.S culture since that nation was born Canada on that other hand has been more liberal and open mind in terms of race . Even though both were under British rule segregation played a huge role in all nations that were under England flag. U.S its probably that racist English speaking country.

This is not true at all. Europe is far more racist than America today. And I wouldn't say that about Canada at all. Canada is far more racist towards indigenous people today. Of course, they have a larger population, too. But there's a lot of racism, particularly in Western Canada. Case in point, the police have been known to give "starlight tours": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths

12-10-2018, 10:48 PM
French colonization in the beggining. Being Catholic, the French were far less racial oriented than the Protestant Brits who moved to USA.

The generally inferior sects which colonized US were totally based on a popular religion extremely exclusivist based on Calvinist delirium, that's why they got expelled from Britain in the first place. The genesis of American racism can be found in these non-Anglican Protestant sects.

12-10-2018, 10:56 PM
Because Canada never had their own Andrew Jackson

12-10-2018, 11:10 PM
I won't get into the politics of it [Pierre Trudeau (Justin's charming ever loving father) and Jean Chrétien being the main culprits] so I'll merely repeat what I said elsewhere.

FYI Justin Trudeau was actually fathered by Fidel Castro.

12-10-2018, 11:57 PM
why a Canadian immigrant have to learn basic stupid french to communicate with many people?

12-11-2018, 05:58 AM
only 1 -2% for California?

California it's one of the most Amerindian atates. Nebraska too

Only if you add Latino Mestizos or Latin American Natives - that map doesn't include them.

12-11-2018, 06:03 AM
Only if you add Latino Mestizos or Latin American Natives - that map doesn't include them.

Did you considered us natives? This a study average of Mexican Americans and other Hispanic Americans in United states (average) by 23andme.


12-11-2018, 06:44 AM
The United States is much more heavily populated and farmed. Canada outside Toronto and Vancouver is basically a giant frozen wasteland so the natives were relatively preserved.

12-11-2018, 09:55 PM
Stupid Anglo Americans no wonder why they're stereotyped as dumb in Europe and nobody likes them can't blame that Russians xD

Is it Anglo-Americans who are stereotyped in Europe, or all Americans? I'm pretty sure it's all Americans; ethnic differentiation is rarely, if ever, a feature of anti-Americanism. Accordingly, all Americans, regardless or race or ethnicity, have an inherent interest in combating such negativity. Also, I must beg to differ with the contention that no one likes Anglo-Americans. I am quite fond of them, actually. And, no, I have zero Anglo or even NW European ancestry.