View Full Version : [POLL]Am I a Balkan canine (Turk)?

12-05-2018, 09:13 AM
Cretan Turks, Bulgarian Turks, Macedonian Turks are known as Balkan Turks.

I want to be canine as well!


But Turks say that I am not Balkan Turk.


Please Vote Yes or No in Poll

12-05-2018, 09:16 AM
No. If you were from turkey with balkan ancestry then yes

12-05-2018, 09:17 AM
No. If you were from turkey with balkan ancestry then yes

My family served in Istanbul in Ottoman Empire of course.

12-05-2018, 09:19 AM
Bosnians are slavs not turks.

12-05-2018, 09:20 AM
Bosnians are slavs not turks.

Having Russia on 30.0 and Poland, Ukraine 20.0+ doesn't make you a slav.

12-05-2018, 09:21 AM
1 serbian_harappa @ 5.808574
2 romanian-a_behar @ 7.834525
3 bulgarian_yunusbayev @ 10.542596
4 hungarian_behar @ 10.543539


12-05-2018, 09:22 AM
1 serbian_harappa @ 5.808574
2 romanian-a_behar @ 7.834525
3 bulgarian_yunusbayev @ 10.542596
4 hungarian_behar @ 10.543539


Attila was hun not turk... by the way he has germanic (goth) name...

12-05-2018, 09:22 AM
Attila was hun not turk...

Isn't that a Turk?

12-05-2018, 09:27 AM
Isn't that a Turk?

No :D Basically the original huns (xiongnu) were mongoloic, not turkic :D But later the hunnic tribes were multiethnic: mongoloic, turkic, iranic, germanic, uralic tribal confederation.

12-05-2018, 09:28 AM
No :D Basically the original huns (xiongnu) were mongoloic, not turkic :D But later the hunnic tribes were multiethnic: mongoloic, turkic, iranic, germanic, uralic tribal confederation.

but but but

Mongols are Cousins of Turks

Am I right........

Mongols are closer to Turks than Iranic people...

12-05-2018, 09:29 AM
but but but

Mongols are Cousins of Turks

Am I right........

Mongols are closer to Turks than Iranic people...

Does not matter, turks and mongols are 2 different ethnic group.

Thanas Django
12-05-2018, 09:32 AM

12-05-2018, 09:41 AM

I can pronounce: baklava, ibrik that's basic Turkish already.

I have Turkish name

I almost watched 1 Turkish Soap episode without changing the channel.

What else do they want?

12-05-2018, 09:44 AM
Why do the Bosnians flee from what they are? Ato is that they certainly are not Turks and that besides some parts of culture, music, and religions, they have nothing to do with them.
How painful it was, the Bosnians were closer to the Serbs than the Turks.

12-05-2018, 09:45 AM
Isn't that a Turk?

Huns/Xiongnu lived in Mongolia:


They had mongol genetic and face type, they xiongnu words are related to mongol language:

Xiongnu face:


The hun haplogroup was Q1a which is a mongol marker:

"Q1a1b1 (L712): found in Central & Eastern Europe (probably Hunnic and/or Mongolian)"

"Many of clades of haplogroup Q1a are believed to have been brought by the Huns, the Mongols and the Turks, who all originated in the Altai region and around modern Mongolia. Haplogroup Q has been identified in Iron Age remains from Hunnic sites in Mongolia by Petkovski et al. (2006) and in Xinjiang by Kang et al. (2013). Modern Mongols belong to various subclades of Q1a, including by order of frequency Q1a2a1c (L330), Q1a1a1 (M120), Q1a1b (M25) and Q1a2a2 (YP4004)."

You can find this hun haplogroup only in Mongolia, Central and East Europe.

Huns were mongoloic not turkic :)

12-05-2018, 09:49 AM
I can pronounce: baklava, ibrik that's basic Turkish already.

I have Turkish name

I almost watched 1 Turkish Soap episode without changing the channel.

What else do they want?

I think youre trolling ;)

12-05-2018, 09:51 AM
You're just a canine of trolling, Darth.

12-05-2018, 09:52 AM
If you say so

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

12-05-2018, 09:52 AM
You're just a canine of trolling, Darth.

if you denounce canine ancestry you are not a Turk!

12-05-2018, 09:53 AM
If you say so

Στάλθηκε από το G3311 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

what do you say my dear neighbor?

Moje ime
12-05-2018, 09:55 AM
Why do the Bosnians flee from what they are? Ato is that they certainly are not Turks and that besides some parts of culture, music, and religions, they have nothing to do with them.
How painful it was, the Bosnians were closer to the Serbs than the Turks.

Bosniaks not Bosnians.

12-05-2018, 09:57 AM
Why do the Bosnians flee from what they are? Ato is that they certainly are not Turks and that besides some parts of culture, music, and religions, they have nothing to do with them.
How painful it was, the Bosnians were closer to the Serbs than the Turks.

Names, Culture, Music, Religion ... that's a lot.

12-05-2018, 10:01 AM
if you denounce canine ancestry you are not a Turk!

I am a shinigami(death angel).Also,in last check turkic peoples have ape ancestry like other homo sapiens

12-05-2018, 10:01 AM
Bosniaks not Bosnians.

Balkan Turk!


Thanas Django
12-05-2018, 10:02 AM
What else do they want?

You have to bike across a strict pedestrian zone really really fast then stop right in front of someone you think you can beat up easily and give them the death stare wilst ringing your bell furiously.

You also have to touch the butt of all your male friends and act like a homosexual but at the same time act like the toughest guy and verbally abuse other homosexuals.

Then you will be Türk

12-05-2018, 10:03 AM
I am a shinigami(death angel).Also,in last check turkic peoples have ape ancestry like other homo sapiens

The wolf symbolizes honor and is also considered the mother of most Turkic peoples. Asena is the name of one of the ten sons who were given birth by a wolf in Turkic history.

The narration tells of a young boy who survived a raid on his village. A she-wolf finds the injured child and nurses him back to health. He subsequently impregnates the wolf which then gives birth to ten half-wolf, half-human boys.


12-05-2018, 10:07 AM
You have to bike across a strict pedestrian zone really really fast then stop right in front of someone you think you can beat up easily and give them the death stare wilst ringing your bell furiously.

You also have to touch the butt of all your male friends and act like a homosexual but at the same time act like the toughest guy and verbally abuse other homosexuals.

Then you will be Türk

You have an amazing brain Thanas.

Can't do it sorry.

12-05-2018, 10:12 AM
Cretan Turks, Bulgarian Turks, Macedonian Turks are known as Balkan Turks.

I want to be canine as well!


But Turks say that I am not Balkan Turk.


Please Vote Yes or No in Poll

Crete is an island off Greece, it is not a part of the Balkans.

12-05-2018, 10:15 AM
Crete is an island off Greece, it is not a part of the Balkans.

How do you feel being Turk, do you sense your canine ancestry?

Sacrificed Ram
12-05-2018, 10:16 AM
I almost watched 1 Turkish Soap episode without changing the channel.

Then it makes the brazilians the most turkic people of the world...

12-05-2018, 10:20 AM
Then it makes the brazilians the most turkic people of the world...

That's not enough

I have:

1. Name
2. Religion
3. Culture
4. Almost watched one Turkish Soap
5. Share common words with Turks
6. Have 1.55% Canine blood

12-05-2018, 10:21 AM
How do you feel being Turk, do you sense your canine ancestry?

That's pagan rubbish from 1000 years ago mate. Only dumb nationalists believe they came from dogs.

12-05-2018, 10:27 AM
That's pagan rubbish from 1000 years ago mate. Only dumb nationalists believe they came from dogs.

Are you sure, we haven't compared Dog dna with dna of modern turks, there might be some % who knows.

Myths always have some truth in it.

12-05-2018, 10:34 AM
Ok we will adopt you as bosnianturk if it’s that what u want. No more bosnian from now on. Learn Türkçe

12-05-2018, 10:36 AM
Ok we will adopt you as bosnianturk if it’s that what u want. No more bosnian from now on. Learn Türkçe

I want a honest TA hug from you first

12-05-2018, 10:39 AM
I want a honest TA hug from you first

*gives a warm honest TA hug*

12-05-2018, 10:41 AM
*gives a warm honest TA hug*


I will learn Turkce as soon as I finish Greek :)

12-05-2018, 10:44 AM
No. You are a western Serb aka Illyrian.

Mr. Anybody
12-05-2018, 10:52 AM
a 17-yr-old girl(probably stears),one bosnian jew(based on your photo),one cypriot with 10 % ssa who thinks he is funny or smart..

are talking about attila and origin of his name,xiongnu,iranic-hunnic migrations and racial/physicial traits of huns. Yea the name Attila is formed from Gothic “”atta””, meaning "father", through the dimminutive suffix -ila, the "”little father"”.

That’s why I decided to return..

12-05-2018, 10:54 AM
a 17-yr-old girl(probably stears),one bosnian jew(based on your photo),one cypriot with 10 % ssa who thinks he is funny or smart..

are talking about attila and origin of his name,xiongnu,iranic-hunnic migrations and racial/physicial traits of huns. Yea the name Attila is formed from Gothic “”atta””, meaning "father", through the dimminutive suffix -ila, the "”little father"”.

That’s why I decided to return..

I'm not Stears dummy :rotfl:

My opinion on slavs:

My opinion on slovaks:

My opinion on hun-hungarian brotherhood:

I said here Stears has mongoloic ancestry:

I'm in "mongol prode" group because of huns.

I'm not Stears dummy :D

12-05-2018, 10:56 AM
I hope to get at least 1 YES vote till afternoon so I can declare those NO as Biased votes.

12-05-2018, 11:05 AM
Huns/Xiongnu lived in Mongolia:


They had mongol genetic and face type, they xiongnu words are related to mongol language:

Xiongnu face:


The hun haplogroup was Q1a which is a mongol marker:

"Q1a1b1 (L712): found in Central & Eastern Europe (probably Hunnic and/or Mongolian)"

"Many of clades of haplogroup Q1a are believed to have been brought by the Huns, the Mongols and the Turks, who all originated in the Altai region and around modern Mongolia. Haplogroup Q has been identified in Iron Age remains from Hunnic sites in Mongolia by Petkovski et al. (2006) and in Xinjiang by Kang et al. (2013). Modern Mongols belong to various subclades of Q1a, including by order of frequency Q1a2a1c (L330), Q1a1a1 (M120), Q1a1b (M25) and Q1a2a2 (YP4004)."

You can find this hun haplogroup only in Mongolia, Central and East Europe.

Huns were mongoloic not turkic :)

Should i discuss it with you again? l712 Not Mongolic marker, as i stated you need to improve yourself before claim something. You are keep saying same things in every thread i think it turned out to trolling.

"You can find this hun haplogroup only in Mongolia, Central and East Europe. "

ISOGG: https://isogg.org/tree/ISOGG_HapgrpQ.html

Check the downsteam of L712.

M25 Uzbekistan (Turkmens), Pakistan (Punjabis), Russia, Poland, Hungary, UK, Bahrain, Turkey

You even can't see single person from Mongolia on Y-Tree.



Mongolian Y-DNA spreading:


Q-L712 Spreading on FTDNA Project.


Probably you need to member in order to see results, here i'm sharing for you.


"Q-M25 has descendants in modern populations across all of Eurasia. Recent studies on the Turkmens of Iran and Afghanistan suggest that it is dominant Y-DNA in Turkmens. Only two detailed studies on the Y-DNA on Turkmens have taken place, one found that the Turkmens in Afghanistan have 31.1% Q-M25 and 2.7% Q1a3-M346(currently Q1a2-M346)(Q total 25/74=33.8%),[1] another study found that 42.6% of Iranian Turkmens have haplogroup Q-M25 (also known as Q1a1b) [2]"

Source: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/Haplogroup_Q-M25.html

You can check whole Q project in here, you need to member of project though. 0 Mongolian sample in 18xx person, it is mostly because of Mongolians didn't test. But i also posted an Academic research about Mongolian Y-DNA.


For the rest, i will copy and paste my last documents here which is you didn't respond. But to sum up, Xiongnu was a federation that includes both Turks and Mongols. Some of Proto-Turks also lived in Mongolia, you can't show it as a proof.

Check autosomal PCA of XiongNu and Karasuk(which is known as including proto-turks (https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/35123983.pdf)). Look how connected they.



The Xiongnu was a federation of mercenaries. The royal Hun line ruled the Xiongnu.
Note that it is not so simple to just equate the Xiongnu with the Huns, because the Xiongnu was a federation of mercenaries that was made up of different groups. Some of these groups the Huns conquered and subjugated, and then they made them a part of the Xiongnu. However, the key points to note are that the Huns created it, and it was ruled by the Luandi royal paternal Hun line. The Huns were also members of the Xiongnu, with the Hun khan (king) being the supreme ruler of it under the title of Shanyu. That is why one finds Q, C, R, and N haplogroups in the Xiongnu, but only the Q haplogroup in the Huns.

Over the past decade, Chinese archaeologists have published several reviews regarding the results of excavations in Xinjiang. They imply the Xiongnu's supreme ruling class. Particularly interesting are the tombs in the cemetery at Heigouliang, Xinjiang (the Black Gouliang cemetery, also known as the summer palace of the Xiongnu king), east of the Barkol basin, near the city of Hami. By typing results of DNA samples during the excavation of one of the tombs, it was determined that of the 12 men: 6 Q1a* (not Q1a1-M120, not Q1a1b-M25, not Q1a2-M3), 4 Q1b-M378, 2 Q1a.

DA354 Kurma_EBA DA354 Q-M1083 Q-L472 Q1a Q-BZ2199 (BZ2199, BZ2239, BZ2238, BZ2220, BZ2217) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ2199/

RISE662 Okunevo_EMBA RISE662 Q-L54 Q-L54 Q1a2a1 Q-L332 (YP761, YP767, YP765, BZ433) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-L332/

RISE670 Okunevo_EMBA RISE670 Q-L940 Q-L940 Q1a2b Q-L940 (L940, SK1996, Y2635) // Q-L527 (Y2679, FGC6940)

RISE718 Okunevo_EMBA RISE718 Q-L330 Q-L330 Q1a2a1c R - Q-L332 (BZ433,YP763, YP765, YP773, YP774, YP778, YP781) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-L332/

RISE719 Okunevo_EMBA RISE719 Q-L334 Q-L330 Q1a2a1c Q-BZ180 (BZ194, BZ365, BZ380, BZ177, BZ418, BZ180, BZ181, BZ185) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ180/

DA334 Shamanka_EBA DA334 Q-L55 Q-L53 Q1a2a Q-YP4004 https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP4004/
DA335 Shamanka_EBA DA335 Q-L53 Q-L53 Q1a2a Q-BZ2199 (BZ2199,BZ2238), Q-YP4004 (Y20259,) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ2199/
DA336 Shamanka_EBA DA336 Q-L53 Q-L53 Q1a2a Q-BZ2199 (BZ2245,BZ2238), Q-YP4004 (BZ577) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ2199/
DA338 Shamanka_EBA DA338 Q-L53 Q-L53 Q1a2a Q-YP4004
DA339 Shamanka_EBA DA339 Q-L334 Q-L330 Q1a2a1c Q-YP1102 (YP1102, Y11233, Y11236, Y11243, Y11938, Y11944) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP1102/

DA355 UstIda_LN DA355 Q-L892 Q-M346 Q1a2 Q-YP4004

137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes

Damgaard et al., 2018

DA105 Q-L715 Q1-M25 ERS2374357 Kurgan 1 / 4 (grav 4.), Uch-Kurbu, TianShanHun, 1769 BP Q-L715 (L715, Y9299, Y9301, Y9306, Y11671, YP809) Q-BZ1000 (BZ1000, BZ934)

DA127 Q-YP4500 Q2-Y1150 ERS2374370 Aktas, Issyk, Tian Shan, 1634 BP, OutTianShanHun два снипа уровня Q-YP4500 (YP4501, YP4497) и BY62065 (6899245 CT)

DA141 Q-YP771 Q1-L330 ERS2374377 Несветай II Кург.33-п.1 I в. (сарматы) 1933 BP Q-BZ180 (BZ180, BZ182/ZS3313, BZ184, BZ378, BZ382, BZ412)

DA161 Q-L330 Q1-L330 ERS2374384 катакомбники/аланы 7(6-8) век н.э. Архонский, 1500-1100 BP Y5261 (Q-L330), Y18330 (Q-L332)

DA162 Q-YP4000 Q1-YP4004 ERS2374385 катакомбники/аланы 3(2-4) век н.э. Бесланский, 1900-1500 BP BZ5214+ https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ5214/

DA221 Q-YP1695 Q-L332 ERS2374408 "Karagaly 1 burial site, grave 9, 2565 BP, Nomad_IA Tian Shan
" YP1695+ BZ425+ BZ438+ Z513+ BZ427- Y31277- BZ543- BZ431- (нужно дождаться анализа) YFull https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP1695/

DA343 Q-YP1102 Q1-L330 ERS2374419 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia; 4597-3726 BP, Glazkovo near Irkutsk Q-YP1102 (Y11941,Y11237,Y11949) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP1102/

DA353 Q-YP4004 Q1-YP4004 ERS2374420 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia; 4597-3726 BP, Glazkovo near Irkutsk Q-YP4004 (YP3951, YP3959, YP3976, YP4062...), BZ2202 https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP4004/

DA356 Q-YP1102 Q1-L330 ERS2374421 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia; 4597-3726 BP, Glazkovo near Irkutsk Q-YP1102 (Y11938,Y11241,Y11946,Y11948) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP1102/

DA361 Q-YP4004 Q1-YP4004 ERS2374422 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia; 4597-3726 BP, Glazkovo near Irkutsk Q-BZ2199 (BZ2245, BZ2238, BZ2230, BZ2205, BZ2217, BZ2197) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ2199/

DA47 Q-L330 Q1-L330 ERS2374317 "Kurgan nr. K9 (individ. nr. 1), Keden; 2065 BP, TianShanSaka
" Q-L330* (нужно дождаться анализа) YFull https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-L330/

DA54 Q-L715 Q1-M25 ERS2374324 Kurgan nr. K70, Keden; 1595 BP, TianShanHun Q-L715 (BZ990)

DA74 Q-L713 Q1-M25 ERS2374339 Kurgan nr. 30 (child, buried together with another individual), Baskya 2; 1514 BP, TianShanHun Q-L715 (BZ990, Y9300, Y9305, Y9309, Y9311, YP811) Q-L713 (Y10786)

DA86 Q-L715 Q1-M25 ERS2374344 "Kurgan nr. 16 (human (warrior) buried together with horse), Boz-Adyr; 1468 BP, Turk Tian Shan
" Q-L715 (YP864, YP788, Y9304)

DA20 Q-YP771 Q1-L330 ERS2374303 Kurgan Sjiderti 17, Burial 1, Sjiderte, Pavlodar; 2233 BP, Nomad_Hun-Sarmatian (Q-BZ182) YP779, BZ182, BZ183, BZ259, BZ369, BZ380, 14031876/11911170GA


Many scholars take these to be unflattering depictions of East Asian ("Mongoloid") racial characteristics. Maenchen-Helfen argues that, while many Huns had some East Asian racial characteristics, they were unlikely to have looked as Asiatic as the Yakut or Tungus. He notes that archaeological finds of presumed Huns suggest that they were a racially mixed group containing only some individuals with East Asian features. Kim similarly cautions against seeing the Huns as a homogenous racial group, while still arguing that they were "partially or predominantly of Mongoloid extraction (at least initially)." Some archaeologists have argued that archaeological finds have failed to prove that the Huns had any "Mongoloid" features at all, and some scholars have argued that the Huns were predominantly Caucasian.

Basically Turks had Caucasian admixture but Mongols hadn't.

I can feel you don't want to be Turk or Slav for some reason. But you are already not. You are Hungarian. You don't need to share your false thoughts everywhere, it became annoying. Even sometimes i thought you are Stears.

12-05-2018, 11:06 AM
I hope to get at least 1 YES vote till afternoon so I can declare those NO as Biased votes.

I voted yes you can sleep well

12-05-2018, 11:07 AM
I can feel you don't want to be Turk or Slav for some reason. But you are already not. You are Hungarian. You don't need to share your false thoughts everywhere, it became annoying. Even sometimes i thought you are Stears.

You think I am HUNgarian, so Turkic like right?

12-05-2018, 11:08 AM
You think I am HUNgarian, so Turkic like right?

Let's create our own tribe Sinan, come to Rhodope

12-05-2018, 11:09 AM
I voted yes you can sleep well

:dog00000::dog00000::dog00000::dog00000::fhhorse:: fhhorse::fhhorse::fhhorse:

12-05-2018, 11:11 AM
Let's create our own tribe Sinan, come to Rhodope

I will be Sinan-bey Genç Kız Rüyası founder of New Rhodope Turanic Tribe.

12-05-2018, 11:12 AM
You think I am HUNgarian, so Turkic like right?

Hungarians are not turkic, we are Finno-Ugric:


12-05-2018, 11:13 AM
Hungarians are not turkic, we are Finno-Ugric:


narrow-eyed half-human canine is a narrow-eyed half-human canine

12-05-2018, 11:14 AM
I will be Sinan-bey Genç Kız Rüyası founder of New Rhodope Turanic Tribe.


12-05-2018, 11:16 AM
Shut the fuck up retarded Slav.

12-05-2018, 11:17 AM
Shut the fuck up retarded Slav.

wuuuf wfuwf wwfuuuf wooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu wouuuuuuuuuu

Mr. Anybody
12-05-2018, 11:19 AM
I'm not Stears dummy :rotfl:
I wish you were,cuz,at least he wasn't hiding himself using photo of random college girls from east europe.

12-05-2018, 11:20 AM
Deli Iskender is relatively recent Serbian Orthodox convertit to Islam.

His ancestors adopted Islam about 1700, unlike majority of Bosnian and Herzegovinian Muslims which became Muslims in period 1463-1550.

Ancestors of Deli Iskender lived in Ottoman empire as Muslims only 180 years (1700-1878).

Many cousins of Deli Iskender with same surname as his are still Orthodox Serbs.

12-05-2018, 11:30 AM
Deli Iskender is relatively recent Serbian Orthodox convertit to Islam.

His ancestors adopted Islam about 1700, unlike majority of Bosnian and Herzegovinian Muslims which became Muslims in period 1463-1550.

Ancestors of Deli Iskender lived in Ottoman empire as Muslims only 180 years (1700-1878).

Many cousins of Deli Iskender with same surname as his are still Orthodox Serbs.

Pribislav is a relatively recent convert to Christianity.

His ancestors adopted Christianity about 600, unlike majority of Serbian and Herzegovinian Christians who became Christians in 10th century in Pagania.

Many cousins of Pribislav with same surname as his are Muslims.

12-05-2018, 11:32 AM
Should i discuss it with you again? l712 Not Mongolic marker, as i stated you need to improve yourself before claim something. You are keep saying same things in every thread i think it turned out to trolling.

"You can find this hun haplogroup only in Mongolia, Central and East Europe. "

ISOGG: https://isogg.org/tree/ISOGG_HapgrpQ.html

Check the downsteam of L712.

M25 Uzbekistan (Turkmens), Pakistan (Punjabis), Russia, Poland, Hungary, UK, Bahrain, Turkey

You even can't see single person from Mongolia on Y-Tree.



Mongolian Y-DNA spreading:


Q-L712 Spreading on FTDNA Project.


Probably you need to member in order to see results, here i'm sharing for you.


"Q-M25 has descendants in modern populations across all of Eurasia. Recent studies on the Turkmens of Iran and Afghanistan suggest that it is dominant Y-DNA in Turkmens. Only two detailed studies on the Y-DNA on Turkmens have taken place, one found that the Turkmens in Afghanistan have 31.1% Q-M25 and 2.7% Q1a3-M346(currently Q1a2-M346)(Q total 25/74=33.8%),[1] another study found that 42.6% of Iranian Turkmens have haplogroup Q-M25 (also known as Q1a1b) [2]"

Source: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/Haplogroup_Q-M25.html

You can check whole Q project in here, you need to member of project though. 0 Mongolian sample in 18xx person, it is mostly because of Mongolians didn't test. But i also posted an Academic research about Mongolian Y-DNA.


For the rest, i will copy and paste my last documents here which is you didn't respond. But to sum up, Xiongnu was a federation that includes both Turks and Mongols. Some of Proto-Turks also lived in Mongolia, you can't show it as a proof.

Check autosomal PCA of XiongNu and Karasuk(which is known as including proto-turks (https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/35123983.pdf)). Look how connected they.



The Xiongnu was a federation of mercenaries. The royal Hun line ruled the Xiongnu.
Note that it is not so simple to just equate the Xiongnu with the Huns, because the Xiongnu was a federation of mercenaries that was made up of different groups. Some of these groups the Huns conquered and subjugated, and then they made them a part of the Xiongnu. However, the key points to note are that the Huns created it, and it was ruled by the Luandi royal paternal Hun line. The Huns were also members of the Xiongnu, with the Hun khan (king) being the supreme ruler of it under the title of Shanyu. That is why one finds Q, C, R, and N haplogroups in the Xiongnu, but only the Q haplogroup in the Huns.

Over the past decade, Chinese archaeologists have published several reviews regarding the results of excavations in Xinjiang. They imply the Xiongnu's supreme ruling class. Particularly interesting are the tombs in the cemetery at Heigouliang, Xinjiang (the Black Gouliang cemetery, also known as the summer palace of the Xiongnu king), east of the Barkol basin, near the city of Hami. By typing results of DNA samples during the excavation of one of the tombs, it was determined that of the 12 men: 6 Q1a* (not Q1a1-M120, not Q1a1b-M25, not Q1a2-M3), 4 Q1b-M378, 2 Q1a.

DA354 Kurma_EBA DA354 Q-M1083 Q-L472 Q1a Q-BZ2199 (BZ2199, BZ2239, BZ2238, BZ2220, BZ2217) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ2199/

RISE662 Okunevo_EMBA RISE662 Q-L54 Q-L54 Q1a2a1 Q-L332 (YP761, YP767, YP765, BZ433) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-L332/

RISE670 Okunevo_EMBA RISE670 Q-L940 Q-L940 Q1a2b Q-L940 (L940, SK1996, Y2635) // Q-L527 (Y2679, FGC6940)

RISE718 Okunevo_EMBA RISE718 Q-L330 Q-L330 Q1a2a1c R - Q-L332 (BZ433,YP763, YP765, YP773, YP774, YP778, YP781) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-L332/

RISE719 Okunevo_EMBA RISE719 Q-L334 Q-L330 Q1a2a1c Q-BZ180 (BZ194, BZ365, BZ380, BZ177, BZ418, BZ180, BZ181, BZ185) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ180/

DA334 Shamanka_EBA DA334 Q-L55 Q-L53 Q1a2a Q-YP4004 https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP4004/
DA335 Shamanka_EBA DA335 Q-L53 Q-L53 Q1a2a Q-BZ2199 (BZ2199,BZ2238), Q-YP4004 (Y20259,) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ2199/
DA336 Shamanka_EBA DA336 Q-L53 Q-L53 Q1a2a Q-BZ2199 (BZ2245,BZ2238), Q-YP4004 (BZ577) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ2199/
DA338 Shamanka_EBA DA338 Q-L53 Q-L53 Q1a2a Q-YP4004
DA339 Shamanka_EBA DA339 Q-L334 Q-L330 Q1a2a1c Q-YP1102 (YP1102, Y11233, Y11236, Y11243, Y11938, Y11944) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP1102/

DA355 UstIda_LN DA355 Q-L892 Q-M346 Q1a2 Q-YP4004

137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes

Damgaard et al., 2018

DA105 Q-L715 Q1-M25 ERS2374357 Kurgan 1 / 4 (grav 4.), Uch-Kurbu, TianShanHun, 1769 BP Q-L715 (L715, Y9299, Y9301, Y9306, Y11671, YP809) Q-BZ1000 (BZ1000, BZ934)

DA127 Q-YP4500 Q2-Y1150 ERS2374370 Aktas, Issyk, Tian Shan, 1634 BP, OutTianShanHun два снипа уровня Q-YP4500 (YP4501, YP4497) и BY62065 (6899245 CT)

DA141 Q-YP771 Q1-L330 ERS2374377 Несветай II Кург.33-п.1 I в. (сарматы) 1933 BP Q-BZ180 (BZ180, BZ182/ZS3313, BZ184, BZ378, BZ382, BZ412)

DA161 Q-L330 Q1-L330 ERS2374384 катакомбники/аланы 7(6-8) век н.э. Архонский, 1500-1100 BP Y5261 (Q-L330), Y18330 (Q-L332)

DA162 Q-YP4000 Q1-YP4004 ERS2374385 катакомбники/аланы 3(2-4) век н.э. Бесланский, 1900-1500 BP BZ5214+ https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ5214/

DA221 Q-YP1695 Q-L332 ERS2374408 "Karagaly 1 burial site, grave 9, 2565 BP, Nomad_IA Tian Shan
" YP1695+ BZ425+ BZ438+ Z513+ BZ427- Y31277- BZ543- BZ431- (нужно дождаться анализа) YFull https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP1695/

DA343 Q-YP1102 Q1-L330 ERS2374419 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia; 4597-3726 BP, Glazkovo near Irkutsk Q-YP1102 (Y11941,Y11237,Y11949) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP1102/

DA353 Q-YP4004 Q1-YP4004 ERS2374420 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia; 4597-3726 BP, Glazkovo near Irkutsk Q-YP4004 (YP3951, YP3959, YP3976, YP4062...), BZ2202 https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP4004/

DA356 Q-YP1102 Q1-L330 ERS2374421 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia; 4597-3726 BP, Glazkovo near Irkutsk Q-YP1102 (Y11938,Y11241,Y11946,Y11948) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-YP1102/

DA361 Q-YP4004 Q1-YP4004 ERS2374422 Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers of the Baikal Region, Siberia; 4597-3726 BP, Glazkovo near Irkutsk Q-BZ2199 (BZ2245, BZ2238, BZ2230, BZ2205, BZ2217, BZ2197) https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-BZ2199/

DA47 Q-L330 Q1-L330 ERS2374317 "Kurgan nr. K9 (individ. nr. 1), Keden; 2065 BP, TianShanSaka
" Q-L330* (нужно дождаться анализа) YFull https://www.yfull.com/tree/Q-L330/

DA54 Q-L715 Q1-M25 ERS2374324 Kurgan nr. K70, Keden; 1595 BP, TianShanHun Q-L715 (BZ990)

DA74 Q-L713 Q1-M25 ERS2374339 Kurgan nr. 30 (child, buried together with another individual), Baskya 2; 1514 BP, TianShanHun Q-L715 (BZ990, Y9300, Y9305, Y9309, Y9311, YP811) Q-L713 (Y10786)

DA86 Q-L715 Q1-M25 ERS2374344 "Kurgan nr. 16 (human (warrior) buried together with horse), Boz-Adyr; 1468 BP, Turk Tian Shan
" Q-L715 (YP864, YP788, Y9304)

DA20 Q-YP771 Q1-L330 ERS2374303 Kurgan Sjiderti 17, Burial 1, Sjiderte, Pavlodar; 2233 BP, Nomad_Hun-Sarmatian (Q-BZ182) YP779, BZ182, BZ183, BZ259, BZ369, BZ380, 14031876/11911170GA


Many scholars take these to be unflattering depictions of East Asian ("Mongoloid") racial characteristics. Maenchen-Helfen argues that, while many Huns had some East Asian racial characteristics, they were unlikely to have looked as Asiatic as the Yakut or Tungus. He notes that archaeological finds of presumed Huns suggest that they were a racially mixed group containing only some individuals with East Asian features. Kim similarly cautions against seeing the Huns as a homogenous racial group, while still arguing that they were "partially or predominantly of Mongoloid extraction (at least initially)." Some archaeologists have argued that archaeological finds have failed to prove that the Huns had any "Mongoloid" features at all, and some scholars have argued that the Huns were predominantly Caucasian.

Basically Turks had Caucasian admixture but Mongols hadn't.

I can feel you don't want to be Turk or Slav for some reason. But you are already not. You are Hungarian. You don't need to share your false thoughts everywhere, it became annoying. Even sometimes i thought you are Stears.

Fake turkic propaganda as always.

The Xiongnu genetic was very similar to mongols:

The Hun/mongol Q haplogroup belong to same subgroup, most of huns had mongol Q haplogroup:


The turkic Q type was not much in Huns:


Their language and genetic was similar to mongols and yenisseians:

The modern mongol population is descedants of Xiongnu:
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7182435_Population_origins_in_Mongolia_Genetic_str ucture_analysis_of_ancient_and_modern_DNA

Other source:

"The Xiongnu were a group of nomads who dominated the Asian Steppe from the late 3rd century BC to the late 1st century AD, although it is not yet known whether they were proto-Mongols.[5] The Sino-Xiongnu War saw a Chinese army that had adopted Xiongnu military technology[citation needed]—wearing trousers and using mounted archers with stirrups—pursuing the Xiongnu across the Gobi in a ruthless punitive expedition.[citation needed] Fortification walls built by various Chinese warring states were connected to make a 2300-kilometer Great Wall along the northern border, as a barrier to further nomadic inroads.[when?]

The Xiongnu temporarily abandoned their interest in China and turned their attention westward to the region of the Altai Mountains and Lake Balkash, inhabited by the Yuezhi, an Indo-European-speaking nomadic people who had relocated from China's present-day Gansu as a result of their earlier defeat by the Xiongnu. Endemic warfare between these two nomadic peoples reached a climax in the latter part of the 3rd century and the early decades of the 2nd century BC; the Xiongnu were triumphant. The Yuezhi then migrated to the southwest where, early in the 2nd century, they began to appear in the Amu Darya Valley to change the course of history in Bactria, Iran, and eventually India.

Meanwhile, the Xiongnu again raided northern China about 200 BCE, finding that the inadequately defended Great Wall was not a serious obstacle. By the middle of the 2nd century BCE, they controlled all of northern and western China north of the Yellow River. This renewed threat led the Chinese to improve their defenses in the north, while building up and improving the army, particularly the cavalry, and while preparing long-range plans for an invasion of Mongolia.

Between 130-121 BCE, Chinese armies drove the Xiongnu back across the Great Wall, weakening their hold on Gansu as well as on what is now Inner Mongolia, and finally pushed them north of the Gobi into central Mongolia. Following these victories, the Chinese expanded into the areas later known as Manchuria, Mongolia, the Korean Peninsula, and Inner Asia. The Xiongnu, once more turning their attention to the west and the southwest, raided deep into the Amu Darya valley between 73-44 BCE. The descendants of the Yuezhi and their Chinese rulers, however, formed a common front against the Xiongnu and repelled them.

During the next century, as Chinese strength waned, border warfare between the Chinese and the Xiongnu was almost incessant. Gradually the nomads forced their way back into Gansu and the northern part of what is now China's Xinjiang. In about the middle of the first century CE, a revitalized Eastern Han (25-220 CE) slowly recovered these territories, driving the Xiongnu back into the Altai Mountains and the steppes north of the Gobi. During the late first century, having reestablished the administrative control over southern China and northern Vietnam that had been lost briefly at beginning of this same century, the Eastern Han made a concerted effort to reassert dominance over Inner Asia.

The identity of the ethnic core of Xiongnu has been a subject of varied hypotheses and some scholars, including A. Luvsandendev, Bernát Munkácsy, Henry Hoyle Howorth, Bolor Erike,[6] Alexey Okladnikov, Peter Simon Pallas, Isaac Jacob Schmidt, Hyacinth and Byambyn Rinchen,[7] insisted on a proto-Mongolian origin.

There are many cultural similarities between the Xiongnu and Mongols such as yurt on cart, mounted use of the composite bow, board game, horn bow and long song.[8] The Mongolian long song is believed to date back at least 2000 years.[9] A mythical origin of the long song is mentioned in the Book of Wei, volume 113. "

The turkic racetype is Turanid:

Overwhelming majority of Xiongnu were mongoloid...

12-05-2018, 11:33 AM
I wish you were,cuz,at least he wasn't hiding himself using photo of random college girls from east europe.

I'm this "random girl" :picard1:

My opinion on slavs:

My opinion on slovaks:

My opinion on hun-hungarian brotherhood:

I said here Stears has mongoloic ancestry:

I'm in "mongol prode" group because of huns.

I'm not Stears dummy :D

Your paranoia is amazing :D

12-05-2018, 11:35 AM
Pribislav is a relatively recent convert to Christianity.

His ancestors adopted Christianity about 600, unlike majority of Serbian and Herzegovinian Christians who became Christians in 10th century in Pagania.

Many cousins of Pribislav with same surname as his are Muslims.

My ancestors adopted Christianity 1400 years ago, and you ancestors adopted Islam 300 years ago. Do you see the time difference?

You ancestors were +1000 years Christians before Islam.

12-05-2018, 11:35 AM
My ancestors adopted Christianity 1400 years ago, and you ancestors adopted Islam 300 years ago. Do you see the time difference?

You ancestors were +1000 years Christians before Islam.

and 10.000 years Pagans before Christianity duh...

12-05-2018, 11:38 AM
and 10.000 years Pagans before Christianity duh...

Serbs are formed as nation when they became Christians.

10 000 years ago there was no Serbs or any other nation. Who cares what was in the of Cro-Magnons...

12-05-2018, 11:40 AM
Serbs are formed as nation when they became Christians.

10 000 years ago there was no Serbs or any other nation. Who cares what was in the of Cro-Magnons...

Oh please.....


12-05-2018, 11:41 AM
Oh please.....



12-05-2018, 11:44 AM
You are an Ottoman harem seed. Balkan Turks like me put an end to the Ottoman regime.

Down with the Fez! Long live the Kalpak!


12-05-2018, 11:47 AM
Oh please.....


Your ancestors were 800 years longer Christians then Muslims.

Christianity exist 2000 years in the Balkans and Islam only 600 years.
Christians were always majority in the Balkans, even in time of Ottoman empire. Bosnia one of the most islamized Balkan regions was predominantly Christian in whole period of Ottoman rule. In 1879 in Bosnia Christians were 61% (Orthodox 43%, Catholics 18%) and Muslims 39% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina#1879

Christianity in native in the Balkans, unlike Islam... Deal with it!

12-05-2018, 11:47 AM
You are an Ottoman harem seed. Balkan Turks like me put an end to the Ottoman regime.

Down with the Fez! Long live the Kalpak!


Says a Canine

Atlantid, Atlanto-Med, Cro-Magnid, Pontid

Are you aware little puppy that those are Roman phenotypes not your Altaic Canine?

At least try to properly hide your non-Turkic ancestry.

12-05-2018, 11:50 AM
Your ancestors were 800 years longer Christians then Muslims.

Christianity exist 2000 years in the Balkans and Islam only 600 years.
Christians were always majority in the Balkans, even in time of Ottoman empire. Bosnia one of the most islamized Balkan regions was predominantly Christian in whole period of Ottoman rule. In 1879 in Bosnia Christians were 61% (Orthodox 43%, Catholics 18%) and Muslims 39% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina#1879

Christianity in native in the Balkans, unlike Islam... Deal with it!


Then who removed Hermes, Apollo, Ares, Poseidon, Perun, Kotya, Bendis, Bindus?


12-05-2018, 11:50 AM
Says a Canine

Atlantid, Atlanto-Med, Cro-Magnid, Pontid

Are you aware little puppy that those are Roman phenotypes not your Altaic Canine?

At least try to properly hide your non-Turkic ancestry.

I explained to you before; love has no boundaries. I see no problem mixing with other nationalities. My ancestors, who were living on Balkan soil, might have married other locals of varying backgrounds. I see no problem here.

Also my dad looks Finno-Ugric. You never know, maybe I have connection to peoples of the north who are cousins of Turks.

12-05-2018, 11:52 AM
Christianity in native in the Balkans, unlike Islam... Deal with it!

LOL no christianity is native in Middle East, that's an middle eastern religion... every european nation has own pagan culture (not christian).

12-05-2018, 11:59 AM
Fake turkic propaganda as always.

The Xiongnu genetic was very similar to mongols:

The Hun/mongol Q haplogroup belong to same subgroup, most of huns had mongol Q haplogroup:


The turkic Q type was not much in Huns:


Their language and genetic was similar to mongols and yenisseians:

The modern mongol population is descedants of Xiongnu:
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7182435_Population_origins_in_Mongolia_Genetic_str ucture_analysis_of_ancient_and_modern_DNA

Other source:

"The Xiongnu were a group of nomads who dominated the Asian Steppe from the late 3rd century BC to the late 1st century AD, although it is not yet known whether they were proto-Mongols.[5] The Sino-Xiongnu War saw a Chinese army that had adopted Xiongnu military technology[citation needed]—wearing trousers and using mounted archers with stirrups—pursuing the Xiongnu across the Gobi in a ruthless punitive expedition.[citation needed] Fortification walls built by various Chinese warring states were connected to make a 2300-kilometer Great Wall along the northern border, as a barrier to further nomadic inroads.[when?]

The Xiongnu temporarily abandoned their interest in China and turned their attention westward to the region of the Altai Mountains and Lake Balkash, inhabited by the Yuezhi, an Indo-European-speaking nomadic people who had relocated from China's present-day Gansu as a result of their earlier defeat by the Xiongnu. Endemic warfare between these two nomadic peoples reached a climax in the latter part of the 3rd century and the early decades of the 2nd century BC; the Xiongnu were triumphant. The Yuezhi then migrated to the southwest where, early in the 2nd century, they began to appear in the Amu Darya Valley to change the course of history in Bactria, Iran, and eventually India.

Meanwhile, the Xiongnu again raided northern China about 200 BCE, finding that the inadequately defended Great Wall was not a serious obstacle. By the middle of the 2nd century BCE, they controlled all of northern and western China north of the Yellow River. This renewed threat led the Chinese to improve their defenses in the north, while building up and improving the army, particularly the cavalry, and while preparing long-range plans for an invasion of Mongolia.

Between 130-121 BCE, Chinese armies drove the Xiongnu back across the Great Wall, weakening their hold on Gansu as well as on what is now Inner Mongolia, and finally pushed them north of the Gobi into central Mongolia. Following these victories, the Chinese expanded into the areas later known as Manchuria, Mongolia, the Korean Peninsula, and Inner Asia. The Xiongnu, once more turning their attention to the west and the southwest, raided deep into the Amu Darya valley between 73-44 BCE. The descendants of the Yuezhi and their Chinese rulers, however, formed a common front against the Xiongnu and repelled them.

During the next century, as Chinese strength waned, border warfare between the Chinese and the Xiongnu was almost incessant. Gradually the nomads forced their way back into Gansu and the northern part of what is now China's Xinjiang. In about the middle of the first century CE, a revitalized Eastern Han (25-220 CE) slowly recovered these territories, driving the Xiongnu back into the Altai Mountains and the steppes north of the Gobi. During the late first century, having reestablished the administrative control over southern China and northern Vietnam that had been lost briefly at beginning of this same century, the Eastern Han made a concerted effort to reassert dominance over Inner Asia.

The identity of the ethnic core of Xiongnu has been a subject of varied hypotheses and some scholars, including A. Luvsandendev, Bernát Munkácsy, Henry Hoyle Howorth, Bolor Erike,[6] Alexey Okladnikov, Peter Simon Pallas, Isaac Jacob Schmidt, Hyacinth and Byambyn Rinchen,[7] insisted on a proto-Mongolian origin.

There are many cultural similarities between the Xiongnu and Mongols such as yurt on cart, mounted use of the composite bow, board game, horn bow and long song.[8] The Mongolian long song is believed to date back at least 2000 years.[9] A mythical origin of the long song is mentioned in the Book of Wei, volume 113. "

The turkic racetype is Turanid:

Overwhelming majority of Xiongnu were mongoloid...

Fake? :DD

1. Even Tuoba Xianbei is not Mongolic, they are more likely to be Tungusic. How you connected them ?
2. Xiongnu genetic was similar with Mongols because Mongols were part of Xiongnu. Our other samples clearly shows that they are same/similar with Karasuk culture which is half Caucasid and half Mongolic.
3. We don't have data about their language, there are 3 different claims.
4. Both some of Turks and some of Mongols descendants of Xiongnus.
5. So it is already expected, some of them stayed in their native lands and in Xiongnu there were already Mongol population.
6. It is interesting you take humanphenotypes as source. Mongolic is a race name which is including Turanic too, Turanic is sub-type. What is the difference? Your claim is like "Germans are alpine they can't be nordid."

I showed you all scientific information about haplogroups and their autosomal PCA. Your claims still childish. Give up and improve yourself, at first you need to grow up.

Mr. Anybody
12-05-2018, 12:00 PM
I'm this "random girl" :picard1:

My opinion on slavs:

My opinion on slovaks:

My opinion on hun-hungarian brotherhood:

I said here Stears has mongoloic ancestry:

I'm in "mongol prode" group because of huns.

I'm not Stears dummy :D

Your paranoia is amazing :DProve. You sound like him..

12-05-2018, 12:04 PM

Then who removed Hermes, Apollo, Ares, Poseidon, Perun, Kotya, Bendis, Bindus?


Who cares for paganism.
I talking about monotheistic religions. Christianity is much longer present in the Balkans than Islam, and Christians were majority in the Balkans even in time of Ottoman rule.

Islam was longer present in Iberia than in the Balkans. In Iberia Islam existed almost 850 yeaers (711-1550).
There is no native Muslims today in Iberia because of Catholic reconquista and inquisition. Last Muslims in Iberia were destroyed about 1550. Balkan Muslims were not destroyed after colaps of Ottoman empire because Orthodox people are more tolerant than Catholics.
If Serbs, Greeks and Bulgarians are Catholics they would killed, expelled or baptized all Muslims after colaps of Ottoman empire like Spaniards in 16th century. We Orthodox are more tolerant than Catholics and we allowed to Muslims stayed in the Balkans after 1878 and 1912. Balkan Muslims which migrated to Turkey after 1878 and 1912 did it with their own will.

12-05-2018, 12:10 PM
Who cares for paganism.
I talking about monotheistic religions. Christianity is much longer present in the Balkans than Islam, and Christians were majority in the Balkans even in time of Ottoman rule.

Islam was longer present in Iberia than in the Balkans. In Iberia Islam existed almost 850 yeaers (711-1550).
There is no native Muslims today in Iberia because of Catholic reconquista. Last Muslims in Iberia were destroyed about 1550. Balkan Muslims were not destroyed after colaps of Ottoman empire because Orthodox people are more tolerant than Catholics. If Serbs, Greeks and Bulgarians are Catholics they would killed or baptized all Muslims after colaps of Ottoman empire like Spaniards in 16th century. We Orthodox are more tolerant than Catholics and we allowed to Muslims stayed in the Balkans after 1878 and 1912. Balkan except Muslims which migrated to Turkey after 1878 and 1912 did it with their own will.

1. There was a deal between Muslims and Orthodoxes struck 1453 that you betrayed.

It included that we will mutually protect each other from Catholics.

2. Orthodox Religion survived EXCLUSIVELY thanks to Muslim protection, by no other means you could survive.

3. Slavic and Greek people survived thanks to Constantinople and Muslim "Rum" people.

4. You are intolerant, Muslims are tolerant.... you killed and expelled 300.000 Serbs from Serbia calling them Turks, Srebrenica Genocide etc..

No Muslims killed any Orthodox during 300-500 years of rule except those who rebelled etc... but you survived.

Now you thrive on Russia along with Greeks hoping they will be as generous as Ottomans, no they will not. They will abandon both you and orthodox religion.

I have friends in Istanbul, but you can only have imaginary friends in Russia.

12-05-2018, 12:16 PM
Prove. You sound like him..

I sound like him? :D Stears hated slavs, i love slavs:

Stears hated slovaks, i like slovaks:

Stears hated huns, and he said they have nothing to do with hungarians. My opinion is huns and hungarians are same and realted:

Stears hated mongols, i said Stears has mongoloic ancestry:

Stears has very good english, my english is bad full with grammar errors.

We have totally different opinion in many ways. If you think i'm Stears then you are simple idiot or troll.

12-05-2018, 12:19 PM
I sound like him? :D Stears hated slavs, i love slavs:

Stears hated slovaks, i like slovaks:

Stears hated huns, and he said they have nothing to do with hungarians. My opinion is huns and hungarians are same and realted:

Stears hated mongols, i said Stears has mongoloic ancestry:

Stears has very good english, my english is bad full with grammar errors.

We have totally different opinion in many ways. If you think i'm Stears then you are simple idiot or troll.

the conspiracy of the century. :D

12-05-2018, 12:26 PM
1. There was a deal between Muslims and Orthodoxes struck 1453 that you betrayed.

It included that we will mutually protect each other from Catholics.

2. Orthodox Religion survived EXCLUSIVELY thanks to Muslim protection, by no other means you could survive.

3. Slavic and Greek people survived thanks to Constantinople and Muslim "Rum" people.

4. You are intolerant, Muslims are tolerant.... you killed and expelled 300.000 Serbs from Serbia calling them Turks, Srebrenica Genocide etc..

No Muslims killed any Orthodox during 300-500:picard1: years of rule except those who rebelled etc... but you survived.

Now you thrive on Russia along with Greeks hoping they will be as generous as Ottomans, no they will not. They will abandon both you and orthodox religion.

I have friends in Istanbul, but you can only have imaginary friends in Russia.

Đakon Avakum was killed by Muslims in Belgrade fortress in barbaric way https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ђакон_Авакум
A lot of Christians in the Balkans were killed by Ottomans, and islamized Ballkanites were executors in vast majority of cases.

Muslims Serbs from western and central Serbia migrated to Bosnia in 19th century because Sultan has ordered widespread of Muslim population from Serbian principality in 1830.
Muslims which stayed in Serbia after 1830 also migrated to Bosnia in periood 1861-1867 because they did not want to live in Christian country. Miloš and Mihailo Obrenović were guaranteed all civil right for Muslims, but they did not want to stayed.

Mr. Anybody
12-05-2018, 12:27 PM
I sound like him? :D Stears hated slavs, i love slavs:

Stears hated slovaks, i like slovaks:

Stears hated huns, and he said they have nothing to do with hungarians. My opinion is huns and hungarians are same and realted:

Stears hated mongols, i said Stears has mongoloic ancestry:

Stears has very good english, my english is bad full with grammar errors.

We have totally different opinion in many ways. If you think i'm Stears then you are simple idiot or troll.

What?oh.. you owe me an apologize.

12-05-2018, 12:30 PM
Yeah Bosniensis, you are 100% Turk. Was that what you were wondering to read? Unfortunately, no. You are not Turkish.

12-05-2018, 12:32 PM
Đakon Avakum was killed by Muslims in Belgrade fortress in barbaric way https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ђакон_Авакум
A lot of Christians in the Balkans were killed by Ottomans, and islamized Ballkanites were executors in vast majority of cases.

Muslims Serbs from western and central Serbia migrated to Bosnia in 19th century because Sultan has ordered widespread of Muslim population from Serbian principality in 1830.
Muslims which stayed in Serbia after 1830 also migrated to Bosnia in periood 1861-1867 because they did not want to live in Christian country. Miloš and Mihailo Obrenović were guaranteed all civil right for Muslims, but they did not want to stayed.

You are not Christian state, you have Lesbian Prime Minister, why don't you rebel like you did against us?

Your prime minister is a puppet of EU where is your Rebellion now?

Why don't you fight for Christian rights? You are happy with your Lesbian Prime Minister it seems that was installed by your NEW OverLord EU you like.

But Ottomans were BAD!

12-05-2018, 12:34 PM
Fake? :DD

1. Even Tuoba Xianbei is not Mongolic, they are more likely to be Tungusic. How you connected them ?
2. Xiongnu genetic was similar with Mongols because Mongols were part of Xiongnu. Our other samples clearly shows that they are same/similar with Karasuk culture which is half Caucasid and half Mongolic.
3. We don't have data about their language, there are 3 different claims.
4. Both some of Turks and some of Mongols descendants of Xiongnus.
5. So it is already expected, some of them stayed in their native lands and in Xiongnu there were already Mongol population.
6. It is interesting you take humanphenotypes as source. Mongolic is a race name which is including Turanic too, Turanic is sub-type. What is the difference? Your claim is like "Germans are alpine they can't be nordid."

I showed you all scientific information about haplogroups and their autosomal PCA. Your claims still childish. Give up and improve yourself, at first you need to grow up.

1. Xianbei were mongols :D

"They were a northern or northeastern Asian Mongoloid population. Chinese anthropologist Zhu Hong and Zhang Quan‐chao studied Xianbei crania from several sites of Inner Mongolia and noticed that anthropological features of studied Xianbei crania show that the racial type is closely related to the modern North Asiatic Mongoloids, and some physical characteristics of those skulls are closer to modern Mongols and ancient populations in North China.[3]"

They had mongol markers:

2. The Xiongnu and proto-mongol genetic was similar because they same :D

3. There are 700-800 xiongnu word, and this is very similar to Mongol language:
http://www.academia.edu/10082984/The_Literary_Remains_of_The_Hun_Language_in_the_Ch inese_chronicles

4. Yes but Xiongnu was basically mongoloic, accept it ;)

12-05-2018, 12:39 PM
You are not Christian state, you have Lesbian Prime Minister, why don't you rebel like you did against us?

Your prime minister is a puppet of EU where is your Rebellion now?

Why don't you fight for Christian rights? You are happy with your Lesbian Prime Minister it seems that was installed by your NEW OverLord EU you like.

But Ottomans were BAD!

Serbian politicians don't represent will of Serbian people, as politicians in almost all countries in the world.
Angela Merkel don't represent interests of German people, Macron don'r represent interests of French people... They represent only interests of Rotschilds, Rockeffelers, Georgre Soros and other satanists which control banks.

12-05-2018, 12:41 PM
Serbian politicians don't represent will of Serbian people, as politicians in almost all countries in the world.
Angela Merkel don't represent average German, Macron don'r represent average French... They represent only interests of Rotschilds, Rockeffelers, Georgre Soros and other satanists which control banks.

Who do you dislike more between those two Serbian Rulers:

1. Hadži Mustafa Paša (Srpska Majka) Greek governor of Serbia
2. Ana Brnabić (Lesbian Whore) Croatian origins partially.

12-05-2018, 12:44 PM
the conspiracy of the century. :D

Stears was an idiot, he is wrong about many things. I don't like him because he hated huns so much.

12-05-2018, 12:50 PM
Who do you dislike more between those two Serbian Rulers:

1. Hadži Mustafa Paša (Srpska Majka) Greek governor of Serbia
2. Ana Brnabić (Lesbian Whore) Croatian origins partially.

Both are foreigners and occupation administrators.

I think same for let's say Franz Joseph who sented a lot of Serbs from BiH, Vojvodina and present day Croatia to fight against Serbia in 1914 and to kill own people.
For desertion was death penalty.

Every occupation Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, American, German, Rothschild, Communist... is bad.

12-05-2018, 12:56 PM
Both are foreigners and occupation administrators.

I think same for Franz Joseph who sented a lot of Serbs from BiH, Vojvodina and present day Croatia to fight against Serbia in 1914 and to kill own people.
For desertion was death penalty.

Every occupation Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, American, German, Rothschild, Communist... is bad.

Serbia was always vassal of Roman Empire the only period it was "sovereign" was during rebellions.

Serbia had DESPOT which was the highest ranked title in Roman Empire not KING.

The only person who held the title o Imperator in Serbia was Emperor Dusan the Mighty who was practically Greek and he claimed Thracian and Greek ancestry and charged to take Crown of Constantinople when Greeks poisoned him.

The first King of Serbia was Stefan Nemanjić who managed to become King because Romans were busy due Sack of Constantinople by barbarian Germans.

Western Balkans is Imperial territory of Constantinople, so Hadzi Mustafa Pasa being a legal governor of Constantinople could not be "a foreign" because your Superior Patriarch Gennadios Scholarius RECOGNIZED Ottoman Authority.

There was never legal Kingship among the Serbs except during Dusan the Mighty who was poisoned.

12-05-2018, 01:06 PM
Serbia was always vassal of Roman Empire the only period it was "sovereign" was during rebellions.

Serbia had DESPOT which was the highest ranked title in Roman Empire not KING.

The only person who held the title o Imperator in Serbia was Emperor Dusan the Mighty who was practically Greek and he claimed Thracian and Greek ancestry and charged to take Crown of Constantinople when Greeks poisoned him.

The first King of Serbia was Stefan Nemanjić who managed to become King because Romans were busy due Sack of Constantinople by barbarian Germans.

Western Balkans is Imperial territory of Constantinople, so Hadzi Mustafa Pasa being a legal governor of Constantinople could not be "a foreign" because your Superior Patriarch Gennadios Scholarius RECOGNIZED Ottoman Authority.

There was never legal Kingship among the Serbs except during Dusan the Mighty who was poisoned.

Stop talking bullshit.
Even according to official fake history (written by Jesuits) Stefan Nemanjić was not first Serbian king, but Mihailo Vojislavljević https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihailo_Vojislavljević
There was a lot of Serbian kings for centuries before Nemanjić dynasty.

Car Dušan had nothing to do with Greeks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan_Dušan#Biography
He crowned as emperor of Serbs, Bulgarians, Greeks and Albanians (Arbanasi).

12-05-2018, 01:11 PM
You have nothing incommon with Turks genetic wise, I don't even know why would anyone be obsessed with Turks, they are a genetic meltic pot. Your ancestors came from Poland and mixed with Balkanians who thought against Anatolians or later with Turkics etc.. You are embracing you natural enemies from past. I am not saying Turks are subhuman or something, they actually had a great empire and they were respected for their strenght and tactics, but that's all.

12-05-2018, 01:16 PM
You have nothing incommon with Turks genetic wise, I don't even know why would anyone be obsessed with Turks, they are a genetic meltic pot. Your ancestors came from Poland and mixed with Balkanians who thought against Anatolians or later with Turkics etc.. You are embracing you natural enemies from past. I am not saying Turks are subhuman or something, they actually had a great empire and they were respected for their strenght and tactics, but that's all.

The guy is Bosnian but instead of embracing his Bosnianness he wants to be a Turk for some dumb reason. Or he is just trying to troll us in to thinking he is for real(Probably the latter).

12-05-2018, 01:17 PM
What are you downvoting Kivan you fag, give me just one reason.

12-05-2018, 01:18 PM
The guy is Bosnian but instead of embracing his Bosnianness he wants to be a Turk for some dumb reason. Or he is just trying to troll us in to thinking he is for real(Probably the latter).

Bosniensis has his identity crisis every month :D

12-05-2018, 01:20 PM
Bosniensis has his identity crisis every month :D

I dunno but ever since I joined TA, I noticed that there are a lot of wierdos and autists on here. Or am I just exaggerating?

12-05-2018, 01:21 PM
Bosniensis has his identity crisis every month :D

He has permanently identity crisis on a daily level.

12-05-2018, 01:22 PM
He has permanently identity crisis on a daily level.

Nah I think he's just a troll

12-05-2018, 01:23 PM
I dunno but ever since I joined TA, I noticed that there are a lot of wierdos and autists on here. Or am I just exaggerating?

No its true

12-05-2018, 01:24 PM
Only Bosniensis voted for YES. :picard1: :rotfl:

12-05-2018, 01:25 PM
No its true

So are you telling me that most of the trolls on here aren't really trolls but people with autism?

12-05-2018, 01:33 PM
I dunno but ever since I joined TA, I noticed that there are a lot of wierdos and autists on here. Or am I just exaggerating?

Not at all, true. Atleast you can laugh :D

12-05-2018, 01:34 PM
Only Bosniensis voted for YES. :picard1: :rotfl:

He is making those threads to answer himself :D

12-05-2018, 01:35 PM
He is making those threads to answer himself :D

This guy can't be for real he's obviously taking the piss.

12-05-2018, 02:10 PM
1. Xianbei were mongols :D

"They were a northern or northeastern Asian Mongoloid population. Chinese anthropologist Zhu Hong and Zhang Quan‐chao studied Xianbei crania from several sites of Inner Mongolia and noticed that anthropological features of studied Xianbei crania show that the racial type is closely related to the modern North Asiatic Mongoloids, and some physical characteristics of those skulls are closer to modern Mongols and ancient populations in North China.[3]"

They had mongol markers:

2. The Xiongnu and proto-mongol genetic was similar because they same :D

3. There are 700-800 xiongnu word, and this is very similar to Mongol language:
http://www.academia.edu/10082984/The_Literary_Remains_of_The_Hun_Language_in_the_Ch inese_chronicles

4. Yes but Xiongnu was basically mongoloic, accept it ;)

They were not Mongols, it is probably they have some common roots with Mongols but they have different ethnicity. Their mt-dna spreading similar with Tungusic.

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1022795414030119 --> They
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0083570 --> Tungus
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8846908 --> Mongols

Xiongnu was a confederation, you can find every steppe people inside of it.

According to the Book of Wei, the Tiele people were the remnants of the Chidi, the red Di people competing with the Jin in the Spring and Autumn period. Turkic tribes such as the Khazars and Pechenegs probably lived as nomads for many years before establishing the Turkic Khaganate or Göktürk Empire in the 6th century. These were herdsmen and nobles who were searching for new pastures and wealth. The first mention of Turks was in a Chinese text that mentioned trade between Turk tribes and the Sogdians along the Silk Road. The first recorded use of "Turk" as a political name appears as a 6th-century reference to the word pronounced in Modern Chinese as Tujue. The Ashina clan migrated from Li-jien (modern Zhelai Zhai) to the Juan Juan seeking inclusion in their confederacy and protection from the prevalent dynasty. The tribe were famed metalsmiths and were granted land near a mountain quarry which looked like a helmet, from which they were said to have gotten their name "tūjué". A century later their power had increased such that they conquered the Juan Juan and established the Göktürk Empire. They were living in Xiongnu before Göktürks.

The Xiongnu has left no evidence of writing. But most of sources would prefer to say proto-Turkic rather than proto-Mongolic speakers. ^^ -http://www.historyfiles.co.uk/FeaturesFarEast/TurkicIntro.htm

In this site, it is broadly explaining dynasty names, their roots and some other Xiongnu words but it is written in Turkish. You need to use translate. --> https://web.archive.org/web/20091027144743/http://geocities.com/cevatturkeli/shih-chi.htm and their source is Dîvânü Lugati't-Türk.

Here you can see modern Turkic spreading, you will see a lot of different ethnic around Mongolia and Baikal. Each of them represent a different ancient Turkic tribe, most of them mixed with native populations too.

http://www.wikizeroo.net/index.php?q=aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWQud2lraW1lZGlhLm9yZy 93aWtpcGVkaWEvY29tbW9ucy9jL2NiL0NhcnRlX3BldXBsZXNf dHVyY3MucG5n

In 1200 also again you can see Turks and Mongols living as neighbours.

http://www.wikizeroo.net/index.php?q=aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWQud2lraW1lZGlhLm9yZy 93aWtpcGVkaWEvY29tbW9ucy8xLzE2L0FzaWFfMTIwMGFkLmpw Zw

This was same in Xiongnu too. But important thing is there are some evidences about Xiangnu's ruling class, i posted above. Haplogroup Q is Turkic-Scythian haplogroup and have nothing to do with Mongolians. While C is mostly associated with Mongolians.

About grammar, we can't seperate their language family by looking emperor names or other words with our current data. Because both Turks and Mongols were sharing same names and words. This is the summary:

"Evidence for the language is very limited, consisting almost entirely of proper names.[5] Hunnic language cannot be classified at present,[6][7] but due to proper names origin it has been compared mainly with Turkic and Mongolian."

--> https://web.archive.org/web/20010204040700/http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/texts/priscus.html

Just check, can you see any Mongolic claim? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunnic_language

Take a look to Pritsak's works, starting from page 428. Showing us there are a lot of common attachment between Hunnic and Turkic language. On the other hand now the common belief is they were speaking a language between Turkic and Mongolic.


You are claiming Xiongnu was mostly Mongol. Just look it's area.


Then look population of today's Mongolia, also look Turkic nations too. They were lived together. They migrated together. They fought with various nation, they were both warriors. But at the end why Mongolia's population just 3m while Turks more than 200m? You should deduce Turkic population have always more than Mongolian population from this case. In this sense Xiongnu's population was mostly Turanic, changing region to region ofc. There were Indo-Europeans, Iranics too.

12-05-2018, 02:25 PM
Basically Turks had Caucasian admixture but Mongols hadn't.

Mongols also have some West Eurasian admixture, but less so than Turks.


12-05-2018, 02:31 PM
I sound like him? :D Stears hated slavs, i love slavs:

Stears hated slovaks, i like slovaks:

Stears hated huns, and he said they have nothing to do with hungarians. My opinion is huns and hungarians are same and realted:

Stears hated mongols, i said Stears has mongoloic ancestry:

Stears has very good english, my english is bad full with grammar errors.

We have totally different opinion in many ways. If you think i'm Stears then you are simple idiot or troll.

What if you're just making those statements so that nobody suspects you're Stears? :O

12-05-2018, 02:32 PM
Mongols also have some West Eurasian admixture, but less so than Turks.


Yes. Proto-Mongols(Rourans etc) didn't had any West Eurasian admixture in my opinion, i'm not sure if we have any sample from this time. Afterwards they mixed with R carrier West Eurasians.