View Full Version : classify Pakistani Punjabis

12-06-2018, 01:49 PM
brothers/cousins of cricketer Babar azam

https://scontent.fbru1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19400091_1358419870860923_8307949847548938943_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&_nc_eui2=AeEkIsf7ZB4ml6XXiDyy0j9ieEp85IUqnCh62D9_x Nn-mNze1C85SgJhvE6kZG8wMxTE-kCmiSkIUczcc7SBaX962aRr2FdDi2K7GGdRZx_Rqg&_nc_ht=scontent.fbru1-1.fna&oh=fc7e573a732a7ae00315fbadc7c1ef50&oe=5C9F1410

12-06-2018, 03:04 PM
babar azam, what an intense name lol

left to right
alpine + iranid
indo brachid + some alpine
Nord Indid + Indo brachid
Irano Afghan/Iranid
Nord Indid +some irano afghan
Nord Indid

12-06-2018, 03:06 PM
babar azam, what an intense name lol

left to right
alpine + iranid
indo brachid + some alpine
Nord Indid + Indo brachid
Irano Afghan/Iranid
Nord Indid +some irano afghan
Nord Indid

Do they look bit different to Indian Punjabis specially Sikhs?

12-06-2018, 03:10 PM
Do they look bit different to Indian Punjabis specially Sikhs?

babar azam and two on the right could easily pass as indian punjabi sikhs. The two on the left and the white shirt one can't imo. The 1st and 4th dudes look like typical pashtuns if anything. i'm surprised that they are punjabis as well.

12-06-2018, 03:27 PM
babar azam and two on the right could easily pass as indian punjabi sikhs. The two on the left and the white shirt one can't imo. The 1st and 4th dudes look like typical pashtuns if anything. i'm surprised that they are punjabis as well.

interesting , they fit well among Pakistani Punjabis. Pakistani pashtuns often time tend to be even more north west shifted than them(yasir shah, shahid Afridi, shaheen shah Afridi, Junaid khan). Many(obviously not all) indic Pakistanis specially rural ones look more like Pashtun-Indid mixes than fully indid imo.

12-06-2018, 03:40 PM
interesting , they fit well among Pakistani Punjabis. Pakistani pashtuns often time tend to be even more north west shifted than them(yasir shah, shahid Afridi, shaheen shah Afridi, Junaid khan). Many(obviously not all) indic Pakistanis specially rural ones look more like Pashtun-Indid mixes than fully indid imo.
Maybe Northern Pashtuns but not Southern Pashtuns, these people wouldn't look out of place in a crowd of southern Pashtuns(other than the middle one and the one on the far right)

12-23-2018, 03:13 AM
All 4 from right can pass as upper caste Sikhs.

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