View Full Version : Jewish lies about the Talmud; Misrepresented as "Torah"; Jewish chidren indoctrinated

12-07-2018, 04:07 AM
It is really sad that the Jewish rabbis elevate the so-called "Oral Torah" -- which is essentially the Talmud (which is Satanic inspired) -- above the real word of God, which is contained in the Tanakh. Jews regard the Torah/Talmud as more important than the Tanakh, and teach this to Jewish boys in the Jewish schools. They are being indoctrinated against the true God as revealed in Jesus Christ. And unfortunately so many Christians, especially in the US, are being misled and lied to about this... and when you point out the truth they simply call you out as "anti-semitic". Also, the lie that Jews form the only decendants of ancient Israel today, or that they are their representatives, is untrue and incorrect. It is mostly Christian peoples in the West who are the true Israel who the Bible speaks of. Jews are only one or two tribes' descendants...so don't fall for the lies people.

Christians should only support Jews who believe in Jesus in Israel, who are in a small minority, and who are facing strong persecution. We must support them, they have a hard time under the Israeli government. Don't support the Israel government.

I hear there are even Mossad agents who pose as Jews who believe in Jesus, and attend huge Christian conferences in America.. and then tell these faithful but naive American Christians how great Netanyahu, Trump and the state of Israel are.. and why they must financially support Israel... and then rake in a lot of money, through deception. Jews believe deceiving Christians is okay, similar to the Muslim concept of taqqiya. So, be careful and make sure they are truly Christians and not Mossad impostors.

12-07-2018, 04:27 AM
It is really sad that the Jewish rabbis elevate the so-called "Oral Torah" -- which is essentially the Talmud (which is Satanic inspired) -- above the real word of God, which is contained in the Tanakh. Jews regard the Torah/Talmud as more important than the Tanakh, and teach this to Jewish boys in the Jewish schools. They are being indoctrinated against the true God as revealed in Jesus Christ. And unfortunately so many Christians, especially in the US, are being misled and lied to about this... and when you point out the truth they simply call you out as "anti-semitic". Also, the lie that Jews form the only decendants of ancient Israel today, or that they are their representatives, is untrue and incorrect. It is mostly Christian peoples in the West who are the true Israel who the Bible speaks of. Jews are only one or two tribes' descendants...so don't fall for the lies people.

Christians should only support Jews who believe in Jesus in Israel, who are in a small minority, and who are facing strong persecution. We must support them, they have a hard time under the Israeli government. Don't support the Israel government.

I hear there are even Mossad agents who pose as Jews who believe in Jesus, and attend huge Christian conferences in America.. and then tell these faithful but naive American Christians how great Netanyahu, Trump and the state of Israel are.. and why they must financially support Israel... and then rake in a lot of money, through deception. Jews believe deceiving Christians is okay, similar to the Muslim concept of taqqiya. So, be careful and make sure they are truly Christians and not Mossad impostors.

Amen, there are some vile things in their Talmud regarding our faith, truly they are the synagogue of Satan. Anyone who uses our religion as the vehicle for advancing the Zionist agenda, needs to be rebuked and exposed for the evil they are commiting. It's lowkey extortion on a very large financial scale, fellow Christians need to wake up.